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Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

In summary, Sandy is trying to do 3-2-1 but has trouble getting to 4 contacts a week. Paulette is trying to do 3-2-1 but is not doing well with only 2 shows per month. JAE is trying to do 3-2-1 7 days a week.
  • #401
Talked with a couple of live people and a few on the phone. Setting up September shows. Feelin' good.
  • #402
Wow Rae! Your September must be packed!
  • #403
Made 4 calls this evening to guests who said call me in the fall. One did not answer the phone, another one said her September was busy, that she'd probably book in October, she has to look at her calendar, and for me to call her back tomorrow. Another one said she'd have to check her calendar, which was at work, and if I did not hear from her, she would let my neighbor (who is her co-worker, the original host) know, so that doesn't sound too positive. The 4th person was eating and asked me to call back next week.
  • #404
Bren706 said:
Made 4 calls this evening to guests who said call me in the fall. One did not answer the phone, another one said her September was busy, that she'd probably book in October, she has to look at her calendar, and for me to call her back tomorrow. Another one said she'd have to check her calendar, which was at work, and if I did not hear from her, she would let my neighbor (who is her co-worker, the original host) know, so that doesn't sound too positive. The 4th person was eating and asked me to call back next week.

What the heck was the last one eating?!
  • #405
12 calls today - only 6 live people - but that IS progress from all the machines I've been getting! 1 show booked for October, a catty for November (long way off, but I'll take it as she just closed a catty with me and she offered to do another one!)
I'm really attempting the customer care calls, which is waaayyyy out of my comfort zone. Normally I would call and just leave a message that I wanted to make sure everything was ok, now I'm offering suggestions and recipes. Just need to make the turn to securing bookings. Although tonight I did have one tell me to send a mini catalog with upcoming specials, so maybe? Another call wants to get in touch with me later this week, her little girl is sick right now, so atleast it's progress!
  • #406
oh, I forgot, I did have another booking today for October, but it was by email!
So for today I was able to get, 2 for October, and 1 Nov catty!
  • #407
I booked 2 more shows, one for Sept. (potential recruit also) and one for November. So now I have 8 shows for Sept. (2 catty, 6 ktichen) I have 2 kitchen for October, and 1 kitchen for November!! August is kinda ugh, had a kitchen so reschedule for Sept. My catty show host isn't doing so good right now, but I do have 3 kitchen towards the end of the month and one more catty show on the 15th! Loving it!! 3-2-1, is going great, but need to start recruiting!!!!!!!!! I do have 1 signing the end of the month!!
  • #408
I'm trying to keep myself honest as well. I created a similar sheet to the one previously posted, but I'm an Excel fan, so that's the format I did mine in. I'll attach it in case anyone is interested. Ummmm, I lied. I can't upload it BECAUSE it's in Excel. SOOOOOO, I guess if any of you are interested in it, I could email it to you!!! Sorry!!! :eek:
  • #409
I,too, have avoided this like the phone, but really started trying to implement 3-2-1 this month. Had a pretty good day. Booked one show for Oct and she turned into a potential recruit, made a customer care call (message) & she actually called me back tonight!! I am still following up from a fair the end of July, so I do have some leads there, too.

So far I have 4 Aug catalogs in progress, 2 Sept catalogs booked, 2 October shows booked, and a Holiday Expo in Nov.

This thread is very encouraging & has lots of great organizers, which I desperately need!! Thanks cheffers!
  • #410
Ellen... to answer your question my high show was a fundraiser for 3 girl's volleyball teams at a high school...

so yesterday I didn't get anywhere... I went to work and then went strait to watch another consultant's amazing race show... (awesome btw!). I felt productive because I learned a lot and learned a great cookware demo to do at a show.

Tonight I had a show. 20 guests in attendance. We're at about $560 right now with multiple outside orders still to come. No firm bookings for Sept, a few for later (one is pregnant, the other going though a divorce). I did get a strong lead for a bridal shower this winter/spring (she has to check with the bride, but the guest was the maid of honor and loves PC!) everyone that placed a small order apologized for placing a small order. This group was a lot of women that were just married, so they had a ton of stuff. I kept telling them "Don't feel bad. that's what great, get a little now, a little later and eventually you'll have your entire wish list!"

