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Octuplet Mom - This Is an Outrage!

badly). But this woman went and had SEVEN more children just for the heck of it, and the taxpayers are going to be stuck with the bill. This woman is out of her mind and needs help.
  • #201
http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,497104,00.htmlFrom the article:
The latest report comes from TMZ, which cited an unnamed source at Century 21 as saying Suleman has shown interest in buying a $1.24 million home in Whittier, Calif. The house has four bedrooms, two and a half bathrooms and a pool.I like the headline on Fark.com that linked to this story: Octomom now reportedly looking to buy a million-dollar home. Yeah, and submitter wants a pony.
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  • #202
I saw that this morning too. WTH is this woman thinking? TMZ also had a photo of her withdrawing $$ at the bank (a lot of 100's in her hand).

I saw part of the Dr. Phil show yesterday afternoon. He had a financial breakdown of what it will cost for just the first year - the dollar figures were astounding (diapers, formula, food, typical medical costs, clothing....) for all 14 of her kids and he brought 12 carseats and 2 booster seats on stage to show the logistics of transporting her family. Unbelievable! This woman has some huge hurdles to tackle.
  • #203
So how does she think only a 4 bedroom house is going to be big enough.... and at that cost..
  • #204
crissy11 said:
So how does she think only a 4 bedroom house is going to be big enough.... and at that cost..

I know with that amount of money you could build a huge house to accomodate all these children. She could make it in the shape of a shoe! (I know it's corny but I couldn't resist). :D
I wonder how much the house cost that family to make, the one with 16 kids? It sounded like an orphanage! Lots of washing machines, beds, space, etc... Does anyone have an article on that? Ann? Where are you?

Debbie :D
  • #205
I found it and it's amazing!!!! Click on the pictures and you'll see a slideshow! I have never seen anything like that. The house is beautiful, and has everything they could possibly need. Plus they didn't get government assistance to build, pay and maintain their home. What a blessing! You will not believe this house! WOW! I would love to have lots of kids but after this sixth child, I think we are done. Unless I can talk my hubby into having more! LOL We will probably need a bigger house by the end of next year. But we'll see.


Debbie :D
  • #206
i read on cnn this morning that an organization has offered to help the octomom take care of the babies. apparently this organization specializes in babies with health issues. so far, no answer from octomom.

i think she started out delusional and all this negative attention has made it worse.
  • #207
You have to remember that even w/ this housing market in the dump, California is one of the highest priced states. Not that I condone her going & buying a million dollar home (w/ no money, boy I wish someone would help me buy a house like that). Bay area 2 bedroom dumps are $250,000 & in some states you can buy a 4-6 bedroom house. The Duggars did it differently, they built a lot of the house themselves & took over 3 years to build.
  • Thread starter
  • #208
DebbieSAChef said:
I found it and it's amazing!!!! Click on the pictures and you'll see a slideshow! I have never seen anything like that. The house is beautiful, and has everything they could possibly need. Plus they didn't get government assistance to build, pay and maintain their home. What a blessing! You will not believe this house! WOW! I would love to have lots of kids but after this sixth child, I think we are done. Unless I can talk my hubby into having more! LOL We will probably need a bigger house by the end of next year. But we'll see.


Debbie :D

That is a cool house. However, two toilets side by side w/o a privacy partition is a little too much 'sharing' for me - even if it is family.
  • #209
DebbieSAChef said:
I found it and it's amazing!!!! Click on the pictures and you'll see a slideshow! I have never seen anything like that. The house is beautiful, and has everything they could possibly need. Plus they didn't get government assistance to build, pay and maintain their home. What a blessing! You will not believe this house! WOW! I would love to have lots of kids but after this sixth child, I think we are done. Unless I can talk my hubby into having more! LOL We will probably need a bigger house by the end of next year. But we'll see.


Debbie :D

That is Beautiful!!! WOW!!!
  • #210
pamperedlinda said:
That is a cool house. However, two toilets side by side w/o a privacy partition is a little too much 'sharing' for me - even if it is family.

