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Get Ready for Christmas 2009: Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

In summary, the speaker is saying that she does not like shopping for Christmas because it is too early, and she is too busy. She does not like the idea of buying gifts for everyone, as she is the only female on her family's Christmas list. She does like the idea of decorating for Christmas and listening to Christmas music, but does not enjoy the shopping part.
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  • #51
Today is September 12. There are 104 days until Christmas.I've talked with so many people who are planning to make gifts this year. That's a great idea. Be sure to get started soon. One thing that can make it easier is to choose a theme. For instance, you could make homemade soap for everyone. Make creamy, smell-good stuff for your sister, clear, glycerin soap with their names inside for your nieces and nephews, and fun-shaped, nature-scented soap for your brother. Whatever you decide to make, be sure to start with a clear plan and work on it a bit at a time starting ASAP. You don't want to be up until 3 a.m. on Christmas Eve finishing those projects.
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  • #52
Today is September 13. There are 103 days until Christmas.Some stores already have Christmas stuff on display. Take a walk down some of the aisles for inspiration.
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  • #53
Today is September 14. There are 102 days until Christmas.Don't forget to check out what you have on hand before buying. If you're like me you have stuff left over from years past, stuff you picked up at the after-Christmas sales, and stuff you've collected throughout the year. Gather it all together or at the very least look it all over. Now you know what you've got so you know what you still need to buy.
  • #54
i love after Christmas sales!!!! last year i bought 15 rolls of christmas paper for....$0.25 each!!!! which is only $3.75 for all!!! i was super excited i don't think i will have to buy wrapping paper for another 5 years lol!
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  • #55
Jessica, I have a fun story about wrapping paper. (It's fun to me, at least.;)) In 1978 the JCPenney store in my hometown moved from downtown to the new mall. They sold off lots of stuff, including a large roll of red wrapping paper. It had small gold wreaths with their logo "P" in the center. My parents used that wrapping paper for our gifts until they moved into a small apartment in the late 80s. At that point she gave what what left of the roll to me. I used it for our to-one-another gifts until it ran out. I know we were in our current house, so it was after 1993. I want to say it was about 1995 when I used the last of it. Now, that was long-lasting wrapping paper.
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  • #56
Today is September 15. There are 101 days until Christmas. Have a wrapping plan. I know people who wrap as they go. As soon as they purchase a Christmas gift they get it wrapped and ready to go. I have a wrapping day. I set aside one day (usually the Monday after Thanksgiving) to do all my wrapping. Do whatever works for you, but have a plan.
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  • #57
Today is September 16. There are 100 days until Christmas.

Is it just me, or does 100 days or less seem like just around the corner?

Start serious work now on your Christmas newsletter. It's best to gather tidbits throughout the year. But, if you start now and add a little every day or two as things come to mind, you'll have plenty to share.

A few hints:
  • Don't start with talking about how fast the year has gone by. It's depressing and, frankly, it's not news.

  • Be honest. Don't fudge. If little Johnny brought home a less-than-stellar report card, don't brag about him being on the honor roll.

  • Give a balanced picture. Include some funny things. I have to run it by The Furry Guy, but I'm thinking of including the fact that he suffered a Duck, Duck, Goose! injury at church and limped for 3 days. Let people see the real you. They'll love you for it.

  • It's okay to include a picture or two, but don't cover it with 127 teeny, tiny pictures that they'll need a magnifying glass to see.
  • #58
Oh my goodness!:eek: 100 days:eek:
I have a big family, but over the last 5 years we have done less & less gift exchanging. We have just been getting together to eat & just enjoy each others company & we might even have 2-3 games of Rook going on too:D I'm really glad we do that, because this year has been rough, financially, for us. Just being with my 2 little ones & my husband is present enough for me:love: & above all else Christmas is My Savior's birthday!:angel:

I usually tend to get really stressed from Thanksgiving til Christmas, but I am going to enjoy myself this year & enjoy all the blessings God has given to our family!