Overall I think it was an okay show. My first time with such a large show, so I will definitely learn from that. The demo and "talking" part actually only took an hour and then figuring out totals took another hour. So I didn't get out of there until about 10:15... not too bad considering I left my house at 6pm and there was a 45 minute drive each way (I was running late...). I think it will close at $700 with 2 bookings (the bridal shower and the mommy-to-be). The best part was that nobody in the room was somebody I knew from outside of Pampered Chef!!! I am so excited about expanding my circle!!! Yay!!

Okay, enough rambling... time to get to bed!
  • #411
The only thing to report today was a September cooking show that I had already had booked for the 27th moved it up to the 15th. That was actually really great though because I wan't to fill in closer than I have been. Other than that, my potential recruit lead is still not ready (she's waiting to hear back on a job she applied for). So I didn't hit the 3 contacts today. I have a show tomorow so hopefully I'll have better news after that.
  • #412
Guess I will ride this train too. I started the 3 contacts a day.
Yesterday 3 calls...1 call back in October for a show because she is moving. 1 catalog show for Aug (Woo hoo I thought my August was done for). 1 customer care and no booking.
Today...2 calls. 1 book for October, 1 for November. I did email one lady who is impossible to reach by phone told me emailing her was the best way to contact her, so I did and she is looking at her schedule to host a regular show and getting with her matron of honor to set up a bridal show and registry. (She is getting married in Oct 08)
321 works for me...well 3 is anyway!
  • #413
3-2-1 will work better when we get the 3 part down. The more 2's we have the more 1's we'll have. That's what I'm aiming for. I think the more shows I do the easier it will be to make the 3 contacts a day, don't you? I've made a few calls today, but noone is home. I have some calling back to do tonight.

I took my son to get a hair cut and talked to the hair stylist about The Pampered Chef. I gave her a mini catalog and have to go back to give her a full size. She was there alone and the phone kept ringing, so hopefully I can get her contact info next time. Right now I have three confirmed shows for September and one we need a date for. Then I have three people to call back (one tonight) to get dates for. Hopefully, they will still want to book.

I'll check back later.
  • #414
Talked to my people. Got a possible September show.
  • #415
I have yet to make my calls tonight... am about to though... I got an email from a past host who wants me to do a fundraiser for her (she is doing the 3-day walk) and a cooking show host for the end of august left me a message yesterday that she wants to switch to a catalog show... I will have to use everything to keep her as a cooking show (she's a total different group of people that I haven't done shows for yet...), as she cancelled a show back in February after this same thing. I think she just needs some confidence boosting, so that I will be doing.

I did realize that after spending an hour getting my new sunglasses at lenscrafters I should have chatted with them about pc... their computers were down, so they really couldn't do anything... dang it! oh well, I have to go back in a week to get my new glasses... will have to talk then!
  • #416
I talked to my possible recruit today. She got the job she was waiting to hear back on so I'm not sure she will sign now!

I talked to another lady (from church) who didn't know I did PC and booked a Sept show through someone else! She did tell me she'll probably use me to do one closer to the holidays.

Tonight I have a show (with only about 2-3 confirmed) so we'll see how that goes...

Say a prayer for me please!!!
  • #417
ok, I made my calls, 2 were host coaching. And I was able to get another booking for September (yayyy!) from the one LIVE person I could get on the phone. But the rest were machines. Will keep trying. I've also been a busy hostess myself as I'm hosting my own show this month to try to get more bookings too. So alot of evites, and postcards for those I don't have email addresses. I feel like I'm really making progress though.
  • #418
So I made some calls... 1 date change from August 29th to September 9th, 1 not now, but referred me to a friend who said she may be interested in an October show (and the original person I asked will probably book from that one). and 1 message left about a possible fundraiser (she emailed me today and asked me to call). I didn't get to call the possible Oct show as I just got off the phone 5 minutes ago, but will tomorrow. Not too bad of a day, I guess. Also have an outside order already from my show last night and was told to expect 5-6 more by the end of the week (which if they are $30 like this one would put her show at or over the $700 mark!) -- yay!!! Now to go enter the info from my show last night...
  • #419
Had my show tonight. Not as good as Alison though. The sales are at $257 and will at least get to $300. No bookings! Usually when my sales are low it's because I get a lot of bookings and they want to save up for their show. A few of them said "maybe later." We'll see how I do tomorrow on Big MAC calls and some CCC from a show from a few weeks ago (they got their stuff today).
  • #420
I went to Wally World today, and once I got to the register I told the clerk I had a goal to talk to 3 people about PC today, so then I said, "Are you familiar with Pampered Chef?" Her aunt is a former consultant. The clerk thought our products were expensive. I came back with that they all have at least a 1 year guarantee, and some are lifetime guarantees. I got her to fill out a drawing slip, and she said that she will need some stuff because she is getting her own place in November or December. I will follow up with her in a day or so.

