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Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

In summary, Sandy is trying to do 3-2-1 but has trouble getting to 4 contacts a week. Paulette is trying to do 3-2-1 but is not doing well with only 2 shows per month. JAE is trying to do 3-2-1 7 days a week.
  • #1,701
Had a show today. I made 8 contacts and asked them all if they would be interested in having a show. "No" was the answer I received. One older lady even told me she is a QVC shopper and had never heard of The Pampered Chef. Glad she found something of value to purchase. One person is toying with the idea of throwing a PC bridal shower. The host will talk to her about it. The one man was asking me all about the business opportunity. I gave him the brochure. I wish I would have given him the info about the knives. I still can.
  • #1,702
Had a Power Cooking Show today - Yuck!:yuck:

Did not like the format. I felt like I was showing very minimal tools - and, maybe you have to be more organized then I am, but I felt like it was completely disjointed. I wasn't comfortable with it at all - and I got no bookings.
(So I agree with you, JAE!)

However - the past host was there, and when she checked out, she told me she had really been thinking about it, and she thought maybe she would like to be a consultant.:D
She is quiet, and she told me that she wasn't sure because she just isn't a salesperson.....but at her show, she got $300 in outside orders, so that made her think that the products really do sell themselves. We talked about a more interactive show format - and she thinks she could do that.

I gave her the DVD, and she is going to watch it this weekend, and then I'll call her Monday.:thumbup: :thumbup:
  • #1,703
Becky, what recipe did you serve? My show on March 10, we are serving the stroganoff.
  • #1,704
JAE said:
Becky, what recipe did you serve? My show on March 10, we are serving the stroganoff.

I prepared for the freezer the Stroganoff, and the Chili, and we served the BBQ's. The chili - really, the only tool it shows is the can opener - had guests all open cans. The stroganoff, also the can opener......and a few other minor tools......I did sell a 12" skillet, but it was to the past host, so it wasn't commissionable - and it was 60% off. Most of the tools are used before the show, when you pre-cook the meat.
  • #1,705
I think maybe the tacos would be the best one to serve because then you could grate cheese, chop tomatoes, slice olives with Egg Slicer Plus, pipe sour cream with EAD. The SA dishes could be used to serve. I really think the ground meat needs to be cooked with guests around, but kitchens aren't all well suited for that as a demo. Everyone could take turns with the food chopper and knives and the Mix N Chop. Three people can use the Garlic Press. KWIM?
  • #1,706
JAE said:
I think maybe the tacos would be the best one to serve because then you could grate cheese, chop tomatoes, slice olives with Egg Slicer Plus, pipe sour cream with EAD. The SA dishes could be used to serve. I really think the ground meat needs to be cooked with guests around, but kitchens aren't all well suited for that as a demo. Everyone could take turns with the food chopper and knives and the Mix N Chop. Three people can use the Garlic Press. KWIM?

That is EXACTLY what I thought! If anyone wants to do this show in the future, I will insist that we do the tacos as the demo! I could also do salsa with the salad choppers to show even more tools! I would even break down and invest in a single burner for this show. I talked about all of the tools used before the show, but it is not the same as guests actually seeing and using them!
  • #1,707
Yesterday, I made my first contact of the day while signing my DS up for soccer. The woman doing the registering (who I asked her first) had not heard of PC, but has hosted candle parties. I gave her a mini F/W '07 catty, and got her contact info to follow up.

I had a show yesterday. I just acquired the show on Friday from a fellow clustermate (that I had not met yet). She had back pain and did not want to cancel on her host.

The host (who had only spoke to the consultant once, most of the "coaching" was done thru the sister of the host, who is a coworker of the consultant) had $420 in outside orders, and 3 bookings (2 cattys, 1 kitchen). At the show, there were 7-9 guests, including the mother and 2-3sisters of the host.

I think the host's sister was originally going to have this as a bridal show, but they changed it to a regular show, as everyone was talking about helping the host get the 1/2 price cookware set. I only got $60 in additional orders at the show, but I think everyone was waiting for payday, as well as wanting to help the host out, so they were indecisive of what to order.

Three sisters were all interested in booking (April, June, and possibly May).

