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What We Would Like to Say to Some Hosts....

In summary, Becky was complaining about how few people attended her show and how this was why she didn't like hosting since no one showed up. Her friends who sell PC products showed up and were a distraction.
  • #101
ChefCKHall said:
Ah....my goal for this year. Two sets of everything, one for the house, one for the car!

This is the year! I am slowly working on it!

This will be easier to do as a Director, when you have the opportunity to earn doubles on the new products. :)

Also, what has happened alot for me is that older models of stuff have been discontinued - those stay in my kitchen, while the current products go in the kit. When they switched to ergonomic handles on all of the tools, that's what I did! I also have lots of different colors of scrapers in my kitchen...and the white ones are in my kit. :)
  • #102
chefheidi2003 said:
Kind of hard to determine in the playoffs..you don't know sometimes until the week of the game when the game will be.

Ye of little faith! A true fan should KNOW their team will be there throughout the whole playoffs, as they will be winning the Super Bowl, and that's the only way to get there. And as for the time, it's a whole day celebration! :D
  • #103
wadesgirl said:
It's awesome! One of the best pieces of advice my director ever gave me. The only time my kit comes in the car is during change over season when I change out products for new recipes I'm offering (I offer the same 3-4 recipes for 6 months) and if I ever need the trunk of my car. My sister always teases me that I could do a show out of the back of my car. I have slightly, I've pulled out products for people to check out before while at work and such. And then there is always the family get together that someone forgets something - like at the park when no one brought a turner for flipping burgers, I only had the beaded spoon on hand but it worked.

I've pulled out knives, the sharpener, seasonings, serving platters, bowls...it's hilarious! It's gotten to a point where we'll be at some gathering, and something will be missing, and they'll just ask me if I have it in my car!:D:D:D
  • #104
NooraK said:
Ye of little faith! A true fan should KNOW their team will be there throughout the whole playoffs, as they will be winning the Super Bowl, and that's the only way to get there. And as for the time, it's a whole day celebration! :D

I almost signed up for overtime here at work the other day..to come in at 4am 2 days..until I realized that it was Super Bowl Sunday and the next day. I quickly put my pen down.
  • #105
ChefBeckyD said:
I've pulled out knives, the sharpener, seasonings, serving platters, bowls...it's hilarious! It's gotten to a point where we'll be at some gathering, and something will be missing, and they'll just ask me if I have it in my car!:D:D:D

Yup that's what usually happens to me!

As far as duplicates, I used parties I did for myself and there were a few select items I only had one of for a while (mandoline, DCB, etc). I just grabbed them from the car when I needed them. I've had my kit packed in my car since 6 months or less in the business.
  • #106
jla8279 said:
Thanks so much for inviting all your broke friends/family. I appreciate it also that you didn't defrost the chicken before I arrived and I especially loved that everyone had a wonderful meal! The $75.00 in total show orders (with one that was later cancelled) was well worth me driving 40 minutes and getting lost. That $35.00 total show was well worth it!

Wow. I would have been ticked!!! :thumbdown:
  • #107
chefheidi2003 said:
At least they had priorities..sorry..I had to say it..we are wild women at my house when the Steelers are on..but..reading this I just kept thinking..HOLY COW..it was supposed to start at 7..the game wasn't over until at least 745. Not that I needed to tell you.

I am a Steelers fan too... so I was a ok with waiting... and I didn't want to talk over the tv...

I'm afraid to leave my bags in the car... my hubby gets the garage for his "baby" even though my car is newer and more expensive... alas... I'm afraid of 1: things getting stolen and 2: them getting ruined from sitting out in the cold. And man is it cold in Erie today!
  • #108
We live in Texas and 50 degree weather is no reason to cancel your party the day before it is supposed to happen and no don't bother calling me back to reschedule it when it is a better time for you because I will be booked, forever!!!
  • #109
chezshelly said:
We live in Texas and 50 degree weather is no reason to cancel your party the day before it is supposed to happen and no don't bother calling me back to reschedule it when it is a better time for you because I will be booked, forever!!!

WOW!! From those of us that lived in Northern MN and currently live in Nebraska - we have shows in -20 weather.
  • #110
How about this one you get to a party and a guest brings 2 broken products that she bought 10 years ago , AND that she didn't even buy from you and say she needs these replaced because we have a life time garentee on all our products right
  • #111
"Yes I do know what you mean when you say you've been super busy & couldn't communicate with me, but it's not actually 'okay' for you to go ahead and reschedule for next month. I need a paycheck too!"

