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Send a Postcard from Your Town: Help Make My Daughter Smile!

In summary, Jodi's daughter was matched up with a group from Norway, but when she got the postcards back she realized she never received hers. She asks other cheffers if they would be willing to help her send one from her home town to the group in Norway, but only one chefer is willing to help.
Gold Member
Hi everyone, I was wondering if there were any cheffers willing to send a postcard from their town/city or state to my daughter.

She's in her final year (fourth year) of Pathfinders and it hasn't been too pleasant this year. Very disorganized leader who promises the moon and the stars and never follows through with anything. She waits too late to enroll the girls in different camps and events, is at least 10 minutes late to start every meeting and runs 15 minutes late after. Forgets to bring half of the supplies but doesn't want help when I volunteer. Spends half the meeting trying to get settled etc.

My dd has gone through 2 years Sparks, 2 years Brownies, 3 years Guides and then the 4 years of Pathfinders but is now turned off and doesn't want to carry on to the ranger program.

Tonight she came home broken hearted :( They had a project where they were matched up with a group from Norway and were to send a postcard from our small city to them along with a note about themselves. My daughter showed up at the meeting in February with 10 postcards which was a good thing because 5 of the other 8 girls forgot to bring theirs so of course she shared. Well I guess the leader took forever to mail them away and when she did she forgot to mail my daughter's! So the return ones arrive yesterday and it's then she realizes! This has been since February!

I felt soooo bad for her, especially when she said this is one of the only things she had been looking forward too but of course there's no way for me to get a postcard from Norway. I then had a lightbulb moment and thought...but I do 'know' people from places other than here - my fellow cheffers! :D

Would any of you be willing to help? I'd be happy to paypal for any costs incurred if necessary. Thanks for considering us. :)
I'd be happy to send one from Hawaii. :)
Jodi, don't be so sure about not getting that postcard. Ask Noora if she can help.Also, I'd be happy to send something from Virginia. PM me with your address.
I'll send one from Pennsylvania, just let me know
I'll send one from the Finger Lakes area in NY. Send me your mailing address. Don't you hate when adults are so lackadasical about something our kids are soooo interested in. I know how it can break a parent's heart.
Send me your address...she will be getting one from NJ!!! Now, go give your little girl a hug and tell her to start looking in her mailbox in a few days!!!!
My sister in law lives in Cairo, Egypt. She is a teacher coming home in a few weeks.
I know she transfers planes in Europe, not sure where. Let me know if Egypt on another European country is ok. I would love to send a postcard to her from "The Big Apple"
Let us know!
I will gladly send one from beautiful Milwaukee, WI and I can get her some from relatives in Lake Geneva; Elkhorn and Delavan, WI. Just get us the address!
I did this with my Brownie Troop for Thinking Day. I will be happy to send her one from Japan. Send me your address. I will have my daughter write something She is 7.
  • #10
I'd love to send one from Tucson, AZ, just PM me! Sorry she's having a rough year. Hope for a better leader next year.Marghi
  • #11
pampchefsarah said:
Jodi, don't be so sure about not getting that postcard. Ask Noora if she can help.

While I'm not sure about Norway, I can certainly do Finland! And maybe Sweden.

If you're OK with it, I can even post it on my FB wall (which is private). Just PM me with your address. :D
  • #12
I'll be happy to send one from WV. Just PM me your address!
  • #13
Count me in for Cleveland, OH! PM me your address :)
  • Thread starter
  • #14
Oh my you cheffers are SO wonderful! I have tears in my eyes, thank you thank you!! :) I'm off to PM all who've asked for my address. THANK YOU!!
  • #15
I can send you one from Lake Dallas, TX (I could most likely get one that says Dallas or Fort Worth or both :)). Include me on the PM with your address.
  • Thread starter
  • #16
Okay I think I've PM'd everyone. Thank you all so very much! I think when they start arriving I'll post on this thread so we can all see what she received and when she got it. Bless you all my fellow cheffers!
  • #17
Jodi, I didn't get a PM but I see the address on Noora's facebook page so don't worry about sending me anything. :)
  • #18
PM me your address..or email me at

[email protected]

I live very close to Hershey. Kids love Hershey..LOL. I am also going on a cruise in 18 days. I would love to send her one from there. If you would like me to.
  • #19
PM or email me your address and I will send you one from Texas!
  • #20
I will gladly send you one from Las Vegas. My husband will be traveling to Mexico City, so I can send your daughter a postcard from there too. Send me your address.
  • #21
Florida is on the way, too! If you need to know, the postage from USA to Canada for a postcard is 75 cents according to USPS.com.​
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  • #22
PM me your address and I'll send one from Asheville, NC.
  • Thread starter
  • #23
ChefLoriG said:
I'll send one from Pennsylvania, just let me know

Hello again everyone! I just wanted to update all my wonderful cheffer friends that have been so kind to help me out...Thursday we received one from Lori G in Pennsylvania (thanks Lori :D) and Friday we received one from Leslie in Florida (thank you Leslie :D).

