thechefofnorthbend said:From deep research (and asking allot of nosy questions) I have heard throught the grapevine that PC private labels their coffee from a roaster in Portland Oregon. Its very Hush Hush, but my girlfriend ALSO privalte labels her coffee from, we think, the SAME roaster...she had taken a tour of the facilty about a year and a 1/2 ago and was inadvertanly given a supply to take home to test (and it had the non-resale packaging, brown bag label that said PC-Ill, DSA code-DC) She had asked her "contact" and he appologized and told her that she NEVER should have seen that, it goes to a special direct sales vendor located in Illinios...) Hmmmm.....I'm checking more into this...
You know, if that is the case, it's almost funny. PC just can't keep anything a secret from the Cheffers. One of us almost always finds something out before we are supposed to!!! One of my recruits called me this morning and was laughing because I had emailed her and our Director with all the updates. She said "Do you think she will even have our meeting this month since we already know everything?"