In her defense though, she was recently pulling double shifts at work because they needed another manager and didn't hire one until last week so even her kids have barely spoken with her lately. However, her show was supposed to be TOMORROW and now she's recheduled for Feb 20 AND she was my only second show for the month. ARGH!! I NEEEDed her show! Time for me to get my butt on the phone again.
  • #112
OM that reminds me! I had party scheduled for a January Friday night, which when I was working I never did, about three years ago. I called and we set the date and time. I dropped off her "kit" and she said she was going to very busy with work for the next few weeks and that I would need to leave messages as she doubted she would be around when I called. So I kept leaving messages. She never called me. The last one before shopping, the Wednesday before the party I simply stated that I picked out the food and am going shopping tomorrow and that I will be at her place at 6 p.m. on Friday. Now the next part, I knew in the back of my mind that she canceled but did not tell me, and I did this on purpose as she is only 15 minutes from the house, she opens the door in her robe! The kitchen looks a bit like the middle of Kansas did this last summer and she says, "What are you doing here?" I looked her right in the eye and said, "Oh I am here to do your Pampered Chef Party!" She says to me, "Well I thought since I did not call you back that you would know I was not doing this." I wanted to say. "Listen, I am not a freaking mind reader and unlike some people, I have a responsible bone in my body!" Instead I still got her with, "Well if I had not come because you never called, and you had a ton of people here, you would have been very upset. I was doing my job. You were scheduled so I had to show up!". I laughed all the way home. I knew I lost the party before hand but this group of people have done things like this to me before so I had to make a stand. Apparently it worked as the next person in line called me two weeks before her party to cancel. I found out later that they did not listen at the original party and thought the host still got points for just booking! They thought they were helping her!
The P.S. on this was even better. I am not sure on the number of years ago but it was the year we went from points for bookings to the current host program. The host, who was 16 or 17 at the time, this lady booked from was told about the party date and time by me as I told the booking host that I would let Amy know. Amy was all excited because the host special was something she really wanted. I think it was cookware that year. About 25 minutes after I left, Amy and her mom showed up! I would have called but I did not have Amy's number in my phone. So...
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  • #113
Here's something else I'd like to say.

I know you say you've been busy. I'm a full-time teacher (so I bring work home all the time). I'm in school and have homework. I have my Pampered Chef business, AND I have a husband, kids, and household things to take care of. YET, I'm still not SOO busy that I can't return phone calls or emails. PLEASE tell me what YOU'RE so busy doing!!!
  • #114
She is watching Oprah with the dang kit napper I keep signing without knowing it!!!
  • #115
I had a show today- there were 3 guests (2 didn't make it last minute because one of them had to go to the ER), plus the host and myself. We sat around the table and ate, chatted, etc. The show total so far is $292, should at least be over $300 once the ER-guest contacts her (she's a past host and regular customer). $55 of that was from the at-show guests. Rest was outside orders. As I was packing up my show today, the host said "Well I hope it was worth it for you." I was bent over at the time she said it and I just smiled and thought about some of the lines I've read in this thread. It was hard not to chuckle. :DSure- it wasn't my best, but hey, it was my 2nd show for the month, so I get my sling-bag, and I booked a show for March...so it wasn't a bust.
  • #116
pampered1224 said:
OM that reminds me! I had party scheduled for a January Friday night, which when I was working I never did, about three years ago. I called and we set the date and time. I dropped off her "kit" and she said she was going to very busy with work for the next few weeks and that I would need to leave messages as she doubted she would be around when I called. So I kept leaving messages. She never called me. The last one before shopping, the Wednesday before the party I simply stated that I picked out the food and am going shopping tomorrow and that I will be at her place at 6 p.m. on Friday. Now the next part, I knew in the back of my mind that she canceled but did not tell me, and I did this on purpose as she is only 15 minutes from the house, she opens the door in her robe! The kitchen looks a bit like the middle of Kansas did this last summer and she says, "What are you doing here?" I looked her right in the eye and said, "Oh I am here to do your Pampered Chef Party!" She says to me, "Well I thought since I did not call you back that you would know I was not doing this." I wanted to say. "Listen, I am not a freaking mind reader and unlike some people, I have a responsible bone in my body!" Instead I still got her with, "Well if I had not come because you never called, and you had a ton of people here, you would have been very upset. I was doing my job. You were scheduled so I had to show up!". I laughed all the way home. I knew I lost the party before hand but this group of people have done things like this to me before so I had to make a stand. Apparently it worked as the next person in line called me two weeks before her party to cancel. I found out later that they did not listen at the original party and thought the host still got points for just booking! They thought they were helping her!
The P.S. on this was even better. I am not sure on the number of years ago but it was the year we went from points for bookings to the current host program. The host, who was 16 or 17 at the time, this lady booked from was told about the party date and time by me as I told the booking host that I would let Amy know. Amy was all excited because the host special was something she really wanted. I think it was cookware that year. About 25 minutes after I left, Amy and her mom showed up! I would have called but I did not have Amy's number in my phone. So...

