I have a friend/mentor who was a big muckety-muck in Mary Kay before giving up her directorship for her coaching business as a hypno-educator. She offered a 12 Days of Christmas package. I decided to try something similar this year. I'd appreciate any feedback.To give you some background, here's what I did. I made a list for myself of all of the products costing up to $14, leaving out things like scrub brushes (who wants those for Christmas?) and add-ons (like the MFP lid and the cleaning tool for the Grill Pan & Press). I divided the list into Pantry and non-Pantry items. I then figured the overall average price of those products ($7.82), multiplied that by 12 ($93.83), and figured the 7% tax (total $105.74). I added enough to cover regular s/h and a bit for my time and trouble. That's how I came up with $125 for the "Deluxe Package." I did the same thing with products costing up to $6 for the "Pampered Package" and the "Yummies Only Package."I'll use my list and the answers to the questions on the order form to choose products specifically for the recipient. I set Dec. 6 as the deadline for ordering because I have an event that day, so I can add any package orders to that show. It will also give me plenty of time to get the products in, wrapped, and delivered. So, what do you think? Is there another question you might have asked? Let me know. Oh, and before you ask, I love wrapping gifts, and I already have plenty of inexpensive wrapping paper to use.