I then made some follow up calls with a few folks that said call me back over the last week. One was a bakery clerk I met at the Lowe's Food. She booked a show for September! Another one had just gotten home from work at 8:45 (I had called earlier and her husband told me to call back then) and she was tired, so I am calling back tonight. I got a no answer on another call, and my other call, the women was at her pool, and asked me to call back in an hour. I got her answering machine then and left a message. I left another voicemail for a past host who mentioned about having another show when the new catalog comes out.

I have a Cooking with Kids show today, with a group of Stay at Home Moms that I am involved with. I hope to get at least a booking with that, and let's hope for some interest in the opportunity!
  • #421
Bren706 said:
I went to Wally World today, and once I got to the register I told the clerk I had a goal to talk to 3 people about PC today, so then I said, "Are you familiar with Pampered Chef?" Her aunt is a former consultant. The clerk thought our products were expensive. I came back with that they all have at least a 1 year guarantee, and some are lifetime guarantees. I got her to fill out a drawing slip, and she said that she will need some stuff because she is getting her own place in November or December. I will follow up with her in a day or so.

That is awesome!! I've been doing that recently too when I'm out and about as I'm running out of contacts and I NEED to get brave and outside of my comfort zone - AND that is the best way for me to do it. I approached a lady in the grocery store one day, and basically said the same as you and gave her a catalog, but my mistake? In my nervousness I forgot to get her info!! UGHHH!:cry:
  • #422
Oh NO!!Did I kill this one too?:eek:

Well, here's my activity today
1. Talked to Post Office clerk about PC and invited her to my own show
2. Made 11 calls - only able to speak to 2 live people, 1 calling me next week with date:rolleyes: , and other in 2 weeks (but she is also a recruit lead too!):balloon:

anyone else calling today?
  • #423
i have been on a roll lately... booked 4 shows in 4 days... all for sept. also, went to the post office today, paid with my pampered chef visa and the guy commented on it, turns out his wife loves the stuff and he knows my husband so i gave him a catalog... we'll see how that turns out
  • #424
Tomorrow I'm going to the grocery store and I plan to ask at least one person about PC. Today, I booked a catalog show for September and contacted a potential September host. She will get back to me with a date on Monday because her calendar is at work. Whatever....why would you leave your calendar at work?... unless it was a mistake. I'm pretty sure she is going to book a show.
How's everyone else doing?
  • #425
I didn't do didally squat today ... Just one of those days where I was in a crabby mood :mad: :cry: :grumpy: . By the time I got home from work I had decided that I was going to lock myself in my house tonight and not leave, as I was afraid if I talked to someone I would be terribly b*tchy and not nice (didn't help that I had a Aug. show move to sept yesterday and mon's show change to a catalog show, and haven't gotten a hold of my next thu night show :grumpy: (my aunt! she hasn't even returned emails or anything about me babysitting my cousin in 2 weeks and what days I am!). So now I am off to bed for a good night's sleep so I can wake up on the right side of the bed and have a great Friday! Hope to have better news for you tomorrow...
  • #426
Held my Cooking with kids show today with about 9-10 moms in attendance and about a dozen children (ages 2-5). The past host that this show was booked from may book another show, and a couple people said maybe in about 4-6 months. No recruits. The show is a little over $400 right now, so that makes me happy. (that is about my average)

I followed up with the one person that I reached last night and asked me to call back tonight. She booked a September show. I made a customer care call and that person asked me to call back mid-October and she will most likely book one somewhere between Oct-Dec.

Where is everyone else? Are you doing your 3-2-1 ??????
  • #427
I talked with four people. Got a tentative September show. I'll be following up with that in another week.I planned to make calls when I got home, but it was too hot to do anything. I sat down and fell asleep. Making those calls this evening.
  • #428
I haven't been as great with my 3-2-1 as I would like. I have been focusing on organizing the office. Here is what has happened to me in the last few days

Had an issue with my debit card and I wanted ti straightened out. Was discussing my account and the account rep wants a catalog. I even explained to here how easy it was to do a catalog show if a few friends were also interested in ordering. Will drop the catalog by the bank today on my way to work while depositing more PC checks.

