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Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

In summary, Sandy is trying to do 3-2-1 but has trouble getting to 4 contacts a week. Paulette is trying to do 3-2-1 but is not doing well with only 2 shows per month. JAE is trying to do 3-2-1 7 days a week.
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  • #1,401
Bren706 said:
Welcome Back Amy! I am so glad you're here!

Becky, how did you do with 3-2-1 today? and how about you, Paulette?

I'm here... I did contact my 2 Jan hosts. 1 has to postpone.. Grandpa is dying in the hosp.... What do you say to these??? The gal is in my networking group so I know it's not a snow job. I told her how sory I was and to let me know how she would like to proceede. She does still want her show but is overwhelmed right now.

2nd host... all is well. I got her invites out and we agreed do do a slilly slipper contest.... I like to do fun/cozy stuff in Jan.

I think we are finally back to normal arround here after or big adventure east for the holidays. Hubby went back to work yesterday (I love him tons but YAYYYYY!!!) Saturdays tend to be good for me to make calls so I getting my top potential hosts lined up and am getting on the phone! (It wont "kill" me right? LOL!) Some days I truly feel like I will keel over if I have to pick up the phone for usiness reasons. Does it ever get easier?
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  • #1,402
Ok so for today....
5 calls made
talked to 1 live person. She is seriously thinking of booking. This is someone (a friend) I have wanted to book for a long time. She likes nice things but is majorly cheap! I told her I knew what a bargain hunter she is and the Jan special looked like it was something just right for her. She will be chatting with her hubby and looking at more details on my site.

Called and left a msg with my recruit lead regarding a training I am going to on monday. She was a cons for 3 years and has taken off 18 months and now wants to come back.

well I guess picking up the phone did not kill me but it was tough taking the first step! But hey.... I'm still here and will keep going!
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  • #1,403
Great Job Paulette! I need to get busy today myself. I am having a hard time getting motivated!
  • #1,404
back from first show of year. Just shy of $300, low attendance only 4 orders, but she is hoping to gather a few more Monday at work. Did get one booking for early March, so I'm really happy!
I told DH when I got home that it was nice to not have the self-imposed pressure of having a great (read: high sales) show. Nov & Dec I was pushing so hard to get the cruise that I was so uptight if I didn't walk away with high $$$. It's nice to start with a clean slate! And even better she wants to close Tuesday the latest, so that means I'll definitely be getting the tablecloth..........isn't silly how we somtimes will drive ourselves crazy over every little carrot that is out there? Not that the tablecloth isn't a great incentive, it's just that I will probably NEVER use it, but I sure do WANT it!;)
  • #1,405
Oh, I forgot to mention, that I think my booking from tonights show is a possible recruit lead too! I kept noticing that she was intently looking thru the catalog AND even turned to look at the consultant kit when I mentioned it was on the back page. If I have learned nothing else about recruiting it is this: IF THEY LOOK AT THE KIT WHEN YOU MENTION IT, THERE IS INTEREST
I purposely did not pursue it tonight because I want to take the time to develop a relationship with her during host coaching. She came late, so she missed my whole spiel on how I run my business.
  • #1,406
I made my 3 contacts today, with no significant results to report. Left a few messages on machines. Called a catty host from Nov/Dec, but the person that answered said she was not there, but it sounded suspicious! Also got a dreaded e-mail from yet another host cancelling her January show on me!:cry: UUGGHH!!!!!!!! That is like 3-4 so far this month, plus the other host that has the disconnected phone.
  • #1,407
Paulette - Great job! Way to get it going!

Amy - that would be great if that person signs. Good idea to wait until her show though. I think she will feel way less pressure. Of course, there's always making it her first show!:D

Brenda - I'm so sorry you had another cancellation! And at least you made your 3 contacts.

