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Want to Pamper Your Business and Get a Free Dessert? Try This New Approach!

I did this for businesses in the area that are in the food/beverage industry and the one I did was at a salonI did this for businesses in the food/beverage industry and the one I did was at a salon.Thank you so much for your help, this is a great idea!I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
  • #101
scottcooks said:
I tweaked the tweaked letter and included PC pictures - (hopefully nothing discontinued!) - for an even more profesisonal appearance. Thanks! I will be using this!

It's fantastic, but the Woven Large Square Server IS being retired :)
  • #102
Now, how do you do the letter? Do you mail it or personally hand it to someone at the targeted business? And what sort of businesses do you go after? Just some questions about it. I love the idea, I just can't decide how to distribute the letter.
  • #103
I mailed 20 of these today to local hair and nail salons. I included the Going, going gone flyer as well as the host and guest specials for August. I am confused as to how to follow up. Do you call and ask for the owner? It just makes me uneasy to call and follow up on something unsolicited. It just seems if they are interested, they will call but everyone on here is saying something about following up. If I can get a few of these, then my August will be AWESOME.
  • Thread starter
  • #104
I'm going tomorrow to take my dessert for my first Pamper Your Business show and I made a form to put with the cake. BTW, I'm doing the Chocolate Velvet Cake with Strawberries :) My fav!
It says:

Chocolate Bliss

You can create this decadent cake in less than 30 minutes!
Leave your name and contact number to schedule your Chocolate Bliss show today!
Your friends and family will be glad you did!

Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________
Contact Info:_____________________________​

Wish me luck!
  • #105
I think I am just going to personally hand these to various business owners and ask for their name and contact info.I don't think it really matters that the woven selections bowl is discontinued ... people might not notice exactly what it is.
  • Thread starter
  • #106
I'm leaving this letter when I leave the dessert. On the day that I pick up the orders.
  • #107
For those of you that have done this, I need advise, one lady I spoke to today said no because she feels her clients would not be interested. To me this is a nice way of saying no, she commented they were too busy.How can I make them feel that it would not interrupt their business this is the second obstacle I have run into and I was wondering what you all thought.
  • #108
scottcooks said:
I tweaked the tweaked letter and included PC pictures - (hopefully nothing discontinued!) - for an even more profesisonal appearance. Thanks! I will be using this!

This looks very nice - thank you for sharing yours edits!

I like the photos you chose and will use it even though the woven server is going to be discontinued --- it isn't yet
  • #109
Thank you to all who have posted the letter!! This site is such an inspiration for all, I'm just trying to wrap my brain on all of this, there is so much we can do to grow our business. Just awesome!
  • Thread starter
  • #110
Closed my first PYB and it was $600 in commissionable sales! WHOO HOO!
  • #111
That is wonderful, Nicki!!!!!! Continued success in PYB!!!!!
  • #112

Just curious. Do you just send the letter by itself or do you include anything else?
  • #113
Niki you are a total WAA HOO Consultant! Totally awesome! And thank you for sharing this! And yes, I too am stealing it!
  • Thread starter
  • #114
I just sent the letter but told them that if they got me any shows I would give them a $10 gift certificate per show.
I have another one starting this week.
I'm excited!
  • #115
ivy5683 said:
So I didn't feel right about just showing up with a recipe looking for 'testers' so I brainstormed this one. I decided to add this as one of the 'Services I offer' that I display at every party.
I say it's a catalog show with the benefit of a free desert!
I typed up a letter that I sent to several businesses in the area and offered this to them.
I gave them a choice of 7, 10 or 14 days to show the catalog in their office/shop and then on the final day I will bring in a free desert for them to enjoy while I pick up the orders.
I sent out about 8 letters to start and have 2 Pamper Your Business shows going on now and another scheduled for the first week of August.

Just thought I'd share!

WHat kind of business did you target?
  • Thread starter
  • #116
I targeted hair salons. I figured it's a place where lots of women go in and sit in a chair for an hour or more with nothing to look at, why not put my catalog in their hands.
  • #117
This may have been covered, but I might have missed it. Do you search for a name or do you go with the Dear business owner?
  • #118
When you leave catalogs and order forms, are you leaving instructions on how to tally orders, etc or do you just take the time to talk to the contact person about it? Are you essentially leaving them the same stuff you would as any other catalog host?
  • #119
I began my "Pamper a Business" today by stopping at 3 locations. The first one was a new salon. Both the owner and the other stylist LOVE PC! The owner invited me to come back tomorrow and set up a table from 9-2. It sounds like there may be a Grand Opening, as she is also having Mary Kay, Shaklee, and another there as well! Not sure how much traffic will be there, but I am happy!!! (and I may be crazy, because I have a show tomorrow eve).

