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Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

In summary, Sandy is trying to do 3-2-1 but has trouble getting to 4 contacts a week. Paulette is trying to do 3-2-1 but is not doing well with only 2 shows per month. JAE is trying to do 3-2-1 7 days a week.
  • #851
Rae, glad to hear about your host. Wow, not only does she order enough to get the orders to a show, plus order the cookware, but turns around and books a cooking show for the following month. Yippee for you! :)

My day wasn't all that productive. I started to make phone calls, left one message, and then received a call from my sister in Massachusetts, so we chatted for 25 minutes, and then my phone time was up, so that I could get the kids in bed.

I corresponded with a clustermate about a street festival we are doing together on Saturday. Talked to someone that was supposed to do a Cooking show in September, but had to reschedule. She is a manager at a McD's, and due to some personnel issues (mgrs out on leave) her scheduling has gone from month to month - to - week by week, so it is hard for her to plan. So I called her tonight and she is going to do a catty show.

Tried reaching an August catty show host that still hasn't closed her show, and I haven't heard from her in over two-three weeks. (she does not return my messages) Her voicemail picked up but I did not leave a message this time. :grumpy:

I got one or two more answering machines for customer care calls.
  • #852
Wow, my day was pretty productive. I had a show Monday and this morning it was at $400+. Well, I've spent a lot of time transfering orders from my website for this show to P3. Her show is over $600 and she called me with a name and number for a November 13 show. Now, I have four shows booked for November. Yippee! I also e-mailed all the guests who placed online orders and one replied saying she definitely wants to have a show as soon as she gets moved and is settled. I know phone is best, but if e-mail works, it works!
  • #853
JAE said:
Wow, my day was pretty productive. I had a show Monday and this morning it was at $400+. Well, I've spent a lot of time transfering orders from my website for this show to P3. Her show is over $600 and she called me with a name and number for a November 13 show. Now, I have four shows booked for November. Yippee! I also e-mailed all the guests who placed online orders and one replied saying she definitely wants to have a show as soon as she gets moved and is settled. I know phone is best, but if e-mail works, it works!

Way to go JAE!:thumbup:
  • #854
I corresponded through e-mail also. I sent one potential booking my availabe October dates so I am hoping to speak with her tomorrow.

I did a host coaching e-mail as well (per her request b/c she's never home).

I also collected an order for my open house on friday.

I have a show tomorrow (today) and that will most likely be my 3-2-1 since I will be getting my house ready for Friday's open house.
  • #855
ooohhhhhh I had the BEST call after I posted last night. I spoke with one of my team members who told me that she didn't want to do PC anymore. I was ok with it, atleast she did try it and did qualify. Well, turns out that PC has been coming to her, and she has 2 catalog shows to submit! I am so excited for her, and she sounds much more positive just knowing that she can just do the catalog shows, and keep earning free products for herself, and get a little pocket money too! Now, I had mentioned that to her before, but I guess she didn't think it could really happen. Oh, I am so excited for her!
  • #856
Bren706 said:
Rae, glad to hear about your host. Wow, not only does she order enough to get the orders to a show, plus order the cookware, but turns around and books a cooking show for the following month. Yippee for you! :)

The poor little thing was so excited about doing a party to get 60% off cookware. She kept apologizing for not holding her show. Isn't it a shame that all of our hosts aren't this conscientious? Gee whiz, her dad had complications from back surgery. She needed to be at the hospital for herself as well as for her dad. She would never have enjoyed herself if she'd held the party.

She also told me that her guests were very disappointed that she had to postpone. They understood, but they were looking forward to the party. I knew she was probably going to reschedule. What I didn't expect was for her to make up the show difference and purchase a set of cookware. That was a very nice surprise. :balloon: I've now earned one of the two pieces I want from the Pan-O-Rama. I should have the other earned in a couple of weeks. Have I mentioned lately that I love my job? :p
  • #857
JAE said:
Wow, my day was pretty productive. I had a show Monday and this morning it was at $400+. Well, I've spent a lot of time transfering orders from my website for this show to P3. Her show is over $600 and she called me with a name and number for a November 13 show. Now, I have four shows booked for November. Yippee! I also e-mailed all the guests who placed online orders and one replied saying she definitely wants to have a show as soon as she gets moved and is settled. I know phone is best, but if e-mail works, it works!

