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Get Ready for Christmas 2009: Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

In summary, the speaker is saying that she does not like shopping for Christmas because it is too early, and she is too busy. She does not like the idea of buying gifts for everyone, as she is the only female on her family's Christmas list. She does like the idea of decorating for Christmas and listening to Christmas music, but does not enjoy the shopping part.
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  • #151
Today is October 28. There are 58 days until Christmas.

If you can’t, don’t. You’ll be asked to do lots of things during the holiday season. When that request comes to head up the holiday bazaar, think realistically about your schedule. Can you do it? If not, remember these responses:

No. No is a complete sentence. You are not required to make an excuse or justify your answer.

No, I’m already committed. Have you already agreed to head up your church bazaar? Direct the children’s program? No one said you have to do everything.

No, but I’ll . . . If you’re willing to take charge of the spring carnival or chaperone the next four field trips, let them know.

Let me think about it. This is actually my standard answer. I realized years ago that I usually became overscheduled because I didn’t take the time to really look at my schedule and see if I had the time to do what I was asked. Now I routinely ask for a day or two to make a decision. If they need a decision right that minute, I have to say no.​

I learned a number of years ago that one of the guilt-trips that worked well on me was to say that if I didn't do it they might have to cancel. It took a long time for me to realize that if it was supposed to get done but I couldn't do it, God was tapping on someone else's shoulder. It wasn't my fault if it didn't happen. Plus, if I did it when I wasn't meant to do it, I was cheating the person who was supposed to do it out of the opportunity to serve where they were supposed to serve.
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  • #152
Today is October 29. There are 57 days until Christmas.How’s your music? Do you love classical Christmas music or are the classics (like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) your passion? Check over what you’ve got. Make sure they’re in good shape. Make note of any replacements you need. This way you can be on the lookout for good deals.
  • #153
LOL - I think I have more Christmas albums then regular albums!! They are all loaded on my IPod as well:)!

Even more funny - I've already started listening to them! I was in choir growing up and we always started singing Christmas songs this time of year so it's normal for me.

P. S. - I scheduled family movie day on the calendar yesterday. The kids weren't very excited about it (teenagers), but I think they will like it when it gets here! Thanks again for the idea!!
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  • #154
raebates said:
Today is October 29. There are 57 days until Christmas.

How’s your music? Do you love classical Christmas music or are the classics (like Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer) your passion? Check over what you’ve got. Make sure they’re in good shape. Make note of any replacements you need. This way you can be on the lookout for good deals.

We just heard the first Christmas song on the radio today! It's not even Halloween. I like Christmas music but the rule around here is to wait until Thanksgiving is over.
  • #155
raebates said:
Today is October 27. There are 59 days until Christmas.

Think about scheduling a pajama day. Take one day during the holidays to stay in your jammies all day and watch Christmas movies and specials. It’s a relaxing day for you, and your kids will love it.

We are going to do this! Micah would LOVE being able to stay in jammies all day and watch movies...it would be a dream come true ~ especially if I let him eat in the living room while he was watching the movie!:D:thumbup:
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  • #156
I got another chunk of my Christmas shopping done today. Got several stocking stuffers. Got things for my cluster (I always give everyone a little something) and for our gift exchange. Got a couple of things I need for wrapping. I even had a stroke of brilliance when it came to the container for my mom's gift. Check out this thread for the details. http://www.chefsuccess.com/f18/need-scripture-help-56914/
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  • #157
Today is October 30. There are 56 days until Christmas. If you have small children, it’s possible that either tonight or tomorrow night they’ll go trick or treating. If they come home with waaaaaaaay too much candy, there’s a way you can use it to your advantage. Hard candies, Smarties and Necco Wafers can be set aside to use on a gingerbread house. Kids are much less likely to object to putting candy away for now if they know they’ll get to have even more fun (and still eat it) later.
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  • #158
Two gifts are wrapped. I need to find a box for my MIL's gift. Here's picture of it.
It's a squirrel feeder. And, yes, it's made from a Slinky. It's filled with peanuts. The Furry Guy made it.
  • #159
you are going to have some seriously pi**ed off squirrels! *lol* But I like it! They'll have to video tape the feast....could get some good stuff for AFV! :)
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  • #160
Actually, the peanuts come out pretty easy. The squirrels will love it. The really funny thing is that we do our best to get rid of squirrels at our house. With 12 mature walnut trees, they're pests. My MIL loves squirrels and regularly feeds them. I keep telling her we kill vermin at our house. ;)
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  • #161
Today is October 31. Happy Halloween! There are 55 days until Christmas. Try something new. Trying something new doesn’t mean you have to do it forever. Think about something you’ve always wanted to do during the holidays and try it. After Christmas talk with your family members and see if it’s something you want to keep, change, or eliminate.
  • #162
I'm glad you told us what that feeder was - I would have had no idea!

