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Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

In summary, Sandy is trying to do 3-2-1 but has trouble getting to 4 contacts a week. Paulette is trying to do 3-2-1 but is not doing well with only 2 shows per month. JAE is trying to do 3-2-1 7 days a week.
  • #1,251
ChefBeckyD said:
Today was all about closing shows!

Talked to a Catalog Host - she gave me $540 (!) in orders, and is waiting for a couple more - hoping to get to the $600 mark.

Closed my Brownie Troop fundraiser at just over $400.

Will speak in a few minutes (She is calling me back) with a host who has more orders to add to her $502 show - and we will close that one.

Closed a $722 Cooking Show.

Talked to my host who had to cancel her show due to a car accident - the accident victim is still in an induced coma - but doing much better, it's just going to be a long recovery, and they won't be sure of the extent of the injury to her brain until she is conscious.
Anyway - the host has decided to do a December Catalog Show (for all those who were planning on purchasing gift items at the show) and rebooked her Cooking Show for February.

Talked to 2 of my hosts for next weeks shows.

That was it. So, not much in the the way of 3-2-1, but a pretty productive day anyway. After I close the catalog show and the cooking show - I will be at $6000 for the month! Whoo Hooo!

WOW! That's amazing Becky! You will love all that free product. (and the paycheck!)
  • #1,252
I got nothing but answering machines today for my 3-2-1. I still have church tonight so I will see if I can squeak some contacts in there. I usually don't "advertise" it there but I have some past hosts I can talk to that haven't hosted in a while.
  • #1,253
That is awesome Becky!

My three contacts today were:

1) A lead from the Holiday Market booth earlier this month. (who had not circled any Yes's or No's on the DPS) She asked that I call back in January for a possible February booking.

2) My doctor - He has lots of PC in his home, but thinks his wife is overloaded with it.

3) Followed up on a lead from the Holiday Market that I had e-mailed a replacement order form for a Food Chopper part, to make sure she received the form. She asked that I call back in January for a possible February booking.

If all the people that have asked me to contact them in January actually come through for me and book a show, I am going to have to hire some help!! I am going to keep my fingers crossed!!!!

Talked to a couple of hosts, as well as left messages for one or two more. I also left messages for other customer care calls.

Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that my last week's host that was going to sign, decided she wasn't ready (to start in January). UGH!!! So much for promoting to FD by January !!!!
  • #1,254
Did everyone make their 3 contacts today?

Not me! I did leave 1-2 voicemails, and talked to a couple hosts. I usually make the majority of my calls between 7-8pm, but tonight my 4 1/2 yr od DS and 2 yr old DD had me quite frazzled, and there was just no way I was going to find that time or quiet place to make calls.

I have shows for the next 3 days, so most of my contacts will be there. I am going to try to get in some day time calls on Friday.
  • #1,255
I had a show last night, so I had 8 contacts there, plus a call with another.
  • #1,256
I've been trying to close 8 shows all between yesterday and today, so NO.

Will TRY to make my calls tomorrow. If not, I have a show tomorrow night, Sunday afternoon, and Tuesday. I'm having a really hard time keeping up with host coaching (which is my priority right now) let alone making my other contacts.