ALOT has happened since Monday night.......and it's great to see how a show that you thought was just so-so has become a TERRIFIC show! You are definitely on your way to an INCREDIBLE November!!! You are doing so well!
  • #858
Thanks BeckyD! You are a God-send. Really, I mean it. I appreciate this site, too.
Closed a show today. Closing two three shows tomorrow. I'll try to make calls today, but next week is when I'm really going to get going on the phone again. I have most of my evenings free because I don't have any shows until Oct. 9.
I love hearing everyone's successes, and appreciate the encouragement we give each other when things aren't going so great.
  • #859
Had a show tonight.

5 confirmed yes's turned into 3 attending guests.

Between the 3 of them sales were $173 though. All said not ever to a show and the business. The hosts mom (who wasn't there) wants me to do a combo/open house for her in late October or early November. I would be doing it at her new remodeled house with her daughter that sells Arbonne.
So technically I guess it's a booking but no date is set yet.

I got a "no" on the business from a potential recruit.

A couple more yes's for my Open house tomorrow night too.

At least I made my contacts today.
  • #860
Oh ya, almost forgot! When I got home from the show, a guest who didn't make it to her show had put in a $54 for her show through my web site! Plus the host will try to collect more orders.

She is getting the 7 piece SS with her 60% off and the 5-piece SS with her 50% off!!!
  • #861
You are all doing GREAT!
Christ Follower said:
Oh ya, almost forgot! When I got home from the show, a guest who didn't make it to her show had put in a $54 for her show through my web site! Plus the host will try to collect more orders.

She is getting the 7 piece SS with her 60% off and the 5-piece SS with her 50% off!!!
PAN-O-RAMA!!! I see you're doing great!!! As part of my 3-2-1 I decided to contact all of my inactive consultants including those that others recruited. I sent them new catalogs, monthly special and a note encouraging them to get back on track. One responded thru her recruiter (who didn't even know I had sent her something) and said that she used the catalogs I sent her to collect orders and got 3 (YES THREE!!!) catalog shows. Her computer broke down so she wanted to know if she could come by and use my spare computer to submit them!! I took a chance because mailing three catalogs is not cheap!! Now I will follow up with the others and see what happens.
  • #862
Thursday was another not so productive day. Well, I did work on my newsletter, (check it out under the October thread in the Newsletter Forum)and sent it out to all my contacts, except for the new Sept. ones.

I spoke to one catty host to prepare her for closing on Sunday. She only has one order, but it is $150 in itself. I spoke to another potential host who expressed interest in the DCB, but she told me she is too busy, even for a catalog show. Left one or two messages. Started looking at more contacts, but was analyzing, instead of just picking up the phone and calling. Kick me in the butt!!!!!
  • #863
Thursday I spoke with a few people in person, so I got my contacts in. Didn't make any calls, though. Just one of those days when the phone seems too heavy to pick up. Back in call mode tonight. :)
  • #864
I've been puttering around the house this morning. I'm still in my robe, as a matter of fact. However, I've already got one contact for the day. A great customer/past host called me a few minutes ago. She has a few friends who need to see catalogs. She'll get their orders. If it's enough for a show (or close), she'll do a catty. If not, she'll get the orders to me so I can add them to someone else's show. Woo hoo!And, before you ask, I've talked with her time and again about recruiting. She's not interested. That won't stop me from asking again, though. :)
  • #865
Okay, so in addition to the wonderful, out-of-the-blue call I had this morning, I made two other contacts. I also closed a $580 catalog show with 1 booking. :)Have I mentioned that I love my job?
  • #866
Rae, you are such a good worker. It's inspiring. I closed five shows this week (two catalog, three kitchen), and three of them were closed today. Talked to one of the hosts about becoming a consultant, and received five bookings off of my three cooking shows. Also made at least 10 new contacts with parents from my son's class. His teacher is getting married and I offered a catalog to the teacher and told him to make a list. So far 10 parents pitched in to buy PC products for his gift, and we already were able to get the entire list.
  • #867
I had my Open house tonight. Not a great turn out attendance wise. A TON of people cancelled at the last minute and many I spoke to yesterday just didn't show up! The sales are at $463 right now though with some more orders coming in. No bookings.
  • #868
Thanks, JAE. Wow, looks like you had a busy week. I'm hoping you got lots of Pan-O-Rama points in those five shows. :) Personally, I am only 67 points from earning everything I was shooting for. Since we have another two months and I have one September catty left to close, I imagine I'll be earning extras. That September catty was from my last cooking show. She wants cookware, and the host she booked from is looking forward to using her booking bonus to get more cookware. Gee, decisions, decision. It's so difficult to decide how to spend those "extra" Pan-O-Rama points. :)
  • #869

You are kicking boodie this month!
  • #870

I closed a catty show today.