Thanks Rae for all the great tips for making the Christmas season a lot more organized!
  • #59
pc_jessica said:
i love after Christmas sales!!!! last year i bought 15 rolls of christmas paper for....$0.25 each!!!! which is only $3.75 for all!!! i was super excited i don't think i will have to buy wrapping paper for another 5 years lol!

I do the same thing!!!
I think I bought about 10 rolls last year!
100 days ~ WOW~ Really?
I love this thread!
  • #60
OMG that means tomorrow is 99!!! Holy Cow!!! Okay I had good intentions of getting stuf done early this year, so far I only 2 of things on list done....I need to get jumpstarted today!!!

How many people do christmas letters?!?!? just curious, i have always wanted to do them, but don't know what people will think when they get them. any suggestions would be great! TIA
  • Thread starter
  • #61
Today is September 17. There are 99 days until Christmas.Get started on your Christmas cards now. If you didn't buy them last year at the after-Christmas sales, you can buy them now. Take a look at your list, removing anyone you don't want to include this year. Now address a few cards each day or two. This way you'll enjoy the process and have a chance to write a small note to each person if you want.
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  • #62
pc_jessica said:
How many people do christmas letters?!?!? just curious, i have always wanted to do them, but don't know what people will think when they get them. any suggestions would be great! TIA

I've done a Christmas letter for years. The best ones are simply chatty little glimpses into your life. When you sit down to write it just answer the question, "So, what have you been up to in the last year?"

Keep it to 1 page if at all possible. As I said before, include funny incidents and avoid bragging too much.
  • #63
thanks for the suggestion with the christmas letter, with husband around there always tends to be something funny happening! hmm maybe i will work on a draft in the next couple weeks and see if i can get something good to come out of it!
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  • #64
The great thing is that if you start now you'll have plenty of time to tweak it before you send it out.
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  • #66
Today is September 18. There are 98 days until Christmas.People will say you're crazy for concentrating now on Christmas. Don't listen to them. In December, when they're all frazzled, you'll be able to just smile knowingly. Just try not to be too smug. :)
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  • #66
Today is September 18. There are 98 days until Christmas.

