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Director What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

In summary, many people feel frustrated and discouraged by the new system. They find it time consuming, difficult to navigate, and riddled with errors. They are also concerned about the lack of leads and orders being generated since its implementation. Additionally, many feel they are being treated unfairly if they do not hold a director title, as they are unable to receive updates or access certain features.
  • #51
Nanisu said:
I did laugh out loud when Marla said last Friday on the call that they had tested it with hundreds of people.

And now they're testing it with about 10,000 people.
  • #52
Is it open for all consultants now? Or still just Directors?(Becca, where are you in MD? I grew up (summering) in Annapolis.)
  • #53
JenWard said:
Is it open for all consultants now? Or still just Directors?

(Becca, where are you in MD? I grew up (summering) in Annapolis.)

Just directors. They said they would send us notice before opening it to any other groups and they wanted to get the big issues fixed first. Once they fix it, the next groups should have a smoother transition and will probably wonder what we are whining about.
  • #54
"And now they're testing it with about 10,000 people."

And we're not Monkeys...although sometimes I think THEY think we are, LOL.

I got a call from a tech guy yesterday following up on a question I submitted two weeks ago and we honestly spent a lot of time just laughing. He told me he so appreciated me laughing with the absurdity of the whole thing so much and that he hadn't heard anyone laugh on a phone call for 3 weeks...he practically was in tears he was so thankful. I told him I felt sorry for them back there because they didn't design it but yet they were having to service it, and I thought it must feel like raising someone else's kid...that's where he fell over the edge and thanked me several times for making his day.

No, we didn't get my question answered. And he agreed with MANY of my observations.
  • #55
I got this email from the tech guy I talked to a couple weeks ago trying to figure out the show email and contact system...

"Its just a crap design – I put your suggestions in, will see how far that goes……"
  • #56
Ruth Fifield said:
I got this email from the tech guy I talked to a couple weeks ago trying to figure out the show email and contact system...

"Its just a crap design – I put your suggestions in, will see how far that goes……"

Sometimes the truth hurts, but really he should not have said that.

I really don't think it's a crap design, it was just released prematurely. I think it will be wonderful once the bugs are worked out. I talked to an AD in my group the other day and she's been using it and she said she likes it. She hasn't run into a lot of the problems that I've been reading about (and that have me completely scared to give the new web an honest try). I've decided that I'm going to jump in for my June shows...once I get past all the end of school year crazyness and finish off my May shows.
  • #57
I too have been using it. I just find it incredibly irritating that my shows and contacts cannot be permanently organized. They come up scrambled every time. If I click on "last name" they organize temporarily. Once I find the person I'm looking for then go back to my contacts they are again in random order. Same with my shows. This system just launched and I already have 20 shows in it, for this month and next. I can't imagine trying to deal with this once I have 100 or more! Why do they not come up either by show number or show date??? That was the "crap design" he was referring to because as it is there's no way for me to fix it except to resort every single time. And, since my contacts were migrated in double, imagine the frustration I'm dealing with trying to eliminate half of them!!
  • Thread starter
  • #58
all these little things add up to no one who actually was going to use the system testing it in real world situations.
  • #59
So....I just jumped in with my June shows. I have a show June 5th, and tried to build it on the web...no matter what I do for the time, it tells me that I need to enter a start and end time. I did that - every way I could possibly do it, and it still keeps coming up as a red error when I click on build the show. I am so frustrated.
  • #60
Chefbeckyd said:
So....I just jumped in with my June shows. I have a show June 5th, and tried to build it on the web...no matter what I do for the time, it tells me that I need to enter a start and end time. I did that - every way I could possibly do it, and it still keeps coming up as a red error when I click on build the show. I am so frustrated.

