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Why I Can't Promote the Hwc Products

In summary, Susan G. Komen Foundation is not an affiliate of the American Cancer Society and they do support Planned Parenthood.
To begin, I have been personally touched by cancer in many ways, as we all have, I hope and pray for a cure during my lifetime.

Unfortunately, though, I cannot support the American Cancer Society. They support Planned Parenthood and I don't want one dime of my money going to that organization.

I contacted HO about it and they, graciously, sent my concerns to the American Cancer Society. I very much appreciate that PC cares about their consultants views. It's been said before, but they definately DO care!

The response I recieved from ACS didn't satisfy me and, frankly, until American Cancer Society assures the public that not one penny will go to Planned Parenthood, I cannot promote the HWC products.

Here's the link to the letter that Doris sent all consultants after many of them expressed concerns that Berkshire-Hathaway was supporting Planned Parenthood. This situation isn't entirely the same, but it is similar and it seems that if enough people expressed their concerns about the American Cancer Society, perhaps we could donate money to other cancer research organizations that do not support Planned Parenthood.

Are you thinking of "Susan G Komen"?? I know THEIR organization does send money to PP.This was before my time (the letter is from 2003), but it stated:
Effective immediately, Berkshire Hathaway will cease all corporate contributions of any kind to any non-profit organization. This means there will be no donations from Berkshire Hathaway to the Buffett Foundation. Let me be clear, there will be no possibility of any Pampered Chef profits being donated to any cause other than those we initiate, including our three current charitable giving programs: Round-Up from the Heart, Help Whip Cancer and the Family Resiliency Program.
That is not saying that our HWC cause has anything to do with PP. I did do a google search and find some mention of ACS and PP though. Didn't realize that. But shoot. what DOESN"T get funneled to them in some way- even my taxes!! But I can understand your reasoning.
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WHen I was really active in our Relay for Life I had folks from our church (we're catholic) who wouldn't join the team because ACS does fund stem cell research. They sent me a hugely long e-mail about it all, but nowhere in there did it mention Planned Parenthood. Of course this was a few years back and it could be different now.
I'll have to sit down and read that e-mail later today though. Thanks for sharing, beckysuem.
  • Thread starter
  • #4
Here's a link to that references American Cancer Society's funding of Planned Parenthood Grants if you scroll down a bit:


esavvymom--you are right, though. We can't avoid supporting Planned Parenthood. It's reach is wide, but rather than doing nothing, at least I can do something.

This organization is more in line with my own beliefs: National Breast Cancer Foundation® Official Site - Information, Awareness & Donations
That email is from 2003.
beckysuem said:
Here's a link to that references American Cancer Society's funding of Planned Parenthood Grants if you scroll down a bit:


esavvymom--you are right, though. We can't avoid supporting Planned Parenthood. It's reach is wide, but rather than doing nothing, at least I can do something.

This organization is more in line with my own beliefs: National Breast Cancer Foundation® Official Site - Information, Awareness & Donations

Yes. that's the site I found after first reading/posting to this thread.

It's frustrating, but yes, sometimes you have to do SOMETHING, even if it is like throwing a stone in the ocean.
I'm not aware of the ACS being one of their supporters. I know that SGK used to donate to them for the purpose of ensuring that more people could get free/low cost breast screening, but they withdrew their funding after PP started being investigated by the House of Representatives.I don't know of a past or current link between ACS & PP.
Sheila said:
I'm not aware of the ACS being one of their supporters. I know that SGK used to donate to them for the purpose of ensuring that more people could get free/low cost breast screening, but they withdrew their funding after PP started being investigated by the House of Representatives.

I don't know of a past or current link between ACS & PP.

SGK withdrew their funding, but then put it back into the mix after they received big amounts of flack in the media and public. They caved under pressure.

