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Postcard Alert: Upcoming Shows and Trends to Keep You on Track

In summary, the conversation is about receiving a postcard from Home Office congratulating the participants for submitting two June shows and how it may be an attempt to soften the blow of the overall failure of the cluster challenge. Some participants feel that the postcard is not enough and want to be rewarded with the new product they worked hard for. Others feel that it is still a nice gesture to receive recognition for their efforts. There is also discussion about sending an email to HO Field Services to express dissatisfaction with the challenge.
Amy In Ohio
I just got another postcard about the 2 june shows that I submitted... hmmm... I wonder if this postcard thing is a trend to keep us on track?? I don't ever remember getting postcards like this ('course it's been a little over a year for me):D
Did you get it from Home Office? Just curious...I'll have to check my mail box when I get home....

I still haven't gotten my KCN! Grrrrrrrr :mad:
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  • #3
Yes... signed (not personally) Jean Jonas and Jo Price.

It reads: "you shared The Pampered Chef Cooking Show experience with others... you laid the groundwork for a great fall selling season by holding two June Cooking Shows!"
I betI haven't gotten my yet, but I'm sure I will be. I'd be willing to bet they are attempting to soften the blow of the overall failure of the cluster challenge...

By stating that we're creating a great fall by submitting two June shows, I think they are trying to take our minds of it...

Just my two cents...
I received one...I figured it was supposed to make me feel better, because although I did 7 (!) shows in June - my cluster didn't make the June Challenge.....and it didn't make me feel any better - it was more like rubbing salt in an open wound:mad: I don't want an "Atta Girl" - I want the new product I worked so hard to get - but won't because I'm being punshed for the rest of the cluster not doing their 2 shows! (Sorry - I've kept pretty quiet on this subject - until I just got that postcard - grrrr!)
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  • #6
it worked on me... i know it sucks to work so hard and then nadda... we can't help that the rest of our cluster didn't do much. I'm just happy that they sent something. At my old 9-5 I NEVER EVER received anything remotely close to an "atta girl." So it is nice to get something.
Maybe they will let those of us that did our two shows have it anyway!!!
A girl can dream--can't she!!:D
Me Too!
ChefBeckyD said:
I figured it was supposed to make me feel better, because although I did 7 (!) shows in June - my cluster didn't make the June Challenge.....and it didn't make me feel any better - it was more like rubbing salt in an open wound:mad: I don't want an "Atta Girl" - I want the new product I worked so hard to get - but won't because I'm being punshed for the rest of the cluster not doing their 2 shows! (Sorry - I've kept pretty quiet on this subject - until I just got that postcard - grrrr!)

Me too! I'm still ticked about this challenge (if you can call it that!). I submitted 5 of the 20 shows that we needed for our cluster and we were still short by 6 shows! This post card didn't make me feel better, it just reminded me of what I'm not going to get! I don't mind missing out ot something when it's my fault, then I can just blame myself for not trying hard enough. But, to be rewarded - or in this case NOT REWARDED - because of how someone elses runs their business is simply not fair!

Okay, breathe deep and get over it. I still need to send my email to HO Field Services and complain to them about this challenge. If we don't tell them, they wo't know we didn't like this....however, I'm sure they've had a mailbox full of complaints by now. Still, I need to add mine to it.
pamperedlinda said:
Me too! I'm still ticked about this challenge (if you can call it that!). I submitted 5 of the 20 shows that we needed for our cluster and we were still short by 6 shows! This post card didn't make me feel better, it just reminded me of what I'm not going to get! I don't mind missing out ot something when it's my fault, then I can just blame myself for not trying hard enough. But, to be rewarded - or in this case NOT REWARDED - because of how someone elses runs their business is simply not fair!

Okay, breathe deep and get over it. I still need to send my email to HO Field Services and complain to them about this challenge. If we don't tell them, they wo't know we didn't like this....however, I'm sure they've had a mailbox full of complaints by now. Still, I need to add mine to it.
And tell them how the postcard made you feel.
  • #11
I don't think this was a fair challenge either. Why should we get punished for what someone else didn't do with their business. If we submitted at least two shows we should get be able to get it. Sorry for the vent but it really stinks!
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  • #12
Maybe they could have averaged each clusters shows each month.. and then divided it somehow like that... YOu're right in saying that it wasn't necissarily fair b/c some people are only a tiny bit active and aren't in it as a career... I'm sure that they will change it next time b/c not many got the free stuff.
  • #13
I should add...To be fair, we had enough shows.......if it had been just qualifying shows and not the $250......and some didn't realize it was $250 in GUEST sales - not commissionable sales (so the host's purchases didn't count) One girl had a show that was over $300, but only $247 guest sales.

