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Anyone Else Facing Challenges While Trying to Conceive?

In summary, the conversation revolves around different individuals discussing their desire to have another child or expand their family. Some are already expecting, some are trying, and some are hesitant or unable due to financial constraints. There is also mention of a Pampered Chef consultant seeking help from her team to meet certain sales requirements to maintain her directorship.
Gold Member
I got this email from TheDirectorsDish which is a yahoo group forI got this email from TheDirectorsDish which is a yahoo group for Directors and above. Go here http://finance.groups.yahoo.com/group/TheDirectorsDish/
to try to sign up. I did end up tweaking and emailing this to my team - I got one response from a person who didn't know I was in the third month.


I sent the following note to my team. Does anyone have any other suggestions?

Cheri Wilson, Independent Director

Your Pampered Chef Consultant #222854

(661) 341-0245

[email protected]

www.pamperedchef.biz/cheriwilson order online 24/7

Would you like to have more choices? Ask me how!

Hello Team!

Normally, I do not like to burden you with the team requirements to maintain directorship but I need your help now.

I order to maintain directorship I must have three things each month.

I must have at least $750 in personal sales. GOT IT!

I must have 5 active team members. GOT IT!

My team must have a total of $4,000 in sales including my sales. DON’T GOT IT!!!!!

The Pampered Chef is understanding of a bad month here and there, however, we have not made the $4,000 for two months now. If we do not make $4,000 as a team in August I will go into RELIQUISHMENT which means I could loose directorship and my team (you guys). I really love being your director and I don’t want to break up the family. Therefore, I need your help. Any show that you can hold and submit before August 31st would help, no matter how small. Everyone helping will do the job. I personal have 8 shows this month but you know life happens and some may be rescheduled. So I am asking for your help!

Please let me know if you have any shows scheduled in August. You could have your own show or catalog show. With 2 knives at 60% off it shouldn’t be hard to book a show!

I appreciate your efforts!!!!!!!

I look forward to seeing you tonight at 6pm for the Fall 2007 Kickoff Pool Party!

This is great Kate. It's a good way to say "hey I need your help" with out sounding needy. Your team should be made aware that you have tried hard to keep your directorship and that you aren't leaning on them to do it for you.
I think it sounds great Kate!! Let us know what happens!:D
Just for future reference- it says loose directorship instead of lose...
  • Thread starter
  • #5
Thanks...that's what you get when you copy and paste!
This is a great note... I saw it come across the Director's Loop when she posted it originally and my only thought was that she posted it on the 15th! Not a lot of time for people to rally if they haven't been working. My suggestion is to have it ready to go on the 1st of the 3rd month needed so the TEAM has a full month to get it together. Giving them 15 days isn't really fair in my opinion.

My TEAM didn't do squat in June or July. I didn't do much either due to a person problem. But I knew my sales would be enough in August and they are and my team has come through great too. We're already at $5k and I still have one more show to go this month.
Here is a question...have many of you as Directors gone into relinquishment often? I know it isn't what anyone wants to do but if it happens to me maybe I won't feel like I'm the only one. For instance, Colleen have you been in it since June? Congrats on a great month for August!
Luckily I have gone into it only one month since promoting (this last January).
I've gone into relinquishment twice but I've never lost my status. We've (or at least I have) pulled it out in the third month. And if I look back, I believe the first time was 2 years ago at the same time of year. I just have to remember to pick up the slack in the summer months. Interestingly though, June 2006 was one of my team's highest months ever. Go figure!
  • #10
I find the year swings like a pendulum. My cluster sales are highest in fall and spring when the new catalogs come out and lowest in January and July. The company's host, guest, and consultant promos also help or hurt my teams performance depending on how good they are. The 2 shows in June and 2 shows in July really helped me.
Realizing this I know which months I really have to kick it in to make sure I make the 4k.
I prefer to be proactive. I figure its my responsibility to make sure we make the 4k not my teams. I have a lot of hobbyists and part timers with their own goals.
I do try and motivate and support- but i draw the line at being pushy.
  • #11
Thanks for the info! I don't plan on going into relinquishment (who does!!) but now I know it happens to the best as well :)
Here's to everyone building awesome teams & hitting 4,000 a month is like....4,000???? As a team we do 8,000++ :) :) :)
  • #12
I will have until the end of September to get my teams sales up to par. July we were $600 short of our team sales (It's $5000 here in Canada).
This month, I had all of my 4 shows that were booked, cancel or postpone (I was away for the first 2 weeks in August). So I am scrambling to at least get my own minimum sales.
I have had 3 consultants go inactive over the summer and now I have 2 more on the verge (that leaves 4). So...... I feel your pain.
I have been trying to figure out a way to have my team understand my plight without sounding "needy" and I really like your wording in your e-mail.. I may use it. I usually have between 2500 and 4000 in sales myself (of course accept for this month).LOL.

