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Christmas Countdown & Organizing Tips | 82 Days Left Until Christmas

In summary, Kattyshchack is counting down the days until Christmas, while Kelly is sharing her experience of moving and decorating on Christmas Eve.
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  • #101
Today is November 14. There are only 41 days left until Christmas!How does Christmas smell to you? Maybe it's the scent of a fir tree. Maybe it's the scent of gingerbread. Scent is the sense most strongly linked to memory. Chocolate and orange together immediately transport me to my childhood Christmases. We didn't have stockings; we had boots made from coffee cans and felt. Every year they were filled with chocolate and an orange. There are so many great ways to add great scents to your home now--candles, oils, sprays, etc. Check your supplies. I like to start my scent-sational Christmas Thanksgiving week. It helps to get me in the mood for decorating.
  • #102
You're so right Rae!
this is the time of year when I do probalby 80% of my baking. So smelling all the yummy breads, cookies and other goodies always makes me thinks of the holidays. That and hot chocolate and cider! :) I do love this time of year.
If only the weather would feel more like this time of year usually does. It's almost 80 degrees here!
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  • #103
It's raining and 51 here. Can't say it puts me in a holiday mood, but they're talking possible snow this weekend. :)I'm doing a little wrapping this afternoon. My shopping is about 85% done.
  • #104
WOW! My shopping is about 5% done. :p
Just can't think of Christmas when it's 77 degrees!:eek:
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  • #105
It probably is easier here where it's chilly. I usually finish my shopping on Black Friday. This year we're picking something up for our son while we're in Dallas. That will be the only item still to get. I even have my stocking candy this year, thanks to the after-Halloween sales. :)
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  • #106
Today is November 15. There are only 40 days left until Christmas!Make a gift of yourself this year. When we think of giving gifts we often consider our monetary budget. Thoughtful things can be a wonderful way to express our love and appreciate. Giving of your time, though, can be a blessing to both the giver and the receiver. There are lots of ways to give of yourself.Volunteer to watch a single parent's kids so he/she can do their Christmas shopping.Lend a hand at a local mission.Open your home to someone who is alone this Christmas by inviting them into your celebration.When you give of yourself to others, you grow. Consider it a gift to yourself.
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  • #107
I may be taking this Christmas thing too far. As I've shared before, I often talk in my sleep. The Furry Guy finds these things so entertaining that he often writes what I've said on the write/wipe board on the fridge. Here's what I said last night:

I'm sorry, but only elves are allowed to park there. You'll have to move.
Of course, elf parking is crucial this time of year. :)
  • #108
You rae so cute Rae :)
I do hope one day I am lucky enough to meet you. Thanks for the Christmas thread, puts me in the holiday mood!
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  • #109
Glad to help, Cheryl. I look forward to meeting you one day, too.I believe one of my purposes on this earth is comic relief.
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  • #110
Today is November 16. There are only 39 days left until Christmas!This is the last full week before Thanksgiving. Things are likely to get really hectic from here on out. This week would be a great time to put some meals in the freezer for those nights when you don't have the time or energy to cook. At the very least, make a little extra of whatever you're making for dinner, and freeze the extra for another night. It's likely that 5 to 10 entrees sitting in your freezer just waiting to be re-heated will make life easier in the weeks to come. It's also a good time to prepare for drop-in visitors. A little extra cheese, crackers, and some quick-thaw frozen desserts will make it easy to extend hospitality to those surprise guests.
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  • #111
Today is November 17. There are only 38 days left until Christmas!Take advantage of free. I'm talking about your local library. It's a great resource. They have craft and recipe books if you're looking for inspiration. They have books on Christmas traditions from all eras and all countries if you're looking for new ways to celebrate. They have inspirational, funny, and heartwarming stories if you're looking for a little escape or a boost to get you into the holiday mood.* If you have small children consider getting a stack of Christmas stories so you can read a new one (or, for older children, a new chapter) together each evening. *Personal note: Last night I finished The Christmas Blessing. It's the sequel to The Christmas Shoes. It's a wonderful book, but it caused me to scare The Furry Guy half to death. He was working down in the basement while I was reading. The book made me cry (I'm talking open sobbing) for almost an hour. He came up, asked a question, then took a look at me. I must have been a sight, because he actually jumped and said, "Oh my gosh, what happened?!" If you're looking for a good tearjerker, I highly recommend it. Just warn your family ahead of time if you're weepy like me.
  • #112
Most libraries also have DVD's you can check out or "rent" for free. Watching Christmas classics (especially for free) is a great way to get in the Christmas mood!
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  • #113
Today is November 18. There are only 37 days left until Christmas!Time to check in with yourself. Take a look at what you planned to have done by now. Are you on track? Have you fallen behind? There's still plenty of time to catch up without driving yourself crazy.Have you been taking time for yourself? Are you on track with your priorities? Have you been taking care of your health and well-being? Remember that you are important to your family's celebration.
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  • #114
raebates said:
Today is November 18. There are only 87 days left until Christmas!
You sure about that? I figure about 37.
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  • #115
Oops. Fat fingers. Maybe I need to take my own advice and get a little rest. :)I'll change it just in case someone glances and doesn't read your post.
  • #116
I figured it was a typo. But I gotta give you a hard time. :)
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  • #117
I knew that you knew that I knew what you meant. ;)
  • #118
Some people wish there was still that many days til Christmas Rae. Unlike us they won't be ready for the holiday season;)
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  • #119
I could have pretended I did it on purpose just to see if anyone was really reading it closely, but you all know I'm not that clever or devious.
  • #120
I didn't realize just how stressed some people get about the holiday season. This is my first year that I won't have finals during December and can actaully enjoy it instead of studying! I guess I should enjoy these years while I'm still single and not having twice as many people to shop for, spending lots of time trying to figure out whose family to spend it with etc.
Hang in there everyone! It's supposed to be a happy and joy filled time, not stressful!
  • #121
raebates said:
Today is November 17. There are only 38 days left until Christmas!

