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Are You Trying to Conceive?

In summary, Kristen and her husband are not trying for a baby, but are hoping for one. Her son is 5 months old and she plans to have another child in the future.
  • #201
I work with a girl who did not know she was pregnant until she had severe cramping and went to the ER. She was in LABOR!! I can't remember how long it took her to deliver. When asked didn't you have any symptoms, she replied, "I just thought I was eating to much and had horrible heartburn!" "My periods have never been regular." This was 18-19 yrs ago. She would have been 22 ish at the time. She had no rounded tummy, just kind of thickened at the waistline. No one had any idea!
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  • #202
WOW! I hope she delivered a healthy baby!
  • #203
I see that all the time on Discovery Health where people don't know until they are in labor or one felt THE BABY'S HEAD!! She woke up in the middle of the night (not knowing she was pregnant) and felt like she wet the bed. She put her hand between her legs and felt the head!! Can you imagine?? I would be so terrified! I was scared enough knowing I was pregnant for 8 months and knowing that I was in labor!
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  • #204
That's just amazing!
  • #205
One of my good friends didnt find out until she was 6 months too!
She had given birth to a little girl and about 8 months later was really depressed because she had not lost the weight. Well, she was laying on the couch with her hubby and she was looking at her stomach and disgusted with it because it was not shrinking and it moved!!!!! Yep, the baby kicked. Probably the little one just trying to let her know that she was there. haha. 3 months later little girl number 2 arrived. She is very intelligent woman, has her masters in education and went on to have 2 more children. I think this one just snuck in under her radar. She was also nursing the first one at the time so that is why she thought she was not getting her period. When I was pregnant with my boys I did not show at all until I was 5.5 months atleast. I wore all my regular jeans etc. However there was no denying I was preggers due to the non stop vomiting. But I guess if you did not really have any symptoms it could just slip by you.
  • #206
AJPratt said:
WOW! I hope she delivered a healthy baby!

She was very lucky. She is a drinker and a smoker. Did all of that and heaven knows what else while she was carrying him. He was born a healthy baby.
  • #207
That is SO lucky! It is dangerous enough not to have prenatal care, much less have cigarettes and alcohol involved!
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  • #208
Kinda makes you wonder about all the stuff you hear!
  • #209
Getting pregnant while nursing !
luvs2sellit said:
One of my good friends didnt find out until she was 6 months too!
She had given birth to a little girl and about 8 months later was really depressed because she had not lost the weight. ..... 3 months later little girl number 2 arrived. ... She was also nursing the first one at the time so that is why she thought she was not getting her period. ..... But I guess if you did not really have any symptoms it could just slip by you.

I myself was about 4 months pregnant and didn't know it. I had my first child and was still nursing him at 10 months old and just thought my cycle was taking its time. I started to notice my stomach hurt when I ate eggs. (One of my pregnancy problem foods.) Even though I had not had a monthly cycle in over a year, I took a pregnancy test and it came back positive. I thought I was about 2-3 weeks pregnant, because I usually get morning sickness very early. Within a week or two after the test, I started bleeding and went to the hospital expecting another miscarriage, but they told me the baby was fine and I was about 3 months along (by the ultrasound). Our jaws hit the floor because I had bleed so much. Anyway, he was born healthy and a month 'early'. When they note their gestational age as a newborn, they said he was overdue, not a month early, so therefore I was really 4 months along and he was just small at the time of the ultrasound. The due date was an estimate based on his size at the ultrasound, because 'Aunt Flo' never visited in between the two pregnancies, and they didn't have a date to go by.

You really can get pregnant on the first cycle!!!!

  • #210
Baby UpdateGot to see El Baby yesterday! We're almost 13 weeks (will be tomorrow).

It was fun seeing how much she was moving in there. I didn't realize how active they are at this stage.

