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Want to Pamper Your Business and Get a Free Dessert? Try This New Approach!

I did this for businesses in the area that are in the food/beverage industry and the one I did was at a salonI did this for businesses in the food/beverage industry and the one I did was at a salon.Thank you so much for your help, this is a great idea!I love this idea! Thanks for sharing!
  • #151
I am Pampering my second business!!! That's 2 for 2! I didn't mail out the letters but walked in with the letter and a catalog. I dropped them both off with a quick explaination and followed up with a phone call the next day to see if it was a "go". I am soooo excited!!:love::thumbup::balloon::sing:
  • #152
So I just got back from the two businesses I pampered. One of the offices didn't collect any orders, but I left them a few treats anyway and collected my binder. The other office has qualified for a show! Yip-yip-yahoo! My first show!

So I say, go for it! I definitely will host coach better next time around. Also, if you can pamper 2 or 3 businesses that are real close to each other, at the same time, you save yourself gas money and you can split up the treats you make to save money that way too. I'll make items that are easy to split like the mini margarita pies and the nutty caramel brownies.

Good luck everyone!
  • #153
Ok I have Pampered 2 local salons and seperately the orders don't qualify for a show but together the orders from both salons = 322.00 and the owner of the 1 salon does not want host benefits and I am waiting on 1 customers check to clear. So we'll see at least I have a show this month! Eventhough its not the best.
  • #154
ivy5683 said:
I meant Gift Certificate and I'll just order them.

Nicki, If you order a gift certificate, I think it has to be redeemed online. If you go to "files" here, there should be some samples that you can make or edit so the person has to redeem it thru you.

Great idea!:thumbup:
  • #155
Wow that seems really cool, I'd love to try it if you don't mind. I do have a few questions though. Do you send these (by mail randomly) to businesses or do you take them to businesses in your area? I am like alot of people I see in here, I need to get out of my comfort zone and get past my shyness and just get out there. I have had directors and up say I have great ideas and do a great show. I am just to shy to ask neighbors, businesses and being new to the area I don't know anyone. This sounds great, thanks :)
  • #156
I'm in. I have 20 Hair Salons in my area that I am going to mail out letters tomorrow. I will follow up with them next week and hopefully have some takers!! This would help me qualify for more PC $$$.
  • #157
When the orders are collected and it's time to send the order in, do you send the order in in the managers name or your name? I have 2 going right now, one at a bank and one at a hair salon. This is way cool, they are both very excited.

I am very excited, too!

Linda C
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  • #158
OK--Just sent out 20 letters! Cross your fingers for me. I'm just starting PC and thought this would be a great way to jump in with both feet:) I just don't want to "burn" all my friends out on PC.

  • #159
Just sent my letters out. Can't wait to hear back. Won't this be fun. Thanks
  • #160
It's so inspiring to see everyone getting so involved, let's keep it going :)
  • #161
WOW! That's an awsome idea! I'm going to do that this week!

I had just been picking a business out once a month, giving them a call, taking in a desert, giving them catalogs, picking everything up the next day and asking if anyone would like to schedule a c.s.... I have a new way now!

  • #162
I sent off 10 letters yesterday ... Am hoping to hear something early next week ... %^>
  • #163
I sent 20 letters out 2 weeks ago. 3 of them came back. I am not sure why since I took the address out of the current phone book. I am going to call this week and ask if they received my letter. If they acknowledge receiving it, I will ask if it is something they would be interested in participating in. If not, I will explain a bit about it. Either way if the answer is no, I will ask if they mind me dropping some catalogs and/or business cards by to leave in their waiting area. I am a newbie too, but for those of you calling.....sound excited and word it in such a way that YOU are helping THEM.
  • #164
By the way....not one person called or emailed. So to make this work, you have to follow up.
  • #165
ThePampered1 said:
WOW! That's an awsome idea! I'm going to do that this week!

I had just been picking a business out once a month, giving them a call, taking in a desert, giving them catalogs, picking everything up the next day and asking if anyone would like to schedule a c.s.... I have a new way now!


Jenni, how has that worked for you?
  • #166
Do you send their orders in in your name and deliver the products to them or in the managers name and have them go to the manager??? I will have 2 to send in by the end of the month. This is very exciting, as I am trying to get my PC business going again.
Linda C.
  • #167
lindac said:
Do you send their orders in in your name and deliver the products to them or in the managers name and have them go to the manager??? I will have 2 to send in by the end of the month. This is very exciting, as I am trying to get my PC business going again.
Linda C.

I would send them in in the contact person's name if you are giving them the host benefits. I would personally have it sent in in their name but to my address so that I could sort it and drop it all off ready to go (full of excitement of course!)
  • #168
Thanks Jodi!

Linda C.
  • #169
kcjodih said:
I would send them in in the contact person's name if you are giving them the host benefits. I would personally have it sent in in their name but to my address so that I could sort it and drop it all off ready to go (full of excitement of course!)

