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Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

but this is my business. I am only here to learn and ask questions. I will start posting my successes and questions. Hi Tammy! Welcome aboard! I'm glad you're here! :)No action yet today, but will post later! :)
  • #1,301
Today I contacted a potential February host...she is still not ready to set a date.

Then I closed out my show from Friday ($396 commissionable).

Had a host move her show from Jan 29th to Feb 7th.

Did a little bit of host coaching...not counting that towards my 3 contacts though.
  • #1,302
Thanks for all the congrats!

I had all good intentions to start January off strong, and really work my business, but all of my energy is being consumed by the baby. My energy level is soooooooo low. Which bites, because I want to earn the Disney trip (and I NEED the income!)

~I did get a return call from the head person at the local VFW. I had left a message last week about contacting the Ladies Auxillary about fundraising. He told me he would pass my number along to the Ladies chairperson, and he also invited me to their dinner/meeting on Wednesday, so that I could actually meet her face to face.

~I did get a contact at Walmart yesterday. The clerk noticed my bag and asked me for a catalog, so I got her info. I will follow up with her on Tuesday.

~Other than that, I have been trying to host coach for my January shows (7-8 of them). I am trying to prevent one from cancelling. She e-mailed me on Friday, and wanted to cancel due to her financial situation, so I called her and offered to provide the ingredients, and reminded her about her chance to earn FREE products, with no shipping or tax. She is going to talk to her friends to see if there is enough interest.

I am hoping to get on the phone tomorrow and get some more bookings.
  • #1,303
Bren706 said:
Thanks for all the congrats!

I had all good intentions to start January off strong, and really work my business, but all of my energy is being consumed by the baby. My energy level is soooooooo low. Which bites, because I want to earn the Disney trip (and I NEED the income!)

Brenda - do NOT give up hope already for Disney. My first year I earned a trip and I didn't even START until Mid-February. That first month I had my best sales of the entire year and submitted more shows than any other month. Most other months I averaged about 6 shows.
I am willing to bet you will meet all of your goals including promoting to Director! You are wonderful at working your business. I am sure that you will make a VERY successful plan for your business!:chef:
  • #1,304
got the contacts made and some host coaching.
  • #1,305
Only contact I had today was my host postponing her show on the 15th. We will do the 29th instead.

Tomorrow I will close out a show before leaving to leadership on Wednesday.
  • #1,306
Two contacts yesterday and a cluster meeting. Back on the phone tonight.
  • #1,307
it was really hard to get the contacts tonight. All CCC's, but those count!!

Oh, and I did get 2 Fundraisers. I've done these before (for these 2 groups) and neither was successful - so I'm off to read up on some tips to get the best info on coaching these.............

And where is BECKY?!?!?!
  • #1,308
Today I got a booking for February 26th, a booking for February (date to be decided) and then an order for a juicer.

Now I must pack for Leadership.
  • #1,309
I had two contacts yesterday while I was out and about. Collected one order. I intended to make evening calls. The Furry Guy made the decision to take the night off from work because the roads were way too nasty from the freezing rain. I made a pot of vegetable soup. We were talking and reading. The next thing I knew it was 9:30! No calls. That man is a huge distraction. LOL! Back on track this evening.
  • #1,310
Tell me about it! My husband works on the road and when he was home over Christmas I got nothing done. He flew back to North Dakota on the first so I got back to being on the phone.
Two CC yesterday and booked a show in Feb - Yeah!!!!
  • #1,311
I managed to get in 3 contacts yesterday.

~Got an order for a medium and a large sheet pan, that I will add to next week's show.
~A couple of folks told me to call back in a day or two (caught them in the middle of something)
~A potential host asked that I call back next week. She wants to check with her niece about hosting a show.
~Another potential host asked that I call back in March. She is out of work right now, and has been ill. (Offered the opportunity, but she did not want to sell stuff!)

I would have liked to get more calls in, but was disrupted when my 5 yr old DS decided to pounce on his 3 yr old sister by letting himself fall from the arm of the couch onto her, and of course hit her.
  • #1,312
Thanks for the encouragement Amy. I think now that school is back in session, and a routine is back, it may get better.

I was wondering about Becky too! Becky...................
  • #1,313
Managed to get 3 contacts in today, but did not get the phone time I wanted this evening due to the noise level in the house.

~Met with the chairperson of the local VFW Ladies Auxillary about fundraising. This was her first time hearing of PC. She is going to present the information at her meeting. There are only 11 members in the Auxillary, so I am not expecting much out of it.

