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Are You Trying to Conceive?

In summary, Kristen and her husband are not trying for a baby, but are hoping for one. Her son is 5 months old and she plans to have another child in the future.
Silver Member
My husband and I have been trying for a baby since last July and I am "late"! So, I'm trying not to get my hopes up, and it made me wonder if any other cheffers are trying and what your plans are!
good luck...hopefully its a new miracle on the way!! I wish I could have more. I had my tubes tied after #3 and I totally regret it. I pray every month for God to let us have a miracle and conceive. If its His will it will happen. If not I do have a god-child on the way!!
Me, Me, Me!We aren't really offcially "trying" but we're not, NOT trying either. I am hoping. I want a little girl and so does my husband. We have a 3 year old son right now so I figure I could handle another one now! :p Our son is so high energy that I'm scared if I have another boy I'll go totally nuts, but it took me a while to get prego with him so I'm thinking that by the time I actually do get pregnant and the baby is born, our kids will be 4 years apart and my son will be starting school soon so I'll be able to stay sane most of the time. LOL!

I hope you are...let us know!! ;) I love sharing the excitement!! Oh, a cool thing I found online when I was pregnant with my son is the Chinese Gender Chart. Its supposed to tell you the gender of your baby and its been right for everyone I know that's checked it. Its really just for fun, but I think its pretty reliable...so much so that I am sort-of planning our next one by it. You can find it by going to www.ivillage.com and typing in Chinese Gender Chart in the search box. (Sorry I'm not good at the whole hyperlink thing)

Anyway, goodluck and I hope you get a nice and bright + when you test!! :)

Me too, me too I thought I was pregnant but it turned out that I wasn't. My son will be two next month and I want a little girl so bad. That's alright, my due date would of been Dec. 25th, not how I want to spend x-mas.
It's always fun trying for a new little one. I can't wait to be pregnant again, hopefully leave the morning sickness at the door this time.
Good luck to all who are trying, I will pray for all of you, and when the time is right we will be lucky!!!:D
the chinese lunar calander worked for me too. I found it after I was preg. but went back and looked at it from when my daughter was born.. and it was right both times. Sooooo weird!! Good Luck!!
I went and looked at the chart that was pretty interesting. It was wrong for my son, but right for my sil. We got pregnant at the same time and I had a boy and she had the girl. That is cool!
So according to the chart I need to wait until may to concieve to get my girl. We will see what happens!:D

PS thanks for starting this thread!!!!;)
BABY #5 might be on the way!!Well I just had a baby in November of 2005. My son is 5 months old right now. I have a 9 year old son, an 8 year old daughter, and a 23 month old toddler as well. WE also are not trying but we aren't using any protection at times and so who knows what may happen!
We are in the process of buying a house, I am living with my in-laws!! :eek:
We have been here over 8 months and we are ready to move out!!! We start house hunting Saturday morning with our agent!!

If we do get pregnant again, no biggie after 4 kids you just kind of throw them in the crowd and keep on going!!! LOL
We plan, Lord willing, to have 7 or 8 kids total and maybe more. Depends on the Lord and maybe we might even adopt!
Next purchase after the house is to get a big van!! I homeschool so PC is my oasis away from home and my husband is 110% supportive!! May the Lord help those who want to get pregnant! I'll be praying for ya!!

we have just found out we're pregnant....I'm 5 weeks. Babydust for all of you who are trying!!
throw it my way muppetgal!! God is still in the miracle working business and I wont give up but any extra dust I can get I will gladly roll around in!!
  • #10
We have 3.5 kids! We have 2 wonderful boys (1 grown in my heart not under it, my wonderful step-son who lives with his mom) and 2 girls. They are 13,9, 6, & 4. After our youngest was born, we decided that we were done even though I still feel as though there is a little boy waiting for us. I put my faith in God that if this child is meant to be then there is nothing we can do, including surgery, that would prevent it.
Medical science tells me that we will not become pregnant after a vasectomy but my faith says if it is meant then it will be.

Best of luck to those of you who are TTC!!

