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Politics What I Like About Obama: A Balanced Perspective on the Presidential Candidate

In summary, The conversation involves starting a "What I like..." thread instead of posting on a "What scares me..." thread. The thread is meant to give the other side a chance to be heard and for fair discussion. The person speaking is a supporter of Obama but has previously voted for McCain and Bush. They appreciate Obama's calmness and thoughtfulness in times of crisis, his articulate speaking abilities, and his choice of a competent VP. They also like his focus on helping the middle class and changing things in Washington. They appreciate his reluctance to engage in negative campaigning and his willingness to talk to enemies. They also admire his ability to find common ground with McCain while also pointing out areas of disagreement. Finally, they appreciate that Obama is running
  • #151
Jessamary said:
I apologize and I will remove it.

Now it looks like Steph made post #141. Guess I was glad I was at a Fire Dept. meeting.
  • #152
janetupnorth said:
Now it looks like Steph made post #141. Guess I was glad I was at a Fire Dept. meeting.

Yes, you should be glad! :)

Thank you for apologizing, Jess...
  • #153
janetupnorth said:
Now it looks like Steph made post #141. Guess I was glad I was at a Fire Dept. meeting.

What was wrong w/ my post 141?
I wasn't being sarcastic at all..
  • #154
chefsteph07 said:
What was wrong w/ my post 141?
I wasn't being sarcastic at all..

Was #141 the one that Jess deleted??
  • #155
They were referring to my post...I removed it and that made your post #141.
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  • #156
jrodeo said:
Wow. . . where's that iggy button.

jrodeo: Please remove this post too. Jess removed the one you quoted here so let's get this one gone too.

Thanks. (post 145)
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  • #157
I don't have a sign yet but will pick one up today. I also will be making calls.
  • #158
DebbieSAChef said:
Yes I did admit to taking the pill before I knew the facts. Ignorance is not bliss. Anyway I think that's it's a great misunderstanding to say that someone is pushing their own personal convictions and beliefs on someone when what I am saying is from the Word of God.
And before you say the usual response "That's your interpretation."
God is against the murder of innocent children. Period. No matter what anyone says or tries to justify there is no reason for it.

Debbie :D

That's lovely that you have you own personal beliefs and convictions regarding God, but regardless of how much you say it's the absolute truth...many people still don't believe that. Many people have their own absolute truths that aren't the "Word of God."
  • #159
Hathery said:
That's lovely that you have you own personal beliefs and convictions regarding God, but regardless of how much you say it's the absolute truth...many people still don't believe that. Many people have their own absolute truths that aren't the "Word of God."

Well I agree, but it still needs to be said. If something is white and my child insists it's black, I have to state truth not something that will keep peace.
Anyway Jess I accept your apology. I have no bad feelings towards anyone on here at all. I enjoy these conversations not because I love controversy but I do enjoy a good thought out debate. With both sides telling how they feel.
And just for the record, I would never toss out my daughter if she were pregnant. We would work out the problem with prayer, repentance and hopefully true salvation for her in the midst of her sins. Jesus never abandoned sinners, he ate with them and lovingly told them to sin no more. I would do the same. I have taken in people who chose drugs, fornication, and to use me rather than come to Jesus but that is what the Lord would have me to do.
I totally understand the love of God and try to show it to the best of my ability but I also want people to understand the wrath of God and the coming judgment. Because there is one and I was on my way to destruction before someone shared the TRUTH with me. I care enough about the souls of others to share the truth with them too. Even if it makes me seem close minded and like a fanatic. I don't mind those names.