~Gave a mini catty to a woman while waiting for chinese takeout.

~Booked a March show.
  • #1,314
Made calls--4 contacts. No visible results.
  • #1,315
well, today I need to make some calls. I HAVE to do this 3-2-1. I need the income or else I may have to find work outside the home. I was freaking out about it for a while, but then thought, why would I not just bump up my PC business and get serious!

I haven't made contacts since 12/30, but i have been working my business hard with good host coaching etc. I watched the videos on CC and read an email with some phone call scripts. So, wish me luck today ladies! I will check back in tomorrow.

Thanks for the support!
  • #1,316
PCMelissa said:
well, today I need to make some calls. I HAVE to do this 3-2-1. I need the income or else I may have to find work outside the home. I was freaking out about it for a while, but then thought, why would I not just bump up my PC business and get serious!

Thanks for the support!

Melissa, I am right there with you. I was giving it through January to see if I could get jump started again with January, and then look for work. It was going to be hard for me to find care for my 2 children. Now that I am 12 weeks pregnant, I just can't see myself going in to the work force at this point in time. I too need to get serious about my PC business and bump it up!!
  • #1,317
I'm jumping in! Yesterday:

* Touched base with a potential recruit that will be observing one of my shows late Jan. - He still wants to observe my show before we meet to answer his questions - He watched the video and said it sounded really great but that "they always made things sound great in videos" haha I hope by watching my show that he sees how fun it really is

* OOB call to my cousin

* OO confirmation for upcoming show - we had a very nice chat. I am really focusing on building a relationship with my customers so they don't treat me like a salesperson (I know we sell but I hate feeling like a sales person because that is NOT why I do PC)

* Raffle winner from '08 Holiday Bazaar called me to redeem his gift cert. - He asked since it is "only" $50, if I want more I can just pay the rest right? Hah! Fabulous :) He is new in town and is happy to find a consultant. I am mailing him a catalog today and then seeing if he wants to host a show. Cooking shows really are great ways to meet your neighbors.

* Tried to perform a host coaching call but I called when she was just walking out the door. Strange since she chose that exact time for me to call...glad I rushed through dinner with my husband :( Oh well, we are talking tonight.
  • #1,318
Made calls last night. Seven contacts, including someone who expressed interest in my website for future orders.
  • #1,319
Got a home office lead while I was in Denver at Leadership. I will be calling her today to see if she wants to get started or needs more information!
  • #1,320
Christ Follower said:
Got a home office lead while I was in Denver at Leadership. I will be calling her today to see if she wants to get started or needs more information!

Wooo-Hooo Ellen!! I was soooo hoping to come home to one of those!

BTW, I was cheering for you! And for some reason, I had you as a blonde!!
  • #1,321
made the 3 contacts. Have 2 recruiting appointments on Wednesday.
no shows booked, but I may be securing a 3 day event for late February. I'm at a point that if I can't get cooking shows on the days I want/need I will find a way to be working and making more contacts! I AM GOING TO DISNEY!!
  • Thread starter
  • #1,322
Here I am.

I've been really BAD about contacts....just haven't had the umph to get them done. I've had several January shows cancel/postpone, and I haven't even cared. That sounds really bad doesn't it?

BUT just when I was really not caring - here is what has happened:

Saturday (after my show canceled because of ANOTHER snowstorm!) I got a letter - yes a full page letter - in the mail from a lady who was referred by her cousin (a past host) who said "I was a really fun consultant, and made the party really special". She had a list of questions for me about products she owns, and wants to know the host specials for the next 2 months to decide when to have a show.
I've called her, and she has called me back - but we haven't connected yet.

Sunday, my DH came home from church and told me that the Bass player (in our church band) wants to have a Guys Only show.
Called him this evening, and booked a show for March 14!

Host for tomorrow called me today to tell me that she has 25 people coming so far, and has 2 bookings for me. She gave me those names, and I called and got dates (both for Feb) from them.

A recruit lead who I had relegated to lukewarm at best after repeated contacts w/ nothing to show for it emailed me today to let me know that she is still interested!
So - I called and chatted with her - she isn't ready to sign right now (MIL has lung cancer, and she is helping with her care) but she wants to make sure I keep her up to date on recruiting incentives!

So, although I have been a slacker, people are still interested, so I guess I better get my rear in gear, and keep up with these people!
Today, I booked 3 shows, and renewed contact with a recruit lead.

