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Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!

In summary, a group of individuals discuss a website that raises concerns about the movie "The Golden Compass" and its anti-Christian/anti-religious themes. They express their opinions on the matter and agree to pass on the information to others. Some bring up the comparison to the Harry Potter series and the controversy surrounding it. They also mention the recent news about the author of Harry Potter revealing that a character is gay and the potential impact on Christian readers.
  • #251
RuthV said:
The King James version(from which most modern versions of the Bible are translated from).

My hubby, a Biblical Greek & Hebrew scholar, has always done his translating from the Greek & Hebrew text not from a previously translated English text. I was under the impression that most of the translations we have today came NOT from the KJV but from Greek & Hebrew. Hmmm...gonna have to have another theological interpretation discussion at home tonight. ;)

What I do love is getting to discuss so many of the passages and how they're simply not translatable into the English language without a solid understanding of the culture and heritage. It's all very fascinating to me to study cultural nuances and how they relate to Biblical interpretation.

Okay, back on topic, carry on...
Last edited:
  • #252
jasonmva said:
Ya know...the other thing I always wondered about the whole confession with the priest is how did he know the number of Hail mary's and Our Father's for me to say? Does he have a dart board in there while I am talking and whatever it lands on that is my penence?

Can't help you there! I am Southern Baptist, so, know nothing about Hail Mary's except for when Alabama throws one to win the game!

Maybe they have a hand book to look up the value of the sin, you know like the Blue Book on vehicles? HA!
  • #253
I think they determine it the same way we determine how many minutes we put our kids in "time out" or how many chores they have to do, etc. They try to make it "fit the crime" and miss the point that sin is sin...Can you imagine the conversations behind the confessional though or around coffee afterwards...tee-hee-hee....
  • #254
janetupnorth said:
I think they determine it the same way we determine how many minutes we put our kids in "time out" or how many chores they have to do, etc. They try to make it "fit the crime" and miss the point that sin is sin...

Can you imagine the conversations behind the confessional though or around coffee afterwards...tee-hee-hee....

I bet they get some good gossip!!!

I think that is one of the awesome things of knowing you go straight to Jesus. Only He knows and you know He will keep it to himself! I know preists and pastors are suppose to keep it to themselves, but I also know of some that haven't.
  • #255
Sky is blueWhy is the sky blue: Discussion

Transmitted light (from the sun, light bulbs, fire, etc) is made up of a spectrum of colors. The longest wavelengths of light are on the red end of the spectrum and the shortest wavelengths are on the blue/violet end of the spectrum. When transmitted light such as sunlight enters our atmosphere it collides with the oxygen and nitrogen atoms. The color with the shorter wavelength is scattered more by this collision. Because violet and blue are the shortest wavelengths the sky appears to be violet / blue. But because our eyes are more sensitive to blue light than they are violet light, we perceive the sky as blue. Our eyes contain thousand of rods and cones, which are the receptors for light. Whenever one of the 3 Stooges pokes you in the eye you see a giant blue spot. This is because the blue receptors have been activated. Blue is one of the primary colors and thus more easily activated and seen by our eyes. Blue is also how I feel when my baby leaves and my hound dog dies. Also, how I feel when the cops pull me over and I see their blue lights flashing in my rear view mirror. Then, again, blue is the color of the K-mart special, so this color isn't all bad.

Why is the sky blue: Summary
So, why is the sky blue? It is because blue light from the sun strikes the air molecules and scatters and our eyes perceive it as blue.

Why is the sky blue: Short Summary
Why is the sky blue, you ask? Blue in sunlight collides with air molecules and our eyes see it as blue.

Why is the sky blue: Condensed
Sunlight collides with air, scatters blue wavelengths.

Why is the sky blue: Ultra-Condensed.
You are seeing things. Stop asking.

Debbie :D
  • #256
jrstephens said:
I bet they get some good gossip!!!

I think that is one of the awesome things of knowing you go straight to Jesus. Only He knows and you know He will keep it to himself! I know preists and pastors are suppose to keep it to themselves, but I also know of some that haven't.

Heehee! Y'all are cracking me UP!