And, no, we don't know the sex yet. After 3 girls, you kind of just assume!
  • #211
You are TOTALLY having a boy! Are you crazy?? I'll bet you anything you are having a boy, and if not, good luck with those teenage years! Yikes!
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  • #212
My brother called and left a message for me. If I haven't mentioned it, my SIL is due in October (yes, it was very hard for me to hear). Anyway, he said that they got a ultrasound today and that "You can really see Jimmy's face." WOW!!! I can't wait to go over and see them. It was too late to call back.
  • #213
I know how hard it is to have family having babies all around you. When we were TTC our first my BIL got his married girlfriend preggo because she wasn't taking BC so that she could live off his child support. She divorced the first guy who she already had a kid with, broke up with my BIL because she didn't want to live away from her parents, now she just had her third baby with the third guy. Anyway, they got pregnant and we didn't. I had just gotten over that when in my 7th month of trying my other BIL and his wife "slipped up" ONE TIME and they were pregnant. I cried for over five hours that day. It turns out I was already pregnant when they found out but didn't know it. I'm glad I didn't give myself a miscarraige by stressing so much. Two couples that didn't want kids, two pregnant couple. I was so mad that I wouldn't let DH touch me just to spite God or whoever. I was already preggo though. AND I was induced before my SIL went into labor so I got to have my baby first! Ha ha! Sorry this is so long, but it is cheaper than therapy! My thoughts are with you Anne, and when you hold that baby all will be forgotten and you will DIE for one of your own!
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  • #214
Thanks, Gillian... I am thrilled for my brother and SIL. I don't even know if the time is right for us. Even though I want children, I want another job, want to pay off some bills. So its weird for me. Where I really wanted it to happen before, I still do but hindsight is 20/20.
  • #215
You can't get caught up in that game, Anne! I know that it is a good idea to pay off some bills, save some money, and spend some time together BUT you are never going to feel totally ready. You are never going to have enough money or time! I'm sure that thinking about pregnancy is hard for you because of what happened before, but I think you deserve a great pregnancy and healthy baby! Tell Dave its time!! LOL!!
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  • #216
Gillian: You are too sweet! Part of me can't help but think "let it happen and we'll deal with what comes."
  • #217
I completely agree, there will never be a 'perfect time' to have a child, you just have to deal with it when it happens and then it will be the perfect time.
  • #218
Here's another "clueless" story:

My sister had 6 children and 2 miscarriages.
Her oldest was healthy but tramatized by her siblings:
#2 almost died from asthma at 2;
#3 had to have part of her lung removed at 1 month - birth defect or result of a fall mom had while pg;
#4 died at 10 days - multiple heart anomolies;
#5 had abdominal problems as a baby;
#6 just fine! PTL!!!;
miscarriage (and cancer in mom - my sister is fine now except for asthma and other issues).

Okay, my niece gets married and is PG within a few months. She has a miscarriage. Then 2 years later on a Wednesday, her husband tells my sister there's something wrong. Jessie's getting such a big belly and she says she can't be pg. My sister says that she was suspiscious at Christmas but Jessie said "no". Husband gets a PG test and Thursday morning - sure enough she's PG. She goes to the doctor on Friday. He confirms and says within the month. Ultrasound is scheduled for Tuesday. Sunday, false labor; Monday she goes into labor and has a full term baby on Tuesday. She swears she had no clue (she always has had light, irregular periods and did so during the PG) - she said she thought maybe a few times but then something would happen to make her think she couldn't be. She had so many fears about pg and new baby health that she convinced herself she wasn't!

A few months later I get a call that she's having another baby due about the same time the first one was born (1 yr apart). So far that PG is going well!

Baby Dalton is doing great and everyone is happy that they get to enjoy the PG this time.
  • #219
The past few days I've had cramps, nausea, headaches and I'm so tired and feel worn out from absolutely nothing. Well, I take that back, my son has been sick so I've been up a couple times a night giving him meds and checking on him. I think I'm pregnant (actually I think I conceived last Sunday evening), but I obviously can't (home) test for at least another week right? I mean, it'd take that long for something to show up on a home test probably. I don't know what makes me want to find out asap; I guess it's the fact that with Elijah I didn't know until I was completely through my first trimester, and I felt like I was cheated out of a 1/3 of my pregnancy. I know that if I am, the nausea, headaches, cramps, fatigue and food aversion will not go away anytime soon, so it's like cementing them into existence for a while. But I still would like to find out. I'm due to start AF around the 15th or so, so I could just wait until then to test, but I don't know if I can mentally handle it. I want to know if I am!! Also, I'm trying to avoid medicines b'c of not knowing, etc. I know that last time it took 12 weeks for me to test positive, but something phenomenally awesome happened last Sunday at church and I have a feeling I'm right with my hunch. :rolleyes:
  • #220
I am sure you could go do a blood test the HCG will be slightly elevated so it would let you know. Good luck everyone who is trying.
  • #221
Hey Ladies! No, I'm not having any more but thought it would fun to chime in on this thread!:D

