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Octuplet Mom - This Is an Outrage!

badly). But this woman went and had SEVEN more children just for the heck of it, and the taxpayers are going to be stuck with the bill. This woman is out of her mind and needs help.
  • #152
Someone posted on another forum I frequent that on today's Today Show, it was mentioned that her donations page was taken down because of negative comments and feedback. To which I respond, "Good!"
  • #153
Recently we had a situation here where a man had 45 horses( they were starving), and then there was the woman with 110 cats(also starving). In both cases a mental health professional was interviewed and explained how they had hoarding issues. This woman clearly has mental health issues, and I personally don't see why the Drs shouldn't be held accountable. If I had come up to either of these people and said do you want more horses or cats, they both would have gladly accepted more even though they had no way to take care of them!!! Unfortunately she had this settlement that gave her enough money to collect more CHILDREN!!! This is insane!!!! What I wonder is if eventually just like the horses and cats, someone will have to find new homes for some of them!!
  • #154
chefann said:
Someone posted on another forum I frequent that on today's Today Show, it was mentioned that her donations page was taken down because of negative comments and feedback. To which I respond, "Good!"
And "her" church, that she said was going to help her take care of her children, says that she has never even attended there. The only contact they have ever had with her was one phone call from her inquiring about their childrens ministry.So, in her delusional state, did she equate that phone call with an agreement to help, or is she announcing that it is her church, and that they will help her, as a way to manipulate the church into helping?
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  • #155
I read that there were lots of physical violence and death threats posted to the octomom. I understand the outrage, but that's taking it too far.

I wish I had seen the Dr Phil show Thursday when he talked about this. She is just digging her hole deeper and deeper with all of the lies. I'm not sure that anything she has said has been true.

The birth of a baby should be joyous, I feel so sad for these babies. They will suffer because of their mother.
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  • #156
My heart goes out to these poor innocent children. Their is definitly something going on with this mom. I watched some of her dateline intervie and to me it seemed like she couldnt answer the questions straight forward she seemed to wishy washy for me.
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  • #157
Just when you think it can't get any worse http://www.ajc.com/news/content/shared-gen/ap/National/Octuplets.html?cxntlid=thbz_hm
  • #158
I am not defending this mother - just my opinion

I know that I should keep my opinions to myself about this but I think that we should stop talking about this - by us keep talking about her is giving her power to say in the public eye. I don't think we should have opinion about what she does with her life. I don't and wouldn't want people to look into my life and tell me the things and decisions I made were right or wrong.
YES - 6 kids at home and 8 more coming home soon is a lot but so far what I have heard (if it is different , please let me know) - she is a great mother. There has never been a report of abuse. Look at Caylee Marie in Florida - she was 1 child and it looks as if her mother killed her. One child or 14 children - parents can be good or bad.

God does know what he is doing. Trust him. He has a plan.

So sorry if my opinion upsets you - but I do think we did to stop with this story


Just one last note - There is a mother in the next town/state over who is a mother of 16 - one set of twins. So really, what is the difference between single births or multiples - That is what she is asking people around here.
  • #159
whiteyteresa said:
I am not defending this mother - just my opinion

I know that I should keep my opinions to myself about this but I think that we should stop talking about this - by us keep talking about her is giving her power to say in the public eye. I don't think we should have opinion about what she does with her life. I don't and wouldn't want people to look into my life and tell me the things and decisions I made were right or wrong.
YES - 6 kids at home and 8 more coming home soon is a lot but so far what I have heard (if it is different , please let me know) - she is a great mother. There has never been a report of abuse. Look at Caylee Marie in Florida - she was 1 child and it looks as if her mother killed her. One child or 14 children - parents can be good or bad.

God does know what he is doing. Trust him. He has a plan.

So sorry if my opinion upsets you - but I do think we did to stop with this story


Just one last note - There is a mother in the next town/state over who is a mother of 16 - one set of twins. So really, what is the difference between single births or multiples - That is what she is asking people around here.

It's not so much the # of children, it's the fact that she used gov't money to fund her obsession to have children (and from what it looks like, also her own plastic surgery), has lived on gov't handouts while having all 14 children, and will now be using gov't money to raise these children. She has lied about almost everything she has claimed in the press regarding her finances, her support system, etc...