MY UPS guy (I miss him) was delivering my Merrill order. Still have him listed in my cell phone. He wants to order some grilling tools. I told him there would be a new catalog for him on the doorstep if I was not home from work when he is on our street.

I had a mandatory meeting at work this a.m. I wore my violet unisex PC shirt to the meeting. One of the regional managers noticed and asked for a catalog so he can purchase gift items. I gave him my card (w/ website) and told him I would have a catalog for him the next time I saw him at our store.

My latest recruit lead popped into the store and we had time to talk - She watched the DVD and thinks she can do this business. Kept asking me questios but I asked her if we could get together so I can answer all her questions at one time uninterrupted. I don't want to get in trouble for talking about PC to much while on my other job. Her husband is hurting, just had two teeth pulled. I told her I would check in on Sunday to see if he was feeling better and see if we coul dget together to talk. She has 9 kiddos so her schedule is a little crazy - especially when hubby is down for the cout right now.
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  • #429
Made my calls. Nothing else to report.

Actually, that's not true. The main thing I accomplished today was that I finished reading Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell. It was recommended at the Building Your Business with Customer Care workshop I attended at NC. I had borrowed it from my local library. (They decided to purchase a copy, so it took a few weeks to get it.) It was powerful! I'll be purchasing a copy tomorrow when I head to Indy. I plan to work my way back through it slowly several times. If you're looking for some new ideas to really challenge you, I highly recommend this book. :thumbup:

Just because I like to brag about my brushes with celebrity, in the book John Maxwell speaks about his father, Melvin. I worked as Melvin's secretary for a couple of years. Dr. Melvin Maxwell and his wife, Laura, are amazing people. Knowing them, I definitely understand why John is the awesome man of God that he is.
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  • #430
well, talked to my potential recruit after hearing about the promotion, looking good she may sign as her husband is taking a new job (less money, but better benefits) and they will need the extra $$$

One CCC to a LIVE person

Did leave a message for a past hostess about her booking benefit for an upcoming show

Sent out alot of emails inviting potentials to cluster meeting, going to follow up with promotion special call

In person talk with a potential host and invited her to my show, we'll see....

Going to try to call a few other potential recruits tonight as well
  • #431
Oh, yeah, and it's not an official contact, but I finally got my birthday alarm stuff done. This was another suggestion from the customer care workshop. You go to Birthday Alarm, Greeting Cards and Reminders and register. They have an email for you to copy and paste so you can send it to people through your email.People go to the site and register their birthdays. You get a notice when they register. You also get a reminder on their birthday. When you receive a reminder about their birthdays, you send an email (or you can send one of their cards) offering them 10% off anything they purchase for so many days/weeks. This is one way to get your customers to contact you.
  • #432
raebates said:
Made my calls. Nothing else to report.

Actually, that's not true. The main thing I accomplished today was that I finished reading Thinking for a Change by John C. Maxwell. It was recommended at the Building Your Business with Customer Care workshop I attended at NC. I had borrowed it from my local library. (They decided to purchase a copy, so it took a few weeks to get it.) It was powerful! I'll be purchasing a copy tomorrow when I head to Indy. I plan to work my way back through it slowly several times. If you're looking for some new ideas to really challenge you, I highly recommend this book. :thumbup:

Just because I like to brag about my brushes with celebrity, in the book John Maxwell speaks about his father, Melvin. I worked as Melvin's secretary for a couple of years. Dr. Melvin Maxwell and his wife, Laura, are amazing people. Knowing them, I definitely understand why John is the awesome man of God that he is.