I have 2 boys and was completely fine at having just 2 kids. Well, after I had my first son I went for my 6 week check-up. My doctor felt a lump in my throat and referred me to an endocrinologist. I went and sure enough I have a thyroid disease. Well, supposedly its heredity but guess what? The heredity starts with ME! :eek: Anyways, they told me that its so hard to regulate your cycle that my first son would probably be my only child. Well, 21 months after that diagnosis, I delivered son #2!:D My doctor was shocked that I got pregnant and frankly, so were we! Excited though, we were moving into our house in Feb and had him in September of 2002. Well, since I have a thyroid disease and I was constantly changing doses (I still am, almost 6 years later) I didn't always get my period.

Well, everything was normal and we were busy raising 2 boys. Well, I really wasn't feeling good one day and my DH kept telling me that I needed to take a test. I went to work the next day and told my chiropractor that I have something hard in my stomach. He felt around and said that I'm either preggo or I have a cyst. He said at lunch to call my doctor or take a preg. test. I called my doc and he told me the same thing. I did and it came back POSITIVE! I about died! Why did god have 3 kids planned for me?:eek: I mad an appointment for the following week and my doctor told me that he thought that I was 21 weeks along!:eek: What? We did an ultrasound 2 days later and sure enough I WAS! The best part is "IT'S A GIRL!!!" It was the best thing that has happened to us, of course all of our kids are but I made sure I couldn't have anymore!

I am still battling my thyroid disease and in April of 05 (my daughter was only 9 months) I had my thyroid taken out. April was my 1st SS month and I was scared I wouldn't succeed with PC since I had to deal with this. When they removed my thyroid, they also found cancer but it was contained and there is no way that it traveled anywhere else. What was supposed to be a 45 minute surgery, turned into a 4 1/2 hour surgery. My DH and mom were a WRECK!:eek: What was also supposed to be an overnight stay turned out to be a 5 day stay because of complications.

I'm sorry this is so long but in my experience, you can battle anything and still conceive a precious child!!!:D I know that we did!!!:D
  • #222
Amanda- be careful with this! I have done this same thing to myself over and over. I see one little sign and then all of a sudden all these other signs start popping up too. I am NOT saying that you are not PG, but all my other signs were in my head. I wanted to be PG so badly that I was finding things that probably weren't there. Then, I was dissapointed when AF showed up (7 weeks late for those of you who didn't read entire thread!) because I had seen all these "signs". Hormones are hormones and can give you these symptoms any time during your cycle whether you are PG or not. Good luck and I really really *hope* that you are, but want to protect you emotions if you aren't. I know how much it hurts to want something so badly and get AF AGAIN!!
  • #223
Beth- That is some story! I couldn't imagine not knowing you were that far along!! Glad everything turned out well and when she has the other baby hopefully her body can get a well-deserved break!!
  • #224
Kristi- Wow! 21 weeks! At least you didn't have time to wonder if it was a boy or girl!
  • #225
I know! THe funny part was that my sister was pregnant too! I called her and asked her how far along she was and she said 14 weeks. I said that you're never going to believe this but, I'm pregnant and I'm 21 weeks! SHe died! My best friend was pregnant too and she was 19 weeks.