The link she gave in one of the links above takes you to a page dated two weeks ago listing various organizations. http://www.all.org/charities#American_Cancer_Society This specifically talks about ACS's affiliation with PP.
  • Thread starter
  • #9
There's no question that ACS does provide grants to PP. They admitted it in their letter to me. The Midwest Division of the American Cancer Society gave an $8000 grant for a smoking cessation program--the letter didn't address what support it provides thoughout the country and didn't say that that was the ONLY funding they have provided or will provide. It was not a lot and it wasn't for abortions. I get that. I just don't want to support them on principle. I'm sure not everyone will agree with that, but I think it is important that people realize that there is a link between ACS and PP.
  • #10
Please note here: This subject IS KNOWN to cause a lot of out and out verbal fighting out here. Please be forewarned. If you can not take it, please stop this thread. Thank you. Many of us oldies know from past threads that anything amounting to religious, political or Pro-Life/Pro-Choice discussions end badly with a lot of bad feelings and Greg, the admin of this site, usually has to remove them from here.
  • #11
Agreed, John!
  • #12
My director showed me a piece of paper from last year as to where our dollars go...it wasn't for research or anything. it was to help the people pay for food, rooms, etc..I'm asking her to send it to me, if i get it i'll post it on here
  • #13
Here it is.


  • FAQs.pdf
    167.8 KB · Views: 460
  • #15
Thanks John, very helpfull information.
The fact is we all have organizations that we WILL or WILL NOT support. You have to stand for what you beleive to be right for you.
  • #16
Thanks Bobbi! Guess I missed the re-affiliation. ;) Didn't know that.I agree, everyone has the freedom of choice here in America to support or boycott what they choose. Heck I had my own little boycott going against Time Warner in the 90's when they backed ICE T on his "Cop Killers" song. I still don't buy their stuff or pay for a Time Warner Movie over that. But I don't harass my friends who do either. I fully believe that they have the right to continue going to TW movies. Then I came back to Dallas & the only freaking cable/internet company who had a decent service was ... guess who? Time Warner Cable. After a lot of grumbling on my part I finally caved & ordered their service. Gave up the cable last month because I never freaking turn it on & it was wasted money, but really dislike the fact that I can't find a provider with comparable service here in my area. Because I still don't want TW to have my money!!! LOLSo I don't condemn Becky for her choice either. As Stephanie said, we all get to choose who we support & who we don't support. If that's where your heart is girl, definitely stand up for what you believe. A small ripple on one coast can result in a tsunami on another coast. You never know where your stand will lead. ;)
  • #17
I am still shocked and appalled to learn that when I give to a charity they then donate to another. I was so naive. Now it will be investigating more on my part before giving to any one of them. Maybe I'll just give to individuals and local groups that are collecting for a specific thing...
  • #18
I thought PC told us that 100% of our contributions go directly to the programs they've told us about and that none of it is sent to administration fees or other areas of ACS. But still, I understand that it's the principle of not wanting to work with ACS at all because of who they contribute to.
  • #19
babywings76 said:
I thought PC told us that 100% of our contributions go directly to the programs they've told us about and that none of it is sent to administration fees or other areas of ACS.

But still, I understand that it's the principle of not wanting to work with ACS at all because of who they contribute to.

I think you are correct but it's just like United Way - you can designate who to give to but that just means other money goes to those charities so they still get the money. I was happy that we do ACS and not SGK because of all the uproar a few months ago and now...
  • #20
pampered1224 said:
Please note here: This subject IS KNOWN to cause a lot of out and out verbal fighting out here. Please be forewarned. If you can not take it, please stop this thread. Thank you. Many of us oldies know from past threads that anything amounting to religious, political or Pro-Life/Pro-Choice discussions end badly with a lot of bad feelings and Greg, the admin of this site, usually has to remove them from here.