I need to find my "groove"
  • #1,257
I had a show tonight, with about 10 or more guests in attendance. It was a very tight space, and there were even more guests (not necessarily buying guests) spilling out to the other room as well. The show is at $297.00 right now, however, not all of that is paid for yet. Did get 1 booking for Feb. 9th and one for May. I didn't get to do any one on one, but there were about 3 people checking yes or maybe for info on the opportunity. Everyone there (but a few that had just been at another show of mine) were first timers at a PC show. Now, I have to go get ready for my 10am show for tomorrow.
  • #1,258
Four contacts tonight--they all called me! :) Two orders and a possible show.Closed my last November show. When I left Monday evening, it was just under $500. It closed at just over $800. Yea!
  • #1,259
back from a show - horrible sales - low attendance. It was a co-host deal for some MK reps. Said they invited 50+ - not open to any coaching leading up to the show. Oh well, bless & release. Did get a Feb booking. I was snickering though, the lady told me "I'm an awesome host, I always have high attendance and even tell my guests the start time is 1/2 hour earlier than when it is supposed to start to make sure you can start on time". Looking forward to her show!!
2 shows tomorrow, then only 1 more left for the month. AND a whole bunch to still close.........
  • #1,260
I called someone who said "maybe in the spring". My host from Tuesday told me today that she would do a catalog show in February to get the 60% off two because she wants the cookware and didn't want to spend the money from this show. I sent out my newsletter this morning and last night. One responder gave me a show date for January 7. Maybe I'll get the tablecloth.
I'm actually really looking forward to the new year. I was concerned about getting bookings, but the incentives for hosts are really helping.
  • #1,261
amy07 said:
back from a show - horrible sales - low attendance. It was a co-host deal for some MK reps. Said they invited 50+ - not open to any coaching leading up to the show. Oh well, bless & release. Did get a Feb booking. I was snickering though, the lady told me "I'm an awesome host, I always have high attendance and even tell my guests the start time is 1/2 hour earlier than when it is supposed to start to make sure you can start on time". Looking forward to her show!!
2 shows tomorrow, then only 1 more left for the month. AND a whole bunch to still close.........
Two shows in one day! Those of you who do that are amazing or crazy! :) I've never had a chance to schedule two shows on a Saturday. I can barely get people to book Saturday's. Hopefully, Amy, you'll have a great day!
  • #1,262
Closing shows all day yesterday and today. I am $83.70 away from $6,000. I still can't believe that I've beat my highest month by over $1000!

I have a show tomorrow with 5 confirmed guests and then a show Sunday after church. Those will probably be my contacts this weekend.
  • #1,263
Wow, Ellen, that's great!I did a Ladies' Day Out expo today. Fifty contacts, $400+ in orders, and two shows scheduled. Not bad for little ol' Peru, IN.
  • #1,264
Rae and Ellen
You are doing great!
  • #1,265
JAE said:
Two shows in one day! Those of you who do that are amazing or crazy! :) I've never had a chance to schedule two shows on a Saturday. I can barely get people to book Saturday's. Hopefully, Amy, you'll have a great day!

That's the word!! Actually I schedule them at 2pm & 7pm so it works for me. I told my DH that I will only do this during double points month and sell-a-thon. Right now, I am soooo close to earning the cruise, and that is my motivation!

However, i wish I could report tonight that they were awesome - my sales have been absolutely horrible! I've actually had individual orders higher than some of my recent shows!! BUT I've got a full January and February is 1/2 filled already! I'm glad the guests are having fun and want to book with me, just wish I could get them to buy MORE!!!

One more cooking show for the month.......PRAY for me!! I'm going to keep coaching my hosts that still need to close out to hopefully salvage my chances of sailing the seas!!
  • #1,266
I had a show today, with the host, past host and 3 other guests in attendance. (The show is a little over $200 right now, which includes $100 in outside orders.) However, 2 out of the 3 new faces put January bookings on my calendar, and the other one is going to book Feb. She just has to check her calendar for the date. The host is also talking about rebooking for a May show!!! That makes 9 cooking and 1 catty show for January, and 2 Cooking shows for February!!!!!!!
  • #1,267
Did my show tonight. Sales are at $299.25 (over $300 for host b/c of booking benefit). She hopefully has a couple more orders coming in.