I did not do good at all today. In fact, I didn't make any calls. This is just an excuse but I woke up with a migraine so I didn't get started til around 11am. Then we had to go run some errands, and then decided that DS3 is going to need to stop taking naps so I didn't have any down time really. DH's Steelers are playing now (not doing so well) so there is no chance of me getting on the phone now. So tomorrow is major phone time and I will get nine contacts in to make up for Friday and today. I can't get out of the groove now! I especially need to get some shows on the books since we are coming up short on the budget this month!
  • #1,408
know about being short on the budget since I lost my job last month and now have been sick for a week

did 2 of my contacts 2 day and got 2 orders
which was nice since I too have experienced the cancelation monster.

told they spent too much over the Holidays but I do have 2 show going that we are planning to close on the 16th to get the Dbl pts. YEAH.

trying to really push the whole thing of how for a lomited time PC is giving an extra $50 in FREE producr just for getting $500 in sales. I tell them my of my host usually get $90 in FREE products but for a limited time YOU can exchange the $90 for $140 FREE products how does that sound to you? Alot seem to be interested and planning to try to get the $500 in orders.

I am hoping that my voice will be well so that I can get on the phone Monday. This screeching is killing me.( my voice)

fingers crossed for biz. to pick up
  • #1,409
I like that wording Pam!

For me I made NO contacts today. I have been totally unmotivated! Tomorrow is another day I suppose......
  • #1,410
Pam Moore said:
told they spent too much over the Holidays

I LOVE it when people tell me that their friends don't have $ after Christmas. I always use this line. "Yeah, I know what you mean, but I noticed that in the week after Christmas the malls/stores are packed as are the restaurants. Either they got alot of gift cards of they still have $$. People are ready to get back to "normal" life". Of course you have to be careful how you say it, but I say it laughing because it is true.
  • #1,411
lazy day,no calls. But I did get a $100 random online order today:D :D Tomorrow I will be calling like crazy to make up for today and being away at leadership. Who knows, my guilty conscience may get to me after I get the kiddos to bed and I'll attempt a few calls too!
  • #1,412
I try to take the day off from the phone on Sundays, except for host coaching. I did leave a voicemail for tomorrow's show host, and spoke to my host for Thursday's show. (She is expecting 12 guests so far!!! yeah!!)
  • #1,413
Didn't call anyone today - but received an email from a past guest and booked her for February 15th - I now have 4 of my Fridays booked in February - with about another 2 people to still book for Feb. So not bad for virtually little effort!
  • #1,414
I don't make calls on Sundays either - but had a host call me to ask some questions, and also had a past host call with a friend at her house who wanted to book a show! My February is filling up!:D
  • #1,415
No calls again today (head hung down low).

I will have at least 11 contacts tomorrow though when I go to bunco! LOL!
  • Thread starter
  • #1,416
Well I did no calls yesterday. I decided to take the kids out to play and do some errands. Then had dinner and all that stuff......

Today I will be doing some calling to those I know are home durring the day. I have an extra team training tonight and can not wait!
  • #1,417
I had my first show of the year tonight. Only 4 guests in attendance. THe host had one outside order. With a couple orders from my friends that I will add to this show, it is at $267 right now. She will have at least 2 more orders coming in. NO BOOKINGS!!!!! and I am hoping that we can close out on Wednesday, so that I can get the tablecloth.

Back on the phone tomorrow. My next show is on Thursday.
  • #1,418
I took the evening off. I had to get the house cleaned up. I'll be on the phone a lot the next two evenings, following up my stoneware flyer I mailed out. I'm up to $70. I have a client who is trying to get friends to add to my show and I'll name her as the host. Great incentive for her, and I get my tablecloth. I've got a lot of calls to make.
  • #1,419
I didn't make any calls tonight. I actually was able to talk to a Director who gave me some ideas about revving up my business. Actually they were word choices that I think will really work for me.

So I didn't make any calls but I did take 3 orders from people who contacted me. I am only 9.75 away from getting the table cloth!
  • #1,420
I made 11 contacts at bunco. No bookings but 2 (possibly 3) orders. One for a piece of stoneware and 1 for a heart dish.
  • #1,421
um,the only contacts I had yesterday where host coaching. I also did a few team calls.
  • #1,422
I made my 3 contacts today, but nothing significant to report. 1 contact was at the school where I took my DS for a pre-K evaluation. Thanks to my PC shirt! She asked if I sold PC, so I gave her a catalog. She was not interested in hosting, but was happy to find out she could order via phone or web, and did not have to attend a show. Another would like to have a show, but is having a hard time finding interested guests. Her friends/family think PC is expensive. She may try to collect a few orders from anybody that is interested. The third contact asked me to call back. She wants to check her calendar. It is a "possible" February show.

