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Was Anyone Else Shocked by Chris Leaving American Idol?

In summary, Chris was eliminated from the American Idol competition and many people are sad about it.
Yeah, I know not a PC topic but I am such an American Idol dork :rolleyes: ...it's one of my guilty pleasures! I can't believe Chris is gone...I almost started to cry!:( What a shock, I didn't vote for him since I thought everyone else would, he didn't need the votes...so I thought!

Anyhoo, just wondering if there is anyone here that also watches it and was as shocked as I was...
I've been watching it, although we don't get it until Saturday's over here in the UK.

I hope Taylor wins, other than that I'm not fussed about who leaves. Honestly I've found it hard to get into it this series, it just hasn't had the same appeal to me. I watch it if I remember, but usually I just wait to hear through the grapevine (like this thread) as to who has left.
I am a AI junkie too! Did you see his face, he was so shocked.
I felt bad, I really thought he was going to win!!!

You never know with this show. I haven't voted at all. I dont think it would of helped. I hope Taylor wins.
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  • #4
Chris was my pick to win, allthough I have been having a hard time choosing between him and Taylor...now, my choice is definately Taylor!

Muppetgal-I have watched the show since the very begining and I found that when I watched the start of each season with the tryouts (for the laugh of it) that I soon picked my fav's and wanted to see if they would make it. From the very begining I liked Chris, Taylor and Kat...that's who I thought would be in the top 3.
we do the same thing!! i was so upset when clay aiken didnt win...he rules!! i watched the tryouts last year and called carrie underwood from the beginning. one girl i think last years?? she was from my hometown (rome, ga.) and i knew her!! she made it to the top 10 i think. i havent got to watch it all this year...which stinks!!
Chris was completely shocked and was is so funny is at my show last night, when the guests started arriving, they told me that they are sorry but AI is getting turned on at 9 even if I wasn't done! Of course I was and we watched it as I took orders! Too funny! My pick is definitely Taylor now and I do have to say I voted for Chris like 25 times! :rolleyes:
Personally I am surprised Chris made it this far. I got really tired of the rock stuff. Of the people left I hope Elliot wins. He is sure hard to look at, but he can sing!! Taylor is a great entertainer, but not the best singer of the three left. Kat is good too. I would not be disappointed if Kat or Elliot wins.

Of the top 10 the person who should've won the whole thing was Paris. She was hands down the best singer in the compettition. Everyone of the celebrity people who came on to coach them said she was great. It is a shame she didn't get the votes.
I would have bet anyone that Chris and Katherine would be in the final. I am shocked and very disappointed. I don't know if I will continue to watch because I really thought Chris would win the contest. He has a voice I would listen to for an extended period of time. The others do not.
I'm a huge Chris fan and was bawling. Watch Extra tonight to see a major band ask him to be their lead singer...can't wait!
  • #10
I'm glad I'm not the only 'Idol dork'! I had a show last nite so I didn't see the results. I was so bummed to hear Chris is gone. He has been my fave since the beginning when he sang Bon Jovi. I'm sure we'll see some cd's come out from him. I must say I'm rooting for Kat now.
I heard on the radio this morning people are saying it's a conspiracy now. That votes don't really count. (I did actually vote though:)
  • #11
I read on some web sites and heard on Ryan Seacrest's radio show that Chris is going to be offered lead singer from a "big band" and the offer will be made formally on EXTRA! tonight. The buzz is that it's Fuel. Watch it and find out!

That would be so cool if he got the gig.
  • #12
Okay Muppetgal,
I am with you!! I am in Germany but get British Sky Satellite TV. I watch both shows on Friday nights back to back. It's on ITV2 at 8:30pm your time.

We are addicted to it because we love to watch in the beginning for the laughs and making fun of the people like the girl who said 'But, I want it more than the whole bag of gummy bears'.....gimme a break!!! I guess we are addicted because it's a show from back home even though it's 2 days later. Better than the whole season behind that we are getting with everything else!!
I saw this thread come up and totally avoided it until I had seen the shows!

For those of you Cheffers in the States, make some votes for Taylor for me please!!! Chris and Taylor were the only ones that I would actually buy an album from, so now that Chris is gone.........GO TAYLOR!!!!!!
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  • #13
Well, Chris did get the offer from Fuel, wonder what he will do...and have you guys heard the latest? That there were supposedly 16,000 votes that went to Kat instead of Chris, basically people said that they were calling to vote for Chris but heard Kat's recording instead...so, they called back because they thought they had dialed the wrong number and heard Kat's voice again!! I guess the numbers were screwed up.
  • #14
Wow!! How do you guys get this information so quickly?? That's awesome!! I hope he takes the deal!!!!!

If there is truly a voting screw up, they need to bring him back and take two out next week!!!!

