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Want to Pamper Your Business and Get a Free Dessert? Try This New Approach!

I did this for businesses in the area that are in the food/beverage industry and the one I did was at a salonI did this for businesses in the food/beverage industry and the one I did was at a salon.Thank you so much for your help, this is a great idea!I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
  • #51
Great letter and concept, Nikki - thanks! :)
  • #52
I think I would definitely like to try this. I'm just not sure if I would be stepping on any toes or not, because I don't know all of the PC consultants in my area and don't know if some of them already have things going on with the businesses.
  • #53
:thumbup:This is a wonderful idea; I've been worried about 'no soliciting' signs and this calms that worry. Thank you Nicki!
  • #54
ivy5683 said:
also offer then a $10 PC gift card for every show they secure for me, after the show takes place of course.
I forgot to ask....does PC offer a $10 gift certificate? I thought they started at $20
  • #55
I love this letter!!! Makes me feel much more comfortable than showing up in person with food and catalogs and having the fear of being rejected.

I do have one question about an idea that could be added to the letter....Should there be a brief explanation explaining what a catalog show is for those that may not know?

I am definitely getting busy on this tomorrow and I can't wait to hear the success from everyone else who is doing this!
  • #56
Although I may be wrong, I think PC gift cert. start at $20. But can we make them ourselves for whatever amount we want and have them redeemable through us personally???
  • #57
missmindym said:
I think I would definitely like to try this. I'm just not sure if I would be stepping on any toes or not, because I don't know all of the PC consultants in my area and don't know if some of them already have things going on with the businesses.

I don't think you have anything to worry about. There aren't any "territories" really and the way I see it....if you send it to someone who already has a consultant, they are probably likely to call their own consultant asking if they offer such a thing. I say send away. If you get 2 responses for every 10 letters, I say you are doing good. I have already highlighted several hair and nail salons in my own area phone book to send letters out. Like my mother used to say, "Nothing attempted, nothing gained."
  • #58
byrd1956 said:
I forgot to ask....does PC offer a $10 gift certificate? I thought they started at $20

I am going to take a suggestion I saw on this board and make my own. If you use the PC ones, they are only redeemable online and if the customer orders more than the face value, you don't get the credit. If you make your own, then you get the commission on whatever else the customer buys. Also the way I see it, it keeps them ordering from YOU and not going to home office website.
  • #59
That sounds great! Now I know why when I gave away a $25 gift certificate I never say any of the extra the lady said she ordered. I just thought she had gone to the main site and the extra $ went to someone else.
  • #60
byrd1956 said:
That sounds great! Now I know why when I gave away a $25 gift certificate I never say any of the extra the lady said she ordered. I just thought she had gone to the main site and the extra $ went to someone else.

Robyn if you do a search of files, there are some great gift certificates out there other consultants have created that you can borrow and personalize. Gotta love it!
  • #61
Thank you, Paige. Just did a search and saved some to my desktop to 'tweek' at a later time.
  • #62
paigev71 said:
I didn't see an answer to the question of if they say "Dear Business owner" or if you personalize it wherever possible. Also, I bought some mini-catalogs to leave around town ....thought it was cheaper than regular catalogs to leave randomly. I need an opinion....would mailing a mini-catalog with the letter help chances of them taking you up on the offer or would it be a waste?

Thanks for the idea Nicki! Love it!

I like the mini-cat idea. That way, if they've never heard of PC, they have an idea of what products we offer.

And, about leaving mini-cats around instead of regular ones, I use old catalogs and put a label on the front. I forget what it says exactly (I can't find my flashdrive to look up the file), but I'll post when I find it. It just says something to the effect that this is an old catalog, but if you want to earn free product, call for a new one. And have your info on it (of course, you know that already!! :p)
  • #63
PChefPEI said:
I like the mini-cat idea. That way, if they've never heard of PC, they have an idea of what products we offer.

And, about leaving mini-cats around instead of regular ones, I use old catalogs and put a label on the front. I forget what it says exactly (I can't find my flashdrive to look up the file), but I'll post when I find it. It just says something to the effect that this is an old catalog, but if you want to earn free product, call for a new one. And have your info on it (of course, you know that already!! :p)

I use this label (that I got here of course):
The date on this catalog may be old,
But look inside and you'll be sold…
Many great products you will see
Call me to learn how to get them FREE!
If extra income is what you need,
I can help you to succeed.