I have no problem at all with big families, if you have the means financially and emotionally to care for them.
  • #160
ChefBeckyD said:
It's not so much the # of children, it's the fact that she used gov't money to fund her obsession to have children (and from what it looks like, also her own plastic surgery), has lived on gov't handouts while having all 14 children, and will now be using gov't money to raise these children. She has lied about almost everything she has claimed in the press regarding her finances, her support system, etc...

I have no problem at all with big families, if you have the means financially and emotionally to care for them.

Well Said!!!
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  • #161
PamperedDor said:

Well Said!!!

ditto that!

You really can't compare other large FAMILIES to octomom. She is a liar and she has proven that she is a liar. I can only imaging the trouble that she will be in now that she has publically announced that she used her educational loan (which, oh by the way, is a low interest loan for the purpose of EDUCATION) - I'm sure that the bank will raise the interest rate and demand payment in full ASAP - which of course, as we all know, she is unable to pay - so now the fine citizens of the state of California will have the burden of taking care of that for her as well as her hospital bills, WIC program for the 8 new babies, SSI (b/c several of them are bound to be disabled as well) and God only knows what else.

She is selfish, narcisisitic, and IMO quite mentally unstable. Those children deserve much better than her. I will admit that she does have nice fingernails - I think it's amazing that with all she has on her plate she can find the time to have a manicure :rolleyes: - I wonder who paid for it?
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  • #162
I am sure I will get flamed for saying this but I know several people who get student loans to help pay for thier cost of living. Of course the majority of it goes to pay their school off then the rest of it is to help them live. The Oct mom didnt say weather she was going to school at the time if she wasnt going to school then that is wrong.
  • #163
Ok, I originally posted somewhat in favor of this mom the day after it came out that it was her that had the babies. But holy shimoly living here in Southern California all kinds of stuff is coming out about her now and I have totally changed my opinion. This woman is certified nutso and I am concerned about those babies and her other 6--it is so clear that she thought she was going to get all kinds of $$ in endorsements and such, and this is kinda scary. So just to update you, I have officially changed my perspective and tune about this woman. Those babies need prayer big time.
  • Thread starter
  • #164
Glad to hear your new perspective on this Nancy! After meeting you at Leadership and reading your first thoughts on this I was thinking to myself "is this the same lady I met?" LOL I'm sure you hear a lot more details that I do here - but I agree with your new assessment. Those babies are in for a world of hurt if they remain in her care.
  • #165
Everytime I start to get all the info from this ... stituation processed something new and icky comes out and the shock hits again. (kind-a like my parents divorce - how can a person be that big of a scumbag and still look themselfs in the mirror everyday? But I digress.)
I am glad we are discussing this and I really consider every post I read on this thread. Reading about other peoples opinions and views helps me to be less judgemental and more open-minded about more than just this topic. There are always 678 sides to every story, LOL. But seriously, this intellectual disscussion should be how the world works. We should not be black and white in our assessment of other peoples lives, (or our own lives) there is so much grey and keeping that in mind helps ME to be a better person.
Case in point: Nancy, who, by the way, is very rare to admit publicly that her opionon has changed. Thank you Nancy for posting. Both times. So many people have a hard time saying they have changed their opinion.

I'll keep reading, hopefully it won't get as ugly as my parents divorce. LOL
  • #166
whiteyteresa said:
So sorry if my opinion upsets you - but I do think we did to stop with this story

That's the kind of thinking that gets you skewered and slow roasted around here. Everyone can agree that this woman is a scumbag and they'll still talk about her to preach to the choir.

For the record, I'm one person who agrees with you. But I suppose it's one story that keeps us from having to think about a lousy economy, substandard health coverage, and an unjust war. You know... real problems.
  • #167
Like Nancy, I saved my opinion until more things came out...it's easy to judge when the situation just surfaces, without knowing the "facts"...however, I think Linda was correct all along with this being something very WEIRD. It's not just the mom though, the dr, the Kaiser hospital, etc. It all STINKS.