I booked an October show (tentative date though)

I spoke to other current hosts that need to close shows by tomorrow and they said they'd be ready....yay!

Also, my only recruit who will go inactive tomorrow if she doesn't submit will (with my help) be submitted a $200 order! That will get her qualified and me 2000 points! She signed over a year ago and has never done a cooking show. She submits a catty show or takes a leave of absence to stay qualified. She told me she wants to watch me do some shows and give PC a real shot!
  • #871
Good luck Ellen. I too, had a consultant that hasn't done much with her business, went inactive and did a show in August. I've always continued to invite her to cluster meetings and call for encouragement. She came to last month's cluster meeting for the first time!! Yeah!! She submitted $27 today. A start, but she has October for her $200. I left a message for another consultant that had gone inactive to help her up and going. She was doing well for 6 months, qualified, and went back to school and has not done PC. I want to give her some advice on how this might work for her, since I work as a teacher full-time, have 3 kids and do PC. I'm going to focus on catalog shows and how those can be successful for her.I have two shows this week. thursday host I spoke with today. Saturday host I'm calling tomorrow. Monday I'm closing a catalog show.
  • #872
Christ Follower said:
WOW RAE!!! You are kicking boodie this month!
Thanks. Actually, I had two shows reschedule for October and one catty move its closing out another week. I'm looking forward to October, which I'm hoping will lead to a great November. :balloon:Talked with several people on Saturday. No solid results, but I'm building those relationships.
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  • #873
oohhh, how I've been slacking on my calls this past week! But I did make contact with EVERYONE on my team, so that was a huge goal accomplished! Everyone looks like they will be submitting in October, so that's good! Now if I could get the last 5 qualified..............

Had a show last night with low attendance,but did get a booking for November. Another show this afternoon which is a good drive away for me, so if she has bookings I'm really hoping the hosts or one of the guests will sign on as I really don't want to make that drive too often!

I am looking forward to getting back on track for this week! I NEED to get in gear so that I can earn that cruise, and as it stands now the only way that I'll do that is to majorly book my calendar, and I know that the only way to do that is to PICK UP THE PHONE!
  • #874
I had a booth all day with a sister clustermate at a street festival. This was my first official one. We offered a drawing for Free cooking Shows (vs. a free product) to get real leads. I ended up with about 16 good leads including a wedding registry. I will start contacting them today, and continue on through the week. I have a show on Monday I need to prepare for, and hoping to get a few bookings from that. I just might have a good Sell-A-Thon month after all!!!! How is everyone else doing?
  • #875
I have a friend in another thread who recommended getting back to using this thread. I have been working on getting my life back on track and am ready to stand up and get it done.

I hope you will take me back since I have been so sparatic?
  • #876
I had jury duty on Friday and made three contacts. I brought items that needed stamped and worked on that while waiting. All three got mini-catalogs and two of them I was able to get their contact info.
  • #877
To keep from a rambling post I decided to separate:

I have 3 shows to submit today and one more for Sept but had to mail those catalogues to Wyoming and so I know that show won't close until after the 1st. I know for sure on that one, there will be cookware purchased since it was for my dad who said they want it for their cabin being built in Montana. I am sure I will get a couple sets sold there.

I am planning a booking blitz for myself tonight of about 2 hours to get things rolling again.
  • #878
back from a long distance show today. sales so-so for now, she's collecting more. 1 possible catty from it. Have you ever done a show that was just "off"? That's how this one felt to me. The whole way back I kept thinking what I could've done differently, and I just can't put my finger on it. But I just felt out of sync. Maybe it was the drive? Or just the crowd? Everyone seemed to be having a great time, and I do think that the host will be a repeat host as well, but it just wasn't "a good one", ya know what I mean?

oh well, back on the phones......
I also am feeling very pressured/stressed about the upcoming months, as I really want to earn the cruise, and there are soooo many variables (recruits qualifying and still needing to get some high sales for Oct & Nov). But God is good, and if it is to be HE will help me find a way to achieve it.

