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What worries me about Obama's policies?

In summary, Cathy does not like the idea of national healthcare because she does not think it is a good thing for the people or the country. She also does not think that unions, social programs, etc. have been successful in adjusting to the new needs. She also thinks that the lack of leadership experience is a problem.
  • #451
Hathery said:
Why DID we invade Iraq?

Are you serious? Ok - normally, I won't post on this, but really. I imagine that the families that lost loved ones during the 9/11 attack wonder why, too. Wait, maybe you could ask one of them why.

Beth - I'm sorry, but the comment about 'you otherwise intelligent'.... really bothered me. If one of us (yes, I'm a right-winged, God fearing nut-job, just haven't joined the group, yet) had said that about an Obama supporter, we'd be called every name in the book. I don't think that comment was called for at all.

OK - I'm out... :D
  • Thread starter
  • #452
Kitchen Diva said:
Janet... I want you to know that I'm biting my tongue...:grumpy:

Does it look like this? :p I can see the blood already. Why don't you sit on your hands instead. :D
  • #453
Kitchen Diva said:
Janet... I want you to know that I'm biting my tongue...:grumpy:

Oh come on! Why start now? LOL
  • #454
chefsteph07 said:
Oh come on! Why start now? LOL

'Cause they say practice makes perfect and I'm looking forward to the day when I can say "I'm perfect" and it'll be true! LOL :D
  • #455
Kitchen Diva said:
'Cause they say practice makes perfect and I'm looking forward to the day when I can say "I'm perfect" and it'll be true! LOL :D

Ok, ya got me on that one! :)
  • #456
chefsteph07 said:
Ok, ya got me on that one! :)

Thanks- I was sweating my answer for a second there! :) Whew, good to know I still got it! LOL:p
  • #457
At some point on one of these threads someone brought up Acorn and someone else said they didn't know much about them. Well, here is a Fox News clip. Notice what Acorn is doing and notice the words "community organization".

  • #458
JAE said:
At some point on one of these threads someone brought up Acorn and someone else said they didn't know much about them. Well, here is a Fox News clip. Notice what Acorn is doing and notice the words "community organization".


And isn't it odd that something this deceitful (illegal) is going unnoticed by the MSM?

Oh, wait, it's in the Democratic Party's favor...so of course it's ignored. Silly me!:p
  • #459
ChefBeckyD said:
And isn't it odd that something this deceitful (illegal) is going unnoticed by the MSM?

Oh, wait, it's in the Democratic Party's favor...so of course it's ignored. Silly me!:p

Silly Becky...;)
  • #460
janetupnorth said:
Does it look like this? :p I can see the blood already. Why don't you sit on your hands instead. :D

Yup- that's about what it looked like!
  • #461
Hathery said:
Why DID we invade Iraq?

There are many innocent Children and Women of Iraq who are free now of beatings, killings, turmoil and so much more... They can help with the answe to this question.
  • #462
Here's another video.

  • #464
Kitchen Diva

Why are you biting your tongue. Your tongue is/could be informing and educating. I appreciate it.
  • #465
ChefBeckyD said:
Silly Becky....tricks are for Dems.....:D

Oh Mylanta! That is so what I typed at first... and just deleted it! :)
  • #466
JAE said:
Kitchen Diva

Why are you biting your tongue. Your tongue is/could be informing and educating. I appreciate it.

Because when I start to get informational and educational- the angry left comes a calling and will turn this thread into nothing but strife and bickering- and I'm not going to be the catalyst for that...

If I can find a way to say something educational and informing that cannot be twisted and manipulated by pot stirring folks, then I'll stop biting my tongue...actually the biting has helped me lose some weight- you can't eat while you're biting your tongue... I think I may be onto the latest greatest diet plan!!! :)
  • #467
Kitchen Diva said:
Because when I start to get informational and educational- the angry left comes a calling and will turn this thread into nothing but strife and bickering- and I'm not going to be the catalyst for that...

