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Are You Trying to Conceive?

In summary, Kristen and her husband are not trying for a baby, but are hoping for one. Her son is 5 months old and she plans to have another child in the future.
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  • #301
It came back negative. But I guess I'll wait a few more days/week and test again.
  • #302
I'm sorry for your disappointment Anne. I'll keep praying for you though!
  • #303
Sorry to hear that Anne, I was hoping to read the opposite for you today.
  • #304
Anne, wishing you much success on your next EPT results! Keep the faith girl.

  • #305
I think if you keep doing -LIKE ALOT ALOT IT WILL HAPPEN. I have 3 kids 6yo 3yo and 2yo and I wouldlove to have more. And also be rich is nice too lol/ My friend Sarah is about to have her 5th omg and the funny part about is is that she got her tubes cut and burn off after the 4th and still got prego. She is due on Christmas day w/ a boy . we suggest that he might part the sea lol
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  • #306
supergirljennie said:
Absolutely you could! It depends on the sensitivity of the tests. This website lists the brands and the sensitivity. The lower the number, the sooner you'll know!


I hope that helps you guys!
Thanks! That site is great!

gilliandanielle said:
What Happened???? Don't Make Me Call Your House!!!!
Good thing you sent me that email. I JUST NOW got notice that you posted to this thread. Sheesh...
  • #307
Keep your chin up Anne! I know is sucks seeing the negative...
  • #308
Same here Anne!!I also got a negative!! :( :(

I guess I have tested too early. I will try again at the end of Nov. I hate having irregular cycles. But I should be used to it, the same thing happened in my other pregnancies. I will keep you all posted.
Sorry to hear that Anne I hope you and I will have a wonderful surprise by next month!!! :)
Debbie :D
  • Thread starter
  • #309
Negative, again...So, I tested FIRST THING this morning. Nothing. I guess its the stress causing me to skip, which I have A TON of right now. I have an appt with the Doc Nov 16th. I guess I will talk to him about it.
  • #310
Sorry Anne! You never know- you could have ovulated later than you thought and not be testing positive yet. It happened to me and about 100 ladies on my birth board! Get a blood test done for sure while you are at the doc!! Are you going because of missing AF or for something else?
  • #311
OMG Anne, that is too funny......... I haven't laughed that hard in a long time!!!

AJPratt said:
So I have to share this story... Yesterday (and probably still today) was a "fertile day" according to this website I use to track my cycle. So, it was Friday and I was exhausted. My husband and I watched TV for a while and it started to get really late and I started to nod off on the couch. I said, "I'm exhausted and I have to go to bed soon." He says, "Lets just finish this show (10 minutes into an hour show)." I say, "But I'm so tired, I'm falling asleep, and we need to "go upstairs" because its the right time". He says, "Go up without me and I'll be up in a bit." Me: "I am going up now and I am exhausted. My head will hit the pillow and I will be out. I'm ovulating, and we need to do it tonight, and if you're not up there by the time my head hits that damn pillow, you are out of luck until the next time I ovulate. Do you understand me?" Needless to say he high-tailed it upstairs. LOL As I was falling asleep he says, "You know, I'm not a machine." I said, "Well, you seem to think I'm a baby drive thru window, that you can just pull up and place your order and drive away." There was just silence.
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  • #312
gilliandanielle said:
Sorry Anne! You never know- you could have ovulated later than you thought and not be testing positive yet. It happened to me and about 100 ladies on my birth board! Get a blood test done for sure while you are at the doc!! Are you going because of missing AF or for something else?

AF is MIA, but I have also had nausea, exhaustion, I am completely overwhelmed and I can't think straight. Clothes are tight on me, so I am really bloated and my boobs have exploded. I just don't know. Maybe I will give the doc a call.
  • #313
Anne, I would give your doctor a call! Those are very typical early pregnancy signs. A blood test would let you know for sure.
  • #314
Good luck by the way!
  • #315
Oh No Anne!! How on earth is your bra staying hooked now that your boobs have exploded?? ROTFLMAO!!!!!

Blood test, blood test, blood test!!! Getting one will either confirm your pregnancy or let you move on to next month...
  • #316
LMAO, you guys are killing me. I am trying to finish submitting my month end crap, and decided to take a break and almost peed my pants. Thanks that has made my day!
  • #317
OMG LMAO........ I thoght I was bad..... myproblem is I am getting married in lets see here I think it's 30 days now... soemthing like that.... anyways.... I am on the pill right now.. every time I turn around someone is poping out a baby... MAN I WANT A BABY...... my finacee wants to wait.... :(
  • Thread starter
  • #318
What they never told youSaw this on a site... thought I'd share.