Have a Pampered Day!!
  • #11
Don't give up!I have a very good friend who had three girls and then had her tubes tied 8 years ago. In the past few years she found herself longing for another child, so everyone prayed over her and her husband and voila! they now have a beautiful 10 month old baby boy! I know several families with new babies who have had vasectomies or hysterectomies and then later changed their minds and prayed for a miracle! I have 4 children (5, 4, 2 and 9 months) and hope to have 7 or 8, if not more! I am only 24 so I have a good 20 years ahead of me to have children! My mother is SO supportive but Kenneth's parents feel that we have too many children and that we should not have anymore. GRRR...I hate when other people try to tell you how to handle your own family! I believe that God has given me a desire for a large family and a love for children for a reason! I will keep all of you in my prayers! Good Luck!:)
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  • #12
Thanks so much for all of your kind words, but I found out I'm not pregnant.

Way to go, MuppetGirl!!!
  • #13
My hubby & I are not trying, but lately we've both got the yearning for another. I can't wait to have baby #3!
  • #14
Glad the lunar calendar worked for some of you, didn't for us...had to go the IVF route. I used to want 4 kids but now that I have a 10 y/o and our 2 y/o twins (the IVF and native Las Vegan babies) I am say that I am done but when one of my friends or you guys here start talking about babies it makes me want another. The fact that DH is fighting so hard against the big "V" makes me think that we might have another some day.

Best wishes on those that are pg and good luck to those wanting to be!
  • #15
sorry to hear that you didnt make it this month AJPratt, but theres always a whole month of trying!!! good luck this month!!
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  • #16
I haven't given up, it just means I have a little more time to work my business!
  • #17
AJPratt said:
Thanks so much for all of your kind words, but I found out I'm not pregnant.

Way to go, MuppetGirl!!!

Give it a little more time. You may be "trying" to hard, the less the better, I know you think I'm crazy but it works. Athough they used to call me fertile Murtle, before I had my tubes tied.

I wish all of you the best, hopefully Muppetgal's baby dust works :)
  • #18
well i have a 13 month old and we just decided that we are going to start trying... please spread the babydust my way... we got pregnant quick with my first ... she is absoulutely wonderful... so i am praying that my second is a boy and for twins.. i know i am reaching... i really want 3 kids and it would be best to have twins ha ha ha ... my husband is a twin... so everything i read says it skips a generation....
oh well... i just want 1 healthy baby....
  • #19
I would love twins too, and my dad is a twin (fraternal). Cookinthehouse, if it's supposed to skip a generation then wouldn't it be YOUR kids who have the chance of having them?

Identical twins aren't genetic either, they are just a fluke of nature. It's fraternal twins that can run in families, because a female may release two eggs at the same time. So, unfortunately it means that it would have to be twins on YOUR side for it to affect your chances, not your husband.

Apparently your chances of twins also increases after age 30, something to do with extra hormones which cause two eggs to be released.

Anyway, I'm rambling.

Good luck to eveyone who's trying, and as Brooke said sometimes you can try too hard. We didn't try that much this last month as I preferred NOT to have a baby so close to Christmas, but guess what? That was the month it happened. (and have decided it will be a lovely Christmas present and will work out well at any rate as OH will be on holidays from work for two weeks, then get the extra week paternity on top of that!)
  • #20
Actually the skips a generation is a myth. I did lots and lots of research on twins when I found out I was pregnant with mine. I even believed that before. But there is nothing to proved that is true. If twins run in your husbands family then he an pass that gene on to any daughter you have, but your chances aren't that high. But you never know what happens. Good luck.
  • #21
Muppetgal said:
We didn't try that much this last month as I preferred NOT to have a baby so close to Christmas, but guess what? That was the month it happened. (and have decided it will be a lovely Christmas present and will work out well at any rate as OH will be on holidays from work for two weeks, then get the extra week paternity on top of that!)

I'm one of those close to Christmas babies - 28th !:D I was the apple of my Daddies eye! I was supposed to be born in Jan but came 2 wks early which made me a 1959 tax write-off for him !!:eek: *giggle*

Lee Anne
  • #22
chef_leeanne said:
I'm one of those close to Christmas babies - 28th !:D I was the apple of my Daddies eye! I was supposed to be born in Jan but came 2 wks early which made me a 1959 tax write-off for him !!:eek: *giggle*

Lee Anne

That was one of the saving grace's of my twins (NICU time is waaayyy expensive)...they were due 2/4 and born almost 8 weeks early on 12/13! We still call them our little tax deductions!
  • Thread starter
  • #23
Twins!? I don't even want to think of that!!!!
  • #24
Twins are great fun and more like 4 times the work than just twice the work but I would not wish being pregnant with twins on anyone except my worst enemies!!
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  • #25
A coworker of mine told me she had a dream that I had twins.
  • #26
soonerchef said:
Twins are great fun and more like 4 times the work than just twice the work but I would not wish being pregnant with twins on anyone except my worst enemies!!