Debbie :D
  • #160
It's funny you should mention signs. A few years back we had a Bush sign in our yard and my husband came home from work to find a young girl and young guy (probably college age) trying to pull it out from our yard. But when my husband said "Can I help you?"
The guy ran and jumped in the car with the girl and sped off. My husband and I laugh about it all the time. My goodness if they wanted a sign all they had to do was ask. :rolleyes:

Debbie :chef:
  • #161
I'm guessing they wanted to desecrate it, not take it for themselves! LOL
  • #162
chefsteph07 said:
I'm guessing they wanted to desecrate it, not take it for themselves! LOL

I know I was being sarcastic. I thought you of all people would notice sarcasm!! Sorry I had to do it!! I hope you know I'm joking! LOL

They didn't know we actually had like 10 other signs that we were passing out to friends. I wish we could have slapped a Bush bumper sticker on their car before they sped off. As a gift of love!!!

Debbie :D
  • #163
DebbieSAChef said:
I have no bad feelings towards anyone on here at all. I enjoy these conversations not because I love controversy but I do enjoy a good thought out debate.
Debbie :D

Finally, something we both can agree on. :D
  • #164
DebbieSAChef said:
It's funny you should mention signs. A few years back we had a Bush sign in our yard and my husband came home from work to find a young girl and young guy (probably college age) trying to pull it out from our yard. But when my husband said "Can I help you?"
The guy ran and jumped in the car with the girl and sped off. My husband and I laugh about it all the time. My goodness if they wanted a sign all they had to do was ask. :rolleyes:

Debbie :chef:

In Madison we have an outbreak of people stealing Obama signs. I don't understand why anyone would steal a sign...if you disagree with the sign, put up 2 opposing signs in YOUR yard :)
  • #165
Jessamary said:
Finally, something we both can agree on. :D

Haha, me too! :D
  • #166
Did any of you in the swing states get an "Obsession" DVD? On of my coworkers who lives in a more northern, rural county did, but no one in Dane County seems to have (guess they figured it was a lost cause...) These DVD's are absolutely horrible...glad to see that they might lose their tax-exempt status.

OBSESSION story...
  • #167
Hathery said:
In Madison we have an outbreak of people stealing Obama signs. I don't understand why anyone would steal a sign...if you disagree with the sign, put up 2 opposing signs in YOUR yard :)

I think in Madison it's more of a case that people really are stealing the signs for their own use!

BTW, I used to live in Sun Prairie before I moved to the Dells. :)
  • #168
Jessamary said:
I think in Madison it's more of a case that people really are stealing the signs for their own use!

BTW, I used to live in Sun Prairie before I moved to the Dells. :)

That's kind of what people were saying around here! haha.

Awesome!! SP is a great community, but I love the Dells too. We got mini-golfing there at least a few times a year :)
  • #169
Jessamary said:
I think in Madison it's more of a case that people really are stealing the signs for their own use!

BTW, I used to live in Sun Prairie before I moved to the Dells. :)

Knowing Madtown I'd have to agree! :D
  • #170
I know we are off the abortion issue and I don't want to start any arguements (and that is not what I'm doing so read on).

I am a registered Democrat so I keep getting mailings from the Obama campaign that McCain is Pro-Life!! Needless to say they go in my shredder:)!

I thought some of you would get a kick out of it.
  • #171
Thankfully I haven't started getting any mailings. And thank goodness they didn't mail that "Obsession" DVD to us in Dane County, or there would have been some serious issues :)
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  • #172
What I like... Lately I have seen a lot of Obama ads where he is saying what he would do as president and is talking about issues.

What I like... That in the debates both he and Biden looked very "presidential" - intelligent, thoughtfull, but not impulsive. They made me feel that they genuinely care about our country and it's people. It's time we got that back in the White House.
  • #173
It was stuffed in some newspapers around here and also came in the mail ... if it came to my house, it got tossed, un-watched.

Curious now that it is an "election issue" whether it makes the false claim that Obama is a Muslim. I said, "My father was a Baptist and a truck driver ... does that make ME one?"

The ad you mentioned is my roomate's favorite because it doesn't attack anyone ... just states his goals.

It is interesting the mail and phone calls we get ... both of us are registered Democrats but my brother who used to live here is a die-hard Republican ... so my roomate informs any calls from the McCain camp that NO Republicans live here!