Linda, I feel EXACTLY the way you do - and I had already sent an email to HO - now I'll send another one so they know that the postcard didn't impress me!

I guess the "Atta Girl" would have been nice, if I hadn't felt it was sent as just an appeasement. They've never sent one before when we've had a challenge - so I figure they must just be trying to soothe ruffled feathers over the dismal failure of the cluster challenge.
  • #14
ChefBeckyD said:
Linda, I feel EXACTLY the way you do - and I had already sent an email to HO - now I'll send another one so they know that the postcard didn't impress me!

I was waiting until I was 'less mad' to write my letter so I didn't come off as a total B~T~C....now, I'm PO'd all over again! I have my Cluster Meeting tonight so it will be interesting to see if any groups in my cluster made it (I don't think they did). I plan to send my letter tomorrow. Then it's off to conference for me on Wednesday!
  • #15
Idea for the futureI've been thinking about this.

If HO decides to do a cluster challenge again, I think they should do the following:

In order to get whatever product they offering, the CONSULTANT must do [fill in the blank].

In order for the DIRECTOR to get that same product (or maybe something of a little higher dollar value because they are Directors), their cluster would need to a minimum amount of shows. That way, for the Director, who has additional leadership responsibilities, they are the one's held accountable for cluster sales, not consultants who have no influence over clustermates' sales.

It would still be rough, but at least those that put in the effort would be rewarded.

What do y'all think?
  • #16
nikked said:
I've been thinking about this.

If HO decides to do a cluster challenge again, I think they should do the following:

In order to get whatever product they offering, the CONSULTANT must do [fill in the blank].

In order for the DIRECTOR to get that same product (or maybe something of a little higher dollar value because they are Directors), their cluster would need to a minimum amount of shows. That way, for the Director, who has additional leadership responsibilities, they are the one's held accountable for cluster sales, not consultants who have no influence over clustermates' sales.

It would still be rough, but at least those that put in the effort would be rewarded.

What do y'all think?
That sounds good! What I suggested to PC was that if they want to do this kind of thing again they should say average of 2 shows per consultant (which was what this one was) OR 4 show gets you the item.

DH said how about it the team makes it all those who did their part (two shows in this case) get it free but if the team doesn't make it then those that did their part get to buy it for like 75% off.

They need us on the committee! :p
  • #17
My thought was, All who turned in 2 or more shows receive Item X. If everybody in the cluster turns in 2 or more shows, they receive Item X plus Item Y. That way whoever did the work gets a gift and if the whole cluster works together, everyone gets an even bigger gift.
  • #18
I sure didn't care for the post card either. I guess the thought was there, but when I turned in 5 shows and our cluster didn't even get close, it rubbed me the wrong way. It is almost like they were try to remind us of the failure. I wonder how many clusters made the challenge?? I keep dreaming that the post card meant that since we submitted at least 2 shows, our free product will be coming. A girl can dream right?
  • #19
mminikus said:
I sure didn't care for the post card either. I guess the thought was there, but when I turned in 5 shows and our cluster didn't even get close, it rubbed me the wrong way. It is almost like they were try to remind us of the failure. I wonder how many clusters made the challenge?? I keep dreaming that the post card meant that since we submitted at least 2 shows, our free product will be coming. A girl can dream right?

My exact words....I sent them ANOTHER nasty email today, to let them know that the post card ticked me off AGAIN!! I said a stupid post card is like a slap in the face & if they do this challenge again, I will not go out of my way to do anything special!!:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  • #20
Well, first of all, I held 2 June shows, but one was barely over 150.00. But, it was 2 shows. I didn't get a postcard. I worked hard to hold those 2 shows. One was on June 24th and it was a disaster. I worked with that host for 6 weeks before her show and a week after only to end up with 130.00 is sales. I had to add an individual order to even make it a show. I normally try to hold 1 show each month because that is all I have time for. I realize that others work harder than I do to make PC their job. I don't feel it is fair to penalize others because I was $90.00 short of the 2 250.00 shows goal. However, my cluster did not get anywhere near their 44 show goal, so it didn't matter. Basically all active consultants had to turn in the 2 shows. Some consultants only do 1, some do 10. I know it was to encourage those of us who are hobby consultants to work a little harder, but perhaps it was a little unrealistic to assume every consultant could do 2 shows, especially when they couldn't be hold over shows. And, if 150.00 is a show why did they increase the show amount. What about "turn in $500 in sales or 2 shows" that way if you had a 450.00 show and a 150.00 show you earned the incentive...and sold more products. My show average is around 225.00. I realize that is a low average, but I live in a rural area and have to drive for an hour usually to get to a hosts house. And, everyone around here thinks WalMart is the only place to shop. They don't want to spend a lot of money on kitchen stuff. They would rather spend it going to a ballgame or something.

