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Are You Trying to Conceive?

In summary, Kristen and her husband are not trying for a baby, but are hoping for one. Her son is 5 months old and she plans to have another child in the future.
  • #151
I would LOVE to go see a doc, but I have no insurance, and can barely buy food for my kids right now. My husband's company might get some work soon because FEMA finally came here today!! My house is okay and everything but one of our big rivers in my town jumped it's banks during our 13 days of straight rain and there are flooded houses less than a mile from us! My husband's company builds and fixes roads, so in a strange way the flooding is good for us. I have tested postive with both my other kids, so I don't think it is me, and I have taken two tests a week apart, so that is enough time because if my HGC (or is it HCG?) doubles every 48 hours it would be 3 times what it was last week, and by now it would register. Also, I have a rotten doc who charges for PHONE conversations!!
  • #152
Still no friend - I am now 5 days late and yesterday's HPT was still negative. I called the Dr today and I'm going for a blood test tomorrow. I had some cramps today which I read online is normal (and a good sign) in early pregnancy.

It was encouraging to hear some of you say you, or someone you know, doesn't test positive on home tests either. We're still trying to stay calm cause I still might not be pregnant but after 5 days of being late and never been late before, I either am or something else is going on - maybe wrong. I should have test results Wed. (Friday is my 30th brithday - this could make or break my big day!)

I'll let you know Wed - Cross your fingers!
All you others trying or who are already in your pregnancy you're in my prayers.
  • Thread starter
  • #153
Gillian: I hope it works out for you!

jbechtel: We'll be eagerly waiting!!
  • #154
wow this is a long thread.. FYI, I am not TTC.. 2 is enough for me.. :)
  • #155
If you think you might be pregnant Gillian I would recommend not going back on BC pills just in case. Its better to be safe than sorry. I also a year ago had a failed pregnancy home test and the next day got a blood test and it was positive. I was 5 weeks pregnant so the home pregnancy test should have worked. You never know...
  • #156
when I got preggo with Valerie last year, I missed 1 day of BC pill, but took the nexts days pill (ok I meant nuva ring birth control..) but I found out I was preggo, when I took then ring out and was supposed to have AF, .. BUT better be safe than sorry, everything turned out fine with Valerie.. no bad side effects from taking BC
  • #157
Gillian...don't go back on the pill. When I found out we were preggo with the twins at 15 days and my blood test came back this time at 1845 (huge number) I went home and did a pg test because (might be a little wierd but...) I wanted to keep a positive test for the scrapbook, came back negative! Also, I was cleaning out our bathroom during my 5 month peak with the twins and found another, decided to take it and negative again...so, you just never know!
  • #158
just an FYI, I wasn't trying to tell you to go back on your BC, esp if you think you might be preggo... just saying that if that ever happened in the future, not to freak out.. I told the dr I was on BC and he didn't seem too concerned.. but its NOT recommended!!! on the warning it says do not take if you think you might be pregnant..
  • #159
Well, I got my blood test results today - NEGATIVE! We're disappointed, naturally. I asked the nurse if there's anything she recommends me doing because I'm still 7 days late. So I scheduled an apt. to see the doctor but it's not for 2 weeks because I'm a teacher and I go back to school tomorrow (today's my last day of summer!) so it has to be after 2:45pm. I think I'll look into an ovulation kit to begin tracking my temp. - I guess that won't hurt and I guess I'll get my period at some point soon. My husband's way of looking at it w/o showing his disappointment is that we can still keep trying often!!!!
  • #160
What a trooper!!
jbechtel said:
Well, I got my blood test results today - NEGATIVE! We're disappointed, naturally. I asked the nurse if there's anything she recommends me doing because I'm still 7 days late. So I scheduled an apt. to see the doctor but it's not for 2 weeks because I'm a teacher and I go back to school tomorrow (today's my last day of summer!) so it has to be after 2:45pm. I think I'll look into an ovulation kit to begin tracking my temp. - I guess that won't hurt and I guess I'll get my period at some point soon. My husband's way of looking at it w/o showing his disappointment is that we can still keep trying often!!!!