As much as I would have liked to see her face when you showed up at her door, I would have loved to be a fly on the wall when she had to explain to Amy that she wasn't having the party, and Amy wasn't getting her cookware (or whatever it was) at a discount.
  • #117
chef131doreen said:
How about this one you get to a party and a guest brings 2 broken products that she bought 10 years ago , AND that she didn't even buy from you and say she needs these replaced because we have a life time garentee on all our products right

I second that!! We are not tupperware!!
  • #118
Another of my favorites is when someone calls you all excited and states "I want to have a show!!!" So I see what dates are available and tell them. They state let me run the dates past my friends and see what's good. OK well you haven't called me back and I've left three messages to see which date you want. Hellooooo you called me to have the show, you intitiated the call.....grow up and say you changed your mind you can't avoid me forever because guess what I'm gonna keep calling you!!!
  • #119
Thanks for booking your show and thanks for doing such a great job inviting everyone - 25 attendees - But No thanks for getting pre-sliced cheese because you thought it would be easier, and the pre-minced Garlic to help me out - Oh did I mention thanks for all the wine that everyone drank and 3 DHs had to be called to drive them home and the 6 people who didn't know this was a PC show and thought it was just a get together, so did not purchase anything. -- Whew for 25 people you would think that she would at least hit $500 in sales.
  • #120
pampered1224 said:
Pat reminded me of this one from last summer at 1 p.m. and an hour from home:

No really? You invited everyone tonight for a birthday party and told them at the last minute to come early for a Pampered Chef Party? And did you really think they wanted to be in this god forsaken dump for more than 20 minutes? You could have at least picked up that moldy whatever off the counter! And then you wonder why no one showed up for the Pampered Chef Party? And if I had wanted to cater your dang party I would have baked a cake! Of course I would have immediately applied it to your face!

That is so funny - I had the same thing happen to me. She had an actual birthday party the same day scheduled right after my party - she had all kinds of things everywhere giving me no room to move - then she had the audacity to let a family member sell AVON while I was there in the other room doing a demo - people kept getting up and going to the other room - then they started decorating for this party while I was in the middle of my demo. Arggghhhh!!!!!! :mad:
  • #121
esavvymom said:
Is it THAT hard to pick up the phone, send an email or even a text message?!

I KNOW that you get my emails on your black berry (because it says sent from my blackberry), take three seconds to email me back!!
  • #122
Do they think we are bill collectors or what? I will never understand that!
  • #123
cookingwithdawn said:
Another of my favorites is when someone calls you all excited and states "I want to have a show!!!" So I see what dates are available and tell them. They state let me run the dates past my friends and see what's good. OK well you haven't called me back and I've left three messages to see which date you want. Hellooooo you called me to have the show, you intitiated the call.....grow up and say you changed your mind you can't avoid me forever because guess what I'm gonna keep calling you!!!

I tell them straight out: Not everyone will be able to come on any given date anyway, so the best thing is to pick a date for the two people that have to be there: you and me. If you start asking your friends if they'd like to come to a show, and whether a certain date will work, you'll get a lot of negative response. If you (excitedly) tell them you've booked a show, they'll get excited with you. If it turns out that some of the key people you really want to be there can't make it, we can always reschedule.

Amyskitchen2 said:
Thanks for booking your show and thanks for doing such a great job inviting everyone - 25 attendees - But No thanks for getting pre-sliced cheese because you thought it would be easier, and the pre-minced Garlic to help me out - Oh did I mention thanks for all the wine that everyone drank and 3 DHs had to be called to drive them home and the 6 people who didn't know this was a PC show and thought it was just a get together, so did not purchase anything. -- Whew for 25 people you would think that she would at least hit $500 in sales.