What Nobody Told You About Trying to Conceive...

That your sex life would start to resemble a science experiment.

That the longer you TTC, the more PG women spring up around you.

That deep down inside, I can be a very jealous person.

That one day you wouldn't mind checking your CM or CP to see if it is your fertile period.

That you never knew how much you wanted to see those 2 pink lines......until only one shows up every month

That simply relaxing will NOT get you pregnant. (your dh has to do some work too)

That you have no control over some of the goals you set...

That one day my DH would know so much about how my uterus functions and what it looks like from the inside (thanks HSGs).

That miscarriage is so common.

That I would wish we had started TTC earlier.

That my friends' pregnancies would start to make me sad instead of happy.

That I wasted ALOT of money on Birth control pills!!

That it would help bring a group of wonderful, caring, funny, empathetic women together like this.

That it wouldn't happen the first time you didn't use birth control like we were led to believe in school.

That you wouldn't know how important a baby was to you until it took so long and you realized what you were willing to go through to make it happen.

That it is insensitive to ask people when they are having a baby!

That women who do get pregnant are so very blessed!

That I could have been rich saving money on condoms, which were obviously unecessary.

That I would be happy to see abundant cervial fluid and tell my DH about it.

That other people's "good news" of pregnancy makes me sad and when they tell me they have good news, I hope that they just saved a bunch of money on car insurance by switching to Geico.

That had I bought stock in Clearblue Easy I'd have my mansion on St. Pete's Beach in FL by now.

That docs should prescribe Zoloft with Clomid.

That having flo show up makes you cry, no matter who's bathroom you are in.

That it does not get easier, each cycle is harder than the last.

That I wouldn't want to hold or see someone's baby because it just hurts way too much.

That a group of "strangers" who I will probably never meet, have now become my "best friends" when it comes to ttc.

That talking about sex with fellow TTCers would be so easy.

That infertility is more common than you think.

That one day all of this will make us stronger.

That there is sometimes darkness (infertility) before the light (a baby).

That no one I know (in my non FF life) would have any understanding as to how I feel.

That my temper and patience are much shorter than I ever thought.

That I would find it extremely difficult to be happy for other people's pregnancies and I would burst into tears upon hearing their news.

That my faith in God would be tested heavily.

That I would make so many new, wonderful friends who totally get how I feel because we all suffer from the same affliction of infertility.

That it could hurt so much to lose your innocence.

That I am very bitter towards unmarried accidental pgcys, and slightly bitter towards married accidental pgcys.

That there is nothing to aid conception in the water at work, despite what some may say.

That I am so glad my neice was born when she was, early in our ttc, because if she were born now I don't think I could deal with it.

That someone I thought to be my best friend would hurt me by saying that she was sick of hearing about my efforts at ttc.

That I'd discover who my true friends are, both IRL and online.

That I'd ever be able to bond with my step-sister (also infertile).

That I'd be glad to know that I have PCOS - because at least I know what's wrong.

That I would know about other peoples' BD, CP, CM but not know there real name, their DH's name, or their occupation.

That I could spend so much time and money on figuring out what my body is doing (or not doing).

That I would have to rely on doctors to give me the final say-so on what I can or can't do (on a med/procedure break forced by my RE against my wishes)

That foreplay would consist of DH asking "How's your cervix today"

That an HSG will tell you more than just whether or not your tubes are blocked. I had no idea your uterus could be misshaped.

That one person could be "cursed" with so many different fertility problems.

That I should have become a gyno-which I think at this point I know more then some.

That some people just say the wrong things.

That a simple blood test costs $648!

That sex would ever become a chore!

That actually having a miscarriage would allow me to understand the loss that others have felt.

That miscarriage would make me want a baby even more than before!

That I would resent someone who has been trying less time than me telling me "I know how you feel..."

That DH would be overly concerned that our BD positions were the most effective ones!

That I would become NUMB to the wonderful world around me that I already have (DH, DD, family, friends, dogs, fun, etc)!

That I would become addicted to POAS and not sleep at night because I couldn't wait to POAS in the morning!

That I would be so sad, and ashamed.

That I would learn to speak in code
Like I checked Cm which was EWCM but when I will POAS who knows, dh won't let me for fear of BFN

That when AF showed up you would feel broken and disfunctional.

That your friendships with your real life girlfriends would suffer because they got pregnant after being off the pill for 3 weeks.