I'm not Catholic and really know very little about modern day Catholicism from any personal experience, but I also don't want to lessen the importance of James 5:16 "Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective." I know most of us are more comfortable with keeping our sins secret/private, but I'll admit that once I talk with a trustworthy friend and strong fellow Christian about them and pray with them, I always feel better. Maybe it has something to do with accountability. :)
  • #257
Charles ChiniquyI am reading a biography on this man. He was a canadian catholic priest who converted to Presbyterianism and is known for opposing the catholic church in the 1800's.

He mentions in the biography that the confessional was a disgusting and filthy place to be. Hearing some very intimate and disturbing details day in and day out. It grieved him deeply. Poor guy. That doesn't sound like something I would want to do, ever!!! Even if I was a gossip hog!! LOL

And I agree about accountability and confessing sins to one another, especially when the struggle is hard and we need help!

Debbie :D
  • #258
LibrarianChef said:
I'll admit that once I talk with a trustworthy friend and strong fellow Christian about them and pray with them, I always feel better. Maybe it has something to do with accountability. :)

There are plenty of times I feel better after talking with someone. I think it is the accountablity too and sometimes the understanding that you are not the only one struggling.
  • #259
Just curious with the discussions were are having.

What is everyone's denomination?

I am Southern Baptist.
  • #260
I'm the good little Catholic boy who served on the alter and even with Cardinal O'Connor!

Oh Jennifer - I haev a serious question that I have always wondered about. In the Baptist denomination, are there different types of Baptists? Isn't it some type of Baptist that do the whole snake thing and others with the talking in tounges or am I confusing my denominations?
  • #261
raised Independent Baptist
Worked as a Youth Pastor for 2 Presbyterian Churches
Have attended a Wesleyan Church for 16 years now, and associate myself most with the Wesleyan theology.
  • #262
1689 Baptist Confession of FaithI am a reformed baptist. I hold to the teachings of the 1689 Baptist Confession of Faith.

Debbie :D
  • #263
jasonmva said:
I'm the good little Catholic boy who served on the alter and even with Cardinal O'Connor!

Oh Jennifer - I haev a serious question that I have always wondered about. In the Baptist denomination, are there different types of Baptists? Isn't it some type of Baptist that do the whole snake thing and others with the talking in tounges or am I confusing my denominations?

Jason - I'm not Jennifer, but I can tell you there are 100's of kinds of Baptist Churches.
  • #264
jasonmva said:
I'm the good little Catholic boy who served on the alter and even with Cardinal O'Connor!

Oh Jennifer - I haev a serious question that I have always wondered about. In the Baptist denomination, are there different types of Baptists? Isn't it some type of Baptist that do the whole snake thing and others with the talking in tounges or am I confusing my denominations?

Actually they would be more associated to Pentecostal churches. And no I am not making a blanket statement that all pentecostals are snake handlers!! LOL
I wouldn't touch a snake with a 10 foot pole! YUCK!! :yuck:


Debbie :D
  • #265
jasonmva said:
I'm the good little Catholic boy who served on the alter and even with Cardinal O'Connor!

Oh Jennifer - I haev a serious question that I have always wondered about. In the Baptist denomination, are there different types of Baptists? Isn't it some type of Baptist that do the whole snake thing and others with the talking in tounges or am I confusing my denominations?

Jason - there are quite a few variants of Baptists depending on region and other things and in all groups extremists.

