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Politics What I Like About Obama: A Balanced Perspective on the Presidential Candidate

In summary, The conversation involves starting a "What I like..." thread instead of posting on a "What scares me..." thread. The thread is meant to give the other side a chance to be heard and for fair discussion. The person speaking is a supporter of Obama but has previously voted for McCain and Bush. They appreciate Obama's calmness and thoughtfulness in times of crisis, his articulate speaking abilities, and his choice of a competent VP. They also like his focus on helping the middle class and changing things in Washington. They appreciate his reluctance to engage in negative campaigning and his willingness to talk to enemies. They also admire his ability to find common ground with McCain while also pointing out areas of disagreement. Finally, they appreciate that Obama is running
  • #201
If you own guns, and vote for Obama, have you and your spouse decided who's going to transport your guns to the collection point?

Pelosi and Reid will run unchecked with majorities in both the House and Senate, and no way will Obama veto ANY bill that comes across his desk from them.

Obama has made it clear how he feels concerning the 2nd Amendment (he disagreed with the Supreme Court decison and sided with DC on their Gun ban) and you can look forward to a national gun grab in the next 4 years if Obama wins.

If you don't know, look up the Supreme Court ruling concerning DC's gun laws (the strictest in the country, with the worst crime in the country), and you'll get an idea of what Obama sees in our future and where citizens rights to protect themselves and their property lie too.
  • #203
This is the what I like about Obama thread BadGirl :)
  • #204
MandyK said:
This is the what I like about Obama thread BadGirl :)

And those are all the things I LIKE about him.. The only two things I actually know where he stands.

I like the fact that I know his economics, although he's not an economist.

I like the fact that I know where he stands on constitutional rights, and what he's going to do with my guns.

At least as far as these two items there will be no surprises, I know EXACTLY what we're going to get.
  • #205
I don't have any guns and I really don't care about that issue .... only the verbal kind where I can shoot down opinions. :)I TRIED to get tickets to see him tomorrow ... drove to one point and they were out of tickets, and the other ran out of tickets as I got there!I told my friends, "It's OK, he'll be president for at least 4 years ...."OH ... and visited a new church today ... they came very close to jeopardizing their tax-exempt status ... and just as I was leaving, I saw two people wearing Obama buttons.They looked a bit nervous as I asked if they knew he was coming to the area. Then they laughed in relief as I said, "I'm leaving here and getting my tickets!"They thought they were the only ones ...I have come to LOVE Matthew 25 Network
  • #206
Matthew 25:41? "Then he will say to those on his left, 'Depart from me, you who are cursed, into the eternal fire prepared for the devil and his angels'..."?

Sorry, I couldn't resist. It's funny how people can use the Bible for their own agendas, yet they miss some really important parts like "Let the little children come to me...." "He knit me together in my mother's womb..." etc.
  • #208
No ... Matthew 25:40 "I tell you the truth, as you did it to the least of these my brothers, you did it to me."Funny also how many Christians conveniently forget about the "least of these." (NOT saying that McCain and all his supporters do ... but many do.)I have been thinking about the abortion issue and how I struggle with it ...Republicans have been presidents for at least 24 years of my life ... and yet, what have we seen done on the abortion issue? NOTHING.If this were the only thing a president does, I would change my mind. However, I have been talked into supporting Republicans in the past over this issue, only to see nothing happen. With the economy as it is, I cannot afford to waste my vote again.
  • #209
You obviously do not know enough about the past actions of the pro life presidents. If you go to National Right to Life you can find the records of Reagan, Bush and Bush. I'd hate to post it all here, though, because this is about what people like about Obama, and he isn't pro life, so I have nothing good to say about him and that subject.

On second thought, here is the info for you.

