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Twix-ing the Prize: How Many do You Give?

anything! Yes, we usually give out one or a couple. I think a whole package is too much unless it is to a host. We put our door prizes in our woven square, which looks nicer and let guests choose. When I was running low, I put them in individually and had guests choosing those (even little ones).The water bottle idea is a great idea. What prize do you think would work best?
  • Thread starter
  • #51
Oh god really...thank you for telling me that..because I am simply a frickin mess. I almost started crying again tonight. I am just messy and feel stupid. The cakes I feel confident and upright..like hey look at me and watch what I can do...and when I move on to the 2nd recipe..I feel like I curl up...ARRRGHHH
  • #52
Soaps in the Bread Tubes.....One thing I've done in the past, is make for my hostesses soaps using the bread tube, you can get quite a few out of one batch and they are nice, and CHEAP!!

I use lots of tools to make these also and they are something different, and makes another way of selling those Bread Tubes.

  • Thread starter
  • #53
You make soaps??? How is that done?
  • #54
Maybe start trying one recipe instead of two?? I never make two recipes!! No wonder you feel confused!
  • #55
Or, if you are going to do two, have one (the hard, messy one) already done and just tell the guests how you did it and talk about the tools that you used. I try not to have my guest kept "captive" for too long if I can help it!
  • #56
Jilleysue said:
I couldn't take a pic..too blurry.
It just says..Compliments of your FAVORITE Pampered Chef Consultant: my Name and contact info with my email, and website and of course the cute PC logo.
Do you have the label saved in a computer doc. or is it your label maker? If is is can you attach? I am always going cheap! I want it to be a profitable business and want others to see they can do it easily so wen I was ready I thought what a waste until I saw the picture and thought of the times I hate to give the twixit or what ever but saw that and thought to add with my business card magnet abd it will be nicer!!
  • #57
cmdtrgd said:
One thing I was told early on (because I can be a bit controlling) is that a perfect demo is not one that gets recruits.

that is SUCH a good point!!
If you get up there in front of everyone and do it ABSOLUTELY FLAWLESSLY they're all sittingin the audience thinking to themselves "OMG - she's amazing, I could NEVER do this!"
Let them see you be human, goof up and laugh at your mistakes...then they can look at themselves and think "Hey, I could do this!"
  • #58
Lisa/ChefBear said:
One thing I've done in the past, is make for my hostesses soaps using the bread tube, you can get quite a few out of one batch and they are nice, and CHEAP!!

I use lots of tools to make these also and they are something different, and makes another way of selling those Bread Tubes.


Unfortunately the bread tubes are gone as of Feb 28th
  • Thread starter
  • #59
Oh well hell...my dog can do it then...because Messy and Confused should be on my name tag....LOLOLOL
  • #60
Soaps in bread tube.....I know they'll be discontinued, but it's a way to pump up selling them, show casing not only "fancy" breads, but easy gifts......

Here's how I make my soaps.....one thing I've found, using coupon at Michael's you can get a 5 or 6 pound tub cheaper than 2 lb. brick. For May I've used the retired heart mold for my hostesses, to show I love their helping with HWC campaign.

Glycerin Soap in Bread Tubes Lisa McVaugh,
Independent Pampered Chef Consultant

2 lb. Brick Moisturizing Clear Glycerin Soap
Soap Dyes (I used liquid Life of the Party Essentials)
Soap Fragrances (I used Life of the Party Essentials)
for my scent I used Vanilla & Lavender which is a really light scent

1. Take brick & flip out onto Cutting Board. Cut into individual Cubes using the utility knife & put cut cubes into 2 qt. batter bowl.
2. Microwave 40 seconds on High, stir & then continue with
10-30 second intervals, stirring each time. * *They say 10 second intervals & I've done in MY microwave up to 30 seconds each time without scorching but try what works with yours This is a very sticky job, I ended up using scraper & then using nylon scraper to scrap off stuff of knife & scraper.
3. After I had it melted, I added the color (That I played with, added little at time until I got the color I wanted) & then for scent I again played with it, directions said use so many drops per weight & I just used minimum, stirred & smelled it, & added a little more. (As I have asthma I didn't want it strong, as who knows who has problems with strong scents)
4. Once you've got it melted, colored, & scented, the you take bread tube, put a piece of alum. foil at bottom (& try to get as FLAT as possible) before putting cap on & pour a little -about ½" of soap into tube, sprinkle with Alcohol (this disperses bubbles) & place upright in freezer for about 5-10 minutes - Just enough to "seal" the bottom so when you pour the rest in it won't leak out of the bottom. (During the time you're waiting for this to set, you will need to keep the glycerin melting or heating in microwave as it'll set up easily) Then, when the bottom is sealed, pour the rest of the soap (I've been told tube holds about 2 pounds of soap) & sprinkle with alcohol again this disperses the air bubbles that form. (I didn't do the last step & I had allot I had to cut away that had bubble through it, so remember to do this!! (The size of container of glycerin (2 lb. brick) I bought only filled the flower/ scalloped tube about ¾ full). Each is different!! The heart fills with 2 lbs.
5. Then put the tube upright into freezer for minimum of 40 minutes, I had to leave mine for almost an hour before it felt hard all the way, & then take out, pop one end off & it slides right out. I then used the utility knife** & cut it into 10 pieces & then when I gave it out, I put into a clear
sandwich ziploc bag, & tied with raffia (& then cut the
ziploc part off) as I didn't have any other bags to put it
into. (I did have pieces with bubbles that my family is
using as I didn't want to give it out, didn't look right)
**Also, I could have used the crinkle cutter to cut
these, it's very easy to cut (but hard to keep a straight
line as you're doing for first couple of cuts). If using the
crinkle cutter as I've done since my first batch,
I push out little but, & cut right along edge of bread tube. I cleaned everything up & have used everything again with out a soapy taste!!
Had I thought ahead, which I didn't I would have been checking when glycerin went on sale or used a 40% off coupon, as block I bought was around $9.00, color I got on clearance for $1.00 & scent I think was $3.00, but I've still got lots of the scent left to make more batches.