I got my Christmas cards done today:)! I can't do much else since my knee is all swollen and hurts really bad! Now I can't eat any candy since I can't exercise and burn the extra calories today!
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  • #163
I'm sorry about your knee, Rhonda, but I'm glad you're ahead of the game with your cards.
  • #164
Thanks Rae. It's getting a little better, but still really swollen.

My husband has used it as an excuse to stay on the couch with me all day!. I've been watching QVC and purchased 6 more gifts! It's the best way to shop!
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  • #165
I'm mostly a brick and mortar girl myself. I love the crowds. I like to handle the merchandise before I buy it. I'm happy for you, though.
  • #166
I like a mix. I so love waiting for the UPS man though! It's like getting a double boost when you purchase the item and then when it arrives.
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  • #167
Today is November 1. There are 54 days until Christmas.You can’t do it all. I know I told you yesterday to try something new. If you add something, consider subtracting something else. Talk to your family now about what you love and what you can let go of.
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  • #168
Today is November 2. There are 53 days until Christmas.Twenty billion—that’s the approximate number of pieces of mail the US Postal Service handled last year between Thanksgiving and Christmas. Get your packages and cards mailed early.
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  • #169
Today is November 3. There are 52 days until Christmas. Calendars can be a great gift. Just make sure they match the taste of the recipient. You might like the Dessert of the Month calendar, but the cousin who just joined Weight Watchers might not.
  • #170
I love giving calendars at Christmas. My kids each get a new one - my 8 yr old Madolyn loves pugs, my 12 year old Noah loves monkeys and my almost 15 yr old Zach loves wonders of the world/cool buildings, etc. It's fun to see what new ones come out each year. My husband always gets me a new one as well.
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  • #171
Today is November 4. There are 51 days until Christmas.Keep a healthy perspective. I love Christmas magazines at least as much as the next person, maybe more. However, they can make you crazy. I don’t want to burst your bubble, but Martha Stewart doesn’t actually do all of that by herself. If you don’t have a full-time staff supplemented with additional seasonal help, you cannot do everything she does. The same goes for Paula Dean, Rachel Ray, and even Sandra Lee, the Semi-Homemade lady. Don’t beat yourself up if your home and dinner table don’t look like the ones in the magazines. Take a few ideas and run with them. Make them your own. Just promise me you won’t be awake at 3 a.m. the night/morning before the big family dinner hot gluing leaves (or snowflakes, or baby Jesus cut-outs) to your napkin rings.
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  • #172
Today is November 5. There are 50 days until Christmas.Zatzkapol—a present you don’t want, can’t figure out what it is, and can’t for the life of you imagine why someone would get it for you. We’ve all gotten them. Practice your reactions before you go to gatherings so you’ll be ready in case you receive a zatzkapol this year.
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  • #173
Today is November 6. There are 49 days until Christmas.Need a fairly large gift bag? Why not use a reusable shopping bag? There are some nice generic ones out there (not affiliated with a particular store). Of course, if the recipient is a PC fan, you can always go with one of our fabulous PC reusable shopping bags.
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  • #174
Today is November 7. There are 48 days until Christmas.A "peanut" tip: it's easy to recycle styrofoam packing materials if you dump them into a drawstring plastic garbage bag. Close the drawstring for storage. When you're ready to pack your own boxes, snip wedge off a bottom corner of the bag. Pour your peanuts out the hole, then use a Twixit! clip to keep the corner closed.
  • #175
well just wanted to say we have 3 people off our master christmas list bought for and we are headed out today to do some more christmas shopping!!! yay for being ahead of where we usually are with shopping!!!!
thanks Rae for keeping this thread going daily it sure has kept me on my toes and making sure we stay ahead of the game so we aren't shopping on Christmas Eve like we did last year!!
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  • #176
Congratulations, Jessica! You know, I really just do this thread to keep myself on track. :)
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  • #177
Congratulations, Jessica!

