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Wouldn't You Like to Be "Stripper", Too?

In summary, the woman became a stripper after finding out that 750 posts wasn't the magic number anymore.
  • #51
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Cedar Springs, actually, but no one's heard of that.

Hey! I've even done shows in Cedar Springs!:D
  • #52
The_Kitchen_Guy said:
Fold mine for me while you're at it, okay?

Sure - send it down to Cincinnati and I'll fold it. Although it's probably wrinkly by now and I don't iron. Maybe next time...
  • #53
Were you the person with the orange sign in the pic that KG posted on the Hijacking thread?
  • #54
ChefBeckyD said:
Hey! I've even done shows in Cedar Springs!:D
For the rest of the world, though, would be like you saying you were coming to Kewaskum. It'd just be easier to say you're going to Milwaukee.
  • #55
chefann said:
Were you the person with the orange sign in the pic that KG posted on the Hijacking thread?

Naw... that would take too much effort to make a sign like that... plus, as soon as my kids see poster board, they color all over it. Any sign I would make would have crayon and marker scribbles all over it!
  • #56
ooohhhh... I'm so close to 5k. But I don't want to seem like an even bigger Post Slut than I already am. :)
  • #57
At least you have a goal and are sticking to it...
  • #58
My goal is to retain my Post Slut status.

This is post #4996. :D
  • #59
I'm about ready to break 700!!! Not bad for only about 2 months of part-time posting!!!
  • #60
And this is #5000!
  • #61
And this is #701!!!! WOO HOO! I'm a Future Stripper!!!
  • #62
Yahoo Ann your blue.......it's so you:D
  • #63

See- you have a goal, too!

Go, Katie. Future stripper. Go Katie.
(I'm chair dancing here at work for you.)
  • #64
rennea said:
Yahoo Ann your blue.......it's so you:D
Thank you. Now I'm glad I put the blue star on the Post Slut shirt. :D
  • #65
I think I can, I think I can, I think I can!!!
  • #66
If I don't get off here and get my CCC done (the two small kiddos are sleeping - perfect time to actually make calls with no screaming in the background) I'll end up hitting 800 before the day is done...
  • #67
Blue stars, smiling at me!
Blue stars, nothing but blue stars,
Do I see!
  • #68
I sang that with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra!
Well, the real version, anyway.
  • #69
There's a wonderful glow about you, Ann. Congratulations on the new star.
  • #70
Thanks, Rae.
  • #71
chefann said:
I sang that with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra!
Well, the real version, anyway.
That was the best I could do, stuck in traffic on the Tri State Tollway.

More like the Tri State Paking Lot.
  • #72
Hey! Keep your eyes on the road!We've finished eating dinner that I also cooked since you called. How far have you gotten since then?<giggle>
  • #73
Not even to I-88 yet.I'm gonna have a tough time getting to Cedar Springs by 9:30.
  • #74
Probably would be much easier (and a mite bit safer) if you concentrate on driving and not posting!
  • #75
Yeah. 'Specially if you're on the internet instead of paying attention to the road.
  • #76
Kinda gives new meaning to the term "computer crash."
  • #77
Don't want either kind...
  • #78
So... does any one else besides Ann have a blue star? Or is that something Greg made up just for her royal post-sluttiness?
  • #79
Gillian has had hers for a jillian weeks already, but Ann is catching up.
  • #80
katie0128 said:
So... does any one else besides Ann have a blue star? Or is that something Greg made up just for her royal post-sluttiness?
We (that's the royal we) would appreciate being addressed as "Her Royal Postness" on all communications.

You may kneel and kiss my typing fingers now.
  • #81
And you can just bend over and kiss my...Well...you get the idea.
  • #82
ummm... thanks for the offer, but...

I will NOT do your evil bidding and you can't make me!!! [she says as she peeks over the cubicle wall where she is hiding]
  • #83
Your cheek, KG?

  • #84
Good thing I've finally learned not to drink and read when Ann's around!
  • #85
Swallowing before reading.....it's an art!:D (it will also save you $$$ in computer repairs!)
Last edited:
  • #86
I'm much better now with remembering to check who made the last post before I take a drink (or bite) when I'm on here... Took a bit of time, but I'm learning!
  • #87
As long as that smilie doesn't get censored.... That would ruin the whole joke.
  • #88
Yeah, that wouldn't be so much fun...
  • #89
Hey, I got a star!!! Don't know when that happened (I never look at my own avitar/signature).

