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Are You Trying to Conceive?

In summary, Kristen and her husband are not trying for a baby, but are hoping for one. Her son is 5 months old and she plans to have another child in the future.
  • #101
Oh sorry....I used to buy the test that had like 2 free in it. It was a pink box I think. It worked for me!!!!!!
  • #102
I take the EPT digital, but they are really expensive. I think they are all the same (have to pass the same testing) but I just trust the name brands better. I think the one in the pink box is First Response. I have also used Clear Blue Easy and EPT. I like the dig. tests because you don't have to squint to see if there is a line or not, but I am worried that they aren't sensitive enough. I took a really crappy test (one of a 20 pack I got online) and got a REALLY faint am-I-imagining-that line. That is when I took the digital in the afternoon and got a negative. The next morning the digital was positive.
  • Thread starter
  • #103
Thanks for the info! I think I have the dig. clear blue. I'll test again in the AM.
  • #104
Good luck Anne! I will be thinking of you!
  • #105
Anne - I'll be praying and thinking of you too! Who would have thought peeing on a stick could cause so much excitement!;)
  • #106
ChefBeckyD said:
Anne - I'll be praying and thinking of you too! Who would have thought peeing on a stick could cause so much excitement!;)

It's always the little things.....LOL!
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  • #107
ChefBeckyD said:
Anne - I'll be praying and thinking of you too! Who would have thought peeing on a stick could cause so much excitement!;)
LOL! You're right. I forgot to test today so I'll do it tomorrow!
  • #108
You FORGOT???? How could you? I've been waiting to hear!
Just Kidding:D It's your stick - do it when you can;)
  • #109
Good Luck Anne! NO MORE FORGETTING! You have us all on pins and needles!
  • #110
Can you get a blood test done? They are the most accurate test. I took at home pregnancy tests with both my boys and neither one came out positive but I was sure I was pregnant. So I had blood tests done and sure enough they were positive. I don't know why they didn't work for me. I'm a military spouse though so it was pretty convenient to do and free.
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  • #111
I guess its a good thing that I kept forgetting (tought when I arise a 5am and barely coherent). Anyway, my "friend" came to visit today. With a vengeance!:rolleyes:
  • #112
It will happen Anne, don't give up. Just relax and let God be in charge.
  • #113
Bummer Anne! Maybe next month...
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  • #114
Its oik... It still gives me more time to get into shape. We joined a gym just before conference!
  • #115
Yeah, my s-i-l had just lost weight going to weight watchers and all and she said to b-i-l that once I lose all this weight I'm not going to gain it back by having a baby, so we were thinking that they were going to be kidless, the next thing we knew they were expecting, (she will be 3 this month and our youngest will be 3 in october) and they had another earlier this year.

I have heard lots of stories of people adopting then being so relaxed that they then got prego right after.
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  • #116
See... Hearing that makes me feel better! Thanks!
  • #117
pchefinski said:
If it's not too much trouble, could I ask for prayer? Wednesday morning I have a pelvic ultrasound appointment. My doctor wants to see if I have any abnormalities (fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, etc). Right now I am on 3 different antibiotics for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (cervical infection), though the doctor is treating me for that in case I do have it -- she's almost 100% positive that isn't the problem. The antibiotics aren't working anyway, so it must not be the PID as the cause of it all. DH and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year, and for the past 4 months I've been dealing with extreme "knife-like" pains in my pelvic area and lower back. The pain has intensified the past 3 weeks to constant and inbearable, and I am anxious to find out what the problem is so that it can be resolved and I can be rid of this whole ordeal. I'm unsure as to whether this has anything to do with our inability to get pregnant, though the dr contributes my hormonal imbalance to that, as I'm not ovulating. (My body still thinks I'm nursing, even though I stopped over a year ago! Odd, no?:confused: ) Maybe things are more intertwined and connected than I think, but I don't want to make it worse than it is, so I'm just praying (and trusting) that it will be figured out with this ultrasound. Thank you everyone...