Tomorrow, I am determined to wade through the stack of "call me after the holidays to schedule a show" leads.

I love the new leadership structure, and I love the new products....but I'm still not feeling really excited. Why?

I haven't had a cooking show in a month, so I'm hoping this big show tomorrow night will reignite some of the excitement.
  • #1,323
Becky, thank you for your honesty. You have a GREAT business, and it's awesome that you are sharing that even you have blah moments!

But look what happened from being so consistent for many months......people are calling you!

I'm so happy you are back on this thread! You motivate me!
  • #1,324
I also wanted to add that I attempted a few more calls tonight and have a recruit lead attending my meeting tomorrow.

So between my meeting and new consultant training tomorrow I probably will not get in any calls, but I am DETERMINED to make my contacts while I am out and about running errands in the morning!
  • #1,325
Confession time. I made no contacts yesterday. I spent the day taking down and cataloging our Christmas decorations. I got so busy I forgot to eat, which isn't good for a diabetic. It threw my whole body out of whack. (I'm usually really careful about my eating.) I wound up falling asleep about 6:30, then waking about 10:15. No calls.
  • #1,326
had my meeting tonight. 1 recruit showed up, very excited, took info home to do her "homework". host coaching via email.
back on the phone tomorrow!
  • #1,327
My home office lead signed up last night! Also brought another lead to the meeting last night and she is looking to sign up on February 1st.

Got a booking for February 10th

My January 22nd show CANCELLEd

Did a couple team coaching and host coaching calls too.
  • #1,328
Christ Follower said:
My home office lead signed up last night! Also brought another lead to the meeting last night and she is looking to sign up on February 1st.

Got a booking for February 10th

My January 22nd show CANCELLEd

Did a couple team coaching and host coaching calls too.

so Ellen, is this the famous 2fer or a new recruit for you? Either way, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are on fire! It is so inspiring!:thumbup:
  • #1,329
amy07 said:
Becky, thank you for your honesty. You have a GREAT business, and it's awesome that you are sharing that even you have blah moments!

But look what happened from being so consistent for many months......people are calling you!

I'm so happy you are back on this thread! You motivate me!

Ditto! :):):)
  • #1,330
I managed to get a couple of calls in last night. Nothing significant. I spent part of the afternoon emptying out most of my office space that was in our spare bedroom. My BIL arrived on Friday, and is staying with us for a little while, so I set up a little office area in our bedroom for now.
  • #1,331
Three contacts yesterday. No visible results, but that's okay.
  • #1,332
amy07 said:
so Ellen, is this the famous 2fer or a new recruit for you? Either way, CONGRATULATIONS!!! You are on fire! It is so inspiring!:thumbup:

LOL! No...not a 2fer. Just luck (Living Under Christ's Kindness)!

One was a home office lead and the other is a past host that used to do PC years ago.
  • #1,333
had a recruit interview - she'll sign mid-feb. :thumbup:
1 catalog show booked for January:thumbup:
1 cooking show for Feb booked :thumbup:
1 recruit interview was a no-show:thumbdown:
  • Thread starter
  • #1,334
So, last night was my first show for 2009. I really needed for it to be a good one.

There were 21 in attendance. 3-4 took their order forms/catalogs with them and said they wanted more time. I saw 2 of those order forms though, and they were both already well filled out!

Sales are at $860 - with several more orders to come. I am confident that the show will be at least $1000! I'm almost positive it will be more.

4 bookings! 2 Cooking Shows, 1 Bridal Shower, and 1 Catalog Show.

The nice thing about the catalog show is that I know it will happen when she says it will happen. She is the past host that this show was booked from, and she ALWAYS has a November Show, and a March Catalog Show. But this time she is doing it for April, because she and the host LOVE Bamboo - so she decided to do April so they can both take advantage of the 60% off.

I was so nervous going into this show - but God calmed my nerves and gave me a peace about the whole thing, and it turned out to be a ton of fun! Made me remember why I love my job!
  • #1,335
awesome Becky! And what a way to get back into the swing of things! I have 2 shows on Saturday and I am nervous since I haven't done a show since mid-december! I hope mine are that good......one has about 60+ invites out, the other has 10-12 confirmed!
  • #1,336
Way to go Amy and Becky!!!

Today I got a February booking! (5 down....3-5 to go!)
  • #1,337
:) I got in a LOT of calls tonight. 1 possible booking - Mid Feb or beginning of March. Great CCC's. Some host coaching too. And team calls! I feel VERY productive tonight!
  • #1,338
Way to go Amy and Becky!