I also stopped at another salon, but they already have a consultant (a clustermate (director) that is hospitality). My third stop was a realtor's office. The secretary took the letter and catty to give to the realtor. I hope something comes of it.
  • #120
Thanks for this great idea! I am going to send the letter and one catalog to 10 businesses this weekend and see how it goes.

I also wanted to share how I do my Gift Certificates. I do my own that have to be redeemed through me. I went on Vista print and used the standard size postcard and make it into a Gift Certificate. It is large and sturdy.
  • #121
Ok, I didn't read this entire thread (it's so long - how wonderful to see so many positive responses), so if these issues have been addressed already, I apologize.

I sent out 20 of the letters about a week ago, and made a spreadsheet of all the businesses for follow-up. I just got off the phone after calling 16 of them (the reason I didn't call the other 4 will be in a separate post). I left messages for a few, and got 2 bookings!!! Woohoo! Especially excited about the realtor's office, because she wants me to do it in September, when everyone is back from vacation AND on a Tuesday, when they have their weekly sales meeting, so most, if not all, the sales staff will be there! She even said I can do a demonstration!

Anyway, a couple of the places I called said no because they do not allow soliciting. Another business (a daycare center) said they have to receive approval first from the corporate office. This makes me realize why it was such a good idea to call first, rather than just walk in with food I spent money to buy and time to prepare, if they were just going to turn me away.

By the way, of the 16 places, only one (happens to be one who said no) mentioned receiving the letter. I think I'll still send the letters, because then I don't completely feel like I'm cold calling, but if you sent letters and didn't hear back from anyone, I suggest you call. It's very likely the letter got 'lost in the shuffle' or just plain thrown out.

I'm also considering buying the dots stationery from Merrill, because it would really stand out!

Please pray for those two bookings (both in September - the second one is a bank), to be successful!

ETA - None of the businesses to whom I sent letters called me - but, I still have two bookings from following up!!
  • #122
I am going to a local mall on Tuesday to "shop for leads" and I just had a light-bulb moment! I should go into each store and ask them if they want to be "pampered" as a business....this gives me the in I need to feel even half-way comfortable doing the "shopping" thing!!
  • #123
Two of the businesses to whom I sent letters are restaurants, and two are apartment buildings. Before I called them, I realized the Pampering for these types of businesses might be a little different then other places. For example, how exactly do I tell an Italian restaurant I'm going to bring in either a dessert or an appetizer? Although, it would be interesting to bring our new Tiramisu Brownie Trifle!!

For the apartments, am I pampering just the staff, or tenants as well?

Any suggestions on wording, and how I would do the actual pampering?

For the businesses I did call, I said:
"Hello, my name is Sarah Rodriguez, and I'm an Independent Consultant for The Pampered Chef. I'm wondering if you'd be interested in having me come in and Pamper Your Business, by bringing in either a dessert or appetizer."

For those businesses for whom I left messages, I added my phone number (of course), and that I'd call back in a couple of days to follow-up if I didn't hear from them first.
  • #124
pampchefsarah said:
Ok, I didn't read this entire thread (it's so long - how wonderful to see so many positive responses), so if these issues have been addressed already, I apologize.

I sent out 20 of the letters about a week ago, and made a spreadsheet of all the businesses for follow-up. I just got off the phone after calling 16 of them (the reason I didn't call the other 4 will be in a separate post). I left messages for a few, and got 2 bookings!!! Woohoo! Especially excited about the realtor's office, because she wants me to do it in September, when everyone is back from vacation AND on a Tuesday, when they have their weekly sales meeting, so most, if not all, the sales staff will be there! She even said I can do a demonstration!

Anyway, a couple of the places I called said no because they do not allow soliciting. Another business (a daycare center) said they have to receive approval first from the corporate office. This makes me realize why it was such a good idea to call first, rather than just walk in with food I spent money to buy and time to prepare, if they were just going to turn me away.

