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Your Pampered Chef Home Office!!

maybe.Sounds like you have a great plan! I love the desk you picked. Personally, I think a bright color would really help to set the tone for your business. Maybe something like pink or green?
  • #301
PICTURES! I want PICTURES! And what happened to Becky? I want to know how the organizer session went! I want one too, and I don't live to far away!
  • #302
Bumping this up to get Carolyn's finished pics!
  • #303
Winnipegk said:
They're about $40 here in Canada, but maybe worth it.

I picked up a great rolling cart at Walmart for only $20!! I'm tempted to get another one as I hate carrying that red crate we have.. the rolling carts are so much more convenient and easier to move.

  • #304
I would love to post some of my photos of my office desk space here, but seems my photos are too large. I remember someone mentioning there was a website where you can go to make them smaller... Would you be so kind as to share that site again please?

  • #305
10 Minute Organizing Tricks
by Maria Gracia
Whoever thought you'd be able to get organized in just 10 minutes? Here are a few simple ideas:

1. 10 MINUTE CHORE BOX: Rather than spending hours organizing, and doing it all yourself, create a 10 Minute Chore Box for yourself--and one for each family member, if applicable.

Each person's box would contain specific chores or tasks that need to be completed. The chores are written on slips of paper, and take a maximum of 10 minutes each to accomplish.

You can gear the tasks toward the person's abilities (e.g. while older kids can help out with vacuuming, a three-year-old may instead be responsible for putting away his/her toys.)

Each day, as a chore is completed, that slip of paper is placed in a holding envelope until the Chore Box is empty. Then, when empty, the boxes are refilled, and the system starts over again. This also works well at the office!

2. 10 MINUTE PICK-UP: Control the chaos. Schedule a consistent, "10 Minute Pick-up" each night. Set a timer to sound an alarm in 10 minutes.

While the clock is ticking, all family members are responsible for clearing out and putting away their belongings from the main family area.

When the timer sounds, you're all done. Give yourselves a warm round of applause for all you've accomplished.

3. 10 MINUTE "WHEN I HAVE TIME" GOALS: One of the oldest phrases in the book is, "I'll do that, when I have the time." Problem is, that time never seems to come.

If you really want to do something, the time can generally be found pretty easily. For example, if you just won an all-expenses paid trip to the land of your dreams, you'd probably find time to fit it into your busy schedule without much of a problem.

So, it's time to begin fitting in those things you want to do, and 10-minute goals can help. Schedule 10 minutes a day to catch up on your reading, or to begin learning that foreign language, or to simply spend having fun with your children. Then, work on those goals when the scheduled date and time rolls around.

4. 10 MINUTE LUXURIES: Don't forget to schedule a few 10 Minutes Luxuries per day to do something nice for yourself.

Sometimes the day is so rushed and chaotic, that it's easy to forget the really important things like family, health, spirituality, personal time and so on.

Take that 10 minute vacation every day. You deserve it!

By Maria Gracia, Get Organized Now! Want to get organized? Get your FREE Get Organized Now! Idea-Pak, filled with tips and ideas to help you organize your home, your office and your life, at the Get Organized Now! web site:
  • #306
The Perils of a "Pilamaniac"
by Jeffrey J. Mayer
You've probably seen offices that look as if they'd gone through the spin cycle of a washing machine or as if a dump truck had backed up and dropped its load.

There are piles of papers everywhere: on the desk, on the credenza, on the floor and couch. There are newspapers, magazines, books and pink phone slips; yellow, blue and green Post-it notes; pads and pads of paper; new files, used files and colored files. Then there are papers -- big pieces, little pieces, new pieces and old pieces.

How can a person get any work done with such clutter? Most of those papers probably aren't even needed. The person who sits behind that desk may look busy, but is the job really getting done? Think of the time wasted just trying to find something in all that mess.

There's a reason for cluttered desktops and piles of files:

Out of sight is out of mind. We're afraid to put anything away, because we know we'll never find it again or we'll forget about it. By leaving everything out, we can see all our unfinished work. It's right there in front of us, spread out all over the desktop. Unfortunately, everybody else can see it too.

There are lots of different ways to make a pile. Some of us like spare piles, wtih all the corners nice and neat. Others prefer big mounds of papers. Sometimes there are numerous little piles that grow like anthills all over the desk. Or there is just the pile, an enormous growth of things coming out of the center of the desk.

One of my favorites is that pile that's laid out like a deck of cards in a game of solitaire. Obviously, making a pile like this takes a lot of practice and patience. The top of each piece of paper is exposed so the name or title can be seen. When everything has all been laid out, the pile can grow to several feet in length and contain dozens of papers. It looks great on the desk -- nice, neat and efficient, but the work never gets done.

