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Director What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

In summary, many people feel frustrated and discouraged by the new system. They find it time consuming, difficult to navigate, and riddled with errors. They are also concerned about the lack of leads and orders being generated since its implementation. Additionally, many feel they are being treated unfairly if they do not hold a director title, as they are unable to receive updates or access certain features.
so what do you think? Like, dislike, hate, never used it???
I hate it, but will not share that with my upline or downline. I find that it takes a lot longer to navigate through a show. Everything takes a little longer because it is not right on your hard drive, but on a server somewhere. I do not find it an efficient use of my time.
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  • #3
Me too Wendy! It takes forever to get from screen to screen and I get error screens at least once during the process. Too much info required to get get an order total
I was on it the first couple of days but thankfully never set a new show up in it. I haven't been on there since...
I've got so much going on with a new grandbaby arriving tomorrow and new consultants (signed 4-30, thankfully!!) and trying to get my shows held and submitted that I just can't bring myself to stress out about it :(. I'm really hoping that it gets all worked out soon. I think it will be easier (at least I hope) to use when all the kinks are worked out.
There's my two cents...for what it's worth :)
I find the constant click & save process annoying and incredibly time consuming. Then, instead of taking you back to where you were when you clicked, you go back to the top of the page, have to scroll down to where you were and input the next step, click, save, wait, scroll, etc.

I was also under the impression that there would be a nice LARGE notice at the top of a customer's order when they qualified for the free guest gift. NO! You have to remember to look at the box on the right to get to it.

Also, if you click something, like the "send newsletter" button, and then "save", it doesn't indicate that you've already clicked it. Same with the send receipt button. I don't always finish everything at once, I'd like to know if I actually sent this or not.

I like the concept, just not liking where it is right now.
I have had so many major issues just getting things set up and things I found while maneuvering around the site and I still am not findable in the "find your consultant" screen (they have a ticket out on this and other things) therefore I have not yet done a show this it. I am going to finish out May on P3. I have a show on June 1 and am considering starting with that show but I don't know for sure if I will trust it yet then...
Haven't tried setting a show up in it yet...I'm too scared to after everything I've read! I have played around on the website thought and tried placing an indiv order (yuck! what a pain) and also tried serching for a consultant in your area...NEVER, NOT ONCE has my name come up on the first screen.

Personally, I think they rolled out a system that was not ready, not fully developed, and definately not sufficiently tested. I was amazed at how 'positive and chipper' Jean, Marla and Doreen sounded on the recorded message the other day too...kinda pissed me off to tell ya the truth. I'd really like to know who these consultants are that think this new system is great....are there 2 systems out there? I come from a testing/systems analyst background and the things that I'm hearing about would have never gotten past development where I came from. I was going to bite the bullet and go for it, but I changed my mind after hearing a few more of the 'issues' this weekend...seriously, HOW WAS THIS TESTED??? I'm not going to be a tester for this, I don't have the time right now nor am I being compensated for it.
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  • #8
Ok ladies... so glad to hear that I am not the only one who thinks this whole thing is ridiculous! I can't get a past hostess special to add to the show to increase the rewards. I constantly get error pages. I jsut spend over and hour and half setting up my June and July shows... an hour and a half to set up 20 shows..that is unacceptable as far as I am concerned. I need to spend my time making money not sending them email telling them what is wrong with the system. So disappointed, frustrated and dicouraged by this whole thing. Doreen said that they have eliminated all the work arounds in the new system, yet on our loop is all these emails about how to instruct your hostess to tell her guests how to actually place and order!! NOT good! And dont get me started on the leads. I have gotten NONE this month... how can you go from 2 or 3 leads and 5 or 6 online orders a month to NONE! and NO ONE on my team or in my bigger organization has gotten any either. There are 8 on my team and 4 other directors plus whoever on their team would be eligible...so where are they going? Are there that many more people in the system now???
Jenni and everyone, I feel your pain and I think this is a good place to vent. but I also think everyone needs to pass on their concerns to home office, especially the increased time it takes to get a show inputted and submitted. So if you too have these concerns send them onto home office. I would love to have a program on my computer that then uploads all of the information to the ordering program on the web. It would be easier for me to manage.
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  • #10
I have sent numerous emails, which takes more time from my day.
  • #11
pcjenni said:
I have sent numerous emails, which takes more time from my day.
And if you send "too many" you'll get an email saying "I see you have sent several emails...". Really? Tell us to notify of we see issues and then slap my hand for doing it?!ETA: that day I had sent two or three.
  • #12
I couldn't tell ya since I haven't been able to use it yet! And now I'm GLAD!!!! At first I was bent out of shape that the ONE month I didn't qualify as a Director was due to March's sucky numbers, so as of April 1st, I wasn't a Director in title. I got it back May 1st, so I wasn't in the window of "opportunity." I have an idea what it was like since I was in the focus group for it, but it's obvious that putting it into practice has been a MUCH more trying experience! I liked the feel of it when we got to "practice" on everything, but let me tell you.... I'm in no hurry to "have" to do it myself.

