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Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!

In summary, a group of individuals discuss a website that raises concerns about the movie "The Golden Compass" and its anti-Christian/anti-religious themes. They express their opinions on the matter and agree to pass on the information to others. Some bring up the comparison to the Harry Potter series and the controversy surrounding it. They also mention the recent news about the author of Harry Potter revealing that a character is gay and the potential impact on Christian readers.
  • #301
PentecostalMy husband was charasmatic sort of Pentecostal when I first met hiim and he believed he could lose his salvation. He now knows that is false according to God's word.
Living in fear that you might sin and lose your salvation is not the type of salvation I want.
I did not earn my salvation therefore I cannot lose it. And yes I believe tongues is something for today because God is not limited in any way. But tongues are only to be used when interpreted not all at once to confuse lost people who visit the church. I personally and my church do not believe there is such a thing as a backslidden christian or a carnal christian. God is powerful enough to save me and keep me saved. Those who fall away are not saved if God does not chastize them and bring them back into the fold. I do not believe in praying a special prayer or coming down an aisle to magically be saved. I believe that God will save and it will be evident and no one has to assure the person, except the Holy Spirit.
And they are used in special circumstances. The gift of tongues has always been funny to me. And here is a perfect quote to explain why!

Dave Hunt -
Nor can the gifts of the Spirit be taught for a fee or learned in a seminar...No one can initiate, mandate, or activate the moving of the Holy Spirit. Whatever the “gift of the spirit” may be, it is given in specific instances to effect God’s purpose at that time; it does not become a power possessed by an individual which he can wield at his discretion…It is a great delusion for anyone to imagine that he possesses any gift of the Spirit in the sense that he can exercise it whenever he so desires. And that includes the gift of tongues – a gift which multitudes imagine they “possess” and can “practice” when they please and thereby, have been led astray.”

I am enjoying these discussions while I make dinner. Chicken, shrimp and sausage over a bed of chicken rice. Yummy!!!

Debbie :D
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  • #302
janetupnorth said:
That is the glory of Christ's death, resurrection and forgiveness. My salvation is not by works, lest I could boast of my deeds! My salvation alone is through Jesus Christ. If I say something bad and fall down a flight of stairs and go into a coma and die, I will still see my fellow believers in heaven. Christ paid for my sins on the cross, paid my debt already and I have accepted that. I am in Christ and no one, thing or deed, can take me from his hand. Satan would like to make me believe that and I'm not worthy, but praise God He is greater than that!

Totally agree and was about to respond but I will just DITTO what you said.
  • #303
janetupnorth said:
Just remember that when evaluating past performance the economics aren't what occur while the president is in office but a few years later...in other words, we are dealing with Clinton's economics now, and will deal with Bush's with the next president...there is a large residual effect if you really study it. Not one president can wave a magic wand and undo all what the past president or congress has done before them. If that was the case, voting would end up much differently.

I personally greatly dislike the Clintons, but I'm also not 100% pleased with the 2nd Bush either.

Unfortunately, we will never have a candidate we think is the best...all have flaws somewhere so we have to inform ourselves and pick the lesser of the evils...

Hence why I HATE discussing politics...

And the Absolutely Rotten economy we are experiencing here in Michigan has more to do with our state politics, not federal gov't.

Gov't all the way around needs a re-haul.
  • #304
If I had to vote today on what I know, I would vote for Fred Thompson.
  • #305
Anyone else having a hard time keeping up with Oreos, Clintons and Bibles all at the same time? If you picked a better cookie (like one starting with an A), at least it'd be the ABC's.
  • #306
It's nice to see this thread has lightened up! This is the way I like it! Nice to see we can all still respect each other and be cyber friends! I might re-join the discussion now! ;) It was getting scary there for a while!:eek:
  • #307
janetupnorth said:
Anyone else having a hard time keeping up with Oreos, Clintons and Bibles all at the same time? If you picked a better cookie (like one starting with an A), at least it'd be the ABC's.

Almond Macaroons

All American Chocolate Chip Cookie

Apple Cinammon Cookies

Debbie :D
  • #308
MissChef said:
It's nice to see this thread has lightened up! This is the way I like it! Nice to see we can all still respect each other and be cyber friends! I might re-join the discussion now! ;) It was getting scary there for a while!:eek:

I wasn't scared! Was anyone else scared?? LOL

It's great to discuss things near and dear to our hearts.