(Roomie, who hates my brother and will do anything to get under his skin, wants to fill the yard with signs ... I am not so anxious to make my yard a target for vandals ...)
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  • #174
Here are some great links. Let's put out the facts.

Watch a brief video and learn about Barack's early years, his education, his work as a community organizer and civil rights attorney, and his years in the Illinois and U.S. Senate. This is a great introduction to share with your friends:

An expert on foreign policy, Joe Biden's heart and values are firmly rooted in the middle class. Read about Joe's life, family, values, and accomplishments:

Catch up on the latest news, photos, and videos from the campaign trail and share your thoughts on our official campaign blog:

Learn more about Barack's positions on a variety of issues, from his opposition to the war in Iraq to his plan for universal health care:
  • Thread starter
  • #175
This is from a Republican who served 30 years in the House:

Why Obama?

Dear Beth,

I am proud to have served thirty years as a Republican in Congress. But this past Spring, I came to the conclusion that the party I loved, respected, and supported had lost its moorings.

The tradition, pragmatism, and inspiration of leaders like Lincoln, Eisenhower, and Reagan have given way to partisan divisiveness.

Today, our country faces unprecedented problems -- an economic downturn as profound as any in living memory, growing instability in global security, and important questions about our energy future.

More of the same simply doesn't fit the times, and Republicans as well as Democrats understand that change is needed.

After decades in Washington -- witnessing the processes of government firsthand -- I have every confidence that Barack Obama is ready to bring that change.

As Barack often says, this is a defining moment. Good citizens may disagree on issues and approaches to problem solving, but rarely have we had a greater need to pull together and seek unity in the face of division.

Barack has a broad, inclusive vision for the future of America. He is forward-looking in his proposals on alternative energy and education, and grounded in an approach to decision making that transcends party.

He has chosen foreign policy and economic advisers of the highest caliber. People like Retired General Anthony Zinni, former Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker, and President Clinton's Secretary of the Treasury Bob Rubin are all first-class professionals.

And he has shown his ability to withstand challenge. I often tell my students at Princeton to choose a candidate who most reflects what Lincoln termed "the better angels of our nature." Senator Obama has more reason than any Presidential candidate I have observed to lash out with anger. Yet he responds to irresponsible Swift Boat-style attacks with calm and steady leadership.

Barack Obama has inspired millions who want a new approach to politics and civic life -- Democrats and Republicans alike.



Former Representative Jim Leach
Iowa's 2nd District, 1977 - 2007

P.S. -- I gave a speech laying out some of the reasons so many traditional Republicans and independents support Senator Obama at the Democratic National Convention. You can watch it here:

  • #176
Beth -- I love this. Thanks!
  • #177
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  • #178
Please don't post these lies and slander and slime on this thread you have enough of that on your own thread. This thread is about What we LIKE about Obama.

I am sorry but while I have vowed to not post on that thread I have scanned at and comments like "with no soul" and "a bought man"* and tying him to people just because he knew them (if my neighbor was a child molester would that make me one?) and attacking anyone who dares disagree with you (meaning the theme of the other thread) just plays into all the lies and garbage coming out of the McCain campaign.

Did you even hear McCain when that woman said to him "he's an Arab" and McCain replied "he's a decent man that I have differences with". Good thing she asked him in his face.

I am tired of all the lies and accusations. No one is perfect but all this hate that's spewing out is rediculous and scary. Look at the whole person not just the characature that hate mongers are spreading. You will see that the tiny thread of truth is being woven into a blanket of lies.

What scares me about Obama is that the evil of the lies will endanger his life when he's elected. This country needs to come together and act "Christian".

Now please, go play on your own thread.

*I know I quoted just one person and I apologize but it was the latest and I just wanted to give an example. It is in no way anything personal about that poster.
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  • #179
From my inbox on 10/8/08:

Beth --

The McCain campaign is on the ropes, and sadly it's no surprise they're responding with attacks and outright lies.