Left messages on at least 6-8 machines, including 1-2 MIA hosts.
  • #1,423
So far I only had one contact today. I got an order for a $10 Large Micro cooker. Not much but it all add's up. I'm hoping to make some calls after dinner.
  • #1,424
So So So So Bad......2 host coaching calls today, and that is it.....I'm pms'ing, and I'm pretty sure I'm beginning to experience peri-menopause, and I just DID NOT want to be nice to people and chat today.....

DS and I got 3 big boxes of toys cleaned out of his room, and now his room is all organized. Then, we played.
  • #1,425
booked 2 February shows tonight!! :D :D One is even a weekday morning brunch show - I am sooo excited about that since I have the hardest time getting people to book during the week, much less a weekDAY.
Also did some host coaching calls.

Oh, and I received 2 guest lists today - both had 40+ names - FINALLY!!
  • #1,426
amy07 said:
booked 2 February shows tonight!! :D :D One is even a weekday morning brunch show - I am sooo excited about that since I have the hardest time getting people to book during the week, much less a weekDAY.
Also did some host coaching calls.

Oh, and I received 2 guest lists today - both had 40+ names - FINALLY!!
WOW Amy! That's great!:thumbup:
  • #1,427
ChefBeckyD said:
So So So So Bad......2 host coaching calls today, and that is it.....I'm pms'ing, and I'm pretty sure I'm beginning to experience peri-menopause, and I just DID NOT want to be nice to people and chat today.....

DS and I got 3 big boxes of toys cleaned out of his room, and now his room is all organized. Then, we played.

I've been using that one too!!;) :rolleyes: ;)
  • #1,428
I talked with one host for a show next week - sent out her recipe ingredient list - talked to another girl I know and she booked a show for March 7th! My first show of March and since Easter and Spring Break are during March this year - I really want to book up early in the month.
  • #1,429
Christ Follower said:
So far I only had one contact today. I got an order for a $10 Large Micro cooker. Not much but it all add's up. I'm hoping to make some calls after dinner.
Okay, so I did make more contacts tonight afterall. One girl is considering a Feb show but needs to get back to me after she checks her calander.

I also did a couple of CCC's. Other than that I left messages on machines that I need to follow up on later. Better than nothing I guess!
  • #1,430
Gina M said:
I talked with one host for a show next week - sent out her recipe ingredient list - talked to another girl I know and she booked a show for March 7th! My first show of March and since Easter and Spring Break are during March this year - I really want to book up early in the month.
That is a very great point Gina! I will have to get cracking on my March! I have a few people that have told me "When the new catalog comes out."
  • #1,431
Glad I could help Ellen:) - March for me is my daughter's 7th b-day on the
20th, spring break starts on the 21st, Easter on 23rd and my 15th wedding anniversary on the 27th! And I'm throwing in a reunion weekend to alma mater - Univ. of Illinois the 15th and 16th - so I really need to stack up the front of the month!
  • #1,432
so far my contacts have been host coaching. Have 1 host considering the biz:D :D Others working on guest lists. Trying to line up some more shows, but nothing good to report as of yet, but the night is still young!
  • #1,433
Hey, I'm back. Did you miss me? :)I took a few weeks off for the holidays, but I'm back to making my calls. Had 8 contacts today. Two of those are interested in catalogs because they may want to take advantage of the stoneware special. Yippee! Of course, I'll be calling them again in a couple of weeks, because it's my job to call them. ;)I also made a few host coaching calls, but I don't count them in my 3-2-1.
  • #1,434
Rae! We did miss you - if you went back in the posts at all, you could see is wondering where you were!

Glad you are back!
  • #1,435
Glad you are back Rae!

Besides host coaching, and sending out invites for 3 shows, I did make my 3 contacts today!

One contact was from an online outside order for a show that I was hoping to close today. The person had interest in hosting, so of course I called. ( I really want to get in the habit of calling all outside orders before closing, but haven't gotten there yet). She booked January 27th! (and if memory serves me correctly, she mentioned she had friends that would book in February from her show).

The second contact was a customer care call, to a former consultant that attended an October show.

The third one, was also a customer care call. I got her e-mail address to send her my newsletters.
  • #1,436
Didn't quite make itI sent out more than 30 stoneware flyers. I got 2 call backs before I contacted them. $70. I personally called all 30 got 8 without a message machine. I booked one more March show. I didn't earn the tablecloth, but...