If I can find a way to say something educational and informing that cannot be twisted and manipulated by pot stirring folks, then I'll stop biting my tongue...actually the biting has helped me lose some weight- you can't eat while you're biting your tongue... I think I may be onto the latest greatest diet plan!!! :)

well, good luck with this baby! I thought I was out of this thread other than a lurker until the post from Beth about "otherwise intelligent people"....I stopped eating my tongue then!

I do think that Americans are finally waking up to the corruption that has been going on in government for about 12 years as far as ACORN is involved. It seems that most people I have been talking to think that BO is just not being honest in his dealings and friendships and are thinking more for themselves~! FINALLY!
  • #468
Here's some info about judicial confirmation.


You'll have to copy and paste. For some reason it won't provide a link here.
  • #469
Hathery said:
Why DID we invade Iraq?
I'm not going to engage in an argument about the war, but his may help to understand where I'm coming from. Though I don't know that I agree with all of the author's points.

  • #471
chefmeg said:
well, good luck with this baby! I thought I was out of this thread other than a lurker until the post from Beth about "otherwise intelligent people"....I stopped eating my tongue then!

I do think that Americans are finally waking up to the corruption that has been going on in government for about 12 years as far as ACORN is involved. It seems that most people I have been talking to think that BO is just not being honest in his dealings and friendships and are thinking more for themselves~! FINALLY!

We can only hope that people continue to think for themselves...and to be smart enough to realize that they are not going to get clear info from the MSM - and to search out the truth in other places.

When someone posts something regarding BO, or McCain and it is coming from the MSM, I have learned to ignore it for the most part. I still read it - but with my eyes open, and with a large grain of salt. The MSM has PROVEN itself to be so unabashedly biased for the left that it can no longer be considered a viable news source.
  • #473
Hathery said:
Why DID we invade Iraq?

The Shrub invaded Iraq to avenge daddy and to leave a legacy. Funny thing is, Bush Sr. left things as they were in Iraq at the urging of his advisors because they knew that Iraq would fall into civil war(the same situation his son has created). To use a quote my great grandma used alot......better the devil you know than the devil you don't. We've spent BILLIONS in Iraq at the cost of how many innocent lives and American families? We've ignored our own infrastructure(bridge collapes, highways in horrible shape) and people so that the Shrub could leave a legacy. How many repairs could we have accomplished with those BILLIONS?
  • Thread starter
  • #474
RuthV said:
The Shrub invaded Iraq to avenge daddy and to leave a legacy. Funny thing is, Bush Sr. left things as they were in Iraq at the urging of his advisors because they knew that Iraq would fall into civil war(the same situation his son has created). To use a quote my great grandma used alot......better the devil you know than the devil you don't. We've spent BILLIONS in Iraq at the cost of how many innocent lives and American families? We've ignored our own infrastructure(bridge collapes, highways in horrible shape) and people so that the Shrub could leave a legacy. How many repairs could we have accomplished with those BILLIONS?
I just have to say whether you agree or disagree with the man or his policies, please have respect for our country and the office and refer to him by his proper title.I greatly disagree with former President Clinton but will not refer to him by his common nicknames in a post like this.I would have a nice disagreement with the rest of the supposed facts in your post, but it just isn't worth my time today.
Last edited:
  • Thread starter
  • #475
...and frankly this has nothing to do with Obama except that he'll mess up what's left to be done...
  • #476
RuthV said:
The Shrub invaded Iraq to avenge daddy and to leave a legacy. Funny thing is, Bush Sr. left things as they were in Iraq at the urging of his advisors because they knew that Iraq would fall into civil war(the same situation his son has created). To use a quote my great grandma used alot......better the devil you know than the devil you don't. We've spent BILLIONS in Iraq at the cost of how many innocent lives and American families? We've ignored our own infrastructure(bridge collapes, highways in horrible shape) and people so that the Shrub could leave a legacy. How many repairs could we have accomplished with those BILLIONS?