That this would be, by far, one of the hardest things you will ever have to go through.

That you HAVE to have sex even though you don't feel like it, but because your FM says high or peak.

That people would pity you and feel sorry for you.

That I would meet such wonderful group of people that I can share my sorrow, frustration and fears with.

That I would be going to a psychic to find out if there was a baby in my future (she told me twins in 3 to 5 months!)

That I would dream about taking my temperature and be disappointed if I woke up at 3am and it wasn't time yet.

That I would stop fantasizing about having a baby because it stopped making me happy.

That I would buy herbs and otc creams like vitex and progest, use them for two days, and then chicken out.

That I would hear well-meaning questions like: "Have you thought of taking your temperature?" (and this is after 20 months TTC...)

That my brother, who started TTC at the same time we did and whose wife got PG three months later, would go on and on telling me how tough and tiring life with a baby is, and then finish with: "You have no idea what it's like!"

That the two little words of "just relax" uttered by everyone I know would enfuriate me beyond belief.

That someone would suggest adoption to me in order to get pregnant (because it happened to a friend of theirs) before I had even had any testing done.

That my friends who started TTC #1 around the same time we did would already be pregnant with #2 before we get pregnant with #1.

That I wouldn't be able to attend my friend's babies 1st birthday parties because of the quesiton, "So, when are ya'll going to have children."

That the people around me would become more insensitive as time goes on. "It is so hard having a new baby, you just wouldn't understand." or "Be happy you're not tied down."

That it puts this much strain on a marriage.

That I spent years trying not to get pregnant, and praying for my period. Now I can't seem to lose the witch!

It's good to know I am not alone.

That I would have to listen to people complain about their children as if they were burdens while a child is the one thing in the world I want the most. Also, they sound as if they are trying to talk me out of having kids, like it is the absolute worst thing that could ever happen to me.

That being overweight would cause people to ask when I'm due, which in turn could cause me to cry.

That I would yell at commercials on the TV (that "having a baby changes everything" one really gets to me. I can't watch it without snapping "So does not having one.")

That every girl should go to the gyn as soon as she gets AF the first time. If I had, I would have been dx with PCOS a lot faster.

That a friend would hid and ignore her own pregnancy to try to keep me from being upset.

That your body has its own mind.

That you would be keeping it a secret from everyone.

That you would cry your eyeballs out b/c AF showed.

That you would be jealous when everyone around you get pg including your 16yo cousin.

That you would tell everyone you're not ready for a child when they ask what your waiting for.

Life as you know it will be interrupted for two weeks.

That the broken heart you feel each month that is equal to the pain you feel when you lose a loved one.

That all of a sudden nursing other people's babies becomes a depressing NOT joyful feeling

That you feel useless as a female

That you will soon be lying through your teeth telling people that you don't want children

That you feel that your body has betrayed you by not delivering a regular cycle, the right about of the required "hormones" or doing what it should now how to do.

That you feel stupid and naive for thinking a pregnancy would occur "when it was supposed to".

That answering questions (and usually lying) about pregnancy or family plans would hurt so bad.
  • #319
Anne- I was in tears through this WHOLE thing! I am very emotional. I was very lucky to conceive so easily and can't imagine the heartbreak that people deal with for YEARS! I HATED telling people that I was pregnant that I knew have been trying, but I would rather tell them face to face than have them hear through the grapevine... it is just a sucky situation for both sides...
  • #320
Anne, This is so beautiful, and so emotional, and so sad. I too was in tears reading this. I thought about all of the friends I have who are unable to conceive (or stay pregnant). I thought of myself - I was 40 when I gave birth to my son and I've also been unable to get pg again. But most of all I kept thinking about you! Even though we've never met I fell like we are friends and I hurt when my friends are hurting.

You have been such an inspiraion to me since I joined CS and I thank you for all the insite, ideas, funny stories and general knowledge that you share with us. I KNOW that you are a wonderful person and I pray that you will find peace and happiness.

  • Thread starter
  • #321
Thanks girls! {{ Group hug! }}

Gillian: I can imagine how hard it was to say something, but I am soo happy for you! I know it will happen for me... I'm just tired of waiting! But then, there is a reson that it hasn't happened yet. And I feel that it would have been nuts for me to be pg last year, and thatwhile there never is a best time, this is much better for me now. We'll see!LOL

Linda: Thanks! You are so kind! This is where I always come when I am fresh out of inspiration!
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  • #322
UpdateI made a Doc appt for the 16th because I am just tired of this.