I've heard some pretty unspeakable things in the past few days -- deeply offensive smears that we'll hear over and over again until Election Day.

John McCain and Governor Palin are setting a new low in presidential politics with their dishonorable campaign.

After last night's debate, it's clear why John McCain doesn't want to talk about the issues facing ordinary Americans -- especially the economy, which his own advisers admit he can't talk about without losing.

Barack won last night by offering clear plans to rebuild our economy from the bottom up, lower healthcare costs, and end the war in Iraq responsibly.

McCain tried to push more of the same disastrous Bush administration policies -- more tax cuts for the wealthy and giant corporations, deregulating the healthcare industry and taxing employer-based healthcare plans, and continuing to spend $10 billion a month in Iraq.

So what's left for the McCain campaign? Negative attacks and lies.

And it's even worse from some of the well-funded outside groups supporting McCain, whose sole purpose is tearing Barack down with smears.

Instead of focusing on the issues that really matter, our opponents are doing everything they can to encourage this toxic atmosphere.

We cannot stand by and let them get away with it.


Thanks for your support,

Joe Biden
  • #180
I'm breaking my self-imposed silence (muzzle) only for the sake of balance.

DH and I are registered Independents. As such, we have received quite a bit of poitical mailings. Having been stationed overseas with the military during most previous elections, I just had no idea what passed for campaign literature. What we have received is clearly slanderous and worded to generate fear by appealing to ignorance. I've been stunned.

The reason I'm posting, is that all the political mailings we've received have been from the Obama campaign. I am not advocating one candidate or the other, but have to point out that what you are berating McCain for, the Obama camp is doing.
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  • #181
legacypc46 said:
I'm breaking my self-imposed silence (muzzle) only for the sake of balance.

DH and I are registered Independents. As such, we have received quite a bit of poitical mailings. Having been stationed overseas with the military during most previous elections, I just had no idea what passed for campaign literature. What we have received is clearly slanderous and worded to generate fear by appealing to ignorance. I've been stunned.

The reason I'm posting, is that all the political mailings we've received have been from the Obama campaign. I am not advocating one candidate or the other, but have to point out that what you are berating McCain for, the Obama camp is doing.
Interesting. The emails and mailings I get are just the oposite. The McCain people are bombarding me with, to use your words, slanderous and fear generating information - even when I tell them to remove me from their list.

While it may be interpreted that I feel that way, I have not said and do not feel that the Obama campaign is perfect or innocent but I have been watching the news, reading on the web, listening to the radio - both sides. I listen to the right and left wing stations. I listen to the candidates. Sorry, but I stand by my opinion that McCain's campain is slinging way more dirt than Obama's. Often, the Obama side is responding to McCain's charges.

Obama did not want to do any negative campaigning and when he didn't he was protrayed as weak. When he fights back they say he started it. Whatever.

Oh, and BTW, we are registered Independent too. We were Republican until recently. Both parties tend to forget who they represent.

When I first got interested in the election I was anti-Hillary. I didn't have a strong opinion either way about Obama but felt he was a much better choice than she. I voted for him in the primary because I liked what he said but I wasn't sure I'd vote for him in the general election. I liked McCain. Then I started really listening to both and more and more liked what Obama said and felt that McCain was concentrating on attacking and not dealing with issues and then he picked Palin, solidifying my decision.

This thread is supposed to be a positive thread about the democratic candidate - why we like him/his candidacy. Discussion is welcome but if you (general "you") want to attack please do it on the other thread.
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  • #182
Beth, I have not attacked anyone who supports Obama. I actually considered voting for him myself. I just want people to know the facts. I'm not telling anyone how to vote.

Don't you want to know why he is so afraid of his past? Why doesn't he release his college records? Why doesn't he release who has made large contributions to his campaign? He states he is going to give tax release to 95% of Americans - while 1/3 of all Americans don't even pay federal income tax! He also said he wants to "spread the wealth."