Debbie :D
  • #309
DebbieSAChef said:

You are now on the chop block!! LOL

I am not going to say I agree with everything Bush has done (I do agree with the war just so you know) but I feel he is the best person for the job of president, especially in comparison to Clinton.
And yes Hilary stands for everything I oppose.

Debbie :D
Although this statement just might heat it up again! But I must say Debbie, I am with you 100%! Nice to know you share my beliefs!;)
  • #310
Okay - maybe we should steer away from politics. ;) I don't mind debating the religion thing. Hmmmm...... I will have to think about another topic.
  • #311
DebbieSAChef said:
I wasn't scared! Was anyone else scared?? LOL

It's great to discuss things near and dear to our hearts.

Debbie :D

I am not scared to discuss God, and I agree with everything you said, but sometimes, it's hard to express your thoughts without feeling like you've stepped on someone's toes! I never meant to do that but yet a few of my comments were taken out of context (at least I feel that way) and I just stepped out because sometimes I'm a hot head and need to know when to shut up. Sometimes we can do more harm for God when we let our flesh get in and control our mouthes!:blushing: ;)
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  • #312
DebbieSAChef said:
I wasn't scared! Was anyone else scared?? LOL

It's great to discuss things near and dear to our hearts.

Debbie :D

Nope I wasn't! But I bet the Devil was HA!

Knowing us we will get heated back up again soon! HA!!

I am about to get off work in 10 minutes, could you all please refrain from posting until I can come back in the morning! I am not going to be at home tongiht. And I get nothing done in the first hour of work each morning having to catch up and respond to all yall said!! :D :eek:
  • #313
jrstephens said:
Nope I wasn't! But I bet the Devil was HA!

Knowing us we will get heated back up again soon! HA!!

I am about to get off work in 10 minutes, could you all please refrain from posting until I can come back in the morning! I am not going to be at home tongiht. And I get nothing done in the first hour of work each morning having to catch up and respond to all yall said!! :D :eek:
yeah right! like that's going to happen!:D :rolleyes: ;)
  • #314
MissChef said:
I am not scared to discuss God, and I agree with everything you said, but sometimes, it's hard to express your thoughts without feeling like you've stepped on someone's toes! I never meant to do that but yet a few of my comments were taken out of context (at least I feel that way) and I just stepped out because sometimes I'm a hot head and need to know when to shut up. Sometimes we can do more harm for God when we let our flesh get in and control our mouthes!:blushing: ;)

Oh the apostles were stoned, beaten and imprisoned. And not that I am putting myself anywhere near to their level of preaching truth, but I know that boldness can sometimes seem like arrogance and pride but it's not. I am a hot head too but I do pray before I answer and ask the Lord to direct me to the right scriptures. I would mess it up all on my own!!

Debbie :D
  • #315
Bye JenniferOK Jennifer see you tomorrow!!

Is she gone everyone? LOL I have to go too. Gotta run some errands before the big day tomorrow. I am totally stocked up on cute kid friendly bible tracts but I need more candy and I am definitely making that caramel corn recipe!!!

Debbie :D
  • #316
My choice for president is Al Gore. Unfortunately until he runs I'm torn between Obama and John Edwards. Sadly, I feel many people, the anti-christ way of thinking people that is aren't feeling Edwards since his wife has terminal cancer and he is still running. He's losing alot of support because of that. At this this point though nothing can be worse than the lying, idiot we have now.I totally love the mint oreos:)
  • #317
daniellemorgan said:
My choice for president is Al Gore. Unfortunately until he runs I'm torn between Obama and John Edwards. Sadly, I feel many people, the anti-christ way of thinking people that is aren't feeling Edwards since his wife has terminal cancer and he is still running. He's losing alot of support because of that. At this this point though nothing can be worse than the lying, idiot we have now.

I totally love the mint oreos:)

Although I wouldn't vote for John Edwards, there are many things I admire about him and Elisabeth. They genuinely love and respect and encourage each other - I like seeing them talk about each other. They have a deep love of family, and it is obviously not an act or just "good politics" for them. I think Elisabeth is a brave woman, and has chosen to live her life instead of just waiting to die. I think it gives her more reason to fight to live if she is helping John in his campaign - and I think her support keeps him fighting also.
I don't think I'd vote for him, but I wouldn't mind having them as neighbors!:thumbup:
  • #318
cmdtrgd said:
Did you know that if two people are in a gay relationship and one of them gets a sex change, EVERYTHING CHANGES???? They can now get married, adopt kids, be "normal" in the eyes of churches. I am amazed at the hypocracy (sp?)!!!