Your husband is such a trooper! Looking at the bright side and volunteering out of the goodness of his heart to keep trying, OFTEN!! LOL :p
My husband said the same thing. That's too funny! We are also trying for child number five and so far God has not allowed it to happen. This month I have not had a period but we still have about a week to go. So I will wait and see. The first week of Sept, if I have no period, I am taking a test. Will keep you all posted! :D
  • #161
I haven't taken a pill yet ladies! I called my doc's office and talked to a nurse who said....surprise....I can't talk to a doc unless I make an appointment! So now I still don't know what is going on, I still don't have my period, and I still don't have any money to make an appointment. Aaaaaarrrrrggghhhhh! I am so frustrated. I think that we qualify for medicaid, but when I got an application DH got pissed because I think he felt like he couldn't take care of me. So anyway, I am really lost and confused, and poor! Hopefully September will bring good things!
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  • #162
My advice, if you don't mind it. You could have just skipped. I know I have. So, just stay away from things you should as if you were pregnant. If you don't get it next month, hopefully, by then you'll be able to afford an appt or will have gotten your period. Just wait and see what happens. I don't what doctors are like there, but here, you can't even get in to see one for weeks. Also, just thinking... are there any free clinics?
  • #163
Thanks Dr. Pratt! LOL! I think that we decided to "try" so i am just going to wait it out and we will either get some good practice in or get preggo. Also, there are free clinics, but they need a paystub to make sure that you are poor enough and my husband hasn't gotten paid since September so I have nothing to show :(
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  • #164
Gillian: Dr. Pratt is a firm believer in "where there's a will, there's a way." If your hubs is out of work, then there has to be something. What about the unemployed people who need the clinic?
  • #165
??? I never thought about that. They just told me that anyone could walk in there and say "oh, I don't get paid" and take away benefits that other people need! I think they have had a lot of people that abuse the system and have to be extra careful!

Update: While I was typing the above part I called the office to ask them about unemployment. They said you have to have a copy of a state unemployment check to prove you are unemployed. If you don't have a check than you are "unemployed by choice" and will not be given care at the free clinic!
  • #166
Gillian what if you get a letter from your husbands employer saying he is not working because of no work right now. You could also bring in his last unemployment pay stub to show that he was unemployed?
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  • #167
Its worth a shot. You can't be denied medical care because of your lack of ability to pay. It just doesn't make sense that the clinic will give you a hard time. What if I was sexually harrassed at work and I quit? I can't get medical care because I won't put up with that? Ask to talk to a supervisor.

Or better yet... give me the number. I'll call. Are there any hospitals you can go to? There are hospitals here that accept charity.
  • #168
My DH isn't on unemployment because he is still working, he just isn't getting paid. He is a part owner of the company with his dad and brothers so I can't really complain to anyone.
  • #169
ok AJ here is my story (which might have been covered already) my husband and i were trying to conceive for about 2 years and nothing happened. my husband wasn't to eager to go check out a fertility specialist because he was uncomfortable with the whole go in a room and bring me a cup idea. so i went by myself to the first visit and of course the dr wanted to test him first (says it is the easiest) when i told my husband he could take care of his business at home and i would take it to the dr he was fine with that. so after his test which of course came back ok, he ran some test on me nothing major, but come to find out i was ovulating just not on any particular time table. so it was next to impossible for us to pick the right day to conceive. the doctor put me on a drug called clomid (i know that is not spelled right)and 1 month later bam there was my little pride and joy. i will warn you that you have a greater risk for twins on this med. good luck to all i know its hard
  • #170
AJPratt said:
Or better yet... give me the number. I'll call. Are there any hospitals you can go to? There are hospitals here that accept charity.