Anyone know what the theme is next week???
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  • #15
I get my info from msn.com

I have no idea what the theme is but this is the semi's so I think that the contestants usually pick one song, the judges pick a song and the third is something else.
  • #16
Go Elliot!!!!This is my first season watching Idol, and I am now addicted!! I too thought Chris was going to win. I wanted Elliot to be in the top two, so I spent the whole night voting for him. I figured Chris didn't need my votes. I think that is what a lot of people thought and that is why he got kicked off. I really do like all the ones that are left, but I want Elliot to win because he is so darn sweet :)
  • #17
I also heard that people were calling Chris' number & got Taylor's voice saying thanks for voting. I think either way he goes, he'll still have a career:)
  • #18
monica_sweetconsultant said:
we do the same thing!! i was so upset when clay aiken didnt win...he rules!! i watched the tryouts last year and called carrie underwood from the beginning. one girl i think last years?? she was from my hometown (rome, ga.) and i knew her!! she made it to the top 10 i think. i havent got to watch it all this year...which stinks!!

She did better than get to the top ten....SHE WON!!!
  • #19
I know Carrie won....I was referring to the girl from my hometown who only made it to the top 10. her name was Lisa.
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  • #20
Lisa was at one of the shows recently...they showed her in the audience, I would love to be at one of those...looks like a ton of fun!!

Is everyone ready for tomorrow night? Woohoo, I can't wait!!!!!!
  • #21
I heard about Feul too... MSN is also where I go for all the entertainment news... love the gossip I guess!! lol...

Chris said he is a song writer, and may not want to join an established band.
He has his own band from before AI... I think he should stick with them!

I think Chris was awesome...from the first of the final shows... he sang one of Fuel's songs...Hemmorage... on his first Idol live performance, and my husband and I couldn't believe how he sounded like the real singer of the song!!
The lead singer of Fuel quit, and they have asked Chris to take his place...

CHRIS::: Stick with your band!!
Sometimes I think it is better when they don't come in first on AI... we'll see Chris again...right??
  • #22
one good thing about AI is if you can make it to the top 10 then you can pretty much count on a record deal from someone...look at the history of the show!!! you will see your faves out there, count on it
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  • #23
Wow, what a show. I thought that Taylor, by far and away, blew the competition out of the water. Elliot didn't sound too great to me, I also have a hard time watching him...not the best to look at. Kat's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" was amazing!

I think Taylor is in the finals and it's a toss up b/w Kat and Elliot.
  • #24
Well, according to all the online polls I have seen today, Taylor has more than 50% of the votes and the remaining are split closely by Kat and Elliot, with Kat having just a slight edge. I think Taylor is going to win it all. I like Elliot, but I think he really blew his chance of making it into the final two last night. I like Kat a lot too, so I will be fine with whoever wins.
  • #25
Who made it to the semis? We were out for dinner and I didn't know that it was an hour long instead of a half hour -- so we only recorded half of it!! Now we're dying to find out who made it to next week..
  • #26
:D Taylor and Cat are in the finals! The vote was super close though. Everyone had 33% but Elliott had the lowest and I think his percentage was 33.06%. Crazy!:)
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  • #27

Over 50 million voted...no wonder I could never get through!!!

and in the words of Taylor


Taylor made it, Kat made it!!!

  • #28
Wasn't Katharine's "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" absolutely PHENOMENAL?!?!!?! Ahh, I still have the goosebumps!
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  • #29
oh my gosh, it was amazing...I hope to hear her sing it again as hubby was bathing the kids and missed it!! I think that both Kat and Taylor will do fine regardless of who wins...but, I really want Taylor to win as Simon told Paula (when she was fighting to keep him in the final group) "there is no way that America would make him the next idol". So, I say :p to Simon!

Go Soul Patrol!!!
  • #30
Have you heard of the website called votefortheworst.com or something like that? Its a really annoying website, but they have been voting for Taylor for several weeks now. I have to admit that I wasn't expecting Taylor to make it this far, but I also wasn't expecting Chris to be voted off already so I guess anything can happen. I'm not sure who I want to wind now. I love Katherine's voice and I like Taylor's heart he puts into his songs. I guess we'll see next week...
  • #31
I like both Taylor and Kat also. At this point it doesn't really matter who wins, since the second place people have done better than the winners the last several years, excluding Carrie. I agree with Janel, Taylor loves his music, and Kat has a great voice. She really came on the last several weeks. I didn't like her at the beginning of the series.
  • #32
Everytime I hear/think about/see the vote-off of Chris last week, I get more and more upset about it.. normally I get used to the vote-offs (if they've irked me or whatever) as time goes by, but this time it is making me more and more upset! Maybe I'm losing it.. maybe I'm just super hormonal all of a sudden (we ARE trying for another kiddo, so maybe that's it! lol).. Anyone else feel that way? Or am I just in my own little land over here?? (Wouldn't be the first time, believe me.... LOL ;) )
  • #33
Well like I said earlier, I was quite surprised Chris made it as far as he did. He is talented (I suppose), but was not the best singer of those in the compettition. That is what the show is supposed to be about, but after watching it for so many seasons now I've realized that it is mostly a popularity contest not so much a TALENT contest.