Wow are you ever a great advertisement for the liberal left.

As Janet said, please have some respect if you are going to post. Name calling is immature and uncalled for.
  • #477
In regards to RuthV's comments:You know what, I can't stand when people make comments like that. It's absolutely ridiculous!!!! When all this was first going on, with Pres. Bush going ahead with the war, he seemed very sincere, heartfelt, and worried for everybody. I do not think he took this lightly and only cared about his and his "daddy's" reputation. If he was worried about that, don't you think he would've caved in and done what all the media and polls were telling him to do! No, this man has taken so much abuse from the media and people all over the world, and he still stuck to what he felt was right. If you disagree with his politics, that's fine. Hate the war, that's fine. But don't make fun of his name and come up with lame reasons why we are in Iraq. There has been a lot of good amidst the negative. A wicked, evil, hateful, terrorist of a ruler is now gone and people are working towards freedom. Our country went through so much to get to where we had freedoms and decided on the laws, don't you think a country with a long history of one way of life would take even longer to get going?!Sorry to get off topic about Obama, that comment just really got to me...sorry everyone...
  • #478
I had respect for GWB until we(my family) lost too many friends and family to this "war". You see, I have family and a lot of friends working on Ft. Bragg and enlisted in the military. I have heard too much disillusion from families of soldiers. I've seen too many families torn apart by the losses in this "war'. This country is a laughing stock to much of the rest of the "civilized" world. We had the chance to go after the real terrorists when we went into Afganistan but it was deemed more important to go after Saddam. Now we have lost the hearts and minds of those who supported us in Afganistan because, just like we did back in the 80's with the USSR in Afganistan, we said we were there to help. We did a little to help the people then up and left because it was deemed more important to go after Saddam and we left too few troops in Afganistan to do the job, thereby allowing the Taliban to regain it's foothold there. You see, I have talked to people who are actually hurting from this "war". I have been to too many funerals and seen too many children who are now without a parent. I also see every day what all these long term deployments are doing to families. I have seen my own cousin come home a stranger from this "war". Sorry I care more for our own people in our own country than I do everybody else.
  • #479
RuthV said:
I had respect for GWB until we(my family) lost too many friends and family to this "war". You see, I have family and a lot of friends working on Ft. Bragg and enlisted in the military. I have heard too much disillusion from families of soldiers. I've seen too many families torn apart by the losses in this "war'. This country is a laughing stock to much of the rest of the "civilized" world. We had the chance to go after the real terrorists when we went into Afganistan but it was deemed more important to go after Saddam. Now we have lost the hearts and minds of those who supported us in Afganistan because, just like we did back in the 80's with the USSR in Afganistan, we said we were there to help. We did a little to help the people then up and left because it was deemed more important to go after Saddam and we left too few troops in Afganistan to do the job, thereby allowing the Taliban to regain it's foothold there. You see, I have talked to people who are actually hurting from this "war". I have been to too many funerals and seen too many children who are now without a parent. I also see every day what all these long term deployments are doing to families. I have seen my own cousin come home a stranger from this "war". Sorry I care more for our own people in our own country than I do everybody else.

My family is a Military family - my brother is a high ranking officer in the Marine Corp in fact. What you are saying sounds exactly like it came from newscast from the MSM.