Who knows when that will be, but they can wait as long as they want in my opinion. I can't imagine consultants who have hard enough times with their businesses as it is deal with this stuff on top of it.

I'll be positive for my team, but I'm sure I'll be venting with all of the other directors!
  • #13
Well, Becky, I have the opposite problem. I had the title in April so got access to the new web and jumped in with both feet. Lost the title this month, so I don't get any of the updates! Not cool! I was pretty much told, well, you are not a director anymore, so when you re-promote you'll get them again. I'd rather not started at all. Thankfully, I have someone that forwards them to me so I'm not caught in limbo.

  • #14
sandilou2 said:
Well, Becky, I have the opposite problem. I had the title in April so got access to the new web and jumped in with both feet. Lost the title this month, so I don't get any of the updates! Not cool! I was pretty much told, well, you are not a director anymore, so when you re-promote you'll get them again. I'd rather not started at all. Thankfully, I have someone that forwards them to me so I'm not caught in limbo.

That's lame! I have been getting the updates since I re-promoted and it's nice to be the loop, but they need to have a better system for those in your position. That's crazy! I'm glad you can get the updates forwarded!
  • #15
Becky - were all of these problems there when you were in the focus group? It just seems that things like every guest needing to have an e-mail address would have been brought up by focus group people. Instead it seems like Directors and above are now the beta testers. This new web mayhem makes me glad I can't keep D status. I agree with Linda that you guys are not being compensated for all of the time it is taking you a) just to do business and especially b) to report problems to them.
  • #16
Becca_in_MD said:
Becky - were all of these problems there when you were in the focus group? It just seems that things like every guest needing to have an e-mail address would have been brought up by focus group people. Instead it seems like Directors and above are now the beta testers. This new web mayhem makes me glad I can't keep D status. I agree with Linda that you guys are not being compensated for all of the time it is taking you a) just to do business and especially b) to report problems to them.
When we got to test it, it was just a beta test and wasn't really "online" yet, so I don't know how that affected the differences between then and now. I do remember them saying that each guest either needed to provide an email address or an address AND phone number. We should get this information anyway. The way around people NOT wanting to provide an email address is the whole address/phone number requirement. To be honest, it sounded like a good idea because they HAVE to give you one or the other. I already get so many people who JUST give a name and mailing address and it's ridiculous. Now I can say the order can't be processed without it. WHen it's put to people that way, I'd imagine they'd have to comply. I like the idea of guests being emailed an automatic receipt. I feel it's easier to keep in touch with us. However, this was all in the perfect world where everything actually WORKS. LOL.Since it wasn't really "live" when we played around with it, the problems of truly importing guest lists and all the other problems everyone has been having (to be honest, I have lost track and haven't kept on top of all the issues) weren't showing up. I don't think they EVER anticipated the amount of problems they are having. And to be honest, I guess there would have been no way to know some of these issues until it truly went live. I guess this is why they are having directors and above do it this way.Back when before P3 came out, there was a beta testers group. A fellow director was on that and actually got to use P3 for her actual shows. This beta testing group seemed MUCH smaller and maybe that's what they should have done with the current "new web" mess. Or maybe their thinking was they could identify more issues if more people were using it?? Hence, having all who were Directors and above in title getting to use it?They worked on this whole transition for over 18 months before it was ever even announced and they pursued using some focus group participants to "test" it out. Who knows, but I hope this doesn't send people packing. :( I can tell you from MY perspective (I've been doing this 9 years, a Director for 6 1/2), I'm kind of "phasing out" and have been for the past couple years. I hate to say it, but I've gone back to work in my previous field and completely intended to do both, but I'm not sure how much longer I'll last. I just don't have the time to put into it like I used to and I feel it slipping away. Unfortunately when I get negative about things, it makes it easier to think about saying goodbye and this is one of those times. I went to Spring Launch and had just come off being in that focus group. I was SO excited about all of this new web stuff and all of the new products and remember thinking at SL "Wow, there's NO way I can give this up yet." But I can't say I'm still having those same feelings! But, that's just me and I don't always look at the glass half-full and fully admit it! :eek::eek::eek: Sorry - got off on a tangent. But I truly do hope things get better with all this!! For the sake of all of us consultants, as well as for the company as a whole because I know how much time, effort and MONEY went into this whole thing. (Over $2 million!).Ok, I'm done now.:blushing::blushing::D
  • #17
I agree with what you said about the fact that we should be getting an email or a phone number and address from everyone but I have to say it has me worried when it comes to catalog parties and outside orders. Often they pass the book around at work and only KNOW the person's name or the person doesn't want to give that info to a stranger they have never met (me).

