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Director What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

In summary, many people feel frustrated and discouraged by the new system. They find it time consuming, difficult to navigate, and riddled with errors. They are also concerned about the lack of leads and orders being generated since its implementation. Additionally, many feel they are being treated unfairly if they do not hold a director title, as they are unable to receive updates or access certain features.
  • #101
Not to change the subject, but there was an innocent poll taken within my downline director loop. No one has received an HO lead. They have received online orders but no leads.

I wanted to extend this to our group here to see if anyone here knows of any leads received by anyone. HO says it is using the same information, however in NH and NY it is consistent. No HO leads.
  • Thread starter
  • #102
no leads hear either, ther are 4 directors in my extended team both upline and downline in my area. No one has gotten one since the new system. And no one on my team that is eligible has gotten one either. They vanished. I think since the person now has to make all the effort rather than jsut putting their name and email address in, too much work???
  • #103
I just got a lead last Friday! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #104
how many were normal for you all to get. I used to get 3 to 4 a month for something other than a purchase.
  • #105
pcjenni said:
how many were normal for you all to get. I used to get 3 to 4 a month for something other than a purchase.

I used to get 2-3 a month and on average 5-8 online orders. I've gotten 0 leads and a total of 2 online orders.
Just for grins and giggles thinking that maybe they had "tweaked" the system for the better, just now I put my next door neighbors address and I was not on the first page but there were consultants at least 30 minles away on there. I hit the find button a second time and there I was...fourth one down! The 3 ahead of me all at least 25-30 miles away.

This is crap!
  • Thread starter
  • #106
I agree that it is crap! and now there is Zero incentive to recruit for the newbies. Just sell and now you get leads.. only ha ha.. no leads exist!
  • Thread starter
  • #107
talked to someone in tech support today, who told me he was a temp... he said seems like they rushed this out to "meet a deadline" even though there were major problems. and "I can't imagine what is going to happen when they roll this out to the rest of the 64,000 people" yeah.. yah think???
  • #108
I got a lead last week. I confirmed it was a lead today when the lady came by to pick up her corn butterer. I asked her how she got my name, if she'd gone online to find someone or if a friend gave her my number. She got me from the web. Nice to know but really, a $3.50 order. I've gotten 3 online orders since May 1st. All "no info" and a total of about $25. There are so few in my area eligible for leads that I would get at least one a week.
  • #109
No leads here. Zip.
  • #110
I have received quite a few online orders, but no leads since April.
  • #111
1 online order. That's it.
  • Thread starter
  • #112
so where oh where have our littl leads gone, oh where oh where can they be? Has HO taken them and left us alone? Or are they lost in the new we system whhhheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!
  • #113
I've gotten online lead orders and will now duck so you don't hit me, but yes indeedy, I got an HO lead recruit. She's the one with the start date that just got fixed. I haven't counted but the online orders seem to be a bit less than under the old system. One of my newer people called me today wondering where this online order came from, which was an HO lead. She didn't even know she could get them and didn't know if she had to do anything with it. My recruit said she got the 5 people to pick from and got my contact info from that by looking at my website. She then e-mailed me directly. So the killer of this new system is that we have no contact info to follow up with people who express interest unless they get in touch with us.Now I'm dealing with a wedding registry. I admit I did not pay attention beyond them saying in March that there would be no new registries. I thought the bride for a wedding this month would have her 3 months to redeem her rewards. Nope, all registries are inactive as of the 16th. She got a reminder e-mail this week which I was cc:ed on, recognizing that she's busy and reminding her that her rewards ($45 free, 2 half-price) end on the 15th. I talked to her mom. Of course she's on her honeymoon. I have to see if HO will give me the bride's password so the mom can redeem the rewards. I was waiting on hold too long tonight so will try again in the AM. I have enough of a problem motivating for this business right now that any hiccup diverts me quite easily from doing what I need to do to rebuild my business. So what was in Marla's message besides saying you'll get $100PC? When are they pulling the plug on this?
  • #114
I haven't gotten a single lead either and my ONE online order was for the pan scrapers :(
  • #115
Not to change the subject again but I just found out today that my 17 online adjustments I processed online at the end of May ( I never got emails about them and several were pending) NONE of them went thru. I have to call PC and do them all over again!
  • #116
cincychef said:
Not to change the subject again but I just found out today that my 17 online adjustments I processed online at the end of May ( I never got emails about them and several were pending) NONE of them went thru. I have to call PC and do them all over again!