Hope you all had a great weekend and HUGE sales/recruit leads!
  • #879
chef_kimmo said:
I have a friend in another thread who recommended getting back to using this thread. I have been working on getting my life back on track and am ready to stand up and get it done.

I hope you will take me back since I have been so sparatic?

WOOOOO HOOOOO KIM!!! Great to have you back! Now get your booty in gear!
  • #880
Did lots today!

Closed a $527 CATALOG show!

Closed a $364 CATALOG show!

Closed a $420 cooking show.

Booked an "out of the blue" cooking show for - get this! October 7th! That's one week away!!!!

Helped my only recruit submit her show that not only was her last chance to stay active, but her qualifying show! It only took her a year but she did it!

I still have my open house to close, but I may wait till tomorrow b/c there might be some more orders coming in and I'm $70 away from $500. I really want that extra credit.
  • #881
By the way, this month was my highest sales month ever! Over $4600!!!
  • #882
Okay so here is the low down........... I just closed two out of four shows!!!! Yesterday.... I have to laugh becasue generally when a host tells me I have some outside orders... I automaticly think 1 or 2... NOPE TRY 6 outside orders totaling $800.00 and she already had $304.00 in guest sales.... So that is my second $1,000.00 show!!!!! Then I closed another one tonight...... it closed $635.00!!and I submitted another one yesterday at 217.00 in sales!!! I have two more to close!!!!! SO ...... to break it down my total sales are over $2,000.00 this month and my commission check will be over $500.00!!! HOLY COW!!!!!! Talk about mind blowing!!!!
  • #884
Christ Follower said:
That's wonderful Leah!

I am pretty excited over here..... I really hate it when host drag their feet .... I know that their sept shows...... but they won't show until Oct Commission.... it's okay though!!!
  • #885
mommyhugz1978 said:
I am pretty excited over here..... I really hate it when host drag their feet .... I know that their sept shows...... but they won't show until Oct Commission.... it's okay though!!!

I had the same thing happen only I was the dragging host! Ha Ha Ha. I'm holding out for a couple more orders from my open house to get to $500. That'll give me a head start for October commission totals too. I'm just glad it's not an incentive month yet. I hate it when I submit shows late on those months but they don't count towards sell a thon totals!:grumpy:
  • #886
I delivered post cards to a host today. I'm closing a catalog show tomorrow and I have a personal order of $320 tomorrow.

I'm touching base with my Thursday and Saturday show. I'm going to make colored copies tomorrow of the new consultant special to send out to some hosts upcoming that were interested in the business.

I'm taking a catalog to a co-worker who requested the catalog.
  • #887
OK, today is a new day for me and I have decided that I am going to get over my fear of the phone and make some calls! I tend to way over think before I make a call and figure the person is not home, busy for some reason, or that my kids will be making too much noise, etc. So I have got to get over all of that and make it happen. I really want to get a bunch of shows on my schedule for fall and the only way to really make it happen is the phone!!

Have a great 3-2-1 day everyone!
  • #888
I am so proud of myself, I picked up that 300lb weight tonight and made CCC for a show. AND I totally focused on service for them. It was hard as I have not had many calls to make recently, August was a bad month, and the early September shows were slow to close and then the host was slow to distribute.......but, it feels good to report that I DID IT!! Now to just add some more bookings........
  • #889
A call to an upcoming host resulted in the show being postponed a week but that worked out better for me anyway.

Made an "in-person" host coach and got to see the beautiful house I will doing the show in on Saturday.

A few other possible orders coming in after some calls I made today also.
  • #890
Had a show tonight for a friend/neighbor across the street from me. This is her 3rd show I have done for her since I started in February of this year. Yes, I have already tried recruiting her. I know she will be on my team eventually. One of her guests, was a past guest, as well as a past host who I have interviewed before for the opportunity, but her husband did not want her to do it. Well, she is still thinking about it! So, I gave her the recent flyer. Other than that, there were only 2 other guests (older, who don't cook) and were not interested in booking/recruiting. The host will have a few more outside orders, in which I am hoping to get at least 1 booking from.

I did leave a message for a current catalog host today, as well as for a host for an Oct. 10th show (which this is the host's first experience with PC, and so I really want to make sure I do a good job coaching her, but I think she still needs to send those invites out!!)