Kat is really talented and the best SINGER between her and Taylor. Taylor is an awesome entertainer and definitely feels the music when he sings. Frankly, I don't care who wins any longer. The 2 people with the most talent are now gone. In my opinion, they were Paris and Elliot.
  • #34
Amanda to AmandaI totally agree with you. I loved Chris, and am extremely dissappointed that he got voted off. I loved his style and the fact that he made sure his style was in whatever he sang.

Out of the two finalist, I think Kat should win. I have never cared for taylor, to me he always looks like he is having a seizure when he is up there. However he is an entertainer and he knows how to please a crowd.

As for Elliot, I was suprised he made it as far as he did. I didn't care for his style, but he had an okay voice. However the people that don't like Chris and his style, they loved elliot. Just my opinion.

I like Paris & her spunk, I was sad to see her go, however she will make it because she is young and who her grandmother is.

My vote is still for Chris, oh wait he is gone. It's for Kat!:D
  • #35
Political connections?AOL had a news item today about the AI competition having a political connection. Seems there hasn't been a non-southern state winner on AI (great for Taylor...bad news for Kat) and there hasn't been a presidential winner in the past 30 years that didn't have a southerner on the ticket. Hmmm...interesting concept. They said Kat's only chance of winning was to get the male votes. We'll just have to see :)
  • #36
well, coming from voice training perspective, I really don't think that Kat has any true talent. Her voice is forced and doesn't come naturally, and she truly tries too hard and just doesn't pull it off. I think she is only still there because she flashed her underwear through that wardrobe malfunction a few weeks back.

I am going to vote for Taylor. He may be a bit goofy, but he has a better voice.

Kat can put on a show, but the voice just isn't there.
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  • #37
Yes, Taylor can be a bit "Joe ****er-ish" and can be quite dorky, but...that's why I like him....plus, I have an affection for men who go gray early, it runs in my family too (my grandfather had completely white hair by the time he was 40 and my cousin who just turned 30 is very close to the way Taylor's hair is).
  • #38
soonerchef said:
Yes, Taylor can be a bit "Joe ****er-ish" and can be quite dorky, but...that's why I like him....plus, I have an affection for men who go gray early, it runs in my family too (my grandfather had completely white hair by the time he was 40 and my cousin who just turned 30 is very close to the way Taylor's hair is).

I love to watch how he gets into his dancing! He just makes me laugh, but not in a bad way. :eek:
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  • #39
Well, just noticed...there goes that star thing the "c" word again!!

jessica_momof6 said:
I love to watch how he gets into his dancing! He just makes me laugh, but not in a bad way. :eek:

I know what you mean....he's adorable!
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  • #40
Okay...so what did you guys think of tonight??
  • #41
Taylor...but I think a large part of it has to do with Kat's 3rd song. It was not for her...

Still sad that Chris wasn't in, though...

  • #42
I hope it's Taylor. I certainly did my part by voting for him. I agree with Randy that the 3rd songs didn't fit either contestant, but like Paula said, Taylor can make any song fit him and his style and that's why I think he is the true talent. Plus, you can see that he feels his music and you can't see that in Kat as much.
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  • #43
The 3rd songs bit the big one for both of them, I mean come on...The judges all ***** about all the ballads that are sung and want something more upbeat and every year the winner's song is a ballad!

Oh well, I think Taylor did the best and I couldn't vote because Donna was clogging up the phone lines!!!!
  • #44
I am a Serious Chris Fanatic and he will be performing tonight-WooHoo!
  • #45
I was all for a Chris/Taylor finale. It would have been close!
I am pretty sure Taylor will win tonight. I think Kat has a good voice, but to me she is just like most other girl singers...nice voice, only sings ballads and is boriing. She belongs on Broadway, not the radio.
Taylor is unique and exciting and adorable.
Can't wait to see Chris perform tonight!!! He is gorgeous.
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  • #46
Chris is a total hotty!!
  • #47
I second that Cindy!!!!I am looking forward to Chris performing, don't tell my dh but I think he is hot!!:D
  • #48
I'm still crying over the fact Chris got voted off. But I got a peak of him yesterday and if he is on tonight, I'll be glued to the tv and my husband may have to put a drool bucket in front of me. :D
  • #49
Did y'all hear that Kelly Picker is dating Constantine from last season? They were at last weeks show sitting together and again last night. He is just yuck to me. And Kelly cut her hair.
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  • #50
I liked Constantine...I thought he was cute, and I don't normally find guys with long hair attractive. I did see Kelly's hair, I thought it looked really good on her...I think she looks more "today" with that cut.

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