1 Catalog show for January. (same person said "maybe" on the biz)
There were about 8 guests in attendence.

I have another show tomorrow after church. Hoping for more bookings. I only have 1 cooking and 1 catty show for January so far!!!
  • #1,268
Went through the drawing slips from my Ladies' Day Out. Found an additional 'Maybe" for hosting, and added 13 people to my newsletter. I'm pleased.
  • #1,269
team calls yesterday and I did submit a November show. Also sent an email to my contact list for a sale in December - hoping to drum up a some more sales!
  • #1,270
Another show for me yesterday. Had 8 guests plus the host in attendance. (at $270 right now) Got one possible catty show for "after the holidays" and one possible cooking show for April or May.
  • #1,271
I booked another show for January yesterday! At the church where our scout groups are chartered. The kids served the coffee service after church, and they made two PC recipes: the cinnamon roll christmas tree thing and the peach coffee cake from the All the Best cookbook. Everyone said it was so good and wanted to know where they learned the recipe from...so my son told them, showed them the cookbook and they were so impressed. So the sexton decided to book a show to be held at the church! And he had a great way of getting interest in it. He'd stand near a group of people and say "oh, I have something to tell Mr Gustafson about" Mr Gustafson would turn around and say "what? tell me what?" "Not now," said Luis, "in two weeks I'll tell you." "what? two weeks? no please tell me now" at which point he'd pull the catalog out of his pocket and show it to them then shush them, and put it back in his pocket. He had more buzz going around that room than i've ever seen there! so funny!
  • #1,272
I had my show last night. (that's a different vent though)

Anyway, booked a cooking show for February 5th and will follow up with another later this evening about setting something up for February as well.
  • #1,273
got my contacts in today - YAYYYY getting back on track. Have a possible fundraiser for early next year too, and been getting some online traffic today from my email - woo hoo. Also may have 2 recruits this week.
Tomorrow I will be on a phone blitz to try and get some more individual orders going
  • #1,274
No contacts today.

Only spoke to a couple of hosts for shows coming up this weekend. (Well, I did mention the opportunity, so I guess that is a new contact) Spoke to a MIA catty show host as well, who has not started collecting orders :(

I did leave a couple of messages on machines. Plan on making more calls tomorrow.
  • #1,275
Made my 3 contacts yesterday. One was to a host lead from a vendor event. She wants me to call back after New Year's for a late Jan show. Called my host for Saturday's show. She decided to reschedule for Feb, so I'm calling her back in Jan for a date. Then I called last Saturday's host & suggested she try to get some more outside orders. She is $17 away from the $300 level. My shows have been so low lately--my average seems to be $350. Used to be $500. ugh.

Not much accomplished, but I did make the contacts. Today's contacts will be mostly to check in on hosts.
  • #1,276
Two contacts and a PC Team Christmas Party. Made lots of calls, just got lots of machines.
  • #1,277
got my 3 in today, no new orders or shows, but I do have another SIGNED recruit. She did her agreement online while I was on the phone and has her #'s. She has some cattys in the works with coworkers so hopefully she can pull out qualifying by the end of the month - but no matter what she is going to be racking up PC $'s with the new incentive!!
  • #1,278
I just got the email notification about my newest recruit - yayy it's official. then I decided to make some more calls - post show host coaching and a call to someone "who might book a show" but it never panned out - well she just placed a $120 order!! Yee haaw - going to sleep good tonight!!
  • #1,279
Made two contacts today, and then got sort of lazy. My two contacts were made while I had an ultrasound of my heart. There were two technicians there, so I brought up PC, gave both some mini's, and got one of thems' info. Will follow up with her. I did make a couple calls, but only got machines. Oh! I also got an order for a cookie press,via e-mail after sending out my December Newsletter last night.
  • #1,280
I had a show tonight. Only 4 guests (2 of them past co-hosts). Terrible sales (again!).

I did close the MIA catty show for November which put me over the $6K mark for the SAT. That was nice.

I had a show for Dec 13th cancel too. I will make some calls tomorrow to try to get some January bookings. I still only have 1 cooking and 1 catty.
  • #1,281
I talked the business with my host as I closed my show tonight. She wants to join, but is getting settled into a new job. Wants me to keep in touch over the next few months. She's coming to my cluster meeting next Monday. Have several to call tomorrow to continue to fill my January. I only have 5 shows right now. I want more! I've set the goal for myself to increase my sales each month from the previous. I've continued this for the last few months. I need to beat over $3000 next month to "stock up" on my travel points.
  • #1,282
lockhartkitchen said:
I talked the business with my host as I closed my show tonight. She wants to join, but is getting settled into a new job. Wants me to keep in touch over the next few months. She's coming to my cluster meeting next Monday. Have several to call tomorrow to continue to fill my January. I only have 5 shows right now. I want more! I've set the goal for myself to increase my sales each month from the previous. I've continued this for the last few months. I need to beat over $3000 next month to "stock up" on my travel points.