Dr. Pratt is on the case now - Gillian, you may even get a house call!!
  • #171
JWorks said:
the doctor put me on a drug called clomid (i know that is not spelled right)and 1 month later bam there was my little pride and joy. i will warn you that you have a greater risk for twins on this med. good luck to all i know its hard

That is how you spell Clomid, I had a very close relationship with it...actually I still do since I am still carrying the 50 lbs I gained on it!
  • Thread starter
  • #172
gilliandanielle said:
My DH isn't on unemployment because he is still working, he just isn't getting paid. He is a part owner of the company with his dad and brothers so I can't really complain to anyone.
That's tough. There just has to be something for the self employed.

Jworks: Thanks! I figure I want to ry a little bit longer before taking any medication. I see what my neighbor is going through and it is just too much for me.
  • #173
Gillian...what about TPC's new insurance, have you looked into that?
  • #174
Andrea-TPC's insurance doesn't cover in AK. I have looked into reg. health insurance, but I have to not be covered for 1 year prior to a pregnancy to get my AWESOME pregnancy coverage (100% no questions asked state health coverage). I think that I am going to wait another month, then if I still don't see AF I will just put an office visit on my CC. I am hoping to have my best month yet in September, so maybe I can use my midmonth commission to help pay for it.

Becky- I wouldn't be surprised if Dr. Pratt knocked on my door! I wish I could be that take-charge and get things accomplished!

Dr. Pratt- You are so sweet! The only option left is medicaid, but DH got his feelings hurt when I brought it up. He doesn't understand why we can't just pay for it. He is really "out of sight, out of mind" and doesn't realize or want to realize how far behind we are on bills. I just don't see the point of putting something on our credit card that we qualify to get for free.
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  • #175
gilliandanielle said:
Dr. Pratt- You are so sweet! The only option left is medicaid, but DH got his feelings hurt when I brought it up. He doesn't understand why we can't just pay for it. He is really "out of sight, out of mind" and doesn't realize or want to realize how far behind we are on bills. I just don't see the point of putting something on our credit card that we qualify to get for free.

YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY RIGHT! I know pride is a tough thing to overcome, but if your family is better off in the long run, than it might just pay off to swallow it. And, we don't have the insurance in NJ, either.:(
  • #176
It is a hard situation because my DH and kids are part Alaska Native, so they are covered no matter what. It is a lot to go through just to get coverage for myself. I don't go to the doctor very often either, so it wouldn't be worth it to pay a monthly premium just for myself. I probably wouldn't even meet my deductable! I am so sorry that this thread turned into to me whining!!
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  • #177
Gillian: This thread was created because I needed a little support, and now, you need a little! Its ok!
  • #178
We've Conceived!! WOOHOOO!I am just over 7 weeks pregnant! Yay!! Lily Bean (the nickname we have chosen for it) is doing great! Mama is a little green around the gills but otherwise great!!

Hang in there AJ! It will happen in God's timing!

Tara McClenahan
Independent Consultant
  • #179
bbauman07 said:
Cook in the house,
Congrats to you!!!!!

I am very sorry to hear for your loss. I had a miscarriage in 2000, and last May I had to pull my 10 day old daughter off of life support. On the brighter side her twin sister is small but a very healthy 1 year old. Your heart will heal with time, just give it to the lord.

I lost my 12 yr old daughter in April 05, It was the worst thing that has ever happened to our family. I have two healthy boys (11 & 7 y/o) That keep me going. Life is so different now but you do deal with the pain better as time goes by.
  • #180
Congrats Tara! Good luck with your pregnancy and keep us updated!
  • #181
WOW!!!! This thread is sooooo long but it does give others encouragement to know they aren't the only ones out there who have problems. I for one have had many ups and downs. We have 2 MIRACLE children, we lost 3.

I will say this, don't give up but don't stress yourselves out either!!!!! One thing that really helped us was the Clomid and yes it does increase your chance for mulitple birth but I didn't care!!! After which I had to be on some major hormones to keep my pregnancies going. Clomid is not a bad thing it is just a pill to increase hormone levels, looks a lot like a BC pill.