And to be perfectly honest, I am shocked that Childrens Services has not come into this, although, maybe they are involved and we just don't know it. I mean, 14 kids plus 3 adults in a THREE bedroom house? There has to be something against the law or SOMETHING about this...My stepson lived w/ us for a few years and we had to make sure that he had his OWN bed just to be on the safe side with Childrens services, and I think that there is something about opposite sexes sharing a room after a certain age...I"m not real sure on that, but I know that was a concern that I had when he came to stay w/ us and he was 7 at the time and my dd was a baby.
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  • #168
negativitysucks said:
That's the kind of thinking that gets you skewered and slow roasted around here. Everyone can agree that this woman is a scumbag and they'll still talk about her to preach to the choir.

For the record, I'm one person who agrees with you. But I suppose it's one story that keeps us from having to think about a lousy economy, substandard health coverage, and an unjust war. You know... real problems.

I'm sure octomom is quite pleased with her free substandard healthcare.

Instead of griping about this topic, you are also more than welcome to start a thread on any real problem/topic that you'd care to discuss - I'm sure there will be plenty of people who'd agree with you and others who will express their opinion that you shouldn't talk about it.
  • #169
negativitysucks said:
That's the kind of thinking that gets you skewered and slow roasted around here. Everyone can agree that this woman is a scumbag and they'll still talk about her to preach to the choir.

For the record, I'm one person who agrees with you. But I suppose it's one story that keeps us from having to think about a lousy economy, substandard health coverage, and an unjust war. You know... real problems.

It's an interesting story, and if you don't want to hear any more about it, then stop reading it. You must find it interesting too, to keep coming back and commenting on it.

Too bad you weren't around for the poitical threads in the fall if you think THIS is beating a dead horse...
  • Thread starter
  • #170
chefsteph07 said:
It's an interesting story, and if you don't want to hear any more about it, then stop reading it. You must find it interesting too, to keep coming back and commenting on it.

Too bad you weren't around for the poitical threads in the fall if you think THIS is beating a dead horse...


yep, those were pretty nasty
  • #171
negativitysucks said:
That's the kind of thinking that gets you skewered and slow roasted around here. Everyone can agree that this woman is a scumbag and they'll still talk about her to preach to the choir.

For the record, I'm one person who agrees with you. But I suppose it's one story that keeps us from having to think about a lousy economy, substandard health coverage, and an unjust war. You know... real problems.

I guess another thing is, you said about how things are "around here", I just checked your post history and you just started your first post on JAN 29, just about 2 weeks, and you already know how "things are" around here?
Your screen name doesn't really justify your attitude. Why don't you stick around and read more than things about this story we are commenting on before you make such broad statements about this wonderful group?
  • #172
I think the reason that children's services has NOT been involved yet is threefold

1) the babies are still in the hospital and at this point are cared for
2) what are they going to charge her with? At this point she's not committed any crime or anything.
3) Our state situation is such a joke right now--no budget for over 8 months, state workers laid off right and left--this would be a huge headache for the state and they honestly don't have the resources to deal with it properly and you gotta KNOW they will be over-scrutinized about this; my guess is that they are just waiting to see what happens. Our state is a mess right now.
  • #173
You don't have to be "charged" with anything to be investigated, that's why I said maybe they are being involved and we don't know it. I would think this living situation would make for some looking into.
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  • #174
chefsteph07 said:
You don't have to be "charged" with anything to be investigated, that's why I said maybe they are being involved and we don't know it. I would think this living situation would make for some looking into.

They are probably trying to determine where to start!

