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Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

but this is my business. I am only here to learn and ask questions. I will start posting my successes and questions. Hi Tammy! Welcome aboard! I'm glad you're here! :)No action yet today, but will post later! :)
  • #1,251
spoke with a recruit lead yesterday - she approached. Our kids go to school together. I cannot figure her out to save my life - she jumps off & on the fence so quickly... Now she wants to observe a show. great I know, but right now, I'm just like sign already!!!

Also did host coaching for my shows tonight & tomorrow.

so far today I have closed a show - just over $300. So I'm joining the club of low show sales. Oh, wait. I've been having that. So I guess you guys are now joining me?
  • #1,252
My show average has been shot down as well. I did a show last night $172, 1 booking for January, a host for our pc bingo in January. Oh my mom called w/ a $70 order yesterday.Sometimes I get busy & forget to write down my contacts.
  • #1,253
Closed out a show yesterday for just over $1000! Called 2 people today and they both booked February shows - excited about that. I have a show tonight - she's expecting around 13 - will close that out tomorrow. Closing out a catalog show tomorrow as well - then I will be done for the month - really hopeful that I will hit $1500 or more and get those PC dollars!
  • #1,254
show last night was $566 and we closed. :D:D 1 possible booking, and 1 so-so recruit lead and the host is possibly interested - but not now, later.
Have a show this afternoon, and unless a show falls from the heavens into my lap I do believe I am done until the first weekend in January......
  • #1,255
Today has been all about closing out shows. I still have a few more to go.

I signed my sister up for PC today too. She is only going to do 4 catalog shows (HOPEFULLY by the end of the month) to get me closer to my trip.

I got 2 outlet orders today as well. I was hoping to have all my shows closed out by today but now a couple may not go in till Monday. Sigh...
  • #1,256
todays show is over $500 - we will close by Monday - she's trying to get to $600. 1 Feb booking, and a few "call me after Christmas" potential bookings

trying desperately to get in touch with my MIA hosts. I saw one today at a school function. I know her daughter has been very ill, but she was there today and promised to call........of course no call. I had added almost $100 in orders to her show, so I just called and left a VM that unless she calls me by 9pm tonight I will have to remove those orders so that these people can get their products before Christmas......
The others? Got run over by reindeer I guess.....;)
  • #1,257
Hi guys! I managed to pull together work orders for a $200 show. ($185 comm.)
I'm $155 away from $15K in career sales (finally). However, nothing on the books for December. I have $250 in sales for the month, but would like a second show to get my free product and my $15K in sales. I've exhausted the work contacts for the month, already e-mailed my customer list...I need to get creative after Christmas and keep my eyes open!!!!Starting tomorrow a.m. we have NON-STOP activities until Friday evening so no PC in there. I'll be lucky if I get enough sleep.
  • #1,258
Christ Follower said:
Today has been all about closing out shows. I still have a few more to go.

I signed my sister up for PC today too. She is only going to do 4 catalog shows (HOPEFULLY by the end of the month) to get me closer to my trip.

I got 2 outlet orders today as well. I was hoping to have all my shows closed out by today but now a couple may not go in till Monday. Sigh...

That's great Ellen! And if nothing else, it'll get you that much closer to Disney!:D
  • #1,259
amy07 said:
The others? Got run over by reindeer I guess.....;)

Is that what happened LOL??

Ellen, I am keeping my fingers crossed you earn your trip, you are right there. GL

I did a craft fair today & no sales. A lady interested in a wedding registry for her God daughter, a possible booking, & I froze my hiny off. Hopefully tomorrow will go even better (pay for my gas for both days).
  • #1,260
Had a show last night - just $513 in sales and with the host's order - currently at $656 in commissionable sales plus she's waiting for one more order tomorrow morning. Met with a catalog host - currently has $354 in orders and waiting for one more tonight - will close later this evening. Talked to a friend's future daughter-in-law at my niece's b-day party today - she's getting married in May 2009- may do the registry and possibly host a show in February as well. Really wants some good cookware. All in all - a good day and will end December with over $2000 in sales and lots of PC dollars and commission coming my way! Which is good since I don't have any shows in January until the 23rd (as of right now). Also, booked a show for April 19th today and from my show last night - got 3 bookings (not on calendar yet) - one will probably be February and the others in March or April.
  • #1,261
Just closed out my catalog show - ended up at $507! I love making easy money:) Now I need to go to bed - can't wait for my commission and PC $$!
  • #1,262
attempted to contact some MIA hosts. nothing good came of it.
  • #1,263
Got 2 orders emailed to me today after sending out another plea for help email. LOL!