Thanks John. Why start a thread like this when you know it will be controversial? Just asking to stir things up and cause some hard feelings IMO.
  • #21
I'm a littlle consfused as to what the American Cancer Society has to do with Planned Parenthood in the first place.
  • #22
Planned parenthood does much more than abortions. They do provide cancer treatment programs for patients. So ACS, Susan G and many, many other BIG foundations do exactly what every other business does. They get money and simply, for tax write off purposes, funnel monies into other foundations. Such as Planned Parenthood. Many hospitals, doctors organizations, drug companies and other medical interests do this too. And yes, Planned Parenthood. And here is the crux of it, if any institution claims to be not for profit, they must give away funds in large amounts to keep that status. One of our largest hospital systems in Southeastern Wisconsin gives to many abortion clinics simply because they have too in order to keep the not for profit standing.
  • #23
I am proud that you are taking a stand...and I thank you for the information. I had not researched that. Sometimes we have to take a stand for what we believe in. My county commissioner will never receive my vote again...for any office. He goes to my church and is a family friend, but his constant ranting in the newspaper about the republican party and their "war on women" cost him my vote...he sited funding cuts to PP many times. We can differ on many things and he can support whatever he wants and I will not argue with him, but I won't help him either.

That being said, as someone who did paperwork for a non-profit organization I will say in the end all money is funnelled into 1 account and used at will. At the end of the day its what you put on the paperwork that matters. Money is used for "this" until "that" funding comes in and then its replaced...but at any given moment its all just funding.

If the truth be told, if we never supported things we don't agree with we would all be naked and hungry...we don't know where all of our money ends up. If we did a paper trail of every company we buy from I am sure we would eventually find something we didn't like/support.

As for the controversy and argueing on CS, everyone has the right to their opinion and the right to state their opinion. If I don't like it I have choices...I can get nasty and attack people, I can agree to disagree, or I can choose not to visit those threads I don't agree with. We are all suppose to be adults. I hate it when threads become fights...kind of like on facebook. UUUGGGHHH!!!

I love all of my CS buddies. I am very "thick-skinned" and am not easily offended...but there are a lot of sensitive people here and we should all remember to "play nice"...lol
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  • #24
Good points Shawnna! I do think it wise of John to point out the fact that this kind of thread can quickly go downhill. That notice can be credited for this thread staying civil.
  • #25
pampered1224 said:
Planned parenthood does much more than abortions. They do provide cancer treatment programs for patients. So ACS, Susan G and many, many other BIG foundations do exactly what every other business does. They get money and simply, for tax write off purposes, funnel monies into other foundations. Such as Planned Parenthood. Many hospitals, doctors organizations, drug companies and other medical interests do this too. And yes, Planned Parenthood. And here is the crux of it, if any institution claims to be not for profit, they must give away funds in large amounts to keep that status. One of our largest hospital systems in Southeastern Wisconsin gives to many abortion clinics simply because they have too in order to keep the not for profit standing.
I'm sorry - but that is just not true. They could give to MANY different organizations. They are NOT giving to abortion clinics because they HAVE to, they are giving to them because they have made the choice to do so. There are plenty of other free clinics, etc...that they could be giving to.
  • #26
I agree with ChefBeckyD, in my city alone there are 3 pregnancy support clinics that support womens' health and don't perform abortions. Also, I actually had a host get upset about the HWC campaign this last week. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and feels like all of the pink products (from PC and otherwise) are made to only sell products, that there are other ways to raise money without making a profit for the original company. She feels very hurt that people are making money on people like her that have cancer. It definitely made me take a step back and look at the concept of cancer being more about people instead of some organization, good intentions/non profit or not.
  • #27
EmilyStraw said:
I agree with ChefBeckyD, in my city alone there are 3 pregnancy support clinics that support womens' health and don't perform abortions. Also, I actually had a host get upset about the HWC campaign this last week. She was diagnosed with breast cancer last year, and feels like all of the pink products (from PC and otherwise) are made to only sell products, that there are other ways to raise money without making a profit for the original company. She feels very hurt that people are making money on people like her that have cancer. It definitely made me take a step back and look at the concept of cancer being more about people instead of some organization, good intentions/non profit or not.