I was a week late, but the tests came back negative. I just figured I would wait a bit and retest. I felt like I had all the symptoms. Or it could just be in my head because I want it so bad. But I figured, I'll be patient. Then...

To make it worse, at the cluster meeting, there is this one consultant I just can't stand. I would never knock her to anyone in the cluster, EVER, but I feel like I need to explain how I feel for it to make sense. I don't care for her because she is just mean to other people, belittling their accomplishments and she always tries to top you. There is also a bit of a hygiene problem on several levels, but that's another issue. Well, I was at my Dir's house early to help set up last night. This girl we haven't seen in two months shows up 40 minutes early and as I walk out of the room, tells my Dir that she's pregnant. Thank God I was in the next room because it felt like someone punched me in the stomach and I needed a minute to compose myself. Also, I was busy trying to get set up, and, frankly, I was avoiding her because you can read my face like a book and I didn't want to look mad or anything. So, once most of the people arrive, she says to me really loud, "So, Anne, did you hear my good news?" I said, "Yes, that's great!" So, of course, now everyone is asking her about it. After making them wait a few minutes, building the suspense, she blurts it out again. All I could do was just excuse myself from the room. I don't know how many are aware of what I am going through, but good grief. While I am at the meeting, I start spotting and borrowed a pad from my Dir (who knows what's going on). And, guess what I had this morning? You guessed it-AF! My Dir pulled me aside last night to make sure I was OK, she's amazing! She said, "You know the ONLY reason she is her to spread that news. Just talk to your Doctor and take it one step at a time."

So, with AF this time, it was really strange because I had no cramping or anything like that to even let me know it was coming. I feel like such a idiot. So, I am going to breakdown and talk to my Doc about seeing what the next step is.
  • #323
Good luck Anne! My sister-in-law & brother tried for two years with no luck. They went to a fertility doctor & tried just about everything. My little nephew just turned one last month! She did have an easy pregnancy & delivery too-I think it was to make up for the problems with conceiving!

I know how you feel about the meeting thing. My husband & I tried for awhile too. I was teaching & each month I thought I might be pregnant, some other teacher announced her pregnancy. I just had to sit there & act all happy-which I was for them (didn't dislike them), but it's still hard, especially if not everyone knows you've been trying. Hang in there!
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  • #324
Let us know how your appointment goes Anne! We'll all be thinking of you. I know it's hard when you want it so badly, but I really think that when you least expect it, it will happen! Hang in there {{{{hugs}}}}
  • #325
Anne. After reading that post, I know there is nothing that I can say except I am sincerely sorry that you are having such a difficult time. BIG HUG!

If I had a magic wand I would help you all I could. My oldest sister could never have children so I do know the pain you are feeling. One of my dearest friends had trouble TTC and went through the whole dr./ fertility/ invitro thing with no success. Seeing her pain, I offered to be her serrogate. We were seriously looking into it when low and behold she became preggers...the old fashioned way. God does work in mysterious ways. I am sure He will pull through for you.


PS thank you for enlightening me on some (unknowingly) insensitive words/phrases that have passed through my mouth. I will definately be more aware now!
  • #326
I am so sorry Anne! I have been praying and praying that you would be one of those people who never tested positive even when they were. There is nothing I can say to make it better, but we all love you so much and are here when you need us.

I am sorry that this woman craved attention so much that she had to do this whether or not she knew your situation.
  • #327
I'm so sorry, Anne! I hope your doctor has some good advice about what you can do. It's very hard seeing others pregnant when you want so desperately to be so. A few years ago, I had an ectopic pregnancy, and lost the baby. After that we were trying for about 1 year when my SIL announced she was pregnant. I had to excuse myself to literally throw up. It's hard to be happy for others when you want it so bad.

I'll be thinking about you and hoping for the best!