President Reagan wrote a book during his presidency called Abortion and the Conscience of a Nation. He also announced the "Mexico City Policy", he battled infanticide around the 1982 Baby Doe case, he prohibited funding of experimentation on unborn children, he supported congressional efforts to limit funding of abortions, and "he worked to enforce congressional directives to prevent so-called 'family planning' programs from advocating abortion as a means of birth control as part of Title X" ( from nrlc.org). Here is a link to President George H.W. Bush's record on pro life issues. http://www.nrlc.org/Records/bush41record0608.pdf As for President George W. Bush, he signed into law the "Born Alive Infants Protection Act" on August 5, 2002. In July of 2006 a bill to require federal funding of the type of stem cell research that requires killing human embryos died when President
  • #210
As far as the least of these, I don't believe the government has had a very good response to the least of these. Maybe if all those rich Hollywood types pulling for Obama would spend their money on the least of these instead of his campaign, huge fancy houses, cars, clothes, etc. the least of these wouldn't be so bad off. But, oh, Jesus was talking to Christians. Not Hollywood or the government.

I'm not seeing how the parable of the ten virgins has anything to do with taking care of the least of these. What am I missing there? What about Matthew 25:26? "His master replied, 'You wicked, lazy servant! So you knew that I harvest where I have not sown and gather where I have not scattered seed? Well then, you should have put my money on deposit with the bankers (that's funny in these times), so that when I returned I would have received it back with interest. Take the talent from him and give it to the one who has the ten talents. For everyone who has will be given more, and he will have an abundance. Whoever does not have, even what he has will be taken from him. And throw that worthless servant outside, into the darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.' I think I know what that parable is about, and I don't think it has anything to do with voting for Obama and his socialist type programs.
  • #211
I am not saying that these past presidents were not pro-life. I am only saying that for the vast majority of my life, we have had people in the White House who have opposed abortion. And yet, it still remains legal.I know that the president appoints judges to the Supreme Court, and that those seats are held for life, which means those appointments are few and far between. But still, people who are pro-life have been in office for more than a quarter of a century of my life, and yet ... we still have abortion.As for social programs ... we obviously agree to disagree ... and that is OK ... I respect your opinion. But I would encourage you to read the entire chapter of Matthew 25, which contains three parables ... the ten virgins, the talents AND the sheep and the goats:
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'
  • #212
For those who are the original people for whom this thread was created ... if you went to church today, did any of you have a hard time with the message?I love the church I visited, but wish they didn't come so darned close to endangering their tax-exempt status. I think I may wait to go back until AFTER the election.
  • #213
I have read the whole passage. Again, I'm pretty sure Jesus is not talking about government programs.
  • #214
I think the Bible speaks about taking care of widows and orphans...people who have nobody else to help them. The Bible also says that those who don't work, don't eat. It says nothing about government programs taking the money away from those who work hard and giving it to lazy people, who are on drugs, having babies left and right and getting more and more of the working people's money to take care of those children. It does say that we should help each other...but it also says for us to help ourselves. The welfare system is only one program...but there are way too many taking advantage of the system and the workers know it, but continue to give them assistance anyway. What really bites is that there are so many taking advantage of the system, but when someone really needs help, they can't get it. I had a friend whose husband was hurt and couldn't work for over 6 months. She was a stay at home mom. Her husband couldn
t get out of bed by himself, go to the bathroom by himself or anything. So, someone had to stay with him all the time. She went to try and get food stamps until he was well enough to go back to work. They told her "sorry, we can't help you unless you sell your house and your car." Now, how is that going to help her? Without a house she and her family are on the street. Without a car she can't take him to the doctor or get groceries or anything. All she asked for was a few months assistance and got nothing for all the tax dollars she has contributed for government programs. The system stinks!!
  • #215
"Then the righteous will answer him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you something to drink? When did we see you a stranger and invite you in, or needing clothes and clothe you? When did we see you sick or in prison and go to visit you?'

"The King will reply, 'I tell you the truth, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did for me.'

I wasn't going to post on this thread at all - but when I see Scripture being misquoted, I can't sit on my hands hard enough to keep them from typing.