  • Loan fraud
  • Welfare fraud
  • Birth Certificate Fraud
  • Since her mom has been helping, I'm sure the existing 6 children have been taken care of, but what about the 3 with disabilities - are they being taken care of properly? Is she using the $$ she's getting from SSI to do whatever it is she is supposed to be doing for them?
  • The babies are still in the hospital so I bet that the state agencies are determining what their motive of operation will be once they leave the hospital.
This woman has bitten way more than she can handle I'm afraid.
  • #175
I know someone who lives on the same street as her parents and they are not pleased with all the press coverage on their street. It's going to be worse if/when those babies come home, too. Having an autistic son I feel bad for her two kids already that have autism/autistic spectrum disorders. This is going to be a hard road for the whole family.
  • #176
For the record, I happen to be undergoing cancer treatment and have NO health coverage. I have received nothing from the government. Judge me not.
I have been skewered and slow roasted so I know how it works "around here" no matter how long I've been commenting. If I am not allowed to post my experience, I doubt any of you are able to do it for me, since you aren't here and you aren't me.
There are bigger problems in the world and I simply agreed with the poster. Whether I agree or not, you seem to find it okay to decide if I'm a negative person or not.
Just so you know, I am really quite positive. The only things I don't like are mean people, sanctimony, and having religion shoved down my throat.
If that makes me negative, then I guess you are entitled to your opinion.
You want to get rid of me? I've been hated by better people my entire life. Good luck.
  • #177
Wow, no one said anything on here about hating or getting rid of you...
And no one is judging you...
If you dont like these threads, like Linda said, start one of your own, or browse the PC biz ones.
  • #178
negativitysucks said:
For the record, I happen to be undergoing cancer treatment and have NO health coverage. I have received nothing from the government. Judge me not.
I have been skewered and slow roasted so I know how it works "around here" no matter how long I've been commenting. If I am not allowed to post my experience, I doubt any of you are able to do it for me, since you aren't here and you aren't me.
There are bigger problems in the world and I simply agreed with the poster. Whether I agree or not, you seem to find it okay to decide if I'm a negative person or not.
Just so you know, I am really quite positive. The only things I don't like are mean people, sanctimony, and having religion shoved down my throat.
If that makes me negative, then I guess you are entitled to your opinion.
You want to get rid of me? I've been hated by better people my entire life. Good luck.

Frank, I'm really sorry you think people are coming down on you. I haven't seen that... Although your name says, "negativitysucks", you seem to be kinda negative on things from what you are posting here. That's the great thing about this MB. If you don't want to read a topic, you don't have to open it... So if this one seems to upset you, don't open it and go on to other threads...

I hope your cancer treatment is successful. I too have no health insurance but made "too much money" to get public assistance... It's nuts!
  • #179
chefsteph07 said:
And no one is judging you...
This coming from the woman who said (and I quote) "Your screen name doesn't really justify your attitude."
Sounds like a judgement to me.
Forgive me if I misread you.
  • #180
There was a little blurb about her on the Today show and she said that she "really didn't expect all this".
I wonder what she DID expect?
  • Thread starter
  • #181
negativitysucks said:
For the record, I happen to be undergoing cancer treatment and have NO health coverage. I have received nothing from the government. Judge me not.
I have been skewered and slow roasted so I know how it works "around here" no matter how long I've been commenting. If I am not allowed to post my experience, I doubt any of you are able to do it for me, since you aren't here and you aren't me.
There are bigger problems in the world and I simply agreed with the poster. Whether I agree or not, you seem to find it okay to decide if I'm a negative person or not.
Just so you know, I am really quite positive. The only things I don't like are mean people, sanctimony, and having religion shoved down my throat.
If that makes me negative, then I guess you are entitled to your opinion.
You want to get rid of me? I've been hated by better people my entire life. Good luck.

Sorry to hear about the cancer Frank.

As others have said, if you don't want to read about a certain topic, don't. By continuing to post your thoughts here, you are only asking for the responses that you have received. You have been quite argumentative on this thread so you should expect the responses to be as they have been.

Also, NO ONE here said that they hated you - just because someone disagrees with you on a topic does not mean that they hate you. No - it's just disagreement (trust me, you can get love in one thread and condemnation in another, by the same person - I've seen it). The only judging I have done towards you is that the TONE of your comments on this thread are annoying to me (not your comments - the TONE of them) - you are entitled to your opinion, but you don't have to be so sanctimonious about it.

You've also brought up several times how it is "around here". You have not been "here" long enough to make that judgement. You cannot have possibly read through ALL the threads archived here. There is a lot of support here. And there is some conflict here. But, I can guarantee you that there have been way more friendships made on this board than there have enemies. I for one cannot number the many friends I have made here. I have met many cheffers in person and they are the friends in person that I came to know on line.

Yes, there are bigger problems in the world - I can read about them on CNN. Sometimes they get posted here and we talk about them. Just because this board is full of cheffers doesn't mean that we only talk about PC. Most of us are women - we talk about a lot of things.