I have always said I need that info but I still don't get it. Now I will make a big - POSITIVE - deal about the fact that the receipt is now emailed. That should help a lot. I will also make a big deal about needing the phone and address if they don't have an email. I just wish I knew what I am supposed to when I don't get it.

And then there's the issue about the host paying for the whole show or all the outside orders. That too often happens. We may miss deadlines because now we have to wait for a check in this case.

They can do it without more than a name and with the host paying with other companies, they are used to that with us. This will hurt us.

As far as someone mentioning the upbeat attitude on the call, I would have expected nothing less. It's their job to be our cheerleaders and show the rosy side of things. Marla did sincerely apologize - at least I heard it as sincere. I did not like the "how dare you guys cheat the system" attitude about a couple things (my impression). I don't offer shows like the Grill Pan offers that many did but if a host asks I have let her do it. I have to say though, a sale is a sale and while there are some that get host benefits that didn't do the work, I know that some of those same customers become lovers of our company and turn around and do larger shows and refer their friends for orders.
  • #18
Ok, if the bugs were gone, i actually like setting up the show with a theme, and having the grocery list all in one place, with the receipts being emailed.

It does take longer. We use to be able to set up a show just by putting in the date, address, phone/email info in and syncing to the computer that would add the show to our website. But I'd have to go into the website and send the email to my host.

It's forcing me to talk to my host more about the website and encouraging her/him to send e=vites- although, no one has taken me up on it lol.

I'll be glad when the bugs are fixed.

The one thing I did NOT like, was entering my show online. This took alot longer then entering it into PP+. Maybe it was the connection, but having to wait as it saved, and made sure it saved...was a pain.
  • #19
After seeing all the issues with the newsletter, I'm in no hurry. Still using the old system. But I have a new consultant doing his kick-off show on Saturday & I'm going to be forced to help him with his new web page. NOT looking forward to that. Right now, his show is established on my old page for me to just print the orders & hand them to him for entry.
  • #20
Malinda Klein said:
Ok, if the bugs were gone, i actually like setting up the show with a theme, and having the grocery list all in one place, with the receipts being emailed.

It does take longer. We use to be able to set up a show just by putting in the date, address, phone/email info in and syncing to the computer that would add the show to our website. But I'd have to go into the website and send the email to my host.

It's forcing me to talk to my host more about the website and encouraging her/him to send e=vites- although, no one has taken me up on it lol.

I'll be glad when the bugs are fixed.

The one thing I did NOT like, was entering my show online. This took alot longer then entering it into PP+. Maybe it was the connection, but having to wait as it saved, and made sure it saved...was a pain.

I wish there was a way to make changes on the grocery list or at least notes. For instance I may bring some of the items or perhaps change the ingredients slightly, things like that. Maybe there is a way but I didn't see one when I looked at that area. You are right though, it does make you talk to your hosts moe and that is always a good thing.
  • #21
bethcooks4u said:
I wish there was a way to make changes on the grocery list or at least notes. For instance I may bring some of the items or perhaps change the ingredients slightly, things like that. Maybe there is a way but I didn't see one when I looked at that area. You are right though, it does make you talk to your hosts moe and that is always a good thing.

i've been able to make up my own grocery list.. i've copied the groceries from the recipe on the show page and then on host shopping list, i click on "Create my own Shopping list and paste it in there. I then change it, like saying BLOCK cheese.
  • #22
I have not had the time and now the desire to have ANYTHING to do with the new website. In fact, glad this thread is behind the apron because I can share that an executive up line person told me...that she is putting this to the bottom of her priority list and suggests that I do the same. With that said, it makes me really hesitant to sign someone up if they HAVE to use it. I think if I was new and had to use this system I would quit.