This passage of Scripture has nothing to do with gov't. programs....
I suggest you get a good commentary - or even just look it up online, and read some about who Jesus was talking to, and who He was talking about.

It might surprise you.
  • Thread starter
  • #216
Okay. Let's get back on the subject. This thread is "What I like about Obama". If you choose to trash please do it on the other threads. There are enough of them out there.

Becky, this has nothing to do with your last post. I just happened to get here after you posted. But I do disagree. I feel that when the greed of the people at the top keeps them from sharing (they have all kinds of ways to not pay taxes - loopholes - etc) someone needs to step in and provide for the less fortunate. I agree that people take advantage and don't even try to help themselves (and there should be restrictions on who gets help) but many others truly are in need and should be helped. I find it interesting that we (America) give so much to those in need around the world but can't help our own.

I totally agree that the welfare system must be fixed. There needs to be a way to help those who DO pay taxes through rough patches and a way for those take advantage of the system to be made accountable and pay something back to society. There also needs to be a way to stop those at the top from taking advantage of the system too.
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  • #217
All I was saying was that passage of Scripture has been misquoted for political purposes.
If the context and purpose of that passage was understood by those who are using as a political website - they'd be changing the name of their website.

I just think they should know Scripture a little better if they are going to use it that way.

So - I wasn't arguing about anything, just pointing out a discrepancy.

We can choose to live our lives according to God's Word...or we can choose to mold God's Word according to our lives. It's an important choice we make.
  • #219
Becky, I wasn't posting it for political purposes, like Beth said, it's about greed.

Beth, thank you so much for your post.

Sigh ... everyone is entitled to their opinion, but don't McCain/Palin supporters have at least two other threads to post in?

I've had enough of politics for the time being. Buh-bye ...
  • #220
pampchefrhondab said:
Here is a great link which will make everyone proud of Obama:

YouTube - Barack Hussein Obama refuses to salute US flag

Maybe he didn't put his hand over his heart during that rendition of your national anthem because the person singing the song BUTCHERED it! You guys have a lovely, powerful (albeit difficult to sing) anthem. That lady should not have been allowed to sing it in public. :sing:
  • #221
peichef said:
Maybe he didn't put his hand over his heart during that rendition of your national anthem because the person singing the song BUTCHERED it! You guys have a lovely, powerful (albeit difficult to sing) anthem. That lady should not have been allowed to sing it in public. :sing:

That's a REALLY poor excuse to not show your patriotism, no matter WHO is singing it. The person singing it isn't the point, it is the point of what the song STANDS for.
  • #222
chefsteph07 said:
That's a REALLY poor excuse to not show your patriotism, no matter WHO is singing it. The person singing it isn't the point, it is the point of what the song STANDS for.

I get that. But I don't get the big kerfuffle over the whole deal. He wasn't doing anything disrespectful while the anthem was being played. He didn't hold his hand over his heart. Maybe it's "an American thing" that it's an expectation that one holds his / her hand over one's heart during the anthem. I know most Cdns don't do it. Heck, most don't even sing along. (PLEASE don't think I'm saying that it's a good thing that most Cdns don't sing along. I think we are far too unpatriotic as a nation).

I guess I could see the upset if he was not paying attention, slouching, chewing gum, etc. But he was standing straight, hands clasped & respectful.

Again, maybe it's a big culture clash here, but I don't really don't get it. He seems to be an "America lover" as far as I can tell. For Pete's sake, he's devoted his entire adult life to serving your nation & his community. He has given up his personal security & any semblance of a "normal" private life in order to run for the highest office in your country.

I am not an Obama lover. I think the way the media has handled him from the get go has been one-sided and completely biased. (Particularly ABC, NBC, and CNN.) But that isn't Obama's fault. The responsibility to provide fair, unbiased coverage rests with the media outlets. And let's not pretend that there aren't McCain loving outlets, too. (Hello FOX News.)
But I think he is the better of the two choices main you have. I think I would have been more confident in him had he waited 8 yrs to run (after Hilary had her time in the White House).