When I spoke to the other consultant about taking this show, we were both unsure of how to handle the bookings. She did mention that maybe I would take the bookings and if I couldn't fit them in my schedule, I could hand some to her. I posted the thought on another thread, and there were mixed reviews. I traveled 50 minutes for this show, and could really use the bookings.................
  • #1,708
So, DH was at work ALL NIGHT ~ a power line had been knocked down in an accident, and he was paged at 11:45 that there was no power on the campus (he is the dir. of maintenance for an Assisted Living Center.) He ended up having to be there until 7:30 am.....sooooo, this afternoon, I took DS shopping so DH could rest and get some sleep. Can I just say that Sunday afternoon is a ZOO at the Mall, Target, and Costco? YUCK!:yuck:

I was dressed in all of my PC glory, but I think my face said "get me out of here"....so I didn't make any contacts.
  • #1,709
Yes, I'm usually in shock when I have to shop on weekends because I usually shop during the day and home by 3:30! Weekends are insane when shopping.
  • #1,710
Well I talked to a host last night for this Friday's show - she has 11 coming so far and let me know that a bunch of guys will be there as well - I'm psyched cause guys don't seem to think twice about buying the higher priced items. Then I got an email this morning regarding someone who wants an April date - I have 3 cooking and 1 catalog show for April already with probably 2 more cooking shows to come. And I got my HWC fundraiser for May lined up at my Curves as well. Not bad for a few minutes work!
  • #1,711
Well, I finally connected with a host to be. She set a date. I just need the guest list. I e-mailed someone, but she actually e-mailed back. We will connect by phone tomorrow to set a date. I finally talked to a catalog show host and found out she really is doing a catalog show. I'm bummed that she won't be ready until Monday, which is March. I called my Thursday host and she has only heard from one person about coming to her show. Her show is an hour away, so I hope she gets more RSVP's, or I'll be rescheduling/cancelling that one. I called another catolog host who will finish her show soon. I left a message with a host hopeful and called someone "out of the blue" who wasn't home.
Already have a plan for tomorrow, so I'm hoping I'll actually stick to the plan and report back.
  • #1,712
JAE said:
Well, I finally connected with a host to be. She set a date. I just need the guest list. I e-mailed someone, but she actually e-mailed back. We will connect by phone tomorrow to set a date. I finally talked to a catalog show host and found out she really is doing a catalog show. I'm bummed that she won't be ready until Monday, which is March. I called my Thursday host and she has only heard from one person about coming to her show. Her show is an hour away, so I hope she gets more RSVP's, or I'll be rescheduling/cancelling that one. I called another catolog host who will finish her show soon. I left a message with a host hopeful and called someone "out of the blue" who wasn't home.
Already have a plan for tomorrow, so I'm hoping I'll actually stick to the plan and report back.

Are you going to do the booking blitz with Jen?
  • #1,713
Well, I am supposed to be at a show tonight....canceled at 4pm today, hosts MIL died. She is going to just turn it into a Catalog Show, but she also has 1 and maybe 2 bookings!

My show host for next Monday called to reschedule, because he uncle died and she wants to wait longer before having a party...at least she rescheduled for March.

My host for this Thursday - Bridal Shower - came by, and dropped off $100 in outside orders, plus added to the brides wish list. We decided on a demo, and there are 15 people attending. So, I'm thinking that will be a good show. Just don't know if it will close in February.

I have 4 open shows to close - hopefully I can get them all done in the next couple days...before Friday!

A past host is supposed to sign this week, but I never believe it til it actually happens. I've learned not to get my hopes up!
  • #1,714
JAE/Becky - are you guys going to be on the booking blitz call Sunday with Sherri?
  • #1,715
janetupnorth said:
JAE/Becky - are you guys going to be on the booking blitz call Sunday with Sherri?

Don't remember hearing about that one - or maybe it just went in one ear and out the other because I knew I wouldn't be doing it.....but our director Jen challenged us to a booking blitz tomorrow....
  • #1,716
janetupnorth said:
JAE/Becky - are you guys going to be on the booking blitz call Sunday with Sherri?

Would that be Sherri Carr? If so, I hope to hear some info on that. I would like to participate. I did the last one.
  • #1,717
Sherri KlassenYvonne has done 2 of the calls in the last month. There will be another one Sunday night.Sherri was going to join this one so I wasn't sure if she invited her downline or not.
  • #1,718
Don't forget if you talk to 10 guests at a show, that counts!!
  • #1,719
I made a couple of contacts today. The first one was a customer care call, with no real results.

The second was a call to an outside order from Saturday's show to put a date for a show on the calendar. She booked a May show.

Other than that, I talked to a catty host that I have been trying to reach for the last two weeks or more. Her son was on the way to the hospital in an ambulance, so she said she would call me on Wednesday.