You must have had a hard pregnancy. My pregnancy with my twins went great and they had to induce me. (Big babies too. 8 lbs and 6 lbs 9 oz) Although I was jumping up and down after they were born because I could actually get up on my own. I didn't realize how big and heavy my stomach was until they were born and I felt free to move around again.;)
  • Thread starter
  • #27
Did anyone have to go through a fertility specialist? My neighbor is going through it--about two years now and I just don't think I have it in me.
  • #28
My twins are IVF babies, we tried for 3 years and nothing, we found out through a hystrosalpingogram that my tubes were blocked and that IVF was the only route. I did 9 cycles of Clomid over 12 months before IVF, I didn't think I had it in me either, I didn't want to go through the heartache of it not working. But, we tried it and the first time we put back 2 eggs and got two babies...we should have gambled that day cause the odds were with us! So, I figure we got a two for one deal.

I guess you could say that I had an "odd" pregnancy...I was not high risk and really felt great other than having morining sickness through 22 weeks, then the pre-eclampsia started, hospitalized at 29 weeks over Thanksgiving (hospital turkey day food is not fun!) due to a mini heart attack and then I went into pre-term labor while I was there but, I held out for 17 mor days and had them at 32 weeks, 4.15 (Ryan) and 4.4 (Kate)...probalby would have been 8 and 9 lbs at full term. I felt horrible the last part of my pg because I was soooooooo huge, I grew out of maternity clothes at 26 weeks. I always knew that my 2nd pregnancy would be hell since the first was so easy, easy, easy....and the labor and delivery of my first was a walk in the park.

All-in-all, it's very much worth it (IVF and the crappy pregnancy), I have two very healthy (now at 2yrs 4mo they are 34 and 30 lbs and will be in 4T's by the end of the summer) little toddlers. So, if I think back about every shot in the rear and every trip to the toilet I just look at my kids and say "wow"!
  • #29
Andrea, I totally understand the pre-eclampsia thing. I had a very easy pregnancy with my son until that set in. For the last month I had to sleep sitting up because I was so uncomfortable and couldn't breathe. My son was born at 37 weeks on the dot and I actually told my doctor at my follow-up appointment that I was getting better sleep than when I was pregnant!! We got lucky getting pregnant with our son...so I am praying that when we really start "trying-trying" it wont take forever! I am really hesitating on doing the fertility drug thing. I guess I'm a little scared of them. The doctors already said they would give me a prescription for Clomid since we haven't used any birth control and have been "trying" (sort-of) for over eight months, but I just can't decide...I would just rather it be a natural thing but I guess God allowed fertility drugs to be created for a reason! We'll see...

Prayers for all of you!

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  • #30
I wouldn't have done the Clomid thing but we had tried for two years to no avail...I was very moody on the drug and gained 50 lbs that I still can't seem to loose. It definately does weird things to your system but it works for many and worth it if Clomid does the trick. It's a hard decision to make but we really wanted more kids and our oldest was 7 when we did the IVF and 8 when we had the twins...I didn't want that much of an age gap but, oh well.
  • #31
~Bump!~ (Pun intended!)Just checking to see if anyone has a new baby-bun in the oven and if anyone else is trying to conceive right now? We are still trying for going on 10 months now...(((sigh))) I'm thinking of making a doctors appointment. I know that's not that long, but I am getting impatient!!

~Kristen :rolleyes:
  • #32
I will be trying as of next month hopefully. I am being a gestational surrogate so we are hoping to transfer embryo's in July....if not, then in September.
  • #33
i've been trying to DH into letting someone being a surrogate for us since i had my tubes tied (like a dumby). he says its not of God so I guess my pregnant days are over :(
  • #34
monica_sweetconsultant said:
i've been trying to DH into letting someone being a surrogate for us since i had my tubes tied (like a dumby). he says its not of God so I guess my pregnant days are over :(

Monica, you don't neccessarily need a surrogate to get pregnant. IVF would be much cheaper and possibly covered by insurance. I went through IVF to get my twins, due to my tubes being blocked (natural birth control, I guess) and everything else worked fine. But, I also believe that a baby is of God no matter how it comes to be...I am hoping to donate eggs as I can make lots of them and I know how wonderful it is to finally have a child after going through so many issues, I would love to be able to help another family because I have been so blessed with my children.