My comment earlier about the lady butchering your anthem was not serious. I was trying to bring some levity to a discussion that has gotten way too personal and, often, nasty.
  • #223
Charity - We have a "Flag Code" in the United States. It states:§ 301. National anthem
(a) Designation.— The composition consisting of the words and music known as the Star-Spangled Banner is the national anthem.
(b) Conduct During Playing.— During a rendition of the national anthem—
(1) when the flag is displayed—
(A) all present except those in uniform should stand at attention facing the flag with the right hand over the heart;
(B) men not in uniform should remove their headdress with their right hand and hold the headdress at the left shoulder, the hand being over the heart; and
(C) individuals in uniform should give the military salute at the first note of the anthem and maintain that position until the last note; and
(2) when the flag is not displayed, all present should face toward the music and act in the same manner they would if the flag were displayed.
  • #224
About the Flag Code:It was on June 22, 1942 that Congress passed a joint resolution which was amended on December 22, 1942 to become Public Law 829; Chapter 806, 77th Congress, 2nd session. Exact rules for use and display of the flag (36 U.S.C. 173-178) as well as associated sections (36 U.S.C. 171) Conduct during Playing of the National Anthem, (36 U.S.C. 172) the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag, and Manner of Delivery were included.Until 1989, there were penalties for not following it. While there are no longer penalties, it is respect for your country to follow it.
  • #225
Good info, Janet. I didn't know it was a law. I thought about it tonight at the volleyball game. We never put our hands over our hearts, ever. I looked around to see if anyone had their hands over their hearts. I didn't see anyone doing it. Maybe, I'll bring it up to the administration and the coach.
  • #226
I think...whether it is law or not...that placing your hand over your heart and singing along with the national anthem, as well as placing your hand over your heart and reciting the pledge of allegiance is respectful. It's like military personnel saluting each other. Men and women gave their lives for the freedoms we have in our country. If you can't respect them enough to place your hand over your heart then I don't feel that you have respect for America or anything American. My husband is a military officer and he is greatly offended when you do not place your hand over your heart and remove your hat. Just my personal oppinion.
  • #227
Shawnna said:
I think...whether it is law or not...that placing your hand over your heart and singing along with the national anthem, as well as placing your hand over your heart and reciting the pledge of allegiance is respectful. It's like military personnel saluting each other. Men and women gave their lives for the freedoms we have in our country. If you can't respect them enough to place your hand over your heart then I don't feel that you have respect for America or anything American. My husband is a military officer and he is greatly offended when you do not place your hand over your heart and remove your hat. Just my personal oppinion.

And I agree with your personal opinion... I don't care how straight you are standing...put your darn hand over your heart...
  • #228
I grew up where we all placed our hands over our hearts. I think it was in junior high or high school, where I heard that some people request to not have to participate in the pledge of allegiance. I am always amazed at how disrespectful some people can be during the national anthem. Some mumble to their neighbor, look at every direction except where the flag is, and no hand over the heart. For me, it seems like someone is just a bystander and not a participant. Are people here reaping all the benefits of this country and what sacrifices have been made, but not willing to pay respect for what this means and how we got it?
  • Thread starter
  • #229
I think the reason people don't put their hand over their heart, etc. is that they are no longer saying it in school. That's where we were taught to do it and the "rules". Kids learn it in scouts or from their parents but that's about it. They look around and see adults not paying attention so they don't and it goes from there.

I think skewering Obama for it is (not a personal comment) stupid. He was respectful. And before you start telling me why he should, should we then start skewering JAE for not doing it at her volleyball game? It's no different.
  • #230
Well, back to the SUBJECT -- why I LIKE Obama...because I am ready for change and tired of the politics as usual. Our time has come.

