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Countdown to National Conference

In summary, the conversation revolved around National Conference and attendees discussing various aspects such as workshop selection, registration refunds, and attire. Tips were also shared and questions were asked about tracks and a possible Chef Success gathering. The recommended attire is business casual with no denim or shorts.
  • #51
raebates said:
Today is April 15. There are 88 days left until the start of National Conference.

I haven’t seen anything about dress code for this year, but I’ll assume that it will be similar to what it’s been in the past. Here’s the official word from last year:

Pampered Chef requires that at all official Pampered Chef functions you dress business casual. No denim or shorts. Chicago can be hot in the summer, but keep in mind that you are indoors most of the time and the air conditioner can be chilly. Packing a light blazer or sweater is a good idea since you can easily take it on and off when needed.

There are those who will argue that they should be allowed to (or always have, or by golly intend to) wear either denim or shorts. Be that as it may, the HO has set the rules, and I am an inveterate rule follower. (Remember, I’m not trying to start a fight or a huge discussion. I’m just trying to offer helpful hints so the countdown doesn’t get boring.)

Start now to take a good look at your available wardrobe in light of the rules. If there’s something you need to add, you have almost 3 months to search out sales, resale shops, and consignment shops for whatever you need. If you start now, you won’t be as tempted to spend a lot just to get something.

And now I'll need something special to wear for walking across the stage!:eek::D
  • Thread starter
  • #52
What a wonderful problem to have.
  • #53
@Becky, just don't wear any crazy high heels you aren't used to wearing!! :) LOL
  • #54
cookingwithdot said:
@Becky, just don't wear any crazy high heels you aren't used to wearing!! :) LOL

LOL - Definitely!
  • #55
I am so excited about going this year got my plane ticket, hotel booked, and registration done and I am promoting to director officially on June 1st so I will be walking :) I am so excited.
  • #56
Congrats Christina!!!!
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  • #57
Today is April 16. There are 87 days until the start of National Conference.Keep an eye on CS to find NC roommates.
  • #58
I am thankful I have my roommate, hotel reservations, registration and just looking for the air fare today!!!!
  • #59
Howl at the Moon looks like fun! http://www.howlatthemoon.com/locations/location-chicago
  • Thread starter
  • #60
Today is April 17. There are 86 days until the start of National Conference.I wonder if there will be any way to earn extra ribbons this year. For newbies—when you get your name badge you'll receive a first-timer's ribbon to attach to your badge. Team Leaders and above have special ribbons. There are buttons, ribbons, and lanyards for things like earnings, recruiting, and charitable giving. At least, that’s what they’ve done in the past. Keep your eye on CC for announcements.
  • #61
akrebecca said:
Howl at the Moon looks like fun! http://www.howlatthemoon.com/locations/location-chicago

Too bad Cougar night is on Thursday...that's when I'm flying out...HHAHAHHAHAHAH:D
  • #62
Rae there is a ribbon for completing the on-line training courses too!
  • #63
pampered1224 said:
Rae there is a ribbon for completing the on-line training courses too!

Actually, according to this past week's newswire- it's a button for the training.