Tongues usually is more in the Assembly of God or other churches - baptists usually don't believe that is a gift for current times...
  • #266
Ok, I'll chime in...Age 0-4 - Independent Non-Denominational Church (fairly similar in beliefs to Baptist)
Ages 4-16 - Baptist Church (conservative, not radical)
Ages 16-26 - Non-Denonminational Bible Church(this church is still considered my "home church" since we left and moved up north to serve at a Christian Camp as "missionaries" - DH actually does full-time, I work full-time and help part-time). We still go there when we go home and my mom attends there.
Ages 26-28 - Evangelical Free Church - also worked there...
Ages 28-present (which is above 30 but below 40 :) ) - Community Church which is non-denominational.The biggest thing is not the denomination, but the statement of faith! That is how I chose if I can attend a church.
  • #267
Here is the "Statement of Faith" from my Home Church:STATEMENT OF FAITHWe believe the Bible is the inspired, inerrant and authoritative Word of God. (2 Timothy 3:16-17) We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. (Deuteronomy 6:4; Matthew 28:19) We believe in the deity of our Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His miracles, His substitutionary and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension to the right hand of the Father, His imminent return and His personal return to earth to rule in power and glory. (John 1:14; 14:3; 1 Peter 3:18) We believe in the presence and power of the Holy Spirit by whose indwelling every Christian is enabled to live a godly life. (Romans 8:9) We believe that all men are lost sinners and must turn to Christ in saving faith and repentance through regeneration by the Holy Spirit. (Romans 3:23; 5:12; 2 Corinthians 7:10) We believe that salvation is the gift of God brought to man by grace and received by personal faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, whose precious blood was shed for the forgiveness of our sins. (Ephesians 1:7) We believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost; the saved to eternal life with Christ and the lost to eternal punishment in Hell. (Matthew 25:46) We believe in the personality of Satan, the enemy of God and man, whose destiny is everlasting punishment. (Revelation 20:10; Matthew 4:2-11)
  • #268

Yes, there are lots and lots of different Baptist denominations. That is why I specefically said Southern Baptist to clarify which one I am. I am not even sure how many there is, but I know it is a lot of them.

I know that Southern Baptist do not practice tongues. Me personally, I do not believe in them, but I can't tell you why I don't, HA! I am being honest here.

I do not know of any that handles snakes around here!! HA!

I have had people tell me "oh your services must be a hoot with all that shouting". Well, that aint Southern Baptist either. I think that's Pentecostal.
  • #269
Here are the Value Statements of my current church (they also have a "Statement of Faith":VALUE STATEMENTS
Of Pine Grove Community Church 1. We are a Bible-Centered Church. We will put a premium on knowing God’s
Word, believing it is only through this knowledge that we can attain a proper
relationship with God and an understanding of life. We believe that Biblical
teaching, study and practice bring about life changes reflected in our daily living. 2. We are an Evangelical Church. We hold to the fundamentals of the faith and
proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ, that salvation from sin comes only
through personal faith in His death and resurrection. We seek to bridge the life
of our church with the life of our community because we believe that lost people
matter to God. 3. We are a Christ-Centered Church. Everything we do will be done to honor
God and show that He is sovereign. Our worship of God will be Christ centered,
inspiring, in spirit and in truth. It will communicate the supremacy of God in all of
life. Our worship will be God-exalting, fervent, biblical and authentic. Our
worship will be appropriate to His character; we will seek to worship with
excellence. 4. We are a Grace-Oriented Church. Knowing God saves us by His unmerited
favor and fully accepts us by His grace, we will live by grace. We will encourage
one another to live in obedience by the power of the Holy Spirit and will not
impose legalism. 5. We are a Community Church. We believe authentic community matters to
God. We will seek to foster harmonious, loving relationships that accomplish
God’s will in the world. We will bear each other’s burdens and encourage one
another during the trials of life. 6. We are a Culturally Relevant Church. We believe the church should be
culturally relevant without compromising Biblical truth. We will not be resistant
to change. While truth never changes, forms of evangelism, worship and
program will change relative to effectiveness and need. 7. We are a Family Oriented Church. We believe the family is the primary
context for teaching biblical truth and godly behavior. We strive to provide an
environment which ministers to all generations and strengthens and encourages
marriages and family. 8. We are a Disciple-Making Church. We believe the responsibility of the church
is to intentionally make disciples. We seek to provide opportunities for all
believers to grow in maturity in Christ. We strive to go into all the world and
make disciples. 9. We are a Ministry-Oriented Church. We believe every Christian has been
given spiritual gifts and has a responsibility to use these gifts for the building up
of the church. We will seek to provide opportunities for all believers to develop
and to use their spiritual gifts. 10. We are not a Political Church. We believe as a church, we must firmly stand
on issues of morality and on issues that affect the free exercise of faith. Our
church will confront culture with biblical truth, especially when culture is in
contradiction with God's Word. We will encourage people to be politically
engaged as citizens, but as a church, we will not endorse any political agendas
or candidates.
  • #270
janetupnorth said:
Ok, I'll chime in...