Yes, there are bad things that happen - because it is war. But you seem to have forgotten 9/11 and that threat that remains with us. I care for this country - and feel it needs to be protected from terrorists here and abroad.
  • Thread starter
  • #480
I too have many relatives a part of this. My cousin processes the soldiers that actually come back, he deals with a lot. I lost a friend not to the war but to a Blackhawk crash less than 1 year ago - see the picture in my avatar? That's HIS funeral. My husband's cousin is in Afghanistan in intelligence BY HERSELF...that is risk and I have many more stories. They SUPPORT what we are doing. WAR IS PAIN - it will always be...that is no reason to DISRESPECT THE HIGHEST OFFICE IN THE UNITED STATES. Like I said, disagree with policies, politics, the war itself and what I said above but not the position. You may not respect the person, but he still has positional authority and take enough pride in your country to not demean that.I will not be happy if Obama is elected but as I've said before on here, he still will be President, and I will still bring myself to call him such.
  • #481
RuthV said:
I had respect for GWB until we(my family) lost too many friends and family to this "war". You see, I have family and a lot of friends working on Ft. Bragg and enlisted in the military. I have heard too much disillusion from families of soldiers. I've seen too many families torn apart by the losses in this "war'. This country is a laughing stock to much of the rest of the "civilized" world. We had the chance to go after the real terrorists when we went into Afganistan but it was deemed more important to go after Saddam. Now we have lost the hearts and minds of those who supported us in Afganistan because, just like we did back in the 80's with the USSR in Afganistan, we said we were there to help. We did a little to help the people then up and left because it was deemed more important to go after Saddam and we left too few troops in Afganistan to do the job, thereby allowing the Taliban to regain it's foothold there. You see, I have talked to people who are actually hurting from this "war". I have been to too many funerals and seen too many children who are now without a parent. I also see every day what all these long term deployments are doing to families. I have seen my own cousin come home a stranger from this "war". Sorry I care more for our own people in our own country than I do everybody else.

I'm sorry- but Didn't former President Clinton have the chance to snag Osama...and chose not to?

I have a son in this war- back from one deployment, and in 9 weeks of training to be redeployed for a job that only someone with a death wish would want... I have a sister in law, a brother in law, and many friends in this war- they don't seem to view it the same way you and your family do- and they and we have seen loss.

Sorry Janet... I was sitting on my hands- but the funniest thing happened...they rose up and went straight to my keyboard on their own accord...
  • Thread starter
  • #482
Hey, don't apologize to me Kacey! ;)
  • #483
janetupnorth said:
Hey, don't apologize to me Kacey! ;)

Well, since you're the "mom" of this thread, and I earlier vowed to keep my tongue tightly against my teeth.....
  • Thread starter
  • #484
Kitchen Diva said:
Well, since you're the "mom" of this thread, and I earlier vowed to keep my tongue tightly against my teeth.....

Why? You think I'm going to whoop you?! :D
  • #485
janetupnorth said:
Why? You think I'm going to whoop you?! :D

Nah, However I do have a tendency to bring out the pot stirrer's...which I was trying to avoid by biting my tongue and sitting on my hands.
  • Thread starter
  • #486
Kitchen Diva said:
Nah, However I do have a tendency to bring out the pot stirrer's...which I was trying to avoid by biting my tongue and sitting on my hands.

:cry: Wow...I don't scare anyone... ;)
  • #487
janetupnorth said:
:cry: Wow...I don't scare anyone... ;)

when I first started to get to know you, you made me pee my pants a little :cry:

I'm totally kidding- however I do know when you mean business if that helps
  • Thread starter
  • #488
Kitchen Diva said:
when I first started to get to know you, you made me pee my pants a little :cry:

I'm totally kidding- however I do know when you mean business if that helps

Too funny! You've almost made me pee mine a few times - in laughter!
  • #489
janetupnorth said:
Too funny! You've almost made me pee mine a few times - in laughter!

Sometimes in laughter I've almost made myself wet my pants! But then again, I'm easily amused most times
  • #490
RuthV said:
I had respect for GWB until we(my family) lost too many friends and family to this "war". You see, I have family and a lot of friends working on Ft. Bragg and enlisted in the military. I have heard too much disillusion from families of soldiers. I've seen too many families torn apart by the losses in this "war'. This country is a laughing stock to much of the rest of the "civilized" world. We had the chance to go after the real terrorists when we went into Afganistan but it was deemed more important to go after Saddam. Now we have lost the hearts and minds of those who supported us in Afganistan because, just like we did back in the 80's with the USSR in Afganistan, we said we were there to help. We did a little to help the people then up and left because it was deemed more important to go after Saddam and we left too few troops in Afganistan to do the job, thereby allowing the Taliban to regain it's foothold there. You see, I have talked to people who are actually hurting from this "war". I have been to too many funerals and seen too many children who are now without a parent. I also see every day what all these long term deployments are doing to families. I have seen my own cousin come home a stranger from this "war". Sorry I care more for our own people in our own country than I do everybody else.