Also tried desperately to close 2 open shows that I have from the beginning of the month...didn't happen! They MUST go in tomorrow!
  • #1,264
Well I've not had the time to really make contacts but have been able in the past week to bump up my January a bit. I had already added the catalog show. On thursday I went to a friends holiday party and one of the other guests spotted my pampered chef bag and wanted to see a book. She had originally placed a $163 order (before tax & shipping) I was going to put it in as a December show along with a few small orders I'd gotten from my 12 days of Christmas sale. Unfortunately for December, I lost that order. But she decided to do a catalog show in January instead. I told her about host benefits and was atamant if she had a show no one would show up but she had no qualms about passing out catalogs. Also I'd called a customer from a November Catalog show that wanted to order some more things. When I spoke to her she didn't need it for Christmas and wanted me to mail a book. I discussed hostess benefits and she may consider hosting, so with the book I sent the host benefits flyer and January host special flyer. So I do have more potential bookings for January. I'm also doing a post Holiday Open House with an Avon Rep and possible handmade jewelry/ lia sophia rep. I'm going to make more calls tonight as well and will post results. Thursday I'm wrapping up my christmas shopping with a friend and may try the trick I read here somewhere. Carry a pampered shef shopping bag in hopes people ask where the PC store is?! It obviously won't help if they need it in time for xmas but it couldn't hurt with contacts!!:)
  • #1,265
I just submitted my last show for the month - had 2 cooking and one catalog and ended with $2206 in sales! I'm psyched for the great commission check and PC $ and free spring product:) Now I have no shows until January 23rd - need to get some in before then!
  • #1,266
closed 2 shows yesterday.
  • #1,267
Got a call early this morning from a guy that wanted to order his wife a Christmas present. Told him the cut off date was yesterday but he still wants it so I got a $50 order. Now if only I had a show to add it onto...

Looks like he will pay more for shipping unless I get a miracle by the end of the day.
  • #1,268
Closed a show last night--my last for the year.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,269
Just closed a show that has been hanging out there since Dec 4th - for a big whopping $200 - and that's with me attaching 2 last minute orders to it.

Also had 3 orders on my website yesterday for about $80 total. It's not on my IPT - but it's showing on my shipping page. :)

I'm done for the year now.

I made the $1500, but it wasn't easy. December was a rough month sales wise. I did about $1800 in sales - but that was 6 shows, and $150 in online orders.
  • #1,270
no contacts yesterday. And I do not anticipate any for today either. Need to get my house cleaned and organized for company this weekend.
  • Thread starter
  • #1,271
amy07 said:
no contacts yesterday. And I do not anticipate any for today either. Need to get my house cleaned and organized for company this weekend.

ME TOO! Although, I did have a past host call me yesterday and book a Bridal Shower for March!:thumbup:

I have a Christmas Party w/ my son's class this morning - so there is the possibility for contacts there (I'll be wearing my pink PC sweater!:D) but other than that, the only other thing I'll be doing is mailing out letters to January Hosts!
  • #1,272
but Becky, this means that I MUST get the "office" cleaned as we will be using ALL of our house. no pressure there. Good thing it is chilly today - I'll be firing up the stove!
  • #1,273
I'm so happy!! i just got off the phone with one of my team members and she is reactivating this month!!
  • Thread starter
  • #1,274
amy07 said:
but Becky, this means that I MUST get the "office" cleaned as we will be using ALL of our house. no pressure there. Good thing it is chilly today - I'll be firing up the stove!

Yuck Yuck Yuck! I have to do this too - how am I going to get it done???