I am having a bit of a "them or me" struggle lately. But I am hoping it will all come together in September.

Ok.... there... I have spilled... I feel better now.
  • #13
finley1991 said:
I've gone into relinquishment twice but I've never lost my status. We've (or at least I have) pulled it out in the third month.

Wow, I feel like I am attending a 12-step Program Meeting....My name is Janice and I am in Relinquishment.....

It happens more often than you all think I am sure. I am working on replacing my Team with members who want to work this as a business. Until the time that I am stronger as a Director, though, I am still working my business as best I can.

I am in my second month of relinquishment....my September is strong and with 2 new recruits on board I will be saved at the last minute. My normal monthly sales are usually over $4k all by myself, no problem there. I think that summers are hard for all of us, but I haven't even completed my first full year of Directorship yet, so I am still learning and building.

My motto: Keep your chin up and get down to work! :)

Gotta love the motivation that comes thru from all of you other directors here, though! Thx to all of you!
  • #14
I just posted this in another thread....good to hear I am not alone, but I have to say I am in quite a panic!

OK-gonna get letter #2 for August cluster sales and personal sales-our summer has not been a good one, BUT now I am down to 3 active Consultants and I need prayers, good advice, and just a general uplifting to get my butt in gear to do what I know I have to for September!

I know others have been in this situation and I just need to hear it's gonna be OK!
  • #15

My director just called me to tell me that as of tomorrow, she won't be my director anymore unless by some miracle of GOD, her team submits another $419! Why is she just sharing this will all of us NOW? A week ago we could have rallied... but with one day's notice? There is one consultant she hasn't been able to get ahold of to see if she's submitting anything else.

But what will happen is that if she goes into the repromotion cycle, she will lose me as her only director to our upline. I am having MAJOR mixed emotions here as I would REALLY LOVE and PREFER to be in my uplines first line... but I hate to see anyone demote.

Four years ago at National Conference she walked as a Senior Director and lost it within a year and was back down to Director and she hasn't promoted up since. She's had lots of personal problems in the last two years... she missed one leadership and then NC this past summer.

I guess everything is going to work out the way it should and quite honestly, if she doesn't lose it now, I'm sure she will when the requirements go up to $750 each month in October.

Okay... thanks for listening (reading!) UGH!
  • #16
looks like i might be placing a $60 order tomorrow to keep me out of reliquishment. Darn it!
  • #17
ShanaSmith said:
looks like i might be placing a $60 order tomorrow to keep me out of reliquishment. Darn it!

At least it's only $60! :eek:
  • #18
very very true! I do still have one gal who keeps telling me she has a show to submit.... I hope it shows up tomorrow.
  • #19
ShanaSmith said:
very very true! I do still have one gal who keeps telling me she has a show to submit.... I hope it shows up tomorrow.

I would call her and remind her that you don't see submissions on the last day of the month. Tell her she NEEDS to call you after she has put it in.

If I wasn't 100% sure I would get something in, especially if it's only $60 and if it was my 3rd month!!
  • #20
It's so hard to depend on others-especially when they're undependable. I would be relieved its only $60- could be a whole lot more.
  • #21
YooHoo! I got an order on my website that brought us to the $4000. It would have only been my first month, but I'm glad that it didn't happen.
  • #22
:party: WOO HOO!!! :party:

:bugeye: that was close!
  • Thread starter
  • #23
I'm still $900 away...ugh...anyone have some extra orders?
  • #24
UGH! checked the tracker and we are WAY short of the $4000 AND I just got off the phone with 2 of my leads that need to "think about it"......I am starting to stress here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:cry::cry::cry:
  • #25

I have recruited 3 new consultants on my TEAM in the last 6 weeks (2 were in the last week) that gives me enough active to stay on as a Director....and my own sales will push me over the $4000 mark (just in case the $168 that my ONE team member has submitted this month doesn't grow!!).