Are You a "Pilamaniac"?

Take a look at your desk. What do you see? Better yet, what don't you see? If only little patches of the top of your desk are visible, you are suffering from pilamania.

You're not using your desk as it was meant to be used. You're not working as efficiently and productively as you could be. You're wasting valuable time. Eliminate that clutter and you'll save at least thirty minutes a day, simply because you'll be able to find all the unfinished work that has been lying around in piles, untouched, on your desk.

At least 60 percent of the papers piled on your desk no longer have any value or meaning. They've piled up because you were lazy. Instead of deciding what should be done with them, you've just put them in a pile.

An example would be an invitation to attend a seminar or luncheon. Rather than make a decision right then and there, you put it aside, and it is quickly forgotten. The event will have probably taken place already by the time the invitation comes to the surface again.

When junk mail arrives, instead of tossing it immediately, you put it on the "I'll get to it later" pile, for when you have more time. Unfortunately, later never comes and the pile gets bigger and bigger. You probably knew it was so unimportant that you didn't even bother opening it.

You may think you know where everything is, but it takes a lot of time to find it -- wasted time. The real danger comes when something of value or importance ends up buried in one of those piles.

As the piles grow, it becomes more difficult to separate the important from the unimportant. It's almost impossible to decide what to do first.

When you have piles of papers all over your desk, you don't know where to begin. There are so many choices and all of them appear to be important. You become paralyzed. It becomes impossible to make a decision and you start feeling guilty. You know what you should be doing, but can't motivate yourself to get started.

You probably begin with the easy stuff, thinking you'll get in the mood, and after you get going you'll be ready for the important things. Unfortunately, it doesn't happen. You waste your valuable time and energy on trivia, and when you're finished, the meaningful and important work is still buried in a pile.

Stop cold, drop everything and get organized. The issue isn't whether a desk is clean or messy. That's a smoke screen. The real issue is time and money: the quality of your work and the length of time needed to complete it.

With an organized, efficient desk, you can save both time and money. Fewer things will slip through the cracks. You can stay on top of all your unfinished work, locate your files and papers within seconds and become more productive. You'll look forward to starting your work in the morning and you'll be finished earlier at night.

You'll feel better about your business, and you'll feel better about yourself!

Reprinted with permission from Jeffrey Mayer's Succeeding in Business Newsletter. To subscribe, visit http://www.SucceedinginBusiness.com
  • #307
For those who don't like File Cabinets, check out www.pilecabinet.com
It's a system that makes it easy to find stuff in piles!! I have it & loved it when I actually used it. Right now, I don't use any "system" except for "Stash & Dash". That means stashing everything into boxes or baskets & throwing them into the computer/craft/office room & dashing out the door. For those who mentioned chaos...in Flylady talk that stands for Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. If you are organizationally challenged like me, she is awesome. www.flylady.com
  • #308
Stampaholic1961 said:
For those who don't like File Cabinets, check out www.pilecabinet.com
It's a system that makes it easy to find stuff in piles!! I have it & loved it when I actually used it. Right now, I don't use any "system" except for "Stash & Dash". That means stashing everything into boxes or baskets & throwing them into the computer/craft/office room & dashing out the door. For those who mentioned chaos...in Flylady talk that stands for Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. If you are organizationally challenged like me, she is awesome. www.flylady.com
I have seen the pile cabinet but wasn't quite sure it would be that great. Could you give us a little hint on how it works?
I like the flylady too, but I noticed that I kept printing out all of these great ideas and next thing you know...I had ANOTHER pile!!!:eek: :eek: And yes, the Stash and Dash system is my system also and I do have chaos!!!! One hint of why...I work full time M-F, had a party Friday night, Sat. & Sun. Doesn't leave too much time to do anything other that dishes, laundry, cook and then drop into bed!!
Thanks in advance!
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  • #309
Basically the way the pile system works is that you put a code on the edge of the paper you are filing. The code is the date & time in military version. i.e. 2-11-2007 22:04:27. Then you have a file on your computer that lists the code & a description of the document that will help you remember. For example, if I was filing something like an insurance bill I might title it "Health Insurance bill from 2/2/2007." You just need to make sure your title is something that will be able to be remembered. Then when you need to find something, go to your computer & do a search for the title of your document.
You can also sort by the different columns. I'll have to go look at it to find more details. It's been awhile since I tried to organize!
  • #310
Help!How do you find Organizers?!:confused:
  • #311
Ya know, you guys inspired me to REorganize my office. You know it doesn't stay organized long, so I installed some shelves, hooks, added a little table, and voila! I tried to take some pictures, but my camera phone is quite fuzzy. I am INSPIRED, tho!!! Thanks, Ladies!!:cool:
  • #312
Seriously...what happened to Carolyn and her pictures and Becky and her update? Don't tell me they can't see this...we know we're all addicted!
  • #313
I have my audit tomorrow..wish me luck..pure organization. Carolyn mentioned tonight at our meeting...she is still on the cleaning and th organization kick..so I have kept her on track..HOOORAY
  • #314
well she has kept herself on track...she is great!!
  • #315
speedychef said:
Seriously...what happened to Carolyn and her pictures and Becky and her update? Don't tell me they can't see this...we know we're all addicted!