I agree. I am sure you will have all of their info on their orders, but it would be a good way to follow up with them and maybe get a booking out of it. would also drop in something extra in the bag with your name on it.....business card, recipe card...so the guest has all your info to possibly pass on to someone else.
  • #170
Thanks so much for the ideas, I really appreciate it.

Linda C.
  • #171
Thanks for all the great ideas. I am looking forward to trying this.
  • #172
Any updates? I sent out my letters last Friday, figured they got it Monday. No calls, so I have to get the nerve and start calling tomorrow. Wish me luck :)
  • #173
I love this idea! I just have a few questions concerning the logistics. If you decide to send a letter, who do you address it to? How to do you address it? Do you write Pampered Chef on the envelope?

If you go in person: Who do you speak to? Do you ask for the manager? And what type of script to you use? I assume once they have agreed to do this, you teach them how to collect orders and such.


  • #174
What a great idea!! Thank you so much for sharing. I've been thinking of a different way to get my name out there and I think this just may be it!! Thanks again.
  • #175
Update on my PAB results! My catty host is at $800 at last count! And actually she tracked me down while at a 7/11 and asked for a catalog, so I handed her the Pamper your biz letter and she took me up on it! :) She's closing either tomorrow or sat. So whoohoo for PAB! Thanks again for posting that letter!
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  • #176
OMG, Heather!! That's great! Gotta love that! Congratulations. How many other businesses have you given letters to?
  • #177
Only 1 other one (hair salon) when I was picking up something from one of the girls that works there.
  • #178
That's great Heather!
  • #179
My open house didn't work so well, so this is my plan B. I sent out about 15 letters and got no response so I am going to follow up with them today. If they don't show interest...I guess I'll pick out 15 more and ask them!
  • #180
This is great! I was going to count on my 2 friends parties' for referrals and wasn't sure if I'd get any or not, but this gives me another way to really get out there and get business of my own! Thanks :D
  • #181
lacychef said:
That's great Heather!

Thanks Lacy! I have a bunch of left over SS cattys, so my plan is to print up that letter and put them to use with my leftovers before months end and run around like a mad woman giving them out! I guess I better get on it, I only have next week!:eek:
  • #182
I did the letter thing and no response. I know, I know, I know..... I need to call and follow up. Well, I just couldn't get up the nerve! I've worked in private business before and couldn't stand people who were trying to sell me something!

Well, I finally got up the nerve to call my bank (credit union). I go in there periodically and feel I have connected with one lady in there. Turns out shes the branch manager. I get her name and card from the teller the other day - she was busy at the time. I called yesterday and had to leave a message on her voice mail. Well, I left this fumbled message because I hadn't really planned on her not answering! I think, "I wouldn't call me back after listening to that!".

She called back! I explained again who I was and felt that I had connected with her and she had always been very friendly. I offer to Pamper the bank and explain how it works. Well, she says, "You know one of our tellers is getting married and I'll talk to her about a PC bridal shower". Great!!! She said she would talk to her coworkers about the show, but would definitely mention the shower and call me back tomorrow.

Whew!!! I am so relieved and excited! Now I have the courage!
  • #183
I am just getting my letters ready to mail tonight & had an idea. I printed labels on bright pink that say "Call me before Sept. 6th for a Special FREE Gift!". Maybe this will help with the response. I'm thinking give them a SB.
  • #184
Oh I love this idea, good thinking there Nicki!! TFS the letter you sent out too!!
  • #185
kaseydee said:
I am just getting my letters ready to mail tonight & had an idea. I printed labels on bright pink that say "Call me before Sept. 6th for a Special FREE Gift!". Maybe this will help with the response. I'm thinking give them a SB.


This is probably a silly question, but which SB are you giving them. The S/S or the F/W.
  • #186

Good question. It will probably be the F/W because I might not have enough S/S to spare. I am trying to keep a collection of SB's for other specials. Plus, I sent a F/W mini catalog with all of my letters so that would be the same season so I guess for sure the F/W SB. The mailman just picked up all my envelops w/the bright pink stickers so I can't wait to see if I get calls. I know most would not call us which is why so many are now doing follow up calls. Once my "call before date" passes I will call those I haven't heard from. I will post on this thread how the response is for me.
  • #187
Ok, I picked up the phone to follow up and realized this was a lot harder than I expected. In fact, I was so ready for rejection, that when I spoke to one lady, she said "I remember seeing something like that, but to be honest, I don't think I read it" What I heard was "to be honest, I don't think I'd rather"...So I said "well thank you very much" and hung up. It was only after I put the phone down I realized what a bonehead I was! She must think I'm a total weirdo!
  • #188
HA! Just got a call back from one of my follow up calls and they said OK! Sending some books their way tomorrow. WOOO HOOO!