Kristen don't give up, maybe a doctor can help. Everyone told me and DH to quit trying to hard and it would happen. Well, it doesn't happen when there is something medically wrong. At least a doctor can tell you if there is anything going on.
  • #35
I am still waiting while everyone around me gets prego. I have just come to the realization that it has not been the right time. When the right time comes around it will happen. Good luck to everyone else trying!:D
  • #36
Hello everyone. My Hubby and I tried for 8 months...then stopped due to a condition I have (Polycystic Overian Syndrome)....and now are trying again. I'm on medicine that I have to take 3 times a day. It SUCKS. It's been 15 months now since we started TTC. And I am at the point where I feel God will bless me with a child when he see fit. I miscarried in March. It was horrible...VERY painful. But the medicine I am taking is helping and at least I know that I am ovulating.
  • #37
Nothing yet!I have had my period each month so nothing has happened yet. We have officially decided not to try right now. So I can get my figure back, concentrate on things I want to do in PC, and in our new home. I want to start a kids cooking class for homeschoolers in the fall at my home, where parents buy PC kids cookie making sets and fees for food to join. I hope it catches on each year. I would not like to be sick and pregnant through the first time around. But if it happens then it happens.
We will be happy either way. We had not been using protection, but we just started again. I hope those of you trying will get prego soon!!!

  • #38
Well I have a little one who turned one on may 10th. I would love to have another one now but my hubby says NO. I wish that I had some husbands like y'alls who wanted more children.

I got pregnant like two weeks after trying(actually we weren't trying, it just kind of happened) with my first, and she's been so easy so far- I took the passy away from her and she hasn't had a bottle in almost a week- she didn't give me problems with either of those but I know that if we have another one it will be just the opposite.

Anyways, I'm on the pill and went three days without it b/c I ran out and had to wait to see the Dr. to get another prescription so who knows....

I want to go ahead and have one now where I can finish having children and get my body back in shape by the time i'm 21. As it is right now, I will never get back into a bikini, but my little one is worth everybit of it!!! BTW I was in labor for almost 48 hours....
  • #39
tiffanypc05 said:
I want to go ahead and have one now where I can finish having children and get my body back in shape by the time i'm 21. As it is right now, I will never get back into a bikini, but my little one is worth everybit of it!!! BTW I was in labor for almost 48 hours....

You are too cute, I wish I had the body I had at 21!! And that was after one kid!! You will get back into a bikini, I found that (through random dicussions with friends) a woman's body bounces back until you are about 25 and it starts going downhill from there, after that is when you have to put in the really hard work.
  • #40
For those of you that are already parents...I have a question. How did you adjust to everything financially once you have kids? We have a 19 month old daughter and would like 1 maybe 2 more and trying to keep up with bills is such a struggle. When my husband and I talk about having the next baby, he looks at me like I'm crazy and says we are having a hard enough time already.

Don't miss read this, my husband loves that our daughter is in our lives and I joke with him that he has become such a softie since she arrived, but I wonder how the future will be and if we can ever save money again.
  • #41
For me, we had an 8 year old when we had our twins. Financially I had to stay home just because daycare would be way too expensive. Now, that my twins are two we can get good daycare from much less and my oldest is becoming more and more independent...so, I am looking to go back to work here shortly. What we did was sit down and discuss what things were needs and what was a want. The wants could wait, the needs we would find a way to do it. PC has helped a lot but, I couldn't have stayed at home for this long if we hadn't made a killing on our house in Vegas and moved here. Now, most of those funds are gone (when we moved we bought an all original 30 year old house, shag carpet and carrot orange countertops and all, that has taken a good chunk of the money) and my kids need socialization and daycare, I don't think I am cut out to be a career SAHM. We have definately become the people in the neighborhood who everyone wonders how we do it, but we just do. It's amazing what you can live without when you realize that you really don't need much.
  • #42
Needs vs WantsI personally think it is a misconception to think that the more babies you have the more likely you'll end up in the poor house.
As for our family we have 4 kids (9 yr old son, 8 yr old daughter, 2 yr. old daughter, 6 mo old son) and we are relying on the Lord for everything.
It's funny but I have this friend who spends hundreds of dollars on baby furniture, strollers, car seats, etc for her babies and when she is done with them, she sells them to me really cheap! It's funny how the Lord works that out every time. Baby showers usually bring in lots of needed items, and of course recycling certain items is ok, but stained onesies and bibs are hard to keep for too long.