Earn a Collectible Online Training Button

Celebrating success is part of the fun at National Conference! When you complete all of the Online Training Courses by midnight (CT) Tuesday, June 15, you''ll receive the Online Training button to wear with pride!
  • Thread starter
  • #64
Today is April 18. There are 85 days until the start of National Conference. You'll probably only have a few cluster/team meetings between now and NC. Write down anything you want to discuss with your clustermates so you can ask at the meetings. What do they usually do during down time? Do they usually move about as a group or will you be mostly on your own? Do they usually choose expensive restaurants, mid-range meals, or cheap & cheerful cuisine? Your roommates and travel buddies will be good sources of info.
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  • #65
Today is April 19. There are 84 days until the start of National Conference. Begin now making a list of the things you hope to learn at NC. If you’ve never been before, think about what you most want to know. Write down your questions. Read them over frequently. This will plant them in your brain, and you’ll be more likely to recognize an answer when you hear it. That’s one of the best things you can do to prepare your mind for NC.
  • #66
I am so excited for conference! It's my favorite time of the year!
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  • #67
Today is April 20. There are 83 days until the start of National Conference.You can ride the shuttle to McCormick no matter where you stay. You will be reminded not to wear your name badge while walking around Chicago, since it really pegs you as a tourist. However, your badge will act as your shuttle pass.
  • #68
Rae: Thanks for the tips! This will be my 2nd conference, but I really want this year to be less chaotic in the planning and I think your tips will be very helpful in that.
  • Thread starter
  • #69
I hope so, Angel. I tend to be really organized and seldom give in to chaos. I enjoy sharing the things that help me to reach that state along with any other tidbits I think might help.
  • #70
Kind of a weird "off-topic" thought...when you said "it really pegs you as a tourist"....I thought of a few things that can peg you as a tourist, but generally, we typically feel safe - at least in the Michigan Ave./Navy Pier areas. ALWAYS be alert of course. But the thought I had was you will occasionally encounter panhandlers. As much as your heart-strings may pull on you to give money to them, we don't- BECAUSE, as soon as you do, the panhandler's further down the walk see it and you become their target. And they will hound you and harass you. It's happened to us before, and my DH did it with a guy last year- and then he got harassed by several further up the walk- AND HE WAS ALONE WITH MY TWO YOUNG BOYS! He was a little bit nervous (and he's a bodybuilder- not a small guy!). Talk about a slightly scary situation.So just a fair "tourist warning"..... they don't play nice. I hate to sound that way. The mama in me just didn't like it when I heard that.
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  • #71
One of the tips I share as we get closer deals with panhandlers. I take gift certificates from McDonalds. I feel good about helping someone, it's more difficult for them to use my donation for anything other than food, and I can stick to a set amount. I've never been hassled by others once I've given.
  • #72
This will be my first time going and I am finding all of these tips extremely helpful. I sincerely appreciate the time everyone is taking to contribute!
  • #73
Oh I like the gift certificate idea!!
  • Thread starter
  • #74
Today is April 21. There are 82 days until the start of National Conference.Have you made your travel plans? My group is driving in, but if you're planning to arrive in Chicago by train, plane, or bus you'll want to make your plans and reservations soon.
  • #75
Just booked my flight!!! I'm so excited!!!! I earned career club last year, but wasn't able to go to NC,...so I'm super excited to be going this year!!!
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  • #76
You won't be sorry.
  • #77
I'm getting so excited to go! Not sure about my flight yet ....
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  • #78
Today is April 22. There are 81 days until the start of National Conference.

If the only clothes you have that would be appropriate for NC aren't comfortable, you need to do something. You can have the clothes you already have altered. Or, you can buy new. Just remember that it can take lots of time to find clothing that fits your body and your budget. That is, of course, unless you’re one of those people who easily wears just about anything. If that’s you, don’t tell me. I’m afraid it would alter my good feelings toward you. LOL!

Not that anyone would care, but I recently purchased a new top to wear at NC. I love it. It’s colorful and definitely warm-weather appropriate.
  • #79
ANY excuse to shop works for me :) I've been buying "conference" clothes for about a month now LOL!If you plan on buying new outfits for conference, I suggest giving them a "test drive" before conference,....just to make sure things feel right, move right,..are comfortable..that sort of thing. Definitely "break in" new shoes before you go... I always get blisters at NC,...
  • #80
I ordered 2 blouses and a pair of capris today! :) Got a great deal in the outlet section of Coldwater Creek online. I still need to find that special outfit for walking the stage, though...I'd like to be 20 lbs thinner to find it.
  • #81
As for clothing if you are like me and haven't seen a size 5 in a LONG time Wal-mart has had some nice clothes in the +size section. Definitely warm weather and NC appropriate.
  • #82
And if, like me, you can't get dressed from the waist down at Wal-Mart, find your local Catherine's. They are offering me an extra 25 percent discount, on top of all other specials, to find something to wear and walk around the store for 15 minutes. Got Capris last time I was there ....I found that they didn't really ask for a shuttle pass as long as you got on at a conference hotel or at McCormick.
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  • #83
Definitely test-drive your clothing. Di--were you wearing your name tag? I've never been asked for a pass, but I've seen people be stopped and asked for their tag.
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  • #84
Today is April 23. There are 80 days until the start of National Conference.If your loved ones are questioning your desire to go to NC, do your best to include them in the excitement. Have them help you brainstorm about things to take, things to ask, things to see . . .
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  • #85
Today is April 24. There are 79 days until the start of National Conference.Use CS to talk incessantly about NC. Your family (or roommates, or co-workers, or, well, you get the idea) probably doesn't want to hear constant chatter about it. However, do make sure they know that you'll miss them; you'll bring them souvenirs; and they'll benefit from the extra money you'll make because of the business boost you'll get.
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  • #86
Today is April 25. There are 78 days until the start of National Conference.Start a file. I keep 2 NC files--1 in a folder I can secure in some way (mine is plastic with sealed edges and a tab that can be placed over the open top), the other on my computer. I use these files for all NC materials--confirmations, receipts, lists, etc. I use the computer file for anything I don't want to waste a lot of paper on (like the agenda or workshop descriptions). I also use the computer for ongoing lists, like my packing list. I use the secure folder for the things I'll be taking with me, like confirmations. Getting organized now helps me to stay organized all the way through NC.
  • #87
I am using the software OneNote for organizing things for conference on my computer. It is very neat for making lists.
  • #88
angel7581 said:
I am using the software OneNote for organizing things for conference on my computer. It is very neat for making lists.

