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Are You Trying to Conceive?

In summary, Kristen and her husband are not trying for a baby, but are hoping for one. Her son is 5 months old and she plans to have another child in the future.
  • #51
WE are PREGNANT.... just found out so i think about 5 wks. i will go to doc on June 16th... home test came back positive.... We are also moving 2 hours away too... all things happen big in my life ha ha
  • #52
Congratulations...I hope every thing is smooth sailing from here on out (as much as it can be)!
  • #53
Congrats!!!!:D :D That is awesome!
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  • #54
I Am So Happy For You!
  • #55
Cook in the house,
Congrats to you!!!!!

I am very sorry to hear for your loss. I had a miscarriage in 2000, and last May I had to pull my 10 day old daughter off of life support. On the brighter side her twin sister is small but a very healthy 1 year old. Your heart will heal with time, just give it to the lord.
  • #56
nikked said:
We have three beautiful, wonderful girls. Mary Frances, 14; Theresa Grace, 5; and Caroline Ruth, 18 months.

We have had no problems conceiving in the past, and this time was no different. We were expecting January 4, 2007, after just a couple of months of "not doing anything to stop a pregnancy", but just received confirmation that we lost the baby.

We are grateful that it was early, but it still so hard! We pray and believe we will have more, but right now are very sad.

Happy baby to all those expecting, and happy conceptions to all those trying...we will be joining all y'all again soon!

Just wanted to let everyone know that WE ARE EXPECTING AGAIN! We are very excited and more than a little nervous, but know that God is control.

Near as we can figure, we due around February 25, but won't know for sure until Ultrasound dating is done due to the miscarriage.

Please keep us in your prayers, especially as I am leaving in a few minutes for CHICAGO! Thanks!
  • #57
nikked said:
Just wanted to let everyone know that WE ARE EXPECTING AGAIN! We are very excited and more than a little nervous, but know that God is control.

Near as we can figure, we due around February 25, but won't know for sure until Ultrasound dating is done due to the miscarriage.

Please keep us in your prayers, especially as I am leaving in a few minutes for CHICAGO! Thanks!
I am so happy for you!! I will keep you in my prayers!!
  • #58
Congratulations Nicole! Be safe in Chicago and have a great time!!!:D
  • #59
Congrats! How exciting for you! I always loved being pregnant. I have 2 boys. My biggest is turning 5 on Saturday! The little one will be 2 September 2nd. But between them, I had a miscarriage, and then twins I lost: one miscarriage, one tubal. Luckily I still have all my bits and pieces. :)

But that difficulty is what made me decide to be a gestational surrogate. That's where I carry the baby (or babies, as the case may be), but it's not genetically related to me. I'm doing it for a friend. I am on hormones now getting ready for the transfer August 6th (hopefully).

I'm sorry if there are those of you who do not approve of doing this, I just wanted to throw it out there because I'm proud of helping someone out. I can't imagine a greater gift I could give someone than a child!

Sorry to steal your thunder, Nicole! Congrats again! Hoping for a boy this time?

(When people asked me that question, I always said I was hoping for a baby with a small head!:) )
  • #60
I think that is great you are doing that for your friend If I didnt have the health problems I do and if my husband approved I would do it for a sister or a good friend also. Congrats to all you who are expecting. mine will be here hopefully next week (last pregnancy)
  • #61
Sorry to hear no baby on the way Anne - hopefully next month! We will all keep our fingers crossed for you.

I'm not like the rest of you - I'm past having children. I have three. They are 16, 14 (next month) and 11. Two girls and a boy. I always wanted 3 kids and wanted two girls first - I had an older brother, need I say more! I sometimes wish I had a 4th if I could have been guaranteed a boy. It would be nice if my son had a brother, but he does have a lot of boy cousins he does things with.

Those of you who want 7 or 8 are saints! There is no way I could handle that many!

Good luck to everyone trying!
  • #62
Just keep trying. When you do get pregnant it will be a miracle from God. I have two boys ages 5 & 3 and my husband and I are done. He had a vas but there is always that chance. Sometimes I would like a little girl but somedays I am glad that I am done having kids. Keep us updated in the future and best of luck to you.
  • #62
InfertilitySometimes God answers our prayers, but not in the way we expect. My husband and I tried for 6 years (very painful and heartbreaking), and one day it was like a light bulb went off, and we knew that adoption was our path to having a family. We have a 10 year old son and a 3 year old daughter now, both adopted internationally (Ecuador and Korea). I know that both of these beautiful children were meant to be ours, we just went a different route to becoming a family. I thank God every day for my children.

