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Director Spaghetti Tacos for Dinner? Any Other Crazy Meal Ideas?

Since my hubs won't be back in town until well after supper tonight, I agreed to have spaghetti tacos. My kids love them and they feel like they're part of iCarly.
Anyone else have a ridiculous menu planned?
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  • #2
Spaghetti Tacos huh? Is it as literal as it sounds? Spaghetti put into taco shells? INteresting combination! I do like both but never had them together. :)

Nothing grand on my menu, leftovers. Chicken from the DCB, steamed brocolli done in the 12" skillet with the SS Steamer and rice that I made in the Rice Cooker Plus. By the time the dog goes outside, dinner will be 'beeping' done in the microwave.

Exciting dinner, huh? :)
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  • #3
Yes.. it's an iCarly special. When you have a house full of 5-7 year olds you learn all kinds of cool ideas lol
Plain and simple at my house tonight. Tilapia, broccoli and rice - or maybe a baked potato.
Balsamic Brown Sugar Glazed Pork Loin and
Roasted Brussel Sprouts w/ Bacon and Walnuts.
(both recipes I've recently "pinned" and really wanted to try!)

Hey - I'm sorry! :eek: Last night it was Pancakes, bacon, and applesauce. Is that better? :p
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  • #6
Oooh Becky... yum! I love pinning recipes and trying them. Pinterest is SO addictive!!!!
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  • #7
I'm trying to learn to like Brussel Sprouts - let me know what you think of your new recipe.
Melissa78 said:
I'm trying to learn to like Brussel Sprouts - let me know what you think of your new recipe.

We like them best roasted w/ a little coconut oil, salt & pepper. They turn all creamy and sweet on the inside when you do that. Roast them at 400 degrees for about 15-20 minutes. Let them get sort of dark and crunchy on the outside. SO good!

This will be a new way, because I'm supposed to shred them and saute them. My 7 yr. old LOVES them roasted, but I'm not sure what he'll think if them shredded and sauteed!
I've just started liking brussel sprouts....I roast them for about 10 minutes w/olive oil & salt/pepper & then add in craisins & walnuts- roast for another 10 minutes!

I just pinned a recipe that you just roast them & then when they come out of the oven make a mixture of balsamic vinegar & maple syrup....yum!
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  • #10
DH just puts his brussel sprouts in a plate in the microwave with a damp paper towel on top. Not sure how long he cooks them. They stink.

Becky D - what does your family eat on nights that you have shows? You're always cooking these amazing meals. I have a show tonight so my family is on their own.

My daughter has gotten the spaghetti tacos for school lunch sometimes. I don't think she's too wild about them.

Last night was steamed shrimp. I usually do the shrimp in a light newburg sauce but DD is getting sick of it so last night they were just plain.
  • #11
Leftovers for us. I made a Skinny Spaghetti recipe from Skinny Crockpot (although I used real cheese and not low-fat and just reg sauce instead of sugar-free, so it wasn't so "skinny"). So, Fat Spaghetti and salad.
  • #12
Becca_in_MD said:
DH just puts his brussel sprouts in a plate in the microwave with a damp paper towel on top. Not sure how long he cooks them. They stink.

Becky D - what does your family eat on nights that you have shows? You're always cooking these amazing meals. I have a show tonight so my family is on their own.

My daughter has gotten the spaghetti tacos for school lunch sometimes. I don't think she's too wild about them.

Last night was steamed shrimp. I usually do the shrimp in a light newburg sauce but DD is getting sick of it so last night they were just plain.

I don't necessarily do once a month cooking, but I do a lot of batch cooking. For instance - Monday I made spaghetti sauce w/ Italian Sausage. I made enough sauce for more than two meals, and cooked enough pasta for more than two meals. Then, we ate part, and I packaged up three servings individually for lunches a day this week (DH & DS took that in their lunches today.) and I froze the remainder for another meal. The pasta I cool, and then freeze in a freezer bag that I tape to the container of sauce.

Sunday, I made Split Pea Soup - and I did the exact same thing. Ditto for last night when I made pancakes and bacon. I cooked two lbs of bacon in the oven, we ate some, I reserved 4 slices and 2 Tbls. of drippings for the recipe tonight, and then the rest went into the freezer. Pancakes, I always make a ton and cool and freeze - for quick breakfasts and a dinner sometime.

Some of my other go-to quick meals for when I need to get it ready in a hurry....