I'm here - I am here - I just havent had a chance to take pictures...I swear if I don't do it this week I'll do it next week. My son's birthday party is this week and I have a show Thursday night and my family is flying in from out of state in waves over the next 2 weeks...5 arrive, 2 more arrive, five leave, then three more arrive...OY VEY
  • #316
I do my office work where ever I sit down with my laptop. All of my tools of the trade are kept in their boxes on shelves in my closet. My crate is on the floor of my closet and I bought a nice two drawer plastic filing cabinet at Walmart that all of my papers are in that is under my hanging clothes at the back of my closet. We have an office, but there's no room for anything else. We need someone from HGTV to come organize our home.
  • #317
I am really excited. I went to a silent auction a few nights ago and won a free decor/organization consultation. Of course I am choosing the office. I am very organized but I don't feel that I am utilizing my space to the best of my ability. My husband and I live in a 2 bedroom/2 bathroom apt. and we use the spare bedroom as the office. This office is not just for PC it is also a hobby room for scrapbooking. I am hoping to get some good ideas.
  • #318
If any of you libe near a Hobby Lobby last week i bought the neatest shelf it is black with diveders it holds 8 magazine holders 2 doubles, 4 photo boxes & has 2 drawers it is "antique" looking but is so cool . I don't ike things to be out!! Piles give me the willies! YUK
  • #319
I love this thread it is so neat to see everyones home office's it helps me to dream of the day that I have a bigger home so that my office can be in a room all by itself! I have a computer armoire where my desk is! I have one LB basket that is the paper clip basket but when I have a big office I only hope to have it filled with LB baskets! I have tried to post pictures sorry I can't get it to work oh well you all have some great looking offices!;)
  • #320
I am not the most organized of people - but now I am working mornings for the two most unorganized people in the world and it is a health hazard just to get in the door, over laundry & boxes to my desk. This has been quite motivating. Unfortunately, my 'office' also doubles as the laundry room and the top of the washer is part of my work space. <g> As it has gone on the blink and my hubby has its guts all over the floor, I'm just a bit flustered.

I tell you all this to say that getting ready for shows has become MUCH less stressful for me since I created my show binder. I have a 2 inch binder with colored plastic dividers which have pockets front and back. In the binder I keep all those things which I put in a host packet. It is all together and I can grab it in a hurry... and I see what I need more of immediately instead of being surprised. This has helped me SO much. I got the idea from the business binder my director shared with us last year.
  • #321
Similar to your show binder, I have a portable file holder I picked up at the big bullseye store. I have everything for my host kits in folders. I even have separate hanging files for live demos, catalog shows, and bridal showers. I keep a hanging file for my catalog labels, too.

I do my best to sit down periodically and put kits together. I put in everything but the catalogs, then place the "completed" kits in the back of my file holder.

I've been doing this for about 6 months, and I no longer find myself frantically trying to put together a kit at the last moment.
  • #322
My New OfficeMy family and I worked really hard this weekend to move our basement around so that all of my Pampered Chef things are in the same room. I even have room now for my scrapbooking things. I'm so happy with my new space.:)
  • #323
chesse said:
My family and I worked really hard this weekend to move our basement around so that all of my Pampered Chef things are in the same room. I even have room now for my scrapbooking things. I'm so happy with my new space.:)

That is great for you!! You will have to take some pics when you get a chance :)
  • #324
chesse said:
My family and I worked really hard this weekend to move our basement around so that all of my Pampered Chef things are in the same room. I even have room now for my scrapbooking things. I'm so happy with my new space.:)

  • #325
Carolyn, are you asking for pictures? Where are yours?! I'm working diligently on my room. I'm trying to make things so that I use up some of the crap in there while I'm cleaning! I have enough flannel to make pants for my whole durn cluster! Anyone else sew? You know what I'm talking about...that fabric obsession...I went to Project Linus Blanket Day this weekend and was inspired to use up my scraps for a good cause! Every time I start a project, though, it gets hairy in there....
  • #326
Another question!! Where do you all store your catalogs / order forms? I don't like having big piles everywhere but they're too heavy to put in drawers. Any ideas?
  • #327
I have big plastic drawers - I used to keep them in there. Now I keep the order forms in there and the catalogs in my new shelved closet
  • #328
No, Carolyn!!! Where are your PICTURES?!?!?!
  • #329
DanielleQ said:
No, Carolyn!!! Where are your PICTURES?!?!?!