I LOVE John Maxwell! I have had the privilege of hearing him speak at conferences a couple times, and I he has taught and challenged me any time I've heard him. I love his books - I haven't read the one you recommend yet - but I'll now put it on the "must read" list!:D
  • #433
That's a great idea with the Birthday Alarm Rae! I have that for my friends and family but didn't even think about it for customers!
  • #434
Made some calls today. Nothing good to report.:(
  • #435
Nothing good to report, except I'm really ahead of my kids in a Monopoly game! :) I also went to see/hear the musical fountain in Grand Haven and the songs were actually mostly from the last few years! This entire week I've been spending lots of time in the kitchen making Pampered Chef recipes from current PC cookbooks. Way too much time washing knives, stones and cookware, but I want to be able to tell customers what I think about the recipes. I feel unprepared when I have to say that I haven't tried very many recipes in a book. I'd like to spend more time on the Delightful Desserts book. I have a good catalog show closing on Monday, so hopefully I'll have some good contacts to make. I also have a show on Thursday, so more contacts. Have a good weekend everyone.
  • #436
Hmm, working on recipes from Delightful Desserts. I'm glad to see you're willing to make sacrifices for your business. :D
  • #437
Yesterday was not such a 3-2-1 day for me. I left one voice mail for a current catalog host and that was about it. I will attempt to make a few calls this morning and report back on how that goes.
  • Thread starter
  • #438
Well I am 2 days into the fair and not having the response I had hoped for but I think it will as the say "the fortune will be in the follow up". I got 1 catalog show. It was actually a gal I know and have been wanting to do a show for a while but have been biding my time. And another checked yes for a caty. show on her slip. Otherwise it has been SO HOT and HUMID people can barely think (including me) and although LOVE PC do not want to book. I had 1 gal gho thru that I knew PC would be perfect for. Just a vibe I got. But she bolted after her family when I offered to send her a new catty. She said "don't tempt me, we have no money for that right now" DINg DING DING!!!(bells going off in my head)... couldnt even get a name. Dang it!

I do think I have made connections with a # of people. OH well... I need to get ready for today. It will be a long one 11am-10pm! Thank goodness I brought my fan!

Have a great weekend all!
  • #439
3-2-1 Maybe this helpsI can handle keeping up with the 2 & 1 aspect of the 3-2-1 Plan, but I seem to be writing notes on loose paper and then losing it so I came up with the very basic daily guide. I print this from my computer and use one each day. I am keeping it with my calendar until everything is completed that needs to be completed on it, I make notes on the calendar for future follow-ups and then I file it in my binder (with monthly tabs) so I can keep track and reference if needed. This is a work in progress! My system will evolve, and I'd love to hear suggestions and other tips as organization and often follow through are my weak spots.


  • 3 contacts daily.doc
    25 KB · Views: 340
  • #440
On my way to a show....I'll have to make my contacts there count because I was gone all day. I'll keep you posted! Hoping for at least one or two more September bookings (I only have 4). This is my last cooking show of the month so I HOPE to get the bookings there!
  • #441
my contacts today were limited to invites to my own show - does that count? And I did talk about the new recruiting incentive to one too! it was a beautiful day and I wanted to play, so that's what me & the kiddos did!
  • #442
Went to Costco today and had my PC shirt on, and I brought up PC to the register clerk. Her neice is a consultant, so I didn't go any further. For phone calls, left a couple of voicemails, another one booked an October catalog show (Yay!), and another one is not interested (she works at a Gourmet kitchen store and "has everything in the world!"), but I left the conversation positively by offering to send her recipes for the batter bowl. So made the "3" part of 3-2-1 (and I guess I am getting close to the 2 shows a week, as I have about 6-7 shows lined up for September)
  • #443
went to dinner tonight with family... use PC credit card... waitress noticed card, asked about PC then i gave her a catalog. hopefully she'll call. i love that credit card! lol
  • #444
went to dinner tonight with family... use PC credit card... waitress noticed card, asked about PC then i gave her a catalog. hopefully she'll call. i love that credit card! lol
Cool!!! Didn't know you could get a PC credit card!!

Well, I think I have finally come out of my shell.....maybe!! LOL I was challenged with a daily contacts that I must make. One "service" (ie. hairdresser, grocery store, gas station...), share the opportunity with one person per day, and put up one flyer (the new recruiting one) per day.

In the last couple of days, I dropped off info at the local Buy-Rite and my vet clinic. Talked to a couple of people about the opportunity and made a couple of customer care calls.

No shows for August yet, though.....hopefully something will happen soon! If not, then you can bet that my September is going to be stock full of shows!!!
  • #445
Christ Follower said:
On my way to a show....I'll have to make my contacts there count because I was gone all day. I'll keep you posted! Hoping for at least one or two more September bookings (I only have 4). This is my last cooking show of the month so I HOPE to get the bookings there!

