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Truffle Brownie Cups-Lesson Learned About Chocolate

In summary, the author was craving chocolate and did not know what type or even what form it was. She found the recipe for the Dark Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes and decided to make them instead. The author had some problems with the cupcakes not cooking all the way through and decided to toss them in the oven for a few more minutes. The author also added the Truffle Brownie Cups to her baking list and anticipated the taste. However, when she tasted them, she realized they were not her taste. The culprit was the Hershey chocolate which she had used in the recipe.
Silver Member
The last couple days I have had a craving for chocolate. Could not really pinpoint what type or even what form. I knew that the Symphony Brownies did not really tackle the situation-I made them for a get together on Sunday. While yummy, not quite what I was looking for. While looking thru Simply Sweet, I saw the recipe for the Dark Chocolate Truffle Cupcakes which reminded me of the Truffle Brownie Cups.

"Bingo!" I thought "Truffle Brownie Cups are what I am looking for! The moist yet chewy brownie with delicious chocolate ganache topped with maraschino cherries." I quickly found the recipe & checked my cabinets for ingredients. Did not have heavy whipping cream which is ok because I have subbed in butter & milk before & the ganache came out just fine. No chocolate chips or baking chocolate but that is ok because I have a huge stash of chocolate Easter crosses in my freezer.

I know what you are thinking. "What in God's name is she doing with a huge stash of chocolate Easter crosses in her freezer?!" Well, last year I discovered that by purchasing chocolate seasonal candy after the holiday (Easter, Halloween, Valentine's Day etc...) it cost less than if I bought chocolate chips. I use the solid chocolate in cookies or other recipes that have chocolate chunks/chips & have melted the chocolate for chocolate strawberries. And I have used the chocolate before in the TBC So, I figured I should be able to sub in with no problem. (BTW the kids enjoy unwrapping the candys & whacking them to make them in chunks :D)

I started the melting & mixing with great delight. As I was scooping the dough into the MMP, I noticed it seemed to 'act' differently than I remembered. Oh well, it has been months since I have made them so I obviously am mis-remembering. In the oven they go. The ganache was going good-kinda shiny & sweet smelling which is because I used Hershey chocolate. (Totally forgot I don't like Hershey chocolate-you would think I'd remember that important fact!)

The aroma of the brownies as they were baking was wonderful. Chocolate scent filled the air. My mouth salivating as I imagined eating the first bite. At last the timer went off. Pulled out the pan. Let it cool for two minutes then make the wells with wooden dent maker thing. Cool for a couple more minutes. Then using the citrus peeler I remove the first brownie cup. Well, I try to anyway. Apparently the cup did not cook thru all the way. Thats ok. Toss them back in the oven for a few more minutes. Stir the ganache. Ready my maraschino cherries. Tap foot a couple times. Clean up. At last I pull out the MMP. Yup, definitely done. However, they really did not want to come out-even though I used cooking spray. "But", I thought, "that's ok because as they cool, they will harden up more and be easier to remove."

Eagerly I scoop the ganache in the wells & add the cherries. Briefly consider putting them in the freezer to speed up the cooling process. Decide to put kids to bed (after all, it was after 8:30), do the laundry dance & straighten up the living room. After all, I find it much easier to relax when not sitting amid toys, jackets & children. Plus less chance of my glass of wine being spilled.

Finally! 30 minutes later, I citrus peeled the first cup out. Mouth drooling, I took the first bite. "Huh" I thought, "Maybe it has been too long since I made these. Does not taste right. Not very chewie. And the middle is all wrong. Must try another one."

Citrus Peeled out another. Anticipation of tasting the wonderful delight of chocolate had me drooling again. (Can you tell i am jonesing for chocolate?)

Nope. Same. It was not my taste buds. It was not because I had not made Truffle Brownie Cups since March. I knew it was not the heavy whipping cream substitution.

It was the chocolate. It was the Hershey chocolate. I have used seasonal chocolate before in the recipe. However, I usually don't buy Hersheys. I usually buy Dove & Nestle chocolate. I don't like Hershey Kisses unless they are dark & am picky about what kind of candy bars I buy. I figure if I am going to have chocolate, I should make it worth the extra calories and go for the good stuff. The only reason I bought the crosses was because they were 20 cents each. The lowest price I had seen. So I bought them.

My lesson learned? If I am making something for myself & all I have is Hersheys chocolate, I need to go to the store & get the good stuff!!!!!
Life's too short to eat bad chocolate. Bad chocolate is anything that doesn't hit that chocolate note for you. You have learned an important lesson. ;)
Aw! That totally stinks! I hate when I really am craving something and then things just don't turn out right and I'm left unsatisfied and really disappointed. :(You should try Wilbur Buds! :) I live in Lancaster County, PA and in a little town called Lititz (I used to live there), we have a famous little chocolate factory there. They make such great chocolate. Tourists love to go there and everyone agrees that it is WAY better than Hersheys. (although completely fresh Hershey's candy is pretty good, much better than the ones in the stores)Featured Gifts :: Wilbur Chocolate
akrebecca said:
which is because I used Hershey chocolate. (Totally forgot I don't like Hershey chocolate-you would think I'd remember that important fact!)

My lesson learned? If I am making something for myself & all I have is Hersheys chocolate, I need to go to the store & get the good stuff!!!!!