Talked to a couple more hosts, and left messages for other hosts about closing their shows out. I leave on Thursday for a 9 day trip to MA, so I am trying to close out before I leave. There are already at least 2-3 shows that I will be holding open until I return on March 8th!:eek:

OH! I almost forgot. While I was talking to my sister today. I asked her about doing a catalog show for me. She said she would take the catalog to work and try to round up some orders! (I know she has a small circle of people, but we will see what happnes.) She lives in CT, so I may be able to write off my travel expenses to MA when I bring her the hostess kit!:)
  • #1,720
Yes, BeckyD, I told Jen I'd do the booking blitz. But, I'm not waiting until tomorrow night. I have a few people to call in the evening, but I need to make calls during the day, too. Jen said to let her know of my progress. I'll be sure to do that.
  • #1,721
Good Luck with the Booking Blitz guys!

Today was DH's birthday so I spent the day running around getting things done so we could go to the coast for dinner. It was beautiful out there at 3:45pm when we got there. We were the only ones in the restaurant!!:D We kidded ourselves into thinking that it was our really late lunch instead of a super early dinner. It was nice though because we got back into town early and went to the bookstore and just browsed for an hour. Then went to MIL's to have cake and ice cream with the boys. They had decoratted a cake for DH and it was full of candy! Needless to say it was not easy getting them to bed!

So tomorrow is back on the phone. I also have to go and close ANOTHER $1000 show!!! WAHOO, #3 in a row!
  • Thread starter
  • #1,722
Hi all.... I have not forgotten this thread! I love how you all have kept it going. I am doing better with my 321. I have booked a few people I had been working on for a while and made some new contacts. You all rock and keep making those calls!
  • #1,723
I made a few calls today. I talked to two people and booked a show for April and a catalog show for March or April, depending on what host special she likes better. I played phone tag with another person, so hopefully we will actually have a converstion tomorrow.
  • #1,724
Just closed a show - $965 commissionable sales (drat that 60% past host benefit! It was over $1000 guest sales.) and 3 bookings....another thumbs up:thumbup: for the 30 minute chicken and garlic parmesan bites - that combo is just GOLD for me!

Spent some time on the phone with a potential recruit. She asked all of the right questions, and then informed me that she just had a call for an interview for a job....so she has decided if she doesn't get that job, she will sign. :grumpy:

My newest recruit came for Dinner tonight, and then we spent an hour going over details for an Expo she is doing this Saturday. She has submitted 2 shows this week, and has 2 more to submit - so Yippee! She will qualify in her first 30 days, and also gets the HWC host item! And 2000 points for me!
  • #1,725
I only made two contacts today, and they were made in person. The first one was at Dress Barn while I was shopping for an outfit for a wedding this weekend. Gave the clerk a mini-catty, and got her contact info to follow up. The second was at a new grocery store. I had some stuffed clams, and the clerk must have seen my ribbon tote, because she asked me if the clams were for Pampered Chef. Gave her a mini-catty and got her info to follow up!

Didn't have time to make calls. (Other than calling hosts to close their shows before I leave on vacation Thurs. morning. I still have 4-5 MIA hosts!) Also trying to reach a couple March hosts for their guest lists before I leave too!
  • #1,726
I made my calls today, but no bookings. One person was just impressed that I made the call. I think that was a good connection, and I'm sure if she is interested in hosting in the future she will call me.:D

Went to a host's house to close her show tonight. I thought that we were going to be over $1000 but it closed at $972! Ugh! Don't get me wrong, I am very happy with that, but this has ended my streak!!