Hey I'm replying to my own quote!:D

Anyway...just got back from my show! Sales are at almost $400 with some outside orders still coming in! Here's the good news....

I got TWO cooking and ONE catalog show all booked for September!!!:thumbup:

I'm soooo excited! I have 6 cooking and 2 catalog shows all together for September so far! As long as no one cancels, I'm finally gonna have the "2" part of the "3-2-1" thing!!!:D
  • #446
I had several contacts today. Many of them were at my niece's 1st birthday party. Nothing from that, but planted some seeds. Two were really fun.The first was a contact from my rummage sale that I've been trying to get in touch with. She finally returned my call. (I've been calling every few days. I tell people that I accept "no" very easily, but I never assume they're a "no." I need to hear from them that they're not interested.) We've got her September show on the calendar. Yippee!The second was in Sur La Table. I was browsing, when I overheard a conversation.Lady pointing to knife set: "This is what you need. It's only $275.00"Lady #2: "Yeah, right. I just need one really good knife that's going to last."All three ladies laughed and began to walk away. I said, "Excuse me. I couldn't help overhearing. You're looking for one good, all-purpose knife that's going to last?""Yes."So I told her I was a PC consultant. I explained that we have a full range of really good forged steel knives that are on sale this month. I gave her a new mini-catalog. I told her there were only a couple shown in that, but she could see them all on my website. If she preferred, she could contact me, and I'd be glad to send her a catalog. (She was from out of state and not interested in hosting.) One of the women with her loves PC.Finally, The Furry Guy stayed home and opened the rummage sale back up. There was a local festival going on and lots of people in our little town were having sales. He gave away three catalogs and said one of the women was really excited to find a consultant in the area. She just lost hers. I won't really be doing calls on Sunday, but I'll be back at the phone on Monday.
  • #447
Okay I am finally back to the land of not working a fair booth this week..... anyways..... I booked One more show for September and One show for OCT. and several possibilities of shows for September:) Final tally's are 13 total bookings......and grand total of sales..1,030.00 whooo!!!!
  • #448
Leah that is awesome! Congrats! Way to make those fairs work for you! :thumbup: :thumbup:

and congrats to everyone on here as well for your contacts!

I did not make any contacts since Thursday. I got hit with major PMS :cry: this weekend, starting with b*tchyness Thursday night :mad: :grumpy: , followed by 3 good nights sleep :indif: (11 hrs, 8 hrs, 10 hrs), a lot of yucky feeling that was so bad I had tears :yuck: :cry: . I think I am starting to feel like myself again. :rolleyes:

On the up side, I did get my house cleaned this weekend :thumbup: (I had boxes everywhere before! The only floor one could see was a walkway from the door to the kitchen and hallway!). I also got my Home Interiors order yesterday and my friend had spent the night (her electricity went out during a storm on Friday and stayed out!) so I "charged" her by helping me hang my new sconces. I also put a red slip cover on my futon in my living room and am going to paint my tv stand a matching red over my break!

I currently have 2 or 3 August shows left (1 may not hold -- it's my aunt and she won't return any form of contact!), 3 September shows on the books (that will hold!) and possibily a September fundraiser who has a goal of $2000! (I guess I did have 1 contact this weekend -- with my fundraiser host ). I have the goal of securing 2 more shows on my calendar this week and getting in touch with a recruit lead to meet over coffee and chat. I also have the goal of contacting everyone from my show last week to thank them for attending and letting them know an approximate delivery date (My host is $65 away from the $700 level and has 3 outside orders left! Yay!! She is awesome!!!)

Thanks for listening/reading my vent. I think that just typing out what I am doing (or the lack thereof) makes me more aware and in tune of how I am running my business...
  • #449
Oh and I forgot I passed out 4 recuriting packets to people!!! :D
  • #450
mommyhugz1978 said:
Oh and I forgot I passed out 4 recuriting packets to people!!! :D

Look at you go Rockstar! Way to get workin on all parts of 3-2-1!
<h2>1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.</p><h2>2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?</h2><p>By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.</p><h2>3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?</h2><p>Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.</p><h2>4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?</h2><p>No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.</p><h2>5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.</p>

Related to Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.

2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?

By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.

3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?

Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.

4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?

No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.

5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.

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