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Try Pampered Newsletter - Professional and Affordable!

In summary, Margie sent out a batch of newsletters to the recipients. Some of the recipients were not happy with the look and feel of the newsletter and asked Margie for a copy. Margie forwarded the request to the sender of the newsletter and also sent a sample to the recipient.
  • Thread starter
  • #51
BTW- I will talk to Donna about the chef in you tagline. And michelle my email is : [email protected]
  • #52
Thanks Margie!! Love it!!
  • #53
Will you please send me a copy [email protected]
  • #54
Will you please email it to me too? [email protected]


SillyChef said:
I just signed with a Newsletter Service. It is www.pamperednewsletter.com
It is $18 a year and I LOVE IT. if you want to see samples go there! If you do sign up, could you please use me as your referral! Thanks a million everyone! They really are VERY professional looking!
  • #55
Thank you for sending it to me.

  • #56
Can I try please?[email protected]Does she do Canadian ones? I hope so! I hate doing newsletters up - I'm not creative enough!
  • #58

What date do they send you the newsletter? Just wondering how far before the end of the month we would have it to edit and send out.
  • #59
Be careful. I have been sending an HTML-based newsletter each month that I design myself (would be happy to forward if you're curious). I have been including the consultant who I signed under just to share (and perhaps my second set of eyes for errors). Anyway, for whatever reason, this month's newsletter she received in her e-mail was all goofed up. Everything is exactly the same that I do every month, but her or my e-mail program was stripping out all the pretty layout and just sending a straight text e-mail (no pictures, no color, etc).I didn't know where the error was occurring, but just keep tabs on how the newsletter might look on the other end. Also, keep in mind not everyone has e-mail programs that are HTML based (the format of this newsletter). Most programs are now, but not all, especially some work e-mail programs.
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  • #60
Anyone have feedback on their full-service newsletter, where she sends them to your mailing list? I have a MAJOR problem with my emails not landing in their inboxes, so I'd like to know how accurate and efficient hers go...
  • Thread starter
  • #61
Okay ladies, all you others who have requested a copy I have sent it. I hope you enjoy it, as much as I do.

Michele - She actually sent mine to me a day after I paid. This next month will be a new month for me. My director said she has great customer service so I am assuming that she sends it out a week before the months end. I will let you all know when I get my March newsletter. :D

I hope it generates some business for you all!!!
  • #62
Margie- I am so sorry, but can you send this to me as well?

[email protected]

Thanks, you are awesome!!
  • Thread starter
  • #63
curiosity killing the cat Gilli? On its way :D
  • #64
Can you send a copy to me too? I tried to get it through her website, but when it emailed to me, it didn't show up right. (I couldn't see the entire right hand side and what was in it!)
[email protected]
  • #66
KellyTheChef said:
Can you send a copy to me too? I tried to get it through her website, but when it emailed to me, it didn't show up right. (I couldn't see the entire right hand side and what was in it!)
[email protected]


I had the same problem when it was sent to my gmail account, but when I had her send it to my isp account there wasn't a problem.

Gmail's great for some things, but NOT html newsletters. You may want to check out bluebottle as an alternative.

I'm thinking about going with the full-service program, letting her send them out, just so that I don't have this problem.

  • #67
With a few of you have troubles seeing it "right," this is a very similar problem your customers may have as well. Keep that in mind!!!Also adding to Laura's question about the full-service mailing list option. When the service sends your newsletter for you. What name appears in the "From" line? If someone replies to the e-mail, would it come back to you. As long as your e-mail address was included in the "reply to" field you should be allright, but I'd be curious how it appears in the "from" line of the e-mail.
  • #68
newsletterhi there - i tried the website too - but it wouldn't work - would you mind sending it to me so i can check it out! thanks!!
[email protected]
  • #69
siderits said:
With a few of you have troubles seeing it "right," this is a very similar problem your customers may have as well. Keep that in mind!!!

Yep, that's a possibility, but I don't have many customers with the problem email addys!