For those of you going through infertility - I know how painful it is - hang in there and know that when you are feeling angry, disappointed, heartbroken and don't understand why you are having to go through this pain - one day you will look back and know that God had the perfect plan for you.
  • #63
Congrat Nicole!!
  • #64
kristenskitchen said:
Jessica, I am very interested in the surrogate thing, how did you get that started? Even though it hasn't been easy for me to get pregnant, I know its possible and I would love to help out another family that can't have children on their own. I think it would be the ultimate gift and I know (now that I have had one of my own) that I could do it. Just wondering if you found the family or if you went through an agency or something. Thanks in advance for the info!!

Baby dust for everyone!!


I do have an agency. I just contacted them and said that I wanted to sign up - and we met and they thought I would be an awesome surrogate.
I have 6 kids of my own, and I love to be pregnant. We just are done having kids of our own. depending on where you live, there should be some agencies available to you. you can also visit surromomsonline.com and go to the message boards to get more information!
Good luck
  • #65
I would love to be a surrogate, but my DH said it would freak him out to see me pregnant with a baby that wasn't ours.
  • #66
Hubby says that I could never do it because I wouldn't be able to give up the baby after I carried it full-term and gave birth. Maybe he's right, but I would do it hands down no questions asked if my sister or a close friend wanted a child and couldn't have one for some reason. If I could be involved in the child's life, then I think it would be totally different than carrying it to full-term and giving it to the family never to see them again. I'm not really sure how DH feels about it -- he tends to use how I would feel about things to yay or nay things. LOL
  • #67
Oh, and we're TTC too.. I've wanted another (we have a 20 month DS) for over a year now, and DH is now wanting another.. he wants a girl (but of course we'll be overjoyed with a boy too!). There have been a lot of false alarms (and even a false negative home preg test), but it is really hard for me to tell when I'm pregnant, as my body must not product a lot of the hormones that are detected with the home preg test.. I was testing almost weekly with DS and got nothing, then suddenly got a positive reading and found out I was 12 weeks along -- I got stiffed (no pun intended!) of a whole trimester of my pregnancy. So, I've been really wanting to know immediately this next time, so I can enjoy it completely. But the dr thinks I have hyperthyroidism problems, which could be contributing to our difficulty in getting pregnant. So, I gotta make a dr appt on Monday for that. Congrats to everyone that is expecting and good luck (and happy trying!) for those that are trying.. :D
  • #68
My husband and I are trying, too! We've been trying for 2 mo. now so I know we're early in the process - but we're SO excited to get pregnant, we can't wait. For those of you who are/were pregnant - did you know before you were late one month? What are some signs to look out for?
  • #69
Congrats Jenn! There are tons of websites online that have the signs and symptoms. I was so excited to get preggo that I overanalyzed every little thing, then when I finally was pregnant I had NO idea!! With my second I "felt" pregnant but with my first I was at my annual appointment and my nurse told me I was preggo. There are boards similar to this at babycenter.com that have "birth clubs" (the month that you want to or will deliver in) or there is an "Am I pregnant?" board that has all the signs. Good luck to all that are TTC!
  • #70
I knew almost immediately. I was only about 4 weeks and I started getting nauseous.
  • #71
We are TTC #3 , i had my first two no problems, got pregnant first try or so. This time isnt going so smooth , we lost a baby at 5 weeks in May , and here we are end of july , not sure if iam or not . I will test in a couple of days !
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  • #72
Well I certainly will keep you in my thoughts! I am happy that you have been blessed with other children and hope you have #3! They are adorable BTW!
  • #73
Aw thank you !:)
  • #74
C'mon Anne! Where's your positive test?? Are you guys trying or not right now?
  • #75
Don't give up hope Ann. It will all work out. I will add you to my prayer list. We have 2 boys and both of them we got pregnant on the first try. But I had 2 miscarriages, one after the first and one after the second. They were both tough. One was at 12 weeks and one at 7 weeks. Just hang in there. I just found out last week that a friend of mine whom the doctors said there was no way she could get pregnant is. She had gone in to have a cyst remove and they told her they could not because she was preggers. A true miracle. It will be your turn next.:D
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  • #76
Gillian: We're still trying. I'm on a website that tracks my fertility now. Since when did this get so hi-tech?