So....have YOU voted yet?????? We are going this morning. PLEASE don't wait. The lines on election day will be longer than ever before. The time to vote is NOW -- come on, you know who you are voting for -- why wait??

I am also working the phones at the Democratic Headquarters tonight. I will be encouraging others to get out early and vote, so here I am to encourage you to vote TODAY!
  • #231
BethCooks4U said:
I think the reason people don't put their hand over their heart, etc. is that they are no longer saying it in school. That's where we were taught to do it and the "rules". Kids learn it in scouts or from their parents but that's about it. They look around and see adults not paying attention so they don't and it goes from there.

I think skewering Obama for it is (not a personal comment) stupid. He was respectful. And before you start telling me why he should, should we then start skewering JAE for not doing it at her volleyball game? It's no different.

The difference is JAE was not informed, she said she didn't know it was a LAW..and she is going to rectify it by talking to the VB association about it...and I'm sure she will start doing it from this day forward...unlike Obama.
  • #232
Again, the name of THIS thread is What I LIKE About Obama, so:

back to the SUBJECT -- why I LIKE Obama...because I am ready for change and tired of the politics as usual. Our time has come.

So....have YOU voted yet?????? We are going this morning. PLEASE don't wait. The lines on election day will be longer than ever before. The time to vote is NOW -- come on, you know who you are voting for -- why wait??

I am also working the phones at the Democratic Headquarters tonight. I will be encouraging others to get out early and vote, so here I am to encourage you to vote TODAY!
  • #233
The whole "vote early" thing must be only for some states - because we don't have that here in Michigan...unless you get an abstentia vote, but you do that by mail - and it's only for those who are homebound, or who live out of state but are registered to vote in Michigan.

So - we will be voting on the first Tuesday of November, just like always.
  • Thread starter
  • #234
Yes! Vote early! ...if you are in one of the 30 states that can. Otherwise, clear your day because the lines will be long on November 4. No matter what! Stay in line! Don't let anything or anyone discourage you from exercising your right to vote. EVERY vote counts!
  • #235
BethCooks4U said:
Yes! Vote early! ...if you are in one of the 30 states that can. Otherwise, clear your day because the lines will be long on November 4. No matter what! Stay in line! Don't let anything or anyone discourage you from exercising your right to vote. EVERY vote counts!

Even the bogus ones!

Thanks ACORN!
  • #236
chefruthie said:
Even the bogus ones!

Thanks ACORN!

Yep, I agree that ACORN sucks! However, I don't think that anyone named Mickey Mouse or Tinker Bell will really show up to vote.

I believe that some people, when in need of money to feed their families, will do anything. ACORN was paying people to gather names. They paid them $8 per hour for a minimum of names to be collected....bad idea!

People will do anything for money in an economy such as ours. That needs to change!
  • #236
  • #237
jwpamp said:
Yep, I agree that ACORN sucks! However, I don't think that anyone named Mickey Mouse or Tinker Bell will really show up to vote.

I believe that some people, when in need of money to feed their families, will do anything. ACORN was paying people to gather names. They paid them $8 per hour for a minimum of names to be collected....bad idea!

People will do anything for money in an economy such as ours. That needs to change!

I disagree. Some people will do anything for money no matter the economy. There are many people, no matter the economy or for any reason that would do unlawful things.
  • #238
That is true.

I am agreeing with you here, Ruthie!

I just think that it's worse when the economy is bad.
  • #239
Now, have to get to work to pay for the little guy's college bills! See ya later!
  • #240
Janet thanks for filling me in. Now I get why people are upset & think it demonstrates a lack of patriotism not to place one's hand over one's heart. Like I said, in Canada very few people place their hand over their heart during the anthem.

I still think it's pretty small potatoes, though. Surely those who don't like Obama can find bigger picking points than that!?!
  • #241
I don't know if this has been posted yet or not but has anyone been to this website?