Is that month to month,or improve the from the same month last year? I like that idea, to improve from the same month of last year. As a matter of fact, I'm gonna steal your idea and make it my goal too!:chef: Maybe come next December I will NOT be in a panic like I am now trying to earn a trip, and can really enjoy the season!
  • #1,283
Last night's calls were pretty much a bust. I only had time for 3 calls & got two answering machines. I also closed a November catalog show. I was expecting it to be $150 & it ended up at $180, so that's a few extra dollars I wasn't expecting. I need all the extra dollars I can get--I'm just over $1300 away from level 1 of the incentive & one of my December shows rescheduled to February!

Tonight I need to call a recruit lead to find out if we are able to meet tomorrow, 2 hosts for recipes for next week's shows, & another recruit lead to go over her host packet for her Jan. kick off show, and a host to close her show. Since we had about 5 inches of snow last night & may get more today, I should be able to reach everyone tonight!
  • #1,284
Several calls, but only one contact. Other than that, I closed a catalog show. The host is a possible future recruit. Yea!
  • #1,285
Getting back in the saddle.

Got a February show booked (although I desparately need Janurary filled)

Got an order for a Trifle Bowl. (which is good b/c I am trying to collect orders to make up for one of my cancelled December shows)

Asked a friend about hosting in Jan. She said talk to her after the holidays so it will probably be Feb if it happens.
  • #1,286
I have really slacked off!:( I don't think I've had a contact, initiated by me, in the last week. I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water, and getting tired of treading!I have 2 more shows this week, and 1 next week, and then, I can hardly wait for the 15th to have them all closed and take a break! I have all of my January host letters ready to be mailed at different times throughout this month, but other than that, I am not doing anything PC after the 15th! I will be "Going" on a vacation.
Haven't really started Christmas Shopping yet, and my house is a disaster area! I'm looking forward to some time just hanging out with my guys, and not having to say "you need to be quiet, Mommy's on the phone!"
  • #1,287
ChefBeckyD said:
I have really slacked off!:(

I don't think I've had a contact, initiated by me, in the last week. I feel like I am just trying to keep my head above water, and getting tired of treading!

I have 2 more shows this week, and 1 next week, and then, I can hardly wait for the 15th to have them all closed and take a break! I have all of my January host letters ready to be mailed at different times throughout this month, but other than that, I am not doing anything PC after the 15th! I will be "Going" on a vacation.
Haven't really started Christmas Shopping yet, and my house is a disaster area! I'm looking forward to some time just hanging out with my guys, and not having to say "you need to be quiet, Mommy's on the phone!"

AMEN!! To all of it, but especially the bold parts. I'm still working on getting my January host letters together, but the first ones are in todays mail.:eek:
  • #1,288
well, I guess in a way, I lied - I have had some contacts, but mostly follow up host coaching. Last night I talked to catalog hosts, between 2 it will be one catalog show - and to be honest I'm not complaining! I'm just happy that they have something, as my sales have been horrible!!
I also dropped off another catalog packet yesterday to a friend. She is determined to get some sales before Christmas. She's a bus driver, so she'll be passing it to the teachers and other drivers, so maybe......

Oh, and my recruit from 2 days ago already has 1 catalog show ready to submit! Wish they all could be like that!!:thumbup: :thumbup:
  • #1,289
amy07 said:
well, I guess in a way, I lied - I have had some contacts, but mostly follow up host coaching. Last night I talked to catalog hosts, between 2 it will be one catalog show - and to be honest I'm not complaining! I'm just happy that they have something, as my sales have been horrible!!
I also dropped off another catalog packet yesterday to a friend. She is determined to get some sales before Christmas. She's a bus driver, so she'll be passing it to the teachers and other drivers, so maybe......