I wish HO had done the cluster challenge a little differently, but I am not going to complain because how many other businesses gives you so much free stuff? PC is so good to us. Even those of us who are hobby consultants get great incentive gifts. What other company would do that. I wish they had just given everyone who turned in their 2 shows the free product, but that was not the rules. Hopefully they will change it next time. But, if we complain too much they may not offer us the chance again.

Michelle, 5 shows is great. Just think how much your commission check will be. Don't get discouraged. Maybe your 5 shows will encourage someone in your cluster to take their business to the next level. Good luck to all of you and have a great time at conference. I wish I was going. My job doesn't let me have time off this month. There are too many reports due to close out our fiscal year.

  • #21
I got the postcard yesterday, and I didn't feel bad about it. I got 6 shows I may not have had without the challenge, and even though our cluster didn't make the challenge, I am not upset. The $70 gift was something I was not planning to receive and since I don't even know what it is, I am not missing anything.

What I did gain was the 6 shows, sales for the month of June, bookings for July and August and an increase to my business. I also attained Level 1 for the sell-a-thon, which I may not have done without the cluster challenge.

I do hope they change the rules a bit the next time they do the cluster challenge, but I don't want to see it go away. It was fun working with our cluster and I enjoyed hearing all the team involvement that came from it.
  • #22
Good point! The Commision check was great, but I just hated to see something I could have won, slip away. It really helps when you can earn the prodcuct, instead of having to use your commission to purchase it.
  • #23
I got a pc about the two June shows. It was kind of nice to have them realize who submitted two or more shows. I have never gotten anything like this aat my 8-5 job. Our cluster group didn't make it and it kind of ticked me off. I think those of us who submitted two or more shows should get a little something, besides a pc.
  • #24
Our cluster missed by 2 shows. Only about 1/3 of the cluster members had shows ... bummer. My June was the worst I have ever had in sales. Tried "Dollar Days" to no success. My last show was only $200 in guest sales (did a lot of HC to noavail) so I actually added to the show to get it to $250 in guest sales. Lost money on this one. Live and learn.:(
  • #25
I thought the postcard was greatIt is nice to be recognized for doing our part to earn the challenge, even if the entire cluster didn't. As a Director, I did not like 2 things about this challenge....

1. They took the number of active consultants as of May 1, even though the challenge started June 1. We had 3 consultants go inactive June 1. :eek: So we were already behind by 6 shows.:eek:

2. As a director, I am here to help my team to achieve THEIR goals. Some of my team are hobbiests...just 1 show everyother month. How can I cheer them on to do two shows when that is not THEIR goal? :confused: This challenge made me feel like I was being the boss to everyone. I am no one's boss but my own.

I did like that I stayed in contact with my team better throughout the month. And I am sure this was the reason for the challenge--TEAM building!:)

Just my 2 cents:D
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  • #26
I totally agree with you Marlene... I just think it's nice for them to send something. I am sure that there intention wasn't to slap in the face. PC is a GREAT company, I think we can all agree with that... so to say that they were being crappy about sending a post card is just not true. They treat us VERY VERY well and maybe they didn't think this one though, but the creators of these challenges are human too. They always listen to feedback and I am sure that they will either change the challenge next time or just not do it. I sure wouldn't be too sad that I did more than 2 shows - I'd be thrilled!! It was a nice gesture (sp) IMHO.

Related to Postcard Alert: Upcoming Shows and Trends to Keep You on Track

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"Another Postcard" is a versatile kitchen tool designed by Pampered Chef. It can be used to peel, pare, and core fruits and vegetables with ease. It also has a serrated edge for slicing and a pointed tip for removing seeds or creating decorative cuts.

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