When I provide the recipe ingredients to my host, I specify on there, in writing, what exactly I need. "Block cheese so we can demonstrate the grater" or "Clove of garlic so we can demonstrate the Garlic Press". You'll want to go over it in host coaching, too, but if it's written on the list they most likely print to take to the grocery store with them, you're more likely to get the right ingredients.
  • #124
Force me to leave you this message when you book and refuse to get in touch with me at all before your show:
" Hi this is Lauri from PC, I'm looking forward to your show on Friday night, I will be picking up the ingredients for you since I couldn't get in touch with you and you can reimburse me for them when I arrive at 6:30, see you then!"

Or refuse to get in touch with me to let me close your show because you got drunk that night:
"Hi this is Lauri from PC, Im calling to let you know I need to close your show by 7pm tonight, if I do not hear from you by 7pm I will choose your free products for you and submit it tonight."

I have actually used the second line before. The host wasnt drunk at her show but she had other orders, coming and never got in touch over a week after. Then never called me back. Left this message and got a very apologetic call back 15 minutes later.
  • #125
LauriChick said:
Force me to leave you this message when you book and refuse to get in touch with me at all before your show:
" Hi this is Lauri from PC, I'm looking forward to your show on Friday night, I will be picking up the ingredients for you since I couldn't get in touch with you and you can reimburse me for them when I arrive at 6:30, see you then!"

Or refuse to get in touch with me to let me close your show because you got drunk that night:
"Hi this is Lauri from PC, Im calling to let you know I need to close your show by 7pm tonight, if I do not hear from you by 7pm I will choose your free products for you and submit it tonight."

I have actually used the second line before. The host wasnt drunk at her show but she had other orders, coming and never got in touch over a week after. Then never called me back. Left this message and got a very apologetic call back 15 minutes later.

I'm sure there are plenty who have used (and plenty more that SHOULD use) those responses!!!
  • #126
To my Host: I emailed (since that's the best way for us to connect) you last week to let you know the show was set to close on Friday on my website, and ask if you wanted it extended. You did not respond, so I did not extend the date, and now I have an email for Online Activity to the tune of $93.75 for someone I don't know, that's probably supposed to be put in with your show.

To the guest: How in the world can you seriously get through all those steps asking you if you are sure you want to place an order not associated with a show without realizing you are not ordering with the show?
  • #127
NooraK said:
To the guest: How in the world can you seriously get through all those steps asking you if you are sure you want to place an order not associated with a show without realizing you are not ordering with the show?

Actually Noora, it's sometimes pretty difficult for a person to place an order with a show. I had a guest with a $30 order try to place one and she kept getting an error at the end. When it finally went through, it was not part of the show although she'd originally selected a host.
  • #128
Thanks for letting your extremely rude and disrespectful (seriously, I never heard this child ask for anything nicely ONCE, but rather he DEMANDED the things he wanted) child and his friend conduct an all out nerf war, complete with running, screaming and nerf bullets THROUGH THE KITCHEN while I'm trying to do a demo. It's so fun to try to talk over all that noise and distraction.
  • #129
Thanks for lettng the 10 teenagers and preteens who came to the party w/ the parents eat FIRST so there wasn't enough food for everyone, including the host! (and thanks for letting ME know that there were going to even be teenagers there because if I had known, I would have had you get double ingredients!)
  • #130
Please don't wait until the day of the party, after I've already arrived and am ready to do my pre-show prep, to tell me you are going to "run to the store now" to get the ingredients.

(Yes, when I asked during host coaching the night before if you were able to get everything, you said oh yeah, we're all set.)
  • #131
ShelbyMichalek said:
Actually Noora, it's sometimes pretty difficult for a person to place an order with a show. I had a guest with a $30 order try to place one and she kept getting an error at the end. When it finally went through, it was not part of the show although she'd originally selected a host.

That I can understand, but she wouldn't have even been able to choose the host, because the show closed on Friday on my PWS, and this order was placed on Sunday. Why would you not call or email someone to say "Hey, I want you to get credit, am I doing this right, I don't see your name?"
  • #132
Sure you can "just get back to me" with a date to reschedule the show but I won't hold my breath because I know you won't. Can't you just admit that you decided you don't want to do it?
  • Thread starter
  • #133
If you wanted a caterer, you should have hired one!
  • #134
This JUST happened so I had to run here and post it:

From a HO lead

No, I'm sorry, I will NOT "tack on" 4 mini serving spatulas to an order I already have going in, then have to pick them up from my host, then drive them 30 min to your house to save YOU on direct shipping! However, you can put a book party together to get those items at a discount and you won't have to pay for shipping at all and they will be shipped right to your house! (she is doing this!)
  • Thread starter
  • #135
What is it with people paying $4.50 shipping? Have they never ordered something online and looked at their shipping charges? I can bet they paid a heck of a lot more than $4.50!!!!!
  • #136
pkd09 said:
What is it with people paying $4.50 shipping? Have they never ordered something online and looked at their shipping charges? I can bet they paid a heck of a lot more than $4.50!!!!!