Thats it -- if you can't change your people, change your people! Love that!

I am so very relieved and thankful that the company gives those of us who are starting new downlines to have time to recover from the bumps we have along the way.

Wish I could duplicate me (best show = $4102, have over $80,000 in sales and 16 recruits in the last 20 months)! Oh well, onward and upward from here!
  • #26
congrats on not relinquishing
  • #27
an update from VA-LONG POSTOk-it has been a rough, emotional few weeks here for me. I needed to decide if I wanted to remain a director in spite of the fact that I was in the 3rd month of relinqushment...would it be worth it to me to try to keep it?
So, I was thinking about it and then I got a letter from the host of my show the next Saturday. She is cancelling and it is because I didn't do my job. I felt awful-I have all kinds of excuses, but it comes down to the fact that I didn't call when I should have. I was totally depressed and was really questioning if I should continue with PC...I have just let the business take a back seat for the last year and have managed to get by only on my "laurels". This host really called me on that and now what?????????? Then, we went to church on Sunday and our priest was talking about how we have to use our God-given talents to help reach others (sound familiar??!) THEN on Monday, one of my former consultants called to ask if she could do a catalog show! I explained that if she did and submitted it herself, she would reactivate! She is going to do it! AND my consultant in CT recruited someone and now we are up to 5 just like that! OK-I decided God was speaking (more like yelling:rolleyes:)to me and it was time to get the butt in gear and GO FOR IT! I have since booked 2 more Sept shows along with 7 for October and my team, as small as it is, has been stepping it up to help me!
I cannot tell you how grateful I feel to all my friends at chefsuccess-everyone has been really supportive and helpful with ideas and just kind words. I have never had that feeling from "co-workers" before...I just love you guys! Right now, there is a total of 3 shows submitted and we are already at $1200 and I personally have 5 more shows to do and close and my team has 5 more as well! WE ARE GONNA DO IT!

PERSEVERE...........my new mantra
  • #28
Thanks so much for sharing your story and struggle. In my many years as a director with PC there have been some times when I really questioned "Why am I doing this?" This was at times when it seemed everything was working against me.
When I stripped away all the excuses and got to the reasons- each time I realized that I still really love what I do most of the time. I think mindset is a biggie. When things aren't going so great it seems there are no leads or business out there . But opening our minds to all the possibilities, then all of a sudden there are leads everywhere.
Wishing you the very best this fall with your busness!
  • #29
Last month was my first month as a Director and sadly, I messed up and got paid in product (could've used the money, but not so sad with the product:rolleyes:) We were at $3500 as a team and I had a show on the 31st, my host knew that I needed to close it that night. I had already asked my team to let me know if they had anymore shows to submit and they said they didn't. That night I knew no matter what that show had to be $500.00. We'll she had plenty of guests, but I tell you this was the most frustrating show I have ever done. They were so rude!! Anyway the show didn't even make it to $200, so I ordered about $200 and had my sister order about $100 and I gave it to her 1/2 off. The amount of money that I made by making the $4000 pretty much made up for spending money to get there. Come to find out a few days later, one of my consultants turned in a $500 show that she didn't tell me about!! :grumpy: I spent that money for nothing!

Well, we have one week left of September and we have already soared past $4000 so I am thrilled to know that I won't be worrying on the last day of the month again. :party::):party::cool:
  • #30
Cindy, Remember that you have a 3 month grace period when you first become a director. If last month was your first month as director, you didn't need to spend your own money to hit the $4000. PC gives you that buffer to help you get your feet under you.

On the bright side....you can write your order off your taxes since you will use those products in your business :)
  • #31
Pulling my butt out of my 3rd month of relinquishment. I signed 2 this month and helped an inactive consultant with a catalog show to get her active again. I carried about $2k of sales over from August and have another almost $2k waitng to submit with 4 shows to go for me. :)

Whew! That was close!!!
  • #32
georgiapeach said:
Cindy, Remember that you have a 3 month grace period when you first become a director. If last month was your first month as director, you didn't need to spend your own money to hit the $4000. PC gives you that buffer to help you get your feet under you.