UPDATE: Had the pelvic ultrasound done and turns out that I had a cyst that burst. So now it's pain management for 4-6 weeks until it heals itself. I'm relieved it's nothing major. Thanks for all of your prayers :D
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  • #118
Phew! I was thinking about you over the weekend!
  • #119
I have been reading this thread and I just wanted to share my experience. We tried to have a baby for almost 2 years before going to see a Fertility Specialist. I would be rich if I had a dollar for every time someone told me to relax or adopt and then I would have a baby. People didn't mean to say hurtful things, it is just that people really don't know what to say. I really think this is one of things you just can't understand unless you go through it. The thing I really needed wasn't for someone to say something encouraging to me, but to just listen or to pray for me.

Fortunately, my Fertility Specialist said there is almost always a medical reason that people can't conceive if they have been trying for a year. It was such a relief to find out the real medical reason and to work to correct that. There are no guarantees and what works for one person won't always work for someone else. Fortunately, I was able to conceive, but only with medical intervention and I will probably have to if I ever want to have another child.

I was blessed by God that He sent a good friend that was also walking through infertility. It was such a life saver. We understood each other's hurts and could encourage each other. There is a light at the end of the tunnel. I think when I finally accepted that what God was working in me was bigger than if I would ever bear a biological child that I could finally understand why He allowed to go through this.

Best luck to each of you in your journey.
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  • #120
Jen, thanks so much and you are so right!
  • #121
OMG! I'm late! Haven't told hubby yet... just had to let my excitement and fears out. I am going to wait until after my open house on Saturday to test if I haven't gotten my "friend" by then.
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  • #122
WOW!!! I hope it works out for you!
  • #123
Just wanted to add my 2 cents. When we were TTC our first, we went through many many months of me getting my period again, many tears, heart ache, etc. But then after all the test, etc. we had Benjamin. It dawned on me, that had I gotten pregnant sooner I wouldn't have Ben! Sure I would have another child that I love just as much, but I wouldn't have BEN! I can't imagine my life without him and I'm thankful that God wanted us to wait until it was just right for Ben to come along.

Now, I just found out last week that I'm expecting again. Can you say SURPRISE!!??!! It was quite a shock!

So, ladies, hang in there. I've been there, month after month. The perfect child is just waiting for his/her turn!
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  • #124
Can I just say, I am sooo happy to have this place to share my feelings. People who try to offer something nice, just don't always understand... and I have to say that you are all so understanding, even if you didn't have trouble TTC. I just love all of you! And if you're ever in the Atlantic City, NJ area, PLEASE look me up because I owe you all a hug!

PS... This is post #1700 for me. Am I corny or what?!
  • #125
I don't think it is corny Anne! Maybe you can be the first to hit 2000!? I don't think I have seen one that high!
  • #126
"Aunt Flo" Always shows up at the wrong time
AJPratt said:
I guess its a good thing that I kept forgetting (tought when I arise a 5am and barely coherent). Anyway, my "friend" came to visit today. With a vengeance!:rolleyes:

Sorry to hear that "Aunt Flo" is visiting this month.