Are you filling in each part of the time in its different box? I.E. 6 in a box, 30 in a box pm in a box? If so, then there's a problem. I guess I've been fortunate that I haven't had any issues like that.
  • #61
I created a show in the new web for a June 1 show, but told the hostess to use evite and put the link in, not too sure I want her using the new web to send out evites just yet. I got an email from HO this morning with an order that showed sales of $0 and a negative balance like something had been reversed or returned. I have NO orders from this person either individually or on a show in either the old system or the new, so I guess now I have been dinged for something I didn't even sell to someone I've never heard of. I was on hold for tech support for over an hour before I just hung up, I have stuff to do today. Trying to have a good attitude here, but this is beginning to look like a bad I Love Lucy show, LOL.
  • #62
So far I have only gone on it to look around. No way am I doing anything else on it until some of the kinks are cleared up. The way I'm looking at it is, it took them 1 year to switch us from PP to P3, so I Know they are not doing anything major for awhile & even if they do, I feel we can still use P3 for awhile. My business is finally soaring & I want to keep it that way. If I have to be up till all hours of the night trying to get something to work, I really don't have time for that! I also think it really stinks that new consultants can't use P3, how are WE suppossed to teach newbies when HO can't teach us!! :help:
  • #63
Just talked to my director- she is a Senior. She passed on info from a meeting with her EXEC last week. When I told her about everything going on here- she said all the kinks are supposed to be worked out by 6/30. Also she was told it was tested and whoever they tested it with told them about all the problems and PC went ahead and introduced it anyways. Hmmmm...
Plus most of my customer receipts will probably be mailed- I always have a terrible time reading peoples writing of their email addresses. Extra expense for PC.
  • #64
cookingwithlove said:
I have had enough. I am trying to close my $1000+, but my show cart is now "lost". How can it be lost? I talked to technical and I have to re-enter everything into P3. I am sending this to Jean, Marla and Doreen. Don't try to talk me out of it because it is already sent.

Did you ever get a response on your email?
  • #65
No I did not. The fallout from the early errors with web been considerable. One host was very upset with me and her friend cancelled with me and just signed up to be a consultant with another consultant. All because of the mess with her show.
  • #66
Jean and Marla need to know, but honestly I think they are so swamped with info (and nowthey are in Europe anyway with all the Company Sweethearts) that they can't do anything about it. So sorry this happened to you.
  • #67
Just Marla went. Jean was on the Silver Trip. I didn't expect a response, but they did tell us to vent to them so I did.
  • #68
cookingwithlove said:
Just Marla went. Jean was on the Silver Trip. I didn't expect a response, but they did tell us to vent to them so I did.

they both went, I just got a picture awhile ago with Sharon,Jean,Marla,Doris & Dan on the French Riviera... :D
  • #69
Gotcha, I thought they took turns. Maybe that is just for Bronze and Silver.
  • #70
So, I have a show almost ready to send in on the new web. My problem is, the host did not bring the cash 2 customers had given her when we met to close. She is going to call me tonight finalize and wants to put those 2 orders and hers on her CC. We can't do that, right? How am I going to make this work?

  • #71
sandilou2 said:
So, I have a show almost ready to send in on the new web. My problem is, the host did not bring the cash 2 customers had given her when we met to close. She is going to call me tonight finalize and wants to put those 2 orders and hers on her CC. We can't do that, right? How am I going to make this work?


You can put two customers orders on the host card but you have to enter the card info each time.
  • #72
YAY! I thought I remembered some where in all the updates that we couldn't do that any more! :woohoo:

  • #73
sandilou2 said:
YAY! I thought I remembered some where in all the updates that we couldn't do that any more! :woohoo:


We can't put the whole show on one card. If we use the same card for more than one order we can't just put the total on one of the orders. Every order has to show that it was paid to submit the show.
  • #74
I totally did not get this . . . not as bad as I thought. :)

  • #75
Sandi, just be sure you tell the host that each of the 3 orders will be a separate charge on her card ... not combined into 1 charge. She may want to call her cardholder & let them know that it's okay. Most companies have an automatic fraud alert established & will shut off the card if too many purchases are made in a short time frame. Especially when it's multiple charges from the same merchant.
  • #76
There is also a maximum of 3 charges allowed by PC. So the host and 2 guests tops. I have personally implemented a "c.c. only" policy for outside orders received after the show. I usually close over the phone so checks don't work for me.
  • #77
cookingwithlove said:
Gotcha, I thought they took turns. Maybe that is just for Bronze and Silver.

I'm guessing since its an Amazing Cruise, they all wanted to go....:D
  • #78
Ginger428 said:
I'm guessing since its an Amazing Cruise, they all wanted to go....:D
Can you blame them? :veryfunny: I'd want to go too! :DETA: I wonder if they have to pay taxes for the trip or if they get paid to go & the company writes it off as an expense?
  • #79
1st home office order since the new web

Leads sent to your Personal Web Site

Web Order ID: 44709679
jxx rxxxxx

Item Qty
2610 Nylon Pan Scrapers 1

Total: $2.75
  • #80
LOL ~ Don't spend that commission all in one place girl! ;)
  • Thread starter
  • #81
LOL! Wow, don't spend that commission all in one place!
  • #82
pcjenni said:
LOL! Wow, don't spend that commission all in one place!