KG and Becky, isnt' Cedar Springs home of the long underwear festival?
  • #90
Yippee for you! This should be post 780 or something close... my goal is to make it past 100 tonight!!! I think I can, I think I can, I think... I should really get off here and get back to my real work before my boss comes and looks over my shoulder!
  • #92
chefjeanine said:
Hey, I got a star!!! Don't know when that happened (I never look at my own avitar/signature).

KG and Becky, isnt' Cedar Springs home of the long underwear festival?
Don't know - my visit was brief.

(C'mon Ann, let's see how long we can string this one. Of corset's up to you now.)
  • #93
Is it really fair to g-string people along like this?
  • #94
I'm stocking up on new ones.Did you hear about the dyslexic guy who walked into a bra?
  • #95
I hope it's a brief story. I have to go eat dinner.
  • #97
My Pig Butt Buddy got mad when I changed my outgoing answering machine message. It used to ask people to "leave a brief message." I often came home to messages that were simply
  • "Fruit of the Loom"
  • "BVD"
  • "Hanes"

You get the idea. She's still a little miffed that I changed it to "leave a short message." She feels better, though, when she leaves "3 millimeters" messages.
  • #98
I'm surprised she doesn't say 'burmuda' for the short message
  • #99
Or knickers...
  • #100
chefann said:
Like this one?

Where is your hat? you post slut you (as KG stated)

Sorry so late for this, I just read this thread.
<h2>1. What do you mean by becoming a "Stripper" on Pampered Chef?</h2><p>When you reach 750 posts on Pampered Chef's online community, you become a "Stripper". This is a fun term for reaching a certain level of participation and recognition within the community.</p><h2>2. Is there a specific number of posts I need to reach to become a "Stripper"?</h2><p>The number of posts needed to become a "Stripper" may vary, as the community and its features may change over time. However, reaching 750 posts is a common milestone for becoming a "Stripper".</p><h2>3. What benefits come with being a "Stripper" on Pampered Chef?</h2><p>Becoming a "Stripper" means that you have been an active and valued member of the Pampered Chef community. This may come with special recognition, perks, or opportunities to participate in exclusive events or promotions.</p><h2>4. Can I still participate in the community without becoming a "Stripper"?</h2><p>Absolutely! Becoming a "Stripper" is just one aspect of participation in the Pampered Chef community. You can still engage in discussions, share recipes and tips, and connect with other members without reaching this milestone.</p><h2>5. How can I track my progress towards becoming a "Stripper"?</h2><p>You can track your post count and progress towards becoming a "Stripper" by checking your profile page on the Pampered Chef community website. You can also reach out to the community moderators for more information on the current requirements for becoming a "Stripper".</p>

Related to Wouldn't You Like to Be "Stripper", Too?

1. What do you mean by becoming a "Stripper" on Pampered Chef?

When you reach 750 posts on Pampered Chef's online community, you become a "Stripper". This is a fun term for reaching a certain level of participation and recognition within the community.

2. Is there a specific number of posts I need to reach to become a "Stripper"?

The number of posts needed to become a "Stripper" may vary, as the community and its features may change over time. However, reaching 750 posts is a common milestone for becoming a "Stripper".

3. What benefits come with being a "Stripper" on Pampered Chef?

Becoming a "Stripper" means that you have been an active and valued member of the Pampered Chef community. This may come with special recognition, perks, or opportunities to participate in exclusive events or promotions.

4. Can I still participate in the community without becoming a "Stripper"?

Absolutely! Becoming a "Stripper" is just one aspect of participation in the Pampered Chef community. You can still engage in discussions, share recipes and tips, and connect with other members without reaching this milestone.

5. How can I track my progress towards becoming a "Stripper"?

You can track your post count and progress towards becoming a "Stripper" by checking your profile page on the Pampered Chef community website. You can also reach out to the community moderators for more information on the current requirements for becoming a "Stripper".

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