You can calculate an estimate of the tax difference you will get under each plan (McCain vs Obama)

Pretty interesting stuff.
  • #242
pamperdpaula said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet or not but has anyone been to this website?

You can calculate an estimate of the tax difference you will get under each plan (McCain vs Obama)

Pretty interesting stuff.

It would be more interesting...and truthful, if it was done by a nonpartisan organization. Seeing that it is done by the Obama organization, of course it is going to put his tax plan in a better light.:rolleyes:
  • #243
BethCooks4U said:
I think the reason people don't put their hand over their heart, etc. is that they are no longer saying it in school. That's where we were taught to do it and the "rules". Kids learn it in scouts or from their parents but that's about it. They look around and see adults not paying attention so they don't and it goes from there.

I think skewering Obama for it is (not a personal comment) stupid. He was respectful. And before you start telling me why he should, should we then start skewering JAE for not doing it at her volleyball game? It's no different.

I guess we should give Obama a pass on this since he did spend some of his elementary years of education in Indonesia:rolleyes:!!

I wonder what other basic American values he doesn't have?
  • #244
Well, it is an automatic calculator. It just plugs the numbers you put in into his plan. I don't think that just because it is on his site means that it is untruthful in any way. I've plugged in different numbers and just like what they say, when you plug in income over a certain amount, it will say sorry, we don't expect you to receive any tax cuts.
  • #245
pamperdpaula said:
I don't know if this has been posted yet or not but has anyone been to this website?

You can calculate an estimate of the tax difference you will get under each plan (McCain vs Obama)

Pretty interesting stuff.

Another funny thing about this is that if Bush's tax cuts scheduled to expire in 2011 were renewed, it would have the same effect as Obama's supposed tax cuts.


Another interesting thing about Obama's site is that it doesn't seem to calculate proper taxable income and it doesn't say how it calculated McCain's either...it just gives a value in a chart. I played with numerous scenarios...it just doesn't add up...

Meant to persuade the general public who doesn't study...
  • #246
Di_Can_Cook said:
This election, however, is too important to be a one-issue voter, and too important to throw my vote away.

Our economy is in dire straits, and I cannot support a candidate who does not comprehend that ...

Di, I don't mean to pick a fight here, but if you're saying that you're voting on the basis of the economy, then you're simply saying that the economic issue is your 'single issue' this time as opposed to abortion.

I'll admit that my 'single issue' is the life issue. It's more important than my pocketbook. And if my support of that single issue costs me all my worldly goods--well, so be it.

All voters are single issue voters, ask any professional political consultant. There tend to be some issues that will 'cluster' (think abortion, gay marriage, school choice and for the other side gun control, register-at-the-polls, immigration amnesty) but even within the cluster each voter has one non-negotiable issue.

  • #247
cooking.with.ann said:
Di, I don't mean to pick a fight here, but if you're saying that you're voting on the basis of the economy, then you're simply saying that the economic issue is your 'single issue' this time as opposed to abortion.

I'll admit that my 'single issue' is the life issue. It's more important than my pocketbook. And if my support of that single issue costs me all my worldly goods--well, so be it.

All voters are single issue voters, ask any professional political consultant. There tend to be some issues that will 'cluster' (think abortion, gay marriage, school choice and for the other side gun control, register-at-the-polls, immigration amnesty) but even within the cluster each voter has one non-negotiable issue.


Well put, Ann - all of it...but especially the bolded part.
  • #248
No fight picked. :)

Nope, the economy is not my ONLY issue, just the more important one of many. I have nothing against single-issue voters, by the way, as there is often one issue that trumps the others. Honestly, I have a bigger problem with people who don't vote!

I, too, would "vote pro life" IF I thought that these candidates could actually affect change in this area. After 24 years of seeing pro-life presidents fail to make changes in this area over the course of my life, I am too much of a cynic to believe this would change in the next 4 years. I've bought that song and dance in the past ... not this time.