You know, I really just do this thread to keep myself on track. :)
  • #178
I too have gotten an earlier than usual start on my shopping. I've ordered (and received) a calendar for my mom, and bought one gift for DH. Today, I found the perfect gift for our son's godparents' son. I got permission first, and we got him a Frog-o-sphere from Brookstone. http://www.brookstone.com/Frog-O-Sphere-frogs.html?his=2~46337~2~root_category%40kwd~frog-o-sphere&bkiid=searchResults|C4CategoryProdList1FDT|8335617He's the perfect age for it, but it needs such minimal care that it won't be a big deal. Now I just have to maintain it until Christmas. The instructions says I shouldn't leave the box more than 3 days.
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  • #179
Today is November 8. There are 47 days until Christmas.We’re coming into the home stretch. I’ve shared most of my get-ready ideas. If I come across another idea for getting things done ahead of time, I’ll definitely share it. The daily countdown officially stops at the end of November, so I was thinking about what to share for the rest of the month. For me one of the most important things about Christmas is making sure to focus outward. What can I do to brighten another person’s day? I try to do that often, but I make it a special focus during the holiday season. So, most of my “official” posts from here on out will be ways to do something for someone else.Here’s something I’ve done for a number of years. Starting on Black Friday I make sure I always have mini candy canes in my purse or pocket when I enter a store. I hand them out to workers. If someone helps me find something I offer them a candy cane. When the cashier is done ringing up my purchase I offer him or her a candy cane. I also offer a candy cane to the person who bagged my purchase. Occasionally I’ll have someone decline my offer, but that’s okay. Most are very appreciative.
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  • #180
I have some recipe cards from last year for the peppermint cookies. Maybe I can hand those out.
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  • #181
That would be very nice, Noora. Of course, I'm not sure it would get the same reaction from the teenage boy at one store who told me my candy cane saved his life. Seems he was nearing the end of his shift and hadn't been able to take a break for a long time. :)
  • #182
You were talking about reusable shopping bags as great gift wrap. My favorite holiday time thing is the dollar store. We have a dollar tree close. Really great for bags, tissue paper, gift boxes, decorations, etc.

I have my list started for people and thought of a couple gift ideas today for my SIL.
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  • #183
Dollar stores are often a great resource. Congratulations on making a good start.
  • #184
I am still nowhere near ready for Christmas! Hopefully getting a regular paycheck until PC takes off will help!
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  • #185
Today is November 9. There are only 46 days until Christmas. Hold the door. Everyone’s rushing. Everyone’s focused on their own mission—finish the list. Make a genuine effort to hold the door for others over the next several weeks. Don’t expect a thank you, though. Like I said, everyone’s focused on their own mission. Speaking of thank yous, if someone holds the door for you be sure to make eye contact, smile, and say thank you. It just might make their day.
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  • #186
Today is November 10. There are 45 days until Christmas.Just yesterday I remembered another bit of advice to share. Right now the weather’s gorgeous where I live. This is the perfect time to get some of those outside decorations in place. I’m not suggesting that you secure the giant blow-up Santa or manger scene in you yard. But, it will be much easier (and more pleasant) for you to put those lights up around the eaves or across your roof now than when it’s really cold and possibly snowy. You can wait until Thanksgiving weekend to do the really visible stuff and to turn those lights on.
  • #187
It was beautiful the past couple of days wasn't it Rae!! I would decorate outside early, but my husband just won't do it (LOL)!! He says it's not the same unless it's cold when he puts them up! I think he is crazy!!
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  • #188
As long as he doesn't expect you to be out there helping him when it's cold and nasty, I guess that's up to him.The funny thing is that I was in a neighboring town today and several hojmes have their Christmas decorations up and running--I'm talking Santas in the yard and lights all aglow.
  • #189
No, he never asks me to help him - thank the Lord! I take care of all the inside decorations! I keep saying I want to convert to just a Christmas tree, but my kids won't let me!

