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Send a Postcard from Your Town: Help Make My Daughter Smile!

In summary, Jodi's daughter was matched up with a group from Norway, but when she got the postcards back she realized she never received hers. She asks other cheffers if they would be willing to help her send one from her home town to the group in Norway, but only one chefer is willing to help.
  • Thread starter
  • #51
As of today no others have arrived. We've received a total of 6 :) from:

New Mexico

JoLynn, Danielle, Terry and Lisa I've PM'd you my DD's name and our address - thank you so much!

Mountainmama, nothing yet but I'll let you know in about a week whether it arrived or not. Thank you :)
  • #52
It sounds like you may have Virginia covered, but I'd be glad to send one from Richmond, VA. Just send me your address and I'll get it on it's way :)
  • #53
Did you receive any more since?
I sent mine on the 18th and i really hope it will get there soon.
  • Thread starter
  • #54
Hello again everyone! I just wanted to continue to update everyone with what we've received so far from our wonderful Cheffer friends :) They must have taken a break all week although technically yesterday was our only holiday because today we received 6 more and doubled our total!! :)

Today we received one from Monument Valley Utah-Arizona from Marghi (Blue Moon), Robyn on her holidays in Lake Tahoe, Black Hills South Dakota from Zsuzsanna :)) yes hun, got it today finally, thank you!), Marceline, Missouri - Walt Disney's boyhood hometown from Briana, Corning New York from Dotty and lastly Lennox South Dakota from Stacie :)

So the list now looks like this:

New Mexico
Lake Tahoe
South Dakota (x2)
New York

for a total of 12. Thank you so much my Cheffer friends, from both of us! You are wonderful! :D :D
  • #55
WOW, Awesome :D
  • #56
E-mail me your address, I'm in Florida, near Disney, Daytona & the Space Coast...you're a GOOOOD Momma, hope you get lots of PC help!
  • Thread starter
  • #57
3Statesmom said:
E-mail me your address, I'm in Florida, near Disney, Daytona & the Space Coast...you're a GOOOOD Momma, hope you get lots of PC help!

Aww shucks thank you :blushing: Your email addy isn't under your profile. Can I PM you instead? I'll try and hope you get it :)
  • Thread starter
  • #58
3Statesmom said:
E-mail me your address, I'm in Florida, near Disney, Daytona & the Space Coast...you're a GOOOOD Momma, hope you get lots of PC help!

I've sent you a PM with our info. Check top right under private messages. Thanks again! :)
  • #59
pm me with your address - I've got'cha covered in Seattle!
  • #60
I don't think I saw California listed - I'm in San Diego and I happen to be going out tomorrow to get post cards for my son to send out to our away military family members. I would love to send one to your daughter - maybe from the beach or even the San Diego Zoo? Please send me your address.

By the way - I just have to say YOU ROCK what a great thing for a mom to do. I'm my son's cub scout leader and I couldn't imagine being that unorganized AND refusing help.
  • #61
Oh, I am so glad you got the one from Lake Tahoe! It is a very beautiful area. I will send one from my own state of Ohio once I find one at a store here.
  • #62
I can send from North Dakota. Just pm me or my email.
  • Thread starter
  • #63
byrd1956 said:
Oh, I am so glad you got the one from Lake Tahoe! It is a very beautiful area. I will send one from my own state of Ohio once I find one at a store here.

Yes Robyn, it sure does look beautiful in the picture :) Thanks so much for the postcard!

Cory and Karen, I've sent you both a PM with our info, thank you!
  • Thread starter
  • #64
Today's update :) Cheffers are awesome :D

We received two from Terry in Baltimore, Maryland. Terry I just LOVE the one with the picture and recipe for Chesapeake Bay Crab Soup - YUMMO!! :) We also received a really cool one from Andrea in Roanoke, Virginia, one from Amanda in Marceline, Missouri - Walt Disney's Hometown according to the postcard - thanks for that Amanda, we had no idea :) and last but not least from someone in Ogallala, Nebraska but not sure who so we don't know who to thank. You know who you are though so thank you!

I'm really beginning to think the postman waits and drops them off in multiples since that's how they all seem to arrive :)

So the list now looks like this:

New Mexico
Lake Tahoe
South Dakota (x2)
Missouri (x2)
New York
Maryland (x2)

for a total of 17!!. Thank you so much my Cheffer friends, from both of us! You are super D duper! :D
  • #65
I'd love to send you one from little RI. PM me your address and I will go ahead and get that out. What a good mom you are. This sounds like a fun project. I know she is having fun.
  • Thread starter
  • #66
my3angels said:
I'd love to send you one from little RI. PM me your address and I will go ahead and get that out. What a good mom you are. This sounds like a fun project. I know she is having fun.