I had a show last night. Approximately 10-12 guests in attendance. She had about $160 in outside orders. Sales are currently at $277. I knew ahead of time that many of the hosts coworkers won't get paid til next week, so we will hold out on closing until then. No bookings.:thumbup::thumbup: One potential recruit lead. I didn't get the chance to speak with her, but during the ticket game she had some questions. She currently sells Tupperware, but really hasn't had a lot of shows, and she doesn't like speaking in fronot of people. She didn't place an order, and did not write her number on her DPDS, but the host said she would get her number for me.

Other than that, I have been slacking on my calls again. Seems like I have been running all over town during the day, and then I am exhausted coming evening time. My DH will be home at 7:15, and I plan on making calls then. I am also participating in a booking blitz on Sunday!
  • #1,339
Made my calls. Got my contacts. No visible results, but that's fine. I'm just getting back into the swing of things.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,340
Made a bunch of calls today - nothing much from them....left a TON of messages.

Talked to the receptionist at the Dentist's office - the office women all placed a big order together in Dec....and I was back in there today for DS's checkup. She said they would love to have a new catalog when it comes out.

Talked to a guest from Tuesday's show. She had actually circled less than zero for interest in having a show, but today when I spoke with her, she had decided she would like to do a Catalog Show for February!:thumbup: I got her packet mailed out to her after lunch.

Have a few more calls I need to make tonight.
  • #1,341
Ugh! Could hardly pull myself out of the bed all afternoon, and then it lasted into the evening! I am feeling so tired today, between being preggo, and doing a lot of extra running around for my BIL. I need to get myself together tomorrow and make a ton of calls!

I did get a call from my hostess from last week. She made it to $699.97 (yes, I will make it $700). She is going to get her wish list together, and we will close her show out tomorrow. Still trying to contact a MIA host for next Sunday :(.
  • #1,342
gave the clerk at Lowe's a recipe card. talked with a recruit lead - she's coming to my show next weekend - couldn't make tomorrows. She's already trying to line up her hosts, so I'm VERY hopeful this one will follow thru.....
also did a product adjustment for an HO online order that didn't give her info with her initial order. She emailed because the BB lid was cracked. Now I have her info, and she wants me to send her a full-size catalog because she "loves PC".
  • #1,343
Had my show tonight. No bookings and sales are at $300. There were supposed to be 8-15 people there and 5 showed up.

I have a show tomorrow (today...lol) and then one Sunday. Hope they are better than todays!
  • #1,344
Closed out a show with last weeks host, and she gave me 2 names of people interested in having shows (in addition to 2 that mentioned interest at the show). I booked a show for March, and need to call another back next week, about a February or March show.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,345
My host from Tuesday called tonight with another booking for her show - probably for March...that makes 6 bookings from her show!:thumbup:
  • #1,346
Becky you are so awesome! :) Had to throw that in there. I need to let you kick my bottom into gear.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,347
JAE said:
Becky you are so awesome! :) Had to throw that in there. I need to let you kick my bottom into gear.

Whooo Hoooo! We get to have lunch next Saturday! I am soooo looking forward to getting to hang out with you!
  • #1,348
had back to back shows today. both had good attendance, but cruddy sales. :( BUT, I did get bookings, one from each for 1st week of February! Woo-hoooo, cause I had nothing until the end of February. AND, I'm really excited because I also got a fundraiser for an area that I have been desperately trying to get bookings. I have to pitch it at the end of the month to get the final approval, but we set the date for March!

I hate that my sales are so low during double points month, but thankful that the bookings will keep my business moving......
  • #1,349
Had a show today. Only 4 showed (out of the 15 that were supposed to be there).

Sales are at $284 commissionable. One February Catalog show booking.

I came home to an email from one of my February hosts wanting to cancel. They are dropping like flies! I went from 6 to 3 shows within a couple of days! (insert whine)
  • #1,350
ChefBeckyD said:
My host from Tuesday called tonight with another booking for her show - probably for March...that makes 6 bookings from her show!:thumbup:

You have to offer her the business. I had 6 bookings from my show when I was a host. That was the start to my business.
<h2>What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?</h2><p>The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.</p><h2>What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.</p><h2>What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?</h2><p>This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.</p><h2>What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.</p><h2>How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?</h2><p>To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.</p>

Related to Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?

The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?

The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.

What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?

This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.

What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?

Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.

How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?

To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.

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