People will say you're crazy for concentrating now on Christmas. Don't listen to them. In December, when they're all frazzled, you'll be able to just smile knowingly. Just try not to be too smug. :)
  • #67
Well this countdown has inspired me this year. Last year I had wanted to get organized for Christmas. This year I need to get organized in general. We are looking for a house right now and that is priority but I need to stop making excuses for my disorganization. I just made myself accountable by writing out my need and plans to get and stay organized when we move into our new house when we find it. I'm going to give it to my DH to make me accountable. Believe me he will. He hates how messy and disorganized I am. He's the neat one!:blushing: As long as the house has an extra room or office space for me then I'll be happy because then I'll have the room to get organized for PC.
  • #68
Talking about getting organized, have you heard of FlyLady? It's a cute little site that sends you daily "missions" to get your home clean and organized. They have a Christmas Planner as well that helped me out last year!
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  • #69
Just remember, Katie, that organized and neat are two different things. My mom is very, very neat, but she's an organizational disaster. I can't tell you how many times she found things she'd bought for Christmas hidden away the next March (or June, or October . . .). She constantly purchases things she knows she has, but can't find. I, on the other hand, am very organized but not particularly neat. It rarely takes me more than a few seconds to put my hands on something I want to find, but things look cluttered to most people.
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  • #70
Today is September 16. There are 97 days until Christmas.Schedule in time for yourself. Seriously. If you're a mani/pedi person, schedule them now to coincide with your special events. Schedule hair appointments so you'll look great in all of those holiday photos. And, block off days just to enjoy. Really. Write them on your calendar. If other people sometimes see your calendar, just write "unavailable" on several days. That way when someone asks you to do something that day you can honestly say, "I'm sorry. I already have something on my calendar." You'll feel so much more relaxed throughout the holiday season if you take some time to just enjoy. After all, that's why you're starting early this year. Right?
ETA: Sleep deprivation took it's tole. This was posted on September 19.
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  • #71
Okay, I know I confuse easily, but - I happen to KNOW today is September 19 (it's both Amanda's and my DH's birthday!!). So, is there 97 or 94 days until Christmas? ;):love:
  • #72
its 97, but it is the 19th!
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  • #73
Sorry. I didn't sleep well the night before and it clearly did horrible things to my typing. You're right, of course. It was the 19th. Happy belated birthday. I'd fix the post, but then it would make the resulting comments look slightly insane. I hate to do that to people.
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  • #74
Today is September 20. There are 96 days until Christmas.One way to foil gift guessers is to not put names on the gifts you put under the tree. Choose a different wrapping paper for each person or assign a number or symbol to each. Keep a key written somewhere so you'll remember what applies to whom.
  • #75
ooo i like that idea!!!! i will have to rememeber this for when we have kids, because if they are anything like me they will be snoopers!!!!!
  • #76
My son isn't old enough to understand yet, but DH is a major snooper! I'll have to keep that in mind...
  • #77
My mom did different wrapping papers when my brother and I were little. Anything from "Santa" was in one wrapping paper for me, and another for my brother, with not tags. She said it made it easier on her too! And no added expense of gift tags. I definitely plan to do this when we have kids!
  • #78
I have always used a different paper for my children, try to find something that "looks like them" ...they're now 21, 19, and 17 and always have a ball trying to figure out which pile of gifts is theirs!!!
  • #79
We use different gift wraps here, I go to the dollar store and buy wrapping paper with their favorite character for the year on it and wrap everything in it thats for them. I don't like wrapping with the dollar stores wrap because it rips easy when wrapping stuff but it is too expensive to buy good wrapping paper for children, they rip it off in no time plus toys come in boxes that are big and bulky and awkward so I tend to go through quite a bit.
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  • #80
Today is September 21. There are 95 days until Christmas.Think back to last year. I know there were things that you said you'd do this year. Whether that was cutting back on obligations, making meals ahead, culling the card list, or finally finishing that Christmas quilt you started 4 years ago, now's the time to make plans for those changes.
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  • #81
Today is September 22. There are 94 days until Christmas.You're planning your holiday business right now. Right? Three months from now we'll be past the standard shipping cut-off for Christmas. If you're like most of us, you'll take a bit of a break at the end of the month. That means you need to know now when you'll work to make sure you have a good November, December, and January.
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  • #82
Today is September 23. There are 93 days until Christmas.We just found out that our family Christmas will be postponed this year. Our son won't be able to get time off work until after the new year. No worries. As he told his new employer, he's an only child, so it's not like we have to coordinate lots of people.Now's the time to start figuring out those timing issues. I've mentioned it before, but it's really important. Talking through things and making plans now will be much less emotional than if you wait until the last minute. If you wait, expectations have grown and feelings can get hurt.
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  • #83
Today is September 24. There are 92 days until Christmas.You've got your eyes open for stocking stuffers. Right? Summer toys are really cheap right now. Is there anything in that clearance bin that would fit one of your stockings? How about giveaways and with-purchase bonuses? These things make great stocking stuffers.
  • #84
so here is my question...since we are talking about stocking stuffers today! has/is anyone giving PC items to family members?! i am thinking about doing this, however there is an aunt of mine that takes it offensive whenever i carry around my catalog tote so i have no idea what she would think/say if i gave out PC items for christmas. Just wondering if you guys do this and what you give to them?
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  • #85
I do, but I'm selective.Two years ago The Furry Guy's siblings stopped exchanging gifts. We gave each household a prep bowl filled with M&Ms as a small token of affection.. I've put Easy Openers on top of gifts instead of bows. Other than that, I don't give PC unless it's requested. I do, however, send a catalog and wish list to each of the siblings' households so they can let Mom know if there's anything they'd like for Christmas.
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  • #86
Today is September 25. There are 91 days until Christmas.Do you have young children? Do a toy check. Now's a great time to start weeding through those toys. Sell or donate ones that aren't being used anymore. This way you can take your time and clear out the old stuff before the holidays add more.
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  • #87
Today is September 26. There are 90 days until Christmas.Seriously, people, it's just under 3 months away. Think about how quickly time has passed since the last week of August. Two months ago we were all just back from NC (at least, those of us in the US were). We're about halfway between NC and Thanksgiving. Take the time to really start planning and begin executing those plans.
  • #88
Wow, only three months til Christmas. I always look forward to Oct 1st. For some reason, that signals the start of the holiday season for me. I love the change in weather (even here in Florida) and the renewed focus on family, friends, and remembering to be grateful.