Age 0-4 - Independent Non-Denominational Church (fairly similar in beliefs to Baptist)
Ages 4-16 - Baptist Church (conservative, not radical)
Ages 16-26 - Non-Denonminational Bible Church(this church is still considered my "home church" since we left and moved up north to serve at a Christian Camp as "missionaries" - DH actually does full-time, I work full-time and help part-time). We still go there when we go home and my mom attends there.
Ages 26-28 - Evangelical Free Church - also worked there...
Ages 28-present (which is above 30 but below 40 :) ) - Community Church which is non-denominational.

The biggest thing is not the denomination, but the statement of faith! That is how I chose if I can attend a church.

Exactly - but I'll take it a step further - is the statement of faith being lived out in the lives of those attending?

The reason I am a part of the church community where I attend is because I see God at work there everyday. I see lives changed - marriages healed that were thought over, addictions gone, families mended.....people who had given up on the church finding hope in Christ. Last week we had 26 baptized.....and that happens 3-4 times a year! I love being a part of a church where the Word of God is not only preached, but lived out in the community on a daily basis.
  • #271
jrstephens said:

Yes, there are lots and lots of different Baptist denominations. That is why I specefically said Southern Baptist to clarify which one I am. I am not even sure how many there is, but I know it is a lot of them.

I know that Southern Baptist do not practice tongues. Me personally, I do not believe in them, but I can't tell you why I don't, HA! I am being honest here.

I do not know of any that handles snakes around here!! HA!

I have had people tell me "oh your services must be a hoot with all that shouting". Well, that aint Southern Baptist either. I think that's Pentecostal.

Sometimes it is Baptist - it is cultural. We had a "sister-church" in Racine St. Paul's Missionary Baptist Church and we'd have service with them about 4 times a year on Sunday nights...we were both downtown, but we were a predominately white church, they were African-American (I usually say black with no judgement or offense intended because that's what they would say, but in case someone is sensitive I'm saying A-A). Their music and worship style was much louder and fun I might say. All hymns but they would rock the church. I play organ, but can only DREAM of playing with the style and rhythm those guys had. They worshipped differently but our beliefs were right in line with each other and we had a blast together! They'd come visit us too and see our "calmer" style.
  • #272
This is not our whole statement of faith - but an overview:

  • #273
You can view the Southern Baptist Convention Faith and Message here:


It is too long to post. I have attached it too.


  • TheBaptistFaithandMessage.pdf
    34.9 KB · Views: 296
  • #274
Janet - actually, our statement of faith sounds very much like your church!
  • #275
ChefBeckyD said:
Exactly - but I'll take it a step further - is the statement of faith being lived out in the lives of those attending?

The reason I am a part of the church community where I attend is because I see God at work there everyday. I see lives changed - marriages healed that were thought over, addictions gone, families mended.....people who had given up on the church finding hope in Christ. Last week we had 26 baptized.....and that happens 3-4 times a year! I love being a part of a church where the Word of God is not only preached, but lived out in the community on a daily basis.

You know I won't argue that one bit! You have to evaluate each church for the people and if they are following their beliefs. Hence why "Christians" get a bad rap of being non-tolerant, etc., etc....all the things we've seen here. We are all human and all sin. I like to see my church daily living out their "mission" and growing as a group and individuals in Christ and the Word of God.
  • #276
ChefBeckyD said:
Janet - actually, our statement of faith sounds very much like your church!

We find more in common each month! LOL!

  • #277
janetupnorth said:
Sometimes it is Baptist - it is cultural. we were both downtown, but we were a predominately white church, they were African-American (I usually say black with no judgement or offense intended because that's what they would say, but in case someone is sensitive I'm saying A-A). Their music and worship style was much louder and fun I might say. .

I did not even think of that when I was posting. Totally different styles based on culture but same beliefs.
  • #278
jrstephens said:
I did not even think of that when I was posting. Totally different styles based on culture but same beliefs.