Oh, and I made my calls this evening and actually got some live people on the phone. So as much as I want to call during the day, I think the evenings are just better for my customers.
  • #1,727
I've been making my contacts. I've scheduled a couple of shows; collected a couple of orders.I did a show last night with 12 guests, even though the local boys' sectional basketball game was postponed due to weather. And, trust me, the weather has to be pretty bad in Indiana for a boys' basketball game to be postponed.
  • #1,728
My contacts were at my Bridal Shower Show this evening. There were 15 people there, but 3 were bridesmaids, all young, and they didn't buy anything. 3 people took their orders with them, because others are going in with them on a gift, so they needed to get with them. Sales are at $420 right now, but I can see it going much higher - possibly $600-700. (There were 3 others who couldn't make it who also wanted to order)The best thing was I got a booking/recruit lead for April 5th. (and I never get bookings at Bridal Showers!) Another friend of the bride (young girl) who LOVES to cook, and had never heard of PC - and was practically jumping out of her seat to book a show. So when we were setting a date for the show - I said, "You know, if you really love everything you saw tonight so much - you really should consider becoming a consultant". She is very interested, so I gave her the DVD, and told her we would talk more on Monday, when I call her about her show.
We made the Clubhouse Chicken Squares (my go-to recipe for Bridal Showers, for some reason!) and the tools used are mostly in the starter kit, so I pointed that out to her.....in her words - "I just want it all!"All in all, a very good evening.
  • #1,729
Glad it went well for you, Becky. Will you be able to close by month's end, tomorrow? And someone wants a show on April 5? That's spring break. We're leaving for TX that day. I was hoping I would get someone who didn't care about spring break to book the week before, like on the 3rd, but my show was cancelled due to host being sick.
  • #1,730
JAE said:
Glad it went well for you, Becky. Will you be able to close by month's end, tomorrow? And someone wants a show on April 5? That's spring break. We're leaving for TX that day. I was hoping I would get someone who didn't care about spring break to book the week before, like on the 3rd, but my show was cancelled due to host being sick.

No - won't be able to close by tomorrow. I still have 4 other open shows for this month, and hopefully will be able to close them tomorrow.

I was so pumped about the April 5 booking! I now have one for the 5th and the 8th! Both right in the middle of spring break. We never go away for Spring Break, and I am sure there are plenty of others who don't either. She is a young, engaged girl - not concerned with spring break times, and my one on the 8th, her kids are all grown and married, so she isn't concerned either.

Whew! I really want that FREE conference! So, if I can get just a couple more bookings for that time period - I may be able to pull it off! (I have 4 -5 right now)

I'm so sorry your show canceled tonight! What a bummer. Illness has been almost as big a factor as snow for February shows!
  • #1,731
I'm not too bummed about the cancellation. She has been sick for over a week, and she wasn't making her calls. She only had 2 people coming when I talked with her yesterday. It was 45 minutes away. I was hoping to get a booking if the she did happen. Now, I'm not sure where I'll get shows in this area for the next month. I have a show in Canadian Lakes on Saturday, Cedar Springs on Monday and then one an hour and a half away the next Monday.
  • #1,732
Well, I had a show last night - she had 60 invites!!!! Hand-delivered most and only 6 people came and I drove over 1 1/2 hours. ETA: So many people had emergencies - 3 guests had to go to the hospital for 2 different people as of 4:30 p.m. the host said - 1 had an older relative fall and the other had a medical emergency. 1 stopped in AFTER the show. Other guests had gotten the flu.My customers are happy though, and my past host...they had a blast. Two said they hadn't laughed that hard in YEARS!My host is motivated to get at least 10 outside orders for me today - her list is all set and still close later tonight! :) Love those organized hosts that like to stick to deadlines!Sales before that are around $350...commission is lower due to the 60% off items...But not bad...One person booked for July (teacher and coach in the spring and wants to use her show as a break later) so I'll take it!Others didn't want to book but all were very interested in checking out the outlet later and took my business card...So, overall not too bad.
  • #1,733
janetupnorth said:
Well, I had a show last night - she had 60 invites!!!! Hand-delivered most and only 6 people came and I drove over 1 1/2 hours.

ETA: So many people had emergencies - 3 guests had to go to the hospital for 2 different people as of 4:30 p.m. the host said - 1 had an older relative fall and the other had a medical emergency. 1 stopped in AFTER the show. Other guests had gotten the flu.

My customers are happy though, and my past host...they had a blast. Two said they hadn't laughed that hard in YEARS!

My host is motivated to get at least 10 outside orders for me today - her list is all set and still close later tonight! :) Love those organized hosts that like to stick to deadlines!

Sales before that are around $350...commission is lower due to the 60% off items...

But not bad...

One person booked for July (teacher and coach in the spring and wants to use her show as a break later) so I'll take it!

Others didn't want to book but all were very interested in checking out the outlet later and took my business card...

So, overall not too bad.

Illness and Weather have been more of a factor for shows this month than at any other time in my 5 years with PC ~ it's been a tough month! Even my director, who never turns in less than $3000, is having a hard time getting to $1250 this month.

It sounds like it could still be a good show though - 10 outside orders could double your show total!:thumbup:
  • #1,734
ChefBeckyD said:
Illness and Weather have been more of a factor for shows this month than at any other time in my 5 years with PC ~ it's been a tough month! Even my director, who never turns in less than $3000, is having a hard time getting to $1250 this month.