I think we think a lot alike on this issue, Emily. :)

I was interested when I saw the title of this thread, because I have my own reasons for not being a big supporter of the HWC campaign. And I have had a very dear friend lose her battle with breast cancer at the early age of 34, leaving behind a 4 yr. old daughter and husband. I walked beside her throughout her entire treatment, and saw her go to extreme lengths to stay here as long as possible, so that her daughter would have memories of her.

The ACS is a money making organization. Even though they may be listed as Non-profit, there are many many people working for the organization who make LOTS of money. It's big medicine, just like big gov't. I know that my thoughts and feelings on this are totally out of the mainstream, but that's okay, I'm used to being thought of as politically incorrect. :)

Just as another POV - here is a post by a blogger who has said what I'm thinking in a much more eloquent way: http://www.modernalternativemama.com/blog/2010/9/25/why-i-dont-support-cure-cancer-foundations.html

Also - check out the documentary “Burzynski, The Movie.” It's free on Netflix, and it's fascinating and eyeopening. It may also make you angry.
  • #28
I am not a fan or a supporter of Plannned Parenthood. But the truth of the matter is that many people use them as their primary care facility. You can use them for annual check ups and illness and other small medical issues. I am not aware that they do any actual treatment of major issues, but they refer people to other physicians or facilities when they see a problem. This is the reason why other charities give to them. They are like a doctors office. Please don't yell at me... I do not support PP.
  • #29
I agree with you Becky but the fact of the matter here is that the choice was made to support PP. Money simply trumped morals. The reason, this hospital system gets many of PP's patients, as they are pointed in that direction as a thank you for the support given to PP, when it does come time to deliver or have other services provided. In other words, you scratch mine, I'll scratch yours. So it is not a moral issue with them. It simply boils down to money. This hospital system still supports a non-abortion stance in most of their hospitals and clinics I believe. But this does not prevent them from giving to PP or other pro-choice clinics just so they can get rid of money. Funny how a dollar can over ride ones morals.
  • #30
I understand where ALL of you are coming from. I do support PP. Why because when I was younger and I couldn't go to my Mom for the "talk" I was able to go there and make sure that I was informed on "protection" and so forth. Some people don't have that type of money to go to a regular doctor. I'm sure if they have get gov't help like Medicaid then they are able to go to a regular doctor, but then that starts another fight/argument on how poor people take advantage of tax payers by using Food Stamps or Medicaid.

This is the first I hear of PP doing abortions or at least they don't do them here where I live. I'm glad there is a place like this for women. I'm not a fan of abortion but to each their own :)
  • #31
So I strongly considered just not replying to this thread because there are so many things about it that bother me, but let's face it, that is just not my style...

I am actually an employee of ACS, a proud one. I am also very proud of the partnership between PC and ACS, I think it is a great way to get the word out about cancer research while earning dollars to help in the fight.

I am also a christian, who is pro-life, but I would never pull my support from an organization that does such amazing and ground-breaking work because the support PP. I can tell you that on top of many other things in my life I am a foster parent, and PP has been an amazing resource for the kids in my home. Many of us sit in a place of privilege and don't think about the under-represented populations that recieve much needed services from PP. Yes, they do abortions, and they do screenings, and they educate, and they provide free birth control, smoking sessation programs and I could go on and on for a long time here....
Basically I don't like hearing that folks don't support a PC initiative, because it makes me sad that you would stand so against something in a company that you work for. That being said I also don't like that you are not supporting ACS, because amazing work is being done. Read the statistics... your money going to other cancer initiatives is not nearly as effective as the work of ACS. We have the history, the research and the world wide support to make things happen. And as for the person who said we are a business were a lot of people get paid a lot of money, wake up, that is life. You are not doing your work for free, no one is. Don't get on a soapbox about ACS because their staff get paid. Also if you have done your research you will see that we are a volunteer driven organziation, with an extremely high volunteer to staff ratio. You simply won't find that elsewhere... I challenge you to look.
I agree we can all have our opinions, but I encourage you to be educated in your opinions, and keep in mind the privilege you walk with through the world.
  • #32
Thanks for the insight Claire. We so often look at one aspect of things and judge by that. I'm thinking planned parenthood should come up with a campaign to educate us on all the things it does so we see the good too. I am against abortion under ALL circumstances unless both mom and baby will die before baby is viable so I am one who wants nothing to do with PP.