I guess I don't understand...when you JOIN THE MILITARY, isn't there a CHANCE you could go to WAR?????
Or, was that a surprise to them??
  • #491
I am SO sick and tired of the whining!~I am an Army brat, have a retired brother that was in the 1st Gulf War, and a nephew that just returned from Iraq. NO ONE wants a war, and NO ONE wants to go into war, but when you join the military, you know full well that it could happen....build a bridge and get over it. It is totally disrespectful to call the President names and question why we are in Iraq...we are there to help a country gain it's freedom from a regime that put them down, way down, for many years. I don't like to see anyone lose their life for any reason, but life ends in death, period.
  • #492
Ruth V, didn't your friends and family willingly join the military? That is all part of their "job" and what they are "trained" to do, whether they see combat or not. I am tired of the whining too! Get over it, these men and women signed on to do a job and they shouldn't leave until the commander in chief says it's over! (and the commanding General tells him so!)

I"m sorry for all the loss you have experienced, but it all part of the military. Why did they join the military? To get an educational grant? Learn a trade? Something else?

They could have chosen any other profession, but they chose this...I don't feel sorry for them that they are crying about it now! They signed on to serve their country and they NEED to buck up and do it!

My husband is a Marine and he has NEVER complained about his time in service, and he was in Somalia during the Blackhawk Down days...he saw his share of crap too!
  • #493
I'm not trying to diminish the loss of life from the war in Iraq, but I have heard we lost more lives in the military during President Carter's years in office when we were not at war. These were from training. Some of the deaths in Iraq aren't from combat either. Some of them are accidents or during training.

They say if we had the media we have today during WWII we would have never won the war. Can you imagine hearing every day about the thousands who died?

It's really sad the media dwells on all the bad stories. I'm really thinking about giving up the news for 1 full week. I just have a hard time not knowing what's going on in the world!

I heard some great questions on the radio today. They were asking, "How does Obama plan on helping the economy recover by charging companies more taxes?" "If they have to pay more taxes they will have less revenue and have to let people go."
  • #494
chefmeg said:
I am SO sick and tired of the whining!~I am an Army brat, have a retired brother that was in the 1st Gulf War, and a nephew that just returned from Iraq. NO ONE wants a war, and NO ONE wants to go into war, but when you join the military, you know full well that it could happen....build a bridge and get over it. It is totally disrespectful to call the President names and question why we are in Iraq...we are there to help a country gain it's freedom from a regime that put them down, way down, for many years. I don't like to see anyone lose their life for any reason, but life ends in death, period.

Meg- if my desk chair didn't have wheels, and didn't spin, I'd stand on it an applaud you! However, I'm accident prone, so we're not gonna be standing on the chair... hope that's okay with you. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #495
pampchefrhondab said:
I'm not trying to diminish the loss of life from the war in Iraq, but I have heard we lost more lives in the military during President Carter's years in office when we were not at war. These were from training. Some of the deaths in Iraq aren't from combat either. Some of them are accidents or during training.

They say if we had the media we have today during WWII we would have never won the war. Can you imagine hearing every day about the thousands who died?

It's really sad the media dwells on all the bad stories. I'm really thinking about giving up the news for 1 full week. I just have a hard time not knowing what's going on in the world!

I heard some great questions on the radio today. They were asking, "How does Obama plan on helping the economy recover by charging companies more taxes?" "If they have to pay more taxes they will have less revenue and have to let people go."