By the way, of the 16 places, only one (happens to be one who said no) mentioned receiving the letter. I think I'll still send the letters, because then I don't completely feel like I'm cold calling, but if you sent letters and didn't hear back from anyone, I suggest you call. It's very likely the letter got 'lost in the shuffle' or just plain thrown out.

I'm also considering buying the dots stationery from Merrill, because it would really stand out!

Please pray for those two bookings (both in September - the second one is a bank), to be successful!

ETA - None of the businesses to whom I sent letters called me - but, I still have two bookings from following up!!

oh, do tell!!!
  • #125
chefmeg said:
I am going to a local mall on Tuesday to "shop for leads" and I just had a light-bulb moment! I should go into each store and ask them if they want to be "pampered" as a business....this gives me the in I need to feel even half-way comfortable doing the "shopping" thing!!

Hi Meg! How exactly do you 'shop for leads?' Do you just start talking to other shoppers?

I think going in and asking if the stores would be interested in being pampered is a great idea! Let us know how it goes.
  • #126
chefmeg said:
oh, do tell!!!

Oop, we must have been typing at the same time. See the post about restaurants and apartment buildings.
  • #127
I am still a little in the dark about all of the details for this, but here is what I understand it to be:
I go to the mall, taking with me recruiting and show info, and go from store to store to talk to the EMPLOYEES, not the customers in the stores! I just tell them I have information about a great opportunity, are they interested.

I am waiting for info from a friend as to the idea of "no soliciting" applies to talking to store employees! I just desperately need to reach more people than a show will aloow at this point to change things up in my business! I hope this works!
  • #128
I am pampering my FIRST business on my first try!!!! My dentist office is on board! I will pick up all orders and drop off the dessert on Aug. 19th. :sing:

I also dropped a letter off at a salon I used to go to. I am going to follow up with them today.

I want to pamper 2 businesses a week :love:
  • #129
I really like this idea. I am going to try it!
  • #130
I really like this idea. I am going to try it!
  • #131
for those with publisher here is a postcard version of the letter to make it less expensive for you :)


  • invite.pub
    62.5 KB · Views: 544
  • #132
pampchefsarah said:
Ok, I didn't read this entire thread (it's so long - how wonderful to see so many positive responses), so if these issues have been addressed already, I apologize.

I sent out 20 of the letters about a week ago, and made a spreadsheet of all the businesses for follow-up. I just got off the phone after calling 16 of them (the reason I didn't call the other 4 will be in a separate post). I left messages for a few, and got 2 bookings!!! Woohoo! Especially excited about the realtor's office, because she wants me to do it in September, when everyone is back from vacation AND on a Tuesday, when they have their weekly sales meeting, so most, if not all, the sales staff will be there! She even said I can do a demonstration!

Anyway, a couple of the places I called said no because they do not allow soliciting. Another business (a daycare center) said they have to receive approval first from the corporate office. This makes me realize why it was such a good idea to call first, rather than just walk in with food I spent money to buy and time to prepare, if they were just going to turn me away.

By the way, of the 16 places, only one (happens to be one who said no) mentioned receiving the letter. I think I'll still send the letters, because then I don't completely feel like I'm cold calling, but if you sent letters and didn't hear back from anyone, I suggest you call. It's very likely the letter got 'lost in the shuffle' or just plain thrown out.

I'm also considering buying the dots stationery from Merrill, because it would really stand out!

Please pray for those two bookings (both in September - the second one is a bank), to be successful!

ETA - None of the businesses to whom I sent letters called me - but, I still have two bookings from following up!!

What did you say when you called to follow up?
  • Thread starter
  • #133
I just got my 3rd booking from my letters and I have another who's getting approval!
Do those follow up calls and at least they have a heads up when they receive the letter!
  • #134
heather223 said:
What did you say when you called to follow up?

"Hi, my name is Sarah Rodriguez, and I'm an Independent Consultant for The Pampered Chef. I'm just calling to see if you'd be interested in having me Pamper your business, by bringing in either a dessert or an appetizer." Remember to say it slooowwwlly and naturally. I tend to speak really fast when I have what I'm going to say memorized. Hearing a memorized script is as bad as receiving a form letter.