And, by all means, if you'd care to start a thread on your experiences, please do so. I'm sure there are others on here who can relate to you and who will have encouraging words toward you. You also never introduced yourself, you just jumped in and started posting. An introduction would be nice. We really aren't a bunch of hate mongers - most of us are very nice people,as I'm sure you can be.
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  • #182
Wow, Frank, as a cancer survivor, I am sorry to hear what you are going through. Cancer is hard enough when you DO have health coverage. I don't think anyone here is trying to come across like we are judging anyone--this thread was started as a conversation--here in California this woman and her 14 kids now being supported by our tax dollars is a major point of conversation (not to mention a lot of us on this board are moms and thinking ...."What???? HOW many kids?".) Please accept our apologies if any of us came across as judgemental--and hang in there. I did PC the whole 9 months I was in treatment (6 months of chemo and 3 months of radiation), because it got my mind off of how miserable I was feeling--hang in there, get lots of rest, and you will get through it too. It's been 6 years and I'm glad it's over (the cancer, not PC, LOL). So I'll be thinking and praying for you.
  • Thread starter
  • #183
chefsteph07 said:
There was a little blurb about her on the Today show and she said that she "really didn't expect all this".
I wonder what she DID expect?

Mommie of the year?
  • #184
Sorry--that was taken--my dd told me this morning!! 'Course, that was because I got up early and gassed her car up because I knew she wouldn't have time today between work (she works at our church), grad school (12 units in Masters) and Bible Study (she mentors three 6th grade girls each week). So she proclaimed me Mommy of the year. The octuplets mom will have to stand in line, LOL. Oh my gosh, wait till those kids get to be teenagers. And the girls all start to have their periods the same week. HMMMM....
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  • #185
You are funny Nancy! (and quite industrious this morning!) I dislike going to the gas station too...I get DH to take my car on errands when I know it's getting low. LOL

Also, can you imagine the arguements over who gets to drive the family bus beween all those siblings - yikes!
  • #186
and fighting for the bathroom!! what a nightmare!!
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  • #187
pampermejolene said:
and fighting for the bathroom!! what a nightmare!!

Reminds me of that commercial with the mom outside the bathroom with a stop watch....so glad I only had one sibling.
  • #188
buy stock in feminine supplies now
  • #189
negativitysucks said:
For the record, I happen to be undergoing cancer treatment and have NO health coverage. I have received nothing from the government. Judge me not.
I have been skewered and slow roasted so I know how it works "around here" no matter how long I've been commenting. If I am not allowed to post my experience, I doubt any of you are able to do it for me, since you aren't here and you aren't me.
There are bigger problems in the world and I simply agreed with the poster. Whether I agree or not, you seem to find it okay to decide if I'm a negative person or not.
Just so you know, I am really quite positive. The only things I don't like are mean people, sanctimony, and having religion shoved down my throat.
If that makes me negative, then I guess you are entitled to your opinion.
You want to get rid of me? I've been hated by better people my entire life. Good luck.

I have been out for awhile - life is busy, but this post puzzles me.

Judge me not...? I missed the judgment. I only see a discussion of Octomom not "Frank may take handouts from the government".

No one is preventing you from posting personal experiences on here, the Lounge has plenty of room for stuff, one person just mentioned to start a new thread and keep this one on topic (sorry Linda, breaking that rule right now). That request is very common here. You'd see it if you've been here awhile. ...and I'm not being rude but 16 posts and 2 months does not awhile make. We've had others come on here like that before. I came on here posting right away too rather than lurking but I also felt my way around a little and became part of a family and helped rather than stirring up trouble. I posted mainly about PC stuff only my first year here - no controversial topics.

You have not been skewered and slow roasted...I've seen that before. This is not it and this forum is not like that and please don't draw it to that.

I've disagreed with many people on here, especially during election time - right guys?!?! I still disagree with many of them politically and them me, but we still help each other business-wise. Life is not like that.

You've obviously had some hurt in your life and other things so you "assume" all Christians are mean and evil. Nope, sorry, not true. I'm not. However, I WILL tell you up front that from what you said of your lifestyle, it doesn't fit my beliefs...hate me for that, I don't care. It is inconsistent with what I believe. However, that wouldn't stop me from fighting a fire at your house if you lived by me or giving you the best medical care I could give you if I had to respond to your house and it won't stop me from giving you good sound PC advice.

So, instead of stirring up emotions, go start a thread on what you want to talk about.