It sounds like it could still be a good show though - 10 outside orders could double your show total!

Yup, that's what I'm hoping!

She was so impressed that I was willing to drive the distance to hang out with her friends and give her a fun night and help them get some AWESOME things at 60% off that she washed my dishes while I was checking people out then went through her list of people to push for orders tomorrow and told her DH that she wants to make sure my drive was "worth my time".

I thought that was nice of her...most hosts could care less...I found out from a guest (host NEVER stated this) that she sells Mary Kay as a hobbyist so that's probably why she seems to understand that it is a business.

Either way, it was a very fun group!
  • #1,735
My 3-2-1 has gone MIA for a couple of days. I am now back in my hometown in MA for a week, so the last couple of days had been closing out a couple of shows, tracking down some other hosts that won't close now until I return, prepping host kits to bring with me, and of course the fun of packing for the trip. I am going to get myself together and make a few calls today. I am hoping to be able to make a number of calls over the week, because besides a Wedding on Saturday, it will be relatively quiet trip. (and the computer won't be staring at me all day, like it is at home!:D )
  • #1,736
Made my 3 contacts today, but nothing great to report. EVERYONE keeps telling me that now is not a good time. I just then ask if it is okay to follow up in 2-3 months, closer to summer. I only have 3 shows scheduled for March right now, and not sure if any of them are going to hold!
  • #1,737
Spent the morning making calls, and talking with people placing last minute orders for shows that were closing today.

Spent the afternoon at the Childrens Museum playing in the Bob the Builder Interactive Exhibit (DS was in heaven!), so this evening, I was able to close only 2 shows out of 5 that needed to be closed. One of those shows had 2 bookings, and the other had 3, all for March and April - so I am feeling better and better about those months. April has always been my hardest month to book (except for August) so I am THRILLED that I have 5(maybe 6) shows now for April! March is at 7, so I just need 2 more for a full calendar there.

I also talked to my potential recruit ~ I don't know how to keep her from overthinking this. She wants to come observe me for a day, to see how long it takes me to pack for a show, and put together host and guest packets, etc.....?????? I told her that everyone does it differently, and that she will probably find a way that is comfortable for her and not like anything I do....She also wants to shadow me at a show before she actually signs. Anyone know how I should handle all of this? She wants to sign on the 16th, so that is great ~ but I don't want her being scared off between now and then.
  • #1,738
Why don't you tell her it won't work for her to come to your house and "shadow" you . You already have a shadow and you nearly step on him all the time! (Not that I've ever seen you do this. I just know from experience that it's a possibility.) I don't really get ready for my shows in a methodical way when my kids are home. It's stop and start and stop and start. I think it would be fine for her to come to a show with you. Tell her she can observe in the background because you have to be available to the host and guests.
That's great that you have bookings and recruits! you're doing great!
  • #1,739
Wow Becky, that's a hard one. She is totally overthinking it! I know that I was concerned with how much time was actually spent on the business, but I took my recruiters word for it when she told me how long she spent. I can see wanting to go to a show, but come to your house to see you get ready for a show? Odd...

I had a show tonight. So far sales are at $886.00. Host has a bunch more outside orders to get so I should be over $1000 again!! This is crazy how it is working out, but I'll take it!

I asked everyone if they wanted to host and got two takers, but they want to co-host.:eek: Oh well, at least I have a show for March now.

No other contacts today. This cold is kicking my rear. I have a show for the other DS company that I do tomorrow and then I am taking the rest of the weekend off to rest!!
  • #1,740
I think she thinks it would be easy to come shadow me, because she lives 2 streets away. But still......
She has an almost 3 yr old, and is pregnant, due in August. I know she is concerned about being organized enough to get stuff done, but I'm really not the person to shadow if you are looking for organization.....:rolleyes:

I'm like JAE - getting ready for a show is done in stops and starts, or late in the evening, or early in the morning before anyone else is up. Like right now - I've been getting ready for my brunch show - and just took a break to check out CS!:)
  • #1,741
My contacts have been going well. I've collected a couple of orders, and scheduled another show.
  • #1,742
Interactive Show Success!!!I posted this on Vanessa's thread about interactive shows - but wanted to share with you guys too -

I had an Interactive Brunch Show today. There were 7 guests, and with just their orders (no outside orders yet) the show is at $440 in sales, and 5 bookings!!!!