P.S. Your blogs are wonderful.
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  • #89
Thanks, Leggy. My blog is a great outlet for me.I used to view October 1 as the unofficial beginning of the holiday season. Then, a couple of years ago I started mentioning Christmas at my September shows. Now September is my big wake-up. Though, I'm am member of the Rudolph Club on Organized Christmas: Simplify Your Holidays and Celebrate The Season, so I kind of keep Christmas in mind all year.
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  • #90
Today is September 27. There are 89 days until Christmas.How do you decorate? Do you really only have one room that gets the holiday treatment? Are you decorations mainly in one room but with a few touches in other places? Is your entire home a virtual shrine to the holidays?Everyone has different ideas about what it means to decorate for Christmas. Begin thinking through your decorating strategy now--especially if you and your spouse disagree about decorating. We have our main tree in the family room, which is completely re-done during the holidays. We have two table-top trees in our bedroom (one with old, hand-made ornaments from my childhood, the other my Jesus tree*) and other small touches throughout the house. The Furry Guy is in sync with my holiday decorating style and helps a lot. I have a friend who decorates a tree and adds a few small touches in that same room. She and her husband disagree greatly about Christmas decorations. The husband thinks that Christmas stuff is "clutter" and would prefer to put up the tree Christmas eve and take it down December 26. Every household is different. There's no right or wrong. If you discuss it now and make a plan, you're less likely to struggle once you begin decorating.*I love my Jesus tree. There are two sets of ornaments on it. The first is a set of ball ornaments depicting the 12 days of Christmas. Legend has it that the song as we know it now was set to teach children the tenets of the faith during a time when it was illegal in England to teach your child certain doctrinal things at home. The ornaments were a gift from the preschool where I used to volunteer. The other set is something called Adornaments. They depict Jesus' many names/titles--Lion of Judah, Light of the World, etc.
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  • #91
Today is September 28. There are 88 days until Christmas.If you're having trouble getting into the right frame of mind to do your planning, try playing Christmas music or popping in a Christmas movie to get you in the mood.
  • #92
Mentioning your Jesus Tree -- Have you ever heard of a Jesse Tree? I just realized how close we were to Christmas and if I want to start this tradition I've got to start NOW. Otherwise, just like the 4 previous years it will be just another "good intention"
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  • #93
I hadn't heard of it, but I just googled it. Interesting. We may need to incorporate that into our Christmas this year.
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  • #94
Today is September 29. There are 87 days until Christmas.While you're getting out your fall decorations, check on your Christmas decorations. What do you have? What do you need? Knowing this will help you avoid purchasing things you don't need as the stores start ramping up for Christmas.
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  • #95
Today is September 30. There are 86 days until Christmas.One great way to save money this Christmas is to utilize the library. You'll find lots of great books filled with ideas for crafts, gifts, decorations, and recipes. Plus, it's all free. :) Just be sure to check them out now so you'll beat the rush and have lots of time to complete any projects.
  • #96
Hi! Not sure if anyone posted this FABULOUS website but I have been listening in to fantastic Christmas tunes at
They have just about every genre of Christmas music you can imagine. I love having it playing in the background while I am doing office work or making calls. LOVE IT!
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  • #97