you like it? I have been looking into EverNote.. I want something that goes to and from my blackberry, too.
  • #89
Di_Can_Cook said:
And if, like me, you can't get dressed from the waist down at Wal-Mart, find your local Catherine's. They are offering me an extra 25 percent discount, on top of all other specials, to find something to wear and walk around the store for 15 minutes. Got Capris last time I was there ....

I found that they didn't really ask for a shuttle pass as long as you got on at a conference hotel or at McCormick.

Di, I didn't see this until now, but 'just happened' to go to Catherine's for the first time in years yesterday. Everything was 40% off, I got another 15% off for opening a store credit card, AND they asked me to be a model next weekend for the 25% off. Best of all - I got a May booking!!
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  • #90
Today is April 26. There are 77 days until the start of National Conference.Always double-check. It's easy to get used to relying on your director, your recruiter, your clustermates, or your friends here at CS for information. We're good, but we're not perfect. The best source of information is the HO. Make sure you're reading what they send and what's posted on CC.
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  • #91
Today is April 27. There are 76 days until the start of National Conference.I like to look my best at NC. Since I have colored hair in a fairly short style, that means making sure that my cut and color are reasonably fresh. I've already set my appointments for the next couple of months so I can make sure I'm feeling cute for NC.If this is a concern for you as well, you might want to make your appointment now. Make sure your stylist will be available when you need him/her.
  • #92
I did the same Rae.. I actually booked this next hair and eyebrow appt a little later than I usually would so I will be on track to get it done on July 9th!
  • #93
raebates said:
Today is April 27. There are 76 days until the start of National Conference.

I like to look my best at NC. Since I have colored hair in a fairly short style, that means making sure that my cut and color are reasonably fresh. I've already set my appointments for the next couple of months so I can make sure I'm feeling cute for NC.

If this is a concern for you as well, you might want to make your appointment now. Make sure your stylist will be available when you need him/her.

I did this too! It was a little tricky, because of my vacation, and her vacation...but we worked it out! I have to look good walking across that stage!
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  • #94
Today is April 28. There are 75 days until the start of National Conference.Yesterday I talked about looking good. Today I want to remind you to do what you can to make sure you feel good. NC is physically and mentally stressful. It's good stress, but it's still stress. You have just over 10 weeks to prepare yourself. Here are my suggestions:Make getting rest a priority. If you're not well rested when you arrive, you're likely to struggle. After all, there are lots of things to do, so you might be staying up late and getting up early. Most people don't sleep as well in a strange bed. Most of us will be sharing a room with others, which can impair your sleep. These won't be as much of an issue if your sleep bank is full to begin with. Start walking. There is a lot of walking at NC. Get moving now so you won't feel like you've been hit by a truck on day 2.Eat well. Fueling your body with good food in the weeks ahead is a good way to make sure you're healthy and energetic when you arrive at NC. You know what that means. Eat your veggies. Go for lean proteins and whole grains. Avoid overly processed foods. Avoid empty calories. Who knows? It's possible that these will become good habits that will become part of a healthy lifestyle that lasts long after this NC.
  • #95
Rae, you rock!! Thanks for all the info!
  • Thread starter
  • #96
Aw, thanks.
  • #97
ChefMary412 said:
you like it? I have been looking into EverNote.. I want something that goes to and from my blackberry, too.
I am loving OneNote. It is helping me to organize things and with my ADHD that is really important!
  • Thread starter
  • #98
Today is April 29. There are 74 days until the start of National Conference.

