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Get Ready for Christmas 2010: 196 Days Left - Shopping Tips & Reminder

In summary, the conversation discusses the preparation for Christmas, including making lists and starting to think about gift ideas in advance. The topic of a Christmas countdown is mentioned, as well as tips for shopping outside of traditional retail stores. Personal and heartfelt gift ideas are also suggested, such as creating custom posters or photos at a print shop. The conversation ends with the idea that these gifts do not have to be expensive, but should be meaningful and personal.
  • #101
Again, Rae, thanks for the countdown. THREE weeks until Thanksgiving, yikes, it is creeping up quickly! It reminds me I need to get a new platter for Tom turkey!
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  • #102
Sherri Lynn, I know where you can get a beautiful bamboo carving board or large tray. ;)
  • #103
I check here every day that I have a party so I can announce how many shopping days are left--explaining it is much easier to buy some things early than all at once--and I have people point out to me the gifts they are buying! Thank you!!
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  • #104
Today is November 5. There are only 50 days until Christmas!Try something new. Trying something new doesn’t mean you have to do it forever. Think about something you’ve always wanted to do during the holidays and try it. After Christmas talk with your family members and see if it’s something you want to keep, change, or eliminate.
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  • #105
Today is November 6. There are only 49 days until Christmas!You can’t do it all. I know I told you yesterday to try something new. If you add something, consider subtracting something else. Talk to your family now about what you love and what you can let go of. I'm putting this into practice myself. For the last 9 years I've had a Grinch Party. Friends come over in their jammies. We eat, talk, and watch How the Grinch Stole Christmas (the original, animated one). We all look forward to it. I won't be doing that this year, though. My dad had a stroke a few weeks ago, and I've decided to take a trip down to Florida to visit my parents in early December. I looked over my calendar and realized that there was no way I could do both and still keep my sanity. I'll bring the Grinch Party back next year. In the meantime I know I won't turn into the Grinch myself because I'm trying to do it all.
  • #106
So sorry to hear about your dad, hope he recovers quickly!! And once again, I love that you do these everday, thanks!
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  • #107
Thanks, and you're very welcome. He's doing much better than anyone expected. The stroke affected his memory, but he now remembers all of us family members (a surprise, since he lost his sight in 1990). He remembered my birthday--asked Mom if she remembered to send a card. He's home now and will be doing out-patient rehab to help his memory issues. He has no motion or speech issues at all, not even a hint of slurring.
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  • #108
Today is November 7. There are only 48 days until Christmas!Calendars can be a great gift. Just make sure they match the taste of the recipient. You might like the Dessert of the Month calendar, but the cousin who just joined Weight Watchers might not. Likewise, your sister who is a militant member of PETA probably won't appreciate the Beef-Eater's Recipe a Day calendar.
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  • #109
Today is November 8. There are only 47 days until Christmas!Keep a healthy perspective. I love Christmas magazines at least as much as the next person, probably more. However, they can make you crazy. I don’t want to burst your bubble, but Martha Stewart doesn’t actually do all of that by herself. If you don’t have a full-time staff supplemented with additional seasonal help, you cannot do everything she does. The same goes for Paula Dean, Rachel Ray, and even Sandra Lee, the Semi-Homemade lady. Don’t beat yourself up if your home and dinner table don’t look like the ones in the magazines. Take a few ideas and run with them. Make them your own. Just promise me you won’t be awake at 3 a.m. the night/morning before the big family dinner hot gluing leaves (or snowflakes, or baby Jesus cut-outs) to your napkin rings.
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  • #110
I'm so excited to have almost all of my shopping done!My nephew's birthday is in early December. He is getting hard to buy for even though he's only 7. He has just about anything I could imagine. So, yesterday The Furry Guy and I were celebrating my birthday with a great dinner in Indy. There was a toy store nearby that bills itself as an old-fashioned toy store. I suggested that we stop in there after dinner to see if we couldn't find some inspiration for my nephew's birthday and Christmas gifts.I'm so glad we did! The staff was amazing. We got some foot-powered foam rockets for Christmas. For his birthday he'll be chipping a dinosaur out of a faux rock. We also got him something for his birthday that looks like a small (3-4 inches tall) volcano. You add water, and it erupts. After it's done erupting you clean it and let it sit for a few days. The volcano will disintegrate, and a dinosaur appears. I think he'll love it all.My son finished the illustrations for the story I wrote about The Furry Guy. I've got the book compiled and saved to a CD. I'll be taking that to the printer this week. That's The Furry Guy's big gift this year. I've got a couple of things I'll be picking up tomorrow, and then he'll be done. For our son we've done several smaller things, and we're sending him gas cards to pay for his trip back here to visit for the holidays. I made arrangements today, though, for a really cute gift. First, it's important for you to know that my 24-year-old son has been talking about vikings a lot. He is a blond whose beard comes in very red. After seeing How to Train a Dragon he decided he needed to find a dragon to train. After all, he looks like a viking. So, looking through the December issue of Real Simple I saw an adorable hat. It's a women's hat, but that wouldn't matter to him. It is one of those beanies with ear flaps (we call them Sherpa hats at our house), but the strings that hang down from the ear flaps look like braids and there are horns on the top of the hat like a viking helmet. We decided to order him one. Then I took another look at the price. I had misread it. As much as I think our son would enjoy the hat I can't bring myself to pay over $50 ($49.30 + s/h and tax) for a hat. Enter The Furry Guy. He said, "Couldn't you just buy a regular one of those hats and attach horns to it?" I'm heading out tomorrow to find a hat. I'm considering adding yellow yarn to the earflaps and braiding that together with the strings from the hat. I've spoken with a friend who knits. She loves our son and will knit me a pair of horns, which I'll stuff with poly-fill and sew onto the hat. He's gonna love it. And, he'll love that we creatively adapted the idea even more.
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  • #111
Sounds like some great gifts, I'm sure he will love them!!
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  • #112
Thanks. I'm excited. I bet you couldn't tell that. ;)
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  • #113
Today is November 9. There are only 46 days until Christmas!Zatzkapol—a present you don’t want, can’t figure out what it is, and can’t for the life of you imagine why someone would get it for you. We’ve all gotten them. Practice your reactions before you go to gatherings so you’ll be ready in case you receive a zatzkapol this year.
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  • #114
Today is November 10. There are only 45 days until Christmas!Need a fairly large gift bag? Why not use a reusable shopping bag? There are some nice generic ones out there (not affiliated with a particular store). Of course, if the recipient is a PC fan, you can always go with one of our fabulous PC reusable shopping bags.
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  • #115
Today is November 11. There are only 44 days until Christmas!Right now the weather’s gorgeous where I live. This is the perfect time to get some of those outside decorations in place. I’m not suggesting that you secure the giant blow-up Santa or manger scene in you yard. But, it will be much easier (and more pleasant) for you to put those lights up around the eaves or across your roof now than when it’s really cold and possibly snowy. You can wait until Thanksgiving weekend to do the really visible stuff and to turn those lights on.
  • #116
raebates said:
Today is November 10. There are only 45 days until Christmas!

