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Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

In summary, Sandy is trying to do 3-2-1 but has trouble getting to 4 contacts a week. Paulette is trying to do 3-2-1 but is not doing well with only 2 shows per month. JAE is trying to do 3-2-1 7 days a week.
  • #1,851
Okay, so I've been making my contacts. Generally that's right at 3-4 a day. This week they haven't resulted in any real solid leads, but lots of good customer care.My favorite was the former host I spoke with yesterday. I was checking in with her about an adjustment we had to do. I had ordered her to wrong thing as one of her 60% off host items. Totally my fault. She had felt bad that her catty was only just over $200, so she really felt bad asking for an exchange. She kept referring to her show as "piddling." I assured her that I don't consider any show piddling. She then mentioned that she would owe me more money because what she wanted cost a bit more than what I ordered her. I told her that it was my mistake, so not to worry about it. I'd cover it. (She had paid for what I ordered, not what she ordered. The difference was very minimal.) She vowed to never buy anything from another PC consultant. Ever. For as long as she lives. Never. :) I assured her that I would love for her to consider me her personal PC consultant.
  • #1,852
Yesterday, I spent much of the day with my two children, outdoors, enjoying the 78 degree weather here in NC, including soccer practice in the evening, so I didn't get any phone time in.

I did get two contacts at soccer practice. One resulted in giving a catalog, and getting the name, address, and e-mail (no phone #). Another had no siginficant results.
  • #1,853
I've been slacking big time lately. On Tuesday I did make several contacts, but not much since then. I need to get on that phone and get some bookings. I only have 4 shows for April then NONE after that.
  • #1,854
this afternoon's show was almost an EXACT repeat of last nights show. Show total almost the same amount, same attendance, and NO BOOKINGS!:cry: The host is considering signing though;)
And to be quite honest, I'm not totally upset at the lack of bookings. This was a stretch for driving for me and I really don't want to have to repeat it! I was actually late, with the 2 major traffic snarls it took me 2 HOURS to get there! Another consultant can gladly have the suburbs of DC!
  • #1,855
Well, I had a very productive day - just not one that included making contacts!

I did close a show today from earlier this week - $525 in sales, and 3 bookings. That's about all the PC work I did.

But, today, I slept in! I also did 6 loads of laundry, cleaned the bathroom; cleaned, dusted, and mopped the rest of the house; changed the sheets on the beds, made cinnamon struesel muffins for breakfast; made homemade potato salad; marinated and grilled steaks; made strawberry shortcake (with homemade biscuits!); played outside with DS, hung sheets & rugs on the line, so everything is smelling fresh and clean; watched Ratatoullie (sp?) with my guys, played "Chase" and "Here Comes Your Boy" (games my little guy made up!) and read a book on Oceans, and another library book......

It was a very busy, productive, fun day. Not a day for a lot of business, but a day I really needed to be exactly the way that it was.

Now, I'm off to take a shower and go to bed!
  • #1,856
I had a great show last night as far as sales go. It's almost $800. Very hard to do this show because the group of 13 ladies were quite talkative. I could hardly get a word in, and I didn't get any bookings except for one that will be in October. I couldn't explain anything. I feel like I need to call every guest and give them the low down on the products they purchased. WHATEVER!

Oh, and I also broke the microwave! Not really. I put the white chocolate and Cool Whip into the micro cooker, and I placed it into the microwave. I pressed the 2 for 20 seconds and tried to push the 0. Nothing. I pushed "Clear". Nothing. The host came back into the kitchen. She couldn't do anything either. Unplugged the microwave and waited. Plugged it back in. Nothing. SO...I used my 8" skillet to melt things. I put the cream cheese in the Small Batter Bowl and set the bowl in the stainless bowl with hot water surrounding the batter bowl. Then we used host's beaters to cream it all together. I had to melt chocolate chips for the Warm Nutty Caramel Brownies, too. Used the skillet for that, too. Crazy night. 4 1/2 hours total time there, and my commission is over $150. Not bad for the craziness.
  • #1,857
I had one of those productive days as well Becky! cleaned the kitchen, living room, and DD bedroom today, as well as part of my "office area". I also created my April Newsletter, while staying in my jammies ALL DAY!!!!