Those that do will get an email from me (text only) explaining the problem and asking them if they have an alternate email for me to try.

  • #70
I was thinking that she sends it with the right side missing because it's a sample... I tried to forward it to myself but it stops you so she has it set up to only sample it...
  • #71
Thanks Margie!
  • #72
Hi Margie, thanks for sending these out! I like it, my other subscription just expired, so I signed up. Free month for you! :)
  • Thread starter
  • #73
KellyTheChef said:
Can you send a copy to me too? I tried to get it through her website, but when it emailed to me, it didn't show up right. (I couldn't see the entire right hand side and what was in it!)
[email protected]

With a gmail account you have to click on "display images below" to see it all! :D HTH
  • Thread starter
  • #74
tracymagu said:
Hi Margie, thanks for sending these out! I like it, my other subscription just expired, so I signed up. Free month for you! :)

Thank you Tracy!!!! Good luck!
  • #75
Thanks for sharing Margie... lokks fantastic!!

I will refer you so you get perks.
  • #76
  • Thread starter
  • #77
Sent Sharisse! Anyone Else?
  • #78
Thanks Margie! I will definitely have to keep that one in mind - it looks great!
  • #80
I have been using this for a couple months now and I really like it! I have gotten positive feedback from customers as well.
  • #81
SillyChef said:
I can also send a sample to you as well! :D (if you don't want to give your email to them just yet! ;) )
okay, margie, I want a sample too! are you regretting putting the offer out there yet!:eek: J/K! But I'm sure we're keeping you busy!:D :rolleyes: ;)
[email protected]
  • #82
I was wondering how dependable they were - Someone else had give me a heads up but I have to figure out when my curent subscription with another group ends.
  • #83
Margie ~would you mind sending me a copy
  • #84
MissChef said:
okay, margie, I want a sample too! are you regretting putting the offer out there yet!:eek: J/K! But I'm sure we're keeping you busy!:D :rolleyes: ;)
[email protected]

I wonder if you are thinking this is the thread that will never die :) . Will you please send me a sample newsletter as well? Do you have a May newsletter yet?

Thanks for sharing!
  • #85
You guys can always go to the website and request a sample and put Margie down as a referral.
  • #86
Hi Margie!

I went to the website and requested a sample two days ago and haven't received anything.:(

Would you mind sending me a copy of the newsletter.


[email protected]
  • Thread starter
  • #88
Kathytnt said:
I was wondering how dependable they were - Someone else had give me a heads up but I have to figure out when my curent subscription with another group ends.

She is actually very dependable! I personally haven't had any problems at all with the service as of today! :D Good luck!
  • Thread starter
  • #89
Okay ladies I sent out everyones email! If I missed anyone please let me know I will get that to you as soon as possible! Thank you so much for all of your referrals! I know you are going to love the newsletter as much and myself and guests do! :D
  • #90
Margie~ I just received the newsletter. Thank you so much for sending it. I love the way it is all set up.So informative,Thanks again
  • #91
Thank you for sending it my way!!! It looks great! I recieve one through a lady that I pay her for it also, and I need to make up my mind which one I like the best!
  • #92
Margie-I got it! Thanks, it looks great and I will be sure to use you as a referral!
  • #93
Margie I did not get one. (GOT IT)

[email protected]

What day of the month do you receive your newsletter? Is it on a regular schedule??

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  • #95
KellyRedHead said:
Hi Margie!

I went to the website and requested a sample two days ago and haven't received anything.:(

Would you mind sending me a copy of the newsletter.


[email protected]

Did you check your junk mail folder? I just went to the website & requested a sample & received it within a few minutes but it went to my spam folder. I had to mark it as not spam.

It was marvelous by the way. I will probably be switching to it when my current subscription expires.

  • #96
Do you find this easy to update and send??? Also consistent on accuracy.
I have been using another one - I friend had referred it to me but I already have another subsciption to another group. Thinking of changing soon
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