Hope that helps.
  • #64
Love it! :love: I've been thinking about Pampering businesses for a little while now but was nervous to actually just walk in. This will be a great and easy way for me to offer to pamper them :D Thank you!
  • #65
Geekgirl69 said:
I use this label (that I got here of course):
The date on this catalog may be old,
But look inside and you'll be sold…
Many great products you will see
Call me to learn how to get them FREE!
If extra income is what you need,
I can help you to succeed.

Hope that helps.

That's it! That's what I have, only I don't have the last two lines....will need to add them! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #66
I used the 'local business owner' I have been sending out LOTS of them so it would be hugely time consuming to change it every time. I've got about 40 out there right now (mailed some yesterday :)
Mini cats are great but it may cost more than a stamp to mail them??
I make my own gift certificates, and for referrals I just give them $10 to use at the show they got me... that way they have to attend. :)
  • #67
PChefPEI said:
I like the mini-cat idea. That way, if they've never heard of PC, they have an idea of what products we offer.

And, about leaving mini-cats around instead of regular ones, I use old catalogs and put a label on the front. I forget what it says exactly (I can't find my flashdrive to look up the file), but I'll post when I find it. It just says something to the effect that this is an old catalog, but if you want to earn free product, call for a new one. And have your info on it (of course, you know that already!! :p)

Well considering I am new, I don't have any "old" catalogs yet. When my current ones become old I will leave them places. Thanks for the label idea too! I just thought though that starting out, I would rather pay $3 for a bunch of mini-catalogs then use up all my current ones.
  • #68
This is so cool! I am definitely going to try it out. I am wondering if you try to follow up with them if you don't hear anything?
  • #69
linojackie said:
This is so cool! I am definitely going to try it out. I am wondering if you try to follow up with them if you don't hear anything?

I thought about that but honestly I think if they are interested, they will call.
  • #70
WOW...this is wonderful. As a new consultant...this is not only a great idea, but a wonderful door opener as well. THANK YOU! :)
  • #71
I doubt they will call, even if they are interested! We all mean to do things and then get too busy or whatever. We often need to be reminded to do things that we want to do! I am calling to follow up two days after I drop off unless they book right on the spot.
  • #72
Well, just before I read this I had considered calling businesses for the same thing, so I wonder if calling would be better. It would also count for my 3-2-1!
  • #73
Nikki and all,
As a brand new consultant, let me tell you, one of the best things about this business is how everyone is so quick to share their tips, tricks and ideas. It's like the movie "Pay It Forward", it will come back to you and it makes the world a much better place. Thanks for being generous with your ideas.
  • #74
I love this idea. I've been looking for a way to promote in the businesses in the town where I live and this is awesome!
Thank You!
  • #76
This is a fabulous idea, I went to a hair salon this morning, and the lady said her manager was out for a few days, they looked interested. I left a letter that I teaked a little and it was extra special for me I got to show off my new PC Polo shirt! I got her card too and plan to follow up. I also said that I was pampering another biz nearby!
  • #77
I also did this for two businesses today! This is an awesome idea, THANKS so much for sharing. Instead of mailing a letter, I went in with the letter and a packet that included the cats, order forms and host/guest specials, so if they wanted to say yes I didn't have to return or mail anything. Both of them said yes, so we'll see how it goes when I return to pick up any orders!

If these at least qualify, it will get me close to 8 shows for my last 60 days of my first 90 days which ends on Spet 8th. I have had a hard time getting July shows, and am away for 2 weeks soon and will then be jet-lagged, and also am out of town for labor day weekend, so squeezing in extra shows was going to be hard (assuming I get people who want to book!).

I really hope these shows go well!
  • #78
That is such a great idea!! Way to go!! I can't wait to try it myself. Thanks for sharing it with us.
  • #79
What an AWESOME idea!! I am going to a Women in Business luncheon on Wednesday and I am going to type up some of these letters to hand out. Thanks for the GREAT thought! I just got online with Chef Success today and have gotten some great tips already!
  • #80
So are you coming back with treats when you come back for the orders? I like the idea of coming in person but not with food just in case they say no. Then maybe coming back with food. I'd love to know how you did it. Thanks!
God bless,
  • #81
I'm doing this too! I'll let you know how it goes!
  • #82
jesusluvsu2005 said:
So are you coming back with treats when you come back for the orders? I like the idea of coming in person but not with food just in case they say no. Then maybe coming back with food. I'd love to know how you did it. Thanks!
God bless,

I'm just going by the letter she out-lined in post #10 :) It really is such a great idea!

