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Have you tried using a Pampered Chef decal on your car for business leads?

I got a new decal for my Sportage that I placed on the outside of my car, with the PC logo from Merrill and other lettering from JeriSigns.com. It was easy to apply and cost less than $25. Other consultants in the conversation are also considering using this marketing strategy and wondering about the tax implications. Some have already tried it and have had success.
  • #51
Gotcha Kelly!
Guess I am gonna have to use your measurements to do my window.
I have a fairly large window like yours and wanted it big enough to see also.
The magnets are so small, I can't even read them when my husband is driving the SUV.
  • Thread starter
  • #52
Chozengirl said:
Gotcha Kelly!
Guess I am gonna have to use your measurements to do my window.
I have a fairly large window like yours and wanted it big enough to see also.
The magnets are so small, I can't even read them when my husband is driving the SUV.
That was one of the main reasons I didn't get the Merrill magnets! That, and the price was sooo much more!

Plus, I know myself, and I wouldn't take them off to clean them regularly! (We just got our FIRST EVER NEW vehicle in June of last year, so I don't want ANYTHNING to mess it up!!)

Oh, yea, 'cept for that accident I was in this past January!!!:eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: What's up with that?!?!? No accidents for YEARS, then get a new SUV and WHAM!!:mad:

Oh well, God kept me safe...so I am very happy with that!
  • #53
Glad you were safe!!!
Main reason I drive an SUV!
I take the magnets off to wash my SUV, but I noticed yesterday that my almost $100 magnets is bubbling.
It is gonna piss me off to no end if they bubble!
  • Thread starter
  • #54
Chozengirl said:
Glad you were safe!!!
Main reason I drive an SUV!
I take the magnets off to wash my SUV, but I noticed yesterday that my almost $100 magnets is bubbling.
It is gonna piss me off to no end if they bubble!
Holy Cow!! For $100 they should last till forever!!:eek: :eek:

I would be calling and complaining to who ever you bought them from if they bubble!
  • #55
KellyTheChef said:
Holy Cow!! For $100 they should last till forever!!:eek: :eek:

I would be calling and complaining to who ever you bought them from if they bubble!
I got them from Merrill!
I am gonna go out today and take them off and examine them.
Oh trust me, I will be complaining if it is bubbling!!!!!!!
HO will hear about it too since they want to switch all to Merrill also!
  • #56
Me too!Hi have it on my van. My husband made me take off our phone number :mad:
but it get's me ALL SORTS of walk-up's and conversation openers! Also, when I bring it to the show people 1) know what house to come to :) 2) know that their neighbor his having a show ;)

I spend so much time in my car that I give my VIN # as my phone number.....:eek:

I have to pay for the gas, I may as well advertise "for free".... ya! :D
  • #57
I worry too, like others about putting my phone number on my vehicle; however, if they really want to find you they can w/your license plate. There are web sites which will give people the info. - there is a fee though.

I also had to deal w/a jerks a few weeks ago. He pulled out in front of me and then kept slamming on his breaks! It was nuts!

As far as my business cards, I don't worry about them as much since you usually will be giving them to someone on a friendly basis. I purchased some of the sheets of business cards from Merrill for putting on bulletin boards, but they don't list my address. I do have my phone number on them, but they won't find my address using it. I don't list it in the phone book. I did this a long time ago when my husband supervised a lot of people. Just in case he had to lay someone off or fire them. I didn't want them looking up our address in the phone book.
  • #58
I got the Merrill cards and put my address on them but have rethought that for the two following incidents:
A hostess decided to stop by in the early morning to drop off the money she had mailed supposedly 3 days prior and I did not answer the door (morning sex). She called twice from her cell--woke up the kids--ruined the morning & moment for us--when I checked the message she'd left she sounded mad & hurt saying "well I guess you don't have to let me in since I came unannounced"--I had to call and tell her I was in the shower and didn't hear the doorbell or phone. She left the money in the mailbox thank God.
Next reason, at several craft fairs I've done I've noticed people who looked at the card and say things like so you're not from around here. I am maybe 10 miles away in another suburb, but to them it seems far so they hesitate about having me be their consultant. I wonder how many people feel that way, but don't say anything. I'd rather people know where I live after I'm their consultant than letting their past experiences with out of reach consultants dictate their feelings about me.
In light of both I've decided to leave my address off and instead add my consultant number for recruiting and registries.
  • #59
I have an SUV to , I have tinted windows how does that sign go on .
I looks like you do too does it kling on to the inside
I really want to order one
  • Thread starter
  • #60
chef131doreen said:
I have an SUV to , I have tinted windows how does that sign go on .
I looks like you do too does it kling on to the inside
I really want to order one
It's not a cling...sticks directly to the outside of the window! Very easy to apply, though!
  • #61
I have one on my van too. I got mine from Town and Country when they were still a vendor for PC. Mine has my cell number and website on it. I have had a lot of conversations started in parking lots with people, but no one has bothered calling me on my cell phone. :)
  • #62
Do you have a rear window wiper? I worry that it would rub against it & ruin it. Or what about a rear defroster? I had a small sticker once and the rear defroster lines melted the sticker! Just curious - I was thinking of putting them on the sides of my vehicle for those reasons.