One of them was the short little potty's they have for toddlers. My kids preschool had these in the bathrooms in the classrooms. It probably is just nice to have a small "real" potty when you have so many kids.
  • #211
and the Duggar's are Debt free. I saw them do an interview last night with Joy Behar (sp?) on one of the news shows. Joy was asking the Duggar's about their thoughts on this lady with the babies. Basically, Michelle said -"I had mine the old fashioned way, one at a time...so I can't imagine that many little ones at once." They were gracious of course.
  • #212
Funny how "one at a time" would be "old-fashioned". ;)
  • #213
I have to say I never took an interest in the Duggars (or Jon and Kate). I am glad you posted the website link. The home is beautiful and the children look well cared for, bright, and happy. I read a transcript of Joy Behar's interview and it seems to me that the Duggars are sensible, smart people who can give their children everything they need without depending on anyone or society.

  • #214
ABC News: Man Gave Sperm 3 Times, Believes He May Be Octuplets' DadMan Gave Sperm 3 Times, Believes He May Be Octuplets' Dad
Good Morning America to reveal identity of man who could be octuplets' father--
There's another illustration in that article of just how twisted the octomom is. She told this guy that she needed help conceiving because she had cancer. Who uses that as an excuse?
  • #215
Man, just when you thought it couldn't get any stranger.
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  • #216
WOW! Somehow this doesn't surprise me.

The last several articles I've read have all said that he doctor implanted 8 embryos - before they said 6 - anyone know which is correct?
  • #217
Who knows which one is correct. When watching dateline she kept saying it as 6 but who knows.
  • #218
I know that it was once said to be 6 with two being twins.
  • Thread starter
  • #219
Jennie4PC said:
Who knows which one is correct. When watching dateline she kept saying it as 6 but who knows.

well, she also said that she never used public assistance - I wouldn't trust anything that she says as truth.
  • Thread starter
  • #220
Today show is talking about her this morning and her dad will be on Oprah today too.
  • #221
Dr Phil has brought "Angels in Waiting" in to help her take care of the babies. They will provide 6 caregivers on 12 hour shifts (total of 24 a day) to help her take care of the babies. They will be all washing their hands in Lavender soap so everyone "smells the same". They will also be having her wear t-shirts to sleep in to be used to swaddle the babies with her "smell"! They have a Nursery Designer who is doing the whole nursery FREE; beds for all the other children are being given as well. There is a General Contractor overseeing everything FREE. A flooring company is redoing all the floors FREE! She has also made the statement that all 14 children have the same father...and she is not telling who it is and it is NOT the guy who claims it is him! I want to turn this off because I am so angry at her for just sitting there and smiling. She has said she can't believe it is happening this way... I have yet to hear her say THANK YOU however! This is THOUSANDS of dollars of FREE help and furntiure etc. That to me is the least she can say! Dr. Phil has established a foundation for their care! There is even a donation area in Philadelphia this weekend for diapers, etc.
  • #222
At least the kids will be taken care of and get a good start. I feel sorry for the kids with all this judgemental talk about them and their mother. When they are old enough to see all this and understand what everyone is saying, it will be heartbreaking for them. They are going to see how the whole world saw them as a mistake and didn't want them, hopefully it will not ruin them emotionally. Before we speak badly about them and their family, we should think of how how it will affect them in the future. All this talk is going to be bad for their self-esteem. How would you feel if you found out later that the world did not want you.??? They should know that they are a blessing, NOT a curse.
Sorry to sound so harsh, but this is about the kids, not about how wrong everyone thinks it is. It is done and it is not the kids fault, they deserve to have the opportunity to thrive. Who knows, these kids may grow up to do great things and be an asset to their community.
  • #223
I never said anything against the kids. I don't think anyone else has either. I think what is so wrong in this whole situation is that she is milking anyone and everyone for as much as she can get! I don't see where you get we are against the kids. The majority of us have a problem with this single mom who has been IVF for 14 children with no means of support! As they said on Dr Phil today, one person cannot take care of these children. It will take 64 feedings daily minimum for them! They are remodeling her home free of charge. How many other people with large families would have liked to have had this? I still say she should have thanked all these people who are giving everything to her for the kids instead of saying, "I am just surprised it is so much." Her first words (or the very least the last words) should have been, "I want to thank everyone for their generosity in helping me!"
  • #224
Well, it took Dr. Phil to intervene to get her to take the care--she turned it down last week because they were not going to allow her to make them part of a reality show, so she said no. Did you notice she wasn't even looking at them and LISTENING when they were talking about the babies being stressed about being handled? She kept turning around and looking at the screen behind her. And she never SHUTS UP!! She doesn't even let whoever's talking to her finish a question before she's cutting them off. I think she's just giving Dr. Phil and everyone "lip-service" (pun intended on that one--yuck!) and telling them what they want to hear so she can get more camera time. I can hardly watch her, but I can hardly turn it off--it's like a car wreck!
  • #225
I DID NOT say that you are against the kids. I am just just worried about all the negativity and how the kids might take it when they are older. I also think it is wrong that she did the IVF with no means to support them. Hopefully the kids will not be punished in the future for what their mom did.
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  • #226
Kristen, you bring up a good point, and sadly it is all 14 children who are bearing the burden of their mother's insanity, especially the ones who were born with developmental disabilities. Even when these kids and their mom fade into the background, the kids will still have to live behind the 8-ball.
  • #227
Thank you for understanding my opinion. I was just expressing my opinion and not trying to acuse anyone of anything.
  • #228
esavvymom said:
and the Duggar's are Debt free. I saw them do an interview last night with Joy Behar (sp?) on one of the news shows. Joy was asking the Duggar's about their thoughts on this lady with the babies. Basically, Michelle said -"I had mine the old fashioned way, one at a time...so I can't imagine that many little ones at once." They were gracious of course.