Wow...just WOW. I'm sorry for you Chantelle :(
  • #117
No leads here in months. Someone that never qualified for them before the change got a booking.

  • #118
I got one lead and it's like Becca described. They pick us. It is no longer the "you have a new lead" email and then you go in and confirm it. Nope, that system is no longer in use.My lead sent me a "contact me page submission" through my website. She wants a show on a date I can't do, so I connected her with one of my team members.
  • #119
Becca_in_MD said:
So what was in Marla's message besides saying you'll get $100PC? When are they pulling the plug on this?

"I'm so sorry" "we are still going forward"

Anyone see those PC$$ in their accounts yet?
  • #120
Becca..no need to duck...glad that there is a least a few HO leads trickling through. Congratulations!:clap::chef:

I am e-mailing all of my issues to the web e-mail because it seems like the answers from those that are picking up the phones at HO are either uninformed or the answers are not consistent.

And my next e-mail will be to once again explain and complain about the lead system. Why I wanted to know about your leads was to see if it was just a local thing but obviously it is not.

I did like the video from Marla...at least it wasn't all fuzzy blowing smoke up my skirt. There was one part that made me mad. The part where PC knows that Directors are the heart of their business. They have taken so much away from Directors in the past few years. They may feel that way but they have continually taken things away from that level for the past 5 years. I understand business and making ends meet in a tough economy but there are numerous things that continually "change" making Directorship much less than in the past.

Ok...my rant is over for the day. Thank you for allowing me a place to dump it!
  • #121
I saw a similar poll on my NED's FB page for TLs and Directors. Most had received NO leads since getting on the new web. Crazy. I wonder if some people give up because they have to do too much "work" even though it's not much work to check 5 people out and see who you like best. But, it gives them a new hoop to jump through and maybe people aren't taking those next steps to choose someone. Either that, or, they are choosing someone but it's not getting there. Crazy. I'm not on the new web and I've only really had orders come through. And even my last bunch of leads never went anywhere anyway.
  • #122
I have not had a lead for 'info' since April 19th. I have had a few sales, but not nearly what I used to get :(
  • #123
This is what I just e-mailed to HO. For this post, all names except mine have been changed:

Several concerns about the Home Office Lead system have been brought to your attention and all answers have been that it has been checked and all is working fine. And that maybe why we are not receiving the amount of leads we used to is because of the new requirements or even if people are selecting their consultant from the list. All consultants that sell at least $1250 in sales the previous month and have a PWS are eligible for leads the month after.

So I checked with an address that 1/10th of a mile from my home and the following people appeared on the list. Please note that Connie Consultant is in my downline and she sold $200 last month. If the system is working properly, then why would a consultant be on the list that sold $200?

In addition, people from all over our downline and people from all over the U.S. that I have spoken to have said they usually would get 1 to 2 leads a month are getting NONE. Two people did say they had 1 lead. So of about 20 directors who have gotten leads before only 2 are now getting them? The answers we are getting are not the reality we are seeing.

Betty Smith View Profile
Ann Easter View Profile
Sally Seller View Profile
Jane Doe View Profile
Connie Consultant
  • Thread starter
  • #124
Wahhh Bammm... love it!!! I am tired of the "compnay line" on all of this. This system is NOT working the way it should, both the lead and the web... let's get real HO!!
  • #125
As Judge Judy says "don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining".
  • #126
They never updated the lead system until around the 8th, so I could see that consultant still being on the list early in the month, but not on the 15th! Crazy!!!
  • #127

Once again, this system, with all its 'bells and whistles', is actually making my job MORE difficult and cumbersome.

On a side note, I ordered something today from Uppercase Living. I entered a few things in my cart, and hit checkout. They too are requiring that you register, and a simple "Uppercase living requires that you have an account to order" was all that it said. The info was quick, easy, it took me maybe a minute to do. Bam. So I get the idea that they are trying to do at HO, it's just so darn CUMBERSOME.