Thanks so much, I've sent you a PM. And you are SO right, she's having a blast and so am I! I'm not sure who's having MORE fun ;)
  • #66
I'll send you one from conference (probably not a PC postcard tho!) in CHICAGO, IL
  • #67
I'll send you one from conference (probably not a PC postcard tho!) in CHICAGO, IL, will try to get cheffers to sign it
  • #68
Maybe Milwaukee, WI too - am flying through there. I'll try!
  • #69
Hi Jodi,
How fun! PM me name and address and I'll send one too! :balloon:
  • #70
I said I would play, but never got a PM with the address. If you still want one from Japan, let me know ASAP! We are in the process of moving from Okinawa to Tokyo and the movers come in 5 days. The closer I get to the actual move, the less time I'll have to think about it! ;)
  • #71
The one from Ogallala, Nebraska was from my mom. Hopefully you will be getting mine from Kansas soon i mailed it on July 3rd.

  • #72
OK..I am not too late..I got one from my cruise..and one from Hershey..but I completely forgot to send them..so I will do that this week.
  • Thread starter
  • #73
jbarnhill said:
The one from Ogallala, Nebraska was from my mom. Hopefully you will be getting mine from Kansas soon i mailed it on July 3rd.


Nothing yet JoLynn but I tell ya the mailman MUST gather these and drop them off in bunches because that's the way we've been getting them everytime lol!

Thank you and please send a huge thank you to your mom too :)
  • #74
Has mine made it up there yet? I sent it the end of June!
  • Thread starter
  • #75
chefheidi2003 said:
OK..I am not too late..I got one from my cruise..and one from Hershey..but I completely forgot to send them..so I will do that this week.

Thanks Heidi!
  • Thread starter
  • #76
crystalscookingnow said:
Has mine made it up there yet? I sent it the end of June!

Uh oh! No it hasn't Crystal :( I'm thinking you're closer than some of the other states so maybe it's lost? :( I've listed all the states and the total count and also posted thanks individually to each that we've received :(
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  • Thread starter
  • #77
scottcooks said:
I'll send you one from conference (probably not a PC postcard tho!) in CHICAGO, IL, will try to get cheffers to sign it

Aww that would be awesome, thanks Scott!
  • #78
I sent a small package the other day from Ohio
  • #79
I sent ours from Japan last week, let me know when you get it.
  • Thread starter
  • #80
Time for another update. Today we received 3 more postcards - one from Mia in Japan !! with three beautiful pictures of Japan on the front, one from JoLynn in Kansas with sunflowers and a haybale which is alot like here at home :) and the last from Scott in Seattle, Washington with a great pic of the Seattle skyline.

So the list now looks like this:

New Mexico
Lake Tahoe
South Dakota (x2)
Missouri (x2)
New York
Maryland (x2)

for a total of 20!!.
Thank you so much my Cheffer friends, from both of us!
  • Thread starter
  • #81
Triciascucina said:
I sent ours from Japan last week, let me know when you get it.

Tricia, is Mia your daughter? If so that was darn fast! Alot of the ones from the US are taking forever to get here and yours from Japan came in a little over a week. Her card is sooo cute with her grown up handwriting :D!
  • Thread starter
  • #82
kcjodih said:
Nothing yet JoLynn but I tell ya the mailman MUST gather these and drop them off in bunches because that's the way we've been getting them everytime lol!

Thank you and please send a huge thank you to your mom too :)

We finally got it JoLynn, thank you! :)
  • #83
:( I guess the lack of correct postage made mine non-deliverable. I'm sorry! I'll try to get another out soon!!
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  • #84
mountainmama74 said:
:( I guess the lack of correct postage made mine non-deliverable. I'm sorry! I'll try to get another out soon!!

No worries and no need hun. It's the thought that counts and it's appreciated all the same :) You WOULD think they'd return it to you though for insufficient postage, they do here :mad:
  • #85
looking forward to hearing that your daughter received the Ohio package
  • #86
And from Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois - with the other Cheffers who signed the Chicago one, as well! Putting in today's mail.
  • Thread starter
  • #87
scottcooks said:
And from Wisconsin and Chicago, Illinois - with the other Cheffers who signed the Chicago one, as well! Putting in today's mail.