My problem is in the new found knowledge (at least it's news to me) that charities give to other charities. If I give to ACS I expect ACS to use my money NOT give it to someone else.
  • #33
Well be clear about what you mean by "give it to someone else". We partner for various programs that support cancer research/early detection/reduction. Much of the work that PP does helps women find out early if they have or are at risk of having cancer, and many of these women don't have regular doctors. Also smoking sessation is a huge push and PP gets info out to a part of the community that ACS does not have the same access to. You can rest assured that money is not going to another organzation (like PP) that is not specifically slated for something that supports the mission of ACS. And yes, this sometimes does include staff salaries doing that work, but humans have to be paid to get the work done.
Lastly (or for now at least) I don't agree with the person who said they do non-profit budgeting and it all ultimately goes in the same pot. I have worked with many non-profits over the years and monies slated for specific purposes have to go to those purposes... it is actually illegal not to do that and an organization is risking is 501c3 status to not budget appropriately.
  • #34
grgann said:
Well be clear about what you mean by "give it to someone else". We partner for various programs that support cancer research/early detection/reduction. Much of the work that PP does helps women find out early if they have or are at risk of having cancer, and many of these women don't have regular doctors. Also smoking sessation is a huge push and PP gets info out to a part of the community that ACS does not have the same access to. You can rest assured that money is not going to another organzation (like PP) that is not specifically slated for something that supports the mission of ACS. And yes, this sometimes does include staff salaries doing that work, but humans have to be paid to get the work done.
Lastly (or for now at least) I don't agree with the person who said they do non-profit budgeting and it all ultimately goes in the same pot. I have worked with many non-profits over the years and monies slated for specific purposes have to go to those purposes... it is actually illegal not to do that and an organization is risking is 501c3 status to not budget appropriately.

When I donate to ACS I expect it to be used by ACS. Yes, I know salaries are involved. I don't expect my donations to ACS to be used to support other charities. If I want to give to those I will decide that.

I am the one that made the second statement I bolded. I am aware that they must use my money where I designate but all that does is shift other money.

EG: I donate and specify the area of the charity that I want my money to be spent and Mary donates but doesn't specify what she wants done with her donation so it goes in the general pot. All areas of the charity get a budgeted percentage of the total pot. So mine goes toward what I want and more of Mary's goes to what I don't agree to fund because all areas get their % somehow. I don't believe that my area get's extra funds just because I designated it.
  • #35
grgann - which ACS office do you work in? I do the annual HWC fundraiser at the Atlanta office, well, the past 2 years a consutlant on my team who also works for ACS has done it, but I'll be back there later this month.
  • #36
I am sure PP does a lot of good things, but just because an organization does a lot of good things doesn't mean they don't/won't do things I don't agree with. I have to look at the organization as a whole and decide if I want to support them. I do not believe in abortion for any reason. However, this is not the place for that...if you want to discuss it, pm me and we can talk about it. That being said, I don't condemn anyone who has an abortion...they have to make that decision for themselves.

Research and make an informed decision on whether you want to support any organization.