Exactly! And I'm sure not driving around delivering spatulas when gas is $3.15/gallon!

When I offered up the book show, she said "ok, I will try, but I can't make any promises"...LMAO! I guess you dont want your items on sale very much then, do you???

Maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised! LOL LOL
  • #137
OMG this thread is great! I hope (although I know I'll be wrong) that I don't have to post here ever but reading them is certainly giving me a giggle!
  • #138
New one:

Please DONT post on facebook that you "feel bad" that there weren't a lot of people there and that you "really want to help out Shelby" and that if someone wants to order to let you know.

Yes, she did host the party because she wants me to reach my goals, but we went in with the expectation of it being a small luncheon party. One attendee besides the two of us was REALLY all I'd expected! I was there to socialize - this wasn't a regular show and I knew that!! On the plus side, she did get two people who responded telling her they needed to order something asap. She's meeting with one tonight and the other one is her neighbor. It just kind of made ME feel bad when she posted that!
  • #139
First date: Her daughter got really sick and almost died, was in the hospital.
Second date: Had to reschedule because work rescheduled because of sickness and weather.
Third Date (today) I was going to call you, my brother in law just died, suddenly and I am barely holding my sister together.
What I wanted to say was "either you have the worst luck ever, or you are leading me on"
What I did say was"I am so sorry and I will call you in a few weeks."
  • #140
cincychef said:
First date: Her daughter got really sick and almost died, was in the hospital.
Second date: Had to reschedule because work rescheduled because of sickness and weather.
Third Date (today) I was going to call you, my brother in law just died, suddenly and I am barely holding my sister together.
What I wanted to say was "either you have the worst luck ever, or you are leading me on"
What I did say was"I am so sorry and I will call you in a few weeks."

It happens. One of my close friends has rescheduled several times due to some odd and sad circumstances, including death, sickness, and work.
  • #141
My director had a show Sunday - she got there and the host said, "I almost had to cancel, my brother died yesterday."

Julie was astounded and didn't know what to say! I guess the host decided to continue on with the show because there wasn't much she could do at that point, and she was happier having her friends and family around her.

Still, flabbergasting!
  • #142
That must have been quite a show to get through! I can't imagine.
  • #143
mountainmama74 said:
My director had a show Sunday - she got there and the host said, "I almost had to cancel, my brother died yesterday."

Julie was astounded and didn't know what to say! I guess the host decided to continue on with the show because there wasn't much she could do at that point, and she was happier having her friends and family around her.

Still, flabbergasting!

It's weird how people handle death so differently. My dad died on a Sunday and the next day I had to go to the mall to buy a black dress or suit or something suitable because I literally had nothing with me and wasn't leaving my mom to drive 2 hours home to get clothes... so we go to the mall and after she decides she wants to go house hunting... yes house hunting. She wanted life to go on... after being married to him for 44 years I thought she would have been more upset... not once did I see her cry... but I know she did... she hid it pretty well. I, on the other hand was an absolute wreck and could barely keep myself together.
  • #144
ShelbyMichalek said:
It happens. One of my close friends has rescheduled several times due to some odd and sad circumstances, including death, sickness, and work.
The problem is she is the only show in the last year that has done her own invites and I have a sneaking suspicion that she isn't inviting anyone. I will give her the benefit of the doubt one more time:rolleyes:
  • #145
I have told this one before. Oct 13, 2002. I have a show way out in the boonies. Roughly 4 miles from any main road. Get there late as I got lost. On the phone with the hosts boyfriend after she answers and sounds drunk and he guides me to the house. Got there, get out of the car and am met with this awesome Outdoor Halloween display. My host comes out of the house and yes, very drunk! She says to bring the stuff into the kitchen. I ask her about the Halloween display. She explains to me that a very good friend of hers from California shot himself to death in the head the night before and they had not had time to clean up! OMG!!! I ask her if she wants to not do the party. Her reply was simple and straight forward. No, I did not have time to call and cancel and I have at least 10 people coming. I do not want to be alone either. Well, most of the time we just talked and a few of us prepared the recipes. Mary was in tears on and off the whole time. It was an $875 party. Then everyone is gone and as I was cleaning up, Mary had gone to "sleep it off" and her boyfriend comes downstairs after showering, completely naked. Dang cute too! The thing I wanted to say was "Seriously?" in both cases! The show going on and the boyfriend naked!
  • #146
pampered1224 said:
her boyfriend comes downstairs after showering, completely naked. Dang cute too! The thing I wanted to say was "Seriously?" in both cases! The show going on and the boyfriend naked!