Don't get me started on the lead list...does anyone else think that maybe they are purposely bringing up lower level people first so they can get more people outside their circle?

Thank you Jenni for starting this thread and thank you for those who are trying it.
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  • #23
Don't get me started on the lead list...does anyone else think that maybe they are purposely bringing up lower level people first so they can get more people outside their circle?

Not sure what you mean by this Ann???
  • #24
pcjenni said:
Don't get me started on the lead list...does anyone else think that maybe they are purposely bringing up lower level people first so they can get more people outside their circle?

Not sure what you mean by this Ann???

Oh I hope not! :yuck: How does that reward? Give it to new people and not those who have WORKED for months and YEARS to earn/keep the benefit?? They wouldn't admit that kind of thing and we shouldn't be starting such rumors even among ourselves.

I can't be found in the consultant search (since the start). That tells me I'm not in the lead system even though I qualify to be there. They have a ticket out about it but no updates... Ugg. I know there are things that effect more people than this issue but it is MY BUSINESS. If I can't be found by someone who wants to order with me but can't find my contact info I LOSE business. Some will think I no longer do PC. :help:
  • #25
When I do a search there are people who Sold $1250 in March but not in April and they always come up before me.
  • #26
I'm not eligible for leads right now, but still got an out of the blue one the other day. She said she looked through all the possibles on the PC page, didn't see any who looked like they were "working" their business (no events?) and then went to Facebook & searched for local consultants. She said my FB business page looked the most active, so she contacted me to book her show. So make sure you have your calendar looking busy on your PC web page & events on your FB page too! It could be what makes you stand out from the rest. ;)
  • #27
What I mean is I just started out a new consultant who completed her $1250 all in the month of April. She has taken advantage of her free 3 month subscription to a website. She will then have access to leads. Most likely they will be out of her circle of people. This will help her grow her new business.

Now...here is the reality and HO WILL hear about this. I just did a "find a consultant in your area". The place less than 1/4th of a mile from my home. The first 5 that came up...not my name or the new consultant. People that came up were 15 to 30 miles away.

The second round of 5, my name did come up but not the new consultant. Again, people who came up lived further away. The new consultant lives closer than 30 miles away.

Who DID come up was a director in my downline who did not sell $1250 last month (and lives 30 miles away) and was paid as a TL (which I know makes no difference but another director in my downline that did not sell $1250 but was paid as a D did not come up).

Sorry if this is hard to follow. I am at work and not real happy with this system at all. I actually went into this excited and ready to give it a chance. And I want to give it a chance because the concept is great. The reality is a nightmare.:(
  • #28
Sheila said:
I'm not eligible for leads right nowQUOTE] Keep checking...read my last post...they may have left you on!
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  • #29
Uggghhh Ann! Awful! I agree about going into it with a positive attitude and being disappointed. I am on hold right now because I am trying to add a co hostess to a show and can not because the email address field will not let me type in in and I can't enter her without an email address!!
  • #30
Warning** rant***I have had enough. I am trying to close my $1000+, but my show cart is now "lost". How can it be lost? I talked to technical and I have to re-enter everything into P3. I am sending this to Jean, Marla and Doreen. Don't try to talk me out of it because it is already sent.

In your recording, you said we should rant to you about the new web. There are so many things wrong with the new system that I feel you should shut it down and wait until all of the problems are fixed. I cannot even close my $1000+ show because the show cart was “lost” and cannot be open. While technical support is working on it, I was advised to re-enter everything in P3 because he did not feel it would be resolved anytime soon. For my customers' protection, I enter the cards right into their order (not on the order form) so I do not have a copy of their credit card number. Now I have to call everyone who paid with a credit card to get their information. This and the time it will take to re-enter the whole show in to P3 not to mention the time I spent entering the show in the first place is not a good use of my time. Frankly, I am exhausted from all of this. Added to the confusion is now I have shows in P3 and shows submitted on the new web. I had initially just wanted to completely transition to the new system. Now host, customer and order information will be split between these 2 order systems. In order to help me, I will now re-enter the shows that were submitted on the new web into P3 so I can keep a consistent record. Do you see how ludicrous this is becoming.