Like I posted in another thread, how is that any different from taking the commission from PC's top sellers and giving it to the rest of us? We all are born with the same opportunities in this country. The same as we are all given the same starter kit from PC. It's what we choose to do with our lives that matters.

My husband and I worked very hard to put ourselves through college. Paying back the tuition took 15 years. I remember when my children were little people would ask me, "Are you saving your your children’s college?" I would state, "We're still paying off our college loans." Now since my husband and I make a decent living my first child, who started college this fall, could get no aid or scholarships. She is borrowing the money just as we did and will probably have to spend 20 years paying it back.

On the other hand I have a sister who stays home with her children and actually receives more money back from the government then her and her husband pay - due to the earned income tax credit and child tax credits. If you look up the reasoning behind the earned income tax credit you will find it is simply "welfare." The government didn't want people feeling bad about receiving government handouts. Now people feel these large tax returns - more then they paid in - is owed to them! Anyhow, her children in the state of Indiana will be able to go to any state college for FREE! How is that a fair system? In my opinion we are already "spreading the wealth" too much - and I'm not wealthy by any means!

The federal taxes my husband and I pay each year take almost my entire income to pay. If you count the state, local and sales taxes it eats it all up and then some. I technically work to give my money to the government! I'm really sick of them giving it to people who think it is owed to them because they live in the USA and they don't have it as good as others! It's not the governments money - it's my money and a lot of other hard working Americans! Where is personal responsibility for people? I think it's time the government enacts some "tough love."

My husband and I have paid into the Social Security system our entire working careers. We have also put money into our 401k’s – living in a very small house in order to be able to afford to do this since we won’t have a pension. We have done the responsible thing, but I’ve heard one if the ideas the government has for SS being broke in the future is to give to only those who haven’t saved money for retirement! I guess this is another way to punish those who have done the right thing – Oh I mean; it’s a way to “spread the wealth!”
This thread is in no means worded toward you in a mean way. I’m just voicing my disgust for the way this country is moving and I don’t see where Obama is going to make it any better. In my opinion it is going to be worse.

If he does become our President I will pray for him and our country. I hope I am wrong about my fears and he does improve things. I believe whoever is the next President is in for a very rough time.
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  • #183
Rhonda, I agree with a lot of your post. We too are middle income earners and get no breaks. College - totally our responsibility (parents didn't help one bit); we are told we are responsible for our kid's college - they will only loan the student a small portion of the total cost; and now they're suggesting we save for our grandchildren's education. Yeah, and when do we save for retirement. I agree that if you are below a certain level you get big breaks but what galls me is that if you are above a certain level you get even bigger breaks. Trickle down does not work.

My response to your thread was in regards to the Hannady link. He is among the most vile of "reporters" out there and I have never heard him speak in an unbiased way - I do listen to him regularly. And FOX rarely has an unbiased word.

Before you all attack me: I know that other media is also biased the other way. That is why I listen to both sides and also do fact checking of my own. It is rediculous how a small truth is manipulated in such evil ways.

We really need to stop all the fighting and mudslinging and realize that both men are good people and fully support whoever is elected. All this hate will just divide the nation. Neither one is as scary as their opponent wants us to believe. We can elect someone else in 4 years if we want to.
  • #184
BethCooks4U said:
Interesting. The emails and mailings I get are just the oposite. The McCain people are bombarding me with, to use your words, slanderous and fear generating information - even when I tell them to remove me from their list.

While it may be interpreted that I feel that way, I have not said and do not feel that the Obama campaign is perfect or innocent but I have been watching the news, reading on the web, listening to the radio - both sides. I listen to the right and left wing stations. I listen to the candidates. Sorry, but I stand by my opinion that McCain's campain is slinging way more dirt than Obama's. Often, the Obama side is responding to McCain's charges.

Obama did not want to do any negative campaigning and when he didn't he was protrayed as weak. When he fights back they say he started it. Whatever.