Oh, and my recruit from 2 days ago already has 1 catalog show ready to submit! Wish they all could be like that!!:thumbup: :thumbup:

For the bolded part - WOW! That is fantastic!

And I have had contacts with hosts - just not any 3-2-1 going on...no CCC, no Bookings calls, No recruiting calls.....JUST host coaching, and of course dealing with shipment issues from shows submitted the last 2 weeks of November.

And with sales - I've had 3 December shows, and the highest one right now is at $322!:eek: They have all had good attendance, but the avg. sale has been $20! I've been doing Homemade For The Holidays Shows, and people are LOVING the fun, but they aren't buying.:grumpy: Wish I could change the rest to 30 Minute Chicken Shows - but it's too late - already sent out the invitations.
  • #1,290
Becky, I was just checking on my December shows (3 to date), and the highest is $302:cry: :cry: Same problem you are having - just low order average - the attendance has been great. I'm still coaching them for outside orders but I just don't know. And my host for Saturday night is very elusive -not able to connect with her at ALL since she booked the show. Not sure if it is even going to happen.:grumpy: Of course, she could end up having a $1000 show - isn't that how it happens sometimes?
  • #1,291
I had only two contacts yesterday, but one of those resulted in the purchase of a $70 Santoku. Yippee!I spent the evening making cookies, fudge, and soap, and entering a show.Calls this evening.
  • #1,292
Wow Rae, don't you just love those random BIG orders!!

Well, today my contacts have been all about recruiting. I'm really trying to plant some seeds to get some folks signed at the end of the month to take advantage of the extra bonus period! I KNOW that made such a huge impact on my business starting off right!
Oh, and I did give a catalog to one of my children's bus driver - suggested she do some Christmas shopping with me. I so need to pad my show sales with a bunch of individual orders!!

seems like the posting is slowing down, are we all winding down for the year?
  • #1,293
Becky, I am there with you! I am treading waters just keeping up with hosts and preparing for shows. I still need to get my letters ready for my January hosts. No shopping done here, house looks like a cyclone hit it, and I am also waiting for the 15th to arrive!!!!

Amy, my Sunday host is also elusive, have not been able to reach her since she set the date on my calendar. I have left voicemails telling her I assume the show is still on, but when it is only 3 days away, and no recipe has been confirmed, and not word one from her.........

I have 3 shows open right now that I am hoping to close two tomorrow. (and they are all around the $300 mark). The host for the third show recently had her phone disconnected (or ran out of minutes on her phone) and has no e-mail. I called and left a message with her cousin (who she booked her show from) to call me about closing her show. I am going to try to send her a note via snail mail.

I only made one contact yesterday, and no contacts today. I have shows on Friday and Saturday, and one is scheduled for Sunday, but that is the elusive host.
  • #1,294
My show tonight is an hour away! The host is a young, single mom, and she is having the show at her step-mom's house. She fell in love with the cookware, and wants to get it for half price - so she is determined to at least reach that $300 mark. She had a substantial guest list, so I've been coaching her to make sure and get orders from those who can't attend, and talked to her yesterday again about the importance of reminder calls. Maybe tonight will be my first decent show $$-wise for December!
My host for Monday did call me in a panic at the beginning of this week, because she already had 18 rsvp's for her show! This is with a group of teachers in a rural area, and they always spend money - so I am looking forward to that one! It is a Cookie Exchange, so I made up a cute postcard (thanks to some help from fellow cheffers!) with a reminder for the party, and amending the cookie amount from 2 dozen to 4 dozen.