I have a friend who has a sign on her car (not PC but another business) and it bothers me that she doesn't have her contact info on it! If I was a customer, I don't think I would feel right just approaching her, but if she had a website I would probably check it out.

Just my thoughts!!
  • #63
I have the little Merrill sticker in my back window with just my cell number under it. I used lettering from Wal-Mart. It was about $5 for the lettering and of course the sticker from Merrill...very inexpensive.
I also have personalized plates that say APCLADY. I am sure that you all get that but let me tell you about all the different explanations I have gotten.....from my son-AP CLADY, from the gate guards(we live on a military base- Armored Personal Carrier Lady & Appalachian(SP) Lady. The last one kills me....too funny!! LOL
  • #64
Hi Kelly
I know you said it is a sticker not a cling...can you tell me how you remove it if you want to? I lease my vehicle! I have some on my van for the kids sports and activities...soccer with their name, dance logo and name..etc..but these are removable with a blow dryer. You simply apply heat to it and it will shrivel up if you ever need to take it off...these have stayed on for a couple of years already through all kinds of weather here up in the Cleveland Area
  • Thread starter
  • #65

Honestly, I don't know how I would remove them! I would try a hair dryer and/or straight edge razor and GooGone to get off the leftover sticky (if there is any!) Actually, we lease our SUV too...but will probably purchase it in the end, so I didn't really worry about that!

Glad to hear with Ohio winters you haven't had a problem...I am down in the Canton/Akron area!
  • Thread starter
  • #66
ChefinHarmony said:
Do you have a rear window wiper? I worry that it would rub against it & ruin it. Or what about a rear defroster?
My back window has both...haven't used the defroster yet... But, I have used my wiper (It just hits the bottom part of the PC sticker) and that may be a problem some time down the road, but I think it will hold up OK for quite a while. If it does that, I will just replace it.

I don't even think the defroster goes all the way up to the top of my window where my personal info is, so I doubt that I will have any problem with that part!
  • #67
I also have the one from T&C when they were a vendor. I have it on the far back driver side window. Whish I had gotten 2 (one for each side). I was affraid to put it on the back because of the wiper. I do have the small (5x7) logo sticker from Nancy's on the back. Everyone knows when I'm arround. We are in a fairly small town and everyone knows my Jeep. (there is also funky camo stickers along my bumpers and side runners. We bought it used). I met an uppercase living gal yesterday at an expo and they had some neat dispalys and you can use their stuff on car windows too. Thought I might look into that.

Aslo wanted to mention that I do have a ph# on mine but I personally would never yse a home PH. I got a cell when I started my business just for this reason. Also for all the other reasons stated I do not have my address on any of my materials. I think one of my stamps has my town but that's it. I just felt kinda wierd about the security of it all.

  • #68
karlene said:
Hi Kelly
I know you said it is a sticker not a cling...can you tell me how you remove it if you want to? I lease my vehicle! I have some on my van for the kids sports and activities...soccer with their name, dance logo and name..etc..but these are removable with a blow dryer. You simply apply heat to it and it will shrivel up if you ever need to take it off...these have stayed on for a couple of years already through all kinds of weather here up in the Cleveland Area

I used the small stone scraper to take it off my window. Worked like a charm. I had to update my info when I moved.