I did manage to get 2 contacts in today, but with nothing great to report about them. I need Bookings!!!!!!!
  • #1,858
I got in two contacts yesterday, including a future order once we can sell the baking sheets again.
  • #1,859
Hi ladies I would love to dive in & hold myself more accountable. I have 1 catalog show for April, 1 live show and 2 lrg fairs. I need to build my biz, because I want to promote.So ladies will you help me make more contacts.
You guys are also inspiring me to clean my house.
  • #1,860
Hi Amanda! You have come to the right place! We'll expect a report on how you do for Monday phone calls tomorrow evening!:D If you have a fear of the phone, you may want to listen to the phone courage class from Leadership that is now on CC.
  • #1,861
Alright, I am in...Yeah!Okay do you report everyday, or how often do you check in????I have huge phone phobia, so my plan is to start off with customer care and go from there.
  • #1,862
I made some calls last night, and it took quite a bit of effort to connect with 3 people:yuck: nothing good to report as of yet. But I'm going to be working on getting (and staying) on track with my calling schedule again!;)
  • #1,863
pamperedalf said:
Alright, I am in...Yeah!

Okay do you report everyday, or how often do you check in????

I have huge phone phobia, so my plan is to start off with customer care and go from there.
Amanda - check in as much as you need to stay accountable!
  • #1,864
amy07 said:
I made some calls last night, and it took quite a bit of effort to connect with 3 people:yuck: nothing good to report as of yet. But I'm going to be working on getting (and staying) on track with my calling schedule again!;)
Oh, Oh!!! Me too, Amy!
My biggest problem is slacking off when my schedule is full.:grumpy: I get grumpy with myself when I do that. I have a stack of about 6 people who have said to call them to book a show...and I've just let them sit there for the past 2 weeks. I don't have a show until Thursday this week - so my goal for Monday and Tuesday is to connect with all of those people and get those shows booked!
April is full, and June is getting there - but I am still looking at only ONE solid booking for May!:eek: A good thing that happened yesterday ~ I got a great E-mail from my Senior Director, congratulating me for my year so far, and letting me know she is looking forward to seeing me at the Regional Training!:D :thumbup:
  • #1,865
ChefBeckyD said:
Oh, Oh!!! Me too, Amy!
My biggest problem is slacking off when my schedule is full.:grumpy: I get grumpy with myself when I do that. I have a stack of about 6 people who have said to call them to book a show...and I've just let them sit there for the past 2 weeks. I don't have a show until Thursday this week - so my goal for Monday and Tuesday is to connect with all of those people and get those shows booked!
April is full, and June is getting there - but I am still looking at only ONE solid booking for May!:eek:

A good thing that happened yesterday ~ I got a great E-mail from my Senior Director, congratulating me for my year so far, and letting me know she is looking forward to seeing me at the Regional Training!:D :thumbup:

That is awesome Becky! :thumbup: :thumbup: I'm a little envious too, I CRAVE that. I am so not motivated by money, but give me an "attaboy" and I'm all over it!

I'm also in the same situation about the calls. And because I slacked off when my calendar looked great, and then sickness hit our house, and then the phone fear took over and now I'm looking at a pretty scary calendar! Oh well,I know what i need to do!
  • #1,866
I made some phone calls last night connect w/ 2 live people but nada out of it.I am also still working on taxes for DH, that is draining me. I am kicking myself for not being more organized. Thanks for the help!
  • #1,867
I am in now too. I want to quit my FT job and become a director. First step~ 3 2 1..... I will be making calls tonight and check in later. :chef:
  • #1,868
321 delayed reactions lolOkay so I made a lot of calls on Wed and Thursday and got a few machines. But tonight I went to bible study at church and took a snack (apples and peanut butter in the prep bowls). One of the women (whom I had left a message with) came over and asked about the bowls b/c she thinks 'they are so cute' and she 'could use them for so many things.' And then she says 'I got your message about the new and exciting things happening with your business and I want host a cooking show for you in May on the 17th if that date works for you. And if you could bring some fund raiser information to class next week my son's baseball is starting up'. I was like umm okay It was just totally unexpected! Things are looking up! I also had a co-worker from my other job call me yesterday and ask if I still had April 19th open b/c her family is coming in from out of town to see her sister. She wants to throw a PC party b/c her sister is graduating from college in the spring and just moved into a new apartment from the dorms!

321 works just not always when you expect it :) i love when this happens as both of these are from casual conversations i've had since I started in nov.
  • #1,869
Okay, I did make 3 contacts today, but 2 were not initiated by me.

~ A mother of my DS's preschool classmates pulled alongside my van (with a PC sticker on my window) and asked me if I sold PC (she had actually overhead it in class 2 weeks ago, during DS Easter party). She placed an order for a can oper.

~ The director of the preschool had a question about a stone breaking, so I helped her out.

~ One call resulted in a Kid's cooking show booking for the end of May.

~Another call was a customer care call, with no results (and she already has a consultant).