Need a fairly large gift bag? Why not use a reusable shopping bag? There are some nice generic ones out there (not affiliated with a particular store). Of course, if the recipient is a PC fan, you can always go with one of our fabulous PC reusable shopping bags.

My favorite place to shop for bags is Dollar Tree! You can get the same bags for a $1 that you get elsewhere for $4-5 or more!
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  • #117
Today is November 12. There are only 43 days left until Christmas!A "peanut" tip: it's easy to recycle styrofoam packing materials if you dump them into a drawstring plastic garbage bag. Close the drawstring for storage. When you're ready to pack your own boxes, snip wedge off a bottom corner of the bag. Pour your peanuts out the hole, then use a Twixit! clip to keep the corner closed.
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  • #118
Today is November 13. There are only 42 days left until Christmas.Once you put your tree up you’ll probably have lots of fairly small things you’ll want to keep on hand—light fuses, extra bulbs, ornament hooks, etc. Get a small decorative gift box with a removable lid. Put your tree supplies inside, then tuck the “present” under the tree. It will keep those things handy while getting rid of a bit of clutter. Make sure it will stand out among your packages, though. You don’t want to have to go searching through dozens of actual gifts to find it.
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  • #119
Today is November 14. There are only 41 days left until Christmas.Consider putting together a Christmas morning basket. The concept is simple: gather the tools and supplies you'll need to open Christmas gifts and put them in a clearly marked basket, gift bag or gift box beneath the tree.Include items like scissors, box cutter, notepad and pen (for recording who got what from whom) camera or videocam, trash bags, zipper food storage bags (for bundling small pieces so they're not lost) and extra batteries.I suppose you could put these things in the tree supplies box, but I prefer to keep them separate, keeping the Christmas morning basket out of range of the tree until Christmas morning.
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  • #120
Today is November 15. There are only 40 days left until Christmas!We’re coming into the home stretch. I’ve shared most of my get-ready-early ideas. If I come across another idea for getting things done ahead of time, I’ll definitely share it. The daily countdown officially stops at the end of November. For me one of the most important things about Christmas is making sure to focus outward. What can I do to brighten another person’s day? I try to do that often, but I make it a special focus during the holiday season. So, most of my “official” posts from here on out will be ways to do something for someone else.Here’s something I’ve done for a number of years. Starting on Black Friday I make sure I always have mini candy canes in my purse or pocket when I enter a store. I hand them out to workers. If someone helps me find something I offer them a candy cane. When the cashier is done ringing up my purchase I offer him or her a candy cane. I also offer a candy cane to the person who bagged my purchase. Occasionally I’ll have someone decline my offer, but that’s okay. Most are very appreciative.
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  • #121
Today is November 16. There are only 39 days left until Christmas!Hold the door. Everyone’s rushing. Everyone’s focused on their own mission—finish the list. Make a genuine effort to hold the door for others over the next several weeks. Don’t expect a thank you, though. Like I said, everyone’s focused on their own mission. Speaking of thank yous, if someone holds the door for you be sure to make eye contact, smile, and say thank you. It just might make their day.
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  • #121
Today is November 16. There are only 39 days left until Christmas!

