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Was Anyone Else Shocked by Chris Leaving American Idol?

In summary, Chris was eliminated from the American Idol competition and many people are sad about it.
  • #51
  • #52
Christa said:

THat is awesome:D I missed last night's show....and Chris sings tonight??? No fair, I have a show:( (doesn't that sound silly! I'm hoping for bookings!) I guess I"ll have to watch for the highlights.
  • Thread starter
  • #53
Okay Christina...how did you do that?
  • #54
Can you tape the show. Thats what I do when there is something on tv that I'll miss due to a show.
  • #55
I agree that Kat has a nice voice but I prefer Taylor. Kat seems a bit conceited to me.. but as we know this is a singing competition.. but she just annoys me at times.. getting annoyed at the judges for "picking" on her. .come on honey, the do it to everyone! lol But just my opinion!

I read on Entertainment Tonight website that there is something going on special (a secret) for all the contestants..and only Taylor and Kat know what it is. I wonder what?? hmmmm. Obvioulsy its revealed tonight.
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  • #56
And, did you guys see that Carrie Underwood won 2 CMA's last night?!!

I wonder what the surprise is...recording contracts for the entire top 10?
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  • #57
Okay, just heard on the radio that Clay Aiken will be on the show and it's his "secret surprise" that he will be revealing...is he finally coming out of the closet?
  • #58
Oh Andrea, you are too funny. Thanks for the laugh!

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  • #59


OMG, that had to be the best AI finale ever!! I mean Prince? Holy crap...that's huge. Meatloaf sounded horrible, but Chris and Live...that was awesome, they look like brothers! And, they had Garet back, he is too cute.

Now, lets hope that Taylor comes out with better than what AI wrote for him, that song is just not Taylor at all!!!
  • #60
Christina I love your image!!!!

I was impressed w/ AI last night, I loved they made an award night and that guy almost had a heart attack when clay walked out singing.

Go Carrie, first ever to when 2 awards the first year out of AI. She is awesome.

Oh did Chris look hot!! Not enough of him.:D :D

I did like the last duo that Taylor & Kat did before prince I thought they sounded great!
  • #61
That is what I am talking about. Chris is just a total HOTIE. Shew for sure not enough of him. But I am from AL and very proud of Taylor. He seems like he is a great guy and very deserving of the AI Title.
  • #62
Someone please explain to me how in the world Chicken Little made it to the top 12?!! I mean come on!
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  • #63
Did anyone understand anything that Toni Braxton sang? She seemed like she was drunk, well...I guess she matched Paula behavior!
  • #64
At first I thought Toni's mike was turned off but then I realized she was just singing that way! She was awful!
Did y'all think Clay Aiken looked good? I've heard both sides to that one today! Personally he looked like he had put on a little weight which he needed and looked pretty good...not so geeky anymore. He sorta looked like he was trying to be a Beatle to me. Yeah Yeah Yeah.
I loved it when he came out and scared that little Clay wanna-be nerdy boy to death! That was the funniest thing I have seen on TV in a long time!

And Chris was totally hot and I am so glad Taylor won!!! :D
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  • #65
You know, I think Clay looked much better than he has in the past. OMG, I thought I was going to pee my pants watching that whole thing with Clay and the dork...
  • #66
Oh my goodness! That is too funny! I laughed so hard when Clay came out and the guy lost it! :D :D I also thought Toni B was drunk and I kept watching her wondering if she was singing or not. I also thought Meatloaf was twitching too often! I did think that the whole show rocked and I am also so happy that Taylor won! I swear I must've called 40 times! My niece is so mad that I voted for him and not Cat. Oh well, she voted 100 times!:eek:
  • #67
I didn't vote at all. I'm glad Taylor won, but I didn't really care. I don't think Toni Braxton knew the words to the song. She really freaked Taylor out when she grabbed his hand and put it on her hip.

My DVR almost missed the announcement of the winner because of all the other crap. I wish they didn't wait till the very last minute to make the announcement because I missed Taylor's reaction.