On the bright side....you can write your order off your taxes since you will use those products in your business :)

I know but I really wanted to make my overrides on my team. I still have to have $4000 for that right? The extra that I made in overrides and my production bonus that would have been $50 instead of $82.50 made up for what I spent.
  • #33
Yeah during that 3 month buffer, you only get the director override if you submit at least $4000.
This is my 3rd month as a director and we are finally over the $4000. My first 2 months we were shy, so I only got the 1% over ride and the production bonus.
So I worked smarter and recruited 4 more to build my team. Now we will NEVER go under the $4000. Ok, so we shouldn't. Especially when I do on average $3000.
Glad to hear you didn't totally loose out on having to buy the products last month.
  • #34
DebbieJ said:
Pulling my butt out of my 3rd month of relinquishment. I signed 2 this month and helped an inactive consultant with a catalog show to get her active again. I carried about $2k of sales over from August and have another almost $2k waitng to submit with 4 shows to go for me. :)

Whew! That was close!!!

Is this the same bubbly Debbie J from Wave 3 that just promoted????
  • #35
That would be me! :)
  • #36
well, girl, keep your chin up! it took me 3 years to make this mistake and since you did it this early in your directorship, I bet it won't happen again! I thought I had it made and got complacent! no way! it is going to be a nailbiting last day of the month, but my team is behind me and we will do it!
  • #37
So many stressful stories here....but nice to know that we're not alone, huh? I wonder what the % of New Directors (less than 1 year) actually relinquish.

It's really disheartening when it seems like it's going to happen no matter what you do....I won't spend my own $$ to stay in a Directorship role. I can't afford to! I just know that I have to get on the phone, pull it together and move on.

So glad that we have each other!
  • #38
UPDATE-Long postI really thought my TEAM would step up to the plate to help me through this, but in the long run, this is what happened:
I had an inactive consultant reactivate! which took us up to the needed 5.
I had one consultant really working to get more sales so that she could really put a dent in that $4000 we needed.
2 consultants had shows cancel, so they were very minimal sellers this month. I thought they would be the ones working it to keep me as their Director, but they seemed to have a nonchalant attitude about the whole thing~that stung.
IT WAS UP TO ME! as of Sunday at 5:00 pm, I had only about $1100 in personal sales. As of 11 pm, that total was $2331 which took us up to the $4000 mark with $60 to spare! I called EVERYONE and asked for help.
This has been a lesson in 1)don't let it happen again and 2) all you have to do is ask for help and people will!
I share this so that we can all learn that we cannot possibly do this business alone and part of our job is to ASK...for bookings, leads, recruits. There is NOTHING wrong with asking....if you don't, someone else will!:D: approve: :party:
Now the hard part is waiting to see it all come up on the ITP so that I know FOR SURE all sales got to HO! Pray no one screwed up anything on our end!
  • #39
We'll think good thoughts!
  • #40
that's an amazing push meg! kudos!!!
  • #41
Way to go, Meg!

It's amazing what happens when you ASK!! In fact, I was just asking the Big Man himself (that's God, not my hubby ;) ) for a little assistance....

And now, besides keeping my Directorship, I have a full October, 6 shows in Nov and am working on getting a few recruits signed for one of my new consultants!

I love reading the posts and the encouragement...awww...I think I am going to cry!
  • #42
ya'll are just not going to believe this...then again, maybe you will!
Sunday I went to work a Bridal Fair with one of my consultants. It was an hour and a half away, so I was in the shower at 6:30 am, talking to God. Here's how that went:
"OK-I know you have a reason for me being up this early, and for me driving that far away, but I need you to speak LOUD & CLEAR today, cause I'm tired!"

Well, here is LOUD & CLEAR for ya-on the way home from this fair is when I found out that the 2 consultants I was counting on for more sales were not going to come through. Just after those calls was a call from the hubby-"listen to this message that was on our answering machine" he says-it was a former consultant that had over $300 in sales, but is choosing not to reactivate...can I sumbit it as a catalog show??!! hmmmm.YEAH!
Then this morning I get up, check emails and I have one from a young lady that I met at the Bridal Fair...she wants to be a consultant!!!!!!!!!!

I think God is now yelling! It is time to work my business like no one esle but me can! Got it, God! Thanks for speaking in a language even I can understand!