Hold the door. Everyone’s rushing. Everyone’s focused on their own mission—finish the list. Make a genuine effort to hold the door for others over the next several weeks. Don’t expect a thank you, though. Like I said, everyone’s focused on their own mission.

Speaking of thank yous, if someone holds the door for you be sure to make eye contact, smile, and say thank you. It just might make their day.
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  • #122
Today is November 17. There are only 38 days until Christmas!Visit someone who can't get out. Do you have a neighbor who's housebound? Is there someone from church who barely makes it out once a week for services? Is there a nursing home nearby? People need people, and spending a little bit of time talking with someone who has few visitors could be one of the best gifts you give yourself this year.
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  • #123
Today is November 19. There are only 36 days until Christmas!Another actual tip today. We're just one week from Black Friday. If you're a Black Friday shopper like me, you'll want to be prepared. Work on your list before you go. Many stores have already started letting you know some of what they'll be offering. Don't just concentrate on gift shopping. I know that's the main focus, but it's also a good day to pick up things that you've been wanting or needing for your home. Most of my gift shopping is done, so most of my list is things that are just for us. No reason not to take advantage of those sales for ourselves. On Black Friday make sure you eat a healthy (but fast ;)). I'll have something before I leave, but I know lots of people who stop for breakfast after their first couple of stores. Just don't load up on lots of simple carbs. You'll be sorry later when your energy bottoms out. Eating yummy stuff is part of the day, but don't completely fall off the wagon. Make your choices wisely and indulge sensibly.Take along a healthy snack. In everyday life I carry a really big bag, but when I'm power shopping I carry a small bag or backpack. I'll have a couple of Lara Bars or Cliff Bars in there just in case I start to lose energy or get too hungry. You know how it is--you get involved in those deals (or standing in line) and realize it's been way too long since you last ate. If you've got something with you, you'll be less likely to reach for that tempting Cinnabon or candy bar. Be safe. I shop alone, so I know I need to be very aware of the people around me. Make sure you lock your car. Pay attention to your surroundings. Make sure you your most expensive purchases aren't readily visible to people who pass by your vehicle. Have fun! I know I will.
  • #124
raebates said:
Today is November 19. There are only 36 days until Christmas!

Another actual tip today. We're just one week from Black Friday. If you're a Black Friday shopper like me, you'll want to be prepared. Work on your list before you go. Many stores have already started letting you know some of what they'll be offering.

Don't just concentrate on gift shopping. I know that's the main focus, but it's also a good day to pick up things that you've been wanting or needing for your home. Most of my gift shopping is done, so most of my list is things that are just for us. No reason not to take advantage of those sales for ourselves.

On Black Friday make sure you eat a healthy (but fast ;)). I'll have something before I leave, but I know lots of people who stop for breakfast after their first couple of stores. Just don't load up on lots of simple carbs. You'll be sorry later when your energy bottoms out. Eating yummy stuff is part of the day, but don't completely fall off the wagon. Make your choices wisely and indulge sensibly.