  • Thread starter
  • #61
Hmmm Thank you. May try. I think I could potential make a big mess with this one though. I think I may stick to wrapping...LOL I am good at that...hehehe.
  • #62
Skye said:
I have started making little sample packets of the spices. I include the recipe idea's on the spice bottle and enough spice to make one of the recipes. I use cute scrapbook paper to mount the recipe on, then stick it on the self sealing cello bag. They really have been a big hit, They go before any of my other prizes! And they are cheap to make!! I figure that the spice they sample will be so great that it will turn into a repeat buy! I think they are more likely to want to buy more spices over more scrapers or paring knives!:p

That sounds like a fantastic idea. I think I might have to try that. I don't have any shows for January :( The only one I did have cancelled on me yesterday .. Oh well I will spend the rest of January working on some prizes like these spice samples and getting the rest of my office space organized and ready to go for the rest of 2007.
  • Thread starter
  • #63
Yeah My BF's sister cancelled on me...She is planning a wedding and just got a puppy and doesn't have any money. And I said..well invite enough people and who needs money..YOU GET STUFF FOR FREE....LOL, but she still wanted to wait until Feb or March. Just gotta roll with the punches. Since I have time..wrappin those presents and of course organizing..LOL
  • #64
Prize ideasI usually find that these prizes are a big hit with my crowd:

I buy gift bags in bulk and also my tissue paper in bulk. I buy 99 cents pot holders, kitchen towels, and oven mitts at Walmart. I add one PC door prize gift with these prizes (bamboo tongs, SB recipe, quikut) and I always give one to my host but with the small spatula or I add something to their order they might not already have as my thank you gift (usually for regular hosts).

I also have chocolate bar molds that say "Thank you" and I purchased some cute Wilton chocolate bar boxes on eBay and give these as prizes when I don't have time to do the bags.

I have also done small envelopes with pictures of products that I cut out from old catalogs in them for those who will book a show. They get to pick a prize they will either receive at their show or I will tag onto their order.

At my open house I gave away small baskets filled with ingredients for recipes, along with the recipe for that dish and a Season's best if they ordered $100 or more.
It was fun. I made a basket with the ingredients for a dip that everyone loved!!! It was breakfast sausage, one block of cream cheese and one can of rotel. It tastes so good you can't stop eating it. I also gave a box of crackers and the recipe. Everyone really wanted that basket. And it cost me $6 to make |(including the basket).
Another basket had the recipe for Tuxedo brownies.

I have also done prizes within prizes. I gave only SB recipe books at one show for winning games and for ordering $60 or more. If they booked a show. If they could get an outside order.
With every SB recipe book I let everyone know that they are great gifts and better than greeting cards so if they did get more than one, there are many uses for them. Plus I hid a star in one of them and at the end of the show we are going to see who got the star. The winner with the star got to choose ONE of these items:
Large Scoop
Classic Scraper
Bamboo spoon and spatula set

I ended up with lots of $60 or more orders, 3 bookings, and 2 outside orders from friends at the show.