::::hanging head in shame::::::
I've been dodging the picture questions because I have kinda let things go...my desk is certainly much better than it originally was but is starting to look kinda crappy again.
::::::so ashamed::::::
I will straighten it up again this week and send pictures...
  • #330
AHA!! I knew it! You know what, though? You must be organized enough, miss Director with TPC in sales! My mess keeps me from getting things done, so I've gotta get on that!
  • #331
Man alive, I keep my office closed off so NO ONE can see it. :(
The big problem is that my hubby has his own business as well and we have to share the office space. Down deep inside I'm really a very organized person, but it hasn't come to the surface yet :)
Oh well, one day!!
  • #332
Pamperedmom2001 said:
Down deep inside I'm really a very organized person, but it hasn't come to the surface yet :)
I LOVE THAT! I think I might paint it on my wall!!
  • #333
OH NOOOOO CAROLYN. I kept forgetting to ask..Rreally. YOu have!!
Well time to keep this thread bumped up to keep everyone SPRING CLEANING. You know a disorganized office keeps our businesses disorganized!!!
  • #334
YES! Keep cleaning! I have company coming next week and my sewing/PC room is also going to serve as a guest room! I have to uncover that bed and clear a path!! I had all sorts of plans for the next few days and everything has all gotten thrown up into the air today by Bry, who has a job interview tomorrow and is dragging me along just in case he can get me a job, too. GRRRR! Oh and he invited 9 people over for dinner on Friday and I have 2 shows on Saturday. For the love of....
  • #335
I tried to go to Bev's link for the pile cabinet anyone else tried and get a very weird message. I don't think it is a virus (I hope) but I'm so technically challenged I may have opened soemthing I wished I hadn't.
  • #336
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for nagging me to post new pics. You motivated me to straighten up my desk again which was starting to get a bit unruly...here are two pics from this morning - the desk and the closet


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  • #337
Wow, Carolyn, it's still clean:cool:
  • #338
Looks great! I think that you have an addiction with hair clips, not just office supplies ;)
  • #339
jenniferknapp said:
Looks great! I think that you have an addiction with hair clips, not just office supplies ;)

LOL - I hoard things. It's not just office supplies and hair clips. I hoard everything. I have more pens than you coudl imagine...did you see my colored paper collection? Clothes...I have TONS and TONS of clothes adn so do my kids - like 20pr of shorts, 20 pair of pants...shoes, I am nuts with shoes...um...oh, aprons - I have like 12 PC aprons...bathing suits, I easily have 30 bathing suits...i guess I am a bit quirky, huh? LOL
  • #340
Karo said:
I am not the most organized of people - but now I am working mornings for the two most unorganized people in the world and it is a health hazard just to get in the door, over laundry & boxes to my desk. This has been quite motivating. Unfortunately, my 'office' also doubles as the laundry room and the top of the washer is part of my work space. <g> As it has gone on the blink and my hubby has its guts all over the floor, I'm just a bit flustered.