Very valid question - I know the owners of the company I work for are already planning bad times. They are cutting off ALL spending before the election and worried about taxes that believe me WILL NOT help our company and will cost a lot of jobs...and they aren't worried about McCain.
  • #496
The CEO of the company copied an article about Obama from the Wall Street Journal today- gave it to my office buddy (who's undecided, but generally votes democratic)- he couldn't believe that she was thinking of Obama...he handed her the article and said "Read this...and maybe it will convince you of what will happen to us if he's elected" She read it, he came back out a few minutes later and asked "Well, have you converted yet?"

I got a laugh out of that!

Here is the article... http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/10/obamas_magic.html
  • #498
As a prior military wife it makes me sad to hear people say "I signed up to get my college payed for, not go to war" or "I signed up for 1 weekend a month, not go to war". What did these people think the military was? Yes, you can get your college payed for...although my husband didn't get all the benefits he was suppose to. Yes, you can earn some money by working one weekend per month. But we the taxpayers paid lots of money for the training you receive so that in case we ever go to war you will be prepared. I just want to say "DUH!"

It is aweful to go to war, but sometimes it is necessary and I would much rather our brave soldiers be fighting the war in another country and not here in America. It could be much worse than it is. You could be trying to keep your children safe from daily bombs and gunfire every single day because they are here fighting. It is sad that people die, but it is part of war. Our soldiers are working hard to get the job finished and I think it is very disrespectful to them to complain and whine about what is going on over there...or in any country where our soldiers are. The media only show us the bad stuff. They never show the good things that are going on. I want the war to be over too, but not until its finished.
  • #499
I hear you, Shawna! (my DH didn't get most of his benefits, either- but that's not why he joined!)
  • #500
Kitchen Diva said:
The CEO of the company copied an article about Obama from the Wall Street Journal today- gave it to my office buddy (who's undecided, but generally votes democratic)- he couldn't believe that she was thinking of Obama...he handed her the article and said "Read this...and maybe it will convince you of what will happen to us if he's elected" She read it, he came back out a few minutes later and asked "Well, have you converted yet?"

I got a laugh out of that!

Here is the article... http://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2008/10/obamas_magic.html

I love it! But unfortunately die-hard Democrats say that this can all "happen"! I have been out of a job now over 4 months...and it is because most companies are "making do" with the administrative staff they have because they can't afford to hire anyone since people want to "start" at $9-10 an hour! After 25 years, I would think I could command that figure, but it's not happening!
<h2>1. National Health Care</h2><p>Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.</p><h2>2. Foreign Policy</h2><p>Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.</p><h2>3. Lack of Specifics</h2><p>Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.</p><h2>4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class</h2><p>There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.</p><h2>Conclusion</h2><p>Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.</p>

Related to What worries me about Obama's policies?

1. National Health Care

Many people have concerns about Obama's policy on national health care. Some worry that it will lead to long wait times, like in other countries with similar systems, and that it may not be as effective as the current healthcare system.

2. Foreign Policy

Another worry is about Obama's foreign policy. Some individuals have family members in the military and are concerned about the safety of their loved ones. They may also question the decision to withdraw troops from certain areas without a clear plan for their safety.

3. Lack of Specifics

Some people have noticed that when Obama speaks, he often lacks specifics in his plans and ideas. This was also a concern during his previous campaigns. Without concrete details, it can be difficult to fully understand his policies and their potential impact.

4. Unions, Social Programs, and the Middle Class

There are concerns about Obama's focus on unions, social programs, and the middle class. Some feel that he is not truly representative of the middle class since he has been financially successful. There are also concerns about the effectiveness and sustainability of unions and social programs, as well as potential abuse of these systems.


Overall, there are many worries about Obama's policies, ranging from healthcare to foreign policy to the middle class. It is important to thoroughly research and consider all aspects of his policies before forming an opinion or making a decision at the polls.

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