The best part of this is the consultant that I went with-she is in seminary school and just radiates her belief in God and Jesus. When the calls from the other consultants came in, she just sat right there on the interstate and had her own conversation with God-she prayed that "thy will be done" :pray:and if it were His will, that we work to achieve whatever goal He had set for us! I am telling you, the calm that came over me was amazing~I knew right then and there that I was going to pull this off because I have Him in my corner! I am so glad this young lady is on my team!I always knew she was special, but can you even imagine what a fantastic minister she will be!

I have to go pass out now! Too much excitement wears my brain out!:)
  • #43

He's talking to us all the time. It's up to us to listen!

  • #44
I have 4-year-old twin daughters and DH & I are ready for #3!
Anyone else ready to add 2 more feet to the family? :)
  • #45
We started trying again in July...I have two super step kids (DSD 16, DSS 13) and one of my own (DS 2.5)

I think almost every day I notice something that makes me THINK I am pregnant!! LOL Each month since we started trying, though, I have been prooven that I am NOT preggo!
  • #46
We are talking about trying when my hubby gets back. Our DD is almost 20m.
  • #47
We will be adding on May 17th.
  • #48
were ready to start trying again.
  • #49
I wish but DH say's 2 is enough :(. I always wanted a little boy! But I was blessed with two beautiful girls instead! ;)
My BFF is trying to conceive and it's almost down to invtro- waiting to hear back from her Dr. So here's hopin it happens for her! She's soo ready for a baby!
  • #50
I would love to try for #2 but finances tell me no. I have a beautiful little boy that is 5. He started school this year so I don't know if I want to start the process again anyway. I keep going back and forth on it. I know my husband wants another. We live in a 2 bedroom condo and things are already really tight. I can't imagine adding another person and all the stuff that they come with.
<h2>1. What are the requirements for maintaining directorship with Pampered Chef?</h2><p>The requirements for maintaining directorship with Pampered Chef include:</p><ul> <li>At least $750 in personal sales each month</li> <li>5 active team members</li> <li>A team total of $4,000 in sales each month</li></ul><p>If any of these requirements are not met, the director may go into relinquishment and potentially lose their directorship and team.</p><h2>2. What happens if the team does not meet the sales requirement of $4,000 in a month?</h2><p>If the team does not meet the sales requirement of $4,000 in a month, the director may go into relinquishment, potentially losing their directorship and team.</p><h2>3. How can I help my director maintain her directorship?</h2><p>You can help your director maintain her directorship by booking and holding shows in the current month, as every show helps contribute to the team's total sales. You can also offer to host your own show or catalog show, and take advantage of the current promotions and discounts to encourage others to book shows as well.</p><h2>4. What will happen if the team does not make $4,000 in sales for two consecutive months?</h2><p>If the team does not make $4,000 in sales for two consecutive months, the director may go into relinquishment and potentially lose their directorship and team. It is important to work together as a team to meet the sales requirements each month.</p><h2>5. How can I find out if I have any shows scheduled in the current month?</h2><p>You can find out if you have any shows scheduled in the current month by checking your calendar or contacting your director. You can also reach out to your customers and offer to host a show or catalog show to help the team meet the sales requirement.</p>

Related to Anyone Else Facing Challenges While Trying to Conceive?

1. What are the requirements for maintaining directorship with Pampered Chef?

The requirements for maintaining directorship with Pampered Chef include:

  • At least $750 in personal sales each month
  • 5 active team members
  • A team total of $4,000 in sales each month

If any of these requirements are not met, the director may go into relinquishment and potentially lose their directorship and team.

2. What happens if the team does not meet the sales requirement of $4,000 in a month?

If the team does not meet the sales requirement of $4,000 in a month, the director may go into relinquishment, potentially losing their directorship and team.

3. How can I help my director maintain her directorship?

You can help your director maintain her directorship by booking and holding shows in the current month, as every show helps contribute to the team's total sales. You can also offer to host your own show or catalog show, and take advantage of the current promotions and discounts to encourage others to book shows as well.

4. What will happen if the team does not make $4,000 in sales for two consecutive months?

If the team does not make $4,000 in sales for two consecutive months, the director may go into relinquishment and potentially lose their directorship and team. It is important to work together as a team to meet the sales requirements each month.

5. How can I find out if I have any shows scheduled in the current month?

You can find out if you have any shows scheduled in the current month by checking your calendar or contacting your director. You can also reach out to your customers and offer to host a show or catalog show to help the team meet the sales requirement.

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