I don't know of any jurisdiction where this applies. You don't get a new birth certificate when you get a sex-change operation, so the birth certificates being presented at the courthouse would still show two people of the same gender, so in reality, nothing changes. And I don't think there would be a marriage license being issued.
  • #319
etteluap70PC said:
I also say let's not rehash the whole Warren Buffet / planned parenthood debate. This was a MAJOR upheval in the company.

Buffet cut off his direct corporate contributions to Planned Parenthood as a response to all the upheeval.

Actually, Jason is more correct about the PP situation than he realizes...as Warren Buffet has been transferring his Berkshire-Hathaway stock to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (the foundation will also be the main recipient of his shares after his death) more and more PC money is going to be used to support PP and other organizations which may--or may not--use that money as Doris once thought.

It is true that after concerns expressed by Doris Berkshire Hathaway ceased making direct donations to PP, in fact, all direct corporate donations ended. But the Buffet's personal donations to PP didn't cease, so in effect, a portion of the profit that Mr. Buffet saw from PC was indeed used to support Planned Parenthood.
  • #320
cooking.with.ann said:
Actually, Jason is more correct about the PP situation than he realizes...as Warren Buffet has been transferring his Berkshire-Hathaway stock to the Bill and Melinda Gates foundation (the foundation will also be the main recipient of his shares after his death) more and more PC money is going to be used to support PP and other organizations which may--or may not--use that money as Doris once thought.

It is true that after concerns expressed by Doris Berkshire Hathaway ceased making direct donations to PP, in fact, all direct corporate donations ended. But the Buffet's personal donations to PP didn't cease, so in effect, a portion of the profit that Mr. Buffet saw from PC was indeed used to support Planned Parenthood.

And thank you for bringing this up yet again!:rolleyes:
  • #321
So what can you do about what WB does with his money? Nothing! Like if I earned $20 from mowing your grass then went out and bought drugs with it. You don't have any responsibility for what I spend my money on once I've earned it from you. You can choose not to hire me any longer, but what if I never buy drugs again? What if instead I spend my money on milk with hormones instead of organic? Would you hire me? How would you know? Why would you care? Once the money belongs to me it ceases being your business!

How can you tell which of his millions are PC generated? You can't. Just enjoy being a consultant for this wonderful company and handle what you can handle. It's like that old saying, "God grant me the serenity to..." you know how it goes. It is something you don't control and can't.
  • #322
Well...I love oreos, haven't tried the cakesters yet!! And I am an Assembly of God believer! Yep, one of those tongue talking churches!! LOL! No snakes though. My mom said that the first time I told her I was attending there...."IS that one of those snake handling churches???" OH Mother!!! From Catholic to a Pentecostal Assembly of God, WAYYYYY on the other side of the spectrum!!
  • #323
ChefBeckyD said:
Although I wouldn't vote for John Edwards, there are many things I admire about him and Elisabeth. They genuinely love and respect and encourage each other - I like seeing them talk about each other. They have a deep love of family, and it is obviously not an act or just "good politics" for them. I think Elisabeth is a brave woman, and has chosen to live her life instead of just waiting to die. I think it gives her more reason to fight to live if she is helping John in his campaign - and I think her support keeps him fighting also.
I don't think I'd vote for him, but I wouldn't mind having them as neighbors!:thumbup:

I didn't mean to sound like I don't support him, because I do. I have tremendous respect and admiration for him and his wife. I just feel that most don't feel that way. They feel he is power hungry and putting his wife's sickness on the backburner. It's obvious to anyone that he is not.
  • #324
Leigh0725 said:
Am I the only one on here that thinks Hillary would be a lot better than some of the other cadidates running? Hope I'm not putting myself on the chopping block. ;)

With the oreos, have to go with the mint! yum!

I think you can tell from the replies here that she doesn't have a chance of being elected. It’s my theory that a great deal of the “Hillary is ahead in the polls” comes through the Republican party. (Perhaps I’m a little paranoid) They want to lull Democrats into a false sense of security but SHE CAN’T WIN.