As far as I know, your local state/county funded health clinic provides the same services that PP does...except for abortion. When I was first married and had no funds for doctors or insurance, I recieved paps, birth control and pregnancy tests from the health clinic...all free. Later my kids received WIC, baby wellness visits and immunizations...all free. The health clinic provides mammograms and eye screenings...as well as other important screenings...all free. And I think they even have smoking sessation programs as well...free. In Oklahoma there is a health clinic in every county.
  • #37
Somewhere along the line, I remember a list of FAQs that answered the question about where does my donation go. Pampered Chef has enough clout to actually dictate how the money is used. I do not remember anywhere in that list saying it will be dumped in the pot. We have in the past, had enough of a voice and enough clout to make Warren change his stance so... Why is it so hard to believe the answers given on the FAQ sheet? I do not remember seeing "providing abortions..." on that list. Besides, if Doris ever felt that the money was being used for that, she would have pulled the plug on it. YOU ALL KNOW THAT TOO! So why are we even discussing this?
  • #38
I am in the Northeast.
I was also just reading the other thread about HWC controversy, and ironically it seems to be focusing on people who won't buy products if they think it goes to SGK because of the controvery of them PULLING their funds from PP? Pretty much this just highlights that all kinds of people with all kinds of believe buy and sell PC... so if one party refuses to purchase, another will buy lots. I for one and offering to all of my customers.
On another note I don't really like the products this year... the cake tester is always a win, so I can't complain, but the other things I fear are not going to sell well.
  • #39
I really wish PC would put their pink products in the catalog and promote them year round...that being said, if that did ever happen, would those of you who "don't promote" the products simply X out the items? Stop selling PC because of it?

I know that everyone's personal beliefs are one thing, and I do respect that, but PC has been about HELPING people...I agree w/ the post from earlier that said there was never anything stated about "WE GIVE MONEY TO ABORTIONS". Does that trump all the other good that ACS or PP does?

And I think it's really doing a disservice to those guests who may WANT to buy these items and help. If you are truly wanting to "not promote" the items, then I'd say just go inactive for the entire month of May...and truly "take a stand".
  • #40
I won't "not sell" the products. If someone wants them that is their decision. I did order them myself so I can see the quality. If they were in the catalog I wouldn't discourage people from buying them. We have other products that I don't personally promote...I don't drink, but I have had customers order those products.

In the past I have actively promoted the HWC products because of the good things it provides...now that I know that money can go to PP I won't actively pursue orders. They are there if my customers want them and if they ask about them I will tell them the money is for ACS. I won't try to persuade them not to buy them.

As I stated previously, I am sure every company we purchase from does things we wouldn't agree with...we just haven't dug deep enough to find out. If we boycotted them all we would be naked and hungry. We have to pick and choose for ourselves. I don't go to the liquor store but WalMart sells beer and wine, and I still shop there...and even go down that isle to get my water.

Related to Why I Can't Promote the Hwc Products

1. Why can't I promote the HWC products if I work for Pampered Chef?

Pampered Chef is a company that values the opinions and beliefs of its consultants. We understand that some individuals may have personal reasons for choosing not to support certain organizations, such as the American Cancer Society. While we are proud to partner with the ACS for our Help Whip Cancer campaign, we respect the decisions of our consultants and their right to choose which organizations they support.

2. How does Pampered Chef handle concerns about supporting the American Cancer Society?

We take any concerns about supporting the American Cancer Society very seriously. We have a process in place for consultants to voice their concerns and we forward those concerns to the ACS. We also appreciate and value the feedback from our consultants and will continue to address any concerns regarding our partnerships with organizations.

3. Can I still participate in the Help Whip Cancer campaign if I do not support the American Cancer Society?

Yes, absolutely. While we are proud to support the ACS through our Help Whip Cancer campaign, we understand that some individuals may choose to support other cancer research organizations. We encourage our consultants to support and donate to the organizations of their choice.

4. Is Pampered Chef affiliated with Planned Parenthood?

No, Pampered Chef is not affiliated with Planned Parenthood. We are a company that promotes cooking, healthy living, and giving back to our communities through various partnerships and campaigns.

5. Can I donate to other cancer research organizations through Pampered Chef?

Pampered Chef supports and encourages our consultants to donate to organizations of their choice, including cancer research organizations. While we partner with the American Cancer Society for our Help Whip Cancer campaign, we also support other organizations through our Round-Up from the Heart program. We believe in giving our consultants the flexibility to support causes that are important to them.

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