I am a team player so I transitioned to the new web to help Home Office and I believed and trusted you that we had a finished product. I expected some issues, but not to this extend. It has been released almost 20 days and we are still having major issues (my lost show cart). This new web has done nothing to help or improve my business. In fact it has harmed my business. The new web is significantly slower at entering orders, looking up products, and finding contacts. I actually did an experiment. It took me over 10 minutes longer to enter 9 orders in the New Web as it did on P3. I have spent too much time correcting things that are not my job to correct. I have given away products for free to disgruntled hosts. I will not even begin to question why you chose this type of ordering system, when it is not efficient or effective. Yes, a web based system is a great idea, but it really is hindering that you have to be connected to the internet to get anything done. I know there will be an App, but many consultant will have to buy new technology for it to work. We are talking $300-$600! Is someone getting a kick back on Apple products? I am not planning to invest in a tablet anytime soon and the thought of entering an entire show on my phone is laughable. Have you actually tried it? It looks easy, but try entering the host’s order. She usually has about 20 items and never has any of the catalog numbers. So you have to stop and look things up and every time you do it takes awhile to refresh. I can understand why those, who do not actually use it, would like it because it looks cool and slick. But for us who rely on this to make money and support families, it is not slick and cool, but cumbersome and slow. I don’t want bells and whistle; I want something that will work easily and efficiently.

I feel that you have cut corners by not paying Beta testers to test this program in the real world. It would have been so simple to allow 100 consultants to try it out with their own shows before you opened it to your leaders (and you really did not give us a choice). By using real life beta testers, you would have quickly determined that it is not as slick and cool and easy to use as you thought it would be. You would have found many of the initial issues quickly and they could have been resolved before you frustrated the rest of us. I used to be in technical sales of research grade imaging equipment. This included digital cameras (not the kind you have), computers and software. Anytime there was a new software or hardware change it was completely tested with real live applications. All the leaders should be compensated monetarily for being your Beta testers. By promoting it in your recording as working and telling us the “New Consultants” love it is a slap in our faces. First of all how many shows had those 4 new consultants submitted in this new system? What were their sales? Did they sell $5000 or more this month? I challenge you to find seasoned consultants with a strong business to support you and tell you they love it. Sometimes you have to tuck your tail and do what is best. At this time the new web is not best for us, shut it down until everything is fixed and it is running properly. Let us use a working system so we can continue to be productive.

I do not have a choice about using the new web. I have to because you took away my old website. The only way I can get online orders for shows is through the new web. How thoughtless of home office to force us to use something that does not work and makes us work harder for the same commission. Hopefully this keeps you up at night, because it is keeping me up. All I can say is shame on you!
  • #31
Bravo Wendy. And add to that all the other issues you did not mention...
  • #32
Sheila said:
I'm not eligible for leads right now, but still got an out of the blue one the other day. She said she looked through all the possibles on the PC page, didn't see any who looked like they were "working" their business (no events?) and then went to Facebook & searched for local consultants. She said my FB business page looked the most active, so she contacted me to book her show. So make sure you have your calendar looking busy on your PC web page & events on your FB page too! It could be what makes you stand out from the rest. ;)

This is exactly what I don't like about this new set up. I don't like the idea of being on display and being 'shopped'.

  • #34
:::::standing ovation::::::
Wendy, I agree 150% with EVERYTHING you have said. Send it to Marla, Jean, Doris - hell to Warren if you can!!!
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  • #36
thank you for sending it, thank you for taking the time to share wendy! I am with you 100%. You are spot on about top performers and this new website. I will NOT be entering orders at a show. There is NO way that it would be time effective and usable in a real world situation. We have to put 10+ orders in to the system in less than 20 minutes sometimes, all while doing FSC and trying to connect, relate, book and recruit. Where is my time best spent, getting the customer an email receipt on the spot or getting them on my calendar and on my team?
  • #37
pcjenni said:
thank you for sending it, thank you for taking the time to share wendy! I am with you 100%. You are spot on about top performers and this new website. I will NOT be entering orders at a show. There is NO way that it would be time effective and usable in a real world situation. We have to put 10+ orders in to the system in less than 20 minutes sometimes, all while doing FSC and trying to connect, relate, book and recruit. Where is my time best spent, getting the customer an email receipt on the spot or getting them on my calendar and on my team?

I hope you sent this in to newweb, Marla, Jean...
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  • #38
I did Beth, but a lot more politically correctly
  • #39
dannyzmom said:
:::::standing ovation::::::
Wendy, I agree 150% with EVERYTHING you have said. Send it to Marla, Jean, Doris - hell to Warren if you can!!!