Clearly you are not from Pennsylvania. :D We compare all chocolate to Hersheys and Gertrude Hawk (PA candy maker). I had fresh chocolate imported that day from Switzerland (known for their chocolate) and I thought it was icky. Too funny how we all get used to certain tastes.

The brownies sounded wonderful minus the slight issue. :balloon:
babywings76 said:
You should try Wilbur Buds! :) I live in Lancaster County, PA and in a little town called Lititz (I used to live there), we have a famous little chocolate factory there. They make such great chocolate. Tourists love to go there and everyone agrees that it is WAY better than Hersheys. (although completely fresh Hershey's candy is pretty good, much better than the ones in the stores)

Amanda - I'd have to agree with you. As a girl scout (MANY moons ago) we went there as well as the Sturgis Pretzel factory (and the wax museum/Dutch Wonderland hehe). I remember walking around in the 'shop' that was just FILLED with candy feeling like I was Willy Wonka and living my ultimate fantasy...surrounded by candy and chocolate.

I relived it all when I went to Spring Launch last year in Lancaster. Now instead of pretzels and chocolate I hit outlets...oh how the times change! haha
Melissa78 said:
Clearly you are not from Pennsylvania. :D We compare all chocolate to Hersheys and Gertrude Hawk (PA candy maker). I had fresh chocolate imported that day from Switzerland (known for their chocolate) and I thought it was icky. Too funny how we all get used to certain tastes.

The brownies sounded wonderful minus the slight issue. :balloon:

Love Hershey and the factory tour was always a favorite trip with my kids.:)
Melissa78 said:
Amanda - I'd have to agree with you. As a girl scout (MANY moons ago) we went there as well as the Sturgis Pretzel factory (and the wax museum/Dutch Wonderland hehe). I remember walking around in the 'shop' that was just FILLED with candy feeling like I was Willy Wonka and living my ultimate fantasy...surrounded by candy and chocolate.

I relived it all when I went to Spring Launch last year in Lancaster. Now instead of pretzels and chocolate I hit outlets...oh how the times change! haha

We should've met up! I live only 15-20 minutes (depending on how many horse & buggies I have to pass ;) ) from the outlets! :) I went to Spring Launch as well and I bet lots of people hit the outlets since they were just down the road a little. :D
I was on a mission: QVC outlet and Pottery Barn. They had stupid 'winter' hours so they closed at 6pm. That really put a damper on my shopping. But I guess my wallet should appreciate it. ;) If it's in your neck of the woods again we'll have to arrange a get together. I hope its not at the same place this year - I was NOT impressed but did think the location in the state was convenient for most.
babywings76 said:
Aw! That totally stinks! I hate when I really am craving something and then things just don't turn out right and I'm left unsatisfied and really disappointed. :(

You should try Wilbur Buds! :) I live in Lancaster County, PA and in a little town called Lititz (I used to live there), we have a famous little chocolate factory there. They make such great chocolate. Tourists love to go there and everyone agrees that it is WAY better than Hersheys. (although completely fresh Hershey's candy is pretty good, much better than the ones in the stores)

Featured Gifts :: Wilbur Chocolate

I love that area! We were visiting friends at stayed at a B&B near there. In the morning, I swore I smelled chocolate in the air. DH thought I was nuts. I asked the innkeeper and it turned out we were near the factory!!
  • #10
i learned a lesson about truffle brownie cups last weekend too! if they're in the oven & you're having too much fun doing the ticket game - REMEMBER TO TAKE THEM OUT OF THE OVEN!!!!

the brownie cups were hard as rocks & that was my whole demo!!! lmao.
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  • #11
Raebates-you are totally correct. Good chocolate is what hits the chocolate note for me.

Melissa78-nope, never hit PA in my travels. I did go to Scotland for six months, fell in love with several sweets they sell. The Aero bar is tasty. When I purchased some here, they did not taste as good as I remembered. It may have been the long trip to Alaska that aged them.

For all of you who live near a chocolate factory, do you enjoy your daily jog? I would think doing exercise while surrounded by the lovely scent of chocolate would make it easy.

Related to Truffle Brownie Cups-Lesson Learned About Chocolate

1. What are the ingredients for the Truffle Brownie Cups?

The ingredients for the Truffle Brownie Cups include all-purpose flour, unsweetened cocoa powder, baking powder, salt, butter, granulated sugar, eggs, vanilla extract, and semisweet chocolate chips.

2. How do I make the Truffle Brownie Cups?

To make the Truffle Brownie Cups, you will need to mix the dry ingredients in one bowl and the wet ingredients in another. Then, combine the two mixtures and fold in chocolate chips. Scoop the batter into muffin cups and bake for 18-20 minutes at 350°F. Let them cool before removing from the pan.

3. Can I use a different type of chocolate for the truffle filling?

Yes, you can use any type of chocolate for the truffle filling, such as milk chocolate, dark chocolate, or white chocolate. Just make sure to use the same amount of chocolate as the recipe calls for.

4. Can I make the Truffle Brownie Cups ahead of time?

Yes, you can make the Truffle Brownie Cups ahead of time and store them in an airtight container for up to 3 days. You can also freeze them for up to 3 months. Just make sure to thaw them before serving.

5. Can I substitute any of the ingredients in the Truffle Brownie Cups recipe?

While we recommend following the recipe as written for the best results, you can make a few substitutions. For example, you can use gluten-free flour instead of all-purpose flour, or coconut oil instead of butter. However, keep in mind that the taste and texture may be slightly different.

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