Wahoo! A little bonus for you, John ;)
  • #147
UH YEP! Talk about the events of that day throwing me off though. Mary told me later he swings both ways and I totally missed it! Oh well, I was and am with Pat so...
  • #148
NO, you cannot have 10 catalogs to run a Catalog party! Your show is set-up online and I have already given you 4 catalogs!!! Use your resources lady!
  • #149
Chef Kearns said:
NO, you cannot have 10 catalogs to run a Catalog party! Your show is set-up online and I have already given you 4 catalogs!!! Use your resources lady!

AMEN! They want 10 catalogs b/c they expect to contact 10 people. And in the end they have 5 orders.
  • #150
Are we still doing what would you say? I would tell this host tonight to SHUT UP!! She was supposed to have 10 people, of course there were only 4. Just when I am about to get start, she turns on music, loud. I asked a guest to turn it down. Then she talks through the whole thing, and not quietly. At the ticket game, she was very obnoxious about her questions that nobody else wanted to play. When I give her here show total of $270!!! She just say "oh well I did this just to have fun". I want to say, I DO THIS TO MAKE SOME MONEY - THANKS!
<h2>1. "Why didn't you invite more people to your show?"</h2><p>As a consultant, I rely on the host to invite as many people as possible to their show. The more guests, the more potential for sales and bookings. It can be frustrating when a host doesn't put in the effort to invite a good number of guests.</p><h2>2. "Can you please stick to the agreed-upon date and time for your show?"</h2><p>It's important for hosts to stick to the scheduled time and date for their show. As a consultant, I have other shows and commitments, and having a host change the date or time last minute can throw off my entire schedule.</p><h2>3. "Why didn't you let me know about dietary restrictions or allergies beforehand?"</h2><p>When planning the menu for a show, it's important for hosts to let me know if any of their guests have dietary restrictions or allergies. This way, I can make sure to have alternative options or make accommodations for those guests.</p><h2>4. "Please don't cancel your show last minute without a valid reason."</h2><p>Cancellations can be frustrating for both the consultant and the host. As a consultant, I put a lot of time and effort into preparing for a show, so it can be disappointing when a host cancels last minute. It's important for hosts to communicate any valid reasons for canceling, such as illness or an emergency.</p><h2>5. "If you're not interested in hosting another show or booking a party, please let me know."</h2><p>One of the goals of hosting a show is to get future bookings and parties. As a consultant, it can be frustrating when a host doesn't show any interest in hosting another show or booking a party. If you're not interested, please let me know so I can focus my efforts on other potential hosts.</p>

Related to What We Would Like to Say to Some Hosts....

1. "Why didn't you invite more people to your show?"

As a consultant, I rely on the host to invite as many people as possible to their show. The more guests, the more potential for sales and bookings. It can be frustrating when a host doesn't put in the effort to invite a good number of guests.

2. "Can you please stick to the agreed-upon date and time for your show?"

It's important for hosts to stick to the scheduled time and date for their show. As a consultant, I have other shows and commitments, and having a host change the date or time last minute can throw off my entire schedule.

3. "Why didn't you let me know about dietary restrictions or allergies beforehand?"

When planning the menu for a show, it's important for hosts to let me know if any of their guests have dietary restrictions or allergies. This way, I can make sure to have alternative options or make accommodations for those guests.

4. "Please don't cancel your show last minute without a valid reason."

Cancellations can be frustrating for both the consultant and the host. As a consultant, I put a lot of time and effort into preparing for a show, so it can be disappointing when a host cancels last minute. It's important for hosts to communicate any valid reasons for canceling, such as illness or an emergency.

5. "If you're not interested in hosting another show or booking a party, please let me know."

One of the goals of hosting a show is to get future bookings and parties. As a consultant, it can be frustrating when a host doesn't show any interest in hosting another show or booking a party. If you're not interested, please let me know so I can focus my efforts on other potential hosts.

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