And I totally agree about coming back with the food vs. just showing up with it and them saying no. If I ever did it the "traditional" way, I would have to call first, then bring the cats and treats, but I really think this way makes so much sense!
  • #83
I just printed out 10 so we'll see. I will have to mail mine & do follow up calls. "local" to me is about a 30 minute drive. I did tweak the letter a bit. Here is my new letter (thanks for the inspiration)
Dear local business owner,

My name is Stacy Whitlow and I am your local Pampered Chef consultant. I want to let you know that I am offering a wonderful FREE service in your area!

Let me Pamper Your Business!
It’s as easy as 1 - 2 - 3!

1. Call me! We’ll pick a date to start your Pamper Your Business show. I will deliver catalogs & order forms.

2. Show the Catalogs. You can choose 7, 10 or 14 days to collect orders.

3. Eat! On the final date of your show I will come in to pick up your orders and bring a delicious desert for you, your co-workers and your guests to enjoy! I will also provide plates & napkins.

It's that simple! Your business will earn free, half-priced and discounted products (as stated in host benefits) to be distributed to all participants. Everyone benefits!

This is a free service to you. You are under no obligation to purchase anything. I am providing all necessary items as an extra thank you for helping my business grow.

Please call to schedule your Pamper Your Business show today!

Your Pampered Chef Consultant
Stacy Whitlow
phone number
  • #84
Stacy - that is great!

One edit for you though (Sorry - my eyes just naturally do that!) - The correct spelling is dessert...that is, unless you are bringing them a bucket of sand!:D:p
  • #85
that sounds great!
not sure I could handle it now - working FT over 60 miles from home, but it might work after the baby like Kelly said!!

do you just send the letter and then the catalogs/order forms after you've spoke to them?
  • #86
PChefPEI said:
Another question (aren't I full of 'em today?? hehe) - In your letter, where it says "dear business owner", do you actually put the business name?

I think I might call the office first and ask for the owner or office manager's name and address it personally to them.
Or HR Manager or whatever... whoever might seem appropriate for the business you're papmering...
  • #87
ChefBeckyD said:
Stacy - that is great!

One edit for you though (Sorry - my eyes just naturally do that!) - The correct spelling is dessert...that is, unless you are bringing them a bucket of sand!:D:p

I fixed that on my letter. I had to copy & paste the original (post 10)1st then change it on my post. Not sure why it wouldn't copy my letter. Anyway.
  • #88
One thing I have been wondering, is how to order the host products. I am planning on dividing up the benefits and doing a drawing. If a person has already ordered as a guest can I also put their name down as host/co-host for those items? Or will I have to order everything with me as host and just give them the receipts?
  • #89
I'd do option 2...
you're the host and you order what people wanted, just take their money and order under your name...

but maybe someone has a reason to do it another way!!
  • #90
Nicki, thanks for the letter... I agree with Kelly, gonna hopefully be great for keeping the biz going while gearing down a little for the baby! Worth a shot and I really like this approach much better than the 'traditional way'... I never got any orders that way... just lost $ on food and catalogs! I'll have to make a list of businesses to mail out to!!!!
  • #91
Thank you Nicki for sharing your letter. I made 25 copies the other day, stapled my business card to them and handed them out at the Women In Business luncheon I went to. What great timing that I saw your post the day before! Thank you for the idea! I am hoping there will be some response from it and if not, at least I got my name out there and got a chance to introduce myself to the WIB group. I also had copies of the Going Going Gone discontinuing items and handed a number out. I have only been to two meetings so far but am going to try to go every month. I also got to practice my 30second advertisement about Pampered Chef with a lady sitting next to me who didn't know what PC was. (Who doesn't know what PC is?!? I had to bite my tongue! LOL)
  • #91
I loved this idea and I played with the letter, cutting and pasting it onto another flyer I had that I liked the border and logo on top. Hope you all like it...


  • Dear local business owner.doc
    232.5 KB · Views: 262
  • #92
Thanks for the great letter/idea! I have only lived in my current town about a year and don't know a lot of business owners. I think it is a great idea to start with Hair Salons first. They probably see more "traffic" of women who actually sit down for a few minutes to enjoy themselves! :) LOL!

