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I actually change into a smaller wallet when I travel. This leads to me only taking the things I need and to not carry any extra.Sheila said:Sorry, the retired police dispatcher in me is saying DON'T DO THAT! If your suitcase gets lost in transit or if a member of the hotel cleaning staff decides to rifle through your things, you are putting your cards at risk by giving them photos of the front & back of your card to make as many internet purchases as they want (especially if you have a photo copy of your drivers license WITH your billing address printed on the driver's license). Yes, it's a good idea to keep a copy at home in a safe place. You can even give a copy to a trusted relative or friend in case you need to call them for the info from vacation ... but I discourage you from carrying copies of all your personal info like that in your suitcase.
Another thought ... what if the hotel messes up & gives someone a key to your room? My sister & brother-in-law were just telling me that they walked into a room where someone was in the shower & all that person's stuff was laid out in the room (including a man's wallet on the dresser). Sis & BIL backed out & immediately returned to the desk ... but what if the occupant was not in the shower but gone AND what if the people with accidental access to his room were not trustworthy people? Never leave valuables in a hotel room unless it's in a safe.
What if you don't know your roommate as well as you THOUGHT you did?
When traveling, don't carry credit cards you won't need or use with you. Don't carry extras like your children's Social Security cards with you. Clean out all non-essential items and leave them in a secure place at home (or safe deposit box at the bank if you have one). There's no point in making yourself more vulnerable than you have to be. Keep alert. Be aware of your surroundings at all times (on or off vacation). If you see someone who looks suspicious, make eye contact. Most thieves will have second thoughts about choosing YOU as the victim if they think you could identify them in a lineup. Most purse snatchers want to do it & flee before you can get a good look at them. So make them nervous ... LOOK at them before they can grab & run! Never carry your purse on the street side of you when walking on a sidewalk. It's too easy for someone to drive by, reach out the window & grab it. Always keep it on the building side of the street and close. If you are in a crowd, keep it tucked around near your belly button where you will KNOW if someone tries to touch it or dig in it. And remember, you can dial 911 for free from any pay phone.