I also have a wiper and defroster on the back. I gave the measurements from top to above the wiper and they made it to fit. Nothing happened to either the wiper or the decal from using the defroster or wiper. I actually use the wiper often so that my logo can be seen between washings. The logo is beautiful and on purpose I park my car on weekends out front (garage in back) so people walking by can see my car;)
  • #69
Ugh, i hadn't thought about my address being on my stamp. Mostly the things I stamp go to people I've spoken with personally, but I do plan to use it for vendor fairs too and you get less of a feel for people there. I may need to keep printing labels to use for those with just name and ph#--I don't feel like buying a second stamp.
  • #70
Where did you order from JeriSigns.com? It looks like Vinyl Lettering - is that right?!
  • #71
SO... Kelly and all of you with info decals on your cars... have you had calls and responses... My husband is kind of a non decal kind of guy but if I can convince him that it would bring me business he MIGHT just cave in... so I need some back up girls! ... can't wait to hear..
  • #72
I have decals on my back windows of my Expedition and so far it has lead to a $75.00 order, a show and a recruit. I have my name, phone number, email and web page.

My car is white with tinted windows, so the white vinyl lettering really stands out.
  • #73
well... that is DEFINETLY worth it isn't it! Congrats!!!!!!
  • #74
quiverfull7 said:
SO... Kelly and all of you with info decals on your cars... have you had calls and responses... My husband is kind of a non decal kind of guy but if I can convince him that it would bring me business he MIGHT just cave in... so I need some back up girls! ... can't wait to hear..

Diane--I have people stop me all the time because of my window stickers. I had mine done at FastSigns. I have stickers on the side windows of our minivan. I told myself I will wait on the rear sticker until I promote to Director. My husband doesn't want the rear sticker, but I can get it when I promote. I have made several sales, given out LOTS of mini catalogs, and had one lady follow me home!! That was a little scary cuz I had the kiddos in the car. I think she was a little loony tunes, too! But that is another thread.
  • #75
I have a fear of putting stickers/decals on my vehicles as well... I don't know why, but I just can't do it. After seeing the decals, I really think I may want to reconsider, it could be worth it.

Also, I didn't think about NOT including my address on stamps and such, has anyone had any serious problems with putting your address on materials... or is it more of a precaution??? Thanks.
  • #76
Mine looks very similar, except all the contact info is below TPC label! Good luck with them. I just got mine about 4 weeks ago and no bites yet! I'm sure eventually they will pay off!:rolleyes:
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  • #77
No bites on mine yet, either.

I am normally NOT someone who would put decals/stickers/bumper stickers on my car, but I really think these look professional and not tacky at all!
  • Thread starter
  • #78
missi.robbins said:
Where did you order from JeriSigns.com? It looks like Vinyl Lettering - is that right?!
Check out these replys on this thread:

#19, 24, 26, 36, 46, and 49

Hopefully what you are asking is in those answers, if not let me know!!
  • #79
One of my PC friends told me today that someone came up and rang her doorbell and booked a June show because her car with logos was parked in her driveway! How crazy! It can happen!
  • #80
Once can only hope to get random orders or shows from them! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #81
speedychef said:
One of my PC friends told me today that someone came up and rang her doorbell and booked a June show because her car with logos was parked in her driveway! How crazy! It can happen!
Wow! I park my SUV towards the back of the driveway...maybe that will happen to me!! (I doubt it, though, we live on a cul-de-sac!):D
  • #82
Here's a question for fellow APO cheffers:

Can we place an adverstising sticker/magnets on our vehicles or does that violate some regulation? I'd think we can at least place a logo sticker on our car?

  • #83
It happened again!I was delivering a prize to someone who entered my drawing last Saturday at my booth at the mall.

When I was walking to my car, I heard is that PC? I need a catalog! I asked the lady when was the last time she had a show, because she just kept going on and on about how she loved the products. It had been at least 5 years! I said it times you had another one, so much has changed. She booked for June 1st. Yahoo!