A couple of you sound very stressed out from overdoing it, ovulation tests (been there), charting everything (did that) are not always the answers. We were told after 3 miscarriages and 1 child that without medical intervention concieving would be nearly impossible (not including Clomid). I was not going to go that route so I finally came to terms that my 1st child (who truly is a miracle) would be my only child. I really wanted 3 but God did not have that in the plans for me. I relaxed and started enjoying life and what it had to offer and guess what..... approx. 7 months later I found out I was almost 14 weeks pregnant:D . I was so excited but overwhelmed to. Yes I was nearly 14 weeks but never being regular and with the medication I had been on I just thought I was very moody! I did have to start my medications ASAP so that I did not miscarry again but I now have a 2nd miracle child and God has truly blessed our family! We are done now and I will love the children that I have been blessed with for eternity!

To make a long story short...relax and enjoy life for if it is meant to be it will happen. There are many reasons why things happen the way they do and no it doesn't always make sense but if you let nature takes its course you too may be truly blessed.;)

I will keep my fingers crossed for each of you and hope to visit again to find out that you are expecting a new addition to your families.
  • #182
Wow...14 weeks and finding out! I couldn't imagine! Thanks for the well wishes and I try to relax, but I just can't with all the emotions wrapped up in it!!
  • #183
nikked said:
Well, the great news is that every is fine with our pregnancy so far. Ultrasound dating gives a Due Date of March 14, which puts us at just about 10 weeks now.

However, I would appreciate any and all prayers. My OB, who I just switched to because I couldn't stand my old one, found a rather large lump in one of my breasts. It's hard to explain, but I never felt it before, even though I do my breast exams every month. You only feel it if you "pinch" the side of the breast. It's about an inch in diameter, and to me it feels like a grape.

Anyways, the OB doc was pretty sure it was a cyst, but sent me for a breast Ultrasound to be sure. Unfortunately, it is not just a cyst. They ended up doing a mammogram as well as the Ultrasound to get a really good look. I've never worn so much lead in my life! :p

The boob doc is "fairly certain" that it's a fibroid type mass (non-cancerous) which would be growing because of the hormone increases in the pregnancy. But there's an area that doesn't look right, so off I go this coming Friday for a biopsy.

Needless to say we're nervous and anxious. The odds of it being the "Big C" is really small, but it's still scary.

So, those of you who do, please remember us in your prayers over the next couple of weeks. I don't think I'll have the results on Friday. I'm pretty sure it will be next week. I'll post as soon as I know something for sure.


Thank God! :D Just got the call from the doctor, and is a Fibroadenoma. It will never become malignant, although it can continue to grow and cause problems, especially being pregnant. It is affected by pregnancy hormones. It can be removed if necessary, but hopefully that can wait until after the pregnancy.

Thank you so much for all your prayers and kind words! I am normally very private about these kinds of things, but felt the need to have as many people as possible praying for us. Thanks!!!!!:D
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  • #184

Nikki: I am so relieved. I wanted to send you a PM to ask, but I was, I'll be honest, afraid! I am so thankful!