:veryfunny: Great minds think alike!
  • #83
I have to say that although I have not gotten HO leads with the new system, I have had some online orders sent my way so that makes me feel a little better.
  • #84
I've had some online orders also & they were all small, but I got them :D...But NO leads since Mid April.... :(
  • #85
I have embraced this new system and had very few issues, none major, until this week.

I was double checking orders for a show today that I was planning to then submit.
1st discovered that the free guest specials had been changed to a charged item so I had to delete then resubmit the guest special so it would be free.
Then I discovered an order I had not taken. Apparently someone placed an order online. Nice right? Except it had NO information - no mailing information, no payment information, AND I got NO notification. So I had to email host to see if I was loosing my mind, had she given me this order or did she know anything about it. No, she didn't know. So now I'm tracking down this gal to find out how she wants to pay. So, we connect and I find out she put all the information in when she placed the order, c.c. info and everything. NOT happy about it.
I don't like the fact that I had to take the time to figure all this out on my own, then take more time to email newweb to let them know, then come on here to warn others about impending issues (aka vent).

Alot of time spent and it still isn't submitted because I need to get the online order payment tonight. Then I'll have to recheck all the orders again to make sure the system didn't decide to un"free" the guest specials again.

I am trying very hard to work with this system. I struggle with not trusting it! My last show I had someone's c.c. be declined FOR NO REASON! Just said, "cannot verify at this time". So I had to delete, then re-enter, re-submit, and it went through 10 minutes later.

Just too much time!
  • #86
Ok, I am behind but today, I was able to get my contacts switched to my new website. Next is to get my shows on. The contact switch went very smooth. I tried it before but must be whatever kink there was has been corrected. Have been extremely busy and have to get with the program to get my June shows on the website.
Sign me, finally sticking my toe in the water!!
  • #87
I am trying to stay positive, but as cool as the new web LOOKS, it seems like its a LOT more work. There is no little tally at the side to keep track of how much free product the host has left, so you better have a calculator handy. And now hand write receipts? Great. When I was working on a show, every time I stepped away for more than 5 minutes, it times me out and I had to log in, go to consultant corner, click on the show, click on the cart, click on the person I was working on.. . . ack! About then the phone would ring and I would have to go through the whole thing again. I do not like the fact that the screen doesn't stay where I left it like P3. I can't believe how many times I had to go through that -- all for 1 shoW!

  • #88
I'm not even on the new web and stuff is getting messed up. A recruit signed on June 1. Her info is showing as May 30 being her signing date. That's the day she started her agreement but she didn't submit it until June 1. Sol Ctr rep can see that, ie. payment on June 1, so had to send an e-mail to Anna in Career Services since she handles consultant agreements. I want my double trip points for the early June recruit. Otherwise I would only care if the new consultant cared which promo she got. I'm not holding my breath to hear from Anna so I guess I'll be on the phone again next week or try to e-mail Anna herself.
  • Thread starter
  • #89
Agreements are in the new web now, and yes they have been messed up. Lost 2 people because of the issues
  • #90
Becca_in_MD said:
I'm not even on the new web and stuff is getting messed up. A recruit signed on June 1. Her info is showing as May 30 being her signing date. That's the day she started her agreement but she didn't submit it until June 1. Sol Ctr rep can see that, ie. payment on June 1, so had to send an e-mail to Anna in Career Services since she handles consultant agreements. I want my double trip points for the early June recruit. Otherwise I would only care if the new consultant cared which promo she got. I'm not holding my breath to hear from Anna so I guess I'll be on the phone again next week or try to e-mail Anna herself.