My recruit goes to a large church in Atlanta and we have basically the same beliefs but I know their worship style is a bit different. I can't wait to hopefully visit there someday!
  • #279
DebbieSAChef said:
Actually they would be more associated to Pentecostal churches. And no I am not making a blanket statement that all pentecostals are snake handlers!! LOL
I wouldn't touch a snake with a 10 foot pole! YUCK!! :yuck:


Debbie :D

You and me both! Thank you guys for teaching me something during this thread. I have learned some things that I can now take with me to make more informed decisions when faced with situations. I think that is one of the great benefits of disucssing religion....we learn from each other because we follow different walks of life.

You neevr know...someone could start a new movement with a lot of the info we all shared!
  • #280
janetupnorth said:
Sometimes it is Baptist - it is cultural. We had a "sister-church" in Racine St. Paul's Missionary Baptist Church and we'd have service with them about 4 times a year on Sunday nights...we were both downtown, but we were a predominately white church, they were African-American (I usually say black with no judgement or offense intended because that's what they would say, but in case someone is sensitive I'm saying A-A). Their music and worship style was much louder and fun I might say. All hymns but they would rock the church. I play organ, but can only DREAM of playing with the style and rhythm those guys had. They worshipped differently but our beliefs were right in line with each other and we had a blast together! They'd come visit us too and see our "calmer" style.

I am finding that in my current church. We are classified as Christian but have so many different types of religious backgrounds. Of course me being one of the very fewer (if not the only) Catholic person, the services seem to get a bit long for me and sometimes they get to singing and singing and don't want to stop! They all know it drives me absolutely bonkers but I still go. :)
  • #281
jasonmva said:
You and me both! Thank you guys for teaching me something during this thread. I have learned some things that I can now take with me to make more informed decisions when faced with situations. I think that is one of the great benefits of disucssing religion....we learn from each other because we follow different walks of life.

You neevr know...someone could start a new movement with a lot of the info we all shared!

I was just thinking today how glad I am this discussion got started. I am sure we have all taken things from here that we can use.

I thank everyone that has participated too.

I know that this thread has definitely gotten God's word out there b/c of the over 3000 views of the thread. And He promises His word will not return void.

So, what topic yall want to debate next? HA!:D
  • #282
jrstephens said:
So, what topic yall want to debate next? HA!:D
Don't even get me started on Hilary Clinton!!!! :yuck:(Why don't we break all the rules about religion and politics...) Although I'd much rather discuss religion than politics...
  • #283
janetupnorth said:
Don't even get me started on Hilary Clinton!!!! :yuck:

(Why don't we break all the rules about religion and politics...) Although I'd much rather discuss religion than politics...

Oh I got it...which is better the original Oreo cookie or the Golden Oreos?

(after all, we can always debate food!)
  • #284
janetupnorth said:
(Why don't we break all the rules about religion and politics...) Although I'd much rather discuss religion than politics...

I will have to sit back and read on a political discussion about candidates b/c I do not know much about any of them.

Except for that if the anti-christ were going to be a woman I might say Hilary was it! HAHAHA!!!
  • #285
jasonmva said:
Oh I got it...which is better the original Oreo cookie or the Golden Oreos?

(after all, we can always debate food!)

Original is always better. But then my husband says I am communist b/c I do not like chocoalte! :eek:
  • #286
Anyone try the new Oreo Cakesters?
  • #287
Oh, and DH would say the chocolate Creme stuffed ones...I liked the mint for a time but moved on...
  • #288
I like the golden ones with the chocolate creme centers. But I also like white cake with chocolate frosting way better than chocolate cake with white frosting.......

And I personally think that one Clinton as president was more than enough!
  • #289
janetupnorth said:
Anyone try the new Oreo Cakesters?

I know Luke and Russell have but they did not say if they liked them. I just saw the box had been opened one night.
  • #290
okay, I see there has been a lot of posting in the last few hours...I had to run an errand. So, I will jump in from the denomination question.