Take along a healthy snack. In everyday life I carry a really big bag, but when I'm power shopping I carry a small bag or backpack. I'll have a couple of Lara Bars or Cliff Bars in there just in case I start to lose energy or get too hungry. You know how it is--you get involved in those deals (or standing in line) and realize it's been way too long since you last ate. If you've got something with you, you'll be less likely to reach for that tempting Cinnabon or candy bar.

Be safe. I shop alone, so I know I need to be very aware of the people around me. Make sure you lock your car. Pay attention to your surroundings. Make sure you your most expensive purchases aren't readily visible to people who pass by your vehicle.

Have fun! I know I will.

I have to say that my SIL does Black Friday shopping every year with her family so one year when she visited a few of us went with her. Wow - I don't think I'll ever do that again! Yes I got some good deals but I'm not much of a morning person and I'm not very patient :) Doesn't go hand in hand very well! Of course now I work the Friday after Thanksgiving so there is now way I'll be doing it but the last couple years my sister has tried to convince me to go with her to the midnight opening of a mall in our area. Always turn her down even though the quality sister time would be awesome.
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  • #125
Wadesgirl, the Black Friday experience is all about the crowd energy for me. i love it. I don't do door-busters or the we-have-3-of-these sales. Most of my shopping that day is for me.
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  • #126
Today is November 20. There are only 35 days left until Christmas!Give yourself a silent night. Turn off everything--TV, computer, phones, etc. Take one evening (or even just a couple of hours) to remove yourself from the world. If there are other people at home you can play a game or just sit and talk. If you're alone you can read a book or take a nap. How does this fit into my goal of reaching out? You can't give what you don't have. By giving yourself a chance to rest and refresh yourself you'll have the energy and good will to pass along to others.
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  • #127
Today is November 21. There are only 34 days left until Christmas!Be anonymous. Leave a gift on someone's doorstep, ring the bell, and run. There's an inexplicable joy in surprising someone when they don't know it's you.
  • #128
OMG, Rae, that's exactly what I was planning to do today.If you're familiar with woot.com, they have 1 deal, per day at a low price. Every once in a while they have something called "Box of Crap." It's like a grab bag, you don't know what you'll get. I talked to my neighbors about doing a Box of Crap exchange this summer, but we never got organized. Today I plan to clean my house for the holidays, and all my crap is going to my neighbors! :) One man's trash is another man's treasure! Whatever they don't want, they can regift for future boxes of crap :)
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  • #129
magentablue said:
OMG, Rae, that's exactly what I was planning to do today.

If you're familiar with woot.com, they have 1 deal, per day at a low price. Every once in a while they have something called "Box of Crap." It's like a grab bag, you don't know what you'll get. I talked to my neighbors about doing a Box of Crap exchange this summer, but we never got organized. Today I plan to clean my house for the holidays, and all my crap is going to my neighbors! :) One man's trash is another man's treasure! Whatever they don't want, they can regift for future boxes of crap :)

What a great, fun idea.
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  • #130
Today is November 22. There are only 33 days left until Christmas!Share your holidays. Do you know someone who might be alone for Thanksgiving? How about Christmas? Invite them to share in your celebration. Years ago our son's friend moved in with us. He was just finishing high school. His parents were divorced, and he had been living with his dad. It's a long story, but he was given 24 hours to move out of his dad's house. It was October when he moved in with us and became part of our family. His family had never celebrated anything--birthdays, Christmas, anything. Ours was his first Christmas celebration. Just about every year since he's spent at least part of Christmas day with us. I can't tell you the joy that comes from inviting someone to become part of your family for the day.
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  • #131
Today is November 23. There are only 32 days left until Christmas. Find a place to give. Volunteer to ring bells, serve a meal, or anything else that will help someone else. I’ve read about a family that gets up on Christmas morning and makes a huge batch of pancakes and coffee. They then take these along with cups, paper plates, plastic forks, and syrup down to where the homeless gather in their town. Before they ever open one gift or peek into one stocking they give to others.
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  • #132
Today is November 24. There are only 31 days left until Christmas. Take a little time and give blood sometime in the next several weeks. It’s one of the best gifts you can give a stranger this year.
  • #133
raebates said:
Today is November 24. There are only 31 days left until Christmas.

Take a little time and give blood sometime in the next several weeks. It’s one of the best gifts you can give a stranger this year.