It turned out that my sister went into labor early and had my nephew at 28 weeks. (She had to stay at a hospital over an hour away that specializes in that for a month and a half so the baby wouldn't come sooner.) She had hime May 29th (2004), I had my daughter July 6th and my best friend had her son 6 days after me! Too cool!:D
  • #226
gilliandanielle said:
Amanda- be careful with this! I have done this same thing to myself over and over. I see one little sign and then all of a sudden all these other signs start popping up too. I am NOT saying that you are not PG, but all my other signs were in my head. I wanted to be PG so badly that I was finding things that probably weren't there. Then, I was dissapointed when AF showed up (7 weeks late for those of you who didn't read entire thread!) because I had seen all these "signs". Hormones are hormones and can give you these symptoms any time during your cycle whether you are PG or not. Good luck and I really really *hope* that you are, but want to protect you emotions if you aren't. I know how much it hurts to want something so badly and get AF AGAIN!!

I totally know what you're saying, as I've done it to myself before. We've been trying so hard, and I found myself disappointed for the longest time, everytime things would kind of seem out of place, like I was pregnant or something. At church last Sunday, I gave it all to the Lord, and laid it down.. I would not try to make it happen on my own, nor feel defeated when it didn't happen at all. The Lord's timing is perfect, and it will happen when it's supposed to. I had to lay it down before Him, seeking JUST HIM and not trying to make things happen on my own, and He would bring things to pass according to His will, in His perfect timing. I'd been praying, with all the problems I was having, that if something was out of place in my body, that God would touch it and heal it instantly so that I could have more children without complication. After the service, I was prayed for and healed, without a doubt. My pelvis was tilted back to its normal position and I am able to bear children again, without complication. I know the Lord answered my prayers and healed my body. Whether or not I conceived last Sunday, I am healed! I have peace in whatever the outcome, as I know it is all in the Lord's will for our family. I live my life by His clock and not by luck. When God's timing is right, it will happen. If I'm not pregnant, I have peace and joy in raising my son and watching him grow up more and more everyday :p And if I am pregnant, I'll be tickled pink! :D
  • #227
I am so happy and jealous that you have come to peace with this! I wish that I could give up control and let it happen. Good luck and I will be thinking of you when testing time comes!!
  • #228
Are you still seeing symptoms Amanda? I am excited to see what happens with you!!
  • #229
Surprise 3rd child
PampMomof3 said:
I have 2 boys and was completely fine at having just 2 kids. .....

Well, everything was normal and we were busy raising 2 boys. Well, I really wasn't feeling good one day and my DH kept telling me that I needed to take a test. ........ I did and it came back POSITIVE! I about died! Why did god have 3 kids planned for me?:eek: I mad an appointment for the following week and my doctor told me that he thought that I was 21 weeks along!:eek: What? We did an ultrasound 2 days later and sure enough I WAS! The best part is "IT'S A GIRL!!!" It was the best thing that has happened to us, of course all of our kids are but I made sure I couldn't have anymore!

Same thing (about the 3rd child) happened to me !! I already posted about my surprise second child (nursing and got pregnant :D ). I already had 2 boys and wasn't planning on more. (I could have taken 4-5 kids, but hubby wanted one, so I felt blessed that I had 2!) Anyway, I was on birth control pills and now fast forward 12 years. Yes, TWELVE years !!!! One day my husband said I was pregnant because I was a day late. I have been getting later and later as I get older, but he must have been able to tell. Anyway, I took the test, and it showed that I was pregnant. So I got a third child, and yes it was a girl. I have about given up on birth control...... We had a nursing baby (doesn't really count as birth control !), a pill baby, and got pregnant again with a 'rubber' baby, but lost that one September 2005 :( . So now I have 16 and 15 year boys and a 3 year old girl. They will either keep me young or very tired. :D Slowly working my way up to 4-5 kids, without my husbands or my consent :) :)
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  • #230
  • #231
Yeah, Amanda! What's up?
  • #232
I totally know what you're saying, as I've done it to myself before. We've been trying so hard, and I found myself disappointed for the longest time, everytime things would kind of seem out of place, like I was pregnant or something. At church last Sunday, I gave it all to the Lord, and laid it down.. I would not try to make it happen on my own, nor feel defeated when it didn't happen at all. The Lord's timing is perfect, and it will happen when it's supposed to. I had to lay it down before Him, seeking JUST HIM and not trying to make things happen on my own, and He would bring things to pass according to His will, in His perfect timing. I'd been praying, with all the problems I was having, that if something was out of place in my body, that God would touch it and heal it instantly so that I could have more children without complication. After the service, I was prayed for and healed, without a doubt. My pelvis was tilted back to its normal position and I am able to bear children again, without complication. I know the Lord answered my prayers and healed my body. Whether or not I conceived last Sunday, I am healed! I have peace in whatever the outcome, as I know it is all in the Lord's will for our family. I live my life by His clock and not by luck. When God's timing is right, it will happen. If I'm not pregnant, I have peace and joy in raising my son and watching him grow up more and more everyday And if I am pregnant, I'll be tickled pink!