Couldn't have said it better. I almost feel like we are on the Titanic..."put something warm on and report to the deck. Everything will be fine." And the band played on.
  • #40
cookingwithlove said:
If you all agree then please send an email too. I want it shut down until it is fixed. I want to stop wasting time and energy on this thing. In case you do not have their emails here they are.

Jean: [email protected]
Marla: [email protected]
Doreen: doreen_grass@pamperedchef.​com

I am tired of the cheerleading and wahooing. Do I expect a personal response, no.
I'd love to hear if you get a response! Or when! Of course, they are probably weeding through hundreds.

Very well said.
  • #41
So, I have to tell you that here, in Canada, we don't have the new web yet. Apparently you are all the test group to work out the kinks before they give it to us. I was really annoyed this morning when I had another potential recruit wanting to join, but she doesn't have a pc. They never brought P3 to Canada, we are still using the VERY old Pampered Partner. Antiquated, and only works on a pc, but it works (usually). We were suggested to just train the basics in it for our new consultants because the "new" web would be here this spring.... we don't even have online courses available that they promised by mid-April.

Anyway, I want to thank you all for your openness and honesty... It might feel like venting, but at least I am prepared for some of the fall out when it does come here. I do have a question, I was under the impression that you would be able to take orders at a show without an internet connection & then upload when you got back online. Is there no ability (application or program) that lets you input the info, to then upload later? That is how it was described to us, and honestly, with the large country/farming community where I am- many still have dial -up. Scary thought!

I look forward to your responses. Thanks in advance! I really do appreciate this forum!!!
  • #42
I believe that will only work on either an iPad or an iPod Touch.
  • #43
quiverfull7 said:
I believe that will only work on either an iPad or an iPod Touch.

There will be an app that will work offline but we don't have it yet. It will work on iPad, iPhone, iPod and on droid phones.
  • #44
Wow. Not at all what I thought it was going to be. Any news when the app is due to come out? That might resolve some of the slowness innate to an online only site?Thanks for the info... and I will keep watching to see what happens with you! Good luck!
  • #45
It was supposed to be out the week of the 15th but it is on hold until they get the major issues worked out.
  • #46
With the exception of you, sweet Becky, I swear they Beta tested this with Monkeys.
  • #47
Nanisu said:
With the exception of you, sweet Becky, I swear they Beta tested this with Monkeys.

LOL!! But, in all reality, it wasn't even a REAL Beta test. I now realize that. I guess that's why they called us a "focus group" and not "beta testers." That would have involved letting a bunch of consultants actually use this with real shows from setting up the show, sending out evites, entering orders and payments and all the way to submitting it. That would have made a TON more sense. Just like Wendy had said in that email. I have no clue why they didn't go that route because they obviously can release it to certain consultants before the others.
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  • #48
As Becky said, it does not appear to have been field beta tested in "real world" scenerios. They should have PAID top leaders, sellers etc to test it, send in real shows etc.
  • #49
I did laugh out loud when Marla said last Friday on the call that they had tested it with hundreds of people.
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  • #50
SERIOUSLY!!! new consultants aren't even showing up now in CC!! I have a 3rd gen who had a consultant sign without us knowing it on the 17th... she is not in the system at all, but the recruiter got an email saying "congratulations on signing your first recuit"!!! UGHHHHHHHHH
<h2>1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.</p><h2>2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.</p><h2>3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.</p><h2>4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?</h2><p>No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.</p><h2>5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?</h2><p>Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.</p>

Related to What Are Your Thoughts on the New Web?

1. What is "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

Let's Be Honest About New Web is a new online community platform created by Pampered Chef for customers and consultants to connect, share tips and recipes, and learn about new products and promotions.

2. How do I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

You can access Let's Be Honest About New Web by visiting the Pampered Chef website and clicking on the "Community" tab. From there, you can sign up or log in to your account.

3. What can I do on "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

On Let's Be Honest About New Web, you can join different groups and discussions, ask questions, share your own tips and recipes, and participate in virtual parties and events.

4. Do I have to be a Pampered Chef consultant to use "Let's Be Honest About New Web"?

No, Let's Be Honest About New Web is open to both customers and consultants. It's a great way for customers to stay connected with their consultant and other Pampered Chef enthusiasts.

5. Can I access "Let's Be Honest About New Web" on my mobile device?

Yes, Let's Be Honest About New Web is mobile-friendly and can be accessed on your smartphone or tablet through the Pampered Chef app or by visiting the website on your device's browser.

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