Ken Davis shared these ideas on a blog. He was talking about how to get the most out of the conferences he does, but I think they translate well to NC.
Make these resolutions to help you maximize your experiences:

1. Resolve to Relax
So many times we go into new situations tense and defensive, fearful of change and concerned about what people will think. We assume a negative posture that stifles creativity and inhibits learning.
Anticipate a great experience
Believe that you will learn something helpful
Don’t set yourself up to compete. You have nothing to prove. Learning is not competition it is absorption. Become a happy Sponge Bob Square Pants. Soak it up!​

2. Resolve to Disarm
We put it this way, “Leave your guns at the door.” All those little tricks and stories and shortcuts that you usually use when the pressure is on; the candy stick, shoot from the hip easy way out solutions that keep you from trying new things, leave them at the door.

Open yourself up to learn new techniques. Risk by exploring new ideas. When you leave the conference you can pick up your guns and take them with you. You may not need them anymore. OR you may find them more affective with the new material you have learned. By leaving them at the door you will resist the temptation to depend on them and miss out on learning something new.

3. Resolve to connect
Dive in. Introduce yourself to instructors and other attendees. Ask questions, offer insight. Eat and talk and laugh with other people. TURN YOUR PHONE OFF!

In twenty years of doing workshops I can count on one hand and half of one foot the number of people who said they got nothing out of it. ALL OF THEM remained isolated and refused to get involved with the people around them. Some felt they knew it all. Usually those were sent by someone who knew they didn’t. Others never disconnected from phone - computer - business, so even though they were physically at the conference, mentally they never left the office.

4. Resolve to commit
I ask our students to commit to what we are teaching just for the length of the conference. Long enough to try the principles, get past the discomfort of doing something NEW, and experience the difference it will make in their performance. Once they leave, I give them permission to dump the whole thing and shoot me with the guns they left at the door, BUT BY THEN THEY ARE HOOKED.

The new grip suggested by a golf pro seems intolerable until you commit to practice it until it becomes natural. Only then will you hit the 250 yard drive or sink the 15 foot putt.

Try these resolutions the next time you are at a conference.
  • #99
Which hotels are nearby?
<h2>What is National Conference?</h2><p>National Conference is an annual event hosted by Pampered Chef for our consultants to come together and learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.</p><h2>When and where is National Conference held?</h2><p>This year's National Conference will take place from July 11-13 in Indianapolis, Indiana.</p><h2>How do I register for National Conference?</h2><p>You can register for National Conference through your Consultant's Corner account starting tomorrow, April 12. Simply log in and follow the instructions to complete your registration.</p><h2>What workshops are available at National Conference?</h2><p>There are a variety of workshops offered at National Conference, covering topics such as business building, product knowledge, and leadership skills. You can view the workshop list and descriptions on Consultant's Corner.</p><h2>How can I make the most out of my National Conference experience?</h2><p>We recommend choosing workshops that align with your goals and areas you want to improve upon. Additionally, take advantage of networking opportunities and attend any special events or activities planned for the conference. And don't forget to have fun and celebrate your achievements!</p>

Related to Countdown to National Conference

What is National Conference?

National Conference is an annual event hosted by Pampered Chef for our consultants to come together and learn, network, and celebrate their achievements.

When and where is National Conference held?

This year's National Conference will take place from July 11-13 in Indianapolis, Indiana.

How do I register for National Conference?

You can register for National Conference through your Consultant's Corner account starting tomorrow, April 12. Simply log in and follow the instructions to complete your registration.

What workshops are available at National Conference?

There are a variety of workshops offered at National Conference, covering topics such as business building, product knowledge, and leadership skills. You can view the workshop list and descriptions on Consultant's Corner.

How can I make the most out of my National Conference experience?

We recommend choosing workshops that align with your goals and areas you want to improve upon. Additionally, take advantage of networking opportunities and attend any special events or activities planned for the conference. And don't forget to have fun and celebrate your achievements!

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