Maybe she will 'forget' to show up next month !!:D

  • #127
I don't know how much you know about getting pregnant. But you can buy a ovalation test kit; or go online to something like what I am linking to and it will tell you apr. date that you would be ovulating from your period info
p.s I think that it improved my chance getting pregnant now I have 10 month old baby boy.
  • #128
I just found www.fertilityfriend.com and you chart you morning temps and they interpret them for you. The free service is really basic, but there is a VIP membership that has all the bells and whistles. I haven't actually charted yet, but it looks easy and fun!
  • #129
I have a friend who it took months to get pregnant. She also bought an ovulation kit online for hardly any money. First time she used it they got pregnant. I have thought if I ever have problems getting pregnant whenever we try again I might try one of those kits although the whole ovulation thing confuses me to no end. I'm assuming they have good instructions. :p
  • #130
I think that you take them around the time that you might be ovulating. You pee on them just like a preg. test and a line shows up if you are ovulating in the next 24-48 hours. I have never taken them so someone set me straight if that info is wrong! If I am already not pg I am going to take my basil body temperature every morning as that is also an indicator of impending ovulation!
  • #131
Gilian you are very correct. I used it when I got prego w/ my son. I also learned that when we were ttc to not let my husband take hot baths because he was killing the little guys.I love reading this thread, I find inspiration that there is a hope it might happen again. I would love to be prego again, I would be estatic to even be lucky enough for a little girl. My husband works wierd hours, and I am finding when I am ovulating it's not the weekend. Every month just seems to be another disapointment. I have the hardest time just putting it in God's hands and letting go. I like being in control, and maybe that's the lesson I need to learn.
  • #132
Update: I took a test this morning and it was negative, but my boobs are still killing me and the only other time in my life that they hurt was when I was preggo with my first child. I am going to wait until Monday, and take another then if AF doesn't show before!
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  • #133
This is getting exciting!!!
  • #134
As Jenny said, it will happen when the time is right. DH and I tried for 3 years, two years of just trying and one year of clomid (10 cycles...not fun) and then we finally learned that my tubes were completely blocked. I did all of the ovulation kits and that was just a waste of money for me because sure my hormones spiked but if there is no egg in the basket then there can be no baby. After 3 years of hearing "Just be patient, it will happen" we consulted a IF specialist. We were going to go through IVF, I didn't want to go through the heartache of IVF not working but DH convinced me we should try. Right before we were scheduled to start the meds my oldest was in a severe accident, we spent 3 months healing him and us as a family. We told our oldest son to let us know when he was ready for a sibling and we would try again. In April he said he was ready. We started the IVF and we were so lucky to have 6 eggs to choose from, we put two back and 14 days later we found out that we were having twins.

Anyway, what I am saying is...you all will get pregnant when the time is right and when the perfect child/ren is ready for you. Take the bad and know that something better than you expected could be right around the corner for you. The twins helped my son heal as well as DH and I...
  • #135
My friend just called and said that she read in a magazine that when you go off the pill sometimes your boobs hurt. She said that she didn't want to bum me out about not being preggo, but that it might be connected to going off the pill. It still doesn't explain why my Aunt Flo went on vacation instead of visiting me!
  • Thread starter
  • #136
Andrea, you are just too sweet!

I have to share something a little funny... We went for a walk last night with neighbors of ours and they know our situation and the husband (I mentioned him in a previous thread, he's a cop in a really tough city, but such a good, sweet guy). Anyway, he was telling me that I just need to track my cycle and maybe have Dave tested. He was being so sensitive and supportive and then he said, "And you know, once you've done all that you just need to, pardon my expression, 'pound it out' everyday for two weeks." :eek: I was just barely getting over the "cycle" comment when that hit me upside the head. ROTFLMAO!!!
  • #137
That is just hilarious! A man can only be just so sensitive - and then the testosterone has to kick in:D At least he tried!:rolleyes: I'm not sure my husband would even be able to use the word "cycle" properly - unless he was referring to a motorcycle!
  • #138
Too funny! Men are really interesting with their humor in these situations...when we were going through fertility testing and DH had to "submit his sample" for testing...he went into the bedroom and all of a sudden I hear, "Honey, could you come give me a hand?" He thought he was hilarious...I think he was waiting for a long time to use that one. :rolleyes:
  • #139
Thats so funny although that is actually how I got pregnant with my first son. I didn't really understand the whole ovulation thing so I figured if we tried every other day ... Hey it worked... ;)
  • #140
AJPratt said:
Andrea, you are just too sweet!

I have to share something a little funny... We went for a walk last night with neighbors of ours and they know our situation and the husband (I mentioned him in a previous thread, he's a cop in a really tough city, but such a good, sweet guy). Anyway, he was telling me that I just need to track my cycle and maybe have Dave tested. He was being so sensitive and supportive and then he said, "And you know, once you've done all that you just need to, pardon my expression, 'pound it out' everyday for two weeks." :eek: I was just barely getting over the "cycle" comment when that hit me upside the head. ROTFLMAO!!!
That is just too funny...
  • #141
janel kelly said:
Thats so funny although that is actually how I got pregnant with my first son. I didn't really understand the whole ovulation thing so I figured if we tried every other day ... Hey it worked... ;)