The first couple of calls, I mentioned bringing catalogs, but everyone seemed to understand the point of what I'm trying to do (thus, all those saying they don't allow solicitations), so I stopped. This makes it sound more like you really are trying to pamper them. When leaving voice mail messages, I also stated I would be calling back this week (which will be today), to follow-up. I think on those calls I'll say something like "I just started Pampering businesses in the area, and it has been a huge success so far. I'd hate for you to miss out on the opportunity to enjoy a wonderful recipe, and earn some of our awesome new products."
  • #135
I mailed out 15 more letters yesterday (8/7), and this time added the Aug-Oct flyer someone was amazingly kind enough to post in files (I used the one where the knives are sideways, so they don't look all squished).

I checked my e-mail a little while ago, and had a message from a realtor association which received one of my letters (alright, USPS, that was QUICK!). It's only a 2 person office, so they don't think having me come in and pamper the business would do me much good, but they are having a trade show next month, and invited me to register for a booth (and join the organization). So, while I realize this is a solicitation turn-about, they represent 700 realtors in the area, so this really could be a boost for my business!

By the way, all the letters I sent out yesterday went to real estate offices. Next week I'll send to banks. The week after that, maybe veterenarians. Also, I changed the greeting from "Dear Local Business Owner" to "Dear Local Merchant," since not everyone receiving the letter is going to be an actual owner.
  • #136
pampchefsarah said:
I mailed out 15 more letters yesterday (8/7), and this time added the Aug-Oct flyer someone was amazingly kind enough to post in files (I used the one where the knives are sideways, so they don't look all squished).

I checked my e-mail a little while ago, and had a message from a realtor association which received one of my letters (alright, USPS, that was QUICK!). It's only a 2 person office, so they don't think having me come in and pamper the business would do me much good, but they are having a trade show next month, and invited me to register for a booth (and join the organization). So, while I realize this is a solicitation turn-about, they represent 700 realtors in the area, so this really could be a boost for my business!

By the way, all the letters I sent out yesterday went to real estate offices. Next week I'll send to banks. The week after that, maybe veterenarians. Also, I changed the greeting from "Dear Local Business Owner" to "Dear Local Merchant," since not everyone receiving the letter is going to be an actual owner.


That is a great idea to change from Owner to Merchant, it covers all the bases :)
  • #137
where are the flyers for Aug-Oct listed in the files. I am going to try that with the mailings. Thanks
  • #138
Langrco said:
where are the flyers for Aug-Oct listed in the files. I am going to try that with the mailings. Thanks

if you type August in files it will pop up
  • #139
I don't see one that has Aug - Oct.
  • #140
I have a dilemma. I mailed out some of these almost 2 weeks ago and did not get any calls. I would like to call and follow up, but I work during the day and that is the time hair and nail salons (who I sent the letters to) would be there. I could try on a Saturday but that is usually a busy time for those who would be in so I don't think they would appreciate the introduction. I could possibly go by each one on an evening or Saturday they might be open and introduce myself, ask them if they got my letter and at the very least I could ask if I could leave business cards and catalogs. Any suggestions?
  • #141
How about taking the list with you to work and plan to make just a couple of calls each day while on your lunch break.
  • #142
armywyf said:
How about taking the list with you to work and plan to make just a couple of calls each day while on your lunch break.

I could try that but I only get a half hour for lunch so usually after I go to the restroom, take my turn with the microwave and eat, my time is generally up.
  • #143
paigev71 said:
I could try that but I only get a half hour for lunch so usually after I go to the restroom, take my turn with the microwave and eat, my time is generally up.

Do you get any breaks during the day? I also work full time and only get 30 minutes for lunch and try to make a few calls each day. I understand how hard it can be. :chef:
  • #144
heather223 said:
Do you get any breaks during the day? I also work full time and only get 30 minutes for lunch and try to make a few calls each day. I understand how hard it can be. :chef:

The biggest problem with my job is that even when you are at "lunch" someone still has to answer the phone. So if any of us is sitting at their desk, everyone just lets the phone ring and assumes you will get it. I would have to make everyone aware I am on MY time and will NOT be answering a phone except to make my own calls. I haven't worked out that strategy yet. It could happen. I just need to develop a plan. I have to go to Chicago Thursday and Friday though, so it might not even happen this week. ACK.
  • #145
I'm thinking of starting this, I have read the thread and am still trying to figure how this might work. I get sending the letter, I see some do call to follow up, (wondering what you say), then show up to pick up the orders with dessert. For the host benefits, how is this being handled? Let's say the order is only 200.00 or less than a show, what happens then? Ok, on the positive side, if the show is 500.00 do you take the benefits, breaking them up, and raffle them off to whoever ordered?
  • #146
OK, not sure why I hadn't read this before...but I like the twist on this! Has anyone else had good results?
  • #147
I snet out my second batch of leters 8. I sent 12 the first time and only got two yeses ( I had to call everyone b/c no one called me) They both have to wait till the fall since one is remodeling her 'day spa' business and the other - an accounting firm with lots of ladies.. they all just either went to one a woman had from there or ordered from it. I hope these two pan out. I will call the others (realtors) in a week. They should get the letter tomorrow.
  • #148
Ok so I sent 5 letters out to locate salons. Now its just . . . wait. . . .
So who has gotten responses from this. Just curious? Is it working?
  • #149
Last week I took the letter that was stated at the beginning of this thread and changed it just a bit, since I decided to take the letter in person. I put the letter inside the clear front pocket of a binder. The binder had the specials, booking coupons and catalogs in it. I asked if their office had ever been pampered and both gals said "what's that?" So I explained I was starting a new business with Pampered Chef and that she could earn hostess credits by showing the catalog around and collecting orders. I also offered her a mini-spatula for doing this. Both gals accepted and I arranged a date right then for pickup of the orders and dropoff of some treats. Well, today is the pickup/dropoff day and we'll see!

Anyway, for me going in person with a small gift to get them started and bringing treats at the end would work better than treats to start with.

One thing I'll improve on is my host coaching. I should have called them back the next day and gone over a few of the specials and answered any questions.

Wish me luck today!
  • #150
This was a great letter! Thanks!!
<h2>1. What is the "Pamper Your Business" approach? </h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach is a unique way to promote and showcase Pampered Chef products in a business setting. It involves partnering with local businesses to set up a catalog show, where the business displays the Pampered Chef catalog for a designated period of time. On the final day, the consultant brings in a free dessert for the business to enjoy while picking up orders.</p><h2>2. How does the "Pamper Your Business" approach benefit both the consultant and the business?</h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach benefits both the consultant and the business. The consultant gets the opportunity to showcase their products and potentially gain new customers, while the business gets to offer their employees or customers a free dessert and support a local consultant.</p><h2>3. How do you promote the "Pamper Your Business" approach?</h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach can be promoted by sending out letters to local businesses, offering them the opportunity to host a catalog show. The consultant can also display this as a service offered at parties and events, and share it on social media platforms.</p><h2>4. What options are available for businesses interested in hosting a catalog show?</h2><p>Businesses have the option to choose from 7, 10, or 14 days to host the catalog show. The consultant will then bring in a free dessert on the final day to pick up orders and thank the business for their participation.</p><h2>5. How successful has the "Pamper Your Business" approach been for the consultant?</h2><p>The success of the "Pamper Your Business" approach may vary, but the feedback has been positive so far. The consultant has had two shows and has another one scheduled, which shows that businesses are interested in participating in this unique approach to promoting Pampered Chef products.</p>

Related to Want to Pamper Your Business and Get a Free Dessert? Try This New Approach!

1. What is the "Pamper Your Business" approach?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach is a unique way to promote and showcase Pampered Chef products in a business setting. It involves partnering with local businesses to set up a catalog show, where the business displays the Pampered Chef catalog for a designated period of time. On the final day, the consultant brings in a free dessert for the business to enjoy while picking up orders.

2. How does the "Pamper Your Business" approach benefit both the consultant and the business?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach benefits both the consultant and the business. The consultant gets the opportunity to showcase their products and potentially gain new customers, while the business gets to offer their employees or customers a free dessert and support a local consultant.

3. How do you promote the "Pamper Your Business" approach?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach can be promoted by sending out letters to local businesses, offering them the opportunity to host a catalog show. The consultant can also display this as a service offered at parties and events, and share it on social media platforms.

4. What options are available for businesses interested in hosting a catalog show?

Businesses have the option to choose from 7, 10, or 14 days to host the catalog show. The consultant will then bring in a free dessert on the final day to pick up orders and thank the business for their participation.

5. How successful has the "Pamper Your Business" approach been for the consultant?

The success of the "Pamper Your Business" approach may vary, but the feedback has been positive so far. The consultant has had two shows and has another one scheduled, which shows that businesses are interested in participating in this unique approach to promoting Pampered Chef products.

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