I don't need the stove - I need a bonfire!:eek:
  • #1,274
spoke to a recruit lead today - see her every Thursday at ballet. She's still on the fence.
Had a past host call me with an order. She mentioned that she is thinking about hosting in March and for me to follow up after the first of the year.
  • #1,275
spoke with a recruit lead again today - still on the fence.
Connected with a MIA catty host - she will call tomorrow with her orders. yeah, I'm holding my breath on that one!
Had a past host call me with an small order BUT she did ask me to call her after the first of the year to get a date for March. I can do that!
  • #1,276
So excited that I have officially earned MIAMI!!!
  • #1,277
As for my contacts today...

Got an order for a knife block and honing tool. I will be adding it to a couple of other orders I received to submit a $200 show. I am so happy...I will actually be getting a paycheck in January now! LOL! It may only be $50 but it's something!
  • #1,278
Christ Follower said:
So excited that I have officially earned MIAMI!!!

CONGRATULATIONS ELLEN!!!!:thumbup::thumbup:
  • #1,279
I've had a few random contacts. Most just CCC's.
Kids are home - I'm exhausted.
And have TONS of wrapping to do.

Had 22 people at my home this weekend. No family fights. Yay!!!!
And my house is almost back to normal. Well, as normal as can be with a 7' tree in the living room!

Have a Merry Christmas to all of you 3-2-1ers. I'll be checking in periodically until after the holidays! Maybe, just maybe I'll get those last few catalog shows submitted. It'd be nice to have a check come January!
  • #1,280
Congratulations Ellen!!!

I haven't been very productive at all over the last 7-10 days. I have been quite fatiqued, and had a couple days here and there of being ill, and haven't done much around the house, let alone with my business.

I am hoping to use a couple of days after Christmas to get reorganized, and make some calls on Monday.

Merry Christmas to all of you!
  • #1,281
Thanks for your congrats ladies!

As for my contacts lately they have been zero. I did get a home office lead order for $37 yesterday so that was nice.

I will resume contacts on the 26th or 27th.

Merry Christmas everyone!
  • #1,282
I'm a bad, bad, bad Consultant. I just realized that I have not been in good contact with myJanuary hosts, and I have 2 shows for next Saturday (2nd) that I am not even sure if the shows are still on. Guess I better get cracking and get back in "work" mode!
  • #1,283
so yesterday, I had one host postpone til later in the month. And another who gave her date to her friend, and is rescheduling for later in the month as well. So, I'm happy not to lose any shows, and to actually gain another!:D

Just sent my Jan newsletter, so hopefuly something will come of that too! I'm finding it VERY hard to get back to work mode -especially with the kiddos home - VERY distracting!:rolleyes:

And I am NOT even ready mentally for Leadership next week, although I am looking forward to getting away by myself!!:thumbup:
  • #1,284
I have not been posting here much (mostly because I was "off" work...lol) but my aunt called me up with a $200 catalog show that I submitted yesterday! WOO HOO! That means I WILL get my director overrides for December!!!

Then...my past host that is now in England (she's in the military), OFFICIALLY SIGNED! What a great way to start off 2009!

I have a show on Friday and a show on Saturday!
  • #1,285
I'm back in the swing of things. I had four contacts yesterday and another three today. Those resulted in two orders. :)I also did a bit of host coaching for my next show.
  • #1,286
so today I had a request for a catalog - possible catalog show

spoke to one of my Consultant's recruit leads - helped her with her online agreement

received an awesome compliment from a past guest - she sent me an email in response to the recipe from my demo. Made my day!

happy new year to all the 3-2-1ers!! May 2009 bless us with sales/recruits so that we can all get to Disney in 2010!!
  • #1,287
I have not done a thing since the 15th. (Well, I am in the process of entering a couple of orders for one of my team members who is having a problem with her computer). I have been VERY fatigued, and have been laying in bed or on the couch not doing a darn thing. I took a test on the 20th, and found out I am PREGNANT!!!!!! A welcome surprise! Baby #3 will arrive in August!

I did spend a couple of hours when I somehow got some ambition to clean out my "office" area a little. I am hoping to make some call this evening, as well as work on sending out my newsletter.