Make a point to do this year round as well. My husband has O+ blood and since he knows it's so important, he tries to give blood every 8-10 weeks (can't more frequently than that, they don't really allow it) and he always volunteers for the blood drives as well handing out treats and helping donors out. That's at least 5 times a year! People do NEED the blood.
  • #134
I am O+ as well and I feel it is an honor to give blood... You just never know, One of my children, husband, family or myself could need a donation one day... To me, it makes a huge difference.
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  • #135
Today is November 25. There are only 30 days left until Christmas!Have a very happy Thanksgiving!
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  • #136
Today is November 26. There are only 29 days left until Christmas!Enjoy today. Whether you're relaxing, decorating, running your Black Friday sale, or out shopping like me, I hope you have a wonderful day. One of the keys to enjoying the holidays is to be in the moment. Don't get so caught up in the rush to Christmas that you miss out on today.
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  • #137
Today is November 27. There are only 28 days left until Christmas.Smile and inquire about the person who is serving you. When the person behind the counter says, "Welcome to _____________. How are you today?" Respond with, "I'm [good, great, wonderful, fantastic, blessed, or however you’re feeling], thanks. How are you?"I'm amazed at how often it really catches that person off guard. I've been rewarded with big smiles. I've had many people thank me for asking. I've had several others tell me that no one ever asks them that.Showing concern for others can be a wonderful way to spread Christmas cheer.
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  • #138
Today is November 28. There are only 27 days left until Christmas!Want to really spread some cheer? Tip big for the next several weeks. This is a really busy time for people in a lot of service industries—restaurants, salons, etc. Unfortunately this is the time of year they often deal with really nasty customers. With the economy tight, it’s very likely that people will scale back their tips. Be really different and tip a little extra. Those of you who know me might remember about my tip cards. I leave a little card with every tip thanking the server for their attention. Of course, if it were accompanied by a skimpy tip it probably wouldn’t have quite the same impact. Also, with all of the coupons out there, be sure to tip on the full amount. Getting a free latte (like I did on Black Friday)? Still tip just like you'd paid. Getting your meal half price? The server still did just as much work as he or she would have if you were paying full price. Tip accordingly. I can tell you that servers dread when they see someone using a coupon because most of them tip low. I have also heard it said that people who order water with lemon a bad tippers. After all, they're getting a free drink. As a soda water with lime woman, I can tell you that I if I'm not charged for my drink I tip as though I'd purchased a soft drink. After all, like I said, the server worked just as hard.
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  • #139
November 29. There are only 26 days left until Christmas!I want to encourage you to give yourself permission to do it differently this year, whatever it is. Go more for semi- than homemade this year. Buy fewer gifts. Give experiences (theater tickets, zoo tickets, etc) instead of things. Volunteer somewhere or in some way you've never volunteered before. Say no and mean it. A calm and peaceful you is the best gift you can give yourself and those around you.
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  • #140
Today is November 30. There are only 25 days left until Christmas!If your kids have the gimmes, this is a great time to have them go through their toys. Have them take out the ones they no longer play with and donate them to a local shelter or charity. Talk to them about the children who are in need. It's never too early to teach a child to give.
  • #141
raebates said:
Today is November 30. There are only 25 days left until Christmas!

If your kids have the gimmes, this is a great time to have them go through their toys. Have them take out the ones they no longer play with and donate them to a local shelter or charity. Talk to them about the children who are in need. It's never too early to teach a child to give.

We've actually been needing to do this. Our son is 15 months old and he only has TWO toys that we actually bought him. But yet he has 3 toyboxes FULL. One is his actual toybox, the other two are laundry baskets. He got a lot of hand-me-down gifts from a friend of my moms. It's on our to-do list to pare down his toys to only his one toybox and as a "celebration" we'll go to Build a Bear with a $5 coupon I have and let him help make his own.
The real goal behind this is to make him appreciate what he has more. He loves his toys, but he's got no real emotional attachment to any of them except a ratty old bear that I had to throw away.
  • #142
I just came across a really cute idea that I may try to do this week (hopeful!). For me, I'm not going to be doing it as "24 days" since that would be TOMORROW, but maybe 20 days or something.I got it from this website- if you want to see it all or bookmark