I've seen the tax calculator. I, too, am too much of a cynic to put much stock in any tax calculator put up by a candidate. That said, I plugged in my best estimate of my income and it showed a cut. A slightly bigger one under McCain, but a cut nonetheless.

I'm enough of a cynic to believe that neither candidate will accomplish the tax cuts they want anyway, so the point is moot.
  • #249
Perhaps I can explain it better this way...Whatever issue causes you to select one candidate over another candidate is your 'single issue' whether you like the use of that phrase or not. There are some voters who have the same issue every year, some don't.And just because I call myself a 'single issue voter' doesn't mean I don't also look at all the other issues--I do. I must, or I can't craft strategy for my clients. For myself, there are any number of issues in this race that keep me from voting for Obama. I've never been a fan of the redistributionist economic policies of the Socialists, for example. Single-payer health care (where the government pays for health care) sounds nice on paper, but it doesn't work. If it worked, there wouldn't be a current crisis in the Medicaid system right now--in several specialties (pediatrics being one) there are very few doctors being willing to see Medicaid patients. In one city of 350k people that I've done research on there is exactly 1 pediatrician seeing Medicaid patients, and he's leaving the system at the end of this year when he retires. That said, even if McCain was in favor of government health-care I would still support him, because that's not the most important issue on the table to me. And yes, it's been a slow battle on the life issues, I'll admit. And a frustrating one. But I certainly don't think electing someone who's going to do away with every advance we've made on that front is the correct response to that frustration.Speaking of which--nurses, pharmacists, med techs, all health-care workers. Get ready to kiss your "conscience clause" goodbye. In fact, if you happen to own a pharmacy and there are certain drugs you don't want to stock--sorry, you're going to be mandated to stock them.I could go on, but I think I've made my point.
  • #250

What is this referring to?

Speaking of which--nurses, pharmacists, med techs, all health-care workers. Get ready to kiss your "conscience clause" goodbye. In fact, if you happen to own a pharmacy and there are certain drugs you don't want to stock--sorry, you're going to be mandated to stock them.
<h2>1. What has Obama shown to be his strengths during times of crisis?</h2><p>Obama has shown that he is calm and thoughtful during times of crisis and does not rush to judgement without all the facts.</p><h2>2. Why is Obama's articulateness important for the country?</h2><p>Having a President who is articulate is important because it shows that they are not an embarrassment to the country. It also allows them to effectively communicate with allies and adversaries alike.</p><h2>3. What does Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrate?</h2><p>Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrates that he will surround himself with competent and intelligent people to help with decision making.</p><h2>4. How is Obama looking out for the middle class?</h2><p>Obama is looking out for the middle class by directly addressing their needs and proposing plans to help them, rather than relying on trickle down economics.</p><h2>5. What is Obama's focus when it comes to change in Washington?</h2><p>Obama's focus is on changing things in Washington, especially in regards to the current state of the economy and relationships with allies and adversaries. He wants to get back to where the country was at the end of the Clinton era.</p>

Related to What I Like About Obama: A Balanced Perspective on the Presidential Candidate

1. What has Obama shown to be his strengths during times of crisis?

Obama has shown that he is calm and thoughtful during times of crisis and does not rush to judgement without all the facts.

2. Why is Obama's articulateness important for the country?

Having a President who is articulate is important because it shows that they are not an embarrassment to the country. It also allows them to effectively communicate with allies and adversaries alike.

3. What does Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrate?

Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrates that he will surround himself with competent and intelligent people to help with decision making.

4. How is Obama looking out for the middle class?

Obama is looking out for the middle class by directly addressing their needs and proposing plans to help them, rather than relying on trickle down economics.

5. What is Obama's focus when it comes to change in Washington?

Obama's focus is on changing things in Washington, especially in regards to the current state of the economy and relationships with allies and adversaries. He wants to get back to where the country was at the end of the Clinton era.

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