Luvs: Thanks so much! My last miscarriage, I was 16 weeks and that was very hard.
  • #77
Ann - hang in there, when the time is right it will happen. I have had several miscarriages myself, the hardest one I had was at 20 weeks when I went into labor. I now have 2 wonderful boys my oldest will be 6 at the end of August and my younest just turned 2 at the end of May. We are hopefull that we will be able to have one more healthy baby. Keep your chin up

  • #78
Hope you don't mind if I join in the conversation!

I want to say to everyone who's ttc - don't lose hope! My husband and I tried for 4 years, had 2 miscarriages in the meantime. We were getting ready to look into IVF (and I had been on Clomid for 6 months), when I decided that I just needed a couple of months off to not think about it. That month (the 1st not thinking about it month) turned out to be successful! Our beatiful son (sorry, I'm a little biased) was born last May!

Now, I too am getting the itch to have another. I had hoped that we could succeed Clomid-free this time, but I'm thinking I may have to bite the bullet soon.

Good luck to everyone - sending lots of baby dust your way!
  • #79
We are trying for baby #5!!We have been blessed with four beautiful children:
Michael - 9 years old
Nicole - 8 years old
Naomi - 2 years old
Isaac - 9 months old

We are ready for #5. I will keep you all posted! I will keep you in my prayers. I have a very dear friend from church who has already had two miscarriages in the past four months. It's been hard for her. She does have a cute little baby named Sarah who will be two in Sept. so we just have to pray that the Lord will allow another pregnancy when she is ready!
HE has perfect timing!!

We thought we were pregnantin May but it turned out I just skipped a period and not even my doctor knew why. She said it must have been stress. Which is just a medical term for "I don't know but I want to charge your insurance anyway!" :p

  • #80
Not to make you ladies feel badly, but I am having surgery on Monday to ensure we don't have anymore!! I get pregnant wayyy too easily. We have 4 children as well.

Devin 9yrs (conceived while I was taking Depo Provera)
Samuel 7yrs (conceived while I was on the pill)
Kennedy 3 yrs (were trying for her)
Sidonie 7 weeks (dh had vascetomy and were using condoms)
...and a few miscarriages in between.

I'm sorry I cannot relate, but I wish you luck and hope that the Lord answers your prayers.
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  • #81
Thank you all for your kind words! And PRAYERS!

And even though you can't relate you reached out and that shows your character!
  • #82
Ann i belong to a online TTC message board lots of great ladies very informative and lot's of support. I will Pm you the link not sure if i can post it on here or not ! If any one else is interested feel free to pm as well !!
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  • #83
DPatel: Sounds great! And you can post the link, its ok!
  • #84
Chef Kearns said:
Not to make you ladies feel badly, but I am having surgery on Monday to ensure we don't have anymore!! I get pregnant wayyy too easily. We have 4 children as well.

Devin 9yrs (conceived while I was taking Depo Provera)
Samuel 7yrs (conceived while I was on the pill)
Kennedy 3 yrs (were trying for her)
Sidonie 7 weeks (dh had vascetomy and were using condoms)
...and a few miscarriages in between.

That's not me, but I do know a few friends just like you (do I know you ;) ), I had to lol, because it conjured up some memories.
  • #85
Hi Anne!

Hubby and I are ttc too. We have been trying since last October. We got pregnant in December and I miscarried at 6 weeks. We've been trying again since March. If I am not pregnant this month (I will know by Thursday this week) then I think I will take the rest of the year off. This roller coaster of hope and disappointment is rough! I'm praying for you all. Please pray for us too!