I grew up in a Southern Baptist church...but I have always believed a person can "back slide"...fall away from God. Some Baptist churches believe in back-sliding and some do not. However, in our Baptist church we would rededicate our lives...if we had not been in church for a long time and had been doing things we shouldn't. Basically that is the same thing as what other denominations would call getting saved again. The Bible speaks many times on the back-slider. It is scary that even the most devout Christian could face this. Look at David...over and over he did ungodly things...but he always came back to God and asked for forgiveness. So, basically he back-slid and got saved again. It is all in how you look at it.

Before I attended my current church I thought Pentecostal people were nuts...my husband's family included. But it was because I did not understand it. As I studied my Bible and spent time in prayer on the subject my understanding grew. Today I am proud to say that I am filled with the Holy Spirit with the evedence of speaking in tongues. The book of Acts tells the story plainly. Acts 2:15 -18 For these are not drunken, as ye suppose, seeing it is but the third hour of the day. But this is that which was spoken by the prophet Joel: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your old men shall dream dreams: And on my servants and on my handmaidens I will pour out in those days of my Spirit; and they shall prophesy. At this time God's people were speaking languages they did not know, but others around them understood because it was in their language...because the message was for them personally.

I now attend the local Assembly of God church. And yes, we are a pentecostal church who believes fully in the power of pentecost as spoken of in the book of Acts. Yes we do speak in tongues. Not everyone, but most of the church has that experience. Speaking in tongues occurs for several reasons. A message from God can be given out in tongues and an "interpretation"...also given from God...follows. This type of tongues is for the edification of the church. Always God is speaking to someone...maybe everyone, maybe just one person.

During prayer time when a believer prays in an unknown tongue it is the Holy Spirit praying for them.

Romans 8:26 Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered. 27 And he that searcheth the hearts knoweth what is the mind of the Spirit, because he maketh intercession for the saints according to the will of God.

It is also my understanding that when a believer prays in a "worldly" language...English, Chinese, etc...that the enemy...Satan...hears and understands therefore he can hinder your prayers. But, when a believer prays in an unknown tongue...unknown to you or others around you...God alone hears and understands. Therefore, you are talking straight to God and God alone...as if you are sharing a secret with him...and nobody can hinder your prayers...not even the enemy. The power of Pentecost is for today, just as it was for the people in "Bible times". God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He is no respecter of persons. What he does for me, he will do for you. What he did for Paul and Silas, he will do for us today.

You do not have to speak in tongues to go to Heaven...as we have said before, you get to Heaven through the blood of Jesus Christ. But, I can tell you that my prayer life is so much deeper now that I have had this experience.

I can also tell you that not every time you hear someone speak in tongues is it from God. In a church setting, yes, but Satan has a copy of what God has and he will use it to trick you. I would never say "that is not real" or "that is not from God" to a person, because only God is going to know that for sure. But, I believe that God will reveal these things to you...give you a "check" in your spirit so to speak...that little feeling deep inside that something is not right. We must be very careful, especially as the day Jesus returns draws closer. Satan will use his tricks to draw us away from God. This is how people will be tricked by the Anti-Christ into taking the mark and believing that he is God.

I have enjoyed this discussion. We must remember to show Christ's love to everyone. We must be careful, watchful, and prayerful that we are not being deceived by the enemy. We must be careful no to fall in the trap of being judgemental and condemning of people. But most important, we must each work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Jesus is coming soon. Every prophecy has been fulfilled except for his returning. It could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could be 10 years from now. Each one of us must be ready for his return. And, each one of us must be ready to be called home today. We must make sure our hearts are where they are suppose to be. No sin shall enter into Heaven. I would hate to know that I worked so hard to be a Christian, only to lose out in the end because I was judgemental to someone, or treated someone badly and didn't have time to repent. It could happen in the blink of an eye.
  • #291
Am I the only one on here that thinks Hillary would be a lot better than some of the other cadidates running? Hope I'm not putting myself on the chopping block. ;)

With the oreos, have to go with the mint! yum!
  • #292
Leigh0725 said:
Am I the only one on here that thinks Hillary would be a lot better than some of the other cadidates running? Hope I'm not putting myself on the chopping block. ;)

With the oreos, have to go with the mint! yum!