I honestly cannot see me sitting at a show trying to do FSCheckout with my laptop and having to enter all of this ahead of time while they are drumming their fingers because their husband wants them to get home...


1) a shorter demo for me will have to happen
2) I will have to make sure I emphasize them giving me ALL the info on their order form--I will probably highlight the email and phone numbers in a different color on the order forms
3) I will be processing their order by hand and then going home to enter the orders manually.
4)this means no shows for me the last two days of the month--that's frantic enough without having to enter orders too from a show I just did.

A little organization on my part will take care of this. BUT, it's more work up front AND on the back end, and it's counter-productive on their part to require this extra input.

As my husband says "well, when it starts impacting people's paychecks they'll sit up and take notice"

Guess what. I am taking notice.
  • #128
Sad to say, but maybe it's time for me to design an excel spreadsheet for checkout! LOL
  • #129
Here is my response from HO. My interpretation:

A)Where you live? It's not important.

B)That consultant that doesn't belong there and the one I realized SHOULD be on there? Oops...we are working on it.

C) Tough $%#* it's the way it is going to be. Please note, that I am seeing it walk like a duck, talk like a duck and sound like a duck...but I am being told it is a swan. Still can't see the swan.

I am in a rural area and 45 miles from anything that may be considered a small city. I feel more penalized...oh that's right...it is a swan!!

Hello Ann,

The lead system was changed which why you are seeing a difference in the number of leads. It is no longer strictly based on location, it is now completely random; unlike the old system that penalized consultants in rural areas and over compensated those in highly developed urban areas. The new system, by being random; evenly distributes leads among all qualified consultants regardless of where they live.

At the moment, there is only one known issue with the new lead system. We are fixing an issue were some unqualified consultants are showing up in the lead system.

The New Web
  • #130
Ok, I am trying so hard to be professional and polite but this was my response:

Thank you for your response. And I realized that a new consultant that sold $1400 and paid for a PWS was not on that list.

I do live in a very rural area at least 40 miles from a very small city. About one mile north of me is Canada. With the old system I used to receive at least 1 lead a month. Now there are none and you say that the old system penalized me? The logic fails me.

What I really wanted to say in that last sentence was.....don't pee on my leg and tell me it's raining!!!!

Nanisu....is it raining in your world too?
  • #131
Well, I had a discussion about someone VERY high up inthe company back when this was a rumor about 3 months ago. This person's response was "well, we are not 100% sure that we will be changing the lead system, at this point we are just thinking about it." I feel betrayed because the announcement came out about 3 weeks later, obviously that decision had already been made, so I feel like I was basically led to believe that it was still being thought about by someone who should be trusted.

That said, they are not changing it, and there are things that no matter how we protest, there are things that they just dont give a Cr%p. There will be people getting leads that don't deserve them and will no doubt not be professional about them. Oh well, there are consultants that are not professional about their job already, so this will be no different. If and when it impacts this company's bottom line they will do something about it, just like when all the kitnappers that we train and coach only to have them blow us off, impact their bottom line, they will do something about it. I can't waste my time being angry about it becuse the company doesn't seem to be angry about it. It hasn't affected their bottom line.

Do I appreciate the thought process behind the new web? Yes
Do I think when it finally works it will be cool? Probably
Do I think the number of errors and glitches are way past ridiculous? Yes
Do I think they are fed up with getting a ton of unhappy emails? Yes
Do I think they are doing damage control? Absolutely

I do appreciate the $100. I think that was cool of them. But if I were Marla my question would be less the "how do we get everybody settled down?" to the greater of "what the H$%L happened?". There should be some MAJOR heads rolling somewhere.

Do I think they really care about what we think as directors? Um......maybe
  • #132
Correction: My discussion wasn't ABOUT someone high up, it was WITH someone very high up.
  • #133
Maybe the person was fearful that they would get into a LOT of trouble if they opened that can of worms? Sorry they mislead you. :(
  • #134
Um, no this person would have NO worry of that....
  • #135
My thoughts are many people in the corporate world (which is what HO really is) sign non-disclosure agreements and cannot say even when they know. I was told by a top C-Suite person in my annual eval that nothing was going on and not to worry...I soon thereafter found out my job was eliminated and I was packin'. He called to tell me at the time he could not say anything and had to come up with something so I'd stop asking...