I am so pumped right now. The show was so much fun, and from the time I started with "Welcome to Julie's show" to "Okay, I am going to let you help yourselves to some food....", it was exactly 58 minutes.

If you haven't tried it already - you gotta try the Interactive Format. It just seems so natural and easy for me to do - like hanging out and cooking with a bunch of friends. 5 out of 7 people booked, and one of the ones who didn't - it's because she is moving out of state the end of the month! Don't know why the other one didn't book - guess she's just a party pooper!:D
  • #1,743
Well, I had an interesting day - just stopped home for a few minutes then off again.I had to sit in class for an EMT refresher. As we were about to watch a boring outdated video on WMD I whipped out a PC catalog to give to the person who came with me (her sister used to sell and now she buys from me - mainly).Anyway, there were 28 students in the class and about 6 women. All the women and some of the men about pounced on the catalog. I handed out all 5 catalogs I had!I have one lady who wants to do a cooking show and the instructor wants to do a catalog show during class.I just had happened to take the Greek Cheese Torta to class... ;) Everyone loved it!I was so excited...then as we were leaving DH thought he'd be nice and pick me up at the door. As he was backing up in the VERY TINY parking lot, the sun was setting and he didn't see a car behind him and hit it. :( So now I NEED the shows to pay the deductible. Actually I need a few more shows now!!!! (We have a $500 deductible...) :(
  • #1,744
I think I had 8 contacts, today, at my show. I asked everyone if they wanted to have a show. 3 said "yes", and they want to have them during our incentive time for discounted or free conference. I offered 1/2 off their booking benefit if they would have it during that time. Becky D's idea. Thanks. One recruit lead, too.

Oh, Janet! Sounds like you need a fundraiser! Glad your class sort of worked out. Remind your dh that your contacts are supposed to be you talking to people, not him contacting cars with his car! :)
  • #1,745
JAE said:
I offered 1/2 off their booking benefit if they would have it during that time. Becky D's idea. Thanks.
Wait, I don't get it. :confused:
  • #1,746
Sorry, I wasn't clear. I offered to pay for 1/2 of the host special that they choose if they book and close their show within the new incentive time: March 16-April 14 with a $500 show. Becky used $400, but these (my) shows will be almost an hour and a half away. I have to have at least a $500 show to make it worth my drive.
  • #1,747
OHHHH, ok! Now I get it. That is a great idea!
  • #1,748
I told the guests why I was doing this so they wouldn't be expecting this in the future. I don't normally offer extras because I think our host program is great. But, I am hoping to boost my bookings and my sales and earn confernce free or at least half price. I'm assuming I'll get bookings from these bookings, so it will be well worth it.
  • #1,749
I agree, it's a good idea to let them know it's not a regular thing. I also think our regular benefits are great, but sometimes we need to give our calendar a shot in the arm!
  • #1,750
ChefBeckyD said:
I posted this on Vanessa's thread about interactive shows - but wanted to share with you guys too -

I had an Interactive Brunch Show today. There were 7 guests, and with just their orders (no outside orders yet) the show is at $440 in sales, and 5 bookings!!!!

I am so pumped right now. The show was so much fun, and from the time I started with "Welcome to Julie's show" to "Okay, I am going to let you help yourselves to some food....", it was exactly 58 minutes.

If you haven't tried it already - you gotta try the Interactive Format. It just seems so natural and easy for me to do - like hanging out and cooking with a bunch of friends. 5 out of 7 people booked, and one of the ones who didn't - it's because she is moving out of state the end of the month! Don't know why the other one didn't book - guess she's just a party pooper!:D

Finally home for the night but it is so late and I have class in the morning and have to get the kids up and to church with Grandma! But I wanted to say awesome show Becky!!!!

I like doing interactive shows too...Thursday night wasn't conducive to it in the sense that PC is stating - all the people had a rough week and needed to chat, but we did introductions WHILE I was working...the were longer, more story-like, they talked about the products a lot and would "break" between each person so I could catch them up on what I was doing and briefly describe it. We got done pretty fast and then they played with all my stuff AFTER the fact and while they were eating.

Short story long, you can have an interactive show in many ways!
<h2>1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.</p><h2>2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?</h2><p>By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.</p><h2>3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?</h2><p>Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.</p><h2>4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?</h2><p>No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.</p><h2>5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.</p>

Related to Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.

2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?

By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.

3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?

Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.

4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?

No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.

5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.

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