Yep, every other day worked for our 2nd child. My husband enjoyed it while it lasted, but I know the day I took the positive test, it was all a little bittersweet! :D
Good luck to all of you who are experiencing fertility problems. I, luckily, have been blessed with three natural pregnancies. However, I have a number of friends and relatives who have had to use other means to become pregnant. Good luck and God Bless!
  • #142
Well, my period is now 2 days late but the HPT was negative this morning so my fingers are still crossed. We've only been trying since June so I know it's still early on - we're just so excited! I've heard some of you used the ovulation kit (pee strips) and some have used the temperature kit - any preferences? I'm debating which one I might wanna try if I'm really not pregnant this month.
  • #143
jbechtel said:
Well, my period is now 2 days late but the HPT was negative this morning so my fingers are still crossed. We've only been trying since June so I know it's still early on - we're just so excited! I've heard some of you used the ovulation kit (pee strips) and some have used the temperature kit - any preferences? I'm debating which one I might wanna try if I'm really not pregnant this month.

Charting your temperature is a lot cheaper because ovulation kits can be a little pricey. However, I think the ovulation kit is well worth the money and a lot less of a hassle. You can know pretty sure when your ovulation date is. I never felt quite as confident with the temperature charting.
  • #144
I agree with the temping. On www.fertilityfriend.com you can pay the same price as one ovulation test box for them to analyze your temps for almost a year! They have a really easy to follow grid and most people know if they are pregnant or not just by seeing their temps. You can also enter in stuff like when you BD or your cervical fluid and it helps the team identify when you are ovulating or conceived. I just joined, but it is a really neat site!
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  • #145
I second a website! A few months ago I started using www.mymonthlycycles.com. Its been very helpful to me. I didn't realize it, but I learned a couple of months ago that my cycle is 35 or 36 days! When I was on the pill it was 28. No wonder we had a tough time for a while there!
  • #146
I took another test this morning, a week after my first one. It was negative again!! I am okay with not being pregnant, but my boobs have never hurt this badly in my life, and my period in now almost a month overdue! If I really was preggo it would have shown up by now on a test. My hormones are just all out of whack. I am going to go back on my pill for four or five days then quit to jump start my period.
  • #147
You might want to check with your OB. A friend of mine never tests positive on a home test. She has to have a blood test...
  • #148
Yes you should go to get a blood test. I have a friend as well that always tests negative then goes to get blood test and it is positive.
The cycle method really works. That is what we did.
  • #149
Pregnancy Update and Prayer Request
nikked said:
Just wanted to let everyone know that WE ARE EXPECTING AGAIN! We are very excited and more than a little nervous, but know that God is control.

Near as we can figure, we due around February 25, but won't know for sure until Ultrasound dating is done due to the miscarriage.

Please keep us in your prayers, especially as I am leaving in a few minutes for CHICAGO! Thanks!

Well, the great news is that every is fine with our pregnancy so far. Ultrasound dating gives a Due Date of March 14, which puts us at just about 10 weeks now.

However, I would appreciate any and all prayers. My OB, who I just switched to because I couldn't stand my old one, found a rather large lump in one of my breasts. It's hard to explain, but I never felt it before, even though I do my breast exams every month. You only feel it if you "pinch" the side of the breast. It's about an inch in diameter, and to me it feels like a grape.

Anyways, the OB doc was pretty sure it was a cyst, but sent me for a breast Ultrasound to be sure. Unfortunately, it is not just a cyst. They ended up doing a mammogram as well as the Ultrasound to get a really good look. I've never worn so much lead in my life! :p

The boob doc is "fairly certain" that it's a fibroid type mass (non-cancerous) which would be growing because of the hormone increases in the pregnancy. But there's an area that doesn't look right, so off I go this coming Friday for a biopsy.

Needless to say we're nervous and anxious. The odds of it being the "Big C" is really small, but it's still scary.

So, those of you who do, please remember us in your prayers over the next couple of weeks. I don't think I'll have the results on Friday. I'm pretty sure it will be next week. I'll post as soon as I know something for sure.

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  • #150
Nikki: You better post as soon as you know the results! I am really worried, but don't be alarmed, I'm a worrier! I am THRILLED to hear that you are doing ok with the baby!

Gillian: I think you should call your Doc. Just in case.

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