Amanda I admire your strength. I have tried to release this and like Gillian I just can't seem to let go. I feel like there is a lesson here for me to learn, and it drives me crazy not knowing what it is.
For me what is really hard is my SIL just found out she is preggo last week, and we had our first kids together (10 days apart). Everyone on my husbands side of the family keeps asking if I am preggo, it just sucks because I am at such a loss for words and don't know how to respond anymore.
I just want to say thanks I find strength in your words.
  • #233
Any word from Amanda?? Where are you pchefinski??
  • #234
I sent her a PM, so hopefully she will be updating us soon!
  • #235
Hi everyone!! My husband and I are trying for our first baby. We have been trying for over a year now. :) I have tried the whole charting thing...It didn't really work for me, so now we're just seeing what happens. :D
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  • #236
Welcome, Brandy!
  • #237
Good luck Brandi! Keep us updated!
  • #238
Hi everyone. Sorry I've been off the board for a little bit. I've been helping out my MIL as my FIL is getting knee surgery tomorrow and she's stressed to the max. Also, DH has heard talk of possibly getting a promotion at work, plus I've been planning a trip to my parents house this weekend. It's been busy. I want to test by this weekend. I hope to get a test at the store today, and take it tomorrow (as DH has today & tomorrow off), but we're at the end of our paycheck, so we'll see. Depends on if we have the $ after getting gas and some other necessities. I was due for AF this past Friday and haven't gotten anything. I also haven't gotten the week of misery I usually get preceeding Af either. I'll keep you all informed on what the outcome is :) Cross your fingers and think of a way for me to tell DH if I am! Thanks :)
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  • #239
Fingers crossed, Amanda.
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  • #240
WOW! You do have a lot going on! I'm sending good thoughts your way! I was about a week late. Took a test, came back negative, and then got AF the next day.

BTW: KG has been lurking in this general area. Keep your eyes peeled. LOL
  • #241
Sssshhhhhh! You're going to blow my cover.
  • Thread starter
  • #242
KG: You're "cover" is like an elephant trying to hide behind a palm tree.
  • #243
[Slowly raises hand from behind palm tree] I'd volunteer to help out.:D
  • #244
Good luck Amanda, we're all rooting for you! And let us know the SECOND you know! Take the laptop into the bathroom with you, LOL!!

Here are some popular options:

Have DS wear an I'm going to be a big brother shirt
Wrap up the test like a present
Have DS bring the test to DH while you watch with video camera in hand
Take a pic of the test and stick it in a stack of other photos that DH should look at (video camera optional)
Scavenger hunt that ends with DH finding the test or sign saying I'm Pregnant!
With my DS I made a video slideshow of my first DD, then at the end it said "Are you ready to do it all over again? May 23, 2005- DH started crying! We burned it onto DVD, then took it over to both our parents houses and showed them.

KG- Are you and Sonja TTC a mini-cooper??
  • #245
Amanda- anything, anthing??
  • #246
Amanda? Bumping this up again in case you show up!
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  • #247
I hope she's oK!
  • #248
I haven't seen her in a while. Her last post said that she was really busy though. BTW I am 21 Days Past Ovulation again and no AF!! Last time I was so late and then still saw her, so now I have no idea what is happening. I am on CD 37!!!
  • #249
I am three days off! I am 18 dpo on CD34. I don't know how I counted before!!
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  • #250
I started to track everything on www.mymonthlycycles.com. It reminds you when you're due, when you ov. Its pretty neat. It'll predict your next three AF's.

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