Okay, so I've been making my contacts. Generally that's right at 3-4 a day. This week they haven't resulted in any real solid leads, but lots of good customer care.My favorite was the former host I spoke with yesterday. I was checking in with her about an adjustment we had to do. I had ordered her to wrong thing as one of her 60% off host items. Totally my fault. She had felt bad that her catty was only just over $200, so she really felt bad asking for an exchange. She kept referring to her show as "piddling." I assured her that I don't consider any show piddling. She then mentioned that she would owe me more money because what she wanted cost a bit more than what I ordered her. I told her that it was my mistake, so not to worry about it. I'd cover it. (She had paid for what I ordered, not what she ordered. The difference was very minimal.) She vowed to never buy anything from another PC consultant. Ever. For as long as she lives. Never. I assured her that I would love for her to consider me her personal PC consultant.