Take advantage of free. I'm talking about your local library. It's a great resource. They have craft and recipe books if you're looking for inspiration. They have books on Christmas traditions from all eras and all countries if you're looking for new ways to celebrate. They have inspirational, funny, and heartwarming stories if you're looking for a little escape or a boost to get you into the holiday mood.*

If you have small children consider getting a stack of Christmas stories so you can read a new one (or, for older children, a new chapter) together each evening.

*Personal note: Last night I finished The Christmas Blessing. It's the sequel to The Christmas Shoes. It's a wonderful book, but it caused me to scare The Furry Guy half to death. He was working down in the basement while I was reading. The book made me cry (I'm talking open sobbing) for almost an hour. He came up, asked a question, then took a look at me. I must have been a sight, because he actually jumped and said, "Oh my gosh, what happened?!" If you're looking for a good tearjerker, I highly recommend it. Just warn your family ahead of time if you're weepy like me.

I've read this book too Rae - so good - I love The Christmas Shoes movie - it is such a major tearjerker and a great holiday movie to remember what is important at Christmas time.
  • Thread starter
  • #122
Today is November 19. There are only 36 days left until Christmas!How are you set for serving dishes? If you're hosting any of the holiday get-togethers, you'll want to make sure you have plenty. Now, as PC consultants, we usually have what we need. However, that doesn't make it less important to do a quick inventory. As a matter of fact, it's a good idea to make note now of which pieces you'll use for which foods. On the day of the meal, put a sticky note on the edge of each one with the food that one is to hold. This will make it easier for others to help you in the kitchen because they will be able to quickly see what goes where.
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  • #123
Today is November 20. There are only 35 days left until Christmas!You'll start to receive Christmas cards in about a week and a half. As each one comes in, make a note of the recipient and address. This will help you cull your Christmas card list. Decide on a time frame. Three years is what I keep hearing and reading. If you haven't received a card from someone on your list in the last 3 years, you can comfortably remove them from your list. By keeping your list out and making note as each one comes in, you'll save yourself time at the end of the season.
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  • #124
Today is November 21. There are only 34 days left until Christmas!Is the thought of all that Christmas baking giving you hives? Decide on a specialty. Choose one cookie, muffin, or whatever recipe, and make only that. It's easier to make a double or triple batch of one thing than to make single batches of several different things.
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  • #125
Holy Canoli! Yesterday I realized that I've been so focused on counting down to Christmas that I completely spaced the fact that in 3 weeks I'll see my sweet baby boy! We leave Dec. 10 and should arrive in Dallas on Dec. 11. He graduates Dec 12. He's in a wedding the morning of Dec. 13, then we'll leave for home.A childhood friend of his is supposed to ride with us.I'm excited about seeing our son reach this milestone. He'll be coming home with us for the holidays. He won't stay with us most of that time, but he'll only be about 45 minutes away.
  • #126
Also, don't forget Thanksgiving is just a week away! :p
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  • #127
Today is November 22. There are only 33 days left until Christmas!There are only 5 days left until Thanksgiving. If you've got a large, frozen turkey that you're hoping to serve for Thanksgiving, now's the time to move it from the freezer to the fridge. If it's not a monster-sized bird, you can wait until Monday to make the switch.Are you planning to entertain or provide hospitality? Over the next few weeks you will likely have many opportunities to welcome people into your home. Entertaining is about looking good--the perfect centerpieces, the perfect place settings, the perfect decorations, and, of course, the perfect food. Hospitality is about opening your heart and home to others. It's about being vulnerable so your guests can let their own vulnerabilities show. It's my hope that hospitality will win out this year.
  • #128
Rae - I love how you explain hospitality. Awesome way of looking at it.
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  • #129
Thanks, Andrea. It took me a lot of years to learn the difference.
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  • #130
Today is November 23. There are only 32 days left until Christmas!You can almost hear the cocking of the starter pistol. This week is the official start of the holiday season. Most of you who have been checking in with this thread have a great head start. As you're looking ahead to Christmas, don't miss out on this week's celebration of thanks.
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  • #131
Today is November 24. There are only 31 days left until Christmas!While you're out on Friday taking advantage of all those Black Friday sales, don't forget a stop at the grocery store. Lots of the fixin's for a standard American Thanksgiving dinner will be on sale with steep discounts. It's a great time to stock up for Christmas or those long, cold, dark days of January.Not willing to brave the crowds on Friday? The discounts will still be in place on Saturday.
  • #132
AND, some of the Black Friday specials are actually available on-line today even!! (I'm sure it was earlier than today, but I just discovered it today. :)- )
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  • #133
I don't always trust the early sneak peaks at Black Friday ads. Many are leaked by employees in a breach of company policy. As a matter of fact, some stores provide decoy info to employees for this very reason.