My June 4 recruit's info shows May 11 as her start date. Hmmm... She was thinking about it in May. I wonder if she didn't start looking at it then and that's where that random date came from?! I emailed and called career solutions twice. Both calls resulted in "I'll forward this to my supervisor". The second operator said her supervisor said the date didn't matter and wouldn't affect the 30 & 90 day dates (which are right). Ummm... I expressed that it could affect the bonus we get when she does her $1250 in her 30 days. I also contacted tech about this and they said to contact career solutions to fix it. Seems like no one knows how to fix it.
  • #91
Beth - is this going to be the case of the squeaky wheel gets the grease? If I have to call every day, I will, but I won't be happy about it. This is absolute BS!
  • #92
Becca_in_MD said:
Beth - is this going to be the case of the squeaky wheel gets the grease? If I have to call every day, I will, but I won't be happy about it. This is absolute BS!
I agree. I just sent the following to career solutions, tech, newweb and Jean. I will be calling again next week and until it is changed. No excuse for this.
I have a new consultant who signed her agreement on June 4 but her information says she signed May 11.I have called career solutions twice and both times the operator referred it to a supervisor. The second time Mary did call me back and said her supervisor Yolanda was looking into it but that it didn't matter as her 30 & 90 day dates are right. Not matter?? It matters big time. Her start date affects not only which bonus she earns in her first 30 days but also mine and in June you are giving recruiters extras. Besides it should be right!I believe this may have happened because she was considering it in May so my thought is that she may have first signed in on the 11th of May which makes the date less random than I first thought. She had projects she wanted to finish before signing and she was not interested in grilling tools. She was thrilled about the June bonuses when she learned about them.I had also contacted tech about this and they said to contact CS for them to fix it. Can no one make this correct??I believe this is yet another glitch on the new web. Seriously, don't you think it's about time to pull the plug. Make the developers start over. Use real beta testers (a lot of them) with fake shows - set up fake hosts or use Marla, Jean, Dan, etc as the "hosts" - do the whole thing in real shows that are fake - just don't charge cards (or reverse the charges) and don't ship any products. That would find errors but not affect our businesses and relationships with our customers. This is beyond frustrating and embarrassing. We don't have time for this. Your people in the field do not have time for this, especially with no compensation for all the extra time and efforts.On another subject related to all these changes: I have ordered with many other direct sales companies and never am required to give emails or phone numbers of my friends (the one time the consultant did require me to give the info she spammed them and I have ordered with other consultants in that company where they didn't need that info). Hosts do not feel comfortable giving that info on outside orders and catalog shows. We are not an online company, we are direct sales. Those are two totally different types of companies.
  • #93
I just got a reply from Jean on her way back from her boondoggle in Europe. She apologized for the frustration and said she's forwarding it on. Again, she said they didn't intend for us to be frustrated but wanted to give us a new tool.
  • #94
It hadn't crossed my mind until you wrote it, we are NOT an online company, we ARE a DIRECT SALES company! There is incredible insite and wisdom in that phrase. I hope it stops some heads in Chicago.
  • #95
Stella and Dot uses a similar set up to this one with their online ordering. I've always given them my email address, but I know I have friends who didn't at my party and the consultant didn't say anything, so they must have a way around it...I'm sure we'll get a way around it! It's pretty cool though to get an email with your receipt and another one saying your order shipped.
  • #96
bethcooks4u said:
wanted to give us a new tool.
It's a real tool all right:D. Hope they get back to work on this.
  • #97
Anna called to let me know she is requesting a change to my recruits sign date. She said the request she got from the Sol Ctr was to change MY sign date so she had to recall that request. Beth, hopefully you will hear from her soon.
  • #98
Becca_in_MD said:
Anna called to let me know she is requesting a change to my recruits sign date. She said the request she got from the Sol Ctr was to change MY sign date so she had to recall that request.

Beth, hopefully you will hear from her soon.

Yolanda said she has sent it on and hopes to call later today ...or did she say soon?... With it fixed.
  • Thread starter
  • #99
I have spent several hours today trying to help a new cons who is several down from me figure out how to get onto cons corner!!! So FREAKING frustrated with this company right now. Makes me sick. I need to spend my time making money not dealing with this crap. Marla's message yesterday was a little to late for me. 45 days into this absolute utter mess and it seems little has been resolved. Seems like it was a bad design, bad decisions made. You can give me the fanciest car with the most gadgets on it but it the car doesn't roll down the road it does me ZERO good!!! Sorry for the vent!
  • #100
Marla's message yesterday was a little to late for me

At least you were able to listen. I couldn't even access it. My computer wouldn't let me. I've heard we get 100 pc dollars for our "time". Any real information or just an apology, again, and here's some funny money to hold you over?
<h2>1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.</p><h2>2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.</p><h2>3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.</p><h2>4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.</p><h2>5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?</h2><p>Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.</p>

Related to What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.

2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.

3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.

4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.

5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?

Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.

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