My husband and I want 7-8 children. So we have 3-4 more to go. I am 28 years old and so is he. We want a BIG family! We have never done without anything. The Lord has blessed my husband with a great job. He makes more money than if we both were working and he doesn't have a college education, he dropped out in the tenth grade and got his GED, but God is good!!
My friend raises her children with the best of everything...TV's in each room, designer clothing, the best of the best of everything. So she is stopping at three children. According to her, child #3 was a mistake and is costing her an arm and a leg. But it's her choice to spend money foolishly.

We don't feel those things are necessary for children. Children need clothes, shoes, food, church and lots and lots of love and attention. Of course an occasional movie, vacation, eating out, and toy is great and appreciated!! We also give our older kids allowance each pay day that they are expected to save, spend some, and give to church. They earn their allowance by helping me fold clothes, clean their rooms, help with the babies and are obedient. I home school so we go to parks, field trips, etc... and they love it!! Prayer makes all the difference for our family. When we pray for a need, the Lord answers and we can glorify HIS wonderful name as the kids see that He is a real loving God!!

Debbie :D
  • #43
good advice!! we have 3 kids with a very limited budget. the wants/needs is the best advice!!also, natural ways are also cheaper. i have some friends that make everything they need. (bug spray, food, etc.). if you have the patience, time, and will power that will save you tons of money. we havent got that far yet!!
  • #44
trying but not trying having weird symptoms, but to early to test.. i will have to wait till after june2
  • Thread starter
  • #45
Still nothing. Another false alarm this month.
  • #46
Our StoryWe have three beautiful, wonderful girls. Mary Frances, 14; Theresa Grace, 5; and Caroline Ruth, 18 months.

We have had no problems conceiving in the past, and this time was no different. We were expecting January 4, 2007, after just a couple of months of "not doing anything to stop a pregnancy", but just received confirmation that we lost the baby.

We are grateful that it was early, but it still so hard! We pray and believe we will have more, but right now are very sad.

Happy baby to all those expecting, and happy conceptions to all those trying...we will be joining all y'all again soon!
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  • #47
Hi Nicole,

So sorry to hear about your loss - I know from personal experience just how you feel. That sad feeling doesn't completely ever go away but gets better as time goes by - I lost a baby back in August of 1999 but was blessed with a daughter in March 2001. My two boys born in 11/94 and 6/97 are truly a blessing as well. Good luck to you - enjoy your daughters!

Gina Miller
  • #48
I am sorry to hear that you are not pregnant this month. Just keep trying, I always thought the best sex was when you are trying. I have two boys, ages 5 & 3. My husband I are done having anymore kids and I am happy with our decision. We just had our oldest graduate from pre-school tonight, it made me start thinking of how old I am getting, I am 31 but some days I feel a lot older.
I will keep all of you who are trying to get pregnant in my prayers and somedaay it will happen if that is what the good Lord has in his plan

  • #49
Nicole I am so sorry for your loss. I lost 3 while I was having my kids. one the first time i got pregnant, had a baby, and then lost two more. i wasnt supposed to be able to have any more but they dont know who the REAL doctor is!! God blessed us with 2 more after all that. just know that it can and will happen again!! good luck
  • #50
Me too, me too!Christine, I feel your pain! I was diagnosed with Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome about four years ago! I guess I have a very mild version because the only symptom I have is the hormone problem and not ovulating as often as most women. I actually got pregnant with my son eight months after they diagnosed me!! He was a total surprise, but one that I am so happy for! I'm beginning to think he's my miracle baby because now that we are actually trying, nothing is happening. Keep your chin up! You will get pregnant eventually!

Jessica, I am very interested in the surrogate thing, how did you get that started? Even though it hasn't been easy for me to get pregnant, I know its possible and I would love to help out another family that can't have children on their own. I think it would be the ultimate gift and I know (now that I have had one of my own) that I could do it. Just wondering if you found the family or if you went through an agency or something. Thanks in advance for the info!!

Baby dust for everyone!!


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