All of that to say that my only calls have still only been host coaching calls. I have 1 show from Nov. still floating out there - I MUST get that host to close! And I didn't think I would have to worry - but now my concern is that even with 5 shows and 2 catalog shows in December, I still won't make the $1500 mark to get the PC $!!!
  • #1,295
Don't forget that it's 3 contacts a day, not three phone call contacts. If you're having lots of shows and ask everyone there if they would like to host a show then you're way over the 3 contact goal.
I had two people call me, yesterday, and one placed an order for $80 and another for $140. I'm putting them on the fundraiser show I had Tuesday, hoping to get her sales up to $600. I know I could have turned the two orders into my second December show, but I really want this fundraiser to get the 15% from HO. I really don't care about the heart dish. I'm running out of room anyway!
  • #1,296
I made five contacts yesterday. One was a call about/delivery of the door prize from the Ladies' Day Out (LDO) on Saturday. I have a possible order (checking with her daughter) from another contact. My contacts were all from the LDO. It's funny how leery people sound when I first tell them who I am. Once they find out I'm not trying to pressure them to buy or host a party, they're generally appreciative of the call.I have a show tonight, so I'm hoping for lots of good contacts there.
  • #1,297
yesterday was team calls, and I did manage to make some contacts too! I got an order from my email sale, $100:sing: thank you very much! Also had a past host call me to order for the sale, and ended up booking a show for February (that makes 5 now!) woo hooo!!:love: Although during coaching I may try to get this to be here kick off show - she said when we closed her last show that she may be interested in after the new year. So, we'll see......;)
  • #1,298
Last night, I had a show with about 10 guests in attendance. Sales are at $395, and NO BOOKINGS!!!!! It was an off night for me. Didn't have any one on one time at check out, and everyone checked NO all the way through their DPS (not even 1 maybe, and there were some past PC consultants there too).

Today, I arrive at the home of the host for the show, and the hubby is outside. He tells me his wife has been trying to reach me, but couldn't find my number (must have mis-placed all the catalogs, etc.) She was ill and needed to postpone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGHH!!!!! Although I drove about 58 miles round trip, I partly blame myself for not calling yesterday as I normally do for my 3rd call. I had a crazy day with the kids and it was just one of those days I wanted to pull my hair out, and then by the time I had some sanity left (when DH arrived home) it was time to prepare dinner and go to the show.

The host for tomorrow's scheduled show is MIA. I left another message today, but no return call.

So, I had no contacts today. I am really going to need to get on that phone on Monday!!!!!
  • #1,299
I made a good honest try at contacts today.

Other than closing a show, all the contacts I've made have been answering machines. I think everyone must be out Christmas shopping or something. I called at least 5-6 people. I have my final show for December tomorrow and then it's just a matter of trying to collect some individual orders to make my own catty show and closing out the other open shows.
  • #1,300
I haven't been on top of this in a while... at least on here for accountability however.... I have four shows this month, and I am $5,000.00 away from making my $15,000.00 career sales.......
<h2>1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.</p><h2>2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?</h2><p>By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.</p><h2>3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?</h2><p>Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.</p><h2>4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?</h2><p>No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.</p><h2>5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?</h2><p>The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.</p>

Related to Boost Your Success with 3-2-1 Accountability: A Productivity Diary

1. What is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary is a tool designed to help you stay organized and focused on your goals. It consists of a daily log where you can track your progress on completing 3 important tasks, making 2 meaningful connections, and taking 1 step towards your long-term goals.

2. How can the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary help me boost my success?

By consistently using the diary, you can hold yourself accountable for completing important tasks, staying connected with others, and making progress towards your goals. This can lead to increased productivity, efficiency, and overall success in your personal and professional life.

3. Can I customize the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary to fit my specific needs?

Yes, the diary is designed to be flexible and adaptable to your individual needs and goals. You can choose which tasks to focus on, who to connect with, and what steps to take towards your long-term objectives. This allows you to tailor the diary to your specific priorities and responsibilities.

4. Is the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary only for business professionals?

No, the diary can be used by anyone who wants to improve their productivity and achieve their goals. Whether you're a business owner, a student, a stay-at-home parent, or anyone else, the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary can help you stay organized and on track towards success.

5. How often should I use the 3-2-1 Accountability Productivity Diary?

The diary is designed to be used on a daily basis. By consistently using the diary, you can develop good habits and stay focused on your goals. However, you can also use it on a weekly or monthly basis if that better fits your schedule and needs.

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