I have at least 10 follow up calls to make on Tuesday from the street festival on Saturday. I also have about 4-5 host coaching calls to make (mostly catty shows) that are overdue a few days.
  • #891
At first I thought that I had totally blown it on my contacts today. Then I started thinking about it and I actually did make them. Had an email from a guest that referred me to a friend of hers. I sent an email to the friend. Then I talked to a catty host to close the show, but she wasn't quite ready. She is thinking that she may want to switch from selling Partylite to selling PC though! Then I had a past host call me that wants a new catalog.

So, although my contacts weren't intentional, they still got done. I will try a bit harder tomorrow and make the contacts myself!:D
  • #892
I had a show tonight.... no bookings so far.... show is almost a $300.00 show!!! :) made some customer care calls this afternoon, and talked to some up coming hostess!!
  • #893
I spent most of Monday morning in medical offices. At the dentist's office, I talked with the new hygienist about PC (contact 1). In the x-ray waiting room I spoke with a childhood friend about PC. She's interested in hosting a party :). In the hospital cafeteria, I spoke with the cook/cashier about PC. She's a culinary school graduate and loves PC.I also made a couple of calls before my team meeting.BTW, if you want to know why I was at the hospital and in the x-ray waiting room, read this thread:http://www.chefsuccess.com/f18/furry-guy-crutches-27162/
  • #895
I did 3-2-1 today.

1. Got an October Catalog show.

2. Spoke to a possible November booking. Still waiting on a date.

3. Collected a $100 order for my Open House I still haven't submitted yet.

4. Spoke to a past host who wants the 7-piece SS cookware and should let me know in the next couple of days if she will get it.

5. Host coaching calls too.
  • #896
I made calls to my leads from Saturday's street festival. Out of 5-6 people I actually reached, I added 5 shows to my calendar (Yes, FIVE, 4 for Oct, and 1 for November). I left messages for 2-3 more. I have a few more to reach tomorrow and Thursday, and then a couple in Dec/Jan.

Another contact hung up on me (I think! I think two different people picked up two phones at once, and when I asked for "Jessica", there was a mumbling that sounded like "hang up" and then the phone was hung up.) Not sure if I should attempt another call.

Also left some messages for a few current hosts, and touched base with my NEW Recruit, who just signed today!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! I currently have about 8 kitchen shows on my October calendar, with about 7 catty shows, and 1 November show booked. Let's hope that an almost full October, brings the same for November@@@@
  • #897
Bren706 said:
I made calls to my leads from Saturday's street festival. Out of 5-6 people I actually reached, I added 5 shows to my calendar (Yes, FIVE, 4 for Oct, and 1 for November). I left messages for 2-3 more. I have a few more to reach tomorrow and Thursday, and then a couple in Dec/Jan.

Another contact hung up on me (I think! I think two different people picked up two phones at once, and when I asked for "Jessica", there was a mumbling that sounded like "hang up" and then the phone was hung up.) Not sure if I should attempt another call.

Also left some messages for a few current hosts, and touched base with my NEW Recruit, who just signed today!

Can't wait to see what tomorrow brings! I currently have about 8 kitchen shows on my October calendar, with about 7 catty shows, and 1 November show booked. Let's hope that an almost full October, brings the same for November@@@@

Brenda! That's wonderful! Except the part about you being hung up on. You should call them back and say "oh, I think the phone was cut off when I was trying to call you....."
  • #898
Ellen - Good Job with 3-2-1 today!

Brenda - That is awesome! You should end up with a really great November with all those October shows!

I only made one contact today. It ended in a cooking show on the calendar for October though. So that makes 4 shows so far. I would love at least two more for October and then I will concentrate on November. My plan is to book November crazy full to get sales up there and hopefully recruit a few.

DH and I went over our finances today and we are really going to have to tighten our belts in order for me to continue to stay home. So I really need to pick up the phone!!!
  • #899
Ellen, I was thinking the same thing!

Sarah, Good going with your one contact. Keep up that 3-2-1 and your calendar will fill up before you know it! I hear you on the finances and being able to stay at home. Our mortgage just increased $326 due to an underestimated escrow on our taxes. YIKES. Now I am hoping all the bookings keep, and are large shows.!
  • #900
Host Coach! Host Coach! Host Coach!!!!:D
<h2>1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.</p><h2>2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?</h2><p>By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.</p><h2>3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?</h2><p>Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.</p><h2>4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?</h2><p>No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.</p><h2>5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.</p>

Related to Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.

2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?

By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.

3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?

Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.

4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?

No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.

5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.

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