I had forgotten how good looking Ace was. He is the true HOTTIE from this season, oh my goodness!! They all looked really good. What was the deal with Pickler, she is such an idiot!! She really got on my nerves. I mean really...she played that dumb blonde southern girl thing OUT!!

I can't wait till next season!
  • #68
I agree with you Chef Kearns! Pickler did play the dumb blonde route too long! I was so tired of Puck and Pickler that I fast forwarded it! I LOVE the DVR!:D
  • #69
I agree on the Picker and the dumb blonde thing! I am from NC and I get so sick of things like this -- for all of us in the south its makes us look stupid and backwoods and it is not like that at all here! :rolleyes:
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  • #70
Do you really think that Kelley was playing? I think she is really that naive...I don't know that I would call her dumb but, if you think about it she had never been out of the little town that she was from. Her dad was in prison and her mom left her and her brother, I feel bad for her that she never had the chance (until now) to find out what life is like outside of that little town. Now, if she still acts like this a year from now...I will agree with you guys, stand up and be a strong woman and take charge!!
  • #71
Oh honestly yeah - she probably is that naive. Its just that AI picked up on it and played on it big time.....I guess when you are from here you just get sick of it!!! It will interesting to see if anything good comes out of this for her career. I hope it does - I like her.
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  • #72
I know what you mean, I am from OK and LA and live in MO! I get statements about intellegence all the time...some people have no clue!
  • #73
I think Kelly's 15 minutes of fame is over. Sweet girl but the dumb thing really got on my nerves. I mean who runs from a lobster! I thought that was ridiculous. One little short segment with puck and kelly would have been more than enough.
  • #74
Okay, I finally just got done watching both shows and could they have dragged that out any longer?????? We don't see half of the commercials that you guys do, and we don't have DVR's. It seemed like it went on for about 4 hours!!!
I am glad Taylor won, but did they need to have the geriatric pop star reunion????? We were sitting here like, Dionne Warwick???....Prince???....Meatloaf??? Al Jarreau??? What the heck was that all about???
I think Carrie did awesome!!! I could have died when Clay scared the crap out of that little dorky gay kid!!! I thought I was going to pee my pants!!!
  • #75
I didn't even listen to Carrie (I cannot stand country music--that's why I didn't think she should've won last season, but oh well). That stinks that you have to watch all of the commercials. I LOVE having the DVR. It makes it so much more enjoyable to watch television.
  • #76
Okay checking back in on this thread-I was so excited aboutthe finale and ended up watching it from my 2 yo dd's hospital room, she was admitted for dehydration from being really sick. At least her nurses were Chris fans too:D

I'm sorry to anyone who enjoyed that finale, but I thoght it was about the cheesiest thing I have ever seen on television. Kelly actually fell off her chair because of a lobster. I also thought Toni Braxton's mike was broken. But David Hasselhoff CRYING when Taylor won? Too much to bear, but maybe its just me.

pamperedalf, here's another one for ya;)
  • #76
Okay checking back in on this thread-I was so excited about the finale and ended up watching it from my 2 yo dd's hospital room, she was admitted for dehydration from being really sick. At least her nurses were Chris fans too:D

I'm sorry to anyone who enjoyed that finale, but I thought it was about the cheesiest thing I have ever seen on television. Kelly actually fell off her chair because of a lobster. I also thought Toni Braxton's mike was broken. But David Hasselhoff CRYING when Taylor won? Too much to bear, but maybe its just me.

pamperedalf, here's another one for ya;)
  • #77
:eek: Okay Christina, you are scaring me now! :eek:
  • #78
I think I expected it to be cheesy. It was like that last year too. If you think about it the winners of AI have really not been that big as far as popular after they win except for Kelly and maybe Carrie. I never hear of Fantasia or Rueben anymore. I have a feeling we won't hear about much from Taylor either. I think he's a great singer and all but I have a feeling he'll end up like Rueben and Fantasia. I may be wrong...
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  • #79
When has it not been cheesy?!?! That's half of what AI is about...

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