The third and final one we received on Friday was from a woman in Finland! Noora K was kind enough to post on her facebook wall and this wonderful woman sent us one :) How shocked were we to receive one from there and so quickly too!

Again, a great big thank you to all of you! :)
  • #24
kcjodih said:
The third and final one we received on Friday was from a woman in Finland! Noora K was kind enough to post on her facebook wall and this wonderful woman sent us one :)

That's my mom. :) She is pretty wonderful. She's actually in California now, and will be coming to visit us next in July. I'm glad it came so fast. Now I'm quite embarrassed that I haven't had a chance to get mine in the mail. :blushing:
  • #25
send me your address and I'll send you one from Vermont!
  • #26
I'm embarrassed too. I did go looking for some last weekend, but didn't find any! Then, with the rush of saying good-bye to my Mom as she went back to California, and waiting for my son to return from California, I plain forgot!Thanks for the reminder, Jodi! I'll see what I can do this week.
  • #27
It looks like TX is covered, but if you'd like one from San Antonio, TX, send me your address. My 7 yo son is a Wolf Scout and my 5 yo daughter is a Daisy....they both would LOVE to send her one!
  • #28
I sent mine last week!I was able to find local ones at WalMart!
  • #29
kcjodih said:
Hello again everyone! I just wanted to update all my wonderful cheffer friends that have been so kind to help me out...Thursday we received one from Lori G in Pennsylvania (thanks Lori :D) and Friday we received one from Leslie in Florida (thank you Leslie :D).

The third and final one we received on Friday was from a woman in Finland! Noora K was kind enough to post on her facebook wall and this wonderful woman sent us one :) How shocked were we to receive one from there and so quickly too!

Again, a great big thank you to all of you! :)

Was she excited? Did you tell her what you did?
  • #30
Sorry, I'm just now seeing this. I can also send one from Japan. I have friends in Spain, South Africa, Australia and Germany - I can ask & see if they would be willing to play as well. ;)ETA: Oh, and a friend in New Zealand ...
  • #31
When I was a kid I would have been SOOOO excited by all of this. It can be a great way to get them thinking about (geography) in a fun way--just don't use the "g word" and even to start thinking about how did those people get to those places? How can I as a kid start thinking about ways to be able to travel when I am an adult?Heck, I'm not even getting the postcards and I'm excited.Marghi
  • Thread starter
  • #32
wadesgirl said:
Was she excited? Did you tell her what you did?

First she was excited because she had mail..never gets any. Then confused when she read them saying who are these people? Then VERY excited when she realized they were from different places lol and then I got a great big hug and kiss when I told her how it all came about. That's a HUGE deal since she never hugs me anymore...age thing :(

Then she said my 'cheffer friends were awesome' and please thank them so very much for me mom :D
  • #33
yay, glad it came =)
  • #34
kcjodih said:
First she was excited because she had mail..never gets any. Then confused when she read them saying who are these people? Then VERY excited when she realized they were from different places lol and then I got a great big hug and kiss when I told her how it all came about. That's a HUGE deal since she never hugs me anymore...age thing :(

Then she said my 'cheffer friends were awesome' and please thank them so very much for me mom :D

Awe! How great! You'll have to let us know as she gets more!
  • Thread starter
  • #35
wadesgirl said:
Awe! How great! You'll have to let us know as she gets more!

We got yours today from Iowa :) It took me a second to figure out who 'Allison' was ;) Thanks SO much from both of us! :D
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  • #36
kcjodih said:
We got yours today from Iowa :) It took me a second to figure out who 'Allison' was ;) Thanks SO much from both of us! :D

Yah! So glad to hear she got it!
  • Thread starter
  • #37
BlueMoon said:
I'd love to send one from Tucson, AZ, just PM me! Sorry she's having a rough year. Hope for a better leader next year.


I'm sorry I got interrupted while posting earlier. She also got yours today too Marghi :) Thank you so much! She just headed to bed but before doing so said to me 'Mom, I can't believe all these ladies are so nice and would send me a postcard without even knowing me. Can you please, please tell them thank you?' I told her of course I would and that people in general are very nice but especially all my cheffer friend :D

So with Allison's from Iowa, and Marghi's from Arizona we've received 5 postcards from our cheffer friends. Thanks everyone! :)
  • #38
kcjodih said:
I'm sorry I got interrupted while posting earlier. She also got yours today too Marghi :) Thank you so much! She just headed to bed but before doing so said to me 'Mom, I can't believe all these ladies are so nice and would send me a postcard without even knowing me. Can you please, please tell them thank you?' I told her of course I would and that people in general are very nice but especially all my cheffer friend :D

So with Allison's from Iowa, and Marghi's from Arizona we've received 5 postcards from our cheffer friends. Thanks everyone! :)