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  • #86
ChefTara said:
this roller coaster of hope and disappointment is rough! I'm praying for you all.Tara

You said it!
  • #87
Well iam out this month AF showed :mad: On to next month. Good luck ladies !
  • #88
DH and I are on the not trying/ not not trying method for the last two weeks. I really want #3, but he is scared for me because my kids are now 14 months and 2 1/2. By the time another baby would be born my kids would be 2 and 3 1/2! That doesn't sound bad to me! He keeps telling me that everything is perfect how it is, and I agree, but it isn't like it won't be perfect with another. We just got a minivan, so the carseat issue doesn't apply anymore, and I will gladly give up my scrapbook room to a baby! DH isn't fully on board, but my BC pills were making me crazy. I told him to buy some condoms or get a baby. Two weeks later.... no condoms in sight, so I guess he made his decision. Good luck to everyone!
  • #89
I know the heartache....I know what it is like to want a child and get your hopes up month after month! It is heartbreaking! My husband and I had stopped "Trying". We had pretty much given up on the idea of having a baby...although we were toying with the idea of international adoption. I didn't even realize I was pregnant until a friend told me I had all the symptoms....(dog-tired, heartburn, queasiness...and I was VERY late!) I took a HPT in the middle of the afternoon - it was positive immediately! My husband and I were so much in shock - we didn't even talk about it for almost a week - we were walking around in stunned silence! My son was 5 weeks early (rough pregnancy - worked really hard to get to 35 weeks!)and born 4 days after my 39th birthday.....what a gift from God! He is now a very healthy and very happy 2 yr. old who fills our home with joy and laughter. (and 2 yr old tantrums!)
My eyes are filled with tears as I write this - I will pray for those of you who are waiting still - and I will celebrate with you when you can let us all know that a baby is coming!
  • #90
Prayers please :)If it's not too much trouble, could I ask for prayer? Wednesday morning I have a pelvic ultrasound appointment. My doctor wants to see if I have any abnormalities (fibroids, cysts, endometriosis, etc). Right now I am on 3 different antibiotics for Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (cervical infection), though the doctor is treating me for that in case I do have it -- she's almost 100% positive that isn't the problem. The antibiotics aren't working anyway, so it must not be the PID as the cause of it all. DH and I have been trying to get pregnant for a year, and for the past 4 months I've been dealing with extreme "knife-like" pains in my pelvic area and lower back. The pain has intensified the past 3 weeks to constant and inbearable, and I am anxious to find out what the problem is so that it can be resolved and I can be rid of this whole ordeal. I'm unsure as to whether this has anything to do with our inability to get pregnant, though the dr contributes my hormonal imbalance to that, as I'm not ovulating. (My body still thinks I'm nursing, even though I stopped over a year ago! Odd, no?:confused: ) Maybe things are more intertwined and connected than I think, but I don't want to make it worse than it is, so I'm just praying (and trusting) that it will be figured out with this ultrasound. Thank you everyone...
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  • #91
Amanda, you and your family are in my prayers!
  • #92
Good luck Amanda and keep us posted! Anything you want to tell us Anne, hint, hint....?
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  • #93
Well, since you asked... Sorry if this is TMI. I was "due" for my "friend" on August 4th. Nothing happened. Took a test yesterday and it came back negative. I'm still a little crampy and feel exhausted, but it could just be the heat. Stay tuned for the next episode of "The Goings-On of Anne's Uterus". LOL
  • #94
Good luck Anne and I'll be praying for your big fat positive!!!
  • #95
Well for those of you that are trying. Don't give up. My husband and I tried to get pregnant for 15 years. Then finally the drs. found out what was wrong with me. I had endometriosis and a huge fibroid. Once that was taken care of I got pregnant right away. I have a beautiful son who is almost 6. We wanted to have more children but nothing has happened. Not sure what the problem is now but I'm very happy with the one we have. I feel very blessed. I would love to be pregnant but at 41 maybe it would be tough. But if the Lord sees fit the we will have another one. We are discussing adopting a child but have not done anything about it yet.
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  • #96
Your words of encouragement are just wonderful! Thank you all!
  • #97
I know it is hard, but have fun trying! The biggest mistake I made was not enjoying the trying part!!
  • #98
Any word on Amanda??

Anne-don't forget to only take the tests in the morning after you get up. With my second child I had a feeling so I took a digital test in the afternoon. It said not preg so I waited and took another one then next morning and it instantly popped up preggo!
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  • #99
Thanks, Gillian... The test said I could take it at anytime, maybe I'll try it in the morning.

Which test is the best? There are so many out there I have no idea what is the most reliable!
  • #100
You can 'technically' take them anytime, but the pregnancy hormone that triggers the test is at its highest level with your 1st pee. (sorry for that word, I couldn't think of another one besides urination and I don't like that word much) lol

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