...and there are MANY cancer survivors here, one of my favorites is KG! There are also many males here with similar lifestyles to you and experiences. Find them, bond with them, chat with them. However, don't do what you are accusing others of doing and condemning people for disagreeing with you.

(Stepping off soapbox and going back to work...the "Mom" in me slips out when busy! :D)
  • #190
negativitysucks said:
You want to get rid of me? I've been hated by better people my entire life. Good luck.

I'm not posting to start an argument with you and maybe your just having a bad day, but I think that comment is the nastiest and rudest comment I have EVER seen on here.
  • #191
Okay, I have not posted in this thread until now.
I have a coworker that lives in CA and we were talking about this and she just told me that the same doctor did it again, that there is some other lady right now with no job, no insurance, on welfare who has 7 on the way and is in the hospital right now on bedrest for the next three months.

If this is true, then this doctor needs his license looked into.
  • #192
rennea said:
I'm not posting to start an argument with you and maybe your just having a bad day, but I think that comment is the nastiest and rudest comment I have EVER seen on here.

I totally agree. I haven't been keeping up with this thread and actually just popped in and read the last page to see why it is still going at all since it's sort of old news now:confused:.

Quite frankly I was very insulted by someone passing judgement on an entire group of people that they have never met based on their opinions (and differing opinions at that) of one topic. I can only assume that it is due to hurt and defensiveness on his part. I come here to vent and chat and have "friends" that understand my business and some of the things I go through. Not everyone has to agree with me. I just skip the post if it is something I don't want to get involved with. I keep telling myself that most people have enough pain in their lives and just need someone to be kind to them but outright nastiness like this makes it hard.:grumpy:
  • #193
I didn't take that as an insult as some of you did. I have done nothing to him, and I know it's not directed towards me.

I do have to agree with Frank on some of the things he has said. Some of the people on this site are very opinionated, and tend to shove their opinions down your throat. On the other hand, there are some of the most loving generous people on here. Those few that I find loving and generous are what keep me coming back here. the rest of the people who I find are not, I just choose not to associate myself with.
  • #194
I just heard on the news that grandma's house is going into foreclosure, she is 23K behind in her payments.
  • #195
candiejayne said:
I didn't take that as an insult as some of you did. I have done nothing to him, and I know it's not directed towards me.

I do have to agree with Frank on some of the things he has said. Some of the people on this site are very opinionated, and tend to shove their opinions down your throat. On the other hand, there are some of the most loving generous people on here. Those few that I find loving and generous are what keep me coming back here. the rest of the people who I find are not, I just choose not to associate myself with.

I agree with you totally! I didn't think the statement was directed at me because I to haven't did anything but still thought the statement was very mean spirited.
  • #196
Maybe it was, but he did not start it. Two wrongs don't make a right, but at the same time you have to defend yourself.
  • #197
He didn't start what?
  • #198
candiejayne said:
Maybe it was, but he did not start it. Two wrongs don't make a right, but at the same time you have to defend yourself.

I don't know what you are talking about, especially the part about (not starting it). If you read his very first post he was telling people to keep their beliefs to themselves and not to shove their opinions down other people's throat. You can't tell people to not post their beliefs on a thread, we are not robots. LOL
It's obvious he has a problem with other people's beliefs and opinions, especially from a religious standpoint and finds it ok to say, and I quote:
"The only things I don't like are mean people, sanctimony, and having religion shoved down my throat."
So for someone who is screaming "Don't judge me!" he seems to think it's ok to judge others and assume they are mean, santimonious and trying to shove religion down other people's throat. (Personally that "don't judge" scripture is often used out of context)
I personally do not have a problem with ANYONE on here. Sure there are some I disagree with on here and have personal convictions that are totally different from others, but that doesn't mean we can't be respectful and have good conversations. It's part of life. We are women and conversations tend to get heated at times but no one should be so thin skinned that they get easily offended at every comment. I mean really, I don't let anything on here bother me. One thing I do agree on that Frank said was that there are much more important things in this world to worry about. (the poor, widows, missionary work, evangelism, growing closer to the Lord, prayer, etc...)
But that's doesn't mean we can't have a thread about how we feel about big news headlines. And for those who feel that someone is trying to shove something down your throat, that only happens if you allow it. Don't swallow, hook, line and sinker and you'll be fine. LOL
I take the positive in something and throw the rest out on some opinions. I know what I believe and nothing or no one is going to change that, except for the Lord. So I know this is so cheesy but
"Can't we all just get along?"