Oh, and BTW, we are registered Independent too. We were Republican until recently. Both parties tend to forget who they represent.

When I first got interested in the election I was anti-Hillary. I didn't have a strong opinion either way about Obama but felt he was a much better choice than she. I voted for him in the primary because I liked what he said but I wasn't sure I'd vote for him in the general election. I liked McCain. Then I started really listening to both and more and more liked what Obama said and felt that McCain was concentrating on attacking and not dealing with issues and then he picked Palin, solidifying my decision.

This thread is supposed to be a positive thread about the democratic candidate - why we like him/his candidacy. Discussion is welcome but if you (general "you") want to attack please do it on the other thread.

Here in Indiana Obama did start the negative campaigning. We are one of the battle ground states. We can't watch 5 minutes of TV w/o seeing an Obama ad. I'll actually be so happy when it is over:)!
  • #187
BethCooks4U said:
Rhonda, I agree with a lot of your post. We too are middle income earners and get no breaks. College - totally our responsibility (parents didn't help one bit); we are told we are responsible for our kid's college - they will only loan the student a small portion of the total cost; and now they're suggesting we save for our grandchildren's education. Yeah, and when do we save for retirement. I agree that if you are below a certain level you get big breaks but what galls me is that if you are above a certain level you get even bigger breaks. Trickle down does not work.

My response to your thread was in regards to the Hannady link. He is among the most vile of "reporters" out there and I have never heard him speak in an unbiased way - I do listen to him regularly. And FOX rarely has an unbiased word.

Before you all attack me: I know that other media is also biased the other way. That is why I listen to both sides and also do fact checking of my own. It is rediculous how a small truth is manipulated in such evil ways.

We really need to stop all the fighting and mudslinging and realize that both men are good people and fully support whoever is elected. All this hate will just divide the nation. Neither one is as scary as their opponent wants us to believe. We can elect someone else in 4 years if we want to.

I agree Hannady does swing one way, but most people watch the major networks and main stream media. Everyone needs to look at all the facts and information.

I know you have made an informed decision, but there are alot of others who don't listen to all sides.

While watching CBS my husband will tell me to change the station (he was raised republican and I was raised democrat)! I will tell him, "No, I want to see what they are saying and make my own opinion." I will often talk back to the TV though:)!
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  • #188
pampchefrhondab said:
I agree Hannady does swing one way, but most people watch the major networks and main stream media. Everyone needs to look at all the facts and information.

I know you have made an informed decision, but there are alot of others who don't listen to all sides.

While watching CBS my husband will tell me to change the station (he was raised republican and I was raised democrat)! I will tell him, "No, I want to see what they are saying and make my own opinion." I will often talk back to the TV though:)!

Oh, I do that ALL the time!
  • #189
Beth and Rhonda, I like that you think for yourselves. I really, really do. :)
  • #191
BethCooks4U said:
Here's a video of Colin Powell on Meet the Press today. He is one of our great American Generals (retired) and was a cabinet member under Bush.


Thanks for posting this link. What an awesome interview! I heard that Colin was going to be on Meet the Press today and that he might endorse a candidate. I really did not think he would.

I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Powell (though I wish he would have had the guts to stand up to the truth regarding our going into Iraq). He states, so succinctly, many of the thoughts that are running through my head about this election and the people running for office.

It brought tears to my eyes when he talked about the mother at the grave.

Thank you.
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  • #192
chefjeanine said:

Thanks for posting this link. What an awesome interview! I heard that Colin was going to be on Meet the Press today and that he might endorse a candidate. I really did not think he would.

I have a great deal of respect for Mr. Powell (though I wish he would have had the guts to stand up to the truth regarding our going into Iraq). He states, so succinctly, many of the thoughts that are running through my head about this election and the people running for office.

It brought tears to my eyes when he talked about the mother at the grave.

Thank you.
Me too. I thought it was a well thoughtout, compelling endorsement.
  • #194
pampchefrhondab said:
I believe whoever is the next President is in for a very rough time.