Wow, I haven't seen anyone with all their decorations aglow yet, at least outside the house. One neighbor has their tree in the front window with all the lights on!
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  • #190
Today is November 11. There are only 44 days until Christmas. Say, "Merry Christmas!" to a complete stranger. It's amazing the smiles you'll receive.
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  • #191
Finally finished up my Christmas cards (got a little behind, but it's still done early). Did a little more wrapping. Ordered another gift. Getting closer to done. :)
  • #192
well to i have a great update for our Christmas Countdown!
our christmas cards are ordered and will be picked up Friday!!! we have a few more gifts bought which means we only have one more person to buy for (my FIL), and then we just need to finish up our gifts to each other (between Dh and I)...we are on an amazing track to being done before Thanksgiving!!!
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  • #193
That's great! I forgot when I posted earlier that we arranged for another gift. We'll be going together with The Furry Guy's sister and her husband to get Popcorn of the Month for their dad. I don't know if any of the other siblings will go in with us. But, it's another person on the list who's done.
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  • #194
Today is November 12. There are only 43 days until Christmas.At least once during the holiday season leave a singing message for someone. Sing your favorite Christmas carol, and sing it loud. It doesn't matter if you have a great voice or can't carry a tune. The recipient will love it.
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  • #195
Today is November 13. There are only 42 days until Christmas.Forgive them before they ask. I know this is hard, but it's one of the best ways to really reach out at Christmas. It will also help you to have a merrier Christmas. Forgiveness has little to do with the other person. It's about not letting what they've done continue to eat away at you. You may not be able to be friends, but you can do away with hurt and resentment. Make that choice this Christmas.
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  • #196
Today is November 14. There are only 41 days until Christmas.Visit someone who can't get out. Do you have a neighbor who's housebound? Is there someone from church who barely makes it out once a week for services? Is there a nursing home nearby? People need people, and spending a little bit of time talking with someone who has few visitors could be one of the best gifts you give yourself this year.
  • #197
Thanks to your countdown, I've started my holiday shopping earlier than any previous year. The problem is, I keep finding more cool stuff I want to get for the people I've already bought for! :D
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  • #198
Noora, that's where that master gift list comes in handy. First, you remind yourself that you've already bought something for that person. Second, you can make a note and possibly buy that other cool thing during the after-Christmas sales for next year.
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  • #199
Today is November 15. There are only 40 days until Christmas.Write a letter. This is a great time of year to reconnect. And, who doesn't enjoy getting a handwritten note? You can include it in a Christmas card, but you don't have to. Just yesterday I wrote to someone I haven't seen or heard from in years. She's my godmother. She and my mom were best friends when I was little. Over the years they'd lost touch. For some reason she's been coming to mind lately, so I looked her up online. I'm hoping that this will lead to a reconnection. If not, maybe it will make her smile.
  • #200
Thank you Rae! Your post gave me a jolt and made me realize I haven't been in contact with my godmother for awhile either. And she is such a wonderful woman! Definitely need to shake out my priorities!
<h2>1. How can I stay organized during the busy holiday season?</h2><p>One tip is to make a list of all the tasks and events you need to remember, and prioritize them by importance. You can also use a planner or calendar to keep track of everything and set reminders for important dates.</p><h2>2. What are some ways to save money during the holiday season?</h2><p>Consider DIY gifts or decorations, or look for sales and discounts while shopping. You can also set a budget and stick to it to avoid overspending. Another option is to participate in gift exchanges or Secret Santa with friends and family to reduce the number of gifts you need to buy.</p><h2>3. How can I reduce stress and enjoy the holiday season?</h2><p>Prioritize self-care and take breaks when needed. Don't feel pressured to attend every event or buy extravagant gifts. Remember to focus on the true meaning of the season and spend quality time with loved ones.</p><h2>4. What are some easy and delicious holiday recipes?</h2><p>There are many great recipes available online for holiday dishes and treats. Some popular ones include classic dishes like roasted turkey and mashed potatoes, as well as festive desserts like gingerbread cookies and peppermint bark.</p><h2>5. Are there any tips for making the most of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales?</h2><p>Do your research beforehand and make a list of the items you want to purchase. Be aware of store policies and return/exchange policies. Consider shopping online to avoid crowds and long lines. Don't forget to check for coupon codes or additional discounts before making your purchase.</p>

Related to Get Ready for Christmas 2009: Tips and Tricks for a Stress-Free Holiday Season

1. How can I stay organized during the busy holiday season?

One tip is to make a list of all the tasks and events you need to remember, and prioritize them by importance. You can also use a planner or calendar to keep track of everything and set reminders for important dates.

2. What are some ways to save money during the holiday season?

Consider DIY gifts or decorations, or look for sales and discounts while shopping. You can also set a budget and stick to it to avoid overspending. Another option is to participate in gift exchanges or Secret Santa with friends and family to reduce the number of gifts you need to buy.

3. How can I reduce stress and enjoy the holiday season?

Prioritize self-care and take breaks when needed. Don't feel pressured to attend every event or buy extravagant gifts. Remember to focus on the true meaning of the season and spend quality time with loved ones.

4. What are some easy and delicious holiday recipes?

There are many great recipes available online for holiday dishes and treats. Some popular ones include classic dishes like roasted turkey and mashed potatoes, as well as festive desserts like gingerbread cookies and peppermint bark.

5. Are there any tips for making the most of Black Friday and Cyber Monday sales?

Do your research beforehand and make a list of the items you want to purchase. Be aware of store policies and return/exchange policies. Consider shopping online to avoid crowds and long lines. Don't forget to check for coupon codes or additional discounts before making your purchase.

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