I tell you all this to say that getting ready for shows has become MUCH less stressful for me since I created my show binder. I have a 2 inch binder with colored plastic dividers which have pockets front and back. In the binder I keep all those things which I put in a host packet. It is all together and I can grab it in a hurry... and I see what I need more of immediately instead of being surprised. This has helped me SO much. I got the idea from the business binder my director shared with us last year.
WHAT A GREAT IDEA! Sorry to yell, but this excites me! I think I will implement this idea in the next week! I have 4 shows in 6 days starting tonight, so I doubt that it will be before this time next week!
I am so "organizationly" challenged! But with your great ideas, I think I can do it! I think PC should get some discounted organization consultants to be available if we choose. Like how they have the other companies that off us discounts! I would jump on this in a heart beat!!! My big poroblem is I see great ideas and then I get too many ideas up in my head, garbled (is that a word?!!:rolleyes: ) up in there and I can't figure out which great idea I'd like to do and then I get so flustered I give up!! I know, crazy, huh?:confused:
ex. I like Raebates idea also, so which one do I want to do!!!:eek: :rolleyes: :confused: :D ! Oy Vey! Doh! Welcome to my world!
I did a training at our meeting the other night on bookings cause I've always been good at getting them, most months I get double digit bookings, well I started getting into what I was doing and all the stuff I have in my bookings info file and I realized I was trying to give waaay too much info for my 20 minute block of time!! It was hard for me to scale down and just pick a couple things! Cause I wanted to give all of it to them! See what I mean!:rolleyes: :eek: ;) :D
  • #341
MissChef said:
WHAT A GREAT IDEA! Sorry to yell, but this excites me! I think I will implement this idea in the next week! I have 4 shows in 6 days starting tonight, so I doubt that it will be before this time next week!
I am so "organizationly" challenged! But with your great ideas, I think I can do it! I think PC should get some discounted organization consultants to be available if we choose. Like how they have the other companies that off us discounts! I would jump on this in a heart beat!!! My big poroblem is I see great ideas and then I get too many ideas up in my head, garbled (is that a word?!!:rolleyes: ) up in there and I can't figure out which great idea I'd like to do and then I get so flustered I give up!! I know, crazy, huh?:confused:
ex. I like Raebates idea also, so which one do I want to do!!!:eek: :rolleyes: :confused: :D ! Oy Vey! Doh! Welcome to my world!
I did a training at our meeting the other night on bookings cause I've always been good at getting them, most months I get double digit bookings, well I started getting into what I was doing and all the stuff I have in my bookings info file and I realized I was trying to give waaay too much info for my 20 minute block of time!! It was hard for me to scale down and just pick a couple things! Cause I wanted to give all of it to them! See what I mean!:rolleyes: :eek: ;) :D

You soud SOOOOOO much like me - LOL
  • #342
I'm so excited that this thread has come to the surface again! I have learned to depend on this thread a lot in the last few months!
Thanks everyone for all the great ideas!!:D ;)
  • #343
I don't think anyone wants to post a pic of their mess....add me to that list! I have an office with a PC desktop in there but since I do all of my PC stuff from my laptop, I'm able to sit wherever I want! I usually couch it and my end table has crap all over....catalog, monthly specials, calculator, pads of paper etc! My husband can barely find a space to put his drink when he sits in his chair! I have a full office and STILL have crap all over! Hope that it goes well with you. I left my office the same boring off white color that we had it painted when we built our house. I figured anything would match it! I have been trying to decide on a color as well. I guess I'm afraid to go dark and if it doesn't look right......then what? Put 500 layers over it to cover the darkness? Okay, not 500 but then I'd have to prime it and all. Too much work! I hope all goes well with your's!
  • #344
Look Speedychef!!!PAMPEREDMOM2001, I just had to steal you saying and make it my motto! - My tagline!!! I changed the words a little but this is soooooo me!!!!!!
I hope it's okay with you that I'm using it in my signature!:D

OOPS, OH CRAP, I MEANT TO SAY PAMPEREDMOM2001! Hey it's early, I haven't had enough coffee yet!!!
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  • #345
dannyzmom said:
You soud SOOOOOO much like me - LOL
I knew there was a reason I liked you!;) ! Go check out what I posted back to you Chef's Lounge, under my updated avatar thread. Should have been "I finally have an avatar!" thread but too late to change it!
I love the pics of your office!! I am printing your shelf picture as I type this. I think I'm going to try some of your ideas!! Uh, oh I shouldn't read anything else on here, or I'll get confused :confused: again!! over which idea to use!!
My in-laws game me a great cabinet with doors and a lock and all for Christmas 2 years ago, and I think I could do some of what you've got here, in there! Cause it is SCARY in there now, who knows what would fall out of there if I opened it now!!!!:eek: :D :rolleyes:
  • #346
:( Even just starting out...I have no room. I have been thrown into a corner of our bedroom with no light ... HELP :(
  • #347
JenBowen said:
:( Even just starting out...I have no room. I have been thrown into a corner of our bedroom with no light ... HELP :(

Do you have a desk? what about the back of a door close by? ...You can buy a hanging shoe organizer to put on the door....but put your postcards in there instead! You need shelving!!
  • #348
jenniferknapp said:
Do you have a desk? what about the back of a door close by? ...You can buy a hanging shoe organizer to put on the door....but put your postcards in there instead! You need shelving!!

I do have a desk...but that is it...my husband is very umm saying nicely clean! Freaks out if I leave catalogs out. I'm going to transform my garage I think!
  • #349
HOLY SUPPLIES CAROLYN. I think...we may need an intervention girl...LOL
  • #350
Jilleysue said:
HOLY SUPPLIES CAROLYN. I think...we may need an intervention girl...LOL

No no non no no!!
I love my supplies! I need MOOOOOOOOOOOOORE!!!!

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