I would have liked to have had some more phone time. I will try again tomorrow.
  • #1,870
Hey Brenda - a contact is a contact!:thumbup: I love it when I don't have to initiate them - just makes my job easier! Yea for the May booking!

For me - I did make calls today/tonight. Left a ton of messages, took care of a return for a guest, and wonder of wonders - I got a booking for May 3!! Yeeee Haaaaa! I've now doubled my bookings for May (from 1 to 2!) The host of this show is the mom of a past host. The past host is someone who I have been talking with for the past 18 months about becoming a consultant. (ever since she had a $700 catalog show!) She had a show earlier this year, but was getting ready for knee surgery that would keep her off her feet for 6 weeks. Well, she is walking again, and her mom booked a show - and so I called her and told her that if she is ready to sign now, she could do her mom's show, or if she wants, she could come as a guest to her mom's show, but I would give her the bookings from that show! She is really thinking about it! I think she'll sign. Her MIL has also been encouraging her to give PC a try - I would love to have her on my team!
  • #1,871
made over 15 calls today, only able to speak to 5 people. I did get one booking for May. :D I need something/anything in April. I'm doing my own show, but I have absolutely nothing else. Thank goodness some of my March shows are holding over or else I would have nothing for sales in April!:cry: :yuck:
  • #1,872
Okay made some calls tonight. No shows booked, offered the oppertunity to a catalog host(she was so passionate on the phone, but she didn't take it), 4 cc calls (2 customers were happy I called).Do you guys get a good responce at making calls during the day or are they all at night. I always call at night except Saturdays. What have you found to be most effective for you?
  • #1,873
Amanda, I am like you with my calling time. I have a 2 year old so it is practically impossible to make daytime calls unless he is napping. I have a hard time getting ahold of live people. I have my "list" of people to call but I also try to get a lot of my contacts in while I am out and about doing errands and stuff.
  • #1,874
As for me, 2 ot of 3 of my contacts today were hosts.

One was a standard host coaching call but she said that she already would have a booking for me when I do her show this Thursday.

One was a co-host of another show I am doing that was basically telling me that NO ONE wanted to order but she would keep trying. GRREEEAAAT!

The other one was a customer that can't make this Thursday's show. She placed an order for $248 (commissionable) and had some other customer care related questions that I answered. I love it when a show is qualified before I even get there.

I am going to do 1-2 hours of calls Tuesday so I will keep you all posted!
  • #1,875
pamperedalf said:
Okay made some calls tonight. No shows booked, offered the oppertunity to a catalog host(she was so passionate on the phone, but she didn't take it), 4 cc calls (2 customers were happy I called).

Do you guys get a good responce at making calls during the day or are they all at night. I always call at night except Saturdays. What have you found to be most effective for you?

What is most effective for me is whenever I get a chance. I have been making an effort to ask people when the best time is for me to call, and that seems to help. Some are SAHM's like me, so I can call during the day - I usually try to do this while DH is in preschool, or I let him watch a dvd so I can make a few calls.
Others would rather be called at night. I have a couple hosts I am working with right now who work from 5:30am-1:30pm, so I call them in the afternoon also.

I don't make calls from 6-7pm, or after 9pm - unless someone has specifically asked for me to call them during that time.
  • #1,876
Christ Follower said:
As for me, 2 ot of 3 of my contacts today were hosts.

One was a standard host coaching call but she said that she already would have a booking for me when I do her show this Thursday.

One was a co-host of another show I am doing that was basically telling me that NO ONE wanted to order but she would keep trying. GRREEEAAAT!

The other one was a customer that can't make this Thursday's show. She placed an order for $248 (commissionable) and had some other customer care related questions that I answered. I love it when a show is qualified before I even get there.

I am going to do 1-2 hours of calls Tuesday so I will keep you all posted!

You rock Ellen!!! Make those calls and keep at it.

(I know you will be shocked to see this but I got on to look for something and wanted to say HI!!)
  • #1,877
Dh is taking me out to dinner tonight for my bday, so I tried to get my contacts in early since I will lose prime calling time. I picked up an order for my show on Friday when I hand delivered another last minute invite (yayy!), also spoke to another invited guest who confirmed she is coming with a possible guest,and I'm going to get my oldest DS's bus driver this afternoon too.
Have a great night making those calls. WE CAN ALL DO THIS!!
  • #1,878
I made calls last night and didn't have any luck. I got one very rude person on the phone that was a lead from a booth I did. She bit my head off! I was so upset after that I decided to go to bed! :( I will be trying again Thursday night.
  • #1,879
Ellen, Congrats on that huge order. Hope you have even more success making those calls.