Ok, so now I need to know if I should put a letter in there or something explaining how it works? I have dropped off a packet at this place before last Christmas and didn't get a single order!
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  • #190
Wow, I can't wait to try this idea!! Thank you! :)
  • #191
EXCELLENT IDEA!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!!
  • #192
Thanks for the idea. I will try it.
  • #193
Well I slacked off on the follow up BUT I received a call today from one of my letters. There's a spa that does a Lady's Night out and they invited me to participate. I can bring an appetizer to present and will be one of the first presenting. Not sure how this is going to work, I'm going to follow up with her closer to the event scheduled for October 17th!!
  • #194
I just finished tweeking the letter for my business and will print out and send out today. My business is in need of a major JUMP START!!! Hoping this helps. I added an incentive of an additional gift for anyone that books a show and I like the idea of placing a sticker on the letter with a "call back by" date.
Thanks for all the great suggestions.
  • #195
I started my business a year ago just to get free product but with finances today I'm just now having to actually work this as a business. I am so glad I read this!!!

Thanks so much for that letter! I'm going to start my business off with it.


  • #196
You guys may have already figured this out, but I'm doing some other research, and realized that my area Chamber of Commerce site will list all the businesses in my area in their search tool. It provides address/phone, and a contact name. This is a great tool to look for in your area, versus just getting in the car and doing things the hard way.
When I start doing this (probably after the holidays- since I'll be out all of December due to our big trip to Walt Disney World:cheerleader: ), I will hand-deliver as many as possible, but having this information will be a great time saver!!
  • #197
I am not having the best of luck with this. I call to confirm dropoff of the dessert and get a "no thanks", message left with no response or please call back later. I've done 4 now and gotten $60 in orders.
  • #198
That is a great idea. Thanks again for sharing.
  • #199
linojackie said:
I am not having the best of luck with this. I call to confirm dropoff of the dessert and get a "no thanks", message left with no response or please call back later. I've done 4 now and gotten $60 in orders.

Have you figured out any other ways to improve it? I fear I might encounter the same thing if I try it...
  • #200
I love this! Thank you soo much for posting the idea and letter! Perhaps this will help the small business lag I'm experiencing from our local economy!
<h2>1. What is the "Pamper Your Business" approach? </h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach is a unique way to promote and showcase Pampered Chef products in a business setting. It involves partnering with local businesses to set up a catalog show, where the business displays the Pampered Chef catalog for a designated period of time. On the final day, the consultant brings in a free dessert for the business to enjoy while picking up orders.</p><h2>2. How does the "Pamper Your Business" approach benefit both the consultant and the business?</h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach benefits both the consultant and the business. The consultant gets the opportunity to showcase their products and potentially gain new customers, while the business gets to offer their employees or customers a free dessert and support a local consultant.</p><h2>3. How do you promote the "Pamper Your Business" approach?</h2><p>The "Pamper Your Business" approach can be promoted by sending out letters to local businesses, offering them the opportunity to host a catalog show. The consultant can also display this as a service offered at parties and events, and share it on social media platforms.</p><h2>4. What options are available for businesses interested in hosting a catalog show?</h2><p>Businesses have the option to choose from 7, 10, or 14 days to host the catalog show. The consultant will then bring in a free dessert on the final day to pick up orders and thank the business for their participation.</p><h2>5. How successful has the "Pamper Your Business" approach been for the consultant?</h2><p>The success of the "Pamper Your Business" approach may vary, but the feedback has been positive so far. The consultant has had two shows and has another one scheduled, which shows that businesses are interested in participating in this unique approach to promoting Pampered Chef products.</p>

Related to Want to Pamper Your Business and Get a Free Dessert? Try This New Approach!

1. What is the "Pamper Your Business" approach?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach is a unique way to promote and showcase Pampered Chef products in a business setting. It involves partnering with local businesses to set up a catalog show, where the business displays the Pampered Chef catalog for a designated period of time. On the final day, the consultant brings in a free dessert for the business to enjoy while picking up orders.

2. How does the "Pamper Your Business" approach benefit both the consultant and the business?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach benefits both the consultant and the business. The consultant gets the opportunity to showcase their products and potentially gain new customers, while the business gets to offer their employees or customers a free dessert and support a local consultant.

3. How do you promote the "Pamper Your Business" approach?

The "Pamper Your Business" approach can be promoted by sending out letters to local businesses, offering them the opportunity to host a catalog show. The consultant can also display this as a service offered at parties and events, and share it on social media platforms.

4. What options are available for businesses interested in hosting a catalog show?

Businesses have the option to choose from 7, 10, or 14 days to host the catalog show. The consultant will then bring in a free dessert on the final day to pick up orders and thank the business for their participation.

5. How successful has the "Pamper Your Business" approach been for the consultant?

The success of the "Pamper Your Business" approach may vary, but the feedback has been positive so far. The consultant has had two shows and has another one scheduled, which shows that businesses are interested in participating in this unique approach to promoting Pampered Chef products.

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