Today is October 1. There are 85 days until Christmas.This is just about the time of year that my MIL starts asking for wish lists. The Furry Guy and I will be working on our lists on Saturday. We already have plans to be out and about where the stores are, so we’ll be looking for things that we’d like to have but wouldn’t necessarily buy for ourselves. We’ll make one list for his family including his wishes, my wishes, and our wishes. We’ll make a separate list for each other. Our lists tend to be very specific because that’s what his family has always done. They’ll include what the item is (along with any details like sizes, colors, etc.), where it can be purchased, and how much it costs.Our lists are actually already started because at the end of the holiday season I go through the lists and remove anything that was received that year. We’ve already looked over the remains of last year’s list and taken off anything we no longer want or need.Oh, and I'm putting catalogs and wish lists in the mail today to The Furry Guy's siblings. Several of them love PC products. I include a note letting them know they can just fill out the wish list and send it to Mom. It makes things easy for everyone.
  • #98
my parents and Dh's parents have already started asking for our wish lists!! i don't even know what i want/need....i am tempted to tell them money so i can buy more Pampered Chef stuff hehe
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  • #99
Good to know it's not just The Furry Guy's family.
  • #100
My family has started asking too and I find that each year it gets harder and harder to come up with ideas.
<h2>1. How can I stay organized during the busy holiday season?</h2><p>One tip is to make a list of all the tasks and events you need to remember, and prioritize them by importance. You can also use a planner or calendar to keep track of everything and set reminders for important dates.</p><h2>2. What are some ways to save money during the holiday season?</h2><p>Consider DIY gifts or decorations, or look for sales and discounts while shopping. You can also set a budget and stick to it to avoid overspending. Another option is to participate in gift exchanges or Secret Santa with friends and family to reduce the number of gifts you need to buy.</p><h2>3. How can I reduce stress and enjoy the holiday season?</h2><p>Prioritize self-care and take breaks when needed. Don't feel pressured to attend every event or buy extravagant gifts. Remember to focus on the true meaning of the season and spend quality time with loved ones.</p><h2>4. What are some easy and delicious holiday recipes?</h2><p>There are many great recipes available online for holiday dishes and treats. Some popular ones include classic dishes like roasted turkey and mashed potatoes, as well as festive desserts like gingerbread cookies and peppermint bark.</p><h2>5. Are there any tips for making the most of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales?</h2><p>Do your research beforehand and make a list of the items you want to purchase. Be aware of store policies and return/exchange policies. Consider shopping online to avoid crowds and long lines. Don't forget to check for coupon codes or additional discounts before making your purchase.</p>

Related to Get Ready for Christmas 2009: Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

1. How can I stay organized during the busy holiday season?

One tip is to make a list of all the tasks and events you need to remember, and prioritize them by importance. You can also use a planner or calendar to keep track of everything and set reminders for important dates.

2. What are some ways to save money during the holiday season?

Consider DIY gifts or decorations, or look for sales and discounts while shopping. You can also set a budget and stick to it to avoid overspending. Another option is to participate in gift exchanges or Secret Santa with friends and family to reduce the number of gifts you need to buy.

3. How can I reduce stress and enjoy the holiday season?

Prioritize self-care and take breaks when needed. Don't feel pressured to attend every event or buy extravagant gifts. Remember to focus on the true meaning of the season and spend quality time with loved ones.

4. What are some easy and delicious holiday recipes?

There are many great recipes available online for holiday dishes and treats. Some popular ones include classic dishes like roasted turkey and mashed potatoes, as well as festive desserts like gingerbread cookies and peppermint bark.

5. Are there any tips for making the most of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales?

Do your research beforehand and make a list of the items you want to purchase. Be aware of store policies and return/exchange policies. Consider shopping online to avoid crowds and long lines. Don't forget to check for coupon codes or additional discounts before making your purchase.

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