The Democratic party needs to think SERIOUSLY about who they are going to put out there. . .we need a reprieve after "W" (for about the next 16 years). Bring me someone who can please the majority of Democrats and just enough Republicans.
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  • #325
daniellemorgan said:
I didn't mean to sound like I don't support him, because I do. I have tremendous respect and admiration for him and his wife. I just feel that most don't feel that way. They feel he is power hungry and putting his wife's sickness on the backburner. It's obvious to anyone that he is not.

0h, Danielle, I agree with you! While I am not supporting Mr. Edwards in his campaign (I'm supporting a candidate in the other party), I certainly believe that this is something Elizabeth truly wanted them to do--together.

I remember the press conference when the return of her cancer was announced. There was a quick shot of him while she was speaking--he didn't seem to realize that there was a camera on him--the look on his face during that unguarded moment said it all. I believe with all of my heart that he wouldn't be doing this if she didn't want to do it, or if he thought that it was in any way endangering her.
  • #326
janetupnorth said:
Oh, and DH would say the chocolate Creme stuffed ones...I liked the mint for a time but moved on...

Do you want a really good suggestion for the mint ones.....try them in the Oreo Truffles dipped in white chocolate.

Ooohhh...that is our next debate - why call it white chocolate if it really isn't chocolate?!?! :)
  • #327
jasonmva said:
Do you want a really good suggestion for the mint ones.....try them in the Oreo Truffles dipped in white chocolate.

Ooohhh...that is our next debate - why call it white chocolate if it really isn't chocolate?!?! :)

Actually my new vice is Bailey's Irish Creme Chocolates (they don't contain alcohol but the flavoring of Bailey's) - sold at Walmart...

I love Irish Creme syrup in my hot chocolate in the winter.
  • #328
daniellemorgan said:
My choice for president is Al Gore. Unfortunately until he runs I'm torn between Obama and John Edwards. Sadly, I feel many people, the anti-christ way of thinking people that is aren't feeling Edwards since his wife has terminal cancer and he is still running. He's losing alot of support because of that. At this this point though nothing can be worse than the lying, idiot we have now.I totally love the mint oreos:)
I can't just let this one go. It's just completely disrespectful to talk about the President of the United States that way. It makes me sick. Though I may agree with that statement when referring to past presidents, I don't think it's appropriate to post it on a public forum.
I also think the belief that President Bush is lying comes from believing lots of other lies put forth by the media and those who oppose the presidents views and policies. IMO :(
  • #329
ok folks I'm going to close this thread, we've had about 10 different topics discussed. Feel free to start a new thread on any of them and stick to that topic. thanks!:)
<h2>1. What is "Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" about?</h2><p>"Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" is an online warning that claims the movie "The Golden Compass" is anti-Christian and encourages Christians to boycott it.</p><h2>2. Is the warning about "The Golden Compass" true?</h2><p>No, the warning is not true. "The Golden Compass" is a fantasy adventure film based on a popular book series and does not have an anti-Christian message.</p><h2>3. Who is behind the warning?</h2><p>The warning is believed to have been started by a group or individual with a strong Christian belief who misinterpreted the themes and messages in "The Golden Compass".</p><h2>4. Why is the warning asking Christians to pass it on to everyone they know?</h2><p>The warning is asking Christians to spread the message in order to discourage others from watching the movie and potentially harming the box office sales.</p><h2>5. Should Christians boycott "The Golden Compass"?</h2><p>This is a personal decision for each individual Christian to make. However, it is important to research and form your own opinion about the movie rather than blindly following an online warning. </p>

Related to Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!

1. What is "Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" about?

"Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" is an online warning that claims the movie "The Golden Compass" is anti-Christian and encourages Christians to boycott it.

2. Is the warning about "The Golden Compass" true?

No, the warning is not true. "The Golden Compass" is a fantasy adventure film based on a popular book series and does not have an anti-Christian message.

3. Who is behind the warning?

The warning is believed to have been started by a group or individual with a strong Christian belief who misinterpreted the themes and messages in "The Golden Compass".

4. Why is the warning asking Christians to pass it on to everyone they know?

The warning is asking Christians to spread the message in order to discourage others from watching the movie and potentially harming the box office sales.

5. Should Christians boycott "The Golden Compass"?

This is a personal decision for each individual Christian to make. However, it is important to research and form your own opinion about the movie rather than blindly following an online warning.

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