I really cannot think of one person running that I would be thrilled to vote for......
  • #293
Leigh, I will not tell other people how to vote. I will not tell them they are ignorant...or any other word...for voting for whomever they vote for. That is a personal choice. But, I have to say that Hillary for President is a scary thought for me. I will not be voting for her...and don't know many people who would...but that doesn't mean she won't get the nomination. I say this from the standpoint of a military wife, and Christian. I have not been researching the candidates. My stand on Hilary is from what I have seen in her, through her, and by her since Bill was in the White House. I guess it is time for me to start checking out the other candidates.
  • #294
Shawnna said:
Leigh, I will not tell other people how to vote. I will not tell them they are ignorant...or any other word...for voting for whomever they vote for. That is a personal choice. But, I have to say that Hillary for President is a scary thought for me. I will not be voting for her...and don't know many people who would...but that doesn't mean she won't get the nomination. I say this from the standpoint of a military wife, and Christian. I have not been researching the candidates. My stand on Hilary is from what I have seen in her, through her, and by her since Bill was in the White House. I guess it is time for me to start checking out the other candidates.

My brother is a Major in the Marine Corp, and I can't repeat what he says about HC! (many Marine words are not allowed at our house!;) )
  • #295
Shawnna said:
I have enjoyed this discussion. We must remember to show Christ's love to everyone. We must be careful, watchful, and prayerful that we are not being deceived by the enemy. We must be careful no to fall in the trap of being judgemental and condemning of people. But most important, we must each work out our own salvation with fear and trembling. Jesus is coming soon. Every prophecy has been fulfilled except for his returning. It could be today, it could be tomorrow, it could be 10 years from now. Each one of us must be ready for his return. And, each one of us must be ready to be called home today. We must make sure our hearts are where they are suppose to be. No sin shall enter into Heaven. I would hate to know that I worked so hard to be a Christian, only to lose out in the end because I was judgemental to someone, or treated someone badly and didn't have time to repent. It could happen in the blink of an eye.

That is the glory of Christ's death, resurrection and forgiveness. My salvation is not by works, lest I could boast of my deeds! My salvation alone is through Jesus Christ. If I say something bad and fall down a flight of stairs and go into a coma and die, I will still see my fellow believers in heaven. Christ paid for my sins on the cross, paid my debt already and I have accepted that. I am in Christ and no one, thing or deed, can take me from his hand. Satan would like to make me believe that and I'm not worthy, but praise God He is greater than that!
  • #296
I will be judged for my works when I enter heaven, but it is a believer's judgement. The heaven or hell judgement is already complete for me and He will welcome me with open arms because my name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.
  • #297
I definitely wouldn't tell people how to vote, but would HIGHLY encourage to go out and do your research. I feel that the most powerful voter is an informed voter!

It is in my opinion that Bill Clinton was the best thing for this country. I realize his indisgressions in the White House were not appropriate, but he did a lot of good for the country. What did Bush do? War, higher gas prices, no focus on domestic issues (health care, education, medical advancement, etc...). Hillary has a ton of support and I think she is on the right track with some of the programs she wants to implement. Granted, I do not agree with everything she stands for, but think that compared to the other candidates, she will the greater good.
  • #298
Leigh0725 said:
I definitely wouldn't tell people how to vote, but would HIGHLY encourage to go out and do your research. I feel that the most powerful voter is an informed voter!

It is in my opinion that Bill Clinton was the best thing for this country. I realize his indisgressions in the White House were not appropriate, but he did a lot of good for the country. What did Bush do? War, higher gas prices, no focus on domestic issues (health care, education, medical advancement, etc...). Hillary has a ton of support and I think she is on the right track with some of the programs she wants to implement. Granted, I do not agree with everything she stands for, but think that compared to the other candidates, she will the greater good.

You are now on the chop block!! LOL

I am not going to say I agree with everything Bush has done (I do agree with the war just so you know) but I feel he is the best person for the job of president, especially in comparison to Clinton.
And yes Hilary stands for everything I oppose.

Debbie :D
  • #299
Leigh0725 said:
I definitely wouldn't tell people how to vote, but would HIGHLY encourage to go out and do your research. I feel that the most powerful voter is an informed voter!