  • #185
I'm glad to hear the good news Nikki! I hope your pregnancy is going well so far!!
  • #186
I got a visit from AF today. She is 7 weeks late, but here. I am kind of glad to see her though, because I was starting to worry that my "stuff" wasn't working down there!! Hopefully after this I will get back on a semi-normal cycle so I am going to start charting. Also, my son's birthday is May 16th and that would be my due date if I got preggo right now, so I am glad to not be pregnant at the moment. I just have BABY FEVER!
  • #187
I wish I was trying to concieve right now~ Hubby says we are done with 2 girls. I am not done! LOL... maybe we will have a planned OOPS! :)
  • #188
I am engaged to be married my fiance wants to wait a while... and I do not really want to wait oh well..... I have a five year old from my frist marriage but I would really like a baby!!!
  • #189
We started trying before we were married for 7 months, and then after we got married I was pregnant the first cycle. I am not saying it is right or wrong, but God wanted ME to be married first (probably to save a heart attack from my mother!!)
  • #190
LOL Gill. Maybe he WAS saving your mother. I myself got prego with my first just after I graduated and the way I told my father was to lay a bib on his bed that said I love my gpa, and I went to work. He was excited though. He even wanted to put 'peanut' as he called his sonogram in one of those keychain picture viewer things.
  • #191
When I told my dad I was 18 and had only been married for 2 months. I said "You're going to be a grandpa!" and he said "I already am a grandpa" (my sister's kids) He got excited later, but I was bummed he wasn't thrilled right away. With DH's family my SIL just announced she was pregnant a week earlier so everyone was just like "You too? That's funny!" Yah, hilarious! We ended up having our girls 4 days apart (me first! ha ha!)
  • #192
not to beat an old horse to death, but do you have planned parenthood or family planning services there. Basically, you tell them your income and they give you a fitting rate. I was free for a long time and then I started making more money so it was maybe $10 a visit. Just a suggestion. I also got my BC there for free.
  • #193
Our closest Planned Parenthood is 65 miles away so that defeats the point of saving money with these gas prices. We have a clinic like that, but you HAVE to prove your income, and we don't have anything that says we make nothing. I am hoping to have a great September (booked two shows today!) so I will get some commission and a paystub to take in!
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  • #194
Gillian I am so happy that you have two shows!!! AWESOME JOB, GIRL!!!
  • #195
For some reason I was really confident yesterday and knew that neither one of those people would say no, even though they work in the same small office that I have done a million shows with! I was truly excited about the special and that came out in my voice. I also boosted my sales for August by selling both host the lids for their future stoneware. I left a message with another possible host, e-mailed my host that I have been dragging behing me since June to have her show in September, and left a message with another possible host. I hope to be just as organized and *ballsy* today!! Yesterday I made 7 calls and got a booking or sale on 6 of them!
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  • #196
How do you transition from a booking call to getting a sale?
  • #197
When I call them I say that I had a great deal for hosting in September, and was wondering if they would be interested in getting a 7 piece set of stoneware for less than $61. If they said yes I explained how that worked ($400 show, uses all FPV) If they said no then I said that I still have a great deal, offering 20% off all NT stoneware in Sept (excluding new baker). I remind them that stoneware makes a wonderful hoilday gift, or housewarming present. I have also been pushing the discontinued lids for the stoneware now that they are going to buy in Sept. Right now I have $200 in sales for a catty show in September, and two show bookings.
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  • #198
Thats a great idea, ThanKs!
  • #199
Strange but true conception story!My husband told me this story last night - so in advance, I will say I am giving you all of the info. I have, although I sent him to work this morning with some questions of my own;)

He came home from work, and was telling me about one of the receptionists - she was walking sort of stiff yesterday, and he asked her if she was feeling okay - she said she was feeling okay - but had gone to the Dr. a couple days ago - and found out she was 6 MONTHS PREGNANT!!
She had no idea until the Dr. visit! It seems that she has been severely Diabetic for years, and a year ago her Dr. put her on a very strict low sugar, low processed carbs diet...she lost a ton of weight, and her cycle, which had been nonexistent, started coming regularly.....well, after 6 months of this, she started adding back in some fruit and breads etc.....and her periods stopped again, and she started gaining weight back.....at least that is what she attributed the loss of her cycle and the weight gain to - until she got the big news from her Dr. this week!
She and her husband have been married for years, and had been told she would never be able to conceive! They are in total shock! and only have 3 months to prepare for a baby!!! She had even felt the baby move, and that was why she went to the Dr. - because she thought something might be wrong with her!!
Can you imagine? I was totally amazed by this story!
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  • #200
I completely believe it. Some pregnancies are easy, so it makes sense that she wouldn't realize it. And with the changes in her diet wow!

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