Happy Birthday, Amy! Enjoy your dinner!

Heather, do not let that one person get you down! Get right back on that phone Thursday, you can do it!

I have made 2 contacts so far today. One person had no interest, and the other may do a show in the future. I got permission to call back toward the end of May. I am hoping to make a few more contacts between this afternoon and evening.
  • #1,880
I made a few more calls, got a few machines, and then my 3rd contact for today. This person wants to check her schedule for May, and then call me back about hosting. If I do not hear from her by next week, I have her permission to call back.
  • #1,881
wooohooo! Got home from my fabulous dinner with my family and my DS bus driver is coming, and an email from my neighbor that she is coming to my show on Firday too!:D
  • #1,882
So I made some contacts today but no big results.

4 customer care calls resulting in one wanting to receive my newsletter and 2 that say they do NOT want to receive my newsletter.

One online order for $8.

And 2 product adjustments.
  • #1,883
I made a ton of calls last night - spoke to a husband of one person, and answering machines for all of the rest. So nothing to report. I will have no time to make any calls today - I have meetings, and need to get ready for a training session I am leading tonight at church, so today is a non-PC day.
  • #1,884
all my contacts were in person today, invited 4 people to my show on Friday -2 are coming! YAY!
Now to get some shows booked and RECRUITS!!
  • #1,885
Made a contact with a grocery store clerk today who "says" she wants to order and will call me...hope that works out.

Did more host coaching too. My show for tomorrow is looking good. It's already at $313 commissionable sales with more outside orders coming in.

On my way to church so hopefully I can make a couple more contacts.....
  • #1,886
I made one contact today. Everyone I call is not answering. I am trying to get ready for a fair I have Saturday. I am hoping to make tons of contacts. This fair is an hour away from where I live so I am also hoping to expand my biz into some new circles.
  • #1,887
I made about 4 calls this evening and got my 3 contacts in for the day, but nothing significant to report.
  • #1,888
host coached myself - made reminder calls
closed a show from last weekend

pray for me for tomorrow. I'm hosting my own show to try to get some bookings!
  • #1,889
amy07 said:
host coached myself - made reminder calls
closed a show from last weekend

pray for me for tomorrow. I'm hosting my own show to try to get some bookings!

Praying for good attendance and lots of bookings!
  • #1,890
Tonight I had a show - did the Deluxe Cheeseburger Salad as an interactive show again. That is so much fun, and people are loving that salad!

I got a booking for April - my last available date! Also a booking for June.....but drats! Not a booking for May!:cry:

The greatest thing is though that my host is seriously considering PC! She has done daycare for 12 years - and is ready for a change! I sat and talked with her for about 1/2 hour after the show - and gave her the DVD to watch.....I think she will sign. I told her the bookings from her show would be hers and she really liked that info!:thumbup:
  • #1,891
You are rockin', Becky. Good for you! And thanks for the reminder about the salad. My kids have been asking for it, and I have a lot of romaine lettuce to use up before we leave on Saturday.
  • #1,892
Okay - I'm not so tired now, so I wanted to share a little more about the show last night. It was a lot of fun - despite everything that happened!

First - there were supposed to be 9-10 guests there - ended up with 4. One girl went into early labor that day, so she, along with 2 of the other guests (mother and sister) were at the hospital instead. One guest called after I got there to say she was sick, and then the neighbor stopped over to grab a catalog - she and her DH both have bronchitis.....

So, we were in a little kitchen/dining area about the size of my closet. Anytime anyone wanted to get up from the table, everyone else had to stand so they could get by. Don't know where we would have put 10 people! But they were all having fun using the knives, the spinner, the chopper, the UM.....it was easy to just pass things around and let everyone try them out.

Then came the mustard!:eek: :eek: I was showing the easy adj. meas. spoon, and went to squirt in the mustard - and the mustard bottle exploded all over the guest sitting closest to me! :eek: :eek: :eek: (note to self - from now on - put the mustard in the EAMS before the show!) I just about died! I apologized the whole time I was trying to help her clean up - and everyone else was joking and laughing about it......

I gave her free shipping on her order! Her friend booked a show for June(after telling me that she NEVER has parties, and she came to the show determined to not book one), and as they were leaving, the mustard coated guest said "this was a lot of fun, you did a great job! If I ever had a party, I would have you do it....but I'm not having one!" I just told her that those were famous last words - and that in June, when I see her again, I may just have a deal she can't refuse!:D

So - low attendance, a show inside a phone booth, a mustard explosion, 2 bookings, a hot recruit lead.....and FUN was had by all! What an evening! I'm still laughing about it this morning - and how many people can say that about their job? I LOVE:love: :love: my job!
  • #1,893
I might be posting just for myself!:rolleyes: Where is everyone?