I saw an episode that the Duggars said they only pay cash for everything. So if they don't have the money to pay for it - they don't buy it. Plus they spaced their kids out - the oldest is in their 20s. I think it is way different to have to kids that are spaced a year or two (or more) apart than to have multiples.
  • #229
janetupnorth said:
Funny how "one at a time" would be "old-fashioned". ;)

that is funny :)
<h2>1. What exactly is the controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom"?</h2><p>The controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom" revolves around the fact that she gave birth to octuplets (eight babies) while already having six other children, bringing her total number of children to fourteen. Many people are concerned about her ability to financially and emotionally support such a large family, as well as her decision to have more children when she already had six and was struggling to care for them.</p><h2>2. Is the "Octuplet Mom" employed or does she rely on government assistance?</h2><p>It has been reported that the "Octuplet Mom" is currently unemployed and relies on government assistance to support her children. She has also received donations and sponsorships from various sources, but it is unclear how long these resources will last.</p><h2>3. Can the state or government take any action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions?</h2><p>At this time, it does not appear that the state or government can take any legal action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions. However, there have been discussions about changing laws or regulations to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.</p><h2>4. What role did the doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth play in this controversy?</h2><p>The doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth has been criticized for his role in this controversy. It has been reported that he implanted the woman with multiple embryos, against medical guidelines, which resulted in the high-risk octuplet pregnancy. Some believe that he should be held accountable for his actions and potentially face legal consequences.</p><h2>5. How is the "Octuplet Mom" handling the criticism and backlash she has received?</h2><p>The "Octuplet Mom" has not made any public statements about the criticism and backlash she has faced. However, she has received a lot of negative attention and backlash from the media and public, with many questioning her ability to care for her children and criticizing her decisions. It is unclear how she is personally handling this situation.</p>

Related to Octuplet Mom - This Is an Outrage!

1. What exactly is the controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom"?

The controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom" revolves around the fact that she gave birth to octuplets (eight babies) while already having six other children, bringing her total number of children to fourteen. Many people are concerned about her ability to financially and emotionally support such a large family, as well as her decision to have more children when she already had six and was struggling to care for them.

2. Is the "Octuplet Mom" employed or does she rely on government assistance?

It has been reported that the "Octuplet Mom" is currently unemployed and relies on government assistance to support her children. She has also received donations and sponsorships from various sources, but it is unclear how long these resources will last.

3. Can the state or government take any action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions?

At this time, it does not appear that the state or government can take any legal action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions. However, there have been discussions about changing laws or regulations to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.

4. What role did the doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth play in this controversy?

The doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth has been criticized for his role in this controversy. It has been reported that he implanted the woman with multiple embryos, against medical guidelines, which resulted in the high-risk octuplet pregnancy. Some believe that he should be held accountable for his actions and potentially face legal consequences.

5. How is the "Octuplet Mom" handling the criticism and backlash she has received?

The "Octuplet Mom" has not made any public statements about the criticism and backlash she has faced. However, she has received a lot of negative attention and backlash from the media and public, with many questioning her ability to care for her children and criticizing her decisions. It is unclear how she is personally handling this situation.

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