I'm now with a diff company that if you reveal it before it happens, you're the one on the outside lookinging in...

Can't hold it against them. They are just doing their jobs. *sigh*
  • #136
Just got an email that I'm eligible now to sign into the "new web" because I repromoted right after the deadline. I'm thinking "no"...... I'll keep waiting thank you very much.:)
  • #137
If the New Web makes a mistake, we pay for it. I submitted a fundraiser. The new web did not charge shipping for the Chairperson. They took it out of my commission! Not only that the system miscalculated my personal order and charged me too much. I paid in PC dollars. They gave me back the difference as a commission adjustment. Am I now being doubled taxed at the end of the year? Does the commission adjustment in the possitive show up as "other income" on our 1099?
  • #138
cookingwithlove said:
If the New Web makes a mistake, we pay for it. I submitted a fundraiser. The new web did not charge shipping for the Chairperson. They took it out of my commission! Not only that the system miscalculated my personal order and charged me too much. I paid in PC dollars. They gave me back the difference as a commission adjustment. Am I now being doubled taxed at the end of the year? Does the commission adjustment in the possitive show up as "other income" on our 1099?

I am sending everything like this that affects me to the new web email and copying at least Jean on them. There is no excuse for this. I sent one about the incorrect math to new web, tech support, and Jean. No excuse for it. And the flippant attitude of tech support about his issue is driving me crazy. Yes, it does matter. Tax must be figured correctly. Yes it will be caught and WE will pay. Not fair, not right and not legal. I feel that this is the BIGGEST issue that needs to be fixed NOW. And if they can' fix it then they need to drop the program until they can.
  • #139
bethcooks4u said:
I am sending everything like this that affects me to the new web email and copying at least Jean on them. There is no excuse for this. I sent one about the incorrect math to new web, tech support, and Jean. No excuse for it. And the flippant attitude of tech support about his issue is driving me crazy. Yes, it does matter. Tax must be figured correctly. Yes it will be caught and WE will pay. Not fair, not right and not legal. I feel that this is the BIGGEST issue that needs to be fixed NOW. And if they can' fix it then they need to drop the program until they can.

Exactly, which is why they got a ranting e-mail from me this week regarding this very issue that a brand new recruit is having. It's a complete nightmare. She's so frustrated with the 8+ errors/issues we're having on 2 shows and 3 entire days back and forth with HO that she's done with us. It took me 2 years to recruit her. She's been out of a real job that long and finally put her trust in me that this works and now the web mess. Unacceptable!!! I've lost a recruit, trip points and so much more. Extremely unhappy and refusing to use the new improved web until I'm forced into it. And when forced into said web, if I have the same issues she is having. Done.
  • #140
I asked that this issue be sent to a supervisor. I spoke with Yolanda and she said she will give me back my $4.75 and return the $11.50 to my PC account. I am so discouraged and dishearten right now. I don't even want to work my business. There is always one more thing that needs to be dealt with.
  • #141
I HATE the new web and I am throwing in the towel with it until I am FORCED to use it! UGH! It's so much worse than even PP was. I have 3 shows getting ready to close.

1) Catalog show: people cannot find the host and are confused. I finally deleted it from the new web and put it on the old. The host was frustrated b/c most orders will be done there.

2) Searching for the guest name is SO MUCH easier on P3! If you don't have the spelling right, forget it. Before, when you got close, you could spot it in the list. Now, you can't even see the whole list b/c you can't scroll down. Then, she was $1.50 from hitting $60. No way on the NW to put a dollar limit in and do a search. I opened up P3 to do it -- which is how I found her name to start with. This is all with the host hanging on the phone -- and she had to get to a meeting.