ITA, completely!
  • #195
No matter what side you are on, but especially if you like Obama, keep his family in your prayers. He just suspended his campaign to rush to the side of his ailing grandmother who raised him. This must be a tough time for the whole family.
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  • #196
Di_Can_Cook said:
No matter what side you are on, but especially if you like Obama, keep his family in your prayers. He just suspended his campaign to rush to the side of his ailing grandmother who raised him. This must be a tough time for the whole family.

I was just coming to post that. Thanks.

Actually, though, his campaign is not suspended. He's just leaving the campain trail. Everything else is still happening.
  • #197
Oh, that's terrible -- I hadn't heard about that! Prayers are definately in order.
  • #198
Yeah .. his wife is coming to MY TOWN in his place!

I am thinking of going ... but I want to see if my friends want to go!
  • #199
bump -- equal time in the top 10 list as the what I don't like thread :)
  • #200
First off, Trickle Down Economics is the ONLY thing that works. You can't Trickle up.

I would assume the poor well outnumber the wealthy. As a percentage of the population take those that make over 1M a year compared to those that make less than say 30k a year. I'd say 30k would be a MUCH larger numer.

Now, the next step to model trickle down economics compared to trickle up, or Spread The Wealth economics would be.. How many people do you think the <30K emloyee? How many do you think the >1M employee? People on welfeare, and those living at or near the poverty line don't employ others, other than those in the beuracracy to ensure they get their checks every month. The upper class and the rich employ most of the US population (like the founders and President of Pampered Chef). THAT's trickle down economics, nothing else could feasibly work, and it has worked with GREAT success for the past 30 years in this country. Our problems have nothing to do with economic strategies, but with greed, and breaking the law. If you can't afford a 400K house, you shouldn't be able to buy a 400K house (this is NOT a principle of trickle down economics).

I also find it HILARIOUS that you speak of trickle down econoomics NOT working on a Pampered Chef site. A model of MLM and a macro model of Trickle Down Economics working.
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<h2>1. What has Obama shown to be his strengths during times of crisis?</h2><p>Obama has shown that he is calm and thoughtful during times of crisis and does not rush to judgement without all the facts.</p><h2>2. Why is Obama's articulateness important for the country?</h2><p>Having a President who is articulate is important because it shows that they are not an embarrassment to the country. It also allows them to effectively communicate with allies and adversaries alike.</p><h2>3. What does Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrate?</h2><p>Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrates that he will surround himself with competent and intelligent people to help with decision making.</p><h2>4. How is Obama looking out for the middle class?</h2><p>Obama is looking out for the middle class by directly addressing their needs and proposing plans to help them, rather than relying on trickle down economics.</p><h2>5. What is Obama's focus when it comes to change in Washington?</h2><p>Obama's focus is on changing things in Washington, especially in regards to the current state of the economy and relationships with allies and adversaries. He wants to get back to where the country was at the end of the Clinton era.</p>

Related to What I Like About Obama: A Balanced Perspective on the Presidential Candidate

1. What has Obama shown to be his strengths during times of crisis?

Obama has shown that he is calm and thoughtful during times of crisis and does not rush to judgement without all the facts.

2. Why is Obama's articulateness important for the country?

Having a President who is articulate is important because it shows that they are not an embarrassment to the country. It also allows them to effectively communicate with allies and adversaries alike.

3. What does Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrate?

Obama's choice of Joe Biden as his VP demonstrates that he will surround himself with competent and intelligent people to help with decision making.

4. How is Obama looking out for the middle class?

Obama is looking out for the middle class by directly addressing their needs and proposing plans to help them, rather than relying on trickle down economics.

5. What is Obama's focus when it comes to change in Washington?

Obama's focus is on changing things in Washington, especially in regards to the current state of the economy and relationships with allies and adversaries. He wants to get back to where the country was at the end of the Clinton era.

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