Chicken Apple Sausages and Sweet Potato French Fries (Alexia brand)

Scrambled Eggs, hashbrowns, and fruit.

Spaghetti and sauce w/ steamed broccoli

Sloppy Joes or BBQ's (almost always have some in the freezer from another time) w/ baked beans (cooked beans are always in the freezer)

Quesadillas. (usually make these with leftover chicken and cheese)

Soup or Chili - whatever kind is in the freezer
  • #13
I'm making a soup recipe I found on CC. I think it's Enchilada Soup. I had searched for it the other night when looking for a recipe for REcipe Night, but we ended up doing the potato chowder. It's not really for the DCB, but I'm going to try to do it in there. You are supposed to brown some ground beef, then keep adding stuff, so I'll do the beef first and break it up in the baker with the Mix N Chop. It's got chopped onions, black beans and zucchini in it. I forget what else. And topped with some shredded cheese. We shall see!
  • #14
We're ordering out. Dominos. Last time it was AWFUL but our 23 yr old son says they are really good now so we are giving them one more try. ...We never order out.
  • #15
I made chicken piccata with artichokes and capers I hate cooking for 1
  • #16
Melissa78 said:
I'm trying to learn to like Brussel Sprouts - let me know what you think of your new recipe.

The Brussel Sprouts were okay. We ate them, but we all agreed that they weren't as good as roasted ones.

BUT! The Pork Loin recipe was awesome! DH and DS both kept eating it and eating it. Here is the recipe, and the only thing I did differently was that I used the PC Cherry Balsamic Vinegar in it. DS took a bite and asked "is this some kind of fruit sauce?" It was really really good! Oh, and I did mine in my DCB @ 250 degrees for 6 hours. About 2 hours before serving it, I mixed up the glaze, and then just poured it over the pork loin. I cooked it uncovered for an hour, and used my baster to baste it a few times. Then I covered it again for the last hour.

1 (2 pound) boneless pork tenderloin (or regular pork loin)
1 teaspoon ground sage
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper
1 clove garlic, crushed
1/2 cup water

1/2 cup brown sugar
1 tablespoon cornstarch
1/4 cup balsamic vinegar
1/2 cup water
2 tablespoons soy sauce

Combine sage, salt, pepper and garlic. Rub over roast. Place in slow cooker with 1/2 cup water. Cook on low for 6-8 hours. About 1 hour before roast is done, combine ingredients for glaze in small sauce pan. Heat and stir until mixture thickens. Brush roast with glaze 2 or 3 times during the last hour of cooking. Serve with remaining glaze on the side.
  • #17
Teresa Lynn said:
I made chicken piccata with artichokes and capers I hate cooking for 1

When I cook for one - it's usually cheese and crackers, or chips and cheese w/ salsa. I'm proud of you for actually making food!
  • #18
Well, usually it's ramen, popcorn, cereal or pimento cheese sandwich :)
  • #19
And we didn't order out after all. They don't deliver here so my son vetoed it and said "what's the point if they don't deliver" so we had frozen pizza instead.Gotta do something decent tonight since I'll be gone the next two nights... I'm thinking Becky's pork loin. Sounds yummy!

Related to Spaghetti Tacos for Dinner? Any Other Crazy Meal Ideas?

What exactly are spaghetti tacos?

Spaghetti tacos are a popular dish inspired by the TV show iCarly. They consist of cooked spaghetti noodles stuffed inside of a taco shell and topped with your favorite spaghetti sauce and toppings.

Why are spaghetti tacos considered a "crazy" meal idea?

Spaghetti tacos are considered a crazy meal idea because it combines two very different types of cuisine - Italian and Mexican. It may seem unusual to some, but it has become a beloved and fun dish for many families.

Are there any other crazy meal ideas that are popular?

Yes, there are many other crazy meal ideas that have become popular in recent years. Some examples include sushi burgers, ramen tacos, and mac and cheese pizza.

Why do kids love spaghetti tacos?

Kids love spaghetti tacos because they are fun and interactive. They get to use their hands to stuff the taco shells and choose their own toppings. Plus, the idea of combining two favorite foods - spaghetti and tacos - is exciting for them.

Can spaghetti tacos be made with any type of pasta?

Yes, spaghetti tacos can be made with any type of pasta. Some people prefer to use penne or rotini noodles for a different texture, but the traditional version uses spaghetti noodles.

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