3) At host's home to close her party. 1st there is the issue that you have to be online, which is a pain. Next, having to put everyone's complete information takes SO MUCH TIME! I usually just put the name in and finish at home. 1st order didn't have numbers. Try searching for the Basting Brush on the NW. When the name finally comes up and you click on it, it changes to say you searched for 'chef', and up comes Bamboo Knife Block Set. DCB Dinner Set for $150.75 (what is that??), Steak Knives, Knife Block, BBQ Pizza Pan set, strainer, and 8" Chef's knife with honing case! SO, we had to look it up in the catalog. Next, it won't recognize the past host, so we can't put in her selection, which would put the host over the next level. On to the host, her free total is wrong, and you don't have a running total at the side so you know how much she has left, and I forgot to bring a calculator. She finally gave me a blank check to fill out once I get everything straight. :eek: Yes, embarrassing.

I bought a new iPod in March to be ready. :grumpy:

I have a lady in her 70s that is a go-getter, but this is gonna be a killer for her, and I see her quitting if she struggles with this for very long, even if everything is fixed.

I hope no one hops on my case for not being positive. I'm not feeling it right now.

  • #142
I have told them more than once to give it up, go back to P3 and get REAL Beta testers using it. I also mentioned that they need to give the new consultants P3 TODAY. Stop messing around! By them I mean everyone I can think of: Doreen, Jean, Marla, and more. A tech support guy today said that they feel they are really close. Doesn't sound like it with the comments here. Sandi, they still aren't recognizing the past host? I thought they fixed that. I personally think we should ALL refuse to use the new web totally. If we all stop using it and tell them why we aren't using it... Nah, it wouldn't work. They'd just decide that everything must be good once the complaints stopped. :grumpy:ETA: I hope no one takes offence of my "real Beta testers" comment. I meant that they need people USING the program in real world scenarios. That is not what I understand the testers that were using it were doing...
  • #143
I found out that the past host issue was my fault. I forgot that I had to open up another window, go to CC and do a past host look up, and then manually put the number in. Either that or open up my other computer that has P3 on it and look it up there. That it doesn't download automatically is riduculous! Another time waster!!

  • #144
I truly feel like those writing this program and okaying it for use have no clue what we do. So many times 'they' have sounded surprised and said we never thought of that when going over these issues. Why not? P3 did it. Why would we not want it on a new system? Obviously Doreen and Jean and Marla have no idea how it is in the field. Okay... Enough venting from me. Sorry if I'm too negative...
  • #145
Beth and Sandi, You make me feel so much better. I hate this new program too. I will not use it again unless I have too.
  • #146
Everyone (including the newbies) should have the option of going back to the old way, right? I know Annastasia just went back to the old system and one of the new girls on the team is talking about how she has 2 passwords & can go into the new or old web and the new or old Consultant's Corner.
  • #147
So, I can switch the new web if I want to, but I don't right now. BUT I"m worried that people will click to my new PWS through the link on my website and there's nothing on there yet. Does anyone know if I can JUST set up my new PWS and NOT join the new web entirely? (Such as for submitting shows, etc).

Thanks for any help!
  • #148
pamperedbecky said:
So, I can switch the new web if I want to, but I don't right now. BUT I"m worried that people will click to my new PWS through the link on my website and there's nothing on there yet. Does anyone know if I can JUST set up my new PWS and NOT join the new web entirely? (Such as for submitting shows, etc).

Thanks for any help!

Yes! I went in set up my website and have never been back ;)
  • #149
cincychef said:
Yes! I went in set up my website and have never been back ;)

Ok, thanks!! I'd better get it set up, since I'm assuming that's what people will see now if they search for a consultant. (even though it sounds like not many people are getting HO leads anyway):bawl:
  • #150
pamperedbecky said:
Ok, thanks!! I'd better get it set up, since I'm assuming that's what people will see now if they search for a consultant. (even though it sounds like not many people are getting HO leads anyway):bawl:

As of last week it was the old PWS. When they first had the find your consultant option in May it directed people to the new website, but then they changed it back to the old website without telling us.
<h2>1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.</p><h2>2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.</p><h2>3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.</p><h2>4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.</p><h2>5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?</h2><p>Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.</p>

Related to What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.

2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.

3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.

4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.

5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?

Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.

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