I am definately going to talk to her about the opportunity, with how excited she was about the products.
  • #84
I had gotten the magnets for each door, but the rain gets behind them, and then my car needs a wash very often. So I am looking at new options and I just love this idea! Although, I am not sure it would fit, I drive a beetle and my website is my first and last name. I would have to measure it!
  • #85
I just got stickers from Nancy's...they're kind of small, but better than nothing...I just got asked when I was in Peoria today about my PC shirt! I was going to make a few posts when I was in Milwaukee and Peoria, but I ran out of time...we were flying a HEART TRANSPLANT TEAM! That was really neat. So anyhow, I have to put those stickers on my car, maybe SOMEONE will mention it! (Sorry for the brief hijack!)
  • #86
ExcitedI just ordered the items you used & can't wait til they come it!! It really does look professional!! I hate long shipping times...:(
  • #87
ChefBeckyD said:
Just a word of caution re: advertising on your vehicle - In Michigan, if you advertise on your vehicle, it automatically becomes a Business Vehicle, and your insurance rates SKYROCKET!!!! You might want to check w/ your insurance company before putting decals on your car!The PC one is fine, it's only when you start listing contact info, etc......(at least in Michigan - I/m sure it differs by state.)
This post is definitely worth repeating. If you advertise your business on your vehicle I STRONGLY urge you to check with your Insurance Agent. Your state laws may require you to insure it as a business vehicle with higher liability limits (and with that comes a higher premium). You also open yourself up to the risk that if you are in an accident and someone screams oh my back, they can not only go after you, but your business as well. Likewise if you ever accidently run over someone's property you could be at greater risk. If you're not properly insured, the other party can sue you in court and if your looked at as a business instead of an individual, they may just win.Sorry, I don't mean to be a doggy downer, but my other job is Insurance - I sell health, but I am licensed in auto and homeowners as well.
Last edited:
  • #88
I'll have to remove the sticker on my car from that "other" business I had........Mary Kay..........and put a PC sticker on to replace it. Out with the old (cult) and in with the new.
  • #89
legacypc46 said:
Here's a question for fellow APO cheffers:

Can we place an adverstising sticker/magnets on our vehicles or does that violate some regulation? I'd think we can at least place a logo sticker on our car?


I think it would be okay, but I'm not 100% sure. I have seen quite a few vehicles on base in Oki advertising Tupperware, photography businesses, etc.

Maybe legal could tell you for sure if it was okay?
  • #90
I'm not sure why I think this, but I think I heard it somewhere along the way... if you can remove the advertising it is okay. If it is a permanent paint job or something like that then you have an issue with your insurance.
  • #91
gilliandanielle said:
We are allowed to advertise like that- you should see my director's PC-mobile!!!

Will you take a picture for us pretty please? I'd love to see it. :)
  • #92
Chefgirl2 said:
I was wondering if we could write off our car payment as advertisement? I have a PC friend who has permanent pc info on both sides and back of her SUV. Her tax girl saw no problem writing it all off as advertisement. I just purchased a new SUV (Outlander!!!) and spoke to my tax man about adding the PC info and he said no way.

We both live in the same state. She got a killer refund.

Does anyone know?

I'm still reading this thread, so I apologize if this has been mentioned. Be sure to speak with your insurance agent....If you use company signage, you may be required to have business rated car insurance.
  • #93
That is really a great idea...... I hope you get lots of business from it!!
  • #94
How I didn't read this thread sooner, I don't know... but I just went and ordered my sign! Thanks Kelly!
  • #95
I think it looks fabulous! I have been wanting to do that myself but wasn't sure how it would look but now I know how nice it looks! I hope you get all you hoped out of it!
  • #96
Does anyone know if Jeri is still doing these signs for cars? I ordered a PC one, and now I need to take that one off and order a different one for my new biz. I emailed her with what I wanted, but havent heard back from her. Hmm.
  • #97
Chefgirl2 said:
I was wondering if we could write off our car payment as advertisement? I have a PC friend who has permanent pc info on both sides and back of her SUV. Her tax girl saw no problem writing it all off as advertisement. I just purchased a new SUV (Outlander!!!) and spoke to my tax man about adding the PC info and he said no way.

We both live in the same state. She got a killer refund.