That said, this year many stores are starting their sales early. Just make sure what you are reading is officially from the store and not from a compiled site. I know I'd hate to get to the store and find out that what I wanted wasn't available at that price.
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  • #134
Today is November 25. There are 30 days left until Christmas!That's right--just one more month. Time to take a quick inventory. Go over your lists. What's been done? What still needs to be done? What can you eliminate? This is a great time to trim back a bit if you've been a little too ambitious.Take some time today to adjust your plan. Don't forget to include those days to just sit back and enjoy the season.
  • Thread starter
  • #135
Today is November 26. There are only 29 days left until Christmas!Start getting your Black Friday plan in place now.Spending it away from the crowds (at home, at work, or anyplace other than the stores)? This is a good day to pick up snacks or last-minute items for a great day of peace and quiet.If you're like me and itching to get out there and participate in the big shopping day, here are a few suggestions I received in an email. (I think it came from Mary Hunt, The Everyday Cheapskate, but I could be wrong.)• Comb the Thanksgiving Day newspaper for all of the big sales. • Gather all of the ads for the items you wish to buy and plan to take them with you. This will serve as proof, if you get to the store and they tell you the item is not on sale or if you want another store to match the advertised price of an item. • Create a priority list of the most wanted and least expensive items. • Create a list of giftees and maximum gift budget for that person. • Have a budget of what you can spend and stick to it! • Watch the register CLOSELY while you are checking out to insure that advertised pricing is being honored at the register. • Ask for a gift receipt. This is a quick and easy way to get a copy of the receipt that could come in handy. Put the gift receipt in the bag or box with your items and the regular receipt in your purse. Having two never hurt and you never know when the extra will come in handy for return of exchange. • If you are shopping with your bankcard choose the CREDIT option and not the DEBIT option. By choosing credit you are forcing he store to pay the finance charges. If you use your bankcard as a debit card and enter your pin # you may be charged a processing fee from your bank. ALWAYS CHOOSE CREDIT NOT DEBIT. • Plan on getting up super early and having breakfast before you head out. Stopping to eat is not an option; have Power Bars and bottled water at the ready! • Wear comfortable shoes and light clothing. The stores get packed with people and it gets hot. You then end up lugging your coat or sweater for the rest of the day which saps your energy. • Wear a backpack or hands-free purse for a more comfortable shopping experience. • Once you hit the stores do not be lured away from finding your must have items first. When you have those in tow, you can look through other things that catch you interest. Stay focused on your list! • If you are shopping at a mall, organize a hand-off time with a friend or relative. You can hand off many of your purchases to someone who will drive them back home while you continue to shop. This is extremely helpful. Shopping when you are loaded down is exhausting and taking the packages to your car is a pain and can be unsafe. You will be amazed how freeing this can be and how much more you can get done. • Many stores offer gift boxes and free holiday wrapping. Don’t leave without gift boxes at the very least. Buying gift boxes is costly and a total pain. I know waiting in that line sucks, but when you get it all home to wrap, you will be glad you did. If the store offers free gift wrap, ask them to roll you up some paper and give you the ribbon so you can wrap it yourself at home.
  • Thread starter
  • #136
Today is November 27. There are only 28 days left until Christmas!