I got a call with a former client that has collected $300 so far in sales out of the blue, and wants to submit a catalog show next week.

Another client called (I had sent her an invite to my cluster), she wants to meet with me to talk about the business opportunity. She's coming with me Monday to the cluster meeting.

What a great start to January and points.
  • #1,437
Made four contacts yesterday. Two of those requested catalogs. I'll be following up, of course.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,438
I'm still here plugging away. Been a busy week and I have a sick child so have not done as much buis stuff as I would like.

Did rebook for host whose Grandpa died and ran into an aquaintance last night and we penciled in her date.

Both should be for February.

I'm going to work on gettin in 6 live contacts today.

Have a great day all!
  • #1,439
Woo hoo! I just got a call from an MIA host from December. She wants to close her show tomorrow. I can't tell you how many messages I've left this woman. She actually started this in November, decided to switch to December, then disappeared on me. I have no idea how big the show will be. I'll just be glad to get it closed.
  • #1,440
raebates said:
Woo hoo! I just got a call from an MIA host from December. She wants to close her show tomorrow. I can't tell you how many messages I've left this woman. She actually started this in November, decided to switch to December, then disappeared on me. I have no idea how big the show will be. I'll just be glad to get it closed.
Isn't that crazy! I had a host who started in Oct, and FINALLY closed her show the middle of Dec. It wasn't big - but it was a great feeling to just get it closed!
  • #1,441
I had a show last night. It was the first since I started sending the invites myself. She originally expected 12, yesterday morning it increased to 18. Ended up with 14 in attendance (about 9-10 orders plus 2 outside). Ended up with 3 February catalog shows.

A guest from Monday's show (the host's sister) called with her order, and said that she has a $300 order from a friend, so she wants to turn it into a catty show for herself! So, she is doing a Feb catty so that her sister can get the 2 items at 60%. Double Yay for double points!!!!!
  • Thread starter
  • #1,442
WOW!!!! how awesome!
  • #1,443
Just finished my CCCs for the evening. I wound up with 7 contacts. One of them has signed as a consultant. (She didn't sign with me, she lives in Illinois. I told her about this site, though, and we talked about the possibility of her attending NC.) I directed 1 to my website. I have two possible orders. I'll be checking back with them soon. Not bad for an evening's work. :)
  • #1,444
Well no contacts for me today....but there's still time.

Since the site was down, I do have a potential fundraiser! (I've never done one yet in the 1 1/2 years I've been a consultant)

I also got in touch with another potential host that will probably book in February.
  • #1,445
I won't be making any contacts this evening (my normal phone time). I am just too darn tired!!! I will make a few calls tomorrow to make up for it!
  • #1,446
I'm working on getting invitations out for 3 shows tonight! Tomorrow, I will make ton of phone calls!
  • #1,447
Will you call potential hosts or are you making customer care calls or are you calling hosts? I don't like to call on Saturday's, but then again I don't ever like calling.
  • #1,448
JAE said:
Will you call potential hosts or are you making customer care calls or are you calling hosts? I don't like to call on Saturday's, but then again I don't ever like calling.
Some of each! I figure more people will be home Saturday morning than Friday night. I have 3-4 booking calls I really need to make - people who I know want shows, I just need to get them on the calendar, and host coaching calls, and a couple customer service issues I need to take care of. Then, I'll be at Autorama late afternoon and early evening - so I'll wear something PC, and carry info with me! :thumbup:
  • #1,449
JAE said:
Will you call potential hosts or are you making customer care calls or are you calling hosts? I don't like to call on Saturday's, but then again I don't ever like calling.

I consider "3-2-1 every day" to mean weekdays. I use Saturday as a make-up day or for host coaching if I've had difficulty reaching someone. That's another thing I love about PC. I make a lot of my own rules. :love: :chef:
  • #1,450
raebates said:
I consider "3-2-1 every day" to mean weekdays. I use Saturday as a make-up day or for host coaching if I've had difficulty reaching someone. That's another thing I love about PC. I make a lot of my own rules. :love: :chef:

LOL! That would be one of my secondary "whys"!
<h2>1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.</p><h2>2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?</h2><p>By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.</p><h2>3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?</h2><p>Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.</p><h2>4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?</h2><p>No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.</p><h2>5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.</p>

Related to Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.

2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?

By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.

3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?

Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.

4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?

No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.

5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.

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