Debbie :D
  • #65
I just got a call like that too. Our friends just bought a new house and I told her that a PC show would be the perfect way to show it off to her friends. She was excited about cookware, but then called and said she would rather have it in March when she would have the money for the half price cookware and more money in general. I want my HWC stuff, so I agreed EARLY March, but am bummed because it is a lot harder to recruit people with no shows :(
  • Thread starter
  • #66
Page 3 on this thread is where I posted the pics of the prizes in the purple cellaphane originally. It is pretty and you can see the difference. I have done this for years with all my showers and partys. It makes a lasting impression.
  • #67
Jill,I'd love to see the template for the water bottles, if you can share it with us!
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  • #68
Yes I am trying to find it. I looked at home and at work and for some reason it is misplaced. I have to find the CD. It is the cutest thing....but I will definitely find it for you all. It is adorable!!
  • #69
I love the cellophane idea, but way too expensive for me. So I buy tissue paper in bulk. I just bought a whole bunch of x-mas paper & I use it from Sept. on to get people thinking about what great gifts pc makes.I put 3 things in, and this is my booking gift or bribe. usually a season's best w/ my label inside a paring knife or citrus peeler and tongs or spatula or mini whipper. I try to put different things in there, oh and now I am including the shopping list from nancy's so they have my info on their fridge.Tissue paper and ribbon has a similar effect!!
  • Thread starter
  • #70
I can't find the template of the water bottle..UG. I finally found an extra one here at work. I'll take it home and take a picture of it tonight for you guys so you can see. I may make one so I can show you with the PC logo too.
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  • #71
OH PHEW..WOW, I am sweating....700.....WOW..what a run..is it 50 more to go for a dang star???LOL
  • #72
48 left Jilly! By the end of the day you will be a stripper for sure! Better get waxed!
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  • #73
HAHAHAHA...I better pick a shape. Maybe waxed in the beautiful trifle bowl shaped or the chef hat for advertising....LOL
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  • #74
LOL No comment on that one. I silenced ya all!!!!
  • #75
I missed that post! I would definetly get a chef's hat and the tiniest bikini you can find!
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  • #76
HAHHAHAHA, I figured you or Carolyn missed it...LOL
  • #77
Hey, you spend a lot of time in the keys, you might as well advertise! Your BF can do his chest hair to match! LMAO!
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  • #78
HAHAHAHA, He doesn't have any....I'll just have him put a Chef hat on! That'll work. DO DO DO..yelling Pampered CHEF!
  • #79
At least we will all be able to spot you by the pool on the next PC vacation! Is that a chef hat? That must be Jilleysue!!
  • Thread starter
  • #80
Hahahahaha. No Doubt!!! A Chef Hat And A Smile!!!
  • #81
How about adding an i-slice to open all their boxes with when they arrive.....

A sink fizz to clean their sink after we leave......

A Pampered Chef lotion to pamper their hands.....
  • #82
What are you doing on topic, Tina?? Don't you know that by page 3 the topic is totally over? LOL!

Just teasing- I think the i-slice is a great idea!
  • #83
gilliandanielle said:
What are you doing on topic, Tina?? Don't you know that by page 3 the topic is totally over? LOL!

Just teasing- I think the i-slice is a great idea!

On Topic, ha, ha, ha :D ......I almost choked on my garlic parmesan pull apart bread.:p ...

I know the topic went south (to the keys:) ) awhile ago, but heard these ideas at a cluster meeting and I also loved the i-slice....

At least you caught me up to something good, instead of something else:eek:
  • #84
genburk said:

On Topic, ha, ha, ha :D ......I almost choked on my garlic parmesan pull apart bread.:p ...

I know the topic went south (to the keys:) ) awhile ago, but heard these ideas at a cluster meeting and I also loved the i-slice....

At least you caught me up to something good, instead of something else:eek:
LMAO!! We went VERY south! (to the keys) I giggled out loud when I read that!
  • Thread starter
  • #85
HAHAHAHAHAHA, I was gona say..no way I am using an I SLICE DOWN THERE....LOL
  • #86
Back to the topic.... I know it is more interesting to go off topic....but I was thinking about the baskets to hold the wrapped up prizes... how about showing them in the Trifle bowl. I think it would be very pretty and not so hard to clean up as a real trifle.... Just a thought.
  • #87
They would be pretty in the trifle bowl, but I use my large woven to pass around the room. People get to feel it as it goes by, and I won't have to worry about anyone breaking it!
  • #88
good point !!
  • #89
As long as you don't pass the bowl it would look awesome!!!

I was thinking of getting some more microfibers and "layering" them in the bowl to look like food (lilac, artichoke, lilac, artichoke).
  • #90
I was trying to think of something simple and easy to put in the bowl.. great idea.
  • #91
I even thought of it myself unlike 99% of "my" other ideas!
  • #92
I just had a vision of the TB layered with Christmas balls. (It's okay. I'm prepared for all the jokes. Let the merriment begin!)
  • #93
I am sure it will be okay until KG gets here!!
  • #94
I buy those little "snack" ziplock baggies and split the twixit's up in those and put those in my rectangle woven selection. That's what I put my prizes in. You don't know what they may already have so I put those in it, SB, recipe cards, scrapers and the quikut paring knives. I figure that's a large enough selection to choose from.
  • #95
gilliandanielle said:
I am sure it will be okay until KG gets here!!

Yeah, I'm looking forward to his 2 cents, but I'm a little scared, too. I like it.
  • #96
gilliandanielle said:
I am sure it will be okay until KG gets here!!

Or me! Bwa-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Rae, how do you know this Chris, that you have his balls?
  • #97
Actually, my husband's name is Chris.
  • #98
LOL! My DH's name is Chris too!!
  • #99
So I walked right into your set-up, huh?
  • #100
Way to go, Ann! LOL!

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