Happy Thanksgiving!

If you're spending the day with family members that you still need gift ideas for, this is a great opportunity to do a little sleuthing. Get them talking about their hobbies, wants, and wishes. talk to other family members for ideas. If you're feeling really bold, you could even ask them for gift ideas themselves.

Most importantly, spend the day steeped in gratitude. Look everywhere for unnoticed blessings.
  • Thread starter
  • #137
Friday is November 28. There are only 27 days left until Christmas.Doing this one a little early so I can head right to my Black Friday shopping on Friday. Many of us will be spending the next few days shopping, decorating, wrapping, and generally getting into the full swing of the holidays. Whether you're pretty much fully prepared for December 25, most of the way there, partway there, or looking at the calendar saying, "Great Caesar's ghost! It's almost December," I hope the next four weeks will be filled with all of the fun, love, and joy of the Christmas season.
  • #138
raebates said:
Doing this one a little early so I can head right to my Black Friday shopping on Friday.

DH and I were getting set to get up early tomorrow to hit a couple of stores for doorbuster offers. We're getting both sets of our parents GPS units, and the model DH wanted to get is being offered at WalMart, Sears and Meijer for $149.99. Neither of us were looking forward to getting up at 4am. So he just checked online one last time, and found it for $153, with free shipping and no sales tax. So we actually save $6 per unit. Plus we can sleep in! YAY!!
  • #139
I'm going nowhere till around 12 noon and that is to the bank to make some check deposits and grab some lunch. I am doing the Black Friday all day sale for PC so I hope to really bust some more "personal highs" on my sales tomorrow! Good luck to all you early birds!

We put up the Christmas tree here last Sunday. Combining two households of Christmas ornaments was a little hard but fun. We also got my Mom's Christmas Village out. We weren't going to do it and then my sweet DD wanted to so we put it on the top of the TV stand so "little hands" could not get it down! The people are no taller than 2-3 inches high so they are still tempting enough for 2 yo mouths! LOL!
  • #140
Good Morning all, just heading out on a long morning of shopping!! Happy shopping to all! I hope we all get some good deals!
  • Thread starter
  • #141
Today is November 29. There are only 26 days left until Christmas!Well, the time for tips about how to get things done ahead of time has pretty much passed, so I spent part of yesterday thinking about which way to go with my countdown. I decided that sharing little-known Christmas facts might be fun. So, here goes.We'll be doing our decorating today. (It will start once I get off the computer and open the first of the boxes that The Furry Guy has already brought down from the attic.) Because of that, I found this little tidbit interesting:Theodore Roosevelt, a staunch conservationist, banned Christmas trees in his home, even when he lived in the White House. His children, however, smuggled them into their bedrooms.
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  • #142
Today is November 30. There are only 25 days left until Christmas.Did you know this? An average household in America will mail out 28 Christmas cards each year and see 28 cards return in their place.
  • #143
Cards.....oh boy, I need to get crackin'. Thanks for the reminder Rae!!
  • #144
I just did my cards yesterday, I send out about 60 cards each year. But I have never counted how many I get, I will count this year I would say about 35-40 if I had to guess.
  • #145
I sent out 134 cards just to my PC customers and only 15 for family and friends LOL Inside the PC cards I put in a coupon for 10% off their next order with an expiration date of 12/13 so they can order and get it in time for Christmas. Helps with the Dec SAT anyways since I only have 2 parties and one huge fair. :(
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  • #146
Today is December 1. There are only 24 days left until Christmas!Did you know this? As early as 1822, the postmaster in Washington, DC was worried by the amount of extra mail at Christmas time. His preferred solution to the problem was to limit by law the number of cards a person could send. Even though commercial cards were not available at that time, people were sending so many homemade cards that sixteen extra postmen had to be hired by the city.
  • #147
Chef Michelle D said:
I just did my cards yesterday, I send out about 60 cards each year. But I have never counted how many I get, I will count this year I would say about 35-40 if I had to guess.