Next year you'll crochet 24 miniature, monogrammed reindeer socks, you will, and you'll arrange them into a prize-winning Christmas countdown calendar. This year, though, it's pretty paper bags on a string -- the exact mix of simple and lovely we're all craving right about now.Use markers or stamps to number 24 small bags (we used Martha Stewart Tiny Floral Party Bags, $5 for 4 at Michaels, but any small bag will do; for heavier treats use larger bags or reinforce the straps on those with tape).Attach bags to string or ribbon with clothespins (tiny ones, shown above, work well) and tack the ends to a mantel, railing, or wall. If you're short on space, hang the string in swags or clip two bags to one pin. Tuck a tiny gift inside each bag (see suggestions below). To deter peeking, wait until the night before to fill each one.In the bags... * Origami paper
* Stickers
* Certificate for ice cream for breakfast
* Bubbles
* Lip balm
* Character bandages
* Passes to the local zoo or aquarium
* Costume jewelry
* Temporary tattoos
* Certificate for extra computer time
* Trading cards
* Toy cars
* Nail polish
* Certificate for time alone with Mom or Dad
* Glitter crayons
* Finger puppets
* Silly putty
* Mini playing cards
* New toothbrush
* Keychain
* Special erasers
* Mini bouncy ball
* Tickets to an event or the movies
* And it wouldn't be Christmas without some chocolate
And here is a cute template for a "Dear Santa" letter for your kids. I'm thinking it will make a great handwriting/grammar assignment for my kids next week! :) http://family.go.com/holidays/pkg-christmas/all-things-merry-guide-pg/#A Letter to Santa;3
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  • #143
I got a cute idea from Cora, sales manager at home office today. I told her I was looking for some cute ideas for cash and carry and for my Christmas host appreciation event and in general.
She suggested putting holiday wrapped Hershey kisses inside the ball of the whisk and attaching a bow and a card saying I "whisk" you a Merry Christmas....or "Whisking You A Happy New Year"
I ordered 8 whisks tonight!
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  • #144
Today is December 1. There are only 24 days left until Christmas!The countdown officially ends today. After all, you can figure out how many days are left just by subtracting the day's date from 25. Thank you for indulging my love of organization, preparation, and Christmas. :) I'm all ready. The gifts are purchased and wrapped (except for a couple I ordered that should arrive soon). The menus are planned. Now I can sit back and enjoy the season.
  • #145
Rae...THANK YOU. While your countdown causes anxiety sometimes *(laugh)*, it is always fun to read your tips!! One year, I'll actually be organized enough to FOLLOW Them!
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  • #146
I've said it before, Bobbi. Part of the reason I do this is to keep myself on track.
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  • #147
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
♪ Ten days 'til Christmas. ♫
  • #148
I can't wait.. :D
Hubby bought me the 12" SS Skillet for Christmas and you better believe I'm going to have a hard time wrapping it and leaving it on our tree table for the better part of two weeks.
  • #149
I'm getting the feeling I'm going to have to wrap my own present. Hubby bought it before Black Friday, but it's still sitting on a shelf, in the bag from the store.
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  • #150
The Furry Guy planned to shop early, but that plan got derailed. He's planning to have our son help him--probably this Sunday.
<h2>1. How many days are left until Christmas?</h2><p>There are 196 days left until Christmas.</p><h2>2. What date is it currently?</h2><p>Today is June 12th.</p><h2>3. What should I do to prepare for Christmas while traveling to a shopping city?</h2><p>Go over your Christmas list a few times before you leave and make note of clothing sizes, hobbies, and other interests. This will help you be more aware of potential gifts while you're shopping.</p><h2>4. Should I do any heavy duty shopping while on vacation?</h2><p>No, the suggestion is just to prepare your brain so that you can pick up any perfect gifts you may come across while on vacation.</p><h2>5. Is this a good idea before any vacation?</h2><p>Yes, it's always a good idea to plan ahead and make note of potential gift ideas for loved ones while on vacation.</p>

Related to Get Ready for Christmas 2010: 196 Days Left - Shopping Tips & Reminder

1. How many days are left until Christmas?

There are 196 days left until Christmas.

2. What date is it currently?

Today is June 12th.

3. What should I do to prepare for Christmas while traveling to a shopping city?

Go over your Christmas list a few times before you leave and make note of clothing sizes, hobbies, and other interests. This will help you be more aware of potential gifts while you're shopping.

4. Should I do any heavy duty shopping while on vacation?

No, the suggestion is just to prepare your brain so that you can pick up any perfect gifts you may come across while on vacation.

5. Is this a good idea before any vacation?

Yes, it's always a good idea to plan ahead and make note of potential gift ideas for loved ones while on vacation.

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