It is in my opinion that Bill Clinton was the best thing for this country. I realize his indisgressions in the White House were not appropriate, but he did a lot of good for the country. What did Bush do? War, higher gas prices, no focus on domestic issues (health care, education, medical advancement, etc...). Hillary has a ton of support and I think she is on the right track with some of the programs she wants to implement. Granted, I do not agree with everything she stands for, but think that compared to the other candidates, she will the greater good.

Just remember that when evaluating past performance the economics aren't what occur while the president is in office but a few years later...in other words, we are dealing with Clinton's economics now, and will deal with Bush's with the next president...there is a large residual effect if you really study it. Not one president can wave a magic wand and undo all what the past president or congress has done before them. If that was the case, voting would end up much differently.

I personally greatly dislike the Clintons, but I'm also not 100% pleased with the 2nd Bush either.

Unfortunately, we will never have a candidate we think is the best...all have flaws somewhere so we have to inform ourselves and pick the lesser of the evils...

Hence why I HATE discussing politics...
  • #300
Shawnna said:
It is also my understanding that when a believer prays in a "worldly" language...English, Chinese, etc...that the enemy...Satan...hears and understands therefore he can hinder your prayers. But, when a believer prays in an unknown tongue...unknown to you or others around you...God alone hears and understands. Therefore, you are talking straight to God and God alone...as if you are sharing a secret with him...and nobody can hinder your prayers...not even the enemy.

I know this line of belief is common in Assemblies of God, but it is a little foreign to some of us from different Christian faiths. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but if you could share where this interpretation comes from it would help me tremendously in coming to grips with an authoritative answer.

In my faith, there were Biblical reasons why those in my church believe prophesies, tongues, and true miracles (raising from the dead) have passed on. It would be a whole book, in itself, to discuss this topic, but the scriptural reasoning and interpretations were often compelling to me during my formative years even though I still grappled with it at times.

I visited the Assembly of God with my very serious high school boyfriend many times and even witnessed what they called speaking in tongues. The pastor prayed for an interpretation when this happened publicly, but interpretation never came. I was never sure what to think about those situations and I'm still not sure to this day. But I think it's important to keep an open line of communication and an open mind when sharing our histories and understandings, so I'm just here with questions that I hope someone might be willing to answer.
<h2>1. What is "Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" about?</h2><p>"Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" is an online warning that claims the movie "The Golden Compass" is anti-Christian and encourages Christians to boycott it.</p><h2>2. Is the warning about "The Golden Compass" true?</h2><p>No, the warning is not true. "The Golden Compass" is a fantasy adventure film based on a popular book series and does not have an anti-Christian message.</p><h2>3. Who is behind the warning?</h2><p>The warning is believed to have been started by a group or individual with a strong Christian belief who misinterpreted the themes and messages in "The Golden Compass".</p><h2>4. Why is the warning asking Christians to pass it on to everyone they know?</h2><p>The warning is asking Christians to spread the message in order to discourage others from watching the movie and potentially harming the box office sales.</p><h2>5. Should Christians boycott "The Golden Compass"?</h2><p>This is a personal decision for each individual Christian to make. However, it is important to research and form your own opinion about the movie rather than blindly following an online warning. </p>

Related to Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!

1. What is "Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" about?

"Movie Warning for All You Christians Out There!!!" is an online warning that claims the movie "The Golden Compass" is anti-Christian and encourages Christians to boycott it.

2. Is the warning about "The Golden Compass" true?

No, the warning is not true. "The Golden Compass" is a fantasy adventure film based on a popular book series and does not have an anti-Christian message.

3. Who is behind the warning?

The warning is believed to have been started by a group or individual with a strong Christian belief who misinterpreted the themes and messages in "The Golden Compass".

4. Why is the warning asking Christians to pass it on to everyone they know?

The warning is asking Christians to spread the message in order to discourage others from watching the movie and potentially harming the box office sales.

5. Should Christians boycott "The Golden Compass"?

This is a personal decision for each individual Christian to make. However, it is important to research and form your own opinion about the movie rather than blindly following an online warning.

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