I was home this evening - DH is sick...so I thought, hey, if I'm home on a Friday evening, other people might be too....and I started calling.

I did get a hold of 3 people - 2 were strictly customer care calls, and the third resulted in another booking for MAY! Whooo Hooo! I'm now up to a big whoppin' 3 shows for May! At least they are all in the first full week if May...so I will still have time to book some more shows towards the end....

And my show for tomorrow is with a young single girl - she is expecting 10-12 people, and is seriously thinking about signing! Whooo Hooo again! Here's hoping she has several bookings and I can use that as the final straw to get her to sign!
  • #1,894
ChefBeckyD said:
I might be posting just for myself!:rolleyes: Where is everyone?

I was home this evening - DH is sick...so I thought, hey, if I'm home on a Friday evening, other people might be too....and I started calling.

I did get a hold of 3 people - 2 were strictly customer care calls, and the third resulted in another booking for MAY! Whooo Hooo! I'm now up to a big whoppin' 3 shows for May! At least they are all in the first full week if May...so I will still have time to book some more shows towards the end....

And my show for tomorrow is with a young single girl - she is expecting 10-12 people, and is seriously thinking about signing! Whooo Hooo again! Here's hoping she has several bookings and I can use that as the final straw to get her to sign!

I'm here Becky - popped in and read your stuff...EXCELLENT JOB!!!! Yeah!

I'm not on a routine of calling people daily, but I talked to someone about the stuff on the outlet today and she is going to place an order and I have a show on Wednesday and a lady coming asked for an outside order form for her son.
  • #1,895
janetupnorth said:
I'm here Becky - popped in and read your stuff...EXCELLENT JOB!!!! Yeah!

I'm not on a routine of calling people daily, but I talked to someone about the stuff on the outlet today and she is going to place an order and I have a show on Wednesday and a lady coming asked for an outside order form for her son.

Yea for you Janet!

I don't know how you fit it all in - you are amazing!
  • #1,896
did my show tonight. I'm a terrible host! But I did get 1 booking for June, and a fundraiser for a new youth non-profit group home. They are having a HUGE fundraising concert with craft exhibitors, so I mentioned that it would be a great way to kickoff a PC fundraiser. So, I'll be getting a table there in addition to the regular fundraising thing too. Also, she is doing the show in June to get products for the home's kitchen! Yay!!!
  • #1,897
amy07 said:
did my show tonight. I'm a terrible host! But I did get 1 booking for June, and a fundraiser for a new youth non-profit group home. They are having a HUGE fundraising concert with craft exhibitors, so I mentioned that it would be a great way to kickoff a PC fundraiser. So, I'll be getting a table there in addition to the regular fundraising thing too. Also, she is doing the show in June to get products for the home's kitchen! Yay!!!

YEA Amy! I have found that fundraising tables are a great way to get bookings.

I'm a terrible host too. I hate having Direct Sales parties of any kind at my house. Strange that I love my job so much, isn't it!:confused:
  • #1,898
Had no contacts yesterday, because I was ill.

Today, I had a show. There were only 3 guests plus the host in attendance. One of those guests was the host's daughter (or DIL?) and it was held at her house. The two guests were her friends (and another mother/daughter team at that). Yesterday, when I made my call to the host, she had no clue as to who was going to show up, although I coached her to make reminder calls, and she had been a consultant in the past. Sales are currently at $94, with 1 June booking. The host and her daughter are going to work together to get some outside orders.

I hoped to make some more calls this evening, but instead of feeling ill to my stomach, like yesterday, I am now dealing with an awful headache. Back on the phone on Monday.
  • #1,899
I didn't make any calls today other than to close out a show from last weekend (over $800:D :D )!!!
But I did some emails, 1 was an order for my mystery host show that I did last night.
  • #1,900
I have not done my 3-2-1 yet. My first 2 shows just finished so tomorrow I am going to make some phone calls. I hope I do ok. The products have arrived but the hostesses still have them so its not an out of the box call. just a "your products are in, and i will call you again when you get them so that i can be sure everything is good" i want to ask if anyones interested in booking but i have not done that yet so i am kind of nervous
<h2>1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.</p><h2>2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?</h2><p>By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.</p><h2>3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?</h2><p>Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.</p><h2>4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?</h2><p>No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.</p><h2>5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.</p>

Related to Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.

2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?

By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.

3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?

Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.

4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?

No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.

5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.

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