Does anyone know?
You can only write off your car payment if you use it solely for business. Then it is a business expense. However, if you use it also as a personal vehicle then it is not a write off. The only thing you could write off is the cost of the decal. Some accountants may let you write it off but I know for a fact that my boss who is an accountant would not sign your return if you attempted to do this.
  • #98
I've thought about getting the logo on my vehicle, has anyone had much success advertising that way, or much results?
  • #99
salthechef said:
I've thought about getting the logo on my vehicle, has anyone had much success advertising that way, or much results?

I've had the PC logo with my website and phone number on my van for 2 yrs. No one has ever gone to my website and placed an order because of it, received one order from a girl in WalMart's parking lot, given out a few catalogs but they weren't interested when I followed up (yes, I got their name and number! ;) ) Did have a girl call me to book a bridal show a few weeks ago...I wasn't even driving the van, a friend had borrowed it! Called her back to deliver the host packet and she said the bride's mom changed her mind!! :mad:

We've bought a new car and my entire family started screaming NO!! when I suggested putting a decal on this one. (I tend to agree...logo signs look better on a van or SUV, not my Taurus :( )
  • #100
GeorgiaPeach said:
I've had the PC logo with my website and phone number on my van for 2 yrs. No one has ever gone to my website and placed an order because of it, received one order from a girl in WalMart's parking lot, given out a few catalogs but they weren't interested when I followed up (yes, I got their name and number! ;) ) Did have a girl call me to book a bridal show a few weeks ago...I wasn't even driving the van, a friend had borrowed it! Called her back to deliver the host packet and she said the bride's mom changed her mind!! :mad:

We've bought a new car and my entire family started screaming NO!! when I suggested putting a decal on this one. (I tend to agree...logo signs look better on a van or SUV, not my Taurus :( )
Hummm I've been thinking about doing this but I drive a car, we have a van but I don't think it would attract business. People would probably say "poor girl, not doing so well with the biz..." :D I need an SUV... I will run it by the hubby, the sign may turn out to be a little more expensive than I thought!
<h2>1. Can I use the Pampered Chef decal on my car for business leads?</h2><p>Yes, you can definitely use the Pampered Chef decal on your car for business leads. It's a great way to get your name and brand out there while you're on the road.</p><h2>2. Where can I get a Pampered Chef decal for my car?</h2><p>You can purchase a Pampered Chef decal from your local Pampered Chef consultant or from the official Pampered Chef website. You can also find them from third-party retailers such as JeriSigns.com.</p><h2>3. How can a decal on my car help generate leads for my Pampered Chef business?</h2><p>A decal on your car can help generate leads by bringing attention to your business while you're driving around. People who see your decal may be interested in learning more about Pampered Chef and may contact you for more information or to place an order.</p><h2>4. Is it worth investing in a Pampered Chef decal for my car?</h2><p>Yes, investing in a Pampered Chef decal for your car can be worth it. It's a relatively inexpensive way to advertise your business and can potentially bring in new leads and customers.</p><h2>5. Can I customize the Pampered Chef decal for my car?</h2><p>Yes, you can customize the Pampered Chef decal for your car. Many third-party retailers offer customizable options, such as adding your name or contact information to the decal. You can also create your own design or logo and have it made into a decal for your car.</p>

Related to Have you tried using a Pampered Chef decal on your car for business leads?

1. Can I use the Pampered Chef decal on my car for business leads?

Yes, you can definitely use the Pampered Chef decal on your car for business leads. It's a great way to get your name and brand out there while you're on the road.

2. Where can I get a Pampered Chef decal for my car?

You can purchase a Pampered Chef decal from your local Pampered Chef consultant or from the official Pampered Chef website. You can also find them from third-party retailers such as JeriSigns.com.

3. How can a decal on my car help generate leads for my Pampered Chef business?

A decal on your car can help generate leads by bringing attention to your business while you're driving around. People who see your decal may be interested in learning more about Pampered Chef and may contact you for more information or to place an order.

4. Is it worth investing in a Pampered Chef decal for my car?

Yes, investing in a Pampered Chef decal for your car can be worth it. It's a relatively inexpensive way to advertise your business and can potentially bring in new leads and customers.

5. Can I customize the Pampered Chef decal for my car?

Yes, you can customize the Pampered Chef decal for your car. Many third-party retailers offer customizable options, such as adding your name or contact information to the decal. You can also create your own design or logo and have it made into a decal for your car.

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