Of course! I was more than happy to do it! I hope she has a lot more to come!
  • #39
If you still want some more, I would be happy to send one from South Dakota. Also i can ask my family in Hungary to send one too.
I just need to know what they should write so i can write it for them. (they do not speak much english :blushing: )

You are a great mom :thumbup:
  • #40
Can you send me your address too? How old is she? I can have my dd send her one.
  • #41
I can send one from South Dakota if you send me your address!
  • #42
It was a pleasure to participate in this project, I bought the stamps from a neighbor, you should be getting some from her (Bonnie) because she's on vacation to Utah, New Mexico and Colorado, and when she found out why I needed the stamps she jumped right on board.I think we can all relate to things like this, and I hope you tell your daughter she deserves this just because each of us is special, each of us deserves to have people do things for them, even people that don't even know them. After all, she has already shared like this by bringing extra cards when that project with her scout group started.All the best to your whole family, and thanks for letting us participate.Marghi
  • Thread starter
  • #43
BlueMoon said:
It was a pleasure to participate in this project, I bought the stamps from a neighbor, you should be getting some from her (Bonnie) because she's on vacation to Utah, New Mexico and Colorado, and when she found out why I needed the stamps she jumped right on board.

I think we can all relate to things like this, and I hope you tell your daughter she deserves this just because each of us is special, each of us deserves to have people do things for them, even people that don't even know them.

After all, she has already shared like this by bringing extra cards when that project with her scout group started.

All the best to your whole family, and thanks for letting us participate.


Woohoo Marghi! We just got one today from Sante Fe, New Mexico. We had no idea who it was from it just said 'Hi Brianna, Good luck with your project. Travel far! For Marghi (Blue Moon) from Chef Success'

So now we know it's from your neighbour Bonnie :D Would you please send a thank you to her from both of us?
  • #44
I live in Roanoke, VA and could send one to her if it would help. I was leader of a Daisy girl scout troop. I truly enjoyed and I know how important it was to the girls as well.
  • #45
I will send you one as soon as I can. I will try to send one from our first island next week. Which I think is Wednesday.
  • #46
I can send one from Kansas and possibly Nebraska also if you are in need of those places.

  • #47
I sent one from WV, but I just put .44 on it in postage so now I'm wondering if it will get there! .75? Really? I had no idea!! Let me know if you don't get it and I'll send another!
  • #48
If you are still looking for postcards, I would be happy to send your daughter one from CT.Just PM me your address.
  • #49
I'll send one from MD..
  • #50
Just PM'd you...willing to send from NE PA....I've got a Junior here who also had a not so good leader this year...doesn't want to go back..or wants to change troops and would make me drive almost 30 miles round trip on different night of week....ugh.
<h2>1. How can I participate in the "Send a Postcard from Your Town" project?</h2><p>To participate in the project, simply send a postcard from your town or city to the address provided by the organizer. You can also reach out to the organizer to inquire about participating and see if they are still accepting postcards.</p><h2>2. Can I send a postcard from a different country?</h2><p>As long as the postcard is sent to the specified address, you can send it from any country you wish. It's a great opportunity to share a piece of your culture with others!</p><h2>3. Do I need to include a note about myself in the postcard?</h2><p>Yes, the idea behind the project is for the recipients to learn about different places and people around the world. So, including a short note about yourself, your town, or your country is encouraged.</p><h2>4. Is there a deadline for sending the postcards?</h2><p>It's best to check with the organizer for a specific deadline, but typically the postcards should be sent within a month or two after the project is announced. This allows enough time for the postcards to be delivered and for the recipients to send their own postcards back.</p><h2>5. Can I help cover the cost of sending the postcard?</h2><p>Some organizers may accept donations to help cover the cost of sending the postcards, but it is not required. You can always reach out to the organizer to inquire about this option.</p>

Related to Send a Postcard from Your Town: Help Make My Daughter Smile!

1. How can I participate in the "Send a Postcard from Your Town" project?

To participate in the project, simply send a postcard from your town or city to the address provided by the organizer. You can also reach out to the organizer to inquire about participating and see if they are still accepting postcards.

2. Can I send a postcard from a different country?

As long as the postcard is sent to the specified address, you can send it from any country you wish. It's a great opportunity to share a piece of your culture with others!

3. Do I need to include a note about myself in the postcard?

Yes, the idea behind the project is for the recipients to learn about different places and people around the world. So, including a short note about yourself, your town, or your country is encouraged.

4. Is there a deadline for sending the postcards?

It's best to check with the organizer for a specific deadline, but typically the postcards should be sent within a month or two after the project is announced. This allows enough time for the postcards to be delivered and for the recipients to send their own postcards back.

5. Can I help cover the cost of sending the postcard?

Some organizers may accept donations to help cover the cost of sending the postcards, but it is not required. You can always reach out to the organizer to inquire about this option.

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