I normally send out over 75 cards to family and friends (they are nice, family picture Christmas cards from a studio so they aren't cheap!) and after a few years of feeling like I wasn't getting many back I actually counted and kept track last year of the ones I received. It turned out to be about 30 so this year I only ordered 2 dozen picture cards and I picked up 2 boxes of regular cards at the dollar store. The ones I always get cards from I'll send out the nice ones, and then if there are some straggle cards that come in I'll send out the dollar store ones w/ cut out pictures from school of the kids. I think I saved about $20 by not sending to everyone in my address book!
  • #148
Although I love Christmas, I have never gotten into the sending cards thing. DH is the one who loves to do it. I think it's an expense we can do without.

This year, I convinced him we have enough cards leftover from about 10 years of sending cards, that we don't need to buy them. We'll just use the few from each year that we have in a drawer here. He was okay with that, and it saves us about $40-50 in the cost of cards. We still have the postage though.:rolleyes:
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  • #149
I always look at cards left from last year. I purchase cards at the after-Christmas sale. We have a lot of far-flung family and friends, so we're sending out about 50 cards this year. Over half include our newsletter. Boy, do we hear from people when we don't include that! We don't send cards to people we see on a regular basis, which cuts down the number sent considerably. We generally receive about the same number we send out.I've read that "experts" suggest a 3-year rule. Keep track. If you haven't heard from someone in 3 years, you can cut them from your list.
  • #150
I like to make my own cards. We normally send around 40 out so I make about 50 just to have a few left over. I need to get them done (they are 1/2 done) so that I can send them out.
<h2>1. What is the significance of the 82-day countdown to Christmas?</h2><p>The 82-day countdown to Christmas is a fun way to track the days leading up to the holiday and get into the festive spirit. It also serves as a reminder to start planning and organizing for Christmas celebrations.</p><h2>2. How can I stay organized during the holiday season?</h2><p>One tip is to create a designated area for Christmas-related items, such as a closet or storage bin, to keep everything in one place. Another helpful idea is to make a list and schedule for gift shopping, decorating, and other tasks to stay on top of everything.</p><h2>3. What are some creative gift ideas for Christmas?</h2><p>Some unique gift ideas include homemade gifts like baked goods or crafts, experiences like cooking classes or concert tickets, and personalized gifts like photo albums or custom-made items.</p><h2>4. How can I save money on Christmas shopping?</h2><p>Start early and take advantage of sales and discounts throughout the year. Consider making homemade gifts or setting a budget for each person. You can also opt for a Secret Santa or White Elephant gift exchange to save on buying gifts for everyone.</p><h2>5. What should I do with leftover Halloween candy for Christmas?</h2><p>One idea is to use the candy as stocking stuffers, as long as it is still sealed in its original packaging. You can also freeze chocolate candy to use for baking or make festive treats like candy cane bark or chocolate-covered pretzels. Alternatively, donate extra candy to a local shelter or charity. </p>

Related to Christmas Countdown & Organizing Tips | 82 Days Left Until Christmas

1. What is the significance of the 82-day countdown to Christmas?

The 82-day countdown to Christmas is a fun way to track the days leading up to the holiday and get into the festive spirit. It also serves as a reminder to start planning and organizing for Christmas celebrations.

2. How can I stay organized during the holiday season?

One tip is to create a designated area for Christmas-related items, such as a closet or storage bin, to keep everything in one place. Another helpful idea is to make a list and schedule for gift shopping, decorating, and other tasks to stay on top of everything.

3. What are some creative gift ideas for Christmas?

Some unique gift ideas include homemade gifts like baked goods or crafts, experiences like cooking classes or concert tickets, and personalized gifts like photo albums or custom-made items.

4. How can I save money on Christmas shopping?

Start early and take advantage of sales and discounts throughout the year. Consider making homemade gifts or setting a budget for each person. You can also opt for a Secret Santa or White Elephant gift exchange to save on buying gifts for everyone.

5. What should I do with leftover Halloween candy for Christmas?

One idea is to use the candy as stocking stuffers, as long as it is still sealed in its original packaging. You can also freeze chocolate candy to use for baking or make festive treats like candy cane bark or chocolate-covered pretzels. Alternatively, donate extra candy to a local shelter or charity.

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