Really Scott? Oh my! You are wonderful and I KNEW my fellow cheffers were awesome! Thanks SO very much! :D :D
  • #88
Glad that mine got to you!
  • #89
Pm me and I can send one from Boston and one from ft myers fl
  • #90
Glad it did not take long. Mia is my daughter she just turned 8 so she is working on cursive. :)
  • Thread starter
  • #91
Triciascucina said:
Glad it did not take long. Mia is my daughter she just turned 8 so she is working on cursive. :)

Well please tell your daughter my daughter loved it and she's doing a GREAT job on her cursive :)
  • Thread starter
  • #92
It's time for another update. :) Today we received mail from 2 more Cheffers - one from Karen in Crosby, North Dakota who isn't too far from the Canadian Border from what her postcard says, how neat! and a package from Robyn in Circleville, Ohio with 4 postcards, a bookmark and some pamphlets about her area. We just loved the postcard with the pumpkin water tower and of course the one with the recipe. We're all big fans of chocolate and peanut butter so you KNOW we're going to have to try that Ohio Buckeye Candy! :)

So the list now looks like this:

New Mexico
Lake Tahoe
South Dakota (x2)
Missouri (x2)
New York
Maryland (x2)
Ohio (X4)
North Dakota

for a total of 25!!. Thank you so much my Cheffer friends, from both of us!

If you haven't been mentioned and thanked on here it's not because we forgot about you or don't appreciate it but just because we haven't received your card. I've had a few inquiries and it looks like a couple have taken a different route and aren't coming here or maybe they're just taking the scenic route and will come later..
  • #93
kcjodih said:
No worries and no need hun. It's the thought that counts and it's appreciated all the same :) You WOULD think they'd return it to you though for insufficient postage, they do here :mad:

They couldn't return it because it was a postcard, so didn't have my return address!! I'll see about getting another if I'm out shopping this week!
  • #94
I can send you one from WV & possible PA (if I can find 1). Just PM me your address.
  • #95
PM me your address and I'll send one from Albany, NY (which is NY's captial too) :)
  • #96
Well since it sounds like my state is well represented, maybe I can pick one up while I'm in Colorado Springs? Send me a PM.
  • #97
I can send one from Alaska if you would like. I will PM you. I have a lot of international friends, but none from Norway otherwise I would have them send you one. Mara
  • #98
Just wondering ... does it HAVE to be a postcard? Regular mail gets there faster. Maybe we can enclose a photo if we put it in an envelope. I am going to be visiting my cousins and their little girl, who was adopted from Guatemala ... so that might add a nice, international flavor!
  • #99
Pm me your address. I am from Louisiana.
  • #100
Email me your address and I'll get one from Phoenix, AZ. I can see Tucson and the utah/arizona border are covered :) My son would love to help out!!
[email protected]
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<h2>1. How can I participate in the "Send a Postcard from Your Town" project?</h2><p>To participate in the project, simply send a postcard from your town or city to the address provided by the organizer. You can also reach out to the organizer to inquire about participating and see if they are still accepting postcards.</p><h2>2. Can I send a postcard from a different country?</h2><p>As long as the postcard is sent to the specified address, you can send it from any country you wish. It's a great opportunity to share a piece of your culture with others!</p><h2>3. Do I need to include a note about myself in the postcard?</h2><p>Yes, the idea behind the project is for the recipients to learn about different places and people around the world. So, including a short note about yourself, your town, or your country is encouraged.</p><h2>4. Is there a deadline for sending the postcards?</h2><p>It's best to check with the organizer for a specific deadline, but typically the postcards should be sent within a month or two after the project is announced. This allows enough time for the postcards to be delivered and for the recipients to send their own postcards back.</p><h2>5. Can I help cover the cost of sending the postcard?</h2><p>Some organizers may accept donations to help cover the cost of sending the postcards, but it is not required. You can always reach out to the organizer to inquire about this option.</p>

Related to Send a Postcard from Your Town: Help Make My Daughter Smile!

1. How can I participate in the "Send a Postcard from Your Town" project?

To participate in the project, simply send a postcard from your town or city to the address provided by the organizer. You can also reach out to the organizer to inquire about participating and see if they are still accepting postcards.

2. Can I send a postcard from a different country?

As long as the postcard is sent to the specified address, you can send it from any country you wish. It's a great opportunity to share a piece of your culture with others!

3. Do I need to include a note about myself in the postcard?

Yes, the idea behind the project is for the recipients to learn about different places and people around the world. So, including a short note about yourself, your town, or your country is encouraged.

4. Is there a deadline for sending the postcards?

It's best to check with the organizer for a specific deadline, but typically the postcards should be sent within a month or two after the project is announced. This allows enough time for the postcards to be delivered and for the recipients to send their own postcards back.

5. Can I help cover the cost of sending the postcard?

Some organizers may accept donations to help cover the cost of sending the postcards, but it is not required. You can always reach out to the organizer to inquire about this option.

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