I forgot to mention that my SIL has PCOS as well, and it is possible to conceive with it. :)
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  • #328
Annie- you better smile because Greg just hooked us up with PINK stars! Yoohoo!
  • Thread starter
  • #329
AWWW... That's so sweet! What's the occaision?
  • #330
Boy Anne, you need to play catch up on the changes thread, lololol.
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  • #331
Sorry... crazy day! My boss got fired. I'm not too upset because he fired my husband in March. Its a shame, but you know what goes around comes around.
  • #332
I could only wish for the what comes around to come around a lot faster for some people I know at work.BTW, I was going to make a comment about Gill's multiple tests, well kinda, lol. This lady that works with my mom said that her daughter sent her to the store down the street the other day to pick her up one, she took it, then sent her to get another one she said not even 20 minutes later, took it and I think she said had her go get another the next day and the woman at the counter said 'Is she hoping it's going to change it's mind?' So you're not alone Gill, lol.
  • #333
Another one on the way!Well, we weren't trying, but we weren't trying to prevent it either...but we just found out friday that I'm pregnant!! I'm 7 wks, and I'm so excited!! We have a 4yr old, so we're really happy about the news. My husband just returned from his second one-year deployment to Iraq (2 months ago) so it didn't take us long at all to get pregnant. :) Looks like we'll be having a July Fourth baby!! We have orders to move to Germany in April...so I'll be about 30 -31 weeks pregnant around that time. Has anyone flown internationally,being that far along pregnant??? I know after 34/35 wks, airlines don't allow you to fly.
I'm looking forward to this new baby!! The chinese calendar is saying its going to be another boy..so we'll see!!
  • #334
Congrats Caleb's Mom! I have flown up to 36 weeks...
  • #335
thanks Gillian..:) I'm a little nervous about the international flight (so long) but I know it'll be alright. :)
  • #336
calebsmom0822 said:
The chinese calendar is saying its going to be another boy..so we'll see!!

Oh that is too funny! The calendar was wrong with all 3 of mine so don't get your hopes up! I have 2 boys and then had my daughter. They are all wonderful! I do LOVE having a girl though!:D
  • #337
PampMomof3, really?? It was wrong for you?? Well I'll try not to get my hopes up. :) I'd love to have another boy..but having a girl would be wonderful too. My hubby of course wants another boy...says that if its a girl...she'll be locked up in the house until she's 40!! lol
  • #338
Yes it was wrong for me 3 times! I went in thinking I was having the opposite sex every time I went in for the ultrasound and it came out different! Oh well, we have our little princess who the boys just love to protect. Oh man she's in trouble!:eek:
  • #339
Mine was wrong twice! Just go with the opposite and you'll be fine, LOL!
  • #340
gilliandanielle said:
Mine was wrong twice! Just go with the opposite and you'll be fine, LOL!

EXACTLY!!!:) So what are you having then Gillian?;)
  • #341
It says boy, so we have a girl on the way :)
  • #342
YOu're pregnant too Gillian?? :) Congrats!!!! When is your baby due??
  • #343
the chinese calandar was right with all 3 of mine
  • #344
calebsmom0822 said:
YOu're pregnant too Gillian?? :) Congrats!!!! When is your baby due??
I don't see the doc until Weds. but I am 9.5-10.5 weeks. By my LMP I am due June 4th, but I think I got preggo a week later making me due June 11th.
  • Thread starter
  • #345
Had my check up and the doc thinks I had a miscarriage and just "passed everything on my own".
  • #346
AJPratt said:
Had my check up and the doc thinks I had a miscarriage and just "passed everything on my own".
Oh, I'm so sorry Anne. Hang in there; when it is meant to be, it will happen for you:) {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}
  • #347
I Am Pregnant!!!!Well it's official. :eek:

I took three pregnancy tests because I thought my eyes were deceiving me. The positive was so light, but this last one I took this morning is definitely a beautiful plus sign!!!!


Probably not very far along but it feels great!! I got a hint when I felt nauseous the past couple of nights and I have had kind of a cramping when I would lift things.

Anne I am so sorry about your news! I will continue to pray that you will join the preggo group. God knows best. I have been trying for like 3 months since my youngest was nine months. He is one now.

This is baby number 5 for us and now I can get my minivan. It's so exciting. I hope it's a girl, because I love shopping for a girl. I gave away lots of her clothes to others who really could use it, and my husband said I can always replace it. I am sentimental on the baby clothes but usually I am an anti-pack rat and try to give away or throw away all clutter!!!

Debbie :D :D :D :D
  • #348
Congrats Debbie!

Anne, I'm sorry to hear that. My sister just had 2 miscarriages in the past few months & one of them was like that. But she just told me the other day that she is pregnant again--only about 4-5 weeks. So maybe the next one will hold! Good luck!
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  • #349
Anne- I am so so sorry! I can't believe that you seem so composed... nothing I can say can make it better, so I'm not going to try. I can't imagine how hard it is to log on here and see a pregnancy announcement every few days. I feel somewhat responsible for bringing my personal life onto this board and encouraging others to do so as well. Like I said, I can't imagine what you are going through and I will be praying for you!
  • #350
Anne - I'm so sorry to hear your news. I hope you get to feeling better and don't get too frustrated with this whole process. Know that we are thinking of you!

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