Debbie :D
  • Thread starter
  • #199
Dr. Phil is talking about this again today. He has interviews with the ex-PR person and several Dr.s and one of her HS friends so far.
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  • #200
wow, you go away for a day or two and look at what happens!

just one thing on the frank being upset issue, and then back to octomom.

i let myself get really upset during the election run-up, to the point where i didn't want to get together with many cheffers at the next national conference. then i realized that very few comments are directed towards specific cheffers. unless a comment is made directly to me and about me, and/or contains a physical threat, i try not to take it personally, especially on an internet message board. it helped me a lot, and now i try really hard to chill out and not let myself get upset. also, if a thread is tending in a direction that has the potential to upset me, i don't read it anymore.

especially in a diverse, relatively open country like the US, there are going to be people who don't approve of your politics, religious beliefs (or lack thereof), ethnicity, or lifestyle. you can let yourself be affected by it or not. it took me a while to get to the point where i don't, and i hope that frank has a shorter learning curve than i do.

sorry to hijack, linda. i know you are trying to keep the thread on topic.
<h2>1. What exactly is the controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom"?</h2><p>The controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom" revolves around the fact that she gave birth to octuplets (eight babies) while already having six other children, bringing her total number of children to fourteen. Many people are concerned about her ability to financially and emotionally support such a large family, as well as her decision to have more children when she already had six and was struggling to care for them.</p><h2>2. Is the "Octuplet Mom" employed or does she rely on government assistance?</h2><p>It has been reported that the "Octuplet Mom" is currently unemployed and relies on government assistance to support her children. She has also received donations and sponsorships from various sources, but it is unclear how long these resources will last.</p><h2>3. Can the state or government take any action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions?</h2><p>At this time, it does not appear that the state or government can take any legal action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions. However, there have been discussions about changing laws or regulations to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.</p><h2>4. What role did the doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth play in this controversy?</h2><p>The doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth has been criticized for his role in this controversy. It has been reported that he implanted the woman with multiple embryos, against medical guidelines, which resulted in the high-risk octuplet pregnancy. Some believe that he should be held accountable for his actions and potentially face legal consequences.</p><h2>5. How is the "Octuplet Mom" handling the criticism and backlash she has received?</h2><p>The "Octuplet Mom" has not made any public statements about the criticism and backlash she has faced. However, she has received a lot of negative attention and backlash from the media and public, with many questioning her ability to care for her children and criticizing her decisions. It is unclear how she is personally handling this situation.</p>

Related to Octuplet Mom - This Is an Outrage!

1. What exactly is the controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom"?

The controversy surrounding the "Octuplet Mom" revolves around the fact that she gave birth to octuplets (eight babies) while already having six other children, bringing her total number of children to fourteen. Many people are concerned about her ability to financially and emotionally support such a large family, as well as her decision to have more children when she already had six and was struggling to care for them.

2. Is the "Octuplet Mom" employed or does she rely on government assistance?

It has been reported that the "Octuplet Mom" is currently unemployed and relies on government assistance to support her children. She has also received donations and sponsorships from various sources, but it is unclear how long these resources will last.

3. Can the state or government take any action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions?

At this time, it does not appear that the state or government can take any legal action against the "Octuplet Mom" for her decisions. However, there have been discussions about changing laws or regulations to prevent similar situations from occurring in the future.

4. What role did the doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth play in this controversy?

The doctor who assisted with the octuplet birth has been criticized for his role in this controversy. It has been reported that he implanted the woman with multiple embryos, against medical guidelines, which resulted in the high-risk octuplet pregnancy. Some believe that he should be held accountable for his actions and potentially face legal consequences.

5. How is the "Octuplet Mom" handling the criticism and backlash she has received?

The "Octuplet Mom" has not made any public statements about the criticism and backlash she has faced. However, she has received a lot of negative attention and backlash from the media and public, with many questioning her ability to care for her children and criticizing her decisions. It is unclear how she is personally handling this situation.

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