I did have one of my January hosts call me to postpone until March.
  • #1,288
Sometimes, I think I'd like to have another "surprise", but then I come back to reality and remember that I closed the factory after the twins!;)
  • #1,289
Thanks Amy! I just had my first appointment on Wednesday, and already mentioned to the doctor about closing the factory after this one.:D:D I thought I was done after two (especially now that the 3 yr old is in preschool, and I had some free time), but I guess there were other plans.:D
  • #1,290
Congratulations, Brenda!I had three contacts today while I was out with The Furry Guy. I'll be making a couple of host calls this evening.
  • #1,292
Okay...so I had a show tonight for my contacts.

Sales are just around $270, BUT:

Got a booking for January 29th. February 12th AND another lady might do February as well!

(This was great news since I had ZERO on my calander for Feb!)

I also had a couple "maybes" on the business.
  • #1,293
Wow! No one on here all day huh?

So I had another show today. Had to have been nearly 20 people there.


Sales are just under $700.
  • #1,294
Congrats Brenda :)
Good for you Ellen!!
Sucks there were no leads. Wait a bit and follow- up, you never know.
  • #1,295
Hi all, I go in & out of being MIA. I have had a few rough weeks, barely making it to leadership. I did sign 2 recruits last week. I wanted to come on & say congrats to Brenda, that's always a good reason to be tired.
  • #1,296
I had three contacts today. I don't do calls, but I had an opportunity to talk to three people: 1) A woman at church asked a question about how my business is going.2) At a goodbye lunch for our kids, the mom of my son's friend talked about how much she loves PC. We talked for several minutes about the great products and my business.3) I saw a friend from Jr. High at Sam's Club. We said that we need to get together. I gave her my card. She said, "Ooh! Pampered Chef! We love that. I haven't been to a party in a long time." I told her to be sure to email or call and I'd get her on my newsletter list so she could know all about the specials.
  • #1,297
had a recruit lead contact me today - she's still interested, just a $$ issue right now since her DH has just been laid off - we'll talk more tomorrow.
  • #1,298
Hello there ladies! I am wondering how this thread works. I have stayed away from it because it is so huge! It scared me. ;)

I would like to join to have someone keeping me motivated to make the 3-2-1 contacts. So can you share the protocol if you will? Do you just check in daily/nightly on your contacts for the day?
  • #1,299
We aren't big on protocol around here. Basically we just check in and tell whether or not we made our contacts. Be honest. Offer excuses if you like when you don't get those contacts made.I generally stop by CS early mornings and mid-afternoons, so I'm often giving my contacts from the day before. Best wishes!
  • #1,300
Just had a call from my February host. She wanted to firm up her date. She said she knew I got busy and she wanted to make sure she had her first choice. :)
<h2>What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?</h2><p>The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.</p><h2>What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.</p><h2>What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?</h2><p>This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.</p><h2>What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?</h2><p>Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.</p><h2>How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?</h2><p>To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.</p>

Related to Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009?

What is the concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009"?

The concept behind "Ready to achieve 3-2-1 success in 2008/2009" is to set and achieve realistic goals in three different areas: physical, nutritional, and mental. This approach encourages a well-rounded and balanced lifestyle.

What are the benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program?

The benefits of participating in the 3-2-1 program include increased accountability, motivation, and support. By setting and sharing your goals with others, you are more likely to follow through and achieve them. Additionally, you will have a community of like-minded individuals to provide encouragement and support.

What is the difference between this year's 3-2-1 program and last year's?

This year's 3-2-1 program is an all-new thread, meaning it is a fresh start for everyone. It is a great opportunity for those who may have fallen off track last year to recommit and for new members to join in. Additionally, this year's program will have a renewed focus on accountability and holding each other to our goals.

What types of goals can be set for the 3-2-1 program?

Goals for the 3-2-1 program can be related to physical health, such as exercising a certain number of times per week or improving overall fitness. They can also be related to nutrition, such as incorporating more fruits and vegetables into your diet or reducing sugar intake. Mental health goals can include practicing self-care, reducing stress, or learning a new skill.

How can I join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread?

To join the 3-2-1 program and participate in the accountability thread, simply start by setting your goals and sharing them with the community. You can then check in regularly, share your progress, and provide support and encouragement to others. It is also helpful to set specific check-in days and times to hold yourself accountable and stay on track.

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