I have copied both letters and will tweek it to match my area! I was wondering just how to approach these places!:chef:
  • #93
I took the letter and copied the text onto another letter that is in the file and tweaked it just a little. Here is what I came up with, hope you all like it...


  • Dear local business owner-gen.doc
    232.5 KB · Views: 807
  • #94
I sat down tonight and went through my local phone book for Beauty Salons.;) I copied all the addresses and phone numbers down and am in the process of addressing envelopes. I thought I would mail these on Monday after I print some return address labels. I don't have a printer here and need to go to my DD & SIL's house to print anything. Anyway, I plan on mailing at least 15 this week and then following up with them by phone on Friday if I don't get a call first. Thanks so much for the great letter, ladies!:D
  • #95
Thank you for sharing this idea. I belong to my local Chamber of Commerce and plan to offer this service to my fellow members.
  • #96
I just printed out and addressed 6 letters (that took care of the "A"'s and "B"'s in the phone book that are located near me! Now, I am off to print more and hope that I get some kind of a response soon!
  • #97
I tweaked the tweaked letter and included PC pictures - (hopefully nothing discontinued!) - for an even more profesisonal appearance. Thanks! I will be using this!


  • Dear local business owner-gen.doc
    172.5 KB · Views: 799
  • #98
That looks great too! I have 12 of the others and I'll print and send these next...see which one gets more response! I have envelopes to address!
  • #99
I mailed out 10 & plan to follow up this week. We'll see. If this works out well, I 'll send out another 10 next month & so on.
  • #100
scottcooks said:
I tweaked the tweaked letter and included PC pictures - (hopefully nothing discontinued!) - for an even more profesisonal appearance. Thanks! I will be using this!

That looks awesome! Nice job
<h2>1. What is the "Pamper Your Business" approach? </h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach is a unique way to promote and showcase Pampered Chef products in a business setting. It involves partnering with local businesses to set up a catalog show, where the business displays the Pampered Chef catalog for a designated period of time. On the final day, the consultant brings in a free dessert for the business to enjoy while picking up orders.</p><h2>2. How does the "Pamper Your Business" approach benefit both the consultant and the business?</h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach benefits both the consultant and the business. The consultant gets the opportunity to showcase their products and potentially gain new customers, while the business gets to offer their employees or customers a free dessert and support a local consultant.</p><h2>3. How do you promote the "Pamper Your Business" approach?</h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach can be promoted by sending out letters to local businesses, offering them the opportunity to host a catalog show. The consultant can also display this as a service offered at parties and events, and share it on social media platforms.</p><h2>4. What options are available for businesses interested in hosting a catalog show?</h2><p>Businesses have the option to choose from 7, 10, or 14 days to host the catalog show. The consultant will then bring in a free dessert on the final day to pick up orders and thank the business for their participation.</p><h2>5. How successful has the "Pamper Your Business" approach been for the consultant?</h2><p>The success of the "Pamper Your Business" approach may vary, but the feedback has been positive so far. The consultant has had two shows and has another one scheduled, which shows that businesses are interested in participating in this unique approach to promoting Pampered Chef products.</p>

Related to Want to Pamper Your Business and Get a Free Dessert? Try This New Approach!

1. What is the "Pamper Your Business" approach?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach is a unique way to promote and showcase Pampered Chef products in a business setting. It involves partnering with local businesses to set up a catalog show, where the business displays the Pampered Chef catalog for a designated period of time. On the final day, the consultant brings in a free dessert for the business to enjoy while picking up orders.

2. How does the "Pamper Your Business" approach benefit both the consultant and the business?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach benefits both the consultant and the business. The consultant gets the opportunity to showcase their products and potentially gain new customers, while the business gets to offer their employees or customers a free dessert and support a local consultant.

3. How do you promote the "Pamper Your Business" approach?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach can be promoted by sending out letters to local businesses, offering them the opportunity to host a catalog show. The consultant can also display this as a service offered at parties and events, and share it on social media platforms.

4. What options are available for businesses interested in hosting a catalog show?

Businesses have the option to choose from 7, 10, or 14 days to host the catalog show. The consultant will then bring in a free dessert on the final day to pick up orders and thank the business for their participation.

5. How successful has the "Pamper Your Business" approach been for the consultant?

The success of the "Pamper Your Business" approach may vary, but the feedback has been positive so far. The consultant